DBR Classifieds - Feb. 13, 2015

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Denison Review 11A Friday, February 13, 2015

Western Iowa’s

Review Classifieds CATEGORIY INDEX

130 141 151 153 160 165 171 175 181 191 200 203 215 220 225 231 235 240 255 320 350 370 401 475 480 500 530

Lost & Found Antiques & collectible Appliances Hay, Grain, Seed for Sale Building Materials Office Equipment Clothing & Jewelry Computers Farm Equipment Firewood Household Goods Horses & Equip Lawn & Garden Livestock For Sale Machinery/Tools/ Equipment Miscellaneous for Sale Musical Instruments Pets Sporting Goods Wanted to Buy At Your Service Position Wanted Help Wanted Business For Sale Opportunities Autos for Sale Auto Parts & Service

535 Motorcycles, Bikes & Recreational Vehicles 540 Trucks & 4 x 4’s 550 Vans & SUV’s 555 Trailers 610 Boats & Motors 620 Campers & Equipment 625 Motor Homes 660 For Rent Business Property 670 For Sale Business Property 690 For Rent Office Space 730 Storage Space 750 Mobile Home Spaces 760 Mobile homes for Rent 770 Mobile Homes.Sale 791 RV Campgrounds 810 Unfurnished Apts for Rent 820 Homes for Rent 827 Wanted to Rent 830 Homes For Sale 840 Acreage/Farms For Rent 850 Acreage/Farms for Sale 860 Lots for Sale For Rent 870 Real Estate Wanted 875 Farm Land Wanted 903 Card of Thanks 904 In Memorium 2055 Daycare Services

GENERAL INFORMATION Office Hours: Mon -Wed-Thurs 9a.m. - 5 p.m.;Tues & Fri 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone: (712) 263-2122 or 1-800-657-5889 Send Ads To: Denison Bulletin and Review - P.O. Box 550, Denison, IA 51442 The Denison Bulletin and Review reserves the right to refuse any ad. All private party ads are paid in advance. We accept MasterCard and Visa.

newest farm machinery locator website featuring equipment dealers. Farmer to farmer ads across the Midwest! Check us out today! www.Agstuff. com ( 11-8-tfn)mcan 200 Household Goods STRECK SALES Quality used furniture & more. Antiques, modern vintage. BUY SELL TRADE One piece or whole household. 421 South 10th Street, Denison www.strecksales.com 712-263-4090 or 712269-2995 (927-tfn) 320 Wanted to Buy

Nebraska Special Education Certification with endorsement in Early Childhood Special Education Staff Development Specialist Requires Nebraska Teacher Certification More information on all positions available at http://www.esu13. org/ Salary based on training and experience. Send letter of interest, resume and credentials: Dr. Jeff West, Administrator ESU #13 4215 Avenue I, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 jeffwest@esu13.org Application deadline: February 15, 2015 EOE(203-213)mcan

Wanted to buy a used Honda Moped, any condition. 712269-2190 (620-tfn) ****** Want to buy 8 track player. Call 712-2692190 (1014-tfn)

****** GERING PUBLIC SCHOOLS is seeking qualified candidates for the 2015-2016 school year: Secondary InDEADLINES dustrial Technology Instructor Interested canToday’s ACTION and Denison Bulletin: Friday at 5 p.m. Denison Review: 5 p.m. on Wednesday didates are requested to 350 At Your Service apply via our website RATES Save your VHS tapes. www.geringschools. Reach Out Ads: Your ad automatically appears in the Today’s VHS tapes are decom- net Applications will be ACTION, Denison Bulletin and Denison Review. & Advisor $16.75 for the first 20 words. posing and need to be taken until the position Card of Thanks and Memorials are a flat rate of $10 or one edition transferred to DVD. We is filled. Current open or $15 for two editions (75words and under). They do not appear in the will copy VHS tapes to positions are listed on Today’s ACTION or Advisor DVD and Laser Scribe our website. The Gering Blind Ads or ads sent to the Denison Bulletin/Review Box for forwarding new Labels. We will Public School District is will be charged an additional $2.50. provide 2 DVD Copies an equal employment around time on repairs. of your tape to you. Our opportunity (EEO/non em141 Antiques and We will scan for spy price to save your VHS discrimination) ployer.(210-213)mcan Collectibles ware and viruses. We tapes is $15.00 Per Unit. Do you like Auctions? will fix the registry and 712 269 1095(111-tfn) ****** Are you looking for a repair your files. Call Mountain Cement Com401 Help Wanted (etf) special item? Do you 712-269-1095. pany, Laramie Wyocollect anything? The Special Education Coming is seeking qualiM i d l a n d s A u c t i o n s . 181 Farm Equipment ordinator Secondary fied Electrician. Job com site will email you Auctions Auctions Transition Specialist requires at least four only Auction Sale bills more Auctions. Let us Early Childhood Spe- years of verifiable expethat match what you’re search for the items cial Education Staff rience as an electrician looking for. ITS EASY you need. We notify Development Specialist in mining or a heavy ITS FREE go to www. you when what your Education Service Unit industry. Applicant midlandsAuctions.com looking for comes 13Scottsbluff, Nebraska should be thoroughly up for sale at Auc- Special Education Co- familiar with the care 175 Computers tion. Its FREE. www. ordinator Requires Ne- and use of meters and COMPUTERS FIXED m i d l a n d s A u c t i o n s . braska Administrative test equipment, meg(1108-tfn)mcan Certificate with Special gering motors and FAST If your computer com ****** Education endorsement cable, and troubleis running slow we can fix it fast! Quick turn www.Agstuff.com The Secondary Transition shooting AC and DC Specialist Requires Ne- starters, variable speed braska Teacher Certifi- drives, and power discation with appropriate tribution equipment. rself here! (YOUR NAME HERE) u o y e r endorsements Early Safe working habits tu Pic partners with people Childhood Special Edua MUST. Pay $27.56 with intellectual disabilities cation Teacher Requires with increase after 45 in Denison to create a meaningful life in a caring community giving a voice to their needs.

Mosaic in Western Iowa is growing and we are looking for qualified staff to join our team! We’re currently recruiting for Direct Support Associates! Experience isn’t required, but applicants must be at least 18 and have a high school diploma or equivalent, as well as a valid driver’s license. Mosaic offers a generous benefits package, including free health insurance, flexible scheduling, continued job training and opportunities for career advancement. We’re also offering a $200 hiring bonus after 6 months of successful employment! For more information or to apply online, visit www.mosaiccareers.org or call 712-644-2234.

Western Iowa Tech Community College is seeking applications for the following position:

Nursing Instructor Denison Campus

Teach Nursing and related courses. All candidates interviewed will be required to provide a teaching demonstration. Master’s degree in Nursing, Iowa Nursing license and experience in clinical nursing. Minorities and bi-lingual candidates are encouraged to apply. Please submit 1) WITCC Application for Employment; 2) resume; 3) letter stating qualifications and 4) copy of transcripts. To learn more about this position or to request an application, visit our web site at www.witcc.edu/jobs or contact: Human Resources Office Western Iowa Tech Community College P.O. Box 5199, Sioux City, IA 51102-5199 (712) 274-6400; FAX (712) 274-6412 800-352-4649, e-mail: hr@witcc.edu WITCC is an AA/EEO Employer

217 E. 7th St. Logan, IA 51546-0153 712-644-2234 www.mosaicinwesterniowa.org

7-ADV,TA,B,R7 (Nurse Inst/WIT)WS

7- R6 & 7 and TA, ADV, B 7 & 8(partners2x4/Mosaic)MS

We Are


Join Our Successful Team! Crew Lead/Mixer Technician/Receiving Quality Liquid Feeds, Inc., a nationwide, innovative leader in the developing and manufacturing of liquid feed supplements for animals has a full-time Crew Lead/Mixer Technician/Receiving position available at our Dunlap, IA plant on our 3rd shift! We are looking for a team-oriented person who will help us continue to expand and grow. The individual in this position is responsible for working alongside their team members and directing the 3rd shift team operations at our QLF Manufacturing plant. Excellent communication, problem solving, organization and planning skills, as well as being a team player, possessing excellent coaching, leadership, interpersonal and analytical skills and the ability to work with and relate to people is a necessity. Candidates should have the ability to multi-task and learn multiple job duties. They must possess basic math and writing skills - the ability to read formulas is essential to the position. Candidates should also be able to lift 55 pounds on a regular basis, work at elevated heights and work in varying environments. Maintenance skills and the ability to troubleshoot equipment is preferred. We offer competitve wages and excellent benefits to full-time employees. Applications may be submitted to hr@qlf.com For more information or to request an application call (800) 236-2345 Applications will be accepted through February 27, 2015 For more information, visit our plant located at 107 W Remsen Street in Dunlap. 7-r7,8 ta,adv,b 8 9(HW WK8 3X4)Qa

day probationary period. Medical, 401K and other benefits. Send resume to HR, Mountain Cement Company, 5 Sand Creek Road, Laramie, WY 82070 or Fax to 307-7424534.(210-213)mcan ****** Food Service Assistant Western Nebraska Veterans’ Home is seeking highly motivated and caring people to join our Food Service Team. Part-Time permanent positions available. Starting wage $10.22 with generous shift differentials for early/late shifts, weekends and holidays. State of Nebraska offers excellent benefits including 12 paid holidays, retirement, vacation and sick leave, health, dental, life, and disability insurance and the gratitude of the Veterans you serve. Rotating day and evening shifts between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. with every other weekend off. Apply at www. statejobs.nebraska. gov(206-217)MCAN ****** Class A CDL Drivers Wanted Apply at: Paul Reed Construction 2970 N. 10th St., Gering, NE 69341 Equal Employment Opportunity Company(206-217)mcan ****** SALES REPRESENTATIVE: The Lexington Clipper-Herald is seeking a personable and cheerful individual to join our team. Will be required to service existing advertising clients with their marketing plan. Sales experience a plus but not necessary to apply. Must have dependable vehicle and current auto insurance. Hours are Monday through Friday 8am – 5pm. Send letter and resume

via email to: chrissy. wagener@lexch.com or mail to Lexington Clipper-Herald, P.O. Box 599, Lexington, Ne 68850.(127-220)mcan

****** Truck drivers wanted. Must have CDL with experience. Local and OTR positions available for Hopper and Belts. Good pay with benefits. 800-762-9474 Defiance, Ia (1010-tfn))

****** NOTICE: Advertisers are responsible for the content of all employment advertising published in this newspaper. Such advertising is subject to federal and state equal opportunity laws and guidelines which make illegal any employment advertising that indicates any preference, limitation, specification or discrimination based on race, color , religion, age, sex, marital status, disability or national origin except that: When bonafide reasons exist for specifying certain types of individuals employment advertising may include such specifications (htf)

****** Mountain Cement Company, Laramie Wyoming is seeking qualified Electrician. Job requires at least four years of verifiable experience as an electrician in mining or a heavy industry. Applicant should be thoroughly familiar with the care and use of meters and test equipment, meggering motors and cable, and troubleshooting AC and DC starters, variable speed drives, and power distribution equipment. Safe working habits a MUST. Pay $27.56 with increase after 45 day probationary period. Medical, 401K and



Night Auditor 11 pm to 7 am shift. Will train.

the r o f New

OAK RIDGE LOCATION Located on the west side of Denison by the Hillside Grille

APPLY IN PERSON at 2511 Boulders Drive,Denison, IA or online at www.bouldersinnandsuites.com

Equal Opportunity Employer 7-ADV, B, R 7 (Hiring all positionsr/BouldersInn)BS

N O N S $100 for New Part-Time G I S NU O $200 for New Full-Time B Now accepting applications for the following positions:

Community Support Staff Kitchen Support Staff Janitorial Support Staff 415 S. 11th Street, Denison, IA 51442 712-263-6141 7-ADV,B,R 6&7($100 Bonus-WESCO) WS

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