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www.nomosag.com 15 november 2015

nomos ag, numismatists

z채hringerstrasse 27, 8001 zurich, switzerland phone +41 44 250 51 80, info@nomosag.com www.nomosag.com

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nomos . . . . . . obolos 3, 15 november 2015


webauction 3 15 nov ember 2015 www.nomosag.com/ obolos celtic, greek, roman, byzantine, and mediev al coins









nomos ag, numismatists z채hringerstrasse 27, ch-8001 z체rich, switzerland telephone +41 44 250 51 80, fax +41 44 250 51 89, mobile +41 79 714 77 15 info@nomosag.com, www.nomosag.com





nomos . . . . . . obolos 3, 15 november 2015

time table – zeittafel – ordre de vente sunday 15 november 2015, 18:00 – 22:40 lots 528

viewing – besichtigung – exposition the coins can be viewed mondays through fridays from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., and at other times by appointment

the coins can also be viewed online at www.nomosag.com and at

© 2015 Nomos AG, Zürich

nomos . . . . . . obolos 3, 15 november 2015



Conditions générales de vente

Die Auktion erfolgt gegen Barzahlung in Schweizer Franken mit einem Aufgeld von 18.5% auf den Zuschlagspreis. Für Auslieferungen in der Schweiz erhöht sich der Endpreis (Zuschlagspreis und Aufgeld und Versandspesen) für Silber- und Bronzemünzen sowie Medaillen um die MWST von 8%. Im Ausland erhobene Gebühren irgendwelcher Art sind vom Käufer zu bezahlen. Der Gesamtpreis ist nach erfolgtem Zuschlag fällig. Das Eigentumsrecht wird erst mit der vollständigen Bezahlung vom Käufer erworben. Für verspätete Zahlung wird ein Verzugszins von 1% pro Monat in Rechnung gestellt. Alle Preise sind Startpreise. Gebote, welche die Startpreise unterschreiten, können nicht berücksichtigt werden.

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nomos . . . . . . obolos 3, 15 november 2015

Conditions of Sale All sales will be made through payment in Swiss Francs, with the addition of a buyer’s premium of 18.5% on the hammer price. For all lots delivered in Switzerland there is an additional Swiss VAT of 8% due on the hammer price and on the buyer’s premium for silver and bronze coins, and for medals. The purchaser is responsible for all taxes and fees due for delivery of lots outside of Switzerland. Payment is due immediately following conclusion of the sale. Full title to purchases is only obtained upon full payment. A charge of 1% per month will be assessed for delayed payments. All prices are starting prices. Bids below them will not be accepted. Buyers are personally responsible for their own purchases and cannot claim to act on the account or instructions of a third party. Adjudication occurs on the fall of the hammer and commits the bidder to acceptance of the lot. The lot descriptions, including the degree of preservation, are opinions and made in good faith. The authenticity of all coins is guaranteed. Justified complaints can only be considered if made within eight days of the auction. Upon receipt of full payment, shipment of lots will be arranged for the purchaser at his expense and risk. Due to delivery problems in the past shipments to an address in Russia are no longer possible. Exclusive jurisdiction for any legal proceedings shall be Zürich 1. Although the Conditions of Sale are provided in English, French and German, only the German text is legally valid. The bidder accepts these conditions of sale by the submission of a bid, whether verbal or written.

nomos . . . . . . obolos 3, 15 november 2015


Foreword Welcome to our third obolos sale, this time both in printed form and, as usual, electronically on line. Our obolos sales allow us to put in quite a large number of very interesting coins, but of types that often might not fit very well in one of our floor auctions. This does not mean just inexpensive material, since there are also many that are, quite deservedly, not so inexpensive! We do hope you will find some tempting items whether Celtic, Greek, Roman, Byzantine or Medieval coins - since there really are a lot of special pieces, including many intriguing rarities. We are also happy to present our colleague Lars Rutten, who is responsible for most of the cataloguing. This sale will close on Sunday, 15 November 2015 at 18:00/6 PM CET, beginning with lot 1 and continuing, every 30 seconds, for all 528 lots. To bid you must register on www.nomos.com and be approved, as you would do for any other webauction. Of course, you can also send us your bids by mail, email, fax, or phone prior to the closing of the sale. We are very much looking forward to hearing from you soon. We wish you all the best of luck!

Nomos AG Dr. Alan S. Walker

Yves Gunzenreiner

Special Note In accordance with US Customs and Border Protection regulations (19 CFR Part 12), we attest that all ancient Greek coins, from mints that are now within the modern boundaries of Italy, were outside of Italy prior to 19 January 2011. In addition, we also attest that all ancient Greek coins, from mints that are now within the modern boundaries of Greece, were outside of Greece before 17 July 2011. Nomos AG will provide appropriate documentation to assist with the importation of any purchased lots in the USA. All other coins were in the possession of Nomos AG or its consignors in either Switzerland or the USA prior to these dates.


nomos . . . . . . obolos 3, 15 november 2015







-. 1st century BC. ’Büschelquinar’ (Silver, 14mm, 1.84 g). Head devolved into a bush. Rev. Horse prancing to left; above, pellet; below, X. Flesche - (cf. 370ff.). Gorny & Mosch 216, 2013, 2021. Kellner group E. Particularly good metal. Some striking flatness, otherwise, good very fine. 100

Suessiones. Cast unit (Potin, 18mm, 2.88 g 7), circa 50-30 BC. Stylized head to right. Rev. Abstract boar to right above central pellet-in-annulet; annulet to left; below, five pellets and torque. Depeyrot 123. D&T 531A. A lovely example with a most attractive dark brown patina. Extremely fine. 100


6. 2


-. Stater or ’Regenbogenschüsselchen’ (Gold, 18mm, 7.38 g 6). Convex surface with ’Rolltier’ to left. Rev. Torques encircling six large pellets. Flesche 283. Kellner type I A. Attractive and toned. Some areas struck flat and slightly off-centered, otherwise, very fine. 1 000

Aulerci Eburovices. Late 3rd-early 2nd century BC. Hemistater (Gold, 20mm, 2.93 g 6). Celticized head of Apollo to left; below, boar standing inverted right on neck. Rev. Celticized horse galloping right; birdlike charioteer above, pellet-in-rosette to right; below, boar standing right. Depeyrot, NC V, 136. D&T 2401. Scheers, Eburovices 34. Very fine. 300



Central Europe

-. Early 1st century BC. Stater (Gold, 20mm, 7.29 g 4). Head of an eagle to left, between two pellets; all within wreath. Rev. Five pellets within a torque with pellet at each end; all within cupshaped incuse. Kellner type II D. Obverse struck from a very worn die; the reverse from a rusty one, otherwise, very fine. 1 000 3

3. Helvetii. Early 1st century BC. Cast unit (Potin, 18mm, 3.08 g 9), Zürcher Type. Thunderbolt. Rev. Mountain goat standing left, his head turned back to right. BMC G xxxiii, S 377. SLM 905 ff. 300 Toned and with a dark green patina. Good very fine. From a Swiss collection. This is the first coin which can be ascribed to Zürich: a huge hoard of them, the so-called Potinklumpen, was found in Zurich in 1890 under the old stock exchange building at Bahnhofstrasse 3. The entire hoard is now in the Landesmuseum.


8. Vindelici. 2nd-1st century BC. Quarter stater or ’glattes Regenbogenschüsselchen’ (Gold, 14mm, 1.93 g). Convex surface, with eye. Rev. Blank concave surface. Flesche -. Kellner type V A. 500 Very fine.


9. 4

4. Vindelici. 2nd century BC. Stater (Electrum, 25mm, 4.04 g 3). Laureate head of Apollo to right, in Celtic style with curly locks. Rev. Charioteer driving biga to left; in field to left, uncertain symbol. Flesche -. Cf. Allen, SNR 53, pl. 11, 71. Rare. A lovely example with a particularly nice obverse obverse for this issue. Slightly rough surfaces as usual, otherwise, good very fine. 300

Boii. 2nd-1st century BC. Stater (Gold, 15mm, 6.94 g). Large bulge with central divot and ornamentation around the periphery. Rev. Crescent-shaped device with rays above, emanating from the center. De la Tour 9444. Paulsen 934. Good very fine. 400 10

10. Boii. 1/24 Stater (Gold, 6mm, 0.33 g), Athena-Alkis type. Irregular bulge. Rev. Irregular design with dots and lines. Flesche 100 450-460. Paulsen 147-149. Very fine.

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11 16

11. -. 1/24 Stater (Gold, 6mm, 0.29 g), Athena-Alkis type. Irregular bulge. Rev. Irregular design with two lines. Flesche 457-459. 100 Paulsen 168-170. Good very fine.

16. -. 2nd-1st century BC. Drachm (Silver, 15mm, 2.53 g 12), plated, ’Kugelwange’ Type. Stylized head of laureate Zeus to right. Rev. Horse galloping left; above, circlet. Göbl OTA pl. 17, 204/2 var. Lanz 507. Very fine. 100


12. -. 1/24 Stater (Gold, 17mm, 0.32 g), Athena-Alkis type. Irregular bulge. Rev. Irregular design with dots and lines. Flesche 450-460. 125 Paulsen 154. Extremely fine. 13



17. -. 2nd-1st century BC. Drachm (Silver, 15mm, 2.58 g 2), ’Kugelwange’ or ’Dachreiter’ Type. Stylized head of laureate Zeus to right. Rev. Horse advancing left; above, wheel. Dembski 1110-1111. Flesche 612-614. Göbl OTA 16, 188/2. Lanz 459. Very fine. 100

-. 1/24 Stater (Gold, 5mm, 0.34 g), Athena-Alkis type. Blank convex surface. Rev. Athena Alkedimos advancing left, holding shield and brandishing javelin. Dembski 503-505. Flesche 435. 100 Lanz 36-37. Paulsen 147-149. Very fine. 18

Eastern Celts

18. -. 2nd Century BC. Drachm (Silver, 20mm, 3.26 g 12), imitating Philip III of Macedon. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. ΦIΛIΠΠOΥ (somewhat blundered) Zeus seated left on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings; to left, monogram. Lanz 939. Very fine. 100 14

14. Danube Region. 2nd century BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 13.51 g 7), ’Audoleon monogram’ Type. Celticized head of laureate Zeus to right. Rev. Horseman to right; below, stylized Audoleon monogram; above and to right, ornaments. Dembski 1343-1345. Flesche 563. Göbl OTA pl. 35, 429/1. Lanz 723. Attractive and toned. Struck in very good metal. Light double strike on obverse, otherwise, good very fine. 350


19. -. 2nd century BC. (Silver, 25mm, 12.18 g 10), ’Kinnloser Typ’. Celticized head of laureate Zeus to right. Rev. Horseman to right; horse wearing leg irons. Göbl OTA pl. 20, 244. Flesche 720-722. Lanz 554-563. Attractively toned. Very fine. 200 From the collection of a Swiss mathematician.


15. -. 2nd century BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24mm, 12.16 g 8), imitating Audoleon type. Celticized head of laureate Zeus to right. Rev. Horseman to right; below, triskeles running left; below horse leg, Π; in field to right, Λ. Flesche 564. Lanz 724-727. Pink 434. Nicely toned. Struck on a relatively short flan, otherwise, good very fine. 200 From the collection of a Swiss mathematician.


20. -. 2nd century BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24mm, 7.72 g 3), ’Kinnloser Typ’. Celticized head of laureate Zeus to right. Rev. Horseman to right; horse wearing leg irons with three pellets. Göbl OTA pl. 20, 244. Flesche 720-722. Lanz 554-563. Good metal. Very fine. 200


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GREEK COINS 22 21 21 Danube Region. Cotini (?). 2nd century BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 20mm, 11.56 g), later imitation of Philip II, Ohuta Type. Large pellet representing a highly degraded head of Zeus (’Buckelavers’). Rev. Horse advancing to left; above, five pellets (degraded horseman); without ornament below. Flesche 498. Göbl OTA pl. 30, 358/8. KHM pl. 81, 1288. Lanz - (cf. 677-686). Pink 357-358. Rare. A lovely example with an old cabinet toning. Scratch on obverse and reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, good very fine. 200



From the collection of a Swiss mathematician.


25. Massalia. Circa 520-460 BC. Obol (Silver, 11mm, 1.06 g). Female head with long hair to left. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Auriol annexe 2, 11 and pl. 41, 11. Struck in high relief and with a head of beautiful archaic style. Good very fine. 200


-. 1st century BC. Quarter drachm (Silver, 9mm, 0.77 g 11), ’Kapostal’ Type. Stylized head of laureate Zeus to right. Rev. Horse galloping left; below, OX (?). Flesche -. Lanz cf. 798-820. Nicely toned. Very fine. 25 From the collection of a Swiss mathematician.



26. -. Circa 475-470/65 BC. Obol (Silver, 10mm, 0.89 g). Helmeted head of Athena to left. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Furtwängler, Massalia, em. I, pl. II, 7-13. Attractively toned and very well preserved. Obverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 200



-. late 2nd-early 1st century BC. Scyphat Tetradrachm (Silver, 35mm, 11.19 g 10). Celticized head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress; S-like ornament to right; all within border of dots. Rev. Celticized horseman left; horse wearing leg irons with three pellets. Castelin, Landesmuseum Zürich 1308. Cf. CCCBM I 61-63. Göbl OTA pl. 22, 264/2. KMW 1174. Lanz 570. Rare. A beautifully toned and particularly well-centered example. Struck on a broad flan. Minor striking flatness as usual, otherwise, extremely fine. 250

27. -. Circa 350-215 BC. Obol (Silver, 10mm, 0.83 g 12). Bare head of Apollo to right. Rev. M-A in two quarters of four-spoked wheel. SNG Copenhagen 723. A lovely example perfectly struck on a full flan. Attractively toned and of great style. Extremely fine.


From the collection of a Swiss mathematician.




-. Circa 380-336 BC. Obol (Silver, 11mm, 0.71 g 2). Bare head of Apollo to right. Rev. M-A in two quarters of four-spoked wheel. Maurel 337-338 var. SNG Copenhagen 723. A most attractive piece with a fine yellow tone. Extremely fine. 100


-. 1st century BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 31mm, 16.57 g 12), imitating Thasos. Celticized head of Dionysos to left. Rev. Stylized Herakles, radiate, standing facing, holding club and lion’s skin; legend degraded to a series of lines and circlets. CCCBM I -. KMW -. Lanz - (cf. 996). Rare. Attractively toned. Flan crack at 3 o’clock, otherwise, extremely fine. 150 From the collection of a Swiss mathematician. Balkan imitations of Thasian tetradrachms were produced in enormous numbers in a style that became increasingly bizarre and disjointed. This piece is a particularly stylized example!


29. -. Circa 200-121 BC. Obol (Silver, 10mm, 0.68 g 1). Bare head of Apollo to left. Rev. M-A in two quarters of four-spoked wheel. Depeyrot 31. A lovely example with a most attractive iridescent toning. About extremely fine. 100

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-. Circa 218/15-200 BC. Obol (Silver, 11mm, 0.67 g 11). Bare head of Apollo to left. Rev. M-A in two quarters of four-spoked wheel. Depeyrot 18. A coin of particularly fine style and good silver. Insignificant flan crack on chin, otherwise, about extremely fine. 150 35

35 1,5:1


35. 31.

-. Circa 218/5-200 BC. Obol (Silver, 9mm, 0.59 g 11). Bare head of Apollo to left. Rev. M-A in two quarters of four-spoked wheel. Depeyrot 18. Minor striking flatness, otherwise, extremely fine.


Neapolis. Circa 326/317-290 BC. Didrachm (Silver, 21mm, 7.34 g 1). Diademed head of Parthenope to right, wearing pendant earring and pearl necklace; behind neck, Artemis standing facing, holding two torches; below truncation, APTEMI. Rev. NEOΠO ΛITΩN Man-headed bull walking right; above, Nike flying right, placing wreath on bull’s head: below, N (retrograde). HN III 579. SNG ANS 340. A beautifully toned example of fine style. Reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, good very fine. 350 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.





-. Circa 218/215-200 BC. Obol (Silver, 10mm, 0.54 g 7). Bare head of Apollo to left with earring in the form of ΠAP. Rev. M-A in two quarters of four-spoked wheel. DLT 687. Cf. CGB 34, 2008, 1185. Lightly toned. About extremely fine. 200 The ΠAP on the obverse probably is the artist’s signature.



-. Circa 275-250 BC. Didrachm (Silver, 20mm, 7.19 g 1). Head of nymph to left; behind neck, herm to right. Rev. NEOΠOΛITΩN Man-headed bull walking right; above, Nike flying right, placing wreath on bull’s head; below, IΣ. HN Italy 586. Sambon 518. Attractive and toned. Hair slightly strengthened, otherwise, about very fine. 300


From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


-. Circa 220/210-200/190 BC. Drachm (Silver, 14x17mm, 2.62 g 7). Head of Artemis to right, wearing laurel wreath, elaborate earring and necklace. Rev. MAΣΣA Lion prowling right. Brenot, Marseille, 1. DLT 821. Lovely early style. Reverse struck somewhat off center, otherwise, good very fine. 150 2:1

This and the next coin belong to the first emission of light weight drachms and are truly remarkable examples of this series.

37 34



-. Circa 220/210-200/190 BC. Drachm (Silver, 14mm, 2.72 g 7). Head of Artemis to right, wearing laurel wreath, elaborate earring and necklace. Rev. MAΣΣA Lion prowling right; O between legs. Brenot, Marseille, 1. DLT -. Beautiful early style. Good very fine.


Phistelia. Circa 325-275 BC. Obol (Silver, 12mm, 0.51 g 6). Head of nymph facing slightly to left. Rev. Lion standing to left, raising forepaw; above, star; below, serpent. HN 619. SNG ANS 590. A beautifully toned and unusually well preserved example. Reverse slightly double struck, otherwise, extremely fine. 100 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


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Apulia 42



Barium. Circa 180-160 BC. Sextans (Bronze, 19mm, 5.22 g 12). Laureate head of Zeus to right; behind, two stars. Rev. ΒΑΡΙΝΩΝ Eros over prow right. HN Italy 733. SNG ANS 652-654. SNG Munich 453. Rare. A particularly nice example for this type with a most attractive sand patina. Very fine. 250


-. Circa 281-270 BC. Stater (Silver, 21mm, 7.64 g 12). Nude rider on horse prancing to right, holding round shield, two lances, and spear; below, ΦIΛ. Rev. TAΡAΣ Phalanthos to left, holding bunch of grapes and distaff; in upper left field, EY; below, AΓA. HN III 973. Vlasto 708. Nicely toned. Good very fine. 400

From the de la Tour collection, Hess-Divo 314, 4 May 2009, 1006. From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.





Tarentum. Circa 450-440 BC. Stater (Silver, 24mm, 7.61 g 10). TAPAΣ (retrograde) Phalanthos, nude, riding dolphin to right, both arms outstretched; below, scallop shell. Rev. Beardless man, seated to left on stool, wearing himation; holding a spindle in his right hand and a staff in his left. HN III 844. Vlasto 186. Very rare. Very fine. 250


-. Circa 280-272 BC. Stater (Silver, 19mm, 6.43 g 6), Neyme..., Zo... and Poly.... Nude youth on horseback right, crowning horse with wreath; behind, ZΩ; below, NEY/MH in two lines. Rev. ΤΑΡΑΣ / ΠOΛY Phalanthos riding dolphin left, holding Phrygian helmet; two stars flanking. HN III 1006. Vlasto 739-47. Nicely toned. Obverse struck somewhat off center and reverse slightly encrusted, otherwise, good very fine. 150

Ex Künker 115, 25 September 2006, 44.



-. Circa 240-228 BC. Stater (Silver, 19mm, 5.92 g 1). Dioskouros, raising right hand and holding rein in his left, on horseback left; to right, monogram and pileos; below, ΞE-NOKPA/T-HΣ in two lines. Rev. TAPAΣ Phalanthos, holding trident in his right hand and raising drapery aloft in left, riding dolphin left, head and torso facing; to right, monogram; below, waves and cuttlefish. HN III 1058. Vlasto 955-7. With a particularly dynamic depiction of Phalantos. Minor roughness and struck with slightly worn dies, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 250 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


44 1,5:1


-. Circa 280-272 BC. Stater (Silver, 23mm, 6.59 g 9), Eu... and Apollo.... ΕΥ / ΑΠΠΟΛΩ Nude youth riding horse walking to right, raising his right hand to crown the horse’s head; below horse, two amphorae. Rev. ΤΑΡΑΣ Phalanthos riding dolphin to left, holding a kantharos in his outstretched right hand and a trident in his left; to left, ΘΙ; to right, Β. HN III 1010. SNG ANS 1118. Vlasto 764. An attractive and scarce piece, nicely toned. About extremely fine. 2 000 From an English collection.



-. Circa 325-281 BC. Stater (Silver, 20mm, 7.78 g 1). Nude rider on horse prancing to right, holding round shield, two lances, and spear; ΣIM below. Rev. TAPAΣ Phalanthos seated astride dolphin to left, holding spindle over his left shoulder; before, eagle standing right; below, ΦI and waves. SNG ANS 982 (same dies). Vlasto 576 (same dies). Beautifully toned. Good very fine. 450 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Circa 302-228 BC. Litra (Silver, 10mm, 0.66 g 4). Kantharos; around, five pellets. Rev. Kantharos; to left, Kerykeion; around, 150 five pellets. Vlasto 1632. Extremely fine. Ex Münzen & Medaillen Deutschland 13, 9 October 2003, 538.

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46. Metapontion. Circa 470-440 BC. Stater (Silver, 23mm, 8.14 g 12). META Ear of barley with six grains. Rev. Ear of barley with six grains, incuse; rayed border. HN III 1484. Noe 245. Nicely toned. Good very fine. 500 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

51 1,5:1

51. -. Circa 340-330 BC. Stater (Silver, 20mm, 7.88 g 6). ΛEYKI [ΠΠOΣ] Helmeted head of Leukippos to right; behind, dog seated left, forepaw raised; [Σ] below neck. Rev. META Barley ear of seven grains, leaf to right; dove above leaf, AM[I] below leaf. Johnston B3.10. HN III 1576. Nicely toned and with a portrait of great serenity. Good very fine. 500 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


47. -. Diobol (Silver, 10mm, 0.72 g 12). Barley-ear with four grains; annulets flanking. Rev. Incuse barley grain; annulets flanking. HN 125 Italy 1488. Noe 297. Toned. Very fine.


From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


48. -. Obol (Silver, 7mm, 0.32 g 12). Ear of barley with four grains; uncertain symbol (ant?) to right. Rev. Boukranion. HN Italy 1500. Noe 346. Very fine. 125 Ex Münzen & Medaillen Deutschland 11, 7 November 2002, 411.

52. -. Circa 400-340 BC. Stater (Silver, 20mm, 7.74 g 5). Head of Demeter to right, wearing barley ear wreath; behind, barley ear; [API] on truncation of neck. Rev. META Barley ear of six grains, leaf to left. HN III 1522. Noe 440. Lightly toned. Obverse struck somewhat off center, otherwise, good very fine. 300 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



49. -. Circa 400-340 BC. Stater (Silver, 21mm, 7.61 g 6). Head of Dionysus to right, wearing diadem decorated with ivy leaves; behind, Σ. Rev. META Barley ear of six grains with leaf to left; above, leaf. Noe 464. A rare type of fine style. Insignificant scratch on obverse, otherwise, very fine. 300 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

53. Poseidonia. Circa 470-445 BC. Nomos (Silver, 17mm, 8.16 g 4). ΠOM[E] Poseidon advancing right, wielding trident. Rev. ΠOME (retrograde) Bull standing left within circular incuse. HN Italy 1114. SNG ANS 651-3. Nicely toned. Very fine. 350 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.





-. Stater (Silver, 20mm, 7.81 g 10). Head of Demeter to right, hair bound with fillet. Rev. META / ΛY Barley ear of seven grains with leaf to right. HN Italy 1541. Noe 483 (6 examples). Rare. Nicely toned. Good very fine. 300

Sybaris. Circa 550-510 BC. Drachm (Silver, 17mm, 2.50 g 12). VM Bull walking to left, his head turned back to right. Rev. In incuse, bull walking to right, his head turned back to left. Fabricius class B. Gorini 4. HN Italy 1736. About very fine. 200

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


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Velia. Circa 280 BC. Didrachm (Silver, 21mm, 7.38 g 3). Φ / AP Head of Athena to left, wearing Attic helmet adorned with a wing. Rev. ΥEΛHTΩN Lion walking to right; above, kerykeion. HN Italy 1316. Williams 520. Minor corrosion on obverse, otherwise, very fine. 250

-. Circa 350-300 BC. Nomos (Silver, 23mm, 7.81 g 3). Eagle standing left on olive branch; below, AI. Rev. KPO / Δ Tripod. HN Italy 2172. SNG ANS 366 (same dies). Beautifully toned. Slightly weakly struck on reverse, otherwise, good very fine. 350

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

Bruttium 61 56

56. Medma. 4th century BC. Unit (Bronze, 15mm, 3.51 g 3). Facing female head (of Persephone?). Rev. Facing female head (of nymph Mesma?). Garucci pl. 116, 7. HN Italy 2433. Very rare. Dark 100 green patina. Very fine.

61. Lokroi Epizephyrioi. Circa 317-310 BC. Stater (Silver, 20mm, 8.51 g 4). Pegasos flying to left; below, kerykeion to left. Rev. ΛΟΚΡΩΝ Head of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet to left. Pegasi 12. SNG ANS 512. Nicely toned. Nearly extremely fine. From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


62. 57

57. Kaulonia. Circa 475-425 BC. Stater (Silver, 19mm, 8.29 g 11). KAVΛ Apollo, nude, his hair bound with a taenia, advancing to right, with a laurel branch in his upraised right hand and a daimon running to right on his outstretched left arm; in lower right field, stag standing to right, head turned left. Rev. KAVΛ (retrograde) Stag standing to right; to right, laurel branch. HN III 2046. SNG ANS 178. Good very fine. 350

Terina. Circa 420-400 BC. Diobol (1/6 Stater) (Silver, 11mm, 1.09 g 1). Head of nymph Terina to right, her hair in sphendone; behind, Π. Rev. TEPI (retrograde) Nike seated left on cippus, wearing sleeveless long chiton, holding kerykeion with her raised right hand; beneath her wings, Π. Holloway 71. SNG ANS 870. Very fine. 150 Ex Münzen & Medaillen FPL 605, 2000, 13.

Sicily 63

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

63. 58


Gela. Circa 480-470 BC. Hemiobol (?) (Silver, 8mm, 0.22 g). Forepart of man-headed bull to right. Rev. Wheel of four spokes. 100 Jenkins 189. SNG ANS 40. Good very fine. From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

Kroton. Circa 425-350 BC. Triobol (Silver, 12mm, 1.15 g 4). ϘPO Tripod; grain ear to right. Rev. Octopus. Attianese 80. HN Italy 2154. SNG ANS 414. Well struck on a full flan. Slightly rough surfaces, otherwise, extremely fine. 200 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005, privately purchased from Münzen & Medaillen AG Basel.


64. 59.


-. Circa 470-440 BC. Obol (Silver, 8mm, 0.46 g 7). Tripod. Rev. Octopus. Attianese 84. Very rare. Nicely toned. Very fine. 100 Ex Münzen & Medaillen Deutschland 13, 9 October 2003, 543.

-. Circa 420-415 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 16.98 g 5). Charioteer driving slow quadriga right; above, Nike flying left, crowning charioteer; below, bird. Rev. CEΛAΣ Forepart of man-headed bull (river god) right. Jenkins, Gela 477 (O92/R187). SNG ANS 94-95 (same obverse die). Struck from a worn obverse die as usual and with several scuffs, otherwise, very fine. 250

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Himera. Circa 530-483/2 BC. Litra or Obol (Silver, 11mm, 0.88 g). Cock standing right. Rev. Mill-sail incuse. SNG ANS 144. 150 SNG Lockett 781. Very fine. From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.





Naxos. Circa 415-403. Hemidrachm (Silver, 14mm, 1.68 g 8). AΣΣINOΣ Horned head of river god Assinos to left, wearing ivy wreath. Rev. NAΞIΩN Silenos, nude and ithyphallic, squatting facing half-right, head left, on rocks, holding kantharos in his right hand and two pipes in his left. Basel 387. BMC 23. Cahn 115.6 (V73A/R93). Campana 23. Jameson 638. SNG ANS 528. SNG Lloyd 1160. SNG München 764. McClean 2476 (all from the same dies). Rizzo pl. 30, 5. Rare. A lovely example with a dark old cabinet toning. Good very fine. 1 500 Ex Spinks & Son Zurich and Nomos, 6 October 1986, 87.



Leontini. Circa 450-440 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 17.12 g 4). Laureate head of Apollo to right. Rev. LEONTINOΣ Head of roaring lion right; around, four barley grains. SNG ANS 231 (same reverse die). Rizzo pl. XXII, 26 (same reverse die). Very fine. 250 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



Panormos (as Ziz). Circa 400-390 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 17.49 g 7). Charioteer driving quadriga left, holding kentron in his right hand, reins in both; Nike flying right above, crowning charioteer; Punic ”sys” and shell in exergue. Rev. Female head right wearing necklace; four dolphins around. Jenkins 12. SNG Lloyd 1581. Very fine. 200 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.





Messana. Circa 460 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 17.30 g 2). Charioteer, holding kentron in his left hand and reins in both, driving slow biga of mules right; above, Nike flying right, crowning horses with open wreath held in both hands; laurel leaf in exergue. Rev. MESSANION Hare springing right. Dewing 642. SNG Delepierre 589. Die breaks on obverse and flan faults on reverse, otherwise, very fine. 350

Uncertain Punic military mint, ”People of the camp”. Circa 320/15-300 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 23mm, 17.10 g 5). Head of Tanit to left, wearing wreath of grain leaves, triple-pendant earring and pearl necklace; around, four dolphins. Rev. s’mmhnt (= people of the camp) Horse’s head to left; behind, palm tree. Jenkins 161 (O49/R145). Slightly cleaned, otherwise, very fine. 300 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Circa 460-451 BC. Litra (Silver, 11mm, 0.61 g 2). Hare springing to right; below, B. Rev. MES (retrograde) within wreath. SNG ANS -. SNG Copenhagen -. SNG Munich -. Rare variant. Some roughness, otherwise, good fine. 75 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Circa 300-289 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 15.92 g 4). Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. s’mmhnt (= people of the camp) Horse’s head to left, palm tree behind. Jenkins 321. SNG Lloyd 1644. Nicely toned. Insignificant scratch above horse head, otherwise, good very fine. 200 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


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Syracuse. Gelon I, 485-478 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 16.97 g 11). Male charioteer, wearing a long chiton and holding a goad in his right hand and the reins in both, driving a walking quadriga to right; above Nike flying right to crown the horses. Rev. ΣVRΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa to right, wearing necklace and pearl diadem and with her hair tied in krobylos that is bound up and falls over her diadem; around, four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 81, 83 var. - (V38/R54) (unlisted die combination). Good fine. 300 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 17.02 g 12). Male charioteer, wearing a long chiton and holding a goad in his right hand and the reins in both, driving a walking quadriga to right; above Nike flying right to crown the horses. Rev. ΣVRΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa to right, wearing necklace and pearl diadem, and with her hair tied in a krobylos that is bound up and falls over her diadem; around, four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 174 (V76/R121). Good very fine. 350 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24mm, 17.19 g 1). Male charioteer, wearing a long chiton and holding a goad in his right hand and the reins in both, driving a walking quadriga to right; above Nike flying right to crown the horses. Rev. ΣVRΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa to right, wearing necklace and pearl diadem, and with her hair tied in a krobylos that is bound up and falls over her diadem; around, four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 116 (V53 / R81). SNG ANS 44. Nicely toned. Minor corrosion, otherwise, good very fine. 750



-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24mm, 16.93 g 4). Male charioteer, wearing a long chiton and holding a goad in his right hand and the reins in both, driving a walking quadriga to right; above Nike flying right to crown the horses. Rev. ΣVRΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa to right, wearing necklace and pearl diadem, and with her hair tied in a krobylos that is bound up and falls over her diadem; around, four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 241 (V108/R164). Very fine. 150

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



78. 75.

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 28mm, 17.15 g 6). Male charioteer, wearing a long chiton and holding a goad in his right hand and the reins in both, driving a walking quadriga to right; above Nike flying right to crown the horses. Rev. ΣVRΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa to right, wearing necklace and pearl diadem, and with her hair tied in a krobylos that is bound up and falls over her diadem; around, four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 149 (V66/R103). Toned. About very fine. 200

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 26mm, 17.23 g 8). Male charioteer, wearing a long chiton and holding a goad in his right hand and the reins in both, driving a walking quadriga to right; above Nike flying right to crown the horses. Rev. ΣVRΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa to right, wearing necklace and pearl diadem, and with her hair tied in a krobylos that is bound up and falls over her diadem; around, four dolphins swimming clockwise. Cf. Boehringer 269 ff (unlisted dies). Struck from a worn obverse die, otherwise, good very fine. 250

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

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82. 79.

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24mm, 17.19 g 1). Male charioteer, wearing a long chiton and holding a goad in his right hand and the reins in both, driving a walking quadriga to right; above Nike flying right to crown the horses. Rev. ΣVRΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa to right, wearing necklace and pearl diadem, and with her hair tied in a krobylos that is bound up and falls over her diadem; around, four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 305 (V146/R305). Randazzo Hoard 470 (same dies). Toned. Very fine. 200

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 28mm, 16.90 g 7), struck circa 430-420. Charioteer, holding kentron in right hand and reins in both, driving slow quadriga right; above, Nike flying right, crowning horses with open wreath. Rev. ΣYPAKOΣION Head of Arethusa right, hair bound by four bands, wearing necklace; around, four dolphins. Boehringer 681 (V337/R459). Very fine. 200 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.





-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 23mm, 17.31 g 4). Male charioteer, wearing a long chiton and holding a goad in his right hand and the reins in both, driving a walking quadriga to right; above Nike flying right to crown the horses. Rev. ΣVRΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa to right, wearing necklace and pearl diadem, and with her hair tied in a krobylos that is bound up and falls over her diadem; around, four dolphins swimming clockwise. Boehringer 322 (V157/R225). Minor metal faults and reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, good very fine. 200 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 22mm, 15.75 g 11), struck circa 450-439. Male charioteer, wearing a long chiton and holding a goad in his right hand and the reins in both, driving a walking quadriga to right; above, Nike flying left to crown the charioteer. Rev. ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa right, hair bound in sakkos; four dolphins swimming around. Boehringer 712 (V347/R481). Struck from a very worn obverse die, but with a particularly nice reverse. Fine / good very fine. 200 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.





-. Circa 415-405 BC. Hemilitron (Silver, 9mm, 0.36 g 94). Head of Arethusa to left, her hair bound in ampyx and sphendone. Rev. ΣΥΡA Four-spoked wheel, two dolphins in lower quarters. SNG ANS 301. SNG Copenhagen 669. A charming coin of nice style. Beautifully toned. Extremely fine. 250 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Second Democracy, 466-405 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 28mm, 16.94 g 4), struck circa 460-450. Quadriga walking to right, driver holds the reins in his left hand and his goad in his right; above, Nike flying right to crown the driver; in exergue, ketos swimming to right. Rev. ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa to right, wearing necklace and diadem of pearls, and with her hair drawn up at the back; around, four dolphins swimming clockwise to right. Cf. Boehringer 468-481. Toned. Very fine. 250 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Dilitron (Bronze, 28mm, 18.05 g 9), struck under Timoleon and early under the Democracy, c. 339/8-334 BC. ΖΕΥΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΟΣ Laureate head of Zeus to left. Rev. ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Free horse prancing to left. SNG ANS 533-541. SNG Lloyd 1456-1457. A particularly attractive example struck on a broad flan. Very attractive green patina. Some details strengthened, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 3 250 From an English collection.


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90. 86


Syracuse. Dionysios I, 405-367 BC. Drachm (Bronze, 32mm, 27.96 g 11). ΣYPA Head of Athena to left, wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with wreath. Rev. Sea-star between two dolphins. SNG ANS 455. SNG Lloyd 1452. Virzi 1422. Minor smoothing, otherwise, good very fine. 200

-. Dekadrachm (Gold, 14mm, 4.24 g 6), struck circa 317-310. Laureate head of Apollo to left. Rev. ΣYPAKΣIΩN Charioteer, holding reins in his left hand and goad in his right, driving biga galloping to right; below, triskeles running to left. Dewing 934. Jameson 858. SNG ANS 552. SNG Lockett 1000. A nice example with a very elegant head of Apollo. Struck on a slightly short flan, otherwise, very fine. 2 000 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.





-. Hemilitron (Bronze, 21mm, 8.05 g 11), struck circa 390 BC. ΣYPAΣΩΣIA Head of Athena to left, wearing Corinthian helmet with wreath. Rev. Hippocamp to left. CNS 35. SNG ANS 426 ff. Good very fine. 200 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 26mm, 15.81 g 4), struck circa 305-295. KOΡAΣ Head of Kore to right, wearing grain wreath and pendant earring. Rev. AΓAΘOKΛEIOΣ Nike, bare to the waist, standing right, attaching armor to trophy to her right, she holds a nail in her right hand and a hammer in her left; to left, monogram of AN; to right, triskeles of legs running to left. SNG ANS 664. SNG Lockett 1004. Some roughness, otherwise, very fine. 200 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

88 92 1,5:1



-. Agathokles, 317-289 BC. 25 Litrai (Electrum, 19mm, 3.61 g 5), struck circa 310-305. Laureate head of Apollo to left; behind head, Corinthian helmet. Rev. ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Tripod with high ring handles. Jenkins O14/R18. SNG ANS 629. Toned and fairly well centered with a fine head of Apollo. Good very fine. 2 000

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 26mm, 17.03 g 9), struck circa 305-295. KOΡAΣ Head of Kore to right, wearing grain wreath and pendant earring. Rev. AΓAΘOKΛEIOΣ Nike, bare to the waist, standing right, attaching armor to trophy to her right, she holds a nail in her right hand and a hammer in her left; to left, triskeles running to right. Pozzi 647. SNG ANS 677. A most attractive piece with an old irisdescent toning. About extremely fine. 750

From an American collection.

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


Moesia 89 93


-. 25 Litrai (Electrum, 16mm, 3.56 g 6), struck circa 310-305. Laureate head of Apollo to left; behind, star. Rev. ΣΥΡAKOΣIΩN Tripod with high ring handles. Jenkins Group B. SNG ANS 623-5. Good fine. 300 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


Istros. 4th century BC. Drachm (Silver, 18mm, 5.03 g 3). Two facing male heads side by side, one upright and the other inverted. Rev. ΙΣΤΡΙΗ Sea eagle standing left on dolphin; below, A. AMNG 416. BMC 240. Very fine. 100

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-. Drachm (Silver, 17mm, 5.83 g 7). Two facing male heads side by side, one upright and the other inverted. Rev. ΙΣΤΡΙΗ Sea eagle standing left on dolphin; below dolphin, monogram of ΑΠ. AMNG 419. Nearly extremely fine. 200

-. Hemidrachm (Silver, 12mm, 2.06 g), imitation of Chersonesos. Forepart of lion right, his head turned to left. Quadripartite incuse square with two raised and two sunken squares; in each of the sunken squares, pellet. Cf. BMC 8 (for prototype). Nearly extremely fine. 100


100. 95


-. Drachm (Silver, 28mm, 5.48 g). Two facing male heads side by side, one upright and the other inverted. Rev. ΙΣΤΡΙΗ Sea eagle standing left on dolphin; below eagle’s tail, Η; below dolphin, Δ. AMNG I 431. SNG BM 245. Toned. Very fine. 150

Ainos. Circa 427/6-425/4 BC. Diobol (Silver, 10mm, 1.13 g 5). Head of Hermes to right, wearing petasos. Rev. AIN Goat standing right; before, vine tendril. AMNG 305. May 176. SNG Copenhagen 405. Very fine. 125

Islands off Thrace

Thrace 101




Mesambria. Circa 350-300 BC. Unit (Bronze, 1.35 g 4). Head of Athena to right, wearing Corinthian helmet. Rev. META wihtin wheel of four spokes. SNG BM 278-279. SNG Stancomb 223. Reverse struck somewhat off center, otherwise, good very fine.


Thasos. Circa 500-463 BC. Stater (Silver, 20mm, 9.50 g). Nude ithyphallic Satyr moving right in the archaic ‘running-kneeling’ position, holding a nymph in his arms, who wears thin robes and raises her right hand in protest. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square of windmill form. Asyut 104. Le Rider, Thasiennes 2. SNG Copenhagen 1008-9. Attractively toned. Struck with a slightly worn obverse die, otherwise, good very fine. 200

102 97


-. Circa late 1st Century BC. Unit (Bronze, 22mm, 7.27 g 1). Wreathed head of Dionysos to right. Rev. MEΣAM-BΡIANΩN grape with leaf below; above, Δ. SNG Copenhagen 659. Good very fine. 100


-. Drachm (Silver, 16mm, 4.48 g). Satyr advancing right, carrying off protesting nymph. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Le Rider, 200 Thasiennes 5. SNG Copenhagen 1014. Very fine.

103 98


Chersonesos. Circa 386-338 BC. Hemidrachm (Silver, 13mm, 2.37 g). Forepart of a lion to right, his head turned left. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square with alternating raised and sunken quarters; pellets in two quarters. SNG Copenhagen 824. SNG Oxford 3585. Good very fine. 100


-. Stater (Silver, 22mm, 8.76 g). Nude ithyphallic Satyr moving right in the archaic ‘running-kneeling’ position, holding a nymph in his arms, who wears thin robes and raises her right hand in protest. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square of windmill form. Asyut 104. Le Rider, Thasiennes 2. Attractive dark toning. Some scuffs and scratches, otherwise, very fine. 450 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


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Thasos. After circa 146 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 30mm, 16.76 g 12). Head of youthful Dionysos to right, wearing ivy wreath and taenia. Rev. HΡAKΛEOΥΣ ΣΩTHΡOΣ ΘAΣIΩN Youthful Herakles standing left, holding club with his right hand and with quiver and lion skin over his left shoulder; to left, monogram. HGC 359. Le Rider 51. An attractive example with a lovely iridescent toning. Nicely toned. Minor nicks, otherwise, good very fine. 200



-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 32mm, 16.65 g 12). Head of youthful Dionysos to right, wearing ivy wreath and taenia. Rev. HΡAKΛEOΥΣ ΣΩTHΡOΣ ΘAΣIΩN Youthful Herakles standing left, holding club with his right hand and with quiver and lion skin over his left shoulder; to left, monogram. Le Rider, Thasiennes 51. SNG Copenhagen 1040. Nicely toned. Good very fine. 150

108 105

108. 105.

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 35mm, 16.90 g 12). Head of young Dionysos to right, wearing taenia and ivy wreath. Rev. HPAKΛEOVΣ / ΣΩTEPOΣ / ΘAΣIΩN Youthful Herakles standing left, holding club with his right hand and with quiver and lion skin over his left shoulder; to left, M. SNG Copenhagen 1047. Struck fairly early in the series and of relatively good style. Very fine. 200

Kings of Thrace. Lysimachos, 305-281 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 27mm, 16.55 g 12), Magnesia ad Maeandrum, circa 297-281. Diademed head of Alexander the Great to right with horn of Ammon over his ear. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena seated to left on throne, leaning her left elbow on shield and holding Nike, crowning the king’s name, in her right; behind, transverse spear with point below left; to left, torch; in inner field, monogram. Müller 443a. Thompson 115. Very fine. 200

109 106

109. 106.

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 36mm, 16.88 g 11). Head of a youthful Dionysos to right, wearing elaborate ivy wreath with leaves and berries. Rev. ΘΑΣΙΩΝ / ΗΡΑΚΛΕΟΥΣ / ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ Youthful Herakles standing left, holding club with his right hand and with quiver and lion skin over his left shoulder; in field to left, monogram. Cf. SNG Lockett 1042 (different monogram). Attractively toned and struck on a particularly broad flan. Good very fine. 200

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 28mm, 17.11 g 11), Pella, circa 286/5282/1. Diademed head of Alexander the Great to right with horn of Ammon over his ear. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena seated to left on throne, leaning her left elbow on her shield and holding Nike, crowning the king’s name, in her right; behind, transverse spear with point below left; in field to left, AR monogram. Müller 471. Thompson 253. A very attractive piece with a light toning. A few minor marks, otherwise, good very fine. 400 Privately purchased from Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. in Frankfurt prior to 2000.

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110. -. Drachm (Silver, 18mm, 4.29 g 12), Ephesos, circa 294-287. Head of the deified Alexander to right, horn of Ammon behind his ear. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena seated to left; on left, bee to left between Ε Φ. Thompson 168. An attractive, bright example. Extremely fine. 750 From a European collection formed in the 1990s.

Philip II, 359-336 BC. Stater (Gold, 18mm, 8.59 g 1), Amphipolis, c. 340/336-328. Laureate head of Apollo to right. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Biga rushing to right, driven by charioteer holding goad in his right hand and reins in his left; below horses, ivy leaf. Le Rider 67. SNG ANS 250-254. A lovely example with a particularly nice head of Apollo. Struck on a slightly short flan, otherwise, good very fine. 2 500


115. 111

111. Byzantion. Circa mid 2nd century BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 34mm, 16.73 g 11), Lysimachos type. Diademed head of Alexander III to right, wearing horn of Ammon behind his ear. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena seated left on throne, holding Nike in her outstretched right hand and spear in her left; below throne, ΒΥ and ornamental trident; to left, monogram. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 1139 var. (different monogram). Lightly toned and struck on a broad flan. Good very fine. 250

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 14.31 g 3), Amphipolis, circa 342/1-329/8. Laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. ΦIΛIΠΠOY Jockey, holding palm branch, riding a horse walking to right; below foreleg, aplustre. Le Rider 340 ff. (this obverse die). Test cut on reverse. Struck somewhat off center, otherwise, very fine. 150





-. Stater (Gold, 18mm, 8.55 g 2), Amphipolis, struck during the reign of Philip III, 323/2 - 315. Laureate head of Apollo to right. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Biga rushing to right, driven by charioteer holding goad in his right hand and reins in his left; below horses, trident. Le Rider 206 (same dies). A most attractive piece perfectly struck on a full flan. Extremely fine. 4 250

Thraco-Macedonian Region 112

From a German collection formed prior to 2000.

112. Siris. Circa 525-480 BC. 1/8 Stater or Trihemiobol (Silver, 9mm, 1.19 g). Satyr without tail crouching to right. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square divided diagonally. HPM p. 81, 12, pl. VII, 13. SNG ANS 970 var. (pellets flanking satyr, attributed to ”Lete”). Good very fine. 100

Great numbers of gold coins in the name of Philip II were struck to pay his soldiers, and those of Alexander III; after their terms of service were over those troops returned to their homes, bringing their golden pay along with them. Thanks to their purity and beauty, the staters of Philip II, which were issued in only a few mints during his lifetime (primarily the royal Macedonian mints of Amphipolis and Pella), continued to be struck after his death and also gave rise to a vast and long lasting series of imitations, produced by the Celtic peoples of Western and Central Europe.

Macedon 117 113



113. Eion. Circa 460-400 BC. Diobol (Silver, 11mm, 0.88 g). Goose standing right, head turned to left; to left, lizard; below, A. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. SNG ANS 285. Good very fine. 100

117. Alexander III ‘the Great’, 336-323 BC. Stater (Gold, 17mm, 8.52 g 6), Sardes, circa 334-323. Helmeted head of Athena to right. Rev. AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ Nike standing left, holding wreath in extended right hand and cradling stylis in left arm; to left, stag head to right. Price 2531. Rare variety. Good fine. 500 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


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118. Alexander III ‘the Great’, 336-323 BC. Stater (Gold, 16mm, 8.54 g 12), Sardes, circa 330/25-324/3. Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with coiled serpent, single-pendant earring, and necklace. Rev. AΛEΞANΔPOY Nike standing left, holding wreath in extended right hand and cradling stylis in left arm; to left, head of griffin. Price 2533. Very fine. From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.




-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 26mm, 17.05 g 12), Sidon, year Y = 20 = 314/3 BC. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ Zeus seated left on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings; to left, Y (date); below throne, ΣI. Price 3508. Attractively toned and with a very elegant head of Herakles. Nearly extremely fine. 200 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


119. -. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 17.14 g 12), Salamis, circa 332/1-323 BC. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus seated left on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings; to left, bow to left. Price 3139. Small nicks, otherwise, about very fine. 100 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2000.


123. -. Tetradrachm (Silver, 27mm, 17.02 g 8), ’Amphipolis’, struck circa 315-294. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus seated to left on backless throne, holding eagle in his right hand and long scepter with his left; in left field, Λ above torch; below throne, HΓ monogram. Müller 36. Price 445. Good very fine. 350


120. -. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 17.16 g 10), Amphipolis, circa 325-323/2. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ Zeus seated left on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings; to left, monogram of TE. Price 83. Toned. Good very fine. 150 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 28mm, 17.14 g 5), Amphipolis, circa 315-294. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ Zeus seated left on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings; to left, Λ above torch; under throne, kantharos. Price 468. Minor flan fault and some encrustations on reverse. Struck slightly off center, otherwise, good very fine. 100





-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 26mm, 16.95 g 8), Side, circa 325-320. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ Zeus seated left on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings; to left, ΦI; below throne, BΣ. Price 2955. Nicely toned and of particularly fine style. Minor flan fault at 11 o’clock, otherwise, good very fine. 250

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 28mm, 16.99 g 8), Uranopolis (?), circa 300-290. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus seated left on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings; to left, star on cone above Θ; below throne, monogram of ME. Price 522. Minor obverse pitting, otherwise, good very fine. 350

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

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129 126

126. -. Tetradrachm (Silver, 32mm, 16.78 g 12), Erythrai, under the magistrate Parmenion, circa 290-275. Head of Herakles in lion skin headdress to right. Rev. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ / ΠAPMENΩN Zeus seated left on backless throne, holding eagle in his right hand and scepter in his left; to left, EPY above club within wreath. Price 1916 var. (ΠAPMENIΩN). Rare. Minor reverse corrosion, otherwise, good very fine. 200

129. A lot containing two Drachms of Alexander III ’the Great’. 100 Very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITHN NO RETURNS.





Philip III Arrhidaios, 323-317 BC. Drachm (Silver, 15mm, 4.25 g 11), Sardes. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. ΦIΛIΠΠOY Zeus seated left on throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings; to left, monogram; below throne, horse leg. Price P74. Good very fine. 75

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 28mm, 16.76 g 12), Kallatis, circa 250225. Head of Herakles in lion skin headdress to right. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus seated left on high-backed throne, holding eagle in his right hand and long scepter in his left; to left, monogram; below throne, grain ear (here off flan). Price 928. An attractive coin with a lovely head of Herakles. Nicely toned. Very small edge nick below Herakles’ neck, otherwise, extremely fine. 1 250


128 131

128. -. Tetradrachm (Silver, 31mm, 16.74 g 12), Dionysopolis (?) or uncertain mint in the Black Sea area, circa 225-190 BC. Head of Herakles in lion skin headdress to right. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ Zeus seated left on high-backed throne, holding eagle in his right hand and long scepter in his left; in left field, grape; below throne, monogram of ΡΚΑ. Price -, but cf. 947-960. Apparently unpublished and, perhaps, unique. Minor cut on the obverse and scuffs on the edge, probably from the removal of a mount, otherwise, very fine. 150 This is a particularly enigmatic coin because its style only tells us its rough date and the general location of its mint. It is paralleled by coins from the mint of ‘Dionysopolis’ but it is quite unlike them in the way the large bunch of grapes is positioned. This is a coin for a true specialist in the mints of Alexander!

131. Demetrios I Poliorketes, 306-283 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 27.5mm, 17.27 g 12), Chalkis, circa 290-287. Diademed head of Demetrios to right, wearing bull’s horn above his forehead. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ Poseidon, nude, standing to left, his right foot on a rock, holding a trident with his left hand and resting his right on his right thigh; in outer field to left, Κ; in outer field to right, bunch of grapes. Meydancikkale 2585. Newell 150 (obverse die CLVII). A beautiful, toned coin with a superbly noble portrait of Demetrios of exceptionally fine style. Some very minor marks, otherwise, about extremely fine. 2 500 From the collection of the MoneyMuseum in Zürich, ex Leu 91, 10 May 2004, 127.


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132. Demetrios I Poliorketes, 306-283 BC. Unit (Bronze, 16mm, 2.04 g 11), uncertain mint, after 290. Head of Demetrios to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet. Rev. BA Prow to right; to right, bipennis; below, monogram of AP. Newell 163. SNG Alpha Bank 956. An attractive coin with a lovely green patina. Small flan crack, otherwise, very fine. 100


136. Macedon. (Roman Protectorate), First Meris (District). Circa 167-149 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 30mm, 16.88 g 9), Amphipolis. Diademed and draped bust of Artemis to right, bow and quiver over her shoulder; all at the center of a Macedonian shield ornamented with stars within crescents. Rev. MAKEΔONΩN / ΠΡΩTHΣ Club with head to right between two lines of inscription; above, monogram; below, two other monograms; around, oak wreath with ties to left; to left of the ties, thunderbolt. AMNG III 176. SNG Copenhagen 1314-5. Nicely toned. Good very fine. 125


133. Antigonos II Gonatas, 277/6-239 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 30mm, 17.03 g 1), Amphipolis, circa 274/1-260/55. Horned head of Pan to left, wearing goat skin and around his neck and with lagobolon behind; all within the center of a Macedonian shield adorned with stars and crescents. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIΓONOΥ Athena Alkidemos striding left, holding shield with her left hand and brandishing a thunderbolt in her right; to left, facing Macedonian helmet with transverse crest; to right, monogram of HΛ. Panagopoulou Period I, 95a. Pozzi 2037. SNG Copenhagen 1199. Reverse somewhat weakly struck, otherwise, good very fine.




137. -. (Roman Protectorate), First Meris (District). Circa 167-149 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 30mm, 16.73 g 12), Amphipolis. Diademed and draped bust of Artemis to right, bow and quiver over her shoulder; all at the center of a Macedonian shield ornamented with stars within crescents. Rev. MAKEΔONΩN / ΠΡΩTHΣ Club with head to right between two lines of inscription; above, monogram; below to left and right, two monograms; around, oak wreath with ties to left; to left of the ties, thunderbolt. AMNG III 176. SNG Copenhagen 1314-5. Good very fine. 300 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

134. Time of Philip V and Perseus, 187-168 BC. Unit (Bronze, 24mm, 11.13 g 6), Amphipolis (?). Head of Poseidon to right, hair bound with taenia; trident over far shoulder. Rev. MAKE-ΔONΩN above and below club; below, two monograms; all within oak wreath. AMNG 32. SNG Copenhagen 1294. A pleasant, well-centered example with an extraordinarily nice head of Poseidon. Good very fine. 150


138. 135

135. -. Tetrobol (Silver, 14mm, 2.43 g 8), Pella or Amphipolis mint. Club and MA/KE in two lines on Macedonian shield. Rev. Macedonian helmet left; two monograms to left, monogram and star to right. SNG Copenhagen 1285. Very fine. 125

-. (Roman Protectorate), First Meris (District). Circa 167-149 BC. (Silver, 32mm, 16.37 g 6), Amphipolis. Diademed and draped bust of Artemis to right, bow and quiver over her shoulder; all at the center of a Macedonian shield ornamented with stars within crescents. Rev. MAKEΔONΩN / ΠΡΩTHΣ Club with head to right between two lines of inscription; above, EP; below, two monograms; around, oak wreath with ties to left; to left of the ties, thunderbolt. AMNG III 171. SNG Copenhagen -. Beautifully toned. Very fine. 100

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143 139

139. -. (Roman Province). Aesillas, Quaestor, circa 95-70 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 27mm, 16.24 g 12), uncertain mint. [MAKEΔON]ΩΝ Head of the deified Alexander the Great to right. Rev. AESILLAS Money chest, club, and chair Q in right field; all within wreath. AMNG 213. SNG Copenhagen 1330. Nicely toned. Good very fine. 150

143. Larissa. Early to mid 4th century BC. Drachm (Silver, 17mm, 5.93 g 10). Head of the nymph Larissa three-quarter facing to right, wearing plain necklace; above in small letters, [ΣIMO]. Rev. ΛAΡI Horse feeding to right. BCD Thessaly 196 (same obverse die). Lorbeer 1992, 10.2. Reverse struck from worn die, otherwise, good very fine. 150 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

144 140

140. Koinon of Macedon. Pseudo-autonomous issue, Time of Gordian III, 238-244. Double Unit (?) (Bronze, 26mm, 13.02 g 2). AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ Head of Alexander to right, wearing tainia. Rev. KOINON MAKEΔONΩN NEΩKO / B Two prize urns, each with a palm, on table; amphora below. AMNG 134. SNG Copenhagen 1367. Nice green patina. Very fine. 75

144. -. Circa 356-342 BC. Drachm (Silver, 19mm, 5.97 g 11). Head of the nymph Larissa facing, turned slightly to the left, wearing ampyx, pendant earring and simple necklace. Rev. ΛAΡIΣ / AIΩN Horse to right, preparing to roll over. BCD Thessaly 1155. Beautifully toned. Insignificant scratches and stress marks on reverse, otherwise, good very fine. 350 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

Thessaly 145






Thessalian League. Late 2nd to mid 1st century BC. Stater (Silver, 22mm, 6.29 g 12), Sosipatros and Gorgopas magistrates. Laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. ΘEΣΣA/ΛΩN Athena Itonia striding right, hurling spear held in her right hand, shield on her left arm; [Σ]ΩΣI-ΠATPOΣ above spear, NI in inner left field, ΓOPΓΩ ΠΑΣ in exergue. BCD Thessaly 862.3. McClean 4873-5. Toned and with a fine style Zeus for the issue. Sharp and clear. Reverse slightly double struck, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 300

Skotussa. Early to mid 4th century BC. Trihemiobol (Silver, 13mm, 1.45 g 12). Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. Σ-KO Forepart of bridled horse walking right, with dangling rein; all in shallow circular incuse. SNG Copenhagen 252. SNG Soutzos 395 (same obverse die). Cf. Lanz 97, 22 May 2000, 234 (for a coin struck from the same dies but in a later state with a die flaw on the reverse). Rare. Nicely toned. Slightly porous and with minor marks, otherwise, good very fine. 950

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

From the BCD Collection, Triton XV, 4 January 2012, 741 and ex G. Hirsch 261, 7 May 2009, 257.

Akarnania 142

142. Lamia. First quarter of the 4th century BC. Hemidrachm (Silver, 15mm, 2.86 g 12). Head of young Dionysos to right, wearing ivy wreath. Rev. ΛΑΜΙ / ΕΩ / Ν Amphora with tall handles; to right, prochous with handle to right. BMC p. 22, 1, pl. III, 12. Georgiou, p. 160 and pl. 1, 4 (period B, AR group I). SNG Fitzwilliam 2378. Nicely toned. A few minor marks, otherwise, very fine. 950


From the BCD Collection, Triton XV, 4 January 2012, 121, ex Superior, 2 June 1996, 1586.

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


Leukas. Circa 350-320 BC. Stater (Silver, 20mm, 8.57 g 3). Pegasos flying to right; below, Λ. Rev. Head of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet to right; behind head, pecking cock and Λ. Pegasi 106. Very fine. 150


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Phokis 147

147. Federal Coinage. Circa 457-446 BC. Obol (Silver, 10mm, 0.94 g 4). Frontal bull’s head, O and Φ to left and right. Rev. Forepart of boar to right; to right, olive twig. BCD Lokris-Phokis 238. Williams 210. Somewhat porous, otherwise, good very fine. 150

From a European collection formed in the 1990s. The Athenian tetradrachm coinage struck from c. 449 until no later than 404 was one of the most immense series of silver coins ever struck. These coins were used all over the Mediterranean area for trade purposes: they were struck as a way of using the silver from the rich mines of Laurion and were reused for local coinages all over the Greek world. It was such an abundant coinage that the so-called ”untouchable” reserve that was kept in the Parthenon in 430 BC consisted of 6000 talents of coined silver: i.e. 36 million drachms or 9 million tetradrachms (this was only a very small percentage of the coins originally struck!). Needless to say, the vast majority of the silver coins struck by Athens have long since been melted down and turned into other coins or objects.

Boeotia 151

151. 148

148. Thebes. Circa 425-395 BC. Stater (Silver, 21mm, 12.17 g). Boeotian shield. Rev. Θ Ε Bearded head of Dionysos to right, wearing ivy wreath. BCD Boiotia 437-438 var. SNG Copenhagen 284. An attractive, bright coin. Some die faults on obverse, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 1 500

-. Circa 420s BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 26mm, 17.22 g 1). Head of Athena to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a spiral palmette. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Agora 8a-8b. Svoronos, Trésor pls. 12-13 passim. Finely toned. Good very fine. 750 From a German collection.

From an American collection.


152. 149

149. -. Circa 379-368 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 19x23mm, 12.19 g 12), Peli.... Boeotian shield. Rev. Amphora; ΠE-ΛI across central field; all within incuse concave circle. BCD Boiotia 512. Hepworth 80. Beautifully toned. Minor flan faults on obverse, otherwise, good very fine. 450

-. Circa 440s-430s BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 17.16 g 10). Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and palmette, round earring and pearl necklace. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Agora 8. Dewing 1596 ff. Svoronos pl. 13, 21 ff. Nearly extremely fine. 1 500 From a European collection formed in the 1990s.

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


153 150

150. Athens. Circa 430s BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 23mm, 17.16 g 5). Head of Athena to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a spiral palmette. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Agora 8b. Svoronos, Trésor pls. 12-13 passim. An attractive, clearly struck piece. Nearly extremely fine. 1 500



153. -. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24mm, 17.17 g 4). Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and palmette, round earring and pearl necklace. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Agora 8. Dewing 1596 ff. Svoronos pl. 13, 21 ff. A well struck example of fine style. Insignificant die break on nose, otherwise, extremely fine. 1 500 From a European collection formed in the 1990s.

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-. Drachm (Silver, 14mm, 4.27 g 9). Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet adorned with olive leaves and palmette. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Agora 10e ff. SNG Copenhagen 41. Svoronos pl. 11, 20. A lovely toned piece struck on a broad flan. Minor mark on obverse, otherwise, extremely fine. 4 500 Privately acquired in the 1980s from the Drees Gallery in Brussels.




-. Circa 454-404 BC. Hemiobol (Silver, 7mm, 0.36 g 12). Helmeted head of Athena to right. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Kroll 14. SNG Copenhagen 59-61. Nicely toned and good metal. Good very fine. 350



-. Circa 449-404 BC. Drachm (Silver, 15mm, 4.20 g 9). Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet adorned with olive leaves and palmette turned upwards. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Kroll 10. SNG Copenhagen 41. Minor die flaw on the reverse, otherwise, very fine. 250





-. Circa 420s BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 17.14 g 10). Head of Athena to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a spiral palmette. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Agora 8a-8b. Svoronos, Trésor pls. 12-13 passim. Nicely toned. Good very fine. 1 200

-. Circa 430s-420s BC. Drachm (Silver, 14mm, 4.27 g 10). Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet adorned with olive leaves and palmette turned upwards. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Agora 10e ff. SNG Copenhagen 41. Svoronos pl. 11, 20. Minor encrustations, otherwise, very fine.








-. Circa 440s-430s BC. Obol (Silver, 8mm, 0.69 g 11). Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet adorned with olive leaves and palmette turned upwards. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, with head facing; to left, long curved olive leaf and fruit. Agora 13. Cf. Svoronos pl. 10, 46. A very well struck and well toned example, with a remarkable obverse. Gash on the reverse, probably made when found, otherwise, extremely fine. 800

-. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24mm, 17.20 g 9). Head of Athena to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a spiral palmette. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Agora 8c ff. Svoronos, Trésor pl. 14. A very well and sharply struck example. Good extremely fine. 1 750

From an American collection.



-. Circa 460s-450s. Obol (Silver, 9mm, 0.67 g 5). Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet adorned with olive leaves and palmette turned upwards. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. SNG Berry 682. Svoronos pl. 9, 42. A charming and nicely toned little coin with a beautiful archaizing head of Athena. Good very fine. 100 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Circa 430s-420s BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24mm, 17.11 g 9). Head of Athena to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a spiral palmette. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Agora 8. Dewing 1596 ff. Svoronos pl. 13, 21 ff. Graffito on reverse, otherwise, good very fine. 400


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167. 163


Athens. Circa 440s-430s BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 23mm, 17.19 g 9). Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and palmette, round earring and pearl necklace. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to right, head facing the viewer; to left, olive sprig and crescent moon; all within incuse square. Agora 8. Dewing 1596 ff. Svoronos pl. 13, 21 ff. Nicely toned. Good very fine. 750

-. Circa 510-480 BC. Hemidrachm (Silver, 12mm, 3.33 g). Sea-turtle with line of pellets down the back of its shell. Rev. Windmill pattern with four sunken segments. Milbank Pl. I, 9. SNG Lockett 1965. Nicely toned. Very fine. 150 Privately purchased from Münzen & Medaillen AG Basel prior to 2005.



-. Circa 456/45-431 BC. Stater (Silver, 18mm, 11.28 g). Tortoise seen from above. Rev. Incuse square divided into five compartments. ACGC 127. Dewing 1683-1685. Milbank pl. 2, 12-13. 3 750 An attractive, toned example. Nearly extremely fine. 164

From the collection of an old friend of Leo Mildenberg’s, acquired in the 1970s.


-. Circa 165-42 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 30mm, 16.65 g 12), Dorothe(os), Dioph..., and Diokle(ides), struck 132/1. Head of Athena to right, wearing necklace, pendent earring, and triple-crested Attic helmet decorated with the protomes of four horses above the visor, a Pegasos in flight rightward above the raised earpiece. Rev. A-ΘE / ΔΩP/OΘE / ΔIO/KΛE - ΔIOΦ Owl standing right, head facing, on amphora; to right, forepart of lion to right; below amphora, ΔI; all within wreath. Thompson 384e-f. Very fine. 100

Islands off Attica


169 1,5:1


-. Stater (Silver, 20mm, 12.15 g). Tortoise seen from above; at the center of the shell, uncertain countermark (bird’s head?). Rev. Incuse square divided into five compartments. ACGC 127. Dewing 1683-1685. Milbank pl. 2, 12-13. A well centered and nicely toned example. Insignificant scratch on obverse, otherwise, good very fine. 750 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



Aegina. Circa 525-480 BC. Stater (Silver, 18mm, 11.94 g). Sea turtle. Rev. Incuse square with mill-sail pattern. Asyut Group IVa. Dewing 1657. SNG Copenhagen 501. Obverse die break, otherwise, about very fine. 200 170

170. 166


-. Circa 480-457 BC. Stater (Silver, 18mm, 11.77 g). Sea turtle. Rev. Square incuse with large skew pattern. Gulbenkian 523. Milbank Pl. I, 15. SNG Copenhagen 507. Struck somewhat off center, otherwise, fine. 100



-. Stater (Silver, 20mm, 12.30 g). Land tortoise with segmented shell; atop, countermark of human hand, with Σ to left; all within an oval indent. Rev. Incuse square with a skew pattern. Milbank pl. 2, 12. SNG Copenhagen 516. SNG Delepierre 1836. Toned. Obverse struck from a slightly corroded die and slightly off center, otherwise, good very fine. 450 Aegina Staters were commonly countermarked, but this particular countermark of an open hand is quite exceptional - the letter must stand for a particular individual or authority behind the issuance of this mark.

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Phliasia 171 176


-. Circa 350-338 BC. Drachm (Silver, 18mm, 5.23 g 2). Tortoise seen from above. Rev. Incuse square divided into five compartments; A-IΓI in upper two, dolphin in lower left section. Milbank Pl. III, 5. SNG Delepierre 1548-9. Very fine. 150 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



Phlious. Circa 280-270 BC. Hemidrachm (Silver, 17mm, 2.79 g 12). Bull butting to left, head lowered and turned to face the viewer Rev. Φ Ivy wreath with four inner leaves, tied at the bottom and with a rosette of seven berries at the top. BCD Peloponnesos 136. BMC 18 ff. Struck from worn dies and slightly off center, otherwise, very fine. 75 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

Achaia 172


Corinth. Circa 470 BC. Stater (Silver, 20mm, 8.59 g 11). Pegasos flying right; below, Koppa. Rev. Helmeted head of Athena to right, wearing Corinthian helmet and pearl necklace; behind, Koppa. BCD 23. Niggeler I, 308 (same obverse die). Pozzi 1654 (same obverse die). Ravel 274 (this coin). A beautifully toned piece. Struck from a worn and corroded obverse die, and with a slightly double-struck reverse with a few minor marks, otherwise, about extremely fine. 2 750 Ex SKA 1, 22-23 April 1983, 104, from the collections of Dr. J.H. Judd, Bank Leu 15, 4 May 1976, 238 and Mrs. J. Cammann.



Pellene. Circa 340-320 BC. Hemidrachm (Silver, 16mm, 2.63 g 1). Laureate head of Apollo to right; behind, monogram of ΠE. Rev. ΠEΛ within wreath. BCD Peloponnesos 586. Toned. Some corrosion, otherwise, good very fine. 75 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.




178. 173


Leukas. Circa 400-375 BC. Stater (Silver, 21mm, 8.55 g 7). Pegasus flying to left with curved wing; below, Λ. Rev. Helmeted head of Athena to left, wearing Corinthian helmet; above, Λ; to right, shield. BCD -. Rare. Good very fine. 200

Olympia. Circa 350s BC. Obol (Silver, 12mm, 0.93 g 7). Head of the nymph Olympia to right, with her hair in a roll and wearing earring. Rev. FA Eagle, with closed wings and head turned to back to left, standing right. BCD Olympia 170 (this coin). Nicely toned. Good very fine. 200 From the BCD collection, Leu Auction 90 (2004), 170.

Sikyonia 179.



Sikyon. Circa 360s-340s/330s. Obol (Silver, 0.65 g 3). Dove alighting right; above tail, Σ. Rev. Dove flying right. BCD 255.3. A rare variety. Obverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, extremely fine. 350




Pheneos. Circa 370-340 BC. Obol (Silver, 12mm, 0.90 g 3). Bust of youthful Hermes to right, his cloak tied around his neck and with his petasos hanging behind, suspended by a cord. Rev. ΦΕ Ram standing to right; above, kerykeion to right. BCD 1608. BMC 5. Traité II, 3, 891. Weber 4317. Rare. A lovely coin, beautifully struck. Virtually as struck. 3 750 Ex Nomos 8, 22 October 2013, 158 and from a European collection, acquired before 2009.



-. Obol (Silver, 0.62 g 12). Dove alighting right; above tail, Σ. Rev. Dove flying right, above tail, retrograde Σ. BCD 254.2. Quite a rare variant. Surfaces slightly rough, otherwise, extremely fine.


The main 4th century silver coinage of Pheneos consisted of very rare staters and drachms and very scarce hemidrachms, all bearing heads of Demeter on their obverses and either a standing or seated figure of Hermes or a bull on their reverses. Most of these coins were probably used for trade or mercenary pay. For local use the city also issued bronzes and a relatively small and rare group of obols, as this, bearing a head of Hermes and a ram. This is an unusually nice example.


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Paphlagonia 185 180

180. Sinope. Late 4th-3rd century BC. 1/4 Drachm (Silver, 11mm, 1.49 g 12). Head of nymph facing three quarters to left. Rev. ΣI-NΩ Eagle facing with spread wings. SNG von Aulock 218. SNG Black Sea 1502. A rare fraction with an unusual depiction of a facing eagle. Nicely toned. Very fine. 100

185. -. Drachm (Silver, 15mm, 3.82 g), Rhodian standard. KAΛX Bull standing left on grain ear; to left, kerykeion and ΔA monogram. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. HGC 7, 511. SNG Black Sea 104. SNG von Aulock 487-488. Attractive and toned. Struck on a short flan as usual, otherwise, good very fine. 75

Asia Minor





Kalchedon. Circa 367/6-340 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 21mm, 15.20 g), Rhodian standard. KAΛX Bull standing left above grain ear; B monogram to left. Rev. Quadripartite, granulated incuse square. SNG Black Sea 98. SNG von Aulock 486. Bull’s head struck flat, otherwise, very fine. 200

186. A lot containing two bronze coins of Prusias ad Mare (Bithynia), BMC 28. Very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 100 182

182. -. Tetradrachm (Silver, 20mm, 15.08 g), Rhodian standard. KAΛX Bull standing left above grain ear (here off flan); monogram to left. Rev. Quadripartite, granulated incuse square. SNG Black Sea 93 var. SNG Copenhagen 351 var. (both with differing monogram). Waddington, Rec. gen. 14. Head of bull struck flat and reverse off-centered, otherwise, very fine. 200




183. -. Drachm (Silver, 14mm, 3.76 g), Rhodian standard. KAΛ[X] Bull standing left on grain ear; to left, kerykeion and ΔA monogram. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. HGC 7, 511. SNG Black Sea 104. SNG von Aulock 487-488. Well struck, with an old cabinet toning. Struck slightly off center, otherwise, good very fine. 75

A lot containing two bronze coins of Prousias II Kynegos, King of Bithynia (182-149 BC). Very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 2 coins in lot. 100




-. Drachm (Silver, 15mm, 3.80 g), Rhodian standard. K[AΛX] Bull standing left on grain ear; to left, kerykeion and ΔA monogram. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. HGC 7, 511. SNG Black Sea 104. SNG von Aulock 487-488. A particularly nice example. Well struck and attractively toned. Struck on a short flan as usual, otherwise, extremely fine. 75


188. Parion. 4th century BC. Hemidrachm (Silver, 18mm, 2.46 ΠA - ΡI Bull standing left, head turned back to right. Gorgoneion facing, surrounded by snakes. SNG Paris 1357. struck and centered for this issue. Nearly extremely fine. From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

g 4). Rev. Well


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Kyzikos. Circa 550-500 BC. Hekte (Electrum, 10mm, 2.67 g). Head of a lioness to left, with collar of pearls; behind, tunny fish swimming upward. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. SNG France 178. Von Fritze 39. Nearly extremely fine. 650


194. 190


-. Circa 500-450 BC. Hekte (Electrum, 10mm, 2.67 g). Warrior, nude, kneeling to left, holding helmet in his right hand and sword in his left; below, tunny to left. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Von Fritze 114. Very rare. Obverse struck somewhat off center, from a slightly worn die and with an inobtrusive banker’s mark, otherwise, good very fine. 500

Myrina. Circa 155-145 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 35mm, 16.79 g 1). Laureate head of Apollo to right. Rev. MYPINAIâ„ŚN Apollo Grynios standing right, holding branch and phiale; monogram to left, omphalos and amphora at feet; all within laurel wreath. SNG von Aulock 1660 var. (different monogram). Nicely toned and struck on a broad flan. Some striking flatness, otherwise, good very fine. 650

Lesbos 195






-. Circa 450-400 BC. Hekte (Electrum, 10mm, 2.63 g). Zeus, laureate and nude to waist, kneeling to right, holding scepter with his right hand and with an eagle taking flight from his extended left. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Cf. SNG France 296 (Stater). Cf. von Fritze 145 (Stater). Cf. Lanz 154, 2012, 148. A very rare type with a charming obverse scene. Obverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, very fine. 1 000

Mytilene. Circa 521-478 BC. Hekte (Electrum, 10mm, 2.55 g 3). Head of a lion with open jaws to right. Rev. Head of a calf to right, incuse. BMFA 1679 ff. Bodenstedt 13. Dewing 2233. Good very fine. 250 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Circa 454-428/7 BC. Hekte (Electrum, 10mm, 2.50 g 6). Bare male head to right. Rev. Head of calf to right in linear square. 300 Bodenstedt 39. SNG Copenhagen 310. Very fine. From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

From a European collection formed in the 1990s.

192 197


-. Circa 525-475 BC. Trihemiobol (Silver, 11mm, 1.19 g 7). Forepart of boar to left, H on shoulder; behind, tunny. Rev. Head of roaring lion left. Von Fritze, Nomisma IX 10, pl. V, 12. Struck in excellent silver. Extremely fine. 125 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.




-. (Electrum, 10mm, 2.49 g 9). Forepart of goat to right, head reverted. Rev. Owl standing facing, wings spread, within incuse square. Bodenstedt 42. SNG Lockett 2757. SNG von Aulock 1693. Good very fine. 750 The reverse of this issue is likely copied from the famous Athenian Dekadrachms.

Aeolis 198 193


Kyme. Circa 480-450 BC. Hemiobol (Silver, 7mm, 0.50 g). KY Head of eagle to left. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Klein 333. 75 SNG Copenhagen 31. Nearly extremely fine.


-. Circa 377-326 BC. Hekte (Electrum, 11mm, 2.52 g 9). Head of Hermes to right, wearing petasos. Rev. Panther walking right within linear square. Bodenstedt 83. SNG Copenhagen 313. Good very fine. 400 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


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Mytilene. Hekte (Electrum, 10mm, 2.54 g 6). Veiled head of Demeter to right, wearing wreath of grain ears. Rev. Tripod tied with fillet; all within linear square within incuse square. Bodenstedt 91. 500 SNG von Aulock 1726. Good very fine. From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Circa 390-325 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 23mm, 14.95 g 12), Theodoros, struck circa 360-350 BC. E - Φ Bee. Rev. ΘEOΔOPOΣ Forepart of stag right, head reverted; to left, palm tree. Cf. CNG 85, 2010, 415 (same reverse die). Pixodarus class F, obv. die 93. Toned. Very fine. 200



-. Hekte (Electrum, 9mm, 2.53 g 12). Laureate head of Apollo to right. Rev. Head of a female to right within linear square. 300 Bodenstedt 95. SNG von Aulock 1716. Good very fine. From an American collection, ex Classical Numismatic Group E-sale 243, 27 October 2010, 131.


205 1,5:1





-. Circa 202-150. Drachm (Silver, 18mm, 3.71 g 12), Timanthes. E - Φ Bee with straight open wings. Rev. TIMANΘH Stag standing right; behind, palm tree. Kinns, Ephesus p. 90. SNG Copenhagen -. An attractive and clear coin. Slightly rough surfaces, otherwise, extremely fine. 150

Uncertain. Circa 625-600 BC. 1/24 Stater (Electrum, 7mm, 0.61 g). Mill-sail pattern or swastika in relief. Rev. Incuse square of mill-sail pattern. BMFA 1782. Rosen 365. SNG von Aulock 1778 and 7777. A pleasing, sharp piece. Extremely fine. 300


From a Swiss collection. What is intriguing about this series of electrum is its use of what soon became a standard reverse type as the obverse, but of course in relief!



Erythrai. Circa 550-500 BC. Hekte (Electrum, 10mm, 2.15 g). Head of Herakles to left, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. SNG von Aulock 1942 var. A nice, well centered and well struck example. Extremely fine. 1 000 From a Swiss private collection.


Ephesos. Circa 550-500 BC. Obol (Silver, 6mm, 0.52 g). [E] - Φ Bee. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Karwiese Series V, 2a. Good very fine. 100 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



Miletos. Late 6th-early 5th century BC. Obol (Silver, 10mm, 1.06 g). Forepart of lion to right, head turned back to left. Rev. Star-shaped floral ornament within incuse square. Klein 424. SNG von Aulock 2080. Nicely toned. Extremely fine. 75



-. Circa 387-295 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 23mm, 15.25 g 1), Echedamas. E - Φ Bee with straight wings. Rev. EXEΔAM[AΣ] Forepart of stag right to right, head looking back; to left, palm tree. BMC 42. Very fine. 400 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



-. Obol (Silver, 9mm, 1.20 g). Forepart of lion to left, head reverted. Rev. Stellate pattern within incuse square. SNG Kayhan 462-7. 100 Beautifully toned and sharply struck. Extremely fine. From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

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209 2:1


209. -. Circa 550-525 BC. 1/32 Stater (Silver, 7mm, 0.39 g). Facing lion’s head within dotted square border. Rev. Floral or stellate pattern within square incuse. Klein 423. SNG Kayhan 461. Minor enrcrustations, otherwise, good very fine. 100 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

P-. Circa 478-387 BC. Hekte (Electrum, 10mm, 2.53 g). Female head left, hair in sphendone; behind, seal downward. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt 62. SNG von Aulock 2120. Very fine. 200



210 2:1



210. Phokaia. Circa 625-600 BC. 1/48 Stater (Electrum, 5mm, 0.27 g). Head of griffin to left. Rev. Rough quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt Em E2. SNG von Aulock 1784. Good very fine. 250 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

-. Circa 387-326 BC. Hekte (Electrum, 10mm, 2.55 g). Head of Queen Omphale left, wearing Herakles’ lion skin headdress and ear pendant, club over shoulder; beneath, seal. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Bodenstedt Em. 107. SNG Copenhagen 1029. Nearly extremely fine. 350 Omphale, a mythical queen of Lydia, received Herakles to do her bidding for a year in punishment for his murder of Iphytus. He even had to help her with her spinning, and she, as we see here, wore his lion’s skin and wielded his club.

Caria 216


216. 2:1



Halikarnassos. Mid 4th-3rd centuries BC. Unit (Bronze, 12mm, 1.55 g 12). Laureate head of Apollo to left. Rev. A[ΛI] Eagle standing to left, with wings spread; to left, lyre. SNG Copenhagen 346-7. SNG Keckman 50. Very fine. 100

-. Circa 625/0-522 BC. 1/24 Stater (Electrum, 6mm, 0.70 g). Head of seal to left. Rev. Incuse punch. Bodenstedt 2.2. Good very 150 fine. 217 212

212. -. Circa 521-478 BC. Diobol (Silver, 11mm, 1.28 g). Head of a nymph to left, wearing a sakkos adorned with a central band and circular earring. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. Rosen 596-597 var. SNG von Aulock 1813-1815 var. Darkly toned. An unusually nice example, very similar to the early issues of Massalia! A very early variety. Flan cracks, otherwise, extremely fine. 100


213. -. Diobol (Silver, 9mm, 1.31 g). Head of a nymph to left, wearing a sakkos adorned with a central band and rosette earring. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. SNG Copenhagen 389-394. SNG Kayhan 522. Good very fine. 100 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

217. Knidos. Circa 465-449 BC. Drachm (Silver, 14x18mm, 6.29 g 3). Forepart of lion to right, with open jaws and outstretched right paw. Rev. K-N-I Head of Aphrodite right, her hair bound in band, wearing small round earring and two nacklaces. Cahn 83 (same dies). Nicely toned and of beautiful style. Obverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, extremely fine. 300 Ex Auctiones 29, 12 June 2003, 695.


218. -. Circa 394-390 BC. Drachm (Silver, 14mm, 3.50 g 7). Forepart of lion to right, with open jaws and outstretched right paw. Rev. KNIΔIΩN Head of Aphrodite to right, her hair bound in sphendone, all within rectangular incuse. Cahn p. 174, note 500 / IIf (this coin). Rare. Somewhat porous, otherwise, very fine. 150 Ex Münzen & Medaillen Deutschland 8, 10 May 2001, 184 and Münzen & Medaillen AG FPL 117, 1952, 13.


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Satraps of Caria




219. Maussolos, circa 377/6-353/2 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 22mm, 15.04 g 1). Laureate head of Apollo facing, turned slightly to right and wearing a cloak fastened with a gem below his chin. Rev. ΜΑΥΣΣΩΛΛΟ Zeus Labraundos standing right, holding labrys (double-axe) in his right hand and long scepter in his left; behind, ME monogram. SNG von Aulock 2359 var. (no monogram). SNG Copenhagen 590 var. (same). SNG Kayhan 873. A nicely toned example. Some striking flatness, otherwise, good very fine. 750 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

223. Uncertain. Circa 520-470/60 BC. Stater (Silver, 18mm, 9.32 g). Forepart of a boar to right. Rev. Incuse square divided by large X, indentations on two sides. Falghera 14-16. SNG Copenhagen Supp. 370. A finely toned and well struck example struck in particularly good metal. Good very fine. 750 From an American collection.

Dynasts of Lycia

Islands off Caria



220. Rhodos. Rhodes. Circa 250-229 BC. Didrachm (Silver, 19mm, 6.72 g 12), Mnasimachos. Radiate head of Helios facing, turned slightly to right. Rev. ΜΝΑΣΙΜΑΧΟΣ Rose with bud to left; below, Ρ Ο; to left, Athena Nikephoros standing to left. Ashton 208. SNG Keckman 537-539. Attractively toned. Reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, extremely fine. 300 Privately purchased from F. Sternberg AG, in Zürich prior to 2005.

Kings of Lydia

224. Perikles, circa 380-360 BC. Stater (Silver, 25mm, 9.76 g 6), Antipellos. Bearded head of Perikles facing, turned slightly to left and with his hair in dramatic disarray; to right, dolphin swimming downwards. Rev. Nude warrior, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, in fighting attitude right, holding sword aloft in right hand and shield on left arm; to left, triskeles; ”Perikle” to left and ”Antiphellos” to right in Lycian letters; all within shallow incuse square. Mildenberg, Mithrapata 20. SNG von Aulock 4251. Obverse struck with a rusty die and the reverse with a worn one, otherwise, good very fine. 750 From a Swiss collection.



221. Alyattes II, and perhaps slightly later, circa 610-546 BC. Trite (Electrum, 12mm, 4.71 g), Sardes. Head of roaring lion right, sun with multiple rays on forehead. Rev. Two incuse squares. SNG Kayhan 1013. SNG von Aulock 2868-2869. Weidauer Group XVI, 86-89. Struck from a slightly worn obverse die, and with an uncertain countermark on the obverse and an elegant one on the edge otherwise, good very fine. 750 225

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


225 1,5:1

Kroisos, circa 560-546 BC. Siglos (Silver, 14x17mm, 5.37 g), Sardes, 550-546. Confronted foreparts of a lion, on the left, and a bull, on the right. Rev. Two incuse squares of unequal size. Dewing 2428. SNG Kayhan 1024-1026. Toned, well centered and attractive. Good very fine. 450

Aspendos. Circa 380/75-330/25 BC. Stater (Silver, 22mm, 10.76 g 5). Two wrestlers beginning to grapple with each other. Rev. [EΣTFE]ΔIIΥΣ Slinger striding right, preparing to launch sling-bolt; to right, triskeles to left; below, Π; to left, rectangular countermark of wolf running left; to right, round countermark with ΛΔC and a helmeted head of Athena to right. SNG France 60 (but lacking the Athena countermark). A lovely toned coin with an extraordinary countermark. Good very fine. 150

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.

Ex Hess-Divo 314, 4 May 2009, 1193.



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Cilicia 230



226. Kelenderis. Circa 430-420 BC. Stater (Silver, 15x21mm, 10.74 g 6). Youthful nude rider holding the reins with his right hand and a goad in his left, seated sideways on horse prancing to left, preparing to jump off and run alongside the horse. Rev. ΚΕΛE Goat kneeling left, its head turned back to right. SNG Aulock 5621f. SNG France 51. Struck slightly off center, otherwise, very fine. 350

A lot containing five silver fractions. Good very fine. LOT SOLD 300 AS IS, NO RETURNS.

Kings of Cappadocia

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


231. 227

227. Mallos. Circa 385-333 BC. Stater (Silver, 22mm, 9.84 g 1). Head of Aphrodite right, wearing earring and necklace, hair bound in ampyx and sphendone. Rev. MAΛ Head of satrap right, wearing Persian headdress. SNG France 392. SNG Levante 151. Slightly overcleaned, otherwise, very fine. 150

Ariarathes V Eusebes Philopator, circa 163-130 BC. Drachm (Silver, 19mm, 4.01 g 12), Eusebeia-Mazaca, RY 33 (131/0 BC). Diademed head of Ariarathes to right. Rev. BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ APIAPAΘOY EYΣEBOYΣ Athena standing left, holding Nike, spear and shield set on ground; to left, T; to right, Δ; below, date ΓΛ. DCA 454. HGC 811. Simonetta 16b (Ariarathes IV). Minor 100 obverse corrosion, otherwise, good very fine.

Seleukid Kings of Syria


228. Soloi. Alexander III, 336-323 BC. Stater (Silver, 25mm, 10.78 g 11), c. 333. Draped bust of Athena facing, turned slightly to the left, wearing a triple-crested Attic helmet, pendant earring and pearl necklace. Rev. Baaltars seated left on backless throne, holding lotos-tipped scepter in his right hand; to left, grain ear and bunch of grapes; below throne, tiny Ο above Σ. SNG Paris 196. Struck on a large flan. Minor flan crack and metal fault on the obverse and slightly double struck on reverse, otherwise, extremely fine. 500



Seleukos I Nikator, 312-281 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 16.55 g 12), Seleukeia on the Tigris, circa 295/6 and later. Laureate and bearded head of Zeus to right. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ Athena, hurling spear with her right hand and holding shield with her left, standing right in quadriga of elephants moving to right; above and to right, anchor right and tripod. Houghton-Lorber I, 60, 130.40. A nicely toned and wellcentered piece. Good very fine. 1 000 Ex Hess-Divo 317, 27 October 2010, 279. The elephant quadriga serves as a reminder of the 500 elephants Seleukos received from Chandragupta as part of the peace settlement in 303.


229. Tarsos. Mazaios, Satrap of Cilicia, 361/0-334 BC. Stater (Silver, 25mm, 10.81 g 10). R / B’LTRZ (in Aramaic) Baaltars seated left, his head and torso facing, holding eagle in extended right hand and scepter in his left. Rev. MZDY / SM (in Aramaic) Lion attacking bull left. Casabonne Series 2, Group A. SNG France -. SNG Levante -. Beautifully toned. About extremely fine. 650 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



Antiochos III ‘the Great’, 223-187 BC. Triple Unit (?) (Bronze, 28mm, 15.70 g 12), Seleukeia on the Tigris. Laureate head of Apollo facing slightly to left. Rev. [BAΣIΛEΩΣ ANTIOXOΥ] Apollo standing left, holding arrow and bow; monograms to outer left and right. SC 1177. Dark green patina. Very fine / fine. 100


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234. Antioch. Caesarian Period, 40/39 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 27mm, 15.79 g 1), posthumous issue in the name of Philip Philadelphus (95-83 BC), year Ι = 10. Diademed head of Philip Philadelphus to right. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΣ / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ / [ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ] Zeus seated to left, holding Nike and long scepter; in field to left, monogram of ΑΥΓ; in exergue, Ι. RPC I, 4133. An attractive, sharp, toned example. Extremely fine. 350 From a Czech collection, sold by Karel Chaura, Prague (1869-1945).

237. Byblos. Uzzibaal, c. 350 BC. Dishekel (Silver, 24mm, 13.27 g 8). Three hoplites, holding shields, standing on galley left on waves, prow ending in lion’s head; below, hippocamp left above murex, phoenician letters zo above dorsal fin. Rev. zb’l mlk gbl (in Phoenician) Lion attacking bull to left. BMC 4-5. Regling 741, pl. XXXVI. SNG Copenhagen 132. A very attractive coin. Obverse struck from a worn die, otherwise, good very fine. 750 Ex Hess-Divo 299, 27 October 2004, 110.

Kings of Parthia Ptolemaic Kings of Egypt


235. Gotarzes II, 40-51. Tetradrachm (Silver, 26mm, 14.37 g 12), Seleukeia on the Tigris mint, Gorpiaios, 357 = August, 46. Diademed bust of Gotarzes II to left. Rev. [BACIΛEWC BAC]IΛEIWN APCAKOV EΥEΡΓETOV ΔIKAIO[V] EΠIΦAN[OVC ΦIΛEΛΛHNOC] / ZNT / ΓOPΠIAN Gotarzes seated right on throne, Tyche standing left before him, presenting a diadem and holding cornucopiae. Sellwood 65.6. Shore 359. Nicely toned. Good very fine. 100 From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.



238. Ptolemy V Epiphanes, 205-180 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25mm, 13.25 g 12), Alexandria. Diademed bust of Ptolemy V to right, wearing aegis. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΠTOΛEMAIOΥ eagle standing left on thunderbolt. SNG Copenhagen 244. Svoronos 1231. Nicely toned. Good very fine. 200


239 236



Indo-Greek Kingdom. Menander I, circa 165/55-130 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 23mm, 9.57 g 12), Indian Standard. Diademed and draped bust of Menander to right. Rev. Athena Alkidemos left; to left, Σ; to right, monogram. Bopearachchi Série 12A. SNG ANS 764-767. Nicely toned. Good very fine. 200

Kyrene. Circa 435-331 BC. Trihemiobol (Silver, 11mm, 0.94 g 12). ΚΥ (in tiny letters at the edge) Triple silphium plant. Rev. ΡΑ Head of Zeus Ammon to right. Apparently unpublished but cf. BMC 101 var. Very rare. An attractive piece with dark toning. Die flaw on the reverse and encrusted as found, otherwise, very fine.

Ex Gorny & Mosch 134, 11 October 2004, 1701.

From a Swiss collection formed prior to 2005.


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Anonymous, circa 289-245 BC. Quadrans (Bronze, 42mm, 82. 80 g 12), Rome. Two barley grains; between, three pellets. Rev. Open right hand; to left, three pellets. Crawford 14/4. Haeberlin pl. 40, 1-5. HN Italy 271. Sydenham 11. Thurlow-Vecchi 4. Very fine. 400




-. Circa 280-276 BC. Uncia (Bronze, 26mm, 27.98 g), Rome. Astragalos; to left, pellet. Rev. Pellet. Crawford 14/6. Haeberlin pl. 40, 19. HN Italy 273. Thurlow-Vecchi 6a. About very fine.

-. Circa 225-217 BC. Semis (Bronze, 50mm, 130.41 g 12), Rome. Laureate head of Saturn to left; below, S; all on a raised disk. Rev. Prow of galley right; above, S; all on a raised disk. Crawford 35/2. Haeberlin pl. 16, 5-14. HN Italy 338. Sydenham 73. ThurlowVecchi 52. Very fine. 650





-. Circa 265-242 BC. Quadrans (Bronze, 40mm, 73.11 g), Rome. Dog walking left; in exergue, three pellets. Rev. Six-spoked wheel; within spokes, three pellets. Crawford 24/6a. Haeberlin pl. 25, 12-13. HN Italy 329. Sydenham 62. Thurlow-Vecchi 34. A nice example with an attractive brown patina. About very fine. 425


-. Circa 225-217 BC. Triens (Bronze, 45mm, 90.21 g 1), Rome. Helmeted head of Minerva to left; below, four pellets. Rev. Prow right; below, four pellets. Crawford 35/3a. Haeberlin pl. 17, 19. Sydenham 4. Thurlow-Vecchi 53. Reddish-green patina. Some scratches on the obverse, otherwise, very fine. 350


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Anonymous. 157-156 BC. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.33 g 12), Rome. Helmeted head of Roma to right; behind, X. Rev. ROMA Victory in biga to right, holding whip. Crawford 197/1a. Sydenham 376. Good very fine. 125





Ti. Veturius, 137 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 4.04 g 6), Rome. TI VET Draped bust of Mars to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, ornamented on each side with a feather or aigrette; X to left between end of crest and back of Mars’ neck. Rev. ROMA Oath-taking scene: Youth kneeling left, looking right between two soldiers, each of them holding spear in their left hands and sword in their right hands which touches a pig held by the youth. Babelon (Veturia) 1. Crawford 234/1. Sydenham 527. Good very fine. 100

C. Maianius, 153 BC. Denarius (Silver, 17mm, 3.54 g 1), Rome. Helmeted head of Roma to right; behind, X. Rev. C MAIANI / ROMA Victory driving biga right, holding reins with her left hand and whip in her right. Babelon (Maiania) 1. Crawford 203/1a. Sydenham 427. Good very fine. 125


251. 247


Safra, 150 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 4.18 g 12), Rome. Helmeted head of Roma to right; behind, X. Rev. SAFRA / ROMA Victory driving biga galloping to right, holding reins in her right hand and whip in her left. Crawford 206/1. Sydenham 388. A bright and sharply struck example with some mint luster. Extremely fine. 250

Sex. Pompeius Fostlus, 137 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 4.00 g 5), Rome. Helmeted head of Roma to right; behind, jug; below chin, X. Rev. SEX PO FOSTLVS / ROMA She-wolf standing right, head left, suckling Romulus and Remus; behind, shepherd and birds of fig tree. Babelon (Pompeia) 1a. Crawford 235/1c. Sydenham 461a. A sharp and clear example. Struck on a relatively short flan and with scratches on the obverse, otherwise, good very fine. 150

252 248



Pinarius Natta, 149 BC. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.80 g 1), Rome. Head of Roma to right, wearing winged helmet, ornamented with griffin’s head; the visor in three pieces and peaked; wearing triple-drop earring and pearl necklace, her hair arranged in three symmetrical locks; behind, X. Rev. NAT / ROMA Victory driving galloping biga right, holding reins in her left hand and whip in her right. Babelon (Pinaria) 1. Crawford 208/1. Sydenham 390. Minor metal flaws on the obverse, otherwise, good very fine. 100

M. Baebius Q.f. Tampilus, 137 BC. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 4.00 g 11), Rome. TAMPIL Helmeted head of Roma to left; before chin, X. Rev. ROMA / M BAEBI Q F Apollo driving galloping quadriga right, holding branch, bow, arrow and reins. Babelon (Baebia) 12. Crawford 236/1a. Sydenham 489. With some original mint luster. Stuck on a slightly short flan, otherwise, extremely fine. 100




C. Renius, 138 BC. Denarius (Silver, 17mm, 4.00 g 4), Rome. Head of Roma to right, wearing winged helmet, earring in form of a bunch of grapes, and pearl necklace; behind, X. Rev. C RENI / ROMA Juno Caprotina driving galloping biga of goats right, holding scepter in her left hand and whip in her right. Babelon (Renia) 1. Crawford 231/1. Sydenham 432. Good very fine. 100


Cn. Lucretius Trio, 136 BC. Denarius (Silver, 17mm, 3.95 g 1), Rome. TRIO Helmeted head of Roma to right; below chin, X. Rev. CN LVCR / ROMA Dioscuri on horseback right, each holding spear. Babelon (Lucretia) 1. Crawford 237/1a. Sydenham 450. A lustrous example. Minor marks on the obverse, otherwise, extremely fine. 150

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254. L. Antestius Gragulus, 136 BC. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 4.00 g 2), Rome. GRAG Helmeted head of Roma to right; below chin, XVI monogram. Rev. L ANTE S / ROMA Jupiter, hurling thunderbolt in his right hand and holding scepter in his left, in quadriga right. Babelon (Antestia) 9. Crawford 238/1. Sydenham 451. Good very fine. 100

Cn. Cornelius P. f. Lentulus Marcellinus, Quaestor, 76-75 BC. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.89 g 7), uncertain Spanish mint. G P R Diademed and draped bust of Genius Populi Romani to right, with a scepter over his shoulder. Rev. EX - S C / CN LEN Q Wreathed scepter, globe, and rudder. Babelon (Cornelia) 54. Crawford 393/1a. Sydenham 752. A lovely example with a beautiful iridescent toning and a few minor deposits as found. About extremely fine. 150



255. C. Aburius Geminus, 134 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.98 g 6), Rome. GEM Helmeted head of Roma to right; below chin, XVI monogram. Rev. C ABVRI / ROMA Mars driving galloping quadriga right, holding trophy, shield, reins, and spear. Babelon (Aburia) 1. Crawford 244/1. Sydenham 490. Nice and clear with a few deposits as found. Some striking flatness and slightly bent, otherwise, good very fine. 100

259. Q. Fufius Calenus and Mucius Cordus, 68 BC. Denarius (Silver, 21mm, 3.75 g 5), Rome. HO - VIRT / KALENI Jugate heads to right of Honos, laureate, and Virtus, wearing crested helmet. Rev. ITA - RO / CORDI On the left, Italia, standing to right holding cornucopiae, and, on the right, Roma, standing to left holding fasces and with her right foot on globe, clasping their right hands; to left, winged caduceus. Babelon (Fufia and Mucia) 1. Crawford 403/1. Sydenham 797. Very fine. 100




256. M. Marcius Mn.f, 134 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 4.00 g 11), Rome. Helmeted head of Roma to right; behind, modius; below chin, XVI monogram. Rev. Victory driving galloping biga right, holding whip in her right hand and reins in her left; M MARC / RO MA divided by two stalks of grain. Babelon (Marcia) 8. Crawford 245/1. Sydenham 500. A lustrous example. Extremely fine. 200


L. Aemilius Lepidus Paullus, 62 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.82 g 8), Rome. PAVLLVS LEPIDVS CONCORDIA Veiled and diademed head of Concordia to right. Rev. TER / PAVLLVS Trophy; to left, three captives (King Perseus of Macedon and his two sons) standing right; to right, Paullus standing left. Babelon (Aemilia) 10. Crawford 415/1. Sydenham 926. Attractive and toned. Banker’s mark on obverse, otherwise, very fine. 75


257 1,5:1

257. M. Aburius M.f. Geminus, 132 BC. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.97 g 7), Rome. GEM Helmeted head of Roma to right; below chin, XVI monogram. Rev. M ABVRI / ROMA Sol driving galloping quadriga to right. Babelon (Aburia) 6. Crawford 250/1. Sydenham 487. A splendid, superb piece, very well struck. Some very minor edge faults, otherwise, good extremely fine. 250




C. Piso L.f. Frugi, 61 BC. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.93 g 6), Rome. Head of Apollo to right, his hair bound with taenia; behind, two pellets. Rev. C PISO L F FRVG Horseman galloping right, holding reins and palm frond tied with fillet; above, uncertain control mark. Babelon (Calpurnia) 24. Crawford 408/1b. Sydenham 860d. A beautiful example with a most attractive iridescent toning. Good very fine. 750


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Albinus Bruti f, 48 BC. Denarius (Silver, 20mm, 3.96 g 2), Rome. PIETAS Head of Pietas to right, wearing earring and pearl necklace. Rev. ALBINVS BRVTI F Two clasped hands holding winged caduceus. Babelon (Postumia) 10. Crawford 250/2. Sydenham 942. Some striking flatness, otherwise, very fine. 75

266. A lot containing a Denarius of Brutus, a plated Denarius of Julius Caesar and a Tetradrachm of Mark Antony with Cleopatra. Good fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS.



263. Cn. Pompeius Magnus, summer 46 - spring 45 BC. Denarius (Silver, 20mm, 3.93 g 7), M. Poblicius, legatus pro praetore, Corduba. M POBLICI LEG PRO PR Helmeted head of Roma to right. Rev. CN MAG NVS IMP Hispania standing right, with shield on her back, holding two spears in her left hand and presenting large palm frond to Pompeian soldier standing left on prow, armed with sword. Babelon (Pompeia) 9, (Poblicia) 10. Cohen 1. Crawford 469/1a. RBW -. Sear Imperators 48. Sydenham 1035. Attractive and finely toned. Some striking flatness and deposits as found, otherwise, very fine. 400


267. Augustus, 27 BC-AD 14. Denarius (Silver, 3.72 g 6), Colonia Patricia, 19 BC. CAESAR AVGVSTVS Bare head of Augustus to right. Rev. SIGNIS RECEPTIS Aquila on left and standard on right flanking S P Q R arranged around shield inscribed CL V. BMC 418. Cohen 265. RIC 86a. Lovely portrait. Obverse struck slightly off-center, minor weakness at shield, otherwise, good very fine. 500


264. Julius Caesar, Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.76 g 12), Rome. L. Aemilius Buca, moneyer, January - February 44 BC. CAESAR • IM - P (crescent) M Laureate head of Julius Caesar to right. Rev. L • AEMILIV[S • BVCA] Venus Victrix standing left, holding Victory on her outstretched right hand and holding scepter in her left. Crawford 480/4. CRI 102. Sydenham 1060. Areas of flatness, otherwise, very fine. 350





268 1,5:1

-. Aureus (Gold, 20mm, 7.79 g 5), Lugdunum, 15 BC. AVGVSTVS DIVI F Bare head of Augustus to right. Rev. IMP X bull butting right, raising his left foreleg and lashing his tail. BN 1372. BMC 450. Calicó 212. RIC 166a. An honest and very attractive example. Minor edge nick at 12 o’clock, otherwise, about very fine. 2 000

265 1,5:1

Mark Antony and Octavian, Denarius (Silver, 20mm, 3.82 g 12), mint moving with Antony, under the moneyer M. Barbatius, 41 BC. M.ANT.IMP.AVG.III.VIR. R.P.C.M.BARBAT.Q.P Bare head of M. Antony to right. Rev. CAESAR.IMP.PONT.III.VIR. R.P.C. Bare head of Octavian to right. Babelon (Antonia) 51, (Barbatia) 2. Crawford 517/2. CRI 243. Sydenham 1181. Nicely toned and centered. Minor traces of corrosion and a small flan crack, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 750



-. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.77 g 12), Lugdunum, c. 2 BC-AD 4. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE Laureate head of Augustus to right. Rev. AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT / CL CAESARES Gaius and Lucius Caesares standing facing with two round shields and two spears between them; above, simpulum, on left, to right and, on right, lituus to left. BMC 519. Cohen 43. RIC 207. A nice example. Almost invisible cleaning marks, otherwise, very fine. 250

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270. Tiberius, 14-37. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.78 g 2), Lugdunum, 15-18. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS Laureate head of Tiberius to right. Rev. PONTIF MAXIM Livia (as Pax) seated right, holding scepter in her right hand and olive branch in her left. BMC 48-60. Cohen 16. RIC 30. Darkly toned. Light scuff on cheek, otherwise, extremely fine. 300

her upper body on her left elbow, head turned back, looking at a man who is making love to her; man holding the woman’s thigh with his right hand, and the woman holding the man’s arm above his elbow with her right hand; a footstool and drapery are seen under the couch, and additional drapery hanging in left background. Rev. Numeral II within circle of dots and laurel wreath. Buttrey, Spintriae 7 var. (differing numeral). Very rare. Good fine. 200 Privately purchased from H.J. Berk.



271. -. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.72 g 6), Lugdunum, 15-18. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS Laureate head of Tiberius to right. Rev. PONTIF MAXIM Livia (as Pax) seated right, holding long scepter in her right hand and olive branch in her left; plain chair legs. Cohen 16. Lyon 144. RIC 26. Good very fine. 280


275. Agrippa, died AD 12. As (Copper, 30mm, 11.55 g 6), Rome, posthumous issue struck under Caligula, 37-41. M AGRIPPA L F COS III Head of Agrippa to left, wearing rostral crown. Rev. S - C Neptune standing left, naked except for cloak hanging over right arm, behind back and over left shoulder and upper arm, holding small dolphin in his outstretched right hand and trident with his left. BN 77-97. BMC 161-168 (Tiberius). RIC 58. A lovely example with a dark brown toning. Minor cleaning marks, otherwise, good very fine. 450

272. -. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.75 g 6), Lugdunum, 15-18. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS Laureate head of Tiberius to right. Rev. PONTIF MAXIM Livia (as Pax) seated right, feet on footstool, holding spear with her right hand and branch in her left; ornate chair legs; two lines below throne. Lyon 146. RIC 28 var. (three lines below throne). RSC 16b. An attractive and sharp piece. Good very fine. 200




273. -. Aureus (Gold, 18mm, 7.48 g 7), Lugdunum, 15-18. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS Laureate head of Tiberius to right. Rev. PONTIF MAXIM Livia (as Pax) seated right on chair, holding scepter in her right hand and olive branch in her left; plain chair legs, double line below. BN 13-15. BMC 30-33. Calicó 305d. RIC 25. Metal flaw on the reverse, otherwise, good fine.

Germanicus, died AD 19. As (Copper, 29mm, 11.94 g 6), posthumous issue struck under Caligula, Rome, 37-38. GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVGVST F DIVI AVG N Bare head of Germanicus to left. Rev. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT around S C. BMC 49. BN 73. Cohen 1. RIC 35. Clear surfaces and a lovely brownish-green patina. Good very fine. 1 250

1 000



274. Anonymous, Time of Tiberius, 14-37. Tessera (Bronze, 20mm, 5.21 g 2). Woman reclining right on front of a couch, supporting

277. Gaius (Caligula), 37-41. Apamea, Bithynia. As (Bronze, 25mm, 6.53 g 11). C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT Laureate head of Caligula to left. Rev. GERMANICVS CAESAR DEC C I C / AQ PL Bare head of Germanicus to left. RPC I 2013 (6 specimens). Rare. Cleaned, otherwise, very fine. 100


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281. A lot containing two bronze coins of Britannicus from Smyrna and Domitia from Thyateira. About very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, 100 NO RETURNS.


278. Gaius (Caligula), 37-41. . Sestertius (Orichalcum, 35mm, 30.76 g 6), Rome, c. 37-38. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT Laureate head of Gaius to left. Rev. ADLOCVT / COH Bare-headed and togate Gaius standing left before the sella castrensis on a platform, haranguing five soldiers with shields and parazonia, the two rearmost pairs of soldiers carry an aquila. BMC 33. BN 45. Cohen 1. Kent-Hirmer pl. 49, 168. RIC 32. A detailed and clear example with a reddish-brown glance patina. Good very fine. 3 000


282. Claudius, 41-54. Quadrans (Bronze, 18mm, 2.75 g 7), Rome, 42. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG Modius on three legs. Rev. PON M TR P IMP P P COS II around S C. BMC 182. Cohen 72. RIC 90. Good very fine. 100


-. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.58 g 7), Rome, 50-51 (?). [TI CLAVD CA]ESAR AVG P M TR P [X] P [P IMP XVIII] Laureate head of Claudius to right. Rev. S P Q R / P P / OB C S in three lines within oak wreath. BMC -. Cohen 94. RIC 60. Rare. Nicely toned. Some corrosion and minor scratches on obverse, otherwise, very fine. 300


279. -. As (Copper, 11.5 g 8), Rome, 37-38. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT Bare head of Gaius to left. Rev. VESTA / S - C Vesta seated left on throne with ornamented back and legs, holding patera in her right hand and long scepter in her left. BMC 45-48. Cohen 27. RIC 38. An attractive and wellcentered piece with a lovely brownish-green patina. Fields slightly smoothed, otherwise, good very fine. 500

The spacing between the readable letters of the obverse legend makes the dating to 50-51 AD plausible, but not absolutely certain.

284. 280





Nero, 54-68. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 33mm, 26.49 g 6), Rome, 64. NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P IMP P P Laureate head of Nero to right, wearing aegis. Rev. S - C Triumphal arch surmounted by statue of emperor in quadriga accompanied by Pax and Victory, flanked by two soldiers; a nude, helmeted statue of Mars in side niche of arch. RIC 147. WCN 111. Pit before neck, otherwise, very fine. 300

280. Nero Claudius Drusus, died 9 BC. Aureus (Gold, 19mm, 7.74 g 6), Rome, struck under Claudius, 41-42. NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS GERMANICVS IMP Laureate head of Drusus to left. Rev. Triumphal arch surmounted by equestrian statue between two trophies; over and upon architrave, DE / GERM. BN 1. BMC 95. Calic贸 315. Cohen 1. RIC 69. A very honest coin with a most attractive reddish toning. Minor marks in left obverse field, otherwise, very fine. 3 000 From an old Swiss collection.



-. Aureus (Gold, 19mm, 7.35 g 7), Rome, 64-65. NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS Laureate head of Nero to right. Rev. IVPPITER CVSTOS Jupiter seated left, holding thunderbolt in his right hand and long scepter with his left. BN 213-219. BMC 67. Calic贸 412. RIC 52. About very fine. 1 000 From an old Swiss collection.

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289 286

286. -. As (Copper, 26mm, 10.78 g 7), Rome, 66. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG GERM Laureate head of Nero to right. Rev. S - C Victory flying left, holding shield inscribed S P Q R. BMC 246. Cohen 298. RIC 351. Very fine. 100

289. Vitellius, 69. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.41 g 6), Rome. A VITEL LIVS GERMANICVS IMP Bare head of Vitellius to right. Rev. XV VIR SACR FAC Tripod with covered vessel; below, raven standing right; above, dolphin to right. BMC 3. Cohen 115. RIC 70. Struck on a slightly short flan, otherwise, good very fine. 500




Vespasian, 69-79. Seleucis and Pieria, Syria. Antioch. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24mm, 13.29 g 1), 70-71. [AYTOKPATOP KAICAP] CEBACTOC OVECΠACIANOC Laureate head of Vespasian to right. Rev. [ETOYC] NEOY IEPOY Γ Eagle standing left on club, with wings displayed, holding wreath in beak; to left, palm frond. Prieur 136. Nicely toned. Minor obverse scuffs, otherwise, good very fine. 100



287. -. Sestertius (Bronze, 35mm, 25.71 g 6), Rome, 67. IMP NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P XIII P P Laureate head of Nero to right. Rev. S - C / ROMA Helmeted Roma seated left on cuirass, holding a long scepter in her right hand and resting her left arm on a shield set at her side. BMC 114. BN 427. Cohen 285. RIC 356. An attractive and well struck coin with a dark green patina and a good portrait. Good very fine. 4 500

291. -. Quadrans (Orichalcum, 17mm, 2.26 g 6), Rome, 71. IMP VESPASIAN AVG Palm tree. Rev. PON M TR P P P COS III / S - C Hand holding scales. BMC -. BN -. Cohen -. RIC2 - (cf. 347 with different obverse). With a lovely old toning. Extremely rare. Apparently unlisted and possibly unique. Extremely fine. 150 From an old English collection.

From the Mazzini Collection, I, pl. LIII, 285.

292 288



Galba, 68-69. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 35mm, 25.71 g 7), Rome, struck c. August-October 68. IMP SER SVLP GALBA CAES AVG TR P Laureate and draped bust of Galba to right. Rev. LIBERTAS PVBLICA / S - C Libertas standing left, holding pileus in her right hand and long scepter with her left. BMC 71. BN 147-150. Cohen 130. RIC 309. Reverse details slightly strengthened, otherwise, very fine. 200

-. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 34mm, 23.49 g 6), Rome, 71. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M TR P P P COS III Laureate head of Vespasian to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVGVSTI / S C Victory standing right, left foot set on helmet, writing on shield; in right field, mourning Judea seated beneath palm tree. BMC 582. BN 560. Cohen 625. RIC 468. Very rare and with a lovely toning. Some metal flaws, otherwise, very fine. 500


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293. Domitian, as Caesar, 69-81. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.29 g 7), Ephesus, 71. DOMITIANVS CAESAR AVG Bare-headed and cuirassed bust of Domitian to right, wearing aegis. Rev. AVG and mint mark EPE within oak wreath. Cohen 22. RIC 1445 (Vespasian). RPC 846. A lovely and particularly nice example of this fascinating series. Extremely fine. 2 750


297. -. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.41 g 6), Rome, 93-94. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P XIII Laureate head of Domitian to right. Rev. IMP XXII COS XVI CENS P P P Minerva standing left, holding thunderbolt in her right hand and spear with her left; shield at her side. RIC² 763. Lustrous. Extremely fine. 200

298 294

294. Julia Titi, Augusta, 79-90/1. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 31mm, 21.98 g 7), struck under her father Titus, 80-81. DIVAE IVLIAE AVG DIVI TITI F / S P Q R Carpentum drawn by two mules to right. Rev. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XVI CENS PER P P around large S C. BMC 472. Cohen 9. RIC 760. Rare. About very fine. 350

298. -. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.30 g 6), Rome, 94. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P XIII Laureate head of Domitian to right. Rev. IMP XXII COS XVI CENS P P P Minerva standing right on capital of rostral column, holding spear in her right hand and shield in her left; to right, owl. RIC² 767. Good very fine. 125


295. Domitian, 81-96. Parium (?), Mysia. Bronze (24mm, 7.24 g 12). IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM Laureate head of Domitian to right. Rev. IMP XXII COS XVI AVGVSTVS Capricorn with cornucopiae to right. RPC II 888 (5 specimens). Rare. Reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, very fine. 100 The attribution to Parium is uncertain.


299. Divus Augustus, died 14. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 33mm, 24.58 g 6), posthumous issue under Nerva, Rome, 98. DIVVS AVGVSTVS Laureate head of Augustus to right. Rev. IMP NERVA CAESAR AVGVSTVS REST around S C. BMC 149. Cohen 570. RIC 136. Rare. Struck on a broad flan and with a nice brownish-green patina. Fields very gently smoothed, otherwise, good very fine. 2 750 Ex Sternberg XXXIII, 18 September 1997, 246.



-. Philippopolis, Thrace. Pentassarion (Bronze, 35mm, 25.11 g 7), 88-89. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XIIII CENS PER P P Laureate head of Domitian to right. Rev. ΦIΛΙΠΠOΠOΛEITΩN Tyche standing to left, holding patera in her right hand and grain ears in her left; to left, river god Hebrus reclining to right, holding reed in his left hand, reed behind him. RPC II 351. Minor smoothing, otherwise, very fine. 350 Under Domitian, Philippopolis issued a series of bi-lingual bronzes, an unusual and interesting phenomenon likely connected to Domitian’s Dacian wars in 85-89 AD.


300. Trajan, 98-117. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.15 g 6), Rome, 101-102. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM Laureate head of Trajan to right, wearing slight drapery on left shoulder. Rev. P M TR P COS IIII P P Victory standing right on prow, holding palm frond with her left hand and wreath in her outstretched right. BMC 106. Cohen 241var. (different bust type). RIC 59. Good very fine. 120

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301. -. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.35 g 7), Rome, 114-117. IMP CAES NER TRAIAN OPTIM AVG GER DAC PARTHICO Laureate and draped bust of Trajan to right. Rev. P M TR P COS VI P P S P Q R Helmeted Virtus standing right, holding spear in her right hand and parazonium in her left. Cohen 272. RIC 353. Good very fine. 100 1,5:1




302. Hadrian, 117-138. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 29mm, 25.92 g 6), Rome, 134-138. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P Laureate and draped bust of Hadrian to right. Rev. MA-VRET-ANIA / S C Mauretania standing left, wearing short tunic, holding, in her right hand, the bridle of a horse standing left with its right leg raised, and, in her left hand, holding two spears. Banti 533. BMC 1763. Cohen 957. RIC 859. An attractive piece with a fine, dark brown-green patina. Some traces of smoothing, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 1 500

-. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 31mm, 27.53 g 12), Rome, the late 140s-150s. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P Laureate and bearded head of Antoninus Pius to right. Rev. COS III[I] / S - C Antoninus Pius standing left, wearing military dress, paludamentum and a radiate nimbus, holding a laurel branch in his right hand and a spear in his left. Banti 116. BMC 1667. Cohen 318. RIC 765. A splendid example of a perfectly struck sestertius with an excellent portrait and a fine brown patina. Extremely fine. 4 000 From a collection in Switzerland.

From a Swiss collection, acquired from UBS prior to 2007.


303. Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Philippopolis, Thrace. Assarion (Bronze, 18mm, 4.13 g 6). ΑVΤ AI AΔΡΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝOC Bare head of Antoninus Pius to right. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ Dionysos standing left, holding thyrsos and pouring wine out of kantharos. Varbanov 725. Extremely fine. 100



-. Philippopolis, Thrace. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 29mm, 20.64 g 1), Gargilius Antiquus, governor, c. 161. AΥT AI AΔΡIA ANTΩNEINOC Laureate head of Antoninus Pius to right. Rev. HΓE ΓAΡΓIΛI ANTIKOΥ ΦIΛIΠΠOΠOΛEITΩN The river god Hebros reclining left on rocks, holding poppy and grain ears in his right hand. Varbanov 690. Some corrosion, otherwise, very fine.



304. -. Aureus (Gold, 19mm, 7.08 g 6), Rome, 139. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P Bare head of Antoninus Pius to right. Rev. TR POT COS II Pietas, veiled, standing left, holding incense box in her left hand and raising her right over altar. BMC 108. Calicó 1643. Cohen 862. RIC 53. An attractive example. Insignificant marks on obverse, otherwise, very fine. 3 500 From the A.M. Huntington Collection, Numismatica Ars Classica 67, 17 October 2012, 328 and long on loan at the American Numismatic Society (HSA 22193).


307. -. Philippopolis, Thrace. Assarion (Bronze, 19mm, 4.25 g 1). ΑΥΤ ΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟ Laureate head of Antoninus Pius to right. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ Homonoia standing to left, holding phiale and cornucopiae; to left, altar. Varbanov 768. Nearly extremely fine. 100


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Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Denarius (Silver, 17mm, 3.32 g 6), Rome, 145-161. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P Laureate head of Antoninus Pius to right. Rev. COS IIII Thunderbolt on draped throne. BMC 536. Cohen 345. RIC 137. A bright, lustrous example of exceptional quality. Virtually as struck. 450 From an English collection.


312. Marcus Aurelius, 161-180. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 32mm, 22.58 g 11), Rome, 161. AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG PII F Bare head of Marcus Aurelius to right, wearing slight drapery on left shoulder. Rev. TR POT XV COS III / S - C Marcus Aurelius standing left in slow quadriga, holding eagle-tipped scepter. BMC -. Cohen -. RIC 1360b. Dark green patina. Very fine. 200




309. Diva Faustina Senior, died 140/1. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 33mm, 29.47 g 6), Rome, 141. DIVA AVGVSTA FAVSTINA Diademed and draped bust of Faustina Senior to right. Rev. PIETAS AVG / S - C Pietas standing left, dropping incense on candelabrum with her right hand and holding box of perfumes with her left. Banti 85 (this coin). BMC 1442 (Antoninus Pius). Cohen 249. RIC 1146A. A lovely example with a dark green patina. Well centered and struck on a broad flan. Good very fine. 1 500

-. As (Copper, 26mm, 11.54 g 12), Rome, 175. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXIX Laureate head of Marcus Aurelius to right. Rev. CONCORD EXERC IMP VII COS III / S - C clasped hands holding legionary eagle. BMC 1495. Cohen 60. RIC 1123. With a beautiful dark green patina. Light corrosion on the reverse, otherwise, very fine. 500 Privately purchased from SKA Bern.

From the late George Bauer Collection, Glendining, 23 January 1963, 1291.


314. 310

310. Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, 139-161. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 29mm, 24.74 g 12), Rome. A ’proto–contorniate’ with edges 100 hammered and geared in antiquity. Good fine.

Faustina Junior, Augusta, 147-175. Philippopolis, Thrace. Triassarion (Bronze, 26mm, 9.27 g 7). ΦΑΥCTEINA CEBACTH Draped bust of Faustina to right. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙTΩΝ Demeter standing left, holding two grain ears in her right hand and long torch with her left. Varbanov 880. Good very fine. 150

315 311

311. -. Philippopolis, Thrace. Diassarion (Bronze, 25mm, 10.46 g 1), later 150s. Μ ΑVΡΗΛΙΟC ΟVΗΡΟC ΚΑΙCΑΡ Bare head of Marcus Aurelius to right, with neat beard. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ Apollo, nude, standing left, holding a phiale in his right hand and his bow in his left. Varbanov 805. With an elegant portrait. Good very fine. 150

315. Diva Faustina Junior, died 175/6. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 31mm, 24.06 g 12), Rome, 176-180. DIVA FAVSTINA PIA Draped bust of Faustina to right. Rev. AETERNITAS / S - C Aeternitas, veiled, standing left, holding phoenix on globe in her right hand and resting her left elbow on a short column. BMC 1565. Cohen 7. RIC 1693. Brownish-green patina. Struck from a worn reverse die, otherwise, very fine. 100

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Commodus, 177-192. Alexandria Troas, Troas. Bronze (24mm, 7.96 g 6). COMMODO CAE AV GER Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Commodus to right. Rev. COL AVG TROAD Apollo Smintheus standing to right on basis. Bellinger A188. 100 Very fine.



320. -. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 30mm, 15.87 g 12), Caecilius Servilianus, governor, c. 191-192. AΥT K MAP AΥ KOMOΔOC Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Commodus to right, seen from behind. Rev. HΓE KAI CEΡOΥEIΛINOΥ ΦIΛ/EΠΠOΠOΛ/ EITΩN (sic!) The river god Hebros reclining left, holding branch and resting on inverted vase from which water flows; to left, reed. Varbanov 942. Good very fine. 150


-. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 33mm, 25.12 g 6), Rome, 181. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Commodus to right. Rev. PROV DEO TR P VI IMP IIII COS III P P / S - C Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe in her right hand and long scepter with her left. Banti 343 (this coin). BMC 462. Cohen 627. RIC 312. Struck on a broad flan. Well centered and with a lovely brownish-green 1 250 patina. Good very fine.


321. Septimius Severus, 193-211. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.54 g 11), Laodicea ad Mare, 197. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP VIII Laureate head of Septimius Severus to right. Rev. PROVIDEN TIA AVG Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and scepter. Cohen 592. RIC 491a. A lovely example. Slightly rough surfaces, otherwise, extremely fine. 100

Ex Münzen und Medaillen Deutschland 4, 1999, 333 and from the Mazzini Collection, 626.




-. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 30mm, 24.15 g 11), Rome, 192. L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL Laureate head of Commodus to right. Rev. P M TR P XVII IMP VIII COS VII P P / S C At center, Commodus, togate, standing 3/4 facing to left, clasping right hands over a low altar with Serapis, draped and wearing a polos, standing right; behind him, Isis standing right holding a sistrum; at the right, Victory standing left and crowning the emperor. Banti 328. BMC 707. Cohen 592. RIC 614a. A rare type 500 with a dark patina. Good very fine. From a Czech collection, sold by Karel Chaura, Prague (1869-1945).


-. Denarius (Silver, 20mm, 2.92 g 6), Rome, 209. SEVERVS PIVS AVG Laureate head of Septimius Severus to right. Rev. P M TR P XVIII COS III P P Neptune standing left, leaning on raised right leg set on rocks and holding trident in left hand. BMC 3. Cohen 529. RIC 228. Good very fine. 100



-. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.61 g 1), Rome, 210/211. SEVERVS PIVS AVG BRIT Laureate head of Septimius Severus to right. Rev. VICTORIAE BRIT Victory seated left on shield, balancing shield set on knee and holding palm. BMC 61-62. Cohen 731. RIC 335. Good very fine. 100


-. Philippopolis, Thrace. Diasssarion (Bronze, 23mm, 9.26 g 6). ΑΥ KAI ΜΑP ΑΥ ΚOΜOΔO/С (the C retrograde) Laureate head of Commodus to right. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ Demeter, veiled, standing left, holding torch in her left arm and ears of corn in her right hand; before her, altar. RPC 7542. Beautiful green patina. Nearly extremely fine. 200




-. Philippopolis, Thrace. Assarion (Bronze, 20mm, 4.87 g 1). AV KAI CE CEVHPOC Laureate head of Septimius Severus to right. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ Dionysos standing front, head turned to left, holding long scepter in left hand and grape in right. Good very fine. 100


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329. 325

325. Septimius Severus, 193-211. Antiochia, Pisidia. Sestertius (Bronze, 34mm, 26.46 g 6). IMP CAES L SEP SEVERVS PER AVG Laureate head of Septimius Severus to right. Rev. COL CAES ANTIOCH / S R Mên standing to right, with foot on bucranium, holding scepter and Nike; cock to left. SNG France 1104. SNG von Aulock 4924. Very fine. 100

Caracalla, as Caesar, 196-198. Philippopolis, Thrace. Assarion (Bronze, 20mm, 4.00 g 7). M AV KAI ANTΩNЄINOC Bareheaded and draped bust of Caracalla to right. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟ ΛΕΙΤΩΝ Draped bust of Artemis to right, before, branch. Varbanov 1589. Rare and with a charming reverse. Good very fine. 100


330. 326

326. -. Philippopolis, Thrace. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 29mm, 16.99 g 6). AVT KA CEΠT CEVHPOC Π Laureate head of Septimius Severus to right. Rev. MHT ΦΙΛΙΠ/ΠΟΠOΛΕ/ΩC Athena seated left, feeding serpent entwined around tree from phiale; behind her, owl sitting on shield. Pecunem Auction 15, 2014, 330 (same dies). Varbanov -. Very rare. Beautiful Aurichalcum highlights and with a wonderful reverse composition. Good very fine. 200

Caracalla, 198-217. Perinthos, Thrace. Pentassarion (Bronze, 34mm, 28.50 g 1), 214. AVT K M AVP CEOΥHΡ ANTΩNINOC AVT Radiate head of Caracalla to right. Rev. ΠEΡINΘIΩN / NEΩKOΡΩ/N galley under sail to right. Schönert 576. Varbanov 257. Rare. Green glance patina. Very fine. 300 This coin is very likely connected to the Caracalla's slow travel to the east in 214-215 during which he spent some time in Thrace visiting several cities. From Perinthos, the emperor and his entourage ferried over to Asia to visit Ilion and Pergamon.


331. 327

327. Julia Domna, Augusta, 193-217. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.02 g 12), Rome, 211-217. IVLIA AVGVSTA Draped bust of Julia Domna to right. Rev. PVDICITIA Pudicitia seated left on throne, head facing, holding scepter with her left hand. BMC 72-73. Cohen 170. RIC 575. Well centered and finely toned. Good very fine. 100

-. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.35 g 12), Rome, 213. ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AVG Laureate head of Caracalla to right. Rev. MARTI PROPVGNATORI Mars advancing left, holding a spear in his right hand and a trophy with his left. BMC 60-61. Cohen 151. RIC 235. A clear example. Minor striking flatness on the reverse, otherwise, good very fine. 100

332 328

328. -. Antoninianus (Silver, 25mm, 4.76 g 7), Rome, 216. IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG Diademed and draped bust of Julia Domna set on crescent to right. Rev. VENVS GENETRIX Venus seated left on throne, with outstretched right hand, holding scepter in her left. BMC 22. Cohen 211. RIC 388A. A beautifully toned piece struck on a broad flan. Extremely fine. 100

332. -. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 32mm, 27.14 g 12), Rome, 214-217. M AVREL ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla to right. Rev. PROVIDENTIAE DEO RVM / S - C Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe in her right hand and long scepter with her left. Banti 106. BMC 271. Cohen 537. Hill 1413 (Septimius Severus). RIC 572a. A most attractive example with a dark brownish-green patina. Minor double strike on the reverse, otherwise, good very fine. 2 000

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337 333


-. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.32 g 12), Laodicea ad Mare, 203. P SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES Bare-headed and draped bust of Geta to right. Rev. MARTI VICTORI Helmeted Mars advancing right, holding a spear in his right hand and a trophy over his left shoulder. Cohen 76. RIC 103. A beautiful piece with an excellent portrait and original luster. Extremely fine. 200


A lot containing 4 silver coins. Julia Domna. Denarius (19 mm, 3.10 g, 6), Rome. RIC 581; Caracalla. Denarius (20 mm, 3.50 g, 2), Rome. RIC 213; Severus Alexander. Denarius (19 mm, 2.96 g, 12), Rome. RIC 139; Gordian III. Denarius (19 mm, 3.38 g, 7), Rome. RIC 131. Very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS 200

Ex New York Sale XIV, 10 January 2007, 339.


338. 334


Plautilla, Augusta, 202-205. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.41 g 12), Rome. PLAVTILLA AVGVSTA Draped bust of Plautilla to right, her hair in horizontal waves and tied up at the back. Rev. VENVS VICTRIX Venus, bare to her waist, standing left, holding an apple in her right hand and a palm branch with her left and resting her left elbow on a shield; at her feet to left, Cupid. BMC 429. Cohen 25. Hill 661. RIC 369. A sharp and clear example. Extremely fine.

Julia Maesa, Augusta, 218-224/5. Denarius (Silver, 20mm, 3.61 g 12), Rome, struck under Elagabalus, 218-220. IVLIA MAESA AVG Draped bust of Julia Maesa to right, her hair bound up at the back. Rev. IVNO Juno, veiled, standing left, holding a long scepter in her left hand and a patera in her right. Cohen 15. RIC 254. A very elegant and expressive portrait. Minor metal flaws on the reverse, otherwise, good very fine. 150


339 335


Geta, as Caesar, 198-209. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.16 g 6), Rome, 200-202. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta to right. Rev. SECVRIT IMPERII Securitas seated left, holding globe in her right hand and resting her left arm on chair. Cohen 183. RIC 20b. A clear and sharply struck example. Good very fine. 200


Elagabalus, 218-222. Philippopolis, Thrace. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 30mm, 17.15 g 8). AVT K M AVPHΛ ANTΩNEINOC Laureate head of Elagabalus to right. Rev. MHTPOΠOΛΩC ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠOΛΕ/ΩC NEΩKO/POY To left, naked and helmeted warrior standing to right, holding spear and wearing chlamys over left shoulder, clasping hands with naked and helmeted warrior standing left, holding shield in left arm. Varbanov 1464. Very rare. Flan crack and reverse lightly double struck, otherwise, good very fine. 200




-. Denarius (Silver, 18mm, 3.36 g 12), Rome, 200-202. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT Bare-headed and draped bust of Geta to right. Rev. PRINC IVVENTVTIS Geta standing left, holding baton in his right hand and scepter in his left; to right, trophy. Cohen 157. RIC 18. Very fine. 100


-. Denarius (Silver, 19mm, 3.31 g 7), Rome, 219. IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus to right. Rev. MARS VICTOR Helmeted Mars advancing right, holding spear with his right hand and trophy with his left. BMC 21. Cohen 113var. (different bust type). RIC 123. Attractively toned and sharply struck. Good very fine. 100


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341. Elagabalus, 218-222. Denarius (Silver, 20mm, 3.57 g 12), Rome, 220-222. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Laureate and draped bust of Elagabalus to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVG Victory advancing left between two shields, holding open wreath with both hands; in field to right, star. BMC 236. Cohen 300. RIC 161. Sharp and clear. Reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, extremely fine. 100


345. -. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 30mm, 21.63 g 12), Rome, 230. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG Laureate head of Severus Alexander to right, wearing slight drapery on left shoulder. Rev. P M TR P VIII COS III P P Radiate Sol standing left, raising his right hand and holding globe in his left. Banti 96. BMC 634. Cohen 393. RIC 503. Very sharp and clear. A particularly nice example with a beautiful dark green patina. Extremely fine. 200


342. Aquilia Severa, Augusta, 220-221 & 221-222. Denarius (Silver, 20mm, 2.81 g 7), Rome, struck under Elagabalus. IVLIA AQVILIA SEVERA AVG Draped bust of Aquilia Severa to right, her hair waved and fastened in queue at back. Rev. CONCORDIA Concordia standing front, head turned to left, holding patera in her right hand and cornucopiae with her left; in field to right, star. BMC 335. Cohen 2. RIC 226. Slightly rough surfaces, otherwise, good very fine. 250



Pupienus, 238. Sestertius (Bronze, 31mm, 20.06 g 12), Rome. IMP CAES M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Pupienus to right. Rev. PAX PVBLICA / S C Pax seated left on throne, holding branch in her outstretched right hand and scepter with her left. Banti 6. BMC 48-49. Cohen 23. RIC 22a. Attractive reddish-brown patina. Fields slightly smoothed, otherwise, very fine. 250


343. Severus Alexander, 222-235. As (Copper, 25mm, 11.75 g 2), Rome, 222-231. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG Laureate head of Severus Alexander to right, wearing slight drapery on left shoulder. Rev. LIBERALITAS AVGVSTI IIII / S C Severus Alexander seated left on platform, behind him, lictor standing; in front, Liberalitas standing left, holding counting board in her right hand and cornucopiae with her left; citizen mounting steps. BMC 567. Cohen 140. RIC 579. A rare type. Some corrosion, otherwise, good fine. 150



Gordian III, as Caesar, 238. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 30mm, 20.91 g 1), Rome, April-July 238. M ANT GORDIANVS CAES Bare-headed and draped bust of Gordian Caesar to right. Rev. PIETAS AVGG / S C Augur’s wand, sacrificial knife, patera, sacrificial jug, simpulum and sprinkler. Banti 59. BMC 64. Cohen 183. RIC 3. Nicely toned and with an elegant portrait of the young emperor. Good very fine. 750





-. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 30mm, 16.93 g 12), Rome, 228. IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG Laureate head of Severus Alexander to right, wearing slight drapery on left shoulder. Rev. P M TR P VII COS II P P / S - C Virtus standing left, his right foot set on prow, holding spear with his right hand and parazonium in his left. Banti 77. BMC 515. Cohen 344. RIC 477. An honest coin with a very attractive brown patina. Very fine. 150

Gordian III, 238-244. Antoninianus (Silver, 21mm, 4.49 g 12), Antioch, 238-239. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III to right. Rev. PAX AVGVSTI Pax standing left, holding olive branch in her right hand and transverse spear in her left. RIC 189a. An attractive example. Die break in the obverse legend, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 250

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349 353

349. -. Caesaraea-Eusebia, Cappadocia. Tridrachm (Silver, 26mm, 7.49 g 12), 240-241. AV KAI M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC CЄ Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III to right. Rev. MHTPO KAIC B N / ЄT Δ (date) Mt. Argaeus surmounted by wreath; to right, countermark of a turreted bust of Tyche to right within rectangular indent. Bland, 39. For c/m: Howgego 849. A particularly attractive example. Extremely fine. 450

353. Trajan Decius, 249-251. Sestertius (Orichalcum, 32mm, 18.36 g 12), Rome. IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Trajan Decius to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVG / S - C Victory advancing left, holding wreath in her right hand and palm frond with her left. Cohen 117. RIC 126d. An honest example with a particularly powerful portrait. Struck on a somewhat irregular flan, otherwise, good very fine.


Ex SKA List 5, 1972, 156.

350 354

350. -. Antoninianus (Silver, 18mm, 4.09 g 12), Rome, 241-243. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III to right. Rev. P M TR P V COS II P P Gordian III, in military dress, standing right, holding spear in his right hand and globe in his left. Cohen 266. RIC 93. Clear and well centered. Extremely fine. 75

354. Gallienus, 253-268. Antoninianus (Billon, 20mm, 2.93 g 1), Rome, 265. GALLIENVS AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Gallienus to right. Rev. FORTVNA REDVX / ç Fortuna standing left, holding rudder set on globe with her right hand and cornucopiae with her left. Göbl 586w. RIC 193. A lovely piece with much of its original silvering. Extremely fine. 100


351. Philip I, 244-249. Antoninianus (Silver, 23mm, 4.06 g 1), Rome, 244-247. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I to right. Rev. ANNONA AVGG Annona standing left, holding grain ears over modius in her right hand and cornucopiae with her left. Cohen 25. RIC 28c. Lustrous and sharp. Extremely fine. 100


352. Philip II, as Caesar, 244-247. Antoninianus (Silver, 23mm, 5.17 g 8), Rome. M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip II to right. Rev. PRINCIPI IVVENT Philip, wearing military dress, standing right, holding spear with his right hand and globe in his left. Cohen 54. RIC 216c. Sharply struck and well centered. Slightly rought surfaces, otherwise, good very fine. 120



A lot containing 4 silver coins. Gallienus. Antoninianus (21 mm, 2.36 g, 12), Cologne. Göbl 874l; Gallienus. Antoninianus (22 mm, 3.43 g, 12), Cologne. Göbl 871q; Gallienus. Antoninianus (20 mm, 3.20 g, 6), Samosata. Göbl 1676m; Aurelian. Antoninianus (23 mm, 3.84 g, 6), Ticinum. RIC 151. Good very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 200


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360. 356

356. Postumus, 260-269. Double Sestertius (Bronze, 34mm, 19.61 g 6), Cologne, 261. IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. P M TR P COS II P P Helmeted Postumus standing right, in military dress, holding globe in his right hand and spear in his left. Bastien 63l. Cohen 246. Elmer 213. RIC 106. Struck on a broad flan. Minor striking flatness, otherwise, very fine. 200

Claudius II Gothicus, 268-270. Antoninianus (Billon, 21mm, 3.10 g 11), Rome, 268-269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Claudius II to right. Rev. SPES PVBLICA Spes walking left, holding flower in her right hand and raising hem of her dress with her left. Normanby 613. RIC temp 212. RIC 102. Much silvering. Very fine. 100


361. A lot containing two Follis of Divus Claudius Gothicus and Divus Maximianus. Very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO 100 RETURNS.


357. -. Antoninianus (Silver, 20mm, 3.58 g 1), Cologne, 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. P M TR P VIIII COS IIII P P Bow, club and Roman quiver. AGK (corr.) -. Cunetio 2448. Elmer -. RIC -. A nice example of a very rare type. Attractively toned. Very fine.



362. Aurelian, 270-275. Antoninianus (Billon, 23mm, 3.95 g 6), Serdica, 274-275. IMP AVRELIANVS P F AVG Radiate, cuirassed bust of Aurelian to right. Rev. RESTITVT ORBIS / * / KA A Female figure standing right, presenting wreath to the emperor standing left, outstretching his right hand and holding a scepter in his left. BN 1034. RIC 297 var. (different legend). RIC temp 2736. A lovely example with a dark toning. Nearly extremely fine. 75


358. -. Antoninianus (Silver, 20mm, 3.26 g 12), Cologne, 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right. Rev. RESTITVTOR GALLIAR Postumus standing left, holding scepter with his left hand, stepping on captive kneeling before him, and raising kneeling Gallia with his right, wearing mural crown. AGK (corr.) 74. Cunetio 2452. Elmer 587. RIC 82. Rare. Nicely toned. Very fine. 400



Probus, 276-282. Antoninianus (Bronze, 22mm, 4.51 g 12), Siscia. IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Probus to right. Rev. CONSERVAT AVG / XXIIII Sol standing front, head turned to left, holding globe in his left hand and raising his right. Cohen 179. RIC 671. Sharply struck and with a nice old toning. Extremely fine. 100 Ex J. Elsen 98, 13 December 2008, 416.


359. Marius, 269. Antoninianus (Bronze, 19mm, 3.14 g 1), Cologne. IMP C MARIVS P F AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Marius to right. Rev. SAEC FELICITAS Felicitas standing front, her head turned to left, holding caduceus in her right hand and cornucopiae with her left. AGK (corr.) 4b. Elmer 634. RIC 10. Sharply struck and with a beautiful light brown toning. Obverse struck with a slightly worn die, otherwise, extremely fine. 400



-. Antoninianus (Bronze, 24mm, 3.62 g 12), Lugdunum, 281. IMP C PROBVS P F AVG Radiate and cuirassed bust of Probus to right. Rev. COMITI PROBI AVG / I Minerva standing facing, her head turned left, holding olive branch, spear and shield set on ground. Cohen 106. RIC 69. Struck on a large flan. Good very fine. 100

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Diocletian, 284-305. Follis (Billon, 27mm, 13.01 g 6), Treveri, c. 301-305. IMP DIOCLETIANVS AVG Laureate and cuirassed bust of Diocletian to right. Rev. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI / S K / PTR Genius, naked but for cloak and wearing mural crown, holding patera in his right hand and cornucopiae with his left. RIC VI, 582a. An excellent example struck on a particularly heavy flan. Extremely fine. 100


-. Follis (Billon, 29mm, 8.26 g 6), Lugdunum, c. 301-303. CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES Laureate and cuirassed bust of Constantius to left, holding club over his right shoulder. Rev. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI / A / PLC Genius, naked but for cloak and wearing mural crown, holding patera over altar in his right hand and cornucopiae with his left. RIC VI, 147. Very rare. Minor striking flatness on the reverse, otherwise, good very fine. 250



-. Follis (Billon, 27mm, 9.54 g 6), Ticinum, c. 296-297. IMP C DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG Laureate head of Diocletian to right. Rev. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI / * / PT Genius, naked but for cloak and wearing mural crown, holding patera in his right hand and cornucopiae with his left. RIC VI, 31a. Sharply struck and of particularly nice style. Extremely fine. 100



-. Follis (Billon, 29mm, 11.19 g 6), Treveri, c. 303-305. CONSTANTIVS NOB C Laureate and draped bust of Constantius to right. Rev. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI / S - F / PTR Genius, naked but for cloak and wearing mural crown, holding patera in his right hand and cornucopiae with his left. RIC VI, 601. Well centered and struck on a very broad flan. Good very fine. 75



Maximianus, first reign, 286-305. Follis (Billon, 30mm, 9.82 g 6), Lugdunum, c. 301-303. IMP C MAXIMIANVS AVG Laureate and cuirassed bust of Maximianus to left, holding scepter over his right shoulder and shield with his left. Rev. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI / A / PLC Genius, naked but for cloak and wearing mural crown, holding patera over altar in his right hand and cornucopiae with his left. RIC VI, 86b. Very rare. A particularly well preserved example with much silvering. Well centered and struck on a broad flan. Good very fine. 200



Galerius, as Caesar, 293-305. Follis (Billon, 27mm, 9.47 g 7), Treveri, c. 303-305. MAXIMIANVS NOBIL C Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Galerius to right. Rev. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI / S - F / PTR Genius, naked but for cloak and wearing mural crown, holding patera in his right hand and cornucopiae with his left. RIC VI, 595b. Nearly fully silvered. Extremely fine.





Constantius I, as Caesar, 293-305. Follis (Bronze, 29mm, 8.88 g 6), Cyzicus, 297. FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES Laureate head of Constantius to right. Rev. GENIO AVGG ET CAESARVM NN / KB Genius, nude but for cloak, standing facing, his head turned left, holding wreath in his right hand and cornucopiae with his left. RIC 11a. Traces of original silvering. Good very fine. 75


Constantine I, 307/310-337. Follis (Billon, 19mm, 3.78 g 11), Cyzicus, 317-320. IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG Laureate bust of Constantine to left, wearing imperial mantle, holding mappa in his right hand, scepter and globe in his left. Rev. IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG / wreath - B / SMK Jupiter, nude, standing left, holding Victory in his right hand and long scepter in his left. RIC VII, 8. Nearly fully silvered. Good very fine. 50


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Constantine I, 307/310-337. Follis (Bronze, 19mm, 2.99 g 12), Sirmium, 324. CONSTANTINVS AVG Laureate head of Constantine to right. Rev. SARMATIA DEVICTA / SIRM Victory advancing to right, holding trophy in her right hand and palm branch in her left, treading on bound captive to right. RIC VII, 48. A well struck and historical coin. Extremely fine. 75



-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.51 g 12), Antioch, 364-367. D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG Rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Valentinian to right. Rev. RESTITVTOR REIPVBLICAE / ANTS Emperor standing facing in military dress, his head turned to right, holding labarum inscribed with Christogram in his right hand and Victory on globe in his left; in field to left, Christogram. Cohen 28. Depeyrot 19/1. RIC IX, 2b. About very fine. 150



Constans, 337-350. Follis (Bronze, 18mm, 2.57 g 6), Siscia, 348-350. D N CONSTANS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Constans to right. Rev. FEL TEMP REPARATIO / ΓSIS* Phoenix standing right upon rocky mound. RIC VIII, 199. An excellent example of this type with a lovely dark green patina. Extremely fine. 100



Valens, 364-378. Siliqua (Silver, 18mm, 1.75 g 6), Constantinople, 364-367. D N VALENS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Valens to right. Rev. VOT V within wreath; below, *C.Γ. RIC 13f. A nice and finely toned example. Some metal flaws on the reverse, otherwise, nearly very fine. 125



Constantius II, 337-361. Solidus (Gold, 22mm, 4.44 g 6), Antioch, 355-361. D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG Pearldiademed head of Constantius to right. Rev. GLORIA REI PVBLICAE / ANT Γ Roma and Constantinopolis enthroned supporting between them a wreath inscribed VOT / XXXX; Constantinopolis holding scepter in her left hand and resting her right foot on prow and Roma holding spear in her left. Cohen 126. Depeyrot 12/1. RIC 172. A lovely example struck on a broad flan. Insignificant die flaw on the reverse, otherwise, about extremely fine. 800



Flavius Victor, 387-388. Siliqua (Silver, 15mm, 1.37 g 12), Aquileia. D N FL VICTOR P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Flavius Victor to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM / AQPS Victory advancing left, holding wreath in her right hand and palm frond with her right. Cohen 4. RIC 53b. Rare. Short flan crack at 1 o’clock and slightly rough surfaces, otherwise, very fine. 250

380 376


Valentinian I, 364-375. Solidus (Gold, 22mm, 4.33 g 6), Antioch, struck 364. D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG Rosette- diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Valentinian to right. Rev. RESTITVTOR REIPVBLICAE / *ANTΔ* Valentinian standing facing, his head turned to right, holding labarum with his right hand and Victory on globe in his left; in field to left, cross. Depeyrot 20/1. RIC IX, 2b. Minor marks, otherwise, very fine. 350


Honorius, 393-423. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.51 g 6), Ravenna, 402-406. D N HONORIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Honorius to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVGGG / R - V / CONOB (sic!) Honorius standing right, with his left foot set on captive, holding labarum in his right hand and crowning Victory on globe. RIC X, 1287 var. (COMOB). Rare variant. A very attractive example with a few minor deposits on the reverse. Light scratches in the left obverse field, otherwise, good very fine.


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1,5:1 381





381. Theodosius II, 402-450. Miliarense (Silver, 22mm, 4.23 g 12), Constantinople, 402-408. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Theodosius to left. Rev. GLORIA ROMANORVM / CON Nimbate and armored emperor standing facing, his head turned to left, holding globus in his left hand and raising his right in salute; to left, star. RIC X, 370. Nicely toned but with some black deposits on the obverse. Good 2 500 extremely fine. From a European collection formed prior to 2011.

-. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.50 g 7), Constantinople, struck 430-440. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust of Theodosius facing slightly right, holding spear over his right shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy. Rev. VOT XXX MVLT XXXXΓ / CONOB Helmeted Constantinopolis seated left on throne, foot on prow, holding globus cruciger in her right hand and long scepter with her left; shield at her side; in field to right, star. Depeyrot 81/1. RIC X, 257. A lovely example. Lustrous and well struck. Minor die flaws on the obverse, otherwise, extremely fine. 800

382 385

382. -. Tremissis (Gold, 14mm, 1.50 g 6), Constantinople, 408-420. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Theodosius II to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM / CONOB Victory walking right, her head turned left, holding wreath in her right hand and globus cruciger in her left; in field to right, star. Depeyrot 70/1. RIC X, 213. A lovely and well-centered example struck on a broad flan. Good very fine. 250

385. -. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.26 g 6), Constantinople, 430-440. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust of Theodosius facing slightly right, holding spear over his right shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy. Rev. VOT XXX MVLT XXXX Γ / CONOB Constantinopolis seated left on throne, holding globus cruciger in her right hand and long scepter with her left; her left foot set on prow; round shield to lower right. Depeyrot 81/1. RIC X, 257. Holed and probably removed from mounting, otherwise, very fine.




386 383

383. -. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.50 g 6), Thessalonica, 424/5-430. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust of Theodosius facing slightly right, holding spear over his right shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy. Rev. GLOR ORVIS TERRAR / TESOB Theodosius standing facing, holding labarum in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left; in field to left, star. Depeyrot 51/1. RIC X, 365. A particularly beautiful example. About extremely fine. 750 Privately purchased from UBS prior to 2000.

386. -. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.49 g 6), Constantinople, 441-450. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust of Theodosius facing slightly right, holding spear over his right shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy. Rev. IMP XXXXII COS XVII P P / COMOB Helmeted Constantinopolis seated left on throne, foot on prow, holding globus cruciger in her right hand and long scepter with her left; shield at her side; in field to left, star. Depeyrot 84/1. RIC X, 301 var. (5 points omitted after COS). Rare. Good very fine. 800


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GEPIDS 387 391

387. Theodosius II, 402-450. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.47 g 6), Constan tinople, 441-450. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust of Theodosius facing slightly right, holding spear over his right shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy. Rev. IMP XXXXII COS XVII P P / CONOB Constantinopolis seated left on throne, holding globus cruciger in her outstretched right hand and scepter with her left; her left foot set on prow; in field to left, star. Depeyrot 84/1. RIC X, 321. Attractive and well struck. Good very fine. 350

391. In the name of Anastasius I, c. 491-504. Quarter Siliqua (Silver, 14mm, 0.97 g 6), Sirmium. D N ANASTASIVS P P AVG Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Anastasius to right, but of highly barbaric style. Rev. M INVIT + A ROMAO Monogram of Theoderic; above, cross and beneath, star. Demo 69 ff. Attractively toned. Good very fine. 100



388. -. Solidus (Gold, 19mm, 3.72 g 6), Constantinople, 441-450. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust of Theodosius facing slightly right, holding spear over his right shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy. Rev. IMP XXXXII COS XVII P P / COMOB Helmeted Constantinopolis seated left on throne, holding globus cruciger in her left hand, her left foot set on prow; shield at side of seat; in field to left, star. Depeyrot 84/1. RIC X, 321. A few marks, otherwise, very fine. 200


392. A Lot containing a Follis of Constantine I and a Half Siliqua of Justinian I. About very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO 100 RETURNS.

393 389

389. Leo I, 457-474. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.43 g 6), Constantinople, c. 462 or 466. D N LEO PERPET AVG Helmeted, diademed and cuirassed bust of Leo facing, holding a spear with his right hand over his right shoulder and with a shield over his left embellished with horseman attacking a fallen foe. Rev. VICTORIA AVGGG I / CONOB Victory standing left, holding long jeweled cross; in field to right, star. Depeyrot 93/1. RIC X, 605. Minor metal flaw on obverse, otherwise, good very fine. 400

393. Anastasius I, 491-518. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.08 g 6), Constantinople, 507-518. D N ANASTASIVS P P AVC Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Anastasius three quarter facing to right, holding spear in his right hand and with shield over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCCI / CONOB Angel standing left, holding long, rho-topped cross; in field to left, star. DOC 7j. MIB 7. SB 5. Graffitos on both sides, otherwise, about very fine.






Majorian, 457-461. Tremissis (Gold, 11x13mm, 1.35 g 6), Ravenna, 458-461. D N IVLIVS MAIORIAN[VS P F AVG] Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Majorian to right. Rev. COMOB Cross within wreath. Cohen 15. Lacam 36. RIC X, 2640. Very rare. Insignificant scuff on head and clipped, otherwise, very fine. 500

-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.47 g 7), Constantinople, 507-518. D N ANASTASIVS P P AVC Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Anastasius three quarter facing to right, holding spear in his right hand and with shield over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCCΔ / CONOB Angel standing left, holding long, rhotopped cross; to left, star. DOC 7b. SB 5. Good very fine. 200

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Justin I, 518-527. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.49 g 7), Constantinople. D N IVSTINVS PP AVC Helmeted, diademed and cuirassed bust of Justin I three quarter facing, turned slightly to the right, holding spear in his right hand and with a shield over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCC Δ / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding long cross in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left; in right field, star. DOC 2. SB 56. Bold double strike, otherwise, extremely fine. 200

-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.47 g 6), Thessalonica, 562-565. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVI Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian facing, holding cross on globe in his upraised right hand and with a shield bearing a horseman over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCC / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding long cross topped with Ρ in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left; in field to right, star. DOC -. SB 173. Extremely fine. 300

400 396


-. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.46 g 6), Constantinople. D N IVSTINVS P P AVC Helmeted, diademed and cuirassed bust of Justin I three quarter facing, turned slightly to the right, holding spear in his right hand and with a shield over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCC S / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding long cross in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left; in right field, star. DOC 2. SB 56. Areas of flatness, otherwise, very fine. 100


-. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.37 g), Thessalonica, 562-565. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVI Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian facing, holding cross on globe in his upraised right hand and with a shield bearing a horseman over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCC / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding long cross topped with Ρ in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left; in field to right, star. DOC -. SB 173. Very minor clipping, otherwise, very fine. 200

401 397


Justinian I, 527-565. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.38 g 6), Constantinople, 527-537. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian facing slightly right, holding spear in his right hand and shield. Rev. VICTORIA AVGGG ç / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger in left hand and long cross in right; in field to right, star. DOC 3f. MIB 5. SB 137. Flan slightly bent, otherwise, about very fine. 100


-. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.48 g 7), Thessalonica, 562-565. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVI Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian facing, holding cross on globe in his upraised right hand and with a shield bearing a horseman over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCCI / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding long cross topped with Ρ in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left; to right, star. DOC -. SB 173. Very fine. 200



-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 3.71 g 6), light weight issue of 20 Siliquae, Constantinople, 545-565. D N IVSTINIANVS P P [AVI] Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian facing, holding globus cruciger in his right hand, shield decorated with horseman motif in his left. Rev. VICTO[RIA AVC]CCI / OB XX Angel standing facing, holding long cross in right hand and globe in left; to right, star. DOC 10. SB 142. Rare. Clipped. Weakly struck, otherwise, very fine. 100



-. Follis (Bronze, 39mm, 23.11 g 7), Nicomedia, RY 15 (541/2). D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian facing, holding globus cruciger and shield; in field to right, cross. Rev. Large M; above, cross; below, A; A/N/N/O X/Ч across fields; in exergue, NIKO. DOC 120. SB 201. Beautiful green patina. Nearly extremely fine. 150


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Justin II, 565-578. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.40 g 6), Constantinople. D N IVSTINVS P P AVI Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justin facing, holding Victory on globe in his upraised right hand and with a shield bearing a horseman over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCCA / CONOB Constantinopolis seated facing, head turned to right, holding spear in her right hand and globus cruciger in her left. DOC 4. SB 345. Flan flaw and scuff on obverse, otherwise, good very fine. 100



-. Solidus (Gold, 22mm, 4.33 g 6), Constantinople. D N IVSTINVS P P [AVI] Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justin facing, holding Victory on globe in his upraised right hand and with a shield bearing a horseman over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORI[A AVCCC] E / CONOB Constantinopolis seated facing, head turned to right, holding spear in her right hand and globus cruciger in her left. DOC 4. SB 345. Very minor clipping. Areas of flatness and some encrustations, otherwise, good very fine. 200



-. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.49 g 6), Constantinople. D N IVSTINVS P P AVI Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justin facing, holding Victory on globe in his upraised right hand and with a shield bearing a horseman over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCC I / CONOB Constantinopolis seated facing, head turned to right, holding spear in her right hand and globus cruciger in her left. DOC 4. SB 345. Areas of flatness, otherwise, very fine. 200



-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.49 g 6), Constantinople. D N IVSTINVS P P AVI Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justin facing, holding Victory on globe in his upraised right hand and with a shield bearing a horseman over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCCB Constantinopolis seated facing, head turned to right, holding spear in her right hand and globus cruciger in her left. DOC 4b. SB 345. Reverse partially double struck, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 100

405 409


-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.50 g 7), Constantinople. D N IVSTINVS P P AVI Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justin facing, holding Victory on globe in his upraised right hand and with a shield bearing a horseman over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORI[A AV]CCC Z / CONOB Constantinopolis seated facing, head turned to right, holding spear in her right hand and globus cruciger in her left. DOC 4. SB 345. Areas of flatness and minor nicks, otherwise, good very fine. 200


-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.51 g 6), Constantinople. D N IVSTINVS P P AVI Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justin facing, holding Victory on globe in his upraised right hand and with a shield bearing a horseman over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCCI / CONOB Constantinopolis seated facing, head turned to right, holding spear in her right hand and globus cruciger in her left. DOC 4. SB 345. Areas of flatness, otherwise, very fine. 100

406 410


-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.42 g 7), Constantinople. D N IVSTINVS P P AVI Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justin facing, holding Victory on globe in his upraised right hand and with a shield bearing a horseman over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCC H / CONOB Constantinopolis seated facing, head turned to right, holding spear in her right hand and globus cruciger in her left. DOC 4. SB 345. Struck on a large flan. Extremely fine. 200


Tiberius II Constantine, 578-582. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.51 g 6), Constantinople. d m TIb CONS-TANT PP AVG Crowned bust of Tiberius facing, holding globus cruciger and shield. Rev. VICTORI-A AVGG H / CONOB Cross potent on four steps. DOC 4. SB 422. Somewhat weakly struck, otherwise, about extremely fine. 150

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-. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.29 g 6), Constantinople. d M TIb CONS-TANT P P AVI Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Tiberius facing, holding globus cruciger and shield. Rev. VICTORI-A AVCCE / CONOB Cross potent on four steps. DOC 4. SB 422. Minor clipping, otherwise, good very fine. 200



-. Solidus (Gold, 22mm, 4.43 g 7), Constantinople. d N mAVRC TIb P P AVI Draped and cuirassed bust of Maurice facing, wearing diademed and plumed helmet and holding globus cruciger in his right hand. Rev. VICTORIA AVCC Z/ CONOB Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger in his left hand and long, christogram-topped cross in his right. DOC 5. SB 478. Areas of flatness, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 200



-. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.12 g), light weight issue of 22 siliquae, Constantinople. D n Tib CONSTANT P P AVI Crowned bust of Tiberius facing, holding globus cruciger and shield. Rev. VICTORIA AVCCΘ / OB+* Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger; star to right. DOC -. SB 423. Very rare. Clipped and with a minor metal flaw, otherwise, good very fine. 150



-. Solidus (Gold, 22mm, 4.39 g 6), Constantinople. d N mAVRC TIb P P AVI Draped and cuirassed bust of Maurice facing, wearing diademed and plumed helmet and holding globus cruciger in his right hand. Rev. VICTORIA AVCC S / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger in his left hand and long, christogram-topped cross in his right. DOC 5. SB 478. Areas of flatness, otherwise, very fine. 200

417 413


-. Follis (Bronze, 39mm, 15.22 g 7), Constantinople, RY 5 (578/9). m TIb CONSTANT P P AVI Crowned bust of Tiberius facing, wearing consular robes, holding mappa and scepter topped by eagle supporting cross. Rev. Large M; above, cross; ANNO Ч across fields; CONA. DOC 11. SB 430. Pleasant green patina. Good very fine. 150


-. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 3.59 g 6), Constantinople. d N mAVRC TIb P P AVI Draped and cuirassed bust of Maurice facing, wearing diademed and plumed helmet and holding globus cruciger in his right hand. Rev. VICTORIA AVCC Γ / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger in his left hand and long, christogram-topped cross in his right. DOC 5. SB 478. Clipped, otherwise, very fine. 100




Maurice Tiberius, 582-602. Solidus (Gold, 23mm, 4.45 g 6), Constantinople. d N mAVRC TIb P P AVI Draped and cuirassed bust of Maurice facing, wearing diademed and plumed helmet and holding globus cruciger in his right hand. Rev. VICTORIA AVCC H / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger in his left hand and long, christogram-topped cross in his right. DOC 5. SB 478. Extremely fine. 350


-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.28 g 7), light weight Solidus of 23 Siliquae, Theoupolis (Antioch). d N mAVRC TIb P P AVG Draped and cuirassed bust of Maurice facing, wearing diademed and plumed helmet and holding globus cruciger in his right hand; to right, star. Rev. VICTORIA AVCC H / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger in his left hand and long, christogram-topped cross in his right. DOC 151. SB 528. Areas of flatness, otherwise, good very fine. 200


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419 423


Maurice Tiberius, 582-602. Solidus (Gold, 17mm, 4.56 g 6), Carthage, IY A (597/8). D N mAVRIC TIЬ P P AV AN A helmeted and cuirassed bust of Maurice facing, wearing chlamys, holding globus cruciger in his right hand. Rev. VICTORI–A AVCC Δ / CONOB angel standing facing, holding staff surmounted by staurogram in right hand, globus cruciger in left. DOC 230. SB 549. Scarce. Struck from slightly worn dies, otherwise, good very fine. 300 The dating on this coin follows the indiction cicle, an imperial tax that was adjusted every 15 years. With Justinian’s edict of 537 requiring a regnal or indictional year on every official document, the indictional system became a common dating practice and was frequently used as a calendar especially in the western provinces.


-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.23 g 6), light weight solidus of 23 siliquae, Constantinople, 603-607. d N FOCAS PERP AVI Draped and cuirassed bust of Phocas facing, wearing crown and holding globus cruciger in his right hand. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG I / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by staurogram in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left. DOC 5. SB 618. Minor striking flatness, otherwise, extremely fine. 500




Phocas, 602-610. Solidus (Gold, 22mm, 4.34 g 7), Constantinople. d N FOCAS PERP AVC Draped and cuirassed bust of Phocas facing, wearing crown and holding a globus cruciger in his right hand. Rev. VICTORIA AVCC S / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger in his left hand and long, christogram-topped cross in his right. DOC 5. SB 618. Both sides slightly double struck, otherwise, extremely fine. 200


-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.46 g 7), Constantinople, 603-607. d N FOCAS PERP AVG Draped and cuirassed bust of Phocas facing, wearing crown and holding globus cruciger in his right hand. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG I / N / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by staurogram in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left. DOC 6var. (different officina). SB 619. Some striking flatness, otherwise, extremely fine. 500

425 421


-. Solidus (Gold, 22mm, 4.27 g 7), light weight solidus of 23 siliquae, Constantinople. d N FOCAS PERP AVC Draped and cuirassed bust of Phocas facing, wearing crown and holding a globus cruciger in his right hand. Rev. VICTORIA AVGV Θ / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding staff surmounted by Christogram and globus cruciger. DOC 7. SB 624. Scuff on forehead and flan slightly bent, otherwise, extremely fine. 350


Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine, 610-641. Solidus (Gold, 23mm, 4.41 g 6), Constantinople. dd NN hERACLIVS ET hERA CONST P P AV Crowned and draped facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine; cross above. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY E / CONOB Cross potent on three steps. DOC 13. SB 738. Areas of flatness, otherwise, good very fine. 150 Ex Auction K. Kress 150, 22 June 1970, 911.



-. Solidus (Gold, 22mm, 4.25 g 7), light weight solidus of 23 siliquae, Constantinople. d N FOCAS PERP AVC Draped and cuirassed bust of Phocas facing, wearing crown and holding a globus cruciger in his right hand. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY Z / CONOB Angel standing facing, holding globus cruciger in his left hand and long, christogram-topped cross in his right. DOC 7. SB 624. Very fine. 200



-. Solidus (Gold, 22mm, 4.40 g 6), Constantinople. dd NN hERACLIVS ET hERA CON[ST P P AV] Crowned and draped facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine; cross above. Rev. VICTORIA [AV]GY Θ / CONOB Cross potent on three steps. DOC 8. SB 739. Areas of flatness, otherwise, extremely fine. 150

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Heraclius Constantine facing, wearing simple crown; cross in field above. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY E / CONOB Cross potent on base and three steps. DOC 14. SB 739. Reverse graffito and areas of flatness, otherwise, very fine. 200 427

427. -. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.50 g 7), Constantinople. dd NN hERACLIVS ET hERA CONST P P AV Crowned and draped facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine; cross above. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY Γ / CONOB Cross potent on three steps. DOC 8. SB 739. Area of flatness on obverse, otherwise, extremely fine. 150



432. Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas, 610-641. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.29 g 6), Constantinople, 639-641. Heraclonas, wearing cap with cross above, and Heraclius and Heraclius, both wearing crowns with crosses, standing facing, all holding globus crucigers in their right hands. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY B / CONOB Cross potent on base and three steps; to left, Heraclian monogram. DOC 43. SB 761. Good very fine. 200

428. -. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.48 g 7), Constantinople. dd NN hERACLIVS ET hERA CONST P P AV Crowned and draped facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine; cross above. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY E / CONOB Cross potent on three steps. DOC 14. SB 739. Minor scratches on obverse, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 200




429. -. Solidus (Gold, 22mm, 4.46 g 7), Constantinople. dd NN hERACLIUS ET hERA CONST PP AV Draped, and cuirassed busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine facing, wearing simple crown; cross in field above. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY E / CONOB Cross potent on base and three steps. DOC 14. SB 739. Insignificant scratches on reverse, otherwise, extremely fine. 200

-. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.37 g 7), Constantinople, IY 12 (638/9). Heraclonas, wearing cap with cross above, and Heraclius and Heraclius, both wearing crowns with crosses, standing facing, all holding globus crucigers in their right hands. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY S / CONOB Cross potent on base and three steps; to left, Heraclian monogram; to right, monogram of IB. DOC 42. SB 768. Somewhat double struck and scratch on both sides, otherwise, good very fine. 200


434. 430

430. -. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.36 g 7), Constantinople. dd NN hERACLIUS ET hERA CONST PP AV Draped, and cuirassed busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine facing, wearing simple crown; cross in field above. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY E / CONOB Cross potent on base and three steps. DOC 14. SB 739. Minor reverse graffito, otherwise, very fine. 200

-. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.47 g 7), Constantinople, 639-641. Heraclonas, wearing cap with cross above, and Heraclius and Heraclius, both wearing crowns with crosses, standing facing, all holding globus crucigers in their right hands. Rev. VICTORIA AVGV E / CONOB Cross potent on base and three steps; to left, Heraclian monogram. DOC 43. SB 769. About extremely fine.



435. 431

431. -. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.45 g 6). dd NN hERACLIUS ET hERA CONST PP AV Draped, and cuirassed busts of Heraclius and

Heraclius, 610-641. Tremissis (Gold, 17mm, 1.40 g 6), Constantinople. [d N hERACLI]VS T PP AVG Diademed, draped, and cuirassed bustof Heraclius to right. Rev. VICTORIA AYGY S / CONOB Cross potent. DOC 54. SB 787. Good very fine. 150 Ex Bankhaus Nickelmann, December 1970, 14.


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436 440

436. Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine, 610-641. Solidus (Gold, 13mm, 4.44 g 6), Carthage, IΔ / IE (625/6 - 626/7). D N ERACLIO ET ET CON PPIΔ Crowned, draped, and cuirassed facing busts of Heraclius, with short beard, and Heraclius Constantine, beardless; cross above. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG IE / CONOB Cross potent on two steps. DOC -. SB 867. Good very fine. 325

440. -. Solidus (Gold, 19mm, 4.46 g 6), Constantinople, 650-651. d N CONSTANTINYS P P AV Crowned and draped facing bust of Constans, holding globus cruciger. Rev. VICTORIA – AVGY S Cross potent set on three steps. DOC 17. SB 954. Wavy flan and scratch across obverse, otherwise, very fine. 100

This is a mule of two different years; the obverse is from 625/6 and the reverse from 626/7.


441. 437

437. -. Solidus (Gold, 12mm, 4.39 g 6), Carthage, IY 2 (627/8). D N ERACLIO ET ET CON PPIB Crowned, draped, and cuirassed facing busts of Heraclius, with short beard, and Heraclius Constantine, beardless; cross above. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG B / CONOB Cross potent on two steps. DOC 218. SB 867. Good very fine. 275

Constans II, with Constantine IV, 641-668. Solidus (Gold, 19mm, 4.39 g 6), Constantinople. d N CONStAN tINЧS C CONStANI Crowned and draped facing busts of Constans, wearing long beard, and Constantine; cross above. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY B / CONOBI Cross potent set on three steps. DOC 26. SB 960. Graffito on reverse, otherwise, good very fine.



442. 438

438 1,5:1

438. Constans II, 641-668. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.35 g 6), Constantinople, 641-646. d N CONSTAN-TINYS P P AV Crowned and draped bust of Constans facing, holding globus cruciger. Rev. VICTORIA - AVGYI / CONOB Cross potent set on three steps. DOC 1. SB 938. Obverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, extremely fine. 350


439. -. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.25 g 6), Constantinople, IY 5 (646/7). d N CONSTANTINUS P P AV Crowned bust of Constans facing, wearing chlamys and holding globus cruciger; slight beard indicated by row of dots. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY B/ CONOB / E cross potent on three steps. DOC 5. SB 942. Nearly extremely fine. 500

442 1,5:1

Constans II, with Constantine IV, Heraclius, and Tiberius, 641-668. Solidus (Gold, 19mm, 4.47 g 6), Constantinople, 659-661. D N CONSTANIT Facing busts of Constans II, large and with long beard, and Constantine IV, smaller and beardless, both wearing crowns with cross and Constans with a plume above; between them, cross. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY H / CONOB Long cross on globus between facing standing figures of Heraclius on left and Tiberius, smaller, on right, both beardless. Both wearing chlamys and holding globus cruciger in their right hands. DOC 28f. SB 962. A lustrous and particularly well struck example. Minor marks and metal flaws on the reverse, otherwise, extremely fine. 500 Ex SKA Zürich FPL, May 1991, 83.


443. -. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.33 g 7), Constantinople, 661-663. [d N CONS]TANS Facing busts of Constans II, large and with long beard, and Constantine IV, smaller and beardless, both wearing crowns with cross and Constans with a plume above; between them, cross. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY E / CONOB Cross potent on base and three steps between standing facing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius, each holding globus cruciger. DOC 30. SB 964. Minor clipping, otherwise, extremely fine. 250

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449 444


-. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.34 g), Constantinople, 661-663. d N CONSTANS Facing busts of Constans II, large and with long beard, and Constantine IV, smaller and beardless, both wearing crowns with cross and Constans with a plume above; between them, cross. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY I / CONOB Cross potent on base and three steps between standing facing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius, each holding globus cruciger. DOC 30. SB 964. Minor clipping, otherwise, nearly extremely fine. 200


-. Solidus (Gold, 11mm, 4.46 g 5), Carthage, IY 1 (642/3). D N CONSTANTI Crowned and draped bust of Constans facing, holding globus cruciger. Rev. VICTO AVGY A (?) / CONOB Cross potent on three steps. DOC 108. SB 1029. Good very fine.






-. Solidus (Gold, 18mm, 4.44 g 7), Constantinople, 661-663. [d N CONST]AN Facing busts of Constans II, large and with long beard, and Constantine IV, smaller and beardless, both wearing crowns with cross and Constans with a plume above; between them, cross. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY H / CONOB Cross potent on base and three steps between standing facing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius, each holding globus cruciger. DOC 30. SB 964. Areas of flatness, otherwise, about extremely fine. 200

Constans II, with Constantine IV, 641-668. Solidus (Gold, 11mm, 4.43 g 6), Carthage. D N CONT AP Draped facing busts of Constans II, bearded and holding globus cruciger, and Constantine IV, beardless, each wearing crown topped with cross. Rev. VICTOR... / CONOB / P Cross potent on three steps. DOC 108. SB 1030. Extremely fine. 400 The somewhat short flan makes the reading of the reverse legend and hence the dating impossible.




Constans II, 641-668. Solidus (Gold, 10mm, 4.49 g 6), Carthage, IY 3 (644/5). D N CONSTANTINVS P P A Crowned and draped bust of Constans facing, holding globus cruciger. Rev. VICTORI AVGY ΔΓ / CONOB / Θ Cross potent on three steps. DOC 111. SB 1033. Good very fine. 350


Constans II, 641-668. Solidus (Gold, 19mm, 4.29 g 6), light weight solidus of 23 siliquae, Constantinople, 651-654. d N CONSTANTNYS P P AY Facing bust of Constans with long beard, wearing crown and chlamys and holding globus cruciger. Rev. VICTORIA – AVGY Θ / CONOB Cross potent on three 200 steps; to right, star. DOC 22. SB 977. Good very fine.



-. Solidus (Gold, 10mm, 4.36 g 6), Carthage, IY 3 (644/5). D N CONSTANT... Crowned and draped bust of Constans facing, holding globus cruciger. Rev. VICTO AVGY ΔΓ / CONOB Cross 300 potent on three steps. DOC 107. SB 1029. Good very fine.



Constans II, with Constantine IV, 641-668. Solidus (Gold, 12mm, 4.45 g 6), Carthage, IY 15 (656/7). D N CONT AP Draped facing busts of Constans II, bearded and holding globus cruciger, and Constantine IV, beardless, each wearing crown topped with cross. Rev. VICTORIA .. IE Cross potent on three steps. DOC 119. SB 1039. Good very fine. 350

453 448


-. Solidus (Gold, 10mm, 4.41 g 6), Carthage, IY 1 (642/3). D N CONSTANTINV Crowned and draped bust of Constans facing, holding globus cruciger. Rev. VICTO AVG A / CONOB Cross potent on three steps. DOC 108. SB 1029. Very fine. 300


-. Solidus (Gold, 11mm, 4.41 g 6), Carthage, IE 3 (659/60). D N CONT [AP] Draped facing busts of Constans II, bearded and holding globus cruciger, and Constantine IV, beardless, each wearing crown topped with cross. Rev. VICTOR AVG Γ / CONOB Cross potent on three steps. DOC 118. SB 1039. Very fine. 275


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454 459

454. Constans II, 641-668. Solidus (Gold, 10mm, 4.30 g 6), Carthage. [D N CONT] A[P] (or similar) Draped facing busts of Constans II, bearded and holding globus cruciger, and Constantine IV, beardless, each wearing crown topped with cross. Rev. VIC... / CONO[B] Cross potent on three steps; to left, star. Cf. DOC 118. SB 1039. Short flan, otherwise, very fine. 275

459. Constantine IV Pogonatus, with Heraclius and Tiberius, 668-685. Solidus (Gold, 15mm, 4.34 g 5), Carthage, IY 10 (681/2). DON ZVGG Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Constantine facing, holding spear and shield. Rev. I / ONB Cross potent set on three steps; at sides, Heraclius and Tiberius standing facing, each holding globus cruciger. DOC 47. SB 1189. Struck from a worn obverse die, otherwise, good very fine. 250


455. -. Solidus (Gold, 11mm, 4.38 g 6), Carthage, 659-668. [...]AN COVP Draped facing busts of Constans II, bearded and holding globus cruciger, and Constantine IV, beardless, each wearing crown topped with cross. Rev. Facing busts of Heraclius and Tiberius each wearing crown and chlamys; between them, cross potent on two steps. DOC 126. SB 1044. Extremely fine. 400



-. Solidus (Gold, 15mm, 4.33 g 6), Carthage (or Sardinia?), IY 10 (679/80). D N TN COVSP (or similar) Helmeted and cuirassed facing bust, holding spear and shield. Rev. CONOB / H / S (retrograde) Cross potent set on three steps; at sides, Heraclius and Tiberius standing facing, each holding globus cruciger. DOC -. SB 1189A. Struck from a worn obverse die, otherwise, extremely fine.


For a discussion of the mint of this issue, see Sincona Auction 3 (2011), 3354.



Constantine IV Pogonatus, with Heraclius and Tiberius, 668-685. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.34 g 7), Constantinople, 681-685. d N COS N Y P P Helmeted bust of Constantine facing slightly right, holding spear and shield; helmet with crest and plume. Rev. VICTO A ... YL / CONOB Cross potent set on three steps; Heraclius and Tiberius, each holding long cross, standing facing on either side. DOC 10c. SB 1156. Some scratches and marks, otherwise, very fine. 250




-. Solidus (Gold, 19mm, 4.45 g 7), Constantinople, 674-681. d N COI t NySP Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Constantine facing slightly to right, with short beard, holding spear over shoulder and shield; helmet with crest and plume. Rev. VICTOA AVSU A / CONOB cross potent on three steps flanked by Heraclius and Tiberius, both wearing crown and chlamys, holding globus cruciger. DOC 10. SB 1156. Extremely fine. 300


458. Constantine IV Pogonatus, 668-685. Tremissis (Gold, 17mm, 1.44 g 6), Constantinople. D N CONSTANS P P A Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantine to right. Rev. VICTORIA AVGYS / CONOB Cross potent on base. DOC 17. SB 1162. Areas of flatness, otherwise, good very fine. 100


461. -. Solidus (Gold, 14mm, 4.17 g 6), Carthage, IY 9 (680/1). DON ZVGG Helmeted and cuirassed bust of Constantine facing, holding spear and shield. Rev. Θ / NOB Cross potent set on three steps; at sides, Heraclius and Tiberius standing facing, each holding globus cruciger. DOC 46. SB 1189. Good very fine. 200



Justinian II, first reign, 685-695. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.49 g 6), Constantinople, 692-695. IhS CRISTDS REX [REGNANT] IuM Draped bust of Christ facing, with long hair and full beard, raising right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in his left; behind head, cross. Rev. D IuSTINIANuS SERu [ChRISTI Γ / CONOP] Justinian II, crowned, bearded and wearing loros, standing facing, holding cross potent on base and two steps in his right hand and akakia in his left. DOC 7c. SB 1248. Minor striking weakness, otherwise, extremely fine. 2 500 This coin bears the first numismatic portrait of Christ, and it remains one of the finest ever made. It shows Christ Pantocrator and was copied from a representation found in the Imperial Palace that was itself based on the head of the Zeus of Phidias from Olympia. The decision to place Christ on the coinage was a momentous one: until this point the Moslem Arab conquerors of the Byzantine East and Africa had been content to use Byzantine solidi as their sole gold coinage. The appearance of a bust of Christ, however, was unacceptable to them and led to the introduction of a new, national coinage, first with a ‘standing Caliph’, based on the figure of Justinian II, in 693/4 and then the non-figural epigraphic dinars that began in 696/7 (A.H. 77).

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463 1,5:1

463. Tiberius III (Apsimar), 698-705. Solidus (Gold, 19mm, 4.45 g 6), Constantinople. d TIbERIY S PE AV Crowned and cuirassed bust of Tiberius III facing, holding spear in his right hand and with shield over his left shoulder. Rev. VICTORIA AVGY A / CONOB Cross potent on base and three steps. DOC 1b. SB 1360. Well struck. Extremely fine. 750

467. -. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 3.91 g 7), Syracuse. [CONSTAN L]EON Facing busts of Constantine V on left and Leo IV on right, each wearing crown and chlamys; in field above, cross. Rev. [G N O L]EON P A M Y Facing bust of Leo III, wearing crown and loros and holding cross potent. DOC 15c. SB 1565. Extremely fine. 350




464. -. Tremissis (Gold, 16mm, 1.40 g 6), Constantinople. [D TIbERI]VS PE AV Crowned and cuirassed bust of Tiberius facing, holding spear and shield with horseman motif. Rev. [VICT]ORIA AVGVS / CONOB Cross potent. DOC 4. SB 1363. Extremely fine. 300




Leo V the Armenian, with Constantine, 813-820. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.40 g 6), Constantinople. LE – ON bASILEY’ Facing bust of Leo, wearing crown with cross on circlet and chlamys, holding cross potent on base and akakia. Rev. CONSt – ANt DESP’S Facing bust of Constantine, wearing crown with cross and loros, holding globus cruciger and akakia. DO 2. SB 1627. Rare. Good very fine. 2 000


Justinian II, with Tiberius, second reign, 705-711. Solidus (Gold, 16mm, 1.43 g 6), Constantinople, 705-708. [N IhS ChS] REX REGNANTIM Draped bust of Christ facing, with short beard and cross behind, right hand raised in benediction and left holding book of Gospels. Rev. N ISTINIAS T TIBRIS P P A’ To left, half-length crowned and draped figure of Justinian facing; to right, half-length crowned and draped figure of Tiberius; both hold a cross potent on base and two steps between them. DOC 2. SB 1415. Obverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, good extremely fine. 450


469 1,5:1

469. Basil I the Macedonian, with Constantine, 867-886. Solidus (Gold, 19mm, 4.40 g 6), Constantinople, 868-879. + IhS XPS REX REGNANTIVM * Christ, nimbate, seated facing, wearing chiton, raising hand in benediction and holding book of gospels. Rev. bASILIOS ET CONSTANT´ AVGG´ b´ Crowned facing busts of Basil, with short beard and loros, and Constantine, beardless and wearing chlamys, holding patriarchal cross between them. DOC 2. SB 1704. Extremely fine. 650





Constantine V Copronymus, with Leo IV, 741-775. Solidus (Gold, 21mm, 4.44 g 6), Constantinople, 737-741. N CONSTANINYS Crowned facing bust of Constantine, wearing chlamys and holding akakia and cross potent. Rev. G LEON P A MYL Crowned facing bust of Leo IV, wearing chlamys and holding akakia and cross potent. DOC 1. SB 1550. Areas of flatness, otherwise, good very fine. 450

-. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.36 g 6), Constantinople. IhS XPS REX REGNANTIUM* Christ seated facing on lyre-backed throne, wearing nimbus cruciger, tunic and himation, right raised in blessing, Gospels in left. Rev. bASILIOS ET COnSTAnT AUGG b’ Facing crowned busts of Basil I, with short beard in loros (on left), and Constantine, beardless in chlamys, both holding a long patriarchal cross between them. DOC 2. SB 1704. Very fine. 300


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enthroned facing, with crossed nimbus, raising right hand in blessing and holding book of Gospels. Rev. ΘCE bOHΘ RWmAnW Romanus on left, wearing loros, standing facing and holding globus cruciger; on right, Virgin Mary, veiled and nimbate, standing facing and crowning the Emperor with her right 650 hand. DOC 1. SB 1819. Well centered. Extremely fine.



Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, with Romanus I, 913-959. Solidus (Gold, 20mm, 4.38 g 7), Constantinople, circa 945-959. + IhS XPS REX REGNANTIUM + Facing bust of Christ with crossed nimbus, raising right hand in blessing and holding book of Gospels in left hand. Rev. CONSTANT’ CE ROMAN’ AUGG b R Facing busts of Constantine VII and Romanus II, both crowned and wearing respectively, loros and chlamys and holding between them long patriarchal cross. DOC 15. SB 1751. Good very fine.




-. Solidus (Gold, 19mm, 4.41 g 7), Constantinople, 945-959. +IhS XPS REX REG NANTIY M Facing bust of Christ Pantocrator, wearing tunic, himation and a cross nimbus with three pellets in the arms, raising right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in his left. Rev. COnSTAnT CE ROmAn AUgg bR’ Crowned facing busts of Constantine VII, bearded and wearing loros on the left, and Romanus II, beardless and wearing chlamys on the right; both holding, between them with their right hands, a long patriarchal cross. DOC 15. SB 1751. Very fine. 150



-. Histamenon (Gold, 23mm, 4.39 g 7), Constantinople. +IhS XIS REX REGNANTIhM Christ, nimbate, enthroned facing, raising right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in left. Rev. ΘCE bOHΘ’ RωMAnω / MΘ Romanus on left, crowned and wearing loros, standing facing and holding globus cruciger; on right, Virgin, veiled, standing facing and crowning the Emperor with her right hand. DO 1. SB 1820. Good fine. 150



Michael IV the Paphlagonian, 1034-1041. Histamenon (Gold, 23mm, 4.45 g), Constantinople. + IhS XIS RЄX RЄςNANTIhM Bust of Christ facing, wearing cross nimbus, his right hand raised in blessing, and holding book with his left. Rev. + IXAHL bASILS R Crowned bust of Michael IV facing, wearing loros and holding cross on globe in his right hand and labarum with his left. DOC 1. SB 1824. Good very fine. 150


473. Lot of 3 Miliaresia of Leo V with Constantinus, Constantinus VII and Romanus I and Nicephorus II. One example pierced. Very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 100







Romanus III Argyrus, 1028-1034. Histamenon (Gold, 24mm, 4.41 g 7), Constantinople. + IhS XIS REX REGNANTInm Christ

Constantine X Ducas, 1059-1067. Histamenon (Gold, 25mm, 4.42 g 6), Constantinople. +IhS IXS REX REGNANTINM Christ, nimbate, seated facing on straight-backed throne, raising hand in benediction, holding Gospels. Rev. + KѠN RACΛ O ΔOVKAC Constantine standing facing, wearing crown and loros, holding labarum with pellet on shaft, and globus cruciger. DO 1. SB 1847. Perfectly centered and unusually well struck. Good extremely fine.


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-. Histamenon (Gold, 29mm, 4.43 g 6), Constantinople. + IhS IXS REX REGNANTInm Christ enthroned facing with crossed nimbus, raising right hand in blessing and holding book of Gospels. Rev. +KωNRΛCΛ – OΔOUKΛC Constantine standing facing, wearing crown with cross and pendilia and loros, holding labarum and globus surmounted by pelleted cross. DOC 1. SB 1847. Flan crack and struck from somewhat worn dies, otherwise, good very fine. 300


-. Histamenon (Electrum, 28mm, 4.34 g 7), Constantinople. Bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus cruciger, pallium and colobium, and raising right hand in benediction; in left hand, book of Gospels; to left, IC; to right, XC. Rev. +MΙΧΑΗΛ RACIΛ O Δ Facing bust of Michael, bearded, wearing crown and loros, and holding labarum with a pellet on the shaft and globus cruciger; double dotted border. DOC 2. SB 1868. Graffitos on both sides, otherwise, very fine. 300



Alexius I Comnenus, 1081-1118. Hyperpyron (Gold, 28mm, 4.37 g 6), Thessalonica. +KE ROHΘEI Christ enthroned facing, waring nimbus cruciger, pallium and colobium, and raising right hand in benediction; in left hand, book of Gospels; on either side of nimbus, IC - XC. Rev. Alexius standing facing, wearing crown, divitision and jewelled chlamys, and holding labarum and globus cruciger; in upper field to right, manus Dei; to left, A / ΛE / ZI / ω / ΔEC / ΠO / T; to right, T / ω / KO / MN / N / ω. DOC 20i. SB 1924. Good very fine. 250




John II Comnenus, 1118-1143. Aspron trachy (Electrum, 33mm, 4.41 g 6), Constantinople. Christ nimbate seated facing on backless throne, wearing tunic and colobium, raising right hand in benediction and holding Book of Gospels in left; in field, IC – XC. Rev. IѠ / ΔЄC / ΠO / TH to left; to right, Θ / ЄΓ / ѠP / ΓI John and St. George standing facing, holding patriarchal cross 200 between them. DOC 8. SB 1941. Extremely fine.



Michael VII Ducas, 1071-1078. Histamenon (Electrum, 28mm, 4.34 g 6), Constantinople. Bust of Christ Pantokrator facing; in field, IC - XC. Rev. +MIX ΔHΛ ΠACIΛOΔ Crowned bust of Michael facing, wearing loros and holding labarum in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left. DOC 2d. SB 1868. Very fine.



-. Aspron trachy (Electrum, 33mm, 4.25 g 6), Constantinople. Christ nimbate seated facing on backless throne, wearing tunic and colobium, raising right hand in benediction and holding Book of Gospels in left; in field, IC – XC. Rev. IѠ/ ΔЄC / ΠO / TH to left; to right, Θ / ЄΓ / ѠP / ΓI John and St. George standing facing, holding patriarchal cross between them. DOC 8. SB 1941. Holed and struck from a worn obverse die, otherwise, good fine.




-. Histamenon (Electrum, 30mm, 4.35 g 7), Constantinople. Bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus cruciger, pallium and colobium, and raising right hand in benediction; in left hand, book of Gospels; to left, IC; to right, XC. Rev. +MΙΧΑΗΛ RACIΛ O Δ Facing bust of Michael, bearded, wearing crown and loros, and holding labarum with a pellet on the shaft and globus cruciger; double dotted border. DOC 2. SB 1868. Graffito on reverse, otherwise, good very fine. 200



Manuel I Comnenus, 1143-1180. Hyperperon (Gold, 26mm, 4.48 g 6), Constantinople. + KE RO-HΘEI / IC - XC Nimbate facing bust of Christ, raising hand in benediction and holding Gospels; divergent arms of cross. Rev. MA/NOVH / ΔEC/ΠO/TH - TW / ΠOP/ΦV/POΓ/NH/T Manuel standing facing, holding labarum and patriarchal globus, manus Dei above. DOC 1. SB 1956. Obverse double struck and graffito on reverse, otherwise, good very fine. 300


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491 486

486. Andronicus I Comnenus, 1183-1185. Aspron Trachy (Billon, 31mm, 4.76 g 5), Constantinople. MP - ΘV Virgin Mary standing facing on dais, nimbate and wearing pallium and maphorium, holding before her nimbate head of the infant Christ facing. Rev. ANΔPONIKOC ΔECΠOTHC / IC - XC Christ, bearded and with nimbus on right and Andronicus, with forked beard on left, both standing facing; Christ wears pallium and colobium, holding book of Gospels in his left hand and with his right crowning the emperor wearing divitision and loros and holding labarum and globus cruciger. DOC 3b. SB 1985. An attractive example. Minor striking flantess, otherwise, good very fine. 125



491. -. Trachy (Billon, 20mm, 1.33 g 6). The Virgin enthroned holding nimbate head of Christ on her breast. Rev. Theodore and St. Theodore standing facing, holding patriarchal cross between them; emperor holding labarum in his right hand and saint holding spear in his left. DOC 36. SB 2050. Nicely toned and unusually sharp. Struck slightly off-centered, otherwise, good very fine. 100


492. Andronicus II Palaeologus, with Michael IX, 1282-1328. Assarion (Bronze, 19mm, 1.95 g 6), Constantinople, c. 1294-1320. AVTOKPATOPEC RωMAIωN Half-length figures of Andronicus to left, and Michael to right, either side of Christ standing who crowns the emperors. Rev. Bust of Archangel Michael. DOC 677-680. SB 2435. Dark green patina. About very fine. 100

Latin Rulers of Constantinople, 1204-1261. Trachy (Billon, 22mm, 1.55 g 6). Virgin Mary enthroned. Rev. Emperor enthroned, holding labarum in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left. DOC 3. SB 2023. Minor metal flaw, otherwise, about very fine. 75




488. -. Trachy (Billon, 24mm, 2.16 g 6). Facing bust of Christ Pantokrator. Rev. The Archangel Michael standing facing, holding scepter in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left. DOC 16. SB 2036. Fine / good very fine. 100

-. Assarion (Bronze, 21mm, 1.77 g 6), Constantinople, struck c. 1294-1320. AVTOKPATOPEC RωMAIωN Half-length figures of Andronicus to left, and Michael to right, either side of Christ standing who crowns the emperors. Rev. KVPIE CωCON TYC BACIΛEIC around bust of Christ. DOC 681-682. SB 2436. Dark green patina. Very fine. 100


494. 489

489. -. Trachy (Billon, 20mm, 1.75 g 6). Christ Pantokrator enthroned facing. Rev. The Virgin Mary standing facing, orans. DOC 18. SB 75 2038. About very fine.

Andronicus III Palaeologus, 1328-1341. Assarion (Bronze, 20mm, 1.64 g), Constantinople. Cross fleury. Rev. AVTOKPA TO POMAION Andronicus III standing facing, holding scepter in his right hand. DOC 908. SB 2481. Struck on a slightly irregular flan, otherwise, very fine. 75

495 490


-. Trachy (Billon, 21mm, 1.11 g). Large cross set on base. Rev. Emperor standing facing, holding labarum and globus cruciger. 75 DOC 23. SB 2054. Very fine.

495. Chalon-sur-Saône. Early 7th century. Triens (Gold, 12mm, 1.09 g 1), plated, Austadius moneyer. [CAVBO]NNO Draped bust facing; to right, cross. Rev. AV[STADIVS] Circle of dots; within, cross on two steps flanked by C - A. Cf. Belfort 1229 for prototype. Minor breaks in plating, otherwise, nearly very fine. 500

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496. Rottweil. Brakteat (Silver, 19mm, 0.40 g), struck c. 1300-1330. Eagle with spread wings standing front, head turned to right. Rev. Same incuse. Klein 122. A particularly nice example with a nice toning. Good very fine. 100

Bern. Vierzipfliger Pfennig (Silver, 18mm, 0.33 g), struck after 1300. Bear walking left; above, crowned king’s head. Rev. Same incuse. HMZ 1-271a. Rare. A lovely example with a light toning. Minor flan crack at 6 o’clock, otherwise, very fine. 100

502 497



Baden-Württemberg. Überlingen. Brakteat (Silver, 19mm, 0.41 g). Crowned lion walking right; before, pellet. Rev. Same incuse. 100 CC 236. KM 2589. About very fine.

Zürich, Fraumünsterabtei. Vierzipfliger Pfennig (Silver, 17mm, 0.22 g), struck c. 1400. Z - VI Head of St. Felix to left with nimbus. Rev. Same incuse. HMZ 1-628a. Attractively toned. About very fine. 100



498. Aargau, Laufenburg. Vierzipfliger Pfennig or ”Löwenpfennig” (Silver, 20mm, 0.32 g), struck c. 1250-1300. Lion walking to left. Rev. Same incuse. HMZ 1-121b. Well struck and beautifully 100 toned. Good very fine.

503. Solothurn. Vierzipfliger Pfennig (Silver, 19mm, 0.30 g), struck c. 1275-1300. VRSVS Head of St. Ursus to left. Rev. Same incuse. HMZ 1-442a. A sharp and finely toned example. Flan crack at 8 o’clock, otherwise, very fine. 100




499. Basel. Vierzipfliger Pfennig (Silver, 19mm, 0.33 g), struck c. 1310-1325. Head of Bishop Gerhard von Vuippens to left between two spires. Rev. Same incuse. HMZ 1-244a. Well struck and nicely toned. Good very fine. 100

St. Gallen, Abtei. Runder Pfennig (Silver, 23mm, 0.48 g). MONETA SANCTI GALLI (N retrograde). Facing head of saint 100 Gallus. Rev. Same incuse. HMZ 1-463a. About very fine.



500. Basel, Bistum. (Silver, 19mm, 0.31 g), 1310-1325. Head of Bishop Gerhard von Vuippens facing. Rev. Same incuse. HMZ 1-248a. Lightly toned. About very fine. 100

505. St.Gallen, Stadt. Vierzipfliger Pfennig (Silver, 20mm, 0.34 g), struck c. 1400. Nimbate lamb standing left, head turned to right; behind, flag. Rev. Same incuse. HMZ 1-477a. About very fine.



nomos . . . . . . obolos 3, 15 november 2015


506. Graubünden, Gotteshausbund (’God’s House League’). Kreuzer (Billon, 17mm, 0.91 g 7), 1570. MO NO DOMVS DEI CV Double headed eagle facing with coat of arms on his chest. Rev. 7 HR 0 DO CO NOS IN PA (Domine conserva nos in pace) Two crosses. De la Rive 151. HMZ 2-513h. LL 370. Trachsel -. About very fine. 100


509. -. Asia Minor. A lot containing 25 Greek silver fractions. About very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 150

507 510

507. CELTIC. Central Europe. A lot containing 12 Celtic silver coins. Good very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS.


510. -. Egypt & North Africa. A lot containing 7 Tetradrachms of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Good fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH 100 NO RETURNS.





GREEK. Central & Southern Greece. A lot containing 21 Macedonian Tetradrachms and Drachms. Good fine. LOT 100 SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS.

-. Egypt & North Africa. A lot containing 10 Tetradrachms of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Good fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH 100 NO RETURNS.

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-. Levant & the Near East. A lot containing 10 Tetradrachms of Seleukid kings of Syria. Fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO 100 RETURNS.


-. Imperial. A lot containing 26 silver and bronze coins of Vespasian. Good fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS.






MIXED. Miscellaneous. A lot containing 100 silver and 10 bronze coins. Mostly Greek and Roman Republican issues. Good fine to 200 very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS.

-. A lot containing 34 Roman silver and bronze coins of Trajan and Hadrian. Good fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO 100 RETURNS.




ROMAN. Republic. A lot containing 26 Roman Republican coins. About very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS.



-. A lot containing 32 Roman silver and bronze coins of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus. Good fine to very fine. LOT SOLD AS 100 IS, WITH NO RETURNS.



nomos . . . . . . obolos 3, 15 november 2015


ROMAN. Imperial. A lot containing 45 Denarii of Septimius Severus. Good fine to very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO 200 RETURNS.



-. Provincial. A lot containing 82 Roman Provincial bronze coins. Good fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 100


-. Provincial. A lot containing 29 Drachms or Didrachms from Caesarea, Cappadocia. Includes: Hadrian, Septimius Severus, Julia Domna, and Caracalla. Good fine to very fine. LOT SOLD 200 AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS.





-. Imperial. A lot containing 50 Antoniniani of the 3rd century. Good fine to about very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO 200 RETURNS.


-. Imperial. A lot containing 36 Roman Denarii. Includes: Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, Trajan, Hadrian, Divus Marcus Aurelius, Septimius Severus, Julia Domna, Caracalla, Geta, Elagabalus, and Severus Alexander. Very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 200



-. A lot containing 50 Antoniniani of the 3rd century. About very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 200

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-. A lot containing 15 late Roman bronze or billon coins. Good fine to very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 100

-. A lot containing 65 mostly Roman Antoniniani of the mid to late 3rd century. About very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO 150 RETURNS.



BYZANTINE. A lot containing 17 Byzantine gold coins. Good fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 1 500




-. A lot containing 50 Antoniniani of the 3rd century. Good fine to about very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 200

Auktionen Ankauf Verkauf SINCONA AG Limmatquai 112, 8001 Z端rich Tel. +41 44 215 10 90 Fax +41 44 215 10 99 info@sincona.com

Wir belehnen Ihre M端nzensammlung zu hervorragenden Konditionen!




-. A lot containing 22 late Roman bronze and billon coins. Very fine. LOT SOLD AS IS, WITH NO RETURNS. 225




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