DBR Classifieds - Feb. 6, 2015

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Denison Review 11A Friday, February 6, 2015

Western Iowa’s

Review Classifieds CATEGORIY INDEX

130 141 151 153 160 165 171 175 181 191 200 203 215 220 225 231 235 240 255 320 350 370 401 475 480 500 530

Lost & Found Antiques & collectible Appliances Hay, Grain, Seed for Sale Building Materials Office Equipment Clothing & Jewelry Computers Farm Equipment Firewood Household Goods Horses & Equip Lawn & Garden Livestock For Sale Machinery/Tools/ Equipment Miscellaneous for Sale Musical Instruments Pets Sporting Goods Wanted to Buy At Your Service Position Wanted Help Wanted Business For Sale Opportunities Autos for Sale Auto Parts & Service

535 Motorcycles, Bikes & Recreational Vehicles 540 Trucks & 4 x 4’s 550 Vans & SUV’s 555 Trailers 610 Boats & Motors 620 Campers & Equipment 625 Motor Homes 660 For Rent Business Property 670 For Sale Business Property 690 For Rent Office Space 730 Storage Space 750 Mobile Home Spaces 760 Mobile homes for Rent 770 Mobile Homes.Sale 791 RV Campgrounds 810 Unfurnished Apts for Rent 820 Homes for Rent 827 Wanted to Rent 830 Homes For Sale 840 Acreage/Farms For Rent 850 Acreage/Farms for Sale 860 Lots for Sale For Rent 870 Real Estate Wanted 875 Farm Land Wanted 903 Card of Thanks 904 In Memorium 2055 Daycare Services

GENERAL INFORMATION Office Hours: Mon -Wed-Thurs 9a.m. - 5 p.m.;Tues & Fri 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone: (712) 263-2122 or 1-800-657-5889 Send Ads To: Denison Bulletin and Review - P.O. Box 550, Denison, IA 51442 The Denison Bulletin and Review reserves the right to refuse any ad. All private party ads are paid in advance. We accept MasterCard and Visa.

DEADLINES Today’s ACTION and Denison Bulletin: Friday at 5 p.m. Denison Review: 5 p.m. on Wednesday

RATES Reach Out Ads: Your ad automatically appears in the Today’s ACTION, Denison Bulletin and Denison Review. & Advisor $16.75 for the first 20 words. Card of Thanks and Memorials are a flat rate of $10 or one edition or $15 for two editions (75words and under). They do not appear in the Today’s ACTION or Advisor Blind Ads or ads sent to the Denison Bulletin/Review Box for forwarding will be charged an additional $2.50.

Cafeteria Workers Day or Night Shift Positions • Grill Cook, Prep Cook, Serve, Dishwashing, Clean. • Mon. – Sat., paid holidays and vacation. • Free meals and uniform shirts. • Must be 18 years or older. • $300 Hiring Bonus after 90 days. Cafeteria is located at the Farmland Foods Plant, 800 Industrial Drive, Denison, IA. Apply today at our website: www.libertyfoodservice.com Start a career page. Apply on-line OR pick up application form at plant guard shack. 83-R05,TA,ADV,R6ADV,TA 7(CAfeTeRiAWORKeRS-LibeRTy fOOD SeRViCe)LS

ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Crawford County, Iowa Secondary Roads Department is taking applications for an experienced Engineering Technician with an emphasis in the areas of Surveying, Roadway Design and Construction Inspection. Associate of Science Degree in Civil & Construction Engineering Technology or similar survey/engineering education desired. Experience in Surveying, Roadway Design & Computer Operations required. Additional experience in Computer Aided Drafting preferred. Must possess or have the ability to obtain necessary Iowa Department of Transportation materials testing/sampling and construction inspection certifications. Successful applicant must undergo pre-employment drug/alcohol/physical testing. Salary D.O.Q. Crawford County is an equal opportunity employer Contact Information: Iowa Workforce Development Center 619 N Carroll St., Carroll, Iowa 51401 712-792-2685 Applications Accepted Until Position is Filled. 83-R5,ADV,R6 ADV,7 (ENGINEERING TECH-CRAWFORD COUNTY ROAD DEPT)CS

Iowa State University Field Specialist I/II-Family Finance

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is seeking qualified candidates for a Human Sciences Specialist – Family Finance positions to be filled at the Field Specialist I or II level. The positions will promote Extension engagement and education with youth, families, businesses and communities. This position will serve Region 6 (Buena Vista, Calhoun, Cherokee, Ida, Pocahontas, and Sac Counties) and Region 12 (Audubon, Carroll, Crawford, Greene, Guthrie, and Shelby Counties) with a base office location within the counties served. Responsibilities include providing educational opportunities through programming leadership, delivery, consultation, technical assistance and support for integrated content in the areas of human sciences with primary focus on aspects of family finance. In addition to Field Specialist I duties listed above, a Field Specialist II will create and deliver comprehensive and complex programming, conduct needs assessment activities and identify and implement innovative ways to meet clients’ needs, take an active role in the development of interdisciplinary programming, and provide leadership/supervision and subject-matter expertise at the local, area and state level. Apply online at www.iastatejobs.com, search for vacancy 40161. ISU is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer

141 Antiques and Collectibles Do you like Auctions? Are you looking for a special item? Do you collect anything? The MidlandsAuctions. com site will email you only Auction Sale bills that match what you’re looking for. ITS EASY ITS FREE go to www. midlandsAuctions.com 175 Computers COMPUTERS FIXED FAST If your computer is running slow we can fix it fast! Quick turn around time on repairs. We will scan for spy ware and viruses. We will fix the registry and repair your files. Call 712-269-1095. (etf) 181 Farm Equipment Auctions Auctions more Auctions. Let us search for the items you need. We notify you when what your looking for comes up for sale at Auction. Its FREE. www. midlandsAuctions. com (1108-tfn)mcan ****** www.Agstuff.com The newest farm machinery locator website featuring equipment dealers. Farmer to farmer ads across the Midwest! Check us out today! www.Agstuff. com ( 11-8-tfn)mcan 200 Household Goods 200 STRECK SALES Quality used furniture & more. Antiques, modern vintage. BUY SELL TRADE One piece or whole household. 421 South 10th Street, Denison www. strecksales.com 712263-4090 or 712-

269-2995 (927-tfn) ****** 21 cubic foot refrigerator, double wide with ice in door, older refrigerator, Neptune washer and dryer, Maytag washer & dryer, several other units. Electric stove, dorm frig, gas stoves, 15 cubic foot chest freezer (like new), snow blowerelectric start. 712269-5533 (206-210) 231 Miscellaneous for Sale 5 snowblowers, 1 Toro 17 inch, 1 Snapper 18 inch, 3 - 2 stage, one with electric start. 712269-5533 (206-210) 320 Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy a used Honda Moped, any condition. 712269-2190 (620-tfn) ****** Want to buy 8 track player. Call 712-2692190 (1014-tfn) 350 At Your Service Save your VHS tapes. VHS tapes are decomposing and need to be transferred to DVD. We will copy VHS tapes to DVD and Laser Scribe new Labels. We will provide 2 DVD Copies of your tape to you. Our price to save your VHS tapes is $15.00 Per Unit. 712 269 1095(111-tfn) 401 Help Wanted Bail Bond Agent. 3rd Shift, On-call, Commission based position. Must live in Denison. Duties include meeting with clients, processing paperwork and collecting company fee. Qualifications include

Company Drivers Wanted Oberg Freight Company GOOD STEADY FREIGHT EXCELLENT HOME TIME CONSISTANT REGIONAL MILES NO TOUCH VAN FREIGHT Take Your Breaks At Home ASK US ABOUT OUR SIGN ON BONUS Contact: Oberg Freight Company Fort Dodge, IA 515-9553592ext 2 www.obergfreight.com(203-206)

****** ELECTRICIAN Looking for a licensed journeyman and an apprentice. Pay based off experience. This is a long term position for service work, farm wiring, new const and light commercial. Call 712-243-5365(2032 - 6 ) C A O 7 5 6

****** Honnen Equipment Co. seeking Branch Service Manager for our Gillette, WY location. Candidate must have 5-7 years Diesel Technician experience and 3-4 years Manager experience. Please apply online at www.Honnen. com or email your resume to HR@honnen. com(130-210)mcan

****** Community Development Institute Head Start Serving Southwest Nebraska Is accepting applications for the following positions: PROGRAM DIRECTOR TEACHER PRESCHOOL TEACHER PRESCHOOL (ON CALL) BUS DRIVER BUS MONITOR COOK (Sidney) FAMILY ADVOCATE INFORMATION SERVICES SPECIALIST CUSTODIAN Bilingual a plus (English/Spanish) Applications and job descriptions available by emailing hr@cdihsswne.org or at 3350 10th St., Gering, NE 69341. For telephone inquiries call 308-2254324. Applications can be submitted in person or by email or by mail to P.O. Box 565, Gering, NE 69341. All positions are open until filled. CDI HS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.(203-206)mcan

****** Fulltime Bookkeeping/ Clerical Staff person needed. Needs Quick Books and/or bookkeeping experience, also needs to be detail oriented and have good communication skills. Send resume to Vitalix, Inc. 2692 CR 57, Alliance, NE 69301 or fax to 308-7627039(130-210)mcan

****** Technician: Sundance, WY dealership is looking for Techs for AG and Industrial Equipment. Full Time, Top Pay, Benefits. $60,000 to $80,000. Call 1-8666710052.(206-210)mcan

****** Special Education Coordinator Secondary Transition Specialist Early Childhood Special Education Staff


St. Anthony Regional Hospital & Nursing Home in Carroll, Iowa

HR NOW OPEN AFTER 20 YEARS! Yes, Connie T. is retiring. Let her help you take over the lead in hiring & training staff for the Eventide Senior Living Community!

Human Resource Coordinator

40 hours per week – no weekends, no holidays. Great benefits & competitive wage. Must be detail oriented, computer savvy, and a true people person. Prefer experience and/or education in Human Resources.

EOE Apply by resumé with wage expectation to: 114 South 20th St., Denison, IA 51442 Chat with Connie T. for more information at 712-263-3114

www.eventidehome.com 7 - R6&ADV&B7(HR position/Eventide)ES

Henningsen Construction, Inc. has openings for the 2015 season (May to November) Truck Drivers (Class A) - 5 Lab Techs 2 - (willing to train) Loader Operator (1) Asphalt Plant Labor (1) Asphalt Milling Labors (2) Asphalt Milling Operators (2) Asphalt Milling Water Truck Drivers (2) Metal Building Laborers (3) Concrete Laborers (3) Accepting applications for these positions through March 15, 2015

HAS POSITIONS AVAILABLE WITHIN OUR FOOD & NUTRITION DEPARTMENT! ✙ One Full-time Cook positions available ✙ Two Part-time Foodservice Aides & Wait staff

No experience is necessary we have an extraordinary training program! We are looking for motivated, positive individuals, with good customer service and time management skills, who are excited for a NEW CAREER! Come join our exceptional staff and enjoy a professional work environment. We offer excellent wages and a comprehensive benefits package for Full & Part Time Employees! Please apply online at:

www.stanthonyhospital.org St. Anthony Regional Hospital & Nursing Home 311 South Clark Street Carroll, IA 51401 (712) 794-5263 E.O.E

85-ADV,R 4,5,6(HWFood&Nut/StAnthony)SA



All Positions for the New

Wage dependent on experience. Must be able to pass a drug test and be able to lift at least 75-lbs. Valid driver’s license is preferred. Good benefit package. Henningsen Const., Inc. is an EEO/AA employer. Women, minorities and veterans are encouraged to apply.


Apply in person or send resume to

or online at www.bouldersinnandsuites.com

1407 SW 7th Street Atlantic, Iowa 50022 7-ADV TA B R6(FieldSpecialist/ISU)IS

excellent communication skills, customer service experience, flexible schedule, valid driver’s license and a reliable form of transportation. All training provided. Must be able to pass state issued exam and background check. Email resume to lbcjobs@yahoo.com. (127-206)CAO748

7-TA,AdV B R 5,6(HenningsenCont/HelpWtd)HS

Located on the west side of Denison by the Hillside Grille

APPLY IN PERSON at 2511 Boulders Drive Denison, IA

Equal Opportunity Employer 7-R4, ADV B 6 (Hiring all positionsr/BouldersInn)BS

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