Friday June 25, 2010
Gracie Gray
Barb’s is p hel r committed to providing o s u your “best friend” a al We pport o al comfortable and su l anim d loca lter an ps. loving environment when they have to she e grou be away from home. scu
We Offer:
• Comfyy Napp Areass withh Raisedd Kurnadaa beds • Televisions • Securedd Outdoorr Spacee forr Safee Play • Ann Abundancee off Tenderr Lovingg Care
Doggie Day Care and Extended Care
Feline Friends Suffer Allegeries, Too Pg. 3
A LL A BO U T P ETS ! Remember Pets When Relocating Pg. 2
Hamster Haven Pg. 3
Love is for the Birds Pg. 7
Wilson, Bomb Detection Dog Pg. 8
1521 Avenue E
Special Supplement to The Daily Nonpareil