Sunday, May 23, 2010
Expansions continue at Iowa Western Community College 3C
Technology aids in student athletic recruitment 11C
School dances still swingin’ MIKE BROWNLEE Staff Writer mike.brownlee@nonpareilonline.com (712) 325-5732
n high school, school dances feature more, well, dancing. As students get older the days of each sex congregating on opposite sides of a gym floor give way to dances featuring disc jockeys, tuxedos and the Lady Gaga dance ballad “Bad Romance.”
“There’s freedom to how you can dance in high school. You don’t have to dance like this,” said Dylan Wulff, a senior at Lewis Central, before holding her arms extended, elbows locked and shoulder high. “(Guys) don’t have to be afraid of girls anymore.” Freedom of dance, to an extent, said Abraham Lincoln assistant principal and frequent school dance volunteer Fred Maher. “We’re always trying to avoid the dirty dancing, the grit and grind,” Maher said. “Holding hands is fine, but we don’t want them locking up. The ‘ole PDA – don’t want that.” That much hasn’t changed, as avoidance of too much “affection” at dances has been around since schoolmarms were measuring skirt lengths and before. A few things have changed at school dances, however. According to Charlotte Butterbaugh, the activities bookkeeper at L.C. and the prom sponsor, dances have become more popular. L.C. had a record turnout at prom this year, she said, with around 400 attendees. For prom only juniors and seniors and their invited guests may attend and the junior and senior class at L.C. totals than 400 students. “That’s a pretty good showing,” Butterbaugh said. “The kids love to dance.” Even the non-dancers attend, according to L.C. senior Brooke Elliff. Elliff said she’s not a huge fan of the music played at dances – “I don’t listen to that kind of music and I don’t really know how to dance to it” – but she still attends. “They’re a lot of fun,” she said. “And you get to hang out with your friends.” Other changes include the technology and music at dances. At L.C.’s prom the DJ played the music video of each song played on a projection screen. “It’s a lot more rap-oriented these days,” said Lu Peverill, an L.C. counselor and student council sponsor. Student council plans the homecoming and snowball dances at L.C. Added Maher: “Way back used to have a live combo, a small band. That was years ago. Now it’s records, tapes and CDs, in that order.” Peverill also said that group dances, like
“The Electric Slide” and its younger brother, the “Cha Cha Slide” are more popular than ever. “The kids love those,” she said. “The kids don’t seem to like slow dances as much as they used to.” Maher said he’s also seen a decrease in slow dancing and the increased popularity of group dances. He also said the groups of students standing around has shifted. “Seems like there are a lot more standing out in the middle of the floor rather than the outside,” Maher said. Student groups, including student council, DECA, prom and homecoming planning committees and other groups, with faculty advisors there to help, plan school dances. Dances are traditionally funded by an admission fee said both Butterbaugh and Maher. For prom, L.C. juniors Wulff, Kait Madsen, Sarah Gates, Nate Connealy, Luke Norville, Jenna Ladd planned the theme – “The Streets of France” – planned decorations, designed invitations and announcements and handled coronation. “It’s interesting how much work went into it,” Madsen said. “Students were involved in every detail.” Wulff said he loves seeing students put on their glad rags for dances. “You see their personality come out in the way they dress,” he said. “It’s great.”
Submitted photos
Clockwise from top left, Lewis Central freshmen Morgan Malskeit (left), Samantha Moore (middle) and Amber Huttman (right) cut a rug at the Snowball winter dance. Center right, Ashley Jones-Landon and Matt Andersen were named Abraham Lincoln High School 2010 prom king and queen. Bottom, from left, Lewis Central juniors Jenna Ladd, Kait Madsen, Dylan Wulff, Nate Connealy and Sarah Gates pose at this year’s prom. Center left, Derek Sevener and Bridget Hall were Lewis Central’s prom king and queen. Staff photo/Cindy Christensen
Top left, the Lewis Central prom planning committee is in charge of creating, planning and implementing this year's prom. The committee consists of juniors (back row, from left) Luke Norville, Nate Connealy, Dylan Wulff, (front row, from left) Kait Madsen, Sarah Gates, Jenna Ladd and committee sponsor Charolette Butterbaugh.