Cultivate Awareness: Community Outreach Calendar

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Cultivate Awareness: Community Outreach Calendar

For the Summer Food Service Program Developed By:

In Partnership With:

Welcome to the Cultivate Awareness: Community Outreach Calendar for the Summer Food Service Program! Please use the attached calendar to track your various outreach methods as you begin to plan for and execute a successful program for this year. You will find more information on each of the handouts and ready to use, customizable, templates that will help make promotion and advertising even easier. The purpose of this resource is to provide you with various outreach ideas and serve as a guide to help you fulfill your outreach goals. Please feel free to start where ever you feel comfortable on this calendar. The dates are target deadlines to help navigate you through the marketing process but the activities can be accomplished before or shortly thereafter the date. As you work your way through the activity calendar, use the checkboxes to mark what you have completed and reference the handouts for in-depth information on each calendar listing. Since all SFSP programs are at varying levels of experience, we’ve suggested activities that will accommodate your experience and resource level with the Summer Food Service Program. You determine your level- the different levels are recommendations only. Please take the time to read through all the activities before deciding to only do the activities indicated by your level. If you consider yourself intermediate, please feel free to also do the outreach activities indicated for beginners and if you are advanced, please feel free to complete as many of the activties on all three levels as you wish.   

Beginners are the least experienced and/or currently hold very little resources i.e. staff. Intermediate are those sites that are more experienced than beginners but still don’t have the resources to take on every activity. Advanced are those sites that are very experienced in the Summer Food Service Program and feel as though they have enough resources to complete each activity. For more information and all inquires, please contact Lisa Lee, Montana No Kid Hungry at (406) 444-3518 or


Beginner: Yellow

Intermediate: Blue

Advanced: Salmon





Week 5

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1


Develop a list of local 8 businesses and organizations. Call or visit at least 5 to help them understand and promote your SFSP site.

Promote your program by developing a Facebook page for your SFSP site.

Develop a targeted media 22 outreach list to organize your needs to begin your promotion process.

Develop a PSA for local radio.

Call or email at least 5 local organizations with high traffic websites to educate them on the SFSP & seek assistance with promoting your SFSP site.

Like and friend as many community members on Facebook as possible in order to spread the word.

Meet with local TV, radio, and newspaper representatives to form a relationship.

Customize the flyer for your SFSP and begin posting at organizations on your list developed earlier this week.


Start planning a kickoff event to promote your program to the community.

Begin establishing a relationship with your local school. Distribute flyers and parent letters at your school to raise awareness of the SFSP.

May Intermediate: Blue



Advanced: Salmon THURSDAY Develop an Op-Ed article.

FRIDAY Start planning activities and events that will entice kids to come to your program and keep them coming all summer.


Develop a Letter to the Editor.

Proclaim a hunger free community this summer.


Week 7

Ask your local schools about incorporating Robo-Calls to help with your SFSP promotion.

Week 8

Week 6


Beginner: Yellow

Call child care centers within 5 Connect with public housing, miles of your site and let them government service offices, know about your program. churches, and YMCA's to promote your SFSP.


Find committed volunteers to help with activities, events, food prep, and more.

Give short presentations or provide talking points to teachers for classrooms of middle and high school kids.


Week 10

Week 9

Develop a press release.

Contact local youth organizations that provide social services to request partnership. You offer healthy food, while they offer activities.

Provide your school district with more flyers to distribute to students and parents.

Encourage schools to post your customized sign at the end of the school year.

Week 12

Week 11

June MONDAY Establish a relationship with a church in your community and ask them to help promote the SFSP.

Beginner: Yellow

Intermediate: Blue




Hold your kick off event on which ever date you planned.

Week 14 Week 15

Share videos, photos, and other content with your online partner organizations.

THURSDAY Start marketing for your back to school event which will retain attendance and show community support.

FRIDAY Submit your Press Release.

Kids will develop yard signs as 13 a fun activity to display around your site to promote your program.


Submit your Letter to the Editor.

Activity day. Choose an activity from the MT SFSP Activity Toolkit and allow the kids to go wild!

Contact local groups to add summer meals to their community calendar.

Week 13

Submit your radio PSA's.

Submit your Op-Ed.

Advanced: Salmon

Activity Day. Choose an activity from the MT SFSP Activity Toolkit. Have fun!

July Intermediate: Blue



Implement the coloring contest activity to help retain attendance throughout the end of the summer.

Week 20


Implement the punch card activity to help retain attendance througout the end of the summer.

Activity Day. Implement an activity today for kids at your site by using the SFSP Activity Toolkit.

Advanced: Salmon THURSDAY Issue another press release to spark more interest in your program.

Give promotional partners an updated blurb to include on their websites about the Summer Meals Program.

Work with local respected leaders, elected officials and community organizations to Facebook and Tweet about summer meals.

Call all childcare centers within 5 miles of your site to let them know when the program ends.

Week 19

Week 18

Week 17

Week 16


Beginner: Yellow


Host a parent meal to show your support of the community and encourage more families to attend.


Invite local elected officials and well known community leaders to hand out meals to kids and engage in activities.

Pass out "Tell a Friend" cards to participants in order to increase participation.

August Beginner: Yellow

Intermediate: Blue

Advanced: Salmon





Week 21


Activity day. Invite the local fire department to come by and give a fire safety demonstration with a fire truck for the kids to tour.

Week 22



Week 25

Week 24

Week 23


Hold an end of the summer celebration to wrap up your program and recognize those who made it successful.

Hold a back to school event for kids and families as a fun activity and a great service to the community.

Conduct a survey to the kids 15 and parents at your site to see what they like most and least about the program.

Activity Day. Implement an activity today for kids at your site by using the MT SFSP Activity Toolkit.

Write up a Press Release on the successes of your program. Submit this to media partners.


Evaluate: review your program in length. Document the successes of your outreach campaign and activities implemented.

For more information and all inquiries please contact Lisa Lee, Montana No Kid Hungry at (406)444-3518 or

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