Excellence in Education

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EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION www.DBRnews.com | Friday, June 25, 2010

Getting your teen prepared for college by Curt Hagedorn As any parent who’s ever packed and sent a child off to college knows, the amount of preparation, the emotions it brings and the general sense of mixed feelings on both sides can make it an extremely stressful situation. Here are a few tips to relieve some of the anxiety. Deal with money matters well in advance. Most kids go a little nuts, or at least make few financial missteps in college. That’s why, as difficult as it is, you need to sit down and discuss the various financial responsibilities your child will be taking on, maybe for the first time. This includes learning how to keep track of a checking account, how to use credit wisely, as well as budgeting, shopping tips and other information. Make sure you communicate the limits of your financial contribution clearly. College is an expensive proposition and there’s nothing wrong with emphasizing that the cost might require some financial compromises and creativity on everyone’s part. Keep the lines of communication open. Though they may not want to admit it, most college students do get a little homesick (not to mention missing the free cooking, laundry and entertainment services usually provided at home). Though you want your child to learn how to cope on their own, setting up a regular time to call or even some “nonholiday” visits may help remind both your child and you that you’re still a family. If your child doesn’t have a cell phone, like that “emergency” credit card, this may be the time to get them one. Make sure you research and discuss the most economical plan. Things like Internet access and text messaging can be extremely expensive, and if you’re paying for additional minutes that cell phone bill may turn into a problem. And remember, discuss cell phone eti-

Advice to freshmen from the Top of the Class of 2010 Always try your hardest in classes to understand the material and apply it to your own life. You will never know when you may need it. Also, academic success opens many doors for future opportunities. Don’t be afraid to get out there and do what you feel like doing. There is no such thing as embarrassment or shame; it is all in the mind. People respect others with passion, so find something you love and never give up. Adam Riesselman, Ar-We-Va High School Keep your grades up and always maintain a thirst for knowledge. Stay involved and have fun, because high school flies by. Matt Dalton, Ar-We-Va High School Always try your hardest. It is extremely hard to pull up your GPA if you slack off for one year. You will work harder trying to improve your GPA than you would have to receive a grade in your classes. Always try hard in anything you do; don’t be afraid to have a dream. Work hard to achieve it. Ashli Dunham, Boyer Valley High School Do your homework and study, even if you don’t want to. It will help you in the long run. Do everything you can while you’re in high school and don’t waste a single minute, it goes by so fast. Molly Gangestad, Charter Oak-Ute High School Stick with it and get good grades, otherwise there is a good chance you’ll regret it later. If you don’t learn what you’re supposed to in your freshmen year, it makes the rest harder. Get involved with everything - from sports, to hanging out with friends, to getting a job. Just have fun and don’t be afraid. Don’t blink because it’s over before you know it. Jacob Clemon, Charter Oak-Ute High School

quette. Though it’s becoming more and more common, text messaging, games and other cell phone features should never, ever be used during class. Tackle some uncomfortable issues. Your child is facing a whole new world out there, and even the best of kids may make decisions away from home that they might never have considered when surrounded by the grounding influence of home and family. Take the time to have a frank discussion with your child about alcohol, drugs and sex. Even if it’s only providing them with pamphlets and other information. If you find this prospect daunting, talk to your high school guidance counselor or the dean of student’s office at the college to find out where to get the best information, what your child needs to know, and to give

them a place to turn oncampus if they have a question or problem. Help them put their best foot forward. Computers and other learning tools are now available in a wide range of prices and configurations and are probably the single most important thing your child can take with them to school. Many campuses offer discount computer purchase programs that you can take advantage of as well as shopping your local merchants. WiFi, or wireless internet and network access is a capability well worth springing for. Many colleges and universities now offer students the ability to log into their networks from anywhere on campus. Stay involved in your child’s education. Out of sight shouldn’t mean out of mind, and college is full of situations and decisions where your child will still

need your interest, understanding and support, from dealing with new living situations to choosing a major to juggling work, finding time to study, extracurricular and social activities. If you can, visit your child’s college, speak to deans and professors and get your own picture of the opportunities, challenges and pitfalls your child may face. Watch your child’s grades for signs of difficulties. Even the best of student’s grades may slip in the first year. Some guidance from you can help your child figure out the reasons. In general, be as involved as you can in helping your child navigate the various rites of passage that college will present, and you may find that their college years will be a positive learning and growing experience for your entire family.

Do your homework and study for tests. It doesn’t take that long and everything you learn applies to the real world. Get involved in music, sports, FFA, speech, and other activities. It is possible to be involved in different kinds of activities. Just get involved. Christina Riessen, Denison High School Freshman year is the most important academically because it is when you set the bar for yourself. Don’t slack off because your grades will be very important to you someday when it comes to scholarships and getting into colleges. Be yourself. Don’t change for anyone else. Have as much fun as you possibly can because if you don’t you will regret it! Enjoy the time you have now because it truly goes by too fast. Alicia Ullrich, Denison High School Keep the big picture in mind; this will help you put things in perspective and not stress over every little detail. Also, push yourself. Don’t settle for what others think you can do; make goals, dreams and take action to make them reality. Remember what others have given to get you where you are today; don’t take anything for granted. Rebecca Halbur, IKM-Manning High School Give 100 percent on everything asked of you in the classroom the first time you do it. Do not take anything for granted and always try to live up to your potential. Ericka Tank, IKM-Manning High School

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