RELAY FOR LIFE www.DBRnews.com | Friday, June 25, 2010
What is Relay For Life? Walkers, cancer survivors, community leaders, team captains and hard workers all make the American Cancer Society Relay For Life a reality in Denison. Relay For Life is a unique fundraising event that allows participants from all walks of life - including patients, medical support staff, corporations, civic organizations, churches and community volunteers - to join together in the fight against cancer. Relay For Life is a team event where participants walk, relay style, beginning at 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 26. Teams of cancer-fighting enthusiasts will gather at Denison High School to show their support and dedication. Relay For Life is as much an awareness raiser about the progress against cancer as it is a fundraiser. Individuals who are willing to give their time and energy to the event, as a volunteer or participant, have made a commitment to fight back against the disease and let the community know people can beat cancer. People who would like to join the Relay For Life in Crawford County should call the Crawford County Relay For Life chair, Lori Brockman at 263-1935.
Why do we walk the Relay For Life? Did you know that 1 in 3 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer sometime in their life? Do you know someone who has cancer or who has lost his/her battle with cancer? Relay For Life raises dollars to increase awareness and eliminate cancer through research, education, advocacy, and patient service programs.
Who should participate? Everyone! As a participant in the Relay For Life, you will contribute to the tremendous success of this important event. Help continue the momentum and enthusiasm that has grown over the past few years as cancer patients, their families, friends and local citizens continue to fight this dreadful disease. The Relay For Life is so much more than just a successful fundraising activity. It has evolved into a crucial event that encompasses all that the American Cancer Society is: It's about a community coming together to take up the fight! It connects everything the community does to everything the American Cancer Society does and puts a "face" to the organization. It's a celebration of hope, healing, compassion and survival. It's a very personal experience, many people claim as "life changing." It's a family activity at a time when there are not many available. It's a team-building event for companies and organizations that is fun, energizing and exciting - hard for other events to duplicate. It's about pride and accomplishment. It's a recruitment vehicle for new volunteers, as well as a volunteer leadership tool. Relay For Life is an experience unlike any other you'll be glad you came!
Relay For Life Committee Crawford County Relay For Life Committee members are, from left, Kim Wilken, Lyle Fleshner, Pat Fleshner, Lila Bubke, Denny Schmidt, Betty Schmidt, CJ Niles, Louise Osterlund, Lori Brockman, Barb Ernst, Judy Thams, and Jay Mendlik. Not pictured are Ruth Moen, Kelly Weltz, Gladys Ahardt, Amy Schultz, and Mike Pardun. Photo by Emma Struve
Early detection helps Judith Resendez battle leukemia Judith and family will light torch at Relay For Life by Gordon Wolf Early detection of cancer is important, as the Adrian Resendez family of Denison can attest. Adrian will be one of the speakers at the Saturday, June 26, Relay For Life at Denison Community High School. The “Words of Hope” presentations are scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. In addition, the Resendez family – Adrian, wife Edith and daughters Judith, 11, and Jessica, 7 - will light the torch at 6 p.m. at the Relay For Life welcoming ceremony. Judith was diagnosed with leukemia last year on August 25. Since that time, she has been receiving chemotherapy treatments at Children’s Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. At one point she received as many as four per week – one each on Monday through Thursday. By the second month, the doctors said Judith was cancer free. She is now on a maintenance routine of chemotherapy and has nearly completed those treatments. But the chemotherapy took a toll on Judith; it made her sick and tired, and she has to limit her activities. In Judith’s case, it was her parents’ quick observation of a change in her level of activity and her eating habits that lead to an early diagnosis of leukemia. “When she started the fifth grade (at Denison Broadway Elementary) in August, we noticed that Judith had slowed down in her activities,” said Adrian. JUDITH RESENDEZ...Page 3
Early detection of leukemia helped Judith Resendez of Denison react quickly to chemotherapy treatments. Judith’s parents, Adrian and Edith, noticed a change in her activity level and also saw that she was bruising easily. That lead to a doctor’s appointment on August 25, 2009. Judith is nearing the completion of treatments. Judith will enter the sixth grade at Denison Elementary School this August. Photo submitted