Art Major Handbook 2020–21

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H A R D I N - B AY L O R



2020 —2021

Baugh Center for the Visual Arts, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor




H A R D I N - B AY L O R






2020 —2021

Baugh Center for the Visual Arts, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

CONTENTS The UMHB Mission Statement................................................................ 7 Introduction............................................................................................ 9 Becoming an Art Major & Continuation in the Art Major........................ 9 Visual & Liberal Arts............................................................................... 9 Advising ............................................................................................... 11 Academic & Departmental Appeals........................................................ 13 Projects & Process ................................................................................. 13 Critiques; Your Instructor...................................................................... 15 Time Management; Art Fees; Directed, Independent Studies, and Internships.................................................... 17 Student Learning Outcomes.............................................................. 19–21 — bfa, studio art — bfa, art education — bfa, graphic design — ba, art Attendance Policy................................................................................... 21 Grading Standard...................................................................................23 Art Scholarship......................................................................................25 Study Abroad.........................................................................................25 Fine Arts Experience (FAE) Requirement...............................................27 Student Competition..............................................................................27 UMHB Art Display Policy...................................................................... 29 Sophomore Review................................................................................. 31 Senior Studio & Senior Exhibition..........................................................33 Jobs for Art Majors.................................................................................33 Faculty Profiles.......................................................................................35 Alternating Semester Courses................................................................37 Art Awards.............................................................................................37 BCVA, Art Department Photo Gallery.............................................. 38–57 Consent Statement.................................................................................58


VISION STATEMENT The UMHB Art Department prepares students to impact their community through art and design.

MISSION STATEMENT The purpose of the UMHB Art Department is to create a Christ–centered artistic community committed to equipping students with a wide range of skills and concepts for expression. As a part of the liberal arts at UMHB, the Art Department encourages students to develop crucial thinking and cultural literacy alongside the skills necessary for visual communication.


Art Major Handbook . 2020–21

Field Trip to the Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth 8

Art Major Handbook . 2020–21

INTRODUCTION Department Purpose Art courses have been taught at UMHB since the 1920s, and have been an integral part of the University during all of this time. Our purpose is to provide a Christ-centered community committed to equipping our students with a wide range of skills and concepts for artistic expression and to giving our students a foundation of art knowledge, which will prepare them for careers, vocations, and graduate programs in art and design. (See Learning Outcomes listed later in this handbook.)

Becoming an Art Major Admission to the art program requires no formal screening process and acceptance to the program may be made by declaring an official intent to major in art through the Registrars Office. Continuing in the Art Major Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA in the course work within their selected Art major. Failure to do so may necessitate repeating courses or withdrawal from the Art major. It is the student’s advantage to complete the Drawing and Design requirements (1310 Drawing, 1320 Design, and 1325 Color Theory) within the first two semesters since they are prerequisites to almost all other studio courses.

The art department has assembled this handbook to help you succeed during your time here in the UMHB art program. With the assistance of this handbook, along with the courses you will take, you should be able to focus on the methods and acquire the tools to achieving a fulfilling and quality art or design career.

Visual & Liberal Arts Hand skills in multiple media and competency in software and coding are an essential part of any young artist or designer’s “toolbox”­— providing the essential how of art and design. But a “liberal arts,” or “broad-based,” approach to art education provides the raw material for the allimportant what (content, meaning, and criticism) of art and design.

Understanding and implementing ALL of the counsel contained in this book will be crucial to your success as an art student. Ignoring even one item will potentially put you at a disadvantage. The art and design courses you will take are directed at students who are both highly dedicated and motivated to be artists and designers. The classes stress the integration of conceptual problem-solving skills, technical craftsmanship, and the study of art and design theories and history. Students combine art/design methods, aesthetics, technology, context and personal expression to fulfill specific curricular goals. If a student is not able to harness the dedication and time commitments, the coursework itself may seem overly demanding.

A liberal arts approach to art as a field means developing intellectual freedom by learning to think critically and to apply knowledge from various subjects and disciplines to solve artistic problems creatively. UMHB art students are expected to draw on knowledge of world cultures, literature, Christian studies, philosophy, history, social science, scientific inquiry, and quantitative reasoning gained through their studies in other departments. This broad-based learning provides the foundation upon which the UMHB art student will discover and critically evaluate a uniquely personal style, approach, and artistic identity.


Art Major Handbook . 2020–21

Field Trip to The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth 10

Art Major Handbook . 2020–21

STUDENT ADVISING Student Responsibilities — Make and keep appointments with your advisor. — Prepare for advising sessions by gathering any information your advisor might need. — Begin pre-planning your class schedule before meeting with your advisor. — Write down questions you want to ask your advisor — Share important information with your advisor such as why I am missing class, how many hours I work, why a class is difficult, etc. — Follow up on plans made with your advisor. — Arrange for transcripts to be sent from other institutions which you have attended. — Know the requirements for your major and for graduation. — Monitor your own academic progress. — Remember that your advisor cannot make exemptions to university policy.


Advisor Responsibilities — Be available to advise during specific uninterrupted office hours. — Inform your students of university regulations, departmental requirements, and graduation requirements. — Help set short and long term academic goals. — Know career opportunities related to student’s major or refer to appropriate sources of information. — Be approachable and a good listener. — Know procedure for dropping and adding courses, for changing majors, & for enrolling. — Provide required forms when appropriate. — Treat students fairly. — Respect confidentiality. — Refer to appropriate campus resources. Note Information concerning academic standards, academic suspensions, academic appeals, registration policies, and classroom expectations and ethics can be found in the UMHB catalog on pages 34 through 48.

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Printmaking 12

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ACADEMIC & DEPARTMENT APPEALS Students may appeal any academic or departmental decision believed to be arbitrary, capricious, or unfair. Appeals must be initiated within 30 days of the date of the decision or action being appealed. The student should first appeal the decision in writing to the person who made it by stating the appropriate rationale for the reconsideration, the requested remedy, and the student’s contact information. IF the matter

is not resolved, the student may then appeal that decision in writing to the next highest authority. In matters related to academic coursework or departmental decisions, the line of appeal is first the faculty member; second, the department chair; third, the dean of the college; and finally, the Provost’s Office. Further information can be located on page 36 of the UMHB Catalogue.

PROJECTS & PROCESS While some art and design courses, such as art history or basic design, include quizzes or tests, the course schedules and grading systems are mostly based on completing multiple studio assignments/projects.

It’s important NOT to jump ahead in the creative process. For example, if rough sketches are due, DO NOT start working on the final solution first. The order of the creative process includes critiquing and feedback at all of the levels, this helps to inform each step in the process.

The typical creative process applies to most studio assignments/projects. Here are the typical steps in the creative process, mostly in order:

Most times, the instructor will include an assignment sheet with specific instructions for the assignment/project. However, often this is just a set of baseline instructions that should be expanded on. Be open to experiment and be ready to create unique and personal solutions for each assignment.

1. Brainstorm / Research 2. Sketchbook Activities (thumbnail sketches, rough layouts, visual planning) 3. Production (using assigned studio methods or rendering techniques) 4. Completion of Final Solution 5. Turn-in / Critique


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Ceramics 14

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CRITIQUES same time being open to input and suggestions for improvement from fellow students and the instructor. Every effort should be made to follow the instructions and restrictions for that particular assignment/project as to avoid apologizing for missing or disallowed elements.

A formal critique of work is common throughout the art and design process. During a traditional critique, the work is usually mounted and hung on the wall to be reviewed and discussed by the teacher and fellow students, about creativity, composition, craft, accuracy, and successful solutions.

It is important (and often required) for everyone to speak up during the critique to give the most amount of feedback for the student.

Do not begin the presentation of your work with an apology. During the critique, the artist/ designer/student should be prepared to defend the choices made (color, layout, concept, technique, design elements, etc.) while at the

Have a classmate take notes for you during the critique and do the same for him/her.

YOUR INSTRUCTOR Your instructor is an accomplished artist/designer with years of experience in design theory, rendering skills and techniques, craftsmanship, contemporary trends and concepts, and professional knowledge. No reason exists for an adversarial relationship with the instructor, who is there to impart a good deal of extremely useful knowledge regarding your discipline.

and personal style of the instructor. However, the majority of gauging an artwork for composition and effectiveness (and therefore grading) is based upon proven art and design principles, the requirements of the project, and good craftsmanship. Your instructor maintains office hours for you to come by and get help on the projects—use this time to meet him or her and establish a working relationship.

Some amount of assessing student made art for quality is subjective and related to the experience


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Student Artwork, Ceramics 16

Art Major Handbook . 2020–21

TIME M ANAGEMENT will have slept very little during their college career. These students spend every possible moment learning, experimenting, sketching, investigating and observing.

It can be a challenge finding extra time to work on studio assignments/projects outside of class time, especially with a full load of classes, extra curricular activities, and/or a job. The truth is that production work during normal class periods is not enough. You will need to manage your time well, get a calendar and plan your activities daily and weekly throughout the semester.

Additionally, it will be important for each art student to decide between his or her level of innate talent and dedication to improving skills. Unless a student is extremely talented, it will always require extra work on improving skills.

Successful art students who stand above their peers in both work ethic and portfolio strength,

ART FEES Most studio art courses require a separate fee. This money helps the department to provide materials and equipment that are inconvenient or impossible for the students to purchase on their own (clay, glass, printer ink, model fees, etc.).

These fees range average around $30 per course, and will be added directly to the student’s bill at the beginning of each semester (unless otherwise noted).

DIRECTED AND INDEPENDENT STUDIES & INTERNSHIPS In keeping with college regulations, Directed and Independent Studies must be approved prior to the term in which they are taken. Signatures from your academic advisor, faculty study supervisor, Chair of the Department, and the Dean of the College are needed. Forms may be picked up in the Registrar’s Office or on-line. Directed and Independent Studies are usually not available for

first and second year students and are approved only for special circumstances. Internship must also be approved prior to the term in which they are taken and the application process should begin with the instructor of record for the course.


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Senior Studio Review 18

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bfa degree BFA Degree with Major in Studio Art, Graphic Design, and Art Education 3. Contextualize. Students will demonstrate an understanding of artwork in relationship to contemporary and historical practices and theory.

1. Communicate. Students will be able to effectively present their work in written, verbal, and visual formats. — Students will exercise critical judgment about their own design and the design of others in spoken and written form. — Students will present work that demonstrates perceptual acuity, conceptual understanding, and technical facility at a professional entry level in their chosen field. — Students will demonstrate the communication, presentation and business skills necessary to engage in professional practice within their chosen field.

— Students will recognize historical and cultural achievements, contemporary issues, and processes in the field of art and design. — Students will perceptively analyze works of art & design from both western and non-western cultures and evaluate them critically. 4. Art Education Only. EC–12 Teacher Certification: Students will be able to plan effectively for teaching, and assessment for art education in an elementary and secondary institution as prescribed by the Texas State Board of Education Certification (SBEC) Art Standards.

2. Produce. Students will be able to analyze and solve visual problems by exploring tools, materials, and techniques. — Students will demonstrate competent use of the elements and principles of visual composition in the creation of two and three-dimensional artworks. — Students will develop and apply strategies for planning, producing, and disseminating a cohesive body of visual artworks.


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Field Trip to Ransom Center, UT Austin Libraries 20

Art Major Handbook . 2020–21

ba degree BA Degree in Art 1. Communicate. Students will be able to present their work in written, verbal, and visual formats.

— Students will develop and apply strategies for planning, producing, and disseminating visual artworks.

— Students will exercise critical judgment about the student’s own design and the design of others in spoken and written form. — Students will present work that demonstrates perceptual acuity, conceptual understanding, and technical facility.

3. Contextualize. Students will demonstrate an understanding of artwork in relationship to contemporary and historical practices and theory. — Students will recognize historical and cultural achievements, contemporary issues, and processes in the field of art and design. — Students will analyze works of art and design perceptively and evaluate them critically.

2. Produce. Students will be able to analyze and solve visual problems by exploring tools, materials, and techniques. — Students will demonstrate competent use of the elements and principles of visual composition in the creation of two and three dimensional artworks.

AT TENDANCE POLICY Class attendance is mandatory. Unexcused absences, tardiness, and early departures will count against you, since these will represent a lack of work accomplished and lack of motivation.

Typically art students are allowed 3 absences, after which the final grade will be lowered. Special Note (Students with extracurricular commitments): It is your responsibility to be aware of the amount of classes that you will need to miss during the semester due to your extra commitment. If you will be absent due to sporting events, concerts, Miss UMHB Pageant, etc., three or more times you may not miss any additional classes without penalty.

Each Art faculty has attendance policies listed on their syllabus. It is important to understand the consequences of each individual instructor’s policy. If you miss a class it is your responsibility to contact your instructor or one of your fellow students to understand what you have missed.

Attendance at All Art Openings on Campus is expected of all Art Majors.


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Senior Exhibition, Baugh Center for the Visual Arts 22

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Work completed in this course is of marked excellence.

Work completed in this course is of inferior quality within the arts.

— course requirements have been met or exceeded with a level of involvement and production that indicates a mastery of course knowledge and skills.

— the course requirements have barely been met with a level of involvement and/ or production that indicates weak course knowledge and skills. — there is a grave concern regarding potential success in allied art courses and advanced art courses.

— there is an excellent potential for success in allied art courses, advanced art courses and in major or graduate programs and the art professions.



There is no indication of a possibility for success in major or graduate programs and the art professions.

Work completed in this course is of superior quality.

— there is a potential for success in allied art courses, advanced art courses and in major or graduate programs and the art professions.

— failure to do work of a passing quality. — the course requirements have not been met with a level of involvement and/or production that indicates a grasp of course knowledge and skills. — Means that there is no indication of a possibility for potential success in allied art courses, advanced art courses, and in major or graduate programs and the art professions.


— the course requirements have been met with a level of involvement and/or production that indicates course knowledge and skills, while not mastered, are at a competent stage of development.

Work completed in this course is of average quality within the arts.


Art majors and minors must achieve a grade of C or better in all art classes counting toward the major and the minor.

— the course requirements have been met with a level of involvement and/or production that indicates course knowledge and skills at a marginally competent stage of development. — there is concern regarding potential success in allied art courses, advanced art courses, and a serious concern for potential success in major or graduate programs and the art professions.


Art Major Handbook . 2020–21




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UMHB Art Department Study Abroad Trip to Rome, Italy, and Paris, France 24





Art Major Handbook . 2020–21

ART SCHOLARSHIP 4. Upon completion of application and portfolio review, the art faculty makes a recommendation to the Director of Financial Aid in regard to recipient and amount. 5. A letter is sent from the Financial Aid Office to the applicant informing him/her of scholarship award amount. 6. The student confirms the award through direct inquiry with Financial Aid. 7. Awards are divided between the Fall and Spring semester, except for those who are expected to graduate at the conclusion of the Fall semester. Spring semester awards are contingent upon students maintaining a 3.0 in Art courses and continued enrollment.

The Lucile Land Lacy Presidential Endowed Art Scholarship is open to incoming freshmen and to upper classmen, and is awarded by portfolio review. Students can apply each year. The forms are on the UMHB Web Site. Procedure: 1. Complete the Art Scholarship Application found on the UMHB Art Department web site and email it back to the art department chair: hseals 2. Include a digital portfolio of at least ten (10) works from the past two years. The best format is digital photos that can be emailed or mailed on a disk. Jpegs or PDF files are both acceptable with a decent resolution of around 300 dpi. 3. Upper classmen must have an overall 2.5 grade point average and 3.0 average in art courses to be eligible.

STUDY ABROAD The UMHB Art Department leads yearly study abroad trips to either Italy, Paris, or Prague. Financial aid is available by registering for the trip as an upper level art history course in the spring

semester and making the trip either in May or June. In recent years UMHB Art Department has led summer trips to Italy and France.


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Student Competition & Awards 26

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EXHIBITS & GUEST SPEAKERS the intention of giving students a broadening aesthetic awareness of what is happening in the contemporary art world. Many guest of the artist also speak at the openings and you have the opportunity to meet and speak personally with them as well.

The UMHB Art Department hosts art exhibits on a regular basis. These are highly instructional and inspirational shows by professional artists and educators. It is expected that all art majors attend all the openings. Exhibits are intended to be challenging and contemporary with

FAE REQUIREMENT All Art Majors are expected to attend each of the gallery openings. Attendance at approved FAE openings will satisfy this core requirement. Additionally there are other great events to

attend. See the UMHB approved list of FAE events at

STUDENT COMPETITION Art Majors are highly encouraged to enter the juried Student Art Competition held during the month of April. The competition is an excellent learning tool for students to begin submitting personal artworks to start building a professional resume. Successful artists continue to submit to competitions for the remainder of their professional lives.

Students can submit 3 works of art completed within the last year. Acceptable works include work completed after the previous Student Competition deadline. 2D works should be framed or matted or ready to be hung. 3D works must include mounting devices. Any specific details relating to the presentation of the piece should be included. Submission forms will be available in the Art Office several weeks prior to the Student Competition.


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Senior Exhibition, Baugh Center for the Visual Arts 28

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UMHB ART DISPL AY POLICY The Department of Art reserves the right to refuse exhibition space to artwork that, in its opinion, does not further the mission stated above. Also, student work in the hallways is selected and installed by the UMHB art faculty, who have the same standards in mind.

The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor is a Christian university fully committed to engaging the culture and changing the world by graduating students who are competent, knowledgeable in their discipline, have moral character, and who represent a grace-filled community. To fulfill this undertaking, and to increase public awareness of the Department of Art’s resources, the UMHB Department of Art provides quality exhibition space in the BCVA for the display of professional and student artwork.

In accordance with the University mission and the UMHB College of Visual and Performing Arts guidelines, the art department reserves the right to determine whether art exhibitions are appropriate for public presentation using the following process:

The UMHB Department of Art also seeks to be known as a center for education and the advancement of the study of visual art and design. The department is committed to selecting exhibitions and special events that:

— Exhibitions in the BCVA art gallery are chosen by the gallery director and approved by the art department chair. — Public displays of student art are approved by the faculty who are teaching the course in which the student is enrolled and approved by the art department chair. — In all cases, those making a determination about what will be publicly performed or displayed will be guided by the University mission and the University’s statement on “Artistic Expression” that is posted on the CVPA website.

— Educate the UMHB community about contemporary art and design. — Provide a forum for intellectual exchange of ideas through programs that explore new, global perspectives on faith and scholarship in art theory and studio practice. — Provide a venue for UMHB faculty and students to present their work to the University community.


Art Major Handbook . 2020–21

Senior Exhibition, Danielle East 30

Art Major Handbook . 2020–21

SOPHOMORE REVIEW ARTS 2000 Sophomore Review. All art majors with at least 21 hours of foundation courses are required to register for ARTS 2000: Sophomore Review their sophomore year, in order to proceed as upper-level art majors. It is expected that students have finished Drawing, Design, 3-D Design, Color Theory, Art History, Painting I, and Digital Art; however, slight variations may occur. Requirements and process for the Sophomore Review is published and distributed by the Department of Art each semester.

This experience helps students prepare for upper level course work and to insure academic and artistic success. The Sophomore Review is also used to establish and measure how students are generally learning and progressing at UMHB. When a student has completed at least 21 hours of Art courses he/she is considered an “Art Sophomore” for the purpose of the review process. Actual class standing may vary according to the Registrar.

Procedure: 5. You will be expected to answer questions about your work and be able to knowledgably discuss basic elements and principles of art learned in class. Large and oversized works can be submitted as high quality digital printouts.

1. You will be scheduled by your advisor when you are eligible for the Sophomore Review. 2. Barbara Fontaine-White will be the teacher of record for the Sophomore Review and will notify you of meeting dates and all requirements.

6. You will be notified in writing by the Art Faculty with a response to the interview. Responses will be either:

3. You will be expected to write an essay or artist statement and prepare approximately 10 works of art in a variety of media for the review.

a. Indication of passing the Sophomore Review, or b. An action plan given with suggestions on how to improve artistic quality expected of sophomore art majors. Successful completion of the action plan will result in passing the Sophomore Review.

4. You will attend a live interview before a panel of art faculty which should last approximately 15 minutes for the purpose of evaluating your portfolio, determining what improvements should be made, and discussing your artistic goals.


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Plein Air Painting 32

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SENIOR STUDIO & EXHIBITION academic growth as an artist or designer. Through this course, you will be exhibiting finished works of art or design, which will reveal much about yourself as an individual preprofessional.

Two Capstone courses are offered for art majors which includes preparation of a portfolio, artist’s statement, and exhibition of selected works. — Senior Studio ARTS 4380 is required for B.F.A. art majors but not B.A. art majors. — Senior Exhibition ARTS 4080 is required for both degrees.

Since this course is structured toward independent study, you are expected to be selfmotivated in reworking selected projects and demonstrate significant progress when your work is reviewed during individual and group critiques.

These courses provides the opportunity for you to develop a body of work to a standard that reflects competence for an entry-level position in the field. This is an important aspect of your

JOBS Graduates of the UMHB Art Department have been hired by: 1. Anthony Travel University & Sports Travel Management, Dallas 2. Central Texas College 3. Chromatic Technologies Inc., Colorado Springs, CO 4. Florida Atlantic University 5. The Marketing Arm, Dallas 6. MooreCo Inc., Temple 7. SPJST (Slovanská Podporující Jednota Statu Texas), Temple 8. Texas Christian University 9. University of Wisconsin–Stout 10. a multitude of Texas ISDs & private schools

According to the Association of American Colleges and Universities, 93% of all employers agree that “a candidate’s demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important than their undergraduate major.” Studio Art, Graphic Design, and Art Education majors are prepared for potential careers as advertising designers, art critics, art teachers, creative directors, curators, designers, docents, graphic designers (publication designers, web designers), illustrators, photographers, and studio artists. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

UMHB Art students have interned with: The Kinetix Group, New York City Triangle Blueprint Co., Beaumont Integ Printing & Creative, Waco Rat Fink LLC, Manti, UT Tenderling Design, Austin Presley Design Studio, Belton Clayton Everett Design, Dallas

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


UMHB Art students have attended the following graduate schools: Stephen F. Austin State University Texas Tech University University of North Texas University of Oklahoma University of Wisconsin–Madison

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Professor John Hancock with student Mirella Jaimes 34

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FACULTY PROFILES Hershall Seals BFA, Sam Houston State University MFA, Louisiana State University — Chairman, Gallery Director, Art Metals, Figure Drawing, Art Education, and Glass Blowing

Robin McLaurin BS, Elementary Education, Daemen College MA, Art Education, Texas Women’s University MFA, Vermont College of Fine Arts — Adjunct in Art Appreciation, American Art, Photography, and Art Education

John Hancock BFA, Baylor University MFA, Texas Tech University — Printmaking, Advanced Drawing, and Photography

Chris Baldridge BA, Georgetown College MFA, Florida State University — Online Art Appreciation Hugo Shi BFA, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China MFA University of Washington, Seattle, WA — Adjunct in Drawing

Stephanie Chambers BFA, MA, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi MFA, Northern Illinois University — Design, Advanced Drawing Problems

David Harmon BFA, Webster University MFA, Penn State University — Adjunct in Drawing and Painting

Barbara Fontaine-White BA, MA State University of New York at Albany MFA, Southern Methodist University — Painting, Watercolor, Drawing, Color Theory

Trey Terrell BS, Computer Graphic Design, University of Mary Hardin Baylor MFA, Communication Design, Texas State University — Adjunct in Graphic Design

David Hill BFA, Shorter University MFA, Clemson University — Ceramics and Sculpture Matt Smith BA, Wheaton College MFA, University of Notre Dame — Digital Art, Typography, Graphic Design, and Graphic Design History Dr. Sarah Andyshak BA, St. Olaf College MA, PhD, Florida State University — Art History


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Plein Air Painting 36

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ALTERNATING SEMESTER COURSES Some Art courses are only offered in either the Fall or Spring. Keep your attention on this to help plan your advising for your degree plan. This list periodically changes but currently we offer in the Fall Only — Graphic Design I — Graphic Design III — Interactive Design — Graphic Design History — Art History I — Collage — Modern Art — Medieval Art

— — — — — — —

Spring Only Applied Graphic Design Typography Graphic Design II Art History II Book Arts Renaissance Art Photography II


There are two Art Awards offered annually.

1. The Austin-Burks Art Award is presented to outstanding Art major. This award is sponsored by the Art Department and is selected by the Art Faculty on the basis of academic performance and artistic ability. This award is given in honor of Dr. Ted Austin and Mrs. Maurine Burks who taught Art at UMHB for 25 and 21 years respectively.

2. The Jewels Payne Vicker Memorial Medal is awarded to the student who exhibits superior drawing skills.


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Baugh Center for the Visual Arts, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 39

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Baugh Center for the Visual Arts, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 40

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Student Art Competition 44

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Baugh Center for the Visual Arts, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 45

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Painting 46

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Senior Exhibition, Baugh Center for the Visual Arts 47

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Art Metals 48

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The Vocaré Visions Exhibition 49

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Baugh Center for the Visual Arts, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 50

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Senior Exhibition, Baugh Center for the Visual Arts 51

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Senior Studio 52

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Student artwork by UMHB ceramics student Naomi Flores 53

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Student Art Competition Award Winner Mirella Jaimes 54

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Visiting Artist Rachel Means 55

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Visiting Artist Kenneth Steinbach 56

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Visiting Artist Michelle Westmark Wingard 57

Art Major Handbook . 2020–21


I have read the entire contents of the UMHB Art Major Handbook. I understand, and will follow the policies and procedures outlined in this document. I understand that my degree plan and advising process is ultimately my responsibility to monitor for accuracy. STUDENT NAME


Remove this page and place in advising folder.



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