See pages 6/7 for more Applefest snapshots! Boxes for the Woodbine troopforsthe
Boxes will soon be packed troops from Woodbine in, and s headed for, Afghanistan. Supplie y, jerk f still needed are bee power bars and cash. Please help with this community project. Nancy Contact Foutch, 647-2271.
The Woodbine Twiner The Official Newspaper of Woodbine, Harrison County, Iowa Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Volume 132, Issue 40
Fire & Rescue grant totals continue to rise
Rain or Shine
Despite the dreary weather Sept. 25, Woodbine’s annual Applefest still brought crowds into town, wandering the historic brick streets, viewing the car show, quilt show, craft show, Civil War living history, Applefest Fun Run and more. For more photos, please see pages 6 and 7. Photos: Nikki Davis
Teresa Deppe, front right, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, better known as ALS or Lou Gherig’s disease. A benefit ride is slated for Oct. 2, beginning at 11 a.m. Pictured with Teresa is her son, Tyler, left front, and her husband, Keith. Photo: Nikki Davis
Book Club The Woodbine Carnegie Library’s Book Club will meet from 6-7 p.m. Oct. 6 at the library. Discussions of books we read as a group or individually provide renewed awareness of
SWAIN REALTY Woodbine, Iowa
The numbers seem to be in favor of the Woodbine Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department. The organization recently secured another grant towards their new projects – an addition onto their current building and a 2,000 gallon tanker truck. Previously, the department had received news of a $10,000 grant from the Harrison County Community Foundation and $200,000 from the Rural Development’s Community Facilities grant program to be used for their new projects. On Sept. 15, the department was informed of a fourth grant in the amount of $102,000 to be used towards the fire station. “The I-JOBS awards announced will help cities and counties throughout the state move much needed projects forward to protect their citizens from the impact of natural disasters,” Governor Chet Culver said. “I created the I-JOBS initiative to build a better, stronger Iowa in response to the devastation of natural disasters. The awards announced will do exactly that, by directly improving our state’s disaster prevention infrastructure and wisely using I-JOBS funds to make Iowa a safer place. The cost of preventing a disaster is much less than the cost of recovering from one.” Originally, the department’s plan was to have the L-shaped addition to their building enclosed prior to looking into purchasing the tanker. But plans have changed due to an alleviation of funding issues. “Before the building had priority over truck because we used to have to purchase See GRANTS Page 5
Deppe benefit slated for Oct. 2 NIKKI DAVIS Editor Teresa Deppe looks frail sitting in the rocking chair where she spends most of her days. At 43 years old, her breaths are limited, but she stands grounded in hope. A year ago, she was energetic and maintaining a normal life. In October of 2009, she started losing her balance; then she lost control of the right side of her body. “At first, we thought it was stroke, then it started going up my right side,” Teresa said, confined to her chair, arms crossed
the fun of reading. Reading books is not an outdated art. We only need to revive the habit. Story Hour The Woodbine Youth Library will be hosting story hour from 10:30-
and laying on her lap. “Then it was her legs and left side,” her husband Keith said. In May, just a few months ago, a heartbreaking diagnosis was delivered. Teresa had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – better known as ALS or Lou Gherig’s disease. The information that followed the diagnosis was beyond heartbreaking. Death often occurs within three to five years of diagnosis, with only about 20 percent surviving longer. And the effects are devastating – affecting not only Teresa, but her family. “She used to be able to do all
11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays beginning in October and running through April. Contact the library with questions at 6472750. Democrat Fall Rally
NEW LISTING: Commercial Property 3169 Hwy 30, Woodbine. Includes 15 unit Storage Bldg., Office or Retail space with 2 entrances, Hwy 30, frontage, 2 acres. Randy Pryor 712-644-7610
sorts of things like drive and walk,” her 8-year-old son, Tyler, said. “Now she can’t and we take care of her.” “Tyler and I used to be able to walk up little slopes with her and now we have trouble getting her up,” Keith said. “I’m not used to any of this. I don’t know how women do it. Dishes, laundry … I just can’t catch up.” Teresa began to cry listening to them. Keith and Tyler rushed to her side. Her symptoms set in rapidly. A few ALS symptoms include difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, muscle weakness See DEPPE Page 5
Harrison County Democrats Fall Rally, “We Do Democracy,” will be held 4-7:30 p.m. Oct. 3 at Sawmill Hollow Organic Farm, 2159 Kenendy Ave., nine miles north of Missouri Valley off Laredo Ave. The rally
will offer food, music, meet and greet Democratic candidates, auction and door prizes. Contact Pat Hart, 5920518 or See SHORT TAKES Page 5
Motivated Seller
712-647-2741 644-7610 Randy Pryor, Broker MILLARD HOUSE Roger Barry, Asso. Broker 647-2323 NEW LISTING 401 Normal - Woodbine 608 Ely St. Leroy Burbridge, Asso.Broker 592-0085 201 Ely - Woodbine 42 9th St • Woodbine Woodbine Unique, Historic, Cindy Pryor 647-2741 Agent: Leroy Burbridge 2 BR home, updated w new 2 bR starter home with Original, Must see to Bill Hutcheson 592-2330 712-592-0085 windows, siding & doors. detached garage appreciate! Jerry Baldwin 269-2336 NEW PRICE Excellent condition $69,000 $45,000 - Randy $186,000 Tony Smith 592-9817 Cindy Pryor 712-647-8899 $105,000 Pryor 644-7610 Denise Baldwin 269-2337 Check out our website for more listings and interior photos.
The Woodbine Twiner
“A newspaper is a circulating library with high blood pressure.” ~Arthur Baer
Joining in the fun
e are now in the third year of Woodbine’s designation as a Main Street Community and efforts by your Main Street Chamber Board. Its four committees, Design, Business Improvement, Promotion and Organization each play important roles in executing our comprehensive community improvement plan. As one of the four, the Organization Committee responsibilities include fundraising. We have been very fortunate to receive many grants for the lion share of Woodbine’s improvement projects, but it still takes lots of people, working behind the scenes, to ensure our projects are fully funded. The Organization Committee tries to work within the communities many activities to conduct fundraising. The Sunday dinners this past winter helped not only the Main Street Chambers fundraising efforts, but also provided something to the community not previously available; a good local place to eat on Sunday. Profits were shared with local churches and civic groups who assisted in making each week a success. Our annual meeting, a requirement of the Main Street Program, also serves as a fundraising event. The meeting provides the community with an annual report of progress to date, and the future. The very successful dessert auction has continued to grow and raise funds for projects. The year marks the second year for the beer tent at Applefest; many of you may not even be aware of it. But this year with some better promotion it will continue to compliment our fundraising efforts. And after three years of success, this fall we will begin the renewal of memberships in the Main Street Chamber with an added twist. This year the Main Street Chamber will add a new category, the individual or family membership. This new category of membership will recognize our Main Street is not only built by businesses, but by those who support them. In the next few months if you have not yet been contacted by a representative of the chamber to become a member, call the Main Street office and show your support for Woodbine by joining.
CONTACT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Phone: 712-644-3123 Public board meetings are held Thursday mornings at 9 a.m. on the second floor of the courthouse. Supervisors Larry King, Robert Smith and Gaylord Pitt keep office hours on Thursdays. To be placed on the board's weekly agenda, contact Susan Bonham, Harrison County auditor, at 712-644-2401 by 9 a.m. Wednesday. Minutes are available for public viewing in the auditor's office.
The Woodbine Twiner Published in Woodbine, Iowa. A Western Iowa Newspaper Group Publication of Midlands Newspapers, Inc. Nikki Davis – Editor Loyal Fairman – SALES Coordinator Daryn Morriss – Account Representative Mary Lou Noneman – Production Supervisor P.O. Box 16 • Woodbine, Iowa 51579 Phone – 712-647-2821 Fax – 712-647-3081 E-mail – Official Newspaper for the City of Woodbine and the Woodbine Community School District. Periodical Class Postage Paid at Woodbine, IA 51579 USPS 690-340
SUBSCRIPTION RATES College/Academic (9 Months) – $24.00 Senior Citizen (62 or older) in Harrison County – $31.50 Harrison County, Panama, Portsmouth & Moorhead – $38.50 Rest of Iowa and Nebraska – $41.00 U.S. Outside of Iowa and Nebraska – $45.00 All items, including ads and news articles, intended for publication in this newspaper must be received AT the Woodbine Twiner office by NOON the preceding Friday. LETTERS POLICY: The Woodbine Twiner welcomes signed letters to the editor. Letters must include the writer’s telephone number for verification purposes and should contain fewer than 300 words. The Woodbine Twiner reserves the right to edit all letters. Send letters to P.O. Box 16, Woodbine, IA 51579, fax to 712647-3081, or e-mail to The contents of this newspaper are protected by copyright. Other than non-commercial, personal use of a limited nature, no part of this publication may be copied and reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of the editor.
September 29, 2010
The things that made me go, “Hmmm...” B NIK’S KNACKS efore you have a panic attack – let me explain a few things. I was asked to attend an editor’s conference last week. It was entertaining and educational. (And the food was fabulous.) When I attend conferences and seminars – I start getting ideas. I mean, that is, after all, how we learn. There was a design discussion and some points were brought up that I took to heart. Most of you won’t notice the subtle changes I was going for … for instance, instead of using a standard, six-column front page, I used a 19 column grid. I’m sure that makes a whole lot of sense to you, right? Understood every word? Well, in the short version, it gives me more wiggle room on how wide I can run photos and stories – and makes it easier for me to line things up on the page and make them “pretty.” Apparently I have not been using graphics and photos to their fullest potential, either. And, I just learned … did you know you can actually move the masthead? That’s the part that says, “Woodbine Twiner ….” and states what volume and the date and such. I didn’t go THAT wild this time … but keep your eyes open. I got a lot of ideas, but I’m trying to introduce them gradually. Then, there came the heavy hitter. We had an entire discussion on small town paper’s “community calendars.” For us, that would be our Short Takes column that has run on
the front page, left side, for as long as I can remember. I heard arguments for both sides, but one really stuck out in my mind. “If you put the same thing in the paper in the same spot every week, people almost forget it’s there.” That was applicable to ads, columns, etc … So I thought I’d be brave this week and try it. Did you notice? Did you see the changes? I bet, if anything, you noticed Short Takes was moved, huh? Let me know what you think of these little changes … I’m curious to see if what they taught me is true. And you, my loyal readers, are the only ones that can really answer that question. My e-mail is or call me at the office 647-2821.
Vegetables in the winter
ell, different week, and even different season, but I am back to talk more about things you might try with excess garden vegetables. There are a few options for prolonged winter storage of fruits and vegetables. But first, here are several general storage rules: • Never store vegetables and fruits in the same area. Plant materials age or ripen when they are exposed to a chemical called ethylene. Ethylene is naturally produced by nearly all fruits as they ripen. If that ethylene gas charges the storage atmosphere, any root crops that are in storage will age; becoming soft and rapidly losing quality. • The general rule is to lower temperatures for storage as close as reasonable to freezing temperatures, but don’t let them freeze. If you have controlled-temperature areas like a refrigerator or cooler, you can hold fruits and vegetables a degree or two from 32 successfully. But with facilities constructed for storage like a storage cellar or tile storage your goal should be holding temperatures from about 34 to 40 degrees for success. Also, although excess moisture is a bad thing, you do want to maintain humidity high to delay dehydration and maintain quality. • Place barriers at rodent
entry points to limit or avoid mouse damage. • A cool basement corner can be retrofitted into a small root cellar for ripening tomatoes and for short-term storage of potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, pumpkins and winter squash. Insulate inner walls and the ceiling to reduce both the heat coming into the area and the chilling of the living area above. Avoid areas with heating ducts running through them. A window that allows you to control the entry of ventilation air into the area is quite helpful. • Outside storage is also a possible storage option. When settlers first came to the prairies, produce was kept in outdoor caches that could be opened even in the middle of the winter, and these still can work today. You can construct a temporary storage by digging a pit several feet in diameter in a well-drained site. A 1-to-2 foot deep pit can keep produce into early winter, but for longer storage the pit needs to be 3-to-4 feet deep. Put the pit in a sunny location so the sun helps warm the area slightly, avoiding freezing. Put a layer of straw at the base and stack the vegetables in a pyramid. Alternatively, the produce can be packaged in mesh “onion” bags for easier removal. Put about a foot of
EXTENSION OFFICE RICHARD POPE Harrison County Extension Program Coordinator clean straw over the produce, and then add 8 to 12 inches of soil over everything. An additional layer of straw on top will help prolong the storage. Cover the top with a piece of screen to exclude rodents. A cross of two boards nailed together helps mark the spot. • A modification of the pit process is to use a section of hollow tile. Get a 2—3 foot long section of concrete or clay tile that is from 1½ to 2½ feet in diameter. Choose a well-drained site and dig the hole just big enough to fit the tile in snugly. The hole should be dug 6 inches deeper than the tile. At the base, use 3 or 4 standard clay bricks as a foundation and set the tile in the hole. Pour 2-3 inches of coarse gravel or sand for drainage, and leave the lid off for a week of fall evenings (replace the lid during the day). Wet the gravel or sand and cover for a few days to raise humidity. Cool vegetables to be stored in a shady covered area outdoors or in a refrigerator for a day or so to chill
them. Vegetables can be placed in mesh bags, baskets, etc. to allow for easier removal during the winter. Cover the tile with hardware cloth, and spread several inches of straw, cornstalks, etc. and place a waterproof final cover and weigh it down. For cold periods, either scoop snow or place fiberglass insulation over the tile to provide additional protection. Vegetables can be stored until May and the tile can be opened and resealed repeatedly. Most of this information is based on a publication available at the extension office called Harvesting and Storing Vegetables, ISU publication PM-731. You can download it at: store/pm731.pdf, or contact us at the Harrison County Extension office, or an ISU Extension office near you. For additional information, contact Rich Pope at the Harrison County Extension office at or 712644-2105.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Calling King a hypocrite DEAR EDITOR: These are harsh times and I’m going to use harsh language in this letter. When we received representative Steve King’s big glossy, expensive political mailing with multiple colors, pictures and print types my first thought was, wow, he sure must have some wealthy donors to be able to mail out something this posh. In that pamphlet he expounded his generalized disdain for big government and government waste so imagine my astonishment as I looked up at the upper lefthand corner and there in tiny, tiny print it said “This mailing was prepared, published and mailed at taxpayer expense.” In over 40 years of watching politics this is the worst abuse of the franking privilege I have ever seen. Of course! Representative King opposes public financing of election campaigns, us taxpayers are already paying for his. Hypocrite! In the political mailing that I paid for Representative King talks about eliminating the national debt. Yet when legislation was proposed to allow for the IRS to go after wealthy people hiding their income in secret overseas bank accounts and shell companies he voted against it. Hypocrite! The Veterans Administration negotiates drug prices with the suppliers saving taxpayers huge amounts of money. When Representative King and his Republican colleagues sat down with the drug lobby-
ists writing Medicare Part D legislation they actually made it illegal for Medicare to negotiate with their suppliers. As a result billions of our tax dollars go directly from the treasury into the pockets of Representative King’s backers in the drug industry. Hypocrite! Mr. King likes to portray himself as a family values guy. Yet when he was a member of the Iowa Legislature what did he do when Governor Branstad and his Republican cronies plastered our state with gambling casinos? I don’t think any legislation in Iowa history has caused more bankruptcies, more broken homes or more neglected children than this single policy. Hypocrite! On Nov. 2 let’s dump this guy. THANK YOU, DAVID BRINGMAN LOGAN, IOWA
Understanding management of livestock and manure DEAR EDITOR, I would like to make a few points and explain what is all involved with the agricultural, environmental and legal issues of managing livestock manure in Iowa today. Agriculturally there are mostly benefits to come from manure applications. Manure applicators use some of highest technology machinery which sometimes cost hundreds thousand of dollars to get the highest nutrient benefit
from there manures. Using animal manures for fertilizers has been something that has been done for hundreds of years and most agronomists and farmers will still tell you today it is the best product to use as a fertilizer source. Environmentally farmers are becoming more aware of how their business affects the environment. For years many did not understand how nutrients affected water quality. Like I mentioned in the paragraph above about how manure affects agricultural production many farmers are using more technology to utilize there manure more efficiently and by doing so water quality is slowing improving. Soon manures could be the most sought after nutrient source in the state and why would people want to waste something that is valuable.
Legally manures are becoming an up hill battle for many livestock producers. Every field has it own environmental assessments taken to be sure the potential to damage water quality will be low. These assessments usually are taken by trained individuals and they all take time and money to complete, it’s not like livestock producers can just increase the price of their products to cover the added costs of production like other businesses do. This letter was not intended to argue the fact that agriculture should not be regulated nor that agricultural is regulated to stringently, this letter was just to inform the public about how things are changing agronomic ally, environmentally, and legally for livestock producers. ABE SANDQUIST, WOODBINE
September 29, 2010
The Woodbine Twiner
Church OBITUARIES ERVIN GRAY Funeral services for Ervin Gray were held at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 23 at First Congregational Church in Dunlap. Pastor Tom Petersen officiated the service and graveside rites were held at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Dunlap. Organist EveVonne Muff provided accompaniment for congregational hymns, “Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound” and “How Great Thou Art” and was a soloist for hymns, “On Eagles’ Wings” and “In The Garden.” Serving as pallbearers were Larry L. Davis, Timothy R. Gray, Bryan Malone, Rolly Laubscher, Tom Gray and Bradley Malone. The family invited everyone to return to the church and join them in fellowship and lunch served by the Congregational Ladies. Ervin Perry Gray was born June 29, 1926, the son of Thomas and Laura Moore Gray. He died on Sept. 19, 2010 at home at the age of 84. Ervin was born on a farm near Moorhead and attended school in Moorhead through the sixth grade. On Dec. 27, 1947 he was united in marriage to Opal Neville in Valparaiso, Ind. and was blessed with the birth of four children. From a very young age, Ervin fell in love with farming. In 1950 he began farming as a farmhand for Park Moorhead. Later, he began farming with his brother, Lloyd, and eventually settled on the family farm. He loved working the land and a long hard day of work was his idea of a great day. He never really retired and continued to pick corn and rake hay as long as he could. He enjoyed tending to his hogs, cows and calves and in his free time he enjoyed woodworking, fishing and “Man’s Best Friend,”his fourwheeler. His grandchildren
and great-grandchildren were a very important part of his life. He enjoyed spending time with all little children and sharing with them his passion for farming. He was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers: Floyd, Lloyd and Cyril; and one son-in-law Michael. Survivors include his wife, Opal; four children: Linda and her husband, Larry; Glenda Mae and her husband, Earl; E. Roy and his wife, Sharon; Kathy; seven grandchildren: Bryan, Bradley, Larry L., Jennie, Lori, Mary Opal and Timothy; six great-grandchildren: Cody, Kaitlyn, Gerald Ervin, Jackson, Mandi and Logan; many other relatives and friends. Final resting place was Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Dunlap. The Huebner Funeral Home of Denison was in charge of arrangements. Huebner Funeral Home 1437 Broadway Denison, IA 51442 712- 263-4158
ROBERT DONN Funeral services for Robert Donn were held at 2 p.m. Sept. 26 at Fouts Funeral Home in Woodbine. Elder Francis Harper served as clergy. Musicians were Loie McElwain and Brittney Donn. Honorary pall bearers were Lloyd Messenger, Elmer Swift and Glenn Thompson. Pall bearers were Ben Andersen, Gary Collins, Bob Hammitt, Merne Hammitt, Leland Lantz and Ronnie Mann. Robert Lyle Donn, 83 of Woodbine, died on Wed., Sept. 22, 2010, at the Rose Vista Nursing Home in Woodbine. Lyle was born Oct. 21, 1926, at home to Herbert and Edna (Evans) Donn in Woodbine. He was raised in the Woodbine area and graduated from Woodbine High School in 1943. Lyle started farming and then he proudly served
his country in the United States Navy from 1944-1946. He was stationed in Gulf Port, Miss. and also the Philippines. After his honorable discharge, he returned to Woodbine to farm. Lyle married his high school sweetheart,Virginia Barry, on Dec. 1, 1946, at the Methodist Church in Woodbine. The couple farmed the Donn family farm. Lyle loved to coyote and coon hunt with his dogs and friends. He also enjoyed playing cards. His passion was his family and farming. He and Virginia still lived in the house he was born and raised in. Lyle was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers, infant Bernard, Lloyd and Wayne Donn; and two sisters, Merle Purcell and Leeta Hammitt. He is survived by his wife, Virginia Donn of Woodbine; two children, Cary (Glenda) Donn of Woodbine, Debbie (Mike) McFee of Fremont, Neb.; six grandchildren, Joann (Steve Spelts) McFee, Ryann McFee, Renee McFee, Brenda (Nick) Loftus, Brian (Stephanie) Donn, Brittney Donn; five great grandchildren, Lane Pitt, Caleb Loftus, Emerson Donn, Christopher Spelts, Nicholas Spelts; and many other relatives and friends. Military graveside rites were performed by American Legion Weiss Post #143. Final resting place was Woodbine Cemetery in Woodbine. Fouts Funeral Home of Woodbine was in charge of arrangements. Fouts Funeral Home 501 Normal St. • Woodbine Ph: 712-647-2221
JENNIFER CROZIER Visitation for Jennifer Crozier was held 10-11:30 a.m. Sept. 20 at the UNMC, p r i v a t e .
Visitation was held again starting at 3 p.m. with family will receiving friends from 6-8 p.m. at Fouts Funeral Home Woodbine. Memorial service was held at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 21 at the United Methodist Church in Woodbine. Reverend Kim Crummer, Missouri Valley United Methodist Church, served as clergy. Recorded selections were “The Rose,”“How Great Thou Art” and “What a Wonderful World.” Jennifer Rebecca (Miller) Crozier, 36, of Missouri Valley, died Sept. 16, 2010, after a long fought battle with breast cancer at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Neb. Jennifer was born on Nov. 16, 1973, to Roger and Loretta (Pedersen) Miller in Des Moines. She attended school in Dunlap, Logan and graduated from Missouri Valley High School in 1992. While in high school, Jen was a member of the National Honor Society. She earned her bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Nebraska. Jen married Jeremy Crozier on June 1, 2002, and they lived in Persia. The couple was blessed with a daughter, Grace. Jen was employed at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Her love and devotion to the Section of General Surgery was valued and appreciated by her colleagues. She was promoted to General Surgery Residency Coordinator where she excelled in managing the educational requirements of surgeons in residency training. Jen’s qualities as an inspirational leader were recognized in September of 2008, when Jennifer received the Chancellor’s Gold ‘U’ award, a prestige given annually to a very small number of topnotch employees at the University. Jennifer was awarded $1,000 by WOWT (Channel 6 and First National Bank) in their Pay It Forward campaign in 2008. She used the money to raise additional money in order to walk in the Susan G Komen breast cancer 3-Day walk in Phoenix with
her cousins. She was preparing for graduate school to become a physician assistant. Jen was loved dearly by her co-workers and her passion, dedication, sense of humor and friendship will be dearly missed. Jennifer enjoyed reading, spending time with her daughter and family, gardening and drawing. She also enjoyed playing the piano and listening to music as well as scrapbooking. Jennifer was preceded in death by her grandparents. She is survived by her husband, Jeremy Crozier, of Persia; daughter, Grace Crozier of Missouri Valley; mother, Loretta Hamblin of Missouri Valley; father, Roger Miller of Missouri Valley; sister, Janelle Spencer and brother, Jason Miller both of Missouri Valley; and numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends; and her beloved Scooby. Fouts Funeral Home of Woodbine was in charge of arrangements. Fouts Funeral Home 501 Normal St. • Woodbine Ph: 712-647-2221
BONNIE SUMMERFIELD Funeral services for Bonnie Summerfield were held at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 24 at Fouts Funeral Home in Woodbine. Reverend Carla Johnsen served as clergy. Musicians were Margaret Cotton and Jerry Baldwin with selections “Won’t It Be Wonderful There” and“Farther Along.” Pall bearers were Rick Hanny, John Nelson, Bryan Barry, Scott Zaloudek, Ryan Sweeney and Jeff Zacharia. Bonnie Neome (Boone) Summerfield, 94 of Dunlap,
died on Sept. 21 at the Parson’s House in Omaha, Neb. Bonnie was born May 21, 1916, to Robert and Katherine (Young) Boone in Woodbine. She was raised in Woodbine and graduated from Woodbine High School. She received her teaching certificate from Woodbine Normal School and taught country school for eight years. Bonnie married Walter Summerfield on Feb. 24, 1943, in Denison.The couple farmed in the Galland’s Grove area northeast of Dunlap. After all the children were raised Bonnie worked at the Dunlap Co-op for a number of years. The couple moved to town in the 1980s. Walter died on Dec. 30, 1990. Bonnie loved family picnics and playing cards with the neighbors. She also enjoyed mushroom hunting and traveling. She loved to write poems and draw. She especially enjoyed her trip to the World’s Fair in New York City in 1939. Bonnie was a member of the neighborhood club. Bonnie was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Walter Summerfield; four brothers, George, Dean, John and Charles Boone; and two sisters, Wahneeta McDaniel and Kathleen (Betty) Royer. She is survived by her four children; Barbara (Dick) Hanny of Council Bluffs, Marla Barry of Omaha, Neb., Dale Summerfield of Woodbine, Marcia (Ron) Nelson of Omaha, Neb.; six grand-children; nine great grandchildren; and many other relatives and friends. Final resting place was Woodbine Cemetery in Woodbine. Fouts Funeral Home of Woodbine was in charge of arrangements. Fouts Funeral Home 501 Normal St. • Woodbine Ph: 712-647-2221
Community Memorial Hospital 631 N. 8th St. Missouri Valley, IA
OCTOBER OUTPATIENT SPECIALTY CLINICS FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor Rev. J. Samuel Subramanian, Ph.D. 647-2304 647-2347 Sunday 8 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Worship at 10:30 Tues., Thrift Shop 9 - 2, 5:30 7 p.m. Wed., 6 p.m. Prayer Group; 1 & 3 Thurs. 7 a.m. Weight Loss Group; 6:00 p.m. Tae Kwon Do. Ushers: FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Disciples of Christ Pastor Bill Kanne 647-3078 647-2761 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, 10:45 a.m.Worship Service Worship leader: Regina Rains Elders: Rod Smith & Cheryl Book Deacons: Jamie & Lynee Metzger, Leroy Burbridge, Brent & Michele Watkins Deaconess: Mary Lou Brammer Song Leader: Jenny Hall Greeters: FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pastor Steve Wiemeyer 46 Fifth St. Woodbine, IA Sun.: 10:30 a.m.,Worship. FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST 77 Fifth Street Woodbine, IA Church - 647-2006 Richard Tiffey, Jr. 644-3297 Sun., Early Worship 9:15 a.m. 9:30 Sunday School 10:30
Woodbine Farm Supply Seed - Chemicals -Feed Steel Buildings
Thee Woodbine Twiner Office Supply Headquarters Woodbine • 647-2821
Triplee C Roofing Commercial Roofing 800-234-5546 Woodbine • 647-2303
Worship Service 6:30 class. Wed. 7:00 p.m. prayer service SACRED HEART PARISH CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Howard Fitzgerald 647-2931 643-5808 Masses: Saturday, 4 p.m. in Woodbine,Woodbine 2nd & 4th Sunday 8:30 a.m. Dunlap 1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday 8:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3:15-3:45 p.m., or any time by request. COMMUNITY OF CHRIST Noel Sherer, Pastor 647-2014 647-2695 Wed.: Zion’s League. Sun.: 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:15 a.m., worship; 10:30 a.m., worship. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Logan, IA Jerry Firby, Pastor 644-2384 642-2842 Sun: Worship; 9 a.m. Fellowship; 10 - 10:15 a.m., Sunday School 10:15 - 11:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study - 10:15 - 11 a.m. LIFELINE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Pastor Ray Sorenson Assoc. Pastor Hank Gruver 1207 Harrison St., Dunlap, IA - 643-5475 Sun.: 9:30 a.m., Sunday School; 10:30 a.m., Morning Worship; Thurs.: 7 p.m., Intercessory Prayer. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Logan, IA
Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative Serving the rural Woodbine Community
Woodbine • 647-2727
Farmers Trust & Savings Bank Woodbine • 647-3375 Earling • 747-2000 Member Harlan • 235-2000
Stephany - Coe “Insurance of all kinds since 1900”
Woodbine 647-2641
Vance Gardiner, Branch Pres. 644-3495 646-2310 Sun.: 10 a.m., Sacrament meeting; 11:15 a.m., Sunday School; 12:10 p.m., Priesthood and Relief Society. Wed.: 7:00 p.m., YM/YW Scouts ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH, E.L.C.A. Dunlap, IA Carla Johnsen, Pastor 643-5495 643-5575 9:15 a.m. Sunday School. 10:30 a.m.Worshipw3rd Grad Bible Sunday. 11:30 p.m. Fellowship/coffee hour. BETHESDA LUTHERAN CHURCH, E.L.C.A. Moorhead, IA Carla Johnsen, Pastor 8:45 AM Rally, Sunday woirship and 3rd Gr. Bible Sun. 9:45 a.m. Fellowship/Coffee Time REMNANT CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Missouri Valley, IA Ted Webb, Pastor Sun.: 9 a.m., Church School; 10 a.m.,Worship Service. THE BELIEVERS TRAINING CENTER Carmen Goodrich, Pastor 647-3233 647-2223 Wed.: 7:30 p.m., Bible Study and Youth. Sun.: 9:30 a.m., Worship; 7 p.m., Evening Service. MISSOURI VALLEY SUNRISE COMMUNITY Rev. David McGaffey
Call 647-2821 to get your business on the church page directory
Eby’s Drug Store Three Generations of Pharmacists Woodbine • 647-2840
If You Have Church News or Events Please E-Mail the Twiner at
Church of the Nazarene 2225 Hwy. 30, Missouri Valley, IA 712-642-3708 Sunday: 9:50-10:50 a.m. Sunday School; 10:50 a.m.noon, 6-7 p.m., Celebration Service. Wednesday: 7 p.m. - ?, Prayer Service. MOORHEAD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Pastor Ron Keith Sun., Worship 9 a.m., Coffee Hour 8 a.m. Sunday school 10:00 Elders: Steve Houston, Phil Meadows, Judy Houston, Nancy Meadows Deacons: Mary Cumming, Dave Nelson, Frank Archer, Joyce Harris Deaconess: Barb Mann Greeters: MONDAMIN BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Harley Johnson Mondamin, IA Sunday school 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m.; Sunday - Youth Group ‘Magnolia Fire Escape’ 7:30 p.m. at Magnolia Fire Hall Wednesday Family Nights 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. (during school year. FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Missouri Valley, IA Rev. Barbara Todd Sun.: 9:00 a.m.Adult Sunday School. 10:00 a.m., Worship; 11:15 a.m., Sunday School for all ages. Faithful Wednesday dinner 6:30 p.m.Youth 5:30-7:30.
For Scheduling Appointments Call 712-642-9347
AUDIOLOGY Rhonda Ward, M.S., CCC-A......................Oct. 4, 18 & 25 CARDIAC Heart Consultants..........Every Wed. all day & Friday PM Cardio Vascular Services...............Mon. P.M. & Fri. P.M. CARDIAC/PULMONARY REHABILITATION Cindy Sproul, R.N.......Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday CARDIOVASCULAR NON-INVASIVE STUDIES..................................................Every Mon AM EAR, NOSE, THROAT Iris Moore, M.D........................................Oct. 4, 18 & 25 GASTROENTEROLOGY John Ferry MD............................................Oct. 12 & 26 GENERAL SURGERY Roalene J. Redland, M.D.......Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Terrence Ciurej, M.D......................Oct. 5, 12, 19 & 26 Andrew Y. Reynolds, M.D....Every Thurs. A.M. and Wed. OB-GYN JOrge Sotolongo, M.D..........................................Oct. 13 ONCOLOGY Heartland Oncology & Hematology..........Every Thursday OPHTHALMOLOGY Michael Feilmeier, M.D..........................................Oct. 19 ORTHOPEDICS Thomas Atteberry, M.D...............1st, 3rd, 5th Thurs A.M, 2nd & 4th Thurs. all day PODIATRY John Weremy, DPM.....................................Oct. 14 & 28 Indergit Panesar, M.D.....................................Oct. 7 & 21 UROLOGY Larry Siref, M.D............................................Oct. 11 & 25
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MARRIAGES • Ryan Anthony Michel, Woodbine and Lacey Kay Summerfield, Dunlap
SMALL CLAIMS • Merchants Credit Adjusters, Inc. vs Christopher Skinner, Modale • Phoenix Recovery Group, Inc. vs Joshua A. Athay, Missouri Valley • Capital One Bank, (USA), N.A. vs Randy Alexander, Magnolia • Merchants Credit Adjusters, Inc. vs Heather Reed, Missouri Valley • CACH vs Terry Hamblen, Dunlap • CACH vs Lynda Turney, Missouri Valley • Foodland vs Dustin Purcell, Missouri Valley • Nebraska Furniture Mart, Inc. vs Marsha Weatherwax, Missouri Valley • Foodland vs Beth Cummings, Woodbine • Foodland vs James Meister, Jeri Meister, Woodbine • Foodland vs Richard Collier, Missouri Valley • Foodland vs Michelle R. Knudsen, Magnolia SPEEDING • Matthew Hotz, Logan • Haley E. Day, Logan • Tony Kerger, Woodbine • Vincente Linares, Denison • Brian Shannon, Missouri Valley • Dennis Ruffcorn, Missouri Valley • Gayle Hayes, Mondamin
• Denise Vandenhull, Onawa • Michael Molitor, Pisgah • Christine McMurray, Logan • Kol J. Rath, Pisgah • Kathy Olsen, Missouri Valley SEAT BELTS • James Flaitz, Woodbine • Marilyn Woodard, Woodbine • Jerry Watts, Missouri Valley • John Coddington, Missouri Valley • Daniel Smith, Missouri Valley • Jefferson Davis, Modale • Kimbra Leinen, Portsmouth VIOLATIONS • Connie Sears, Logan, fail to maintain control • William Lewis, Missouri Valley, open container, driver • Warren Hall, Magnolia, operation without registration; financial liability coverage • Ronald Dorrance, Mondamin, violation of trip permits • Ryan Gregory, Missouri Valley, fail to maintain control • James Woodard, Dunlap, operate without registration • Michael Burmeister, Logan, careless driving • Mark Maybee, Logan, operation of nonregistered vehicle • Gary Small, Mondamin, fail to yield DISTRICT COURT
September 29, 2010
The Woodbine Twiner
• State of Iowa vs Kenneth Pickens, OWI first, deferred judgment for one year. Unsupervised probation for one year. Ordered to obtain alcohol evaluation and complete drinking driver’s course. Civil penalty of $1,250. • State of Iowa vs Rick A. Erwin, eluding and possession of controlled substance. On eluding charge: five years in prison, fined $750. Credit for time served. Suspended sentence. Supervised probation for three years. Ordered to reside at RCF until maximum benefits received. On possession charge: two days in jail, fined $315. Credit for time served. Driving privileges revoked for six months. Prison and jail sentence to run concurrent. • State of Iowa vs Travis R. Greer, probation violation and burglary in third degree. Five years in jail, $750 fine, credit for time served. Sentence suspended and placed on supervised probation for two years. To be placed in RCF until maximum benefits received. Fine suspended. • State of Iowa vs Rick A. Erwin, eluding, possession of marijuana. On eluding: five years in jail, $750 fine. Suspended sentence and placed on supervised probation for three years. On possession charge: two days in jail, fined $315. Driving privileges revoked for six months. Sentences to run concurrent.
By Sheriff Pat Sears Sept. 17 • Deputy Clemens is investigating the theft of a car from a residence on Liberty Avenue. Sept. 18 • Deputy Doiel stopped a vehicle on Highway 191 south of Persia. The driver was found to be drinking in the car. Jeffery Ross of Portsmouth was arrested and transported to jail. Ross was charged with OWI, driving while barred, no insurance and open container of alcohol in a vehicle. Sept. 19 • Deputy Doiel was dispatched to a residence on Loomis Avenue for a noise complaint. The source of the noise was found and the occupants were advised of the complaint. • Deputy Doiel stopped a vehicle on U.S. Highway 30 east of Missouri Valley. The driver was found to be drinking in the vehicle. Shaun Rife of Logan was arrested and transported to jail. Rife was charged with OWI second offense, driving under suspension, operation without registration and open container of alcohol in the vehicle. • Deputy Cohrs was dispatched to check on suspicious behavior in Modale. The subject was found and interviewed. No further action was needed. Sept. 20 • Deputy Knickman and Deputy Killpack responded to a residence to check on a suicidal sub-
ject. The subject had left the house but was located and transported to the Missouri Valley hospital for committal. • Deputy Cohrs responded to Mondamin for a report of reckless driving. The area was checked but no vehicle matching the description was found. • Deputy Knickman assisted with a juvenile problem in Persia. Harassment had turned to a minor assault with ongoing retaliation. Parents to the kids were advised of the problem and will assist in getting the ongoing problems stopped. • Deputy Knickman is investigating an attempted burglary at a property on 335th Street. Sept. 21 • Deputy Klutts transported Robert Weise of Council Bluffs from the Pottawattamie County jail to Harrison County on an outstanding arrest warrant. • Due to no Logan officers in town, Deputy Jensen responded to a fight on North Third Avenue in Logan. Ellis Robinson of Logan was arrested and transported to jail. Robinson was charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. • Deputy Cohrs assisted with filing juvenile assault charges as a result of a fight in Mondamin. Sept. 23 • Deputy Klutts and Deputy Cohrs responded to the Mondamin area to check on a despondent
person who made suicidal threats. The subject is from the Omaha area but was on Interstate 29. The subject was located and after a short pursuit was detained. The subject was transported to the Missouri Valley hospital for committal. The subject was committed and will be charged with OWI first offense as well. • Deputy Killpack investigated a possible dog bite involving a child. The Nebraska Humane Society requested to check a residence on Liberty Avenue for the dog. The owner of the dog was contacted and refused to release the dog to the society. The officer with the Nebraska Humane Society will follow up on the case. • Deputy Killpack transported Terry Coddington of Missouri Valley to jail on an out-ofstate warrant. • Deputy Killpack arrested Ronda Coddington on an out-ofstate warrant. Coddington was transported to jail. • Deputy Clemens investigated a motor vehicle accident on Laredo Avenue. Upon arrival, the vehicle was abandoned. The driver of the vehicle was found at her residence. • To report Crimestopper information call 1-800-247-0592. • To report littering call 1-888-665-4887. Any criminal charge is merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.
AEA merger DU Banquet Cottey College gathering Green Valley AEA 14 and Loess Hills AEA 13 completed their merger and on July 1, officially became Green Hills Area Education Agency. The merged AEA includes Harrison, Shelby, Pottawattamie, Cass, Mills, Montgomery, Adams, Union, Clarke, Fremont, Page, Taylor, Ringgold and Decatur Counties. These 14 counties also can be divided by 10 Early Childhood Iowa Areas; the legislated name change for community empowerment areas. Of these 10 ECI Areas, two currently fund dedicated service coordinator positions for Green Hills AEA: HMS, which includes Harrison and Shelby counties; and Promise
Partners, which is Pottawattamie county. This partnership between the AEA and ECI is an excellent example of interagency collaboration in support of infants, toddlers and their families eligible for early interventions services either through a developmental delay or a condition known to possibly result in delay if services not provided. For more information, contact Mandy Wagner, HMS dedicated service coordinator, 712755-3896 or e-mail or Carrie Powders and Monica Weber, Promise Partners dedicated service coordinators, 712322-7354 or e-mail and
The DeSoto Bend Chapter of D u c k s Unlimited’s annual banquet is Sept. 30 and volunteer organizers are about ready for the event. There will be a large assortment of prizes available to suit nearly everyone’s tastes, including guns, prints, other artwork and decoys. There will also be live and silent auctions, raffles and numerous
games with prizes for all ages. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. at the Missouri Valley Eagle’s Club, with a New York strip dinner served at 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door. For information or tickets please call Deb and Rex Gochenour at 712642-3370, Mark Clausen at 712-642-4696 or Steve Van Riper at 712-6422893.
ServSafe class ServSafe, the national certification program for food service employees, will be Oct. 27 and 29. Participants must attend both sessions. Cost of the course is $125. It will be held at the Mills County Extension Office in Malvern. To receive more information and registration form contact the Mills County Extension Office at 712-6248616. Registration is required by Oct. 18.
High school girls are invited to attend a Cottey College Gathering from 6:30-8 p.m. Oct. 4 at the Logan-Magnolia High School. This is an opportunity for high school girls and their parents to learn more about Cottey College. Cottey representatives will be on site to answer questions and provide information regarding a free weekend stay to experience suite life on campus Oct. 1517 during a “’C’ for Yourself Weekend.” Cottey is an independent, liberal arts and sciences college for women in Nevada, Mo. Virginia Alice Cottey founded the College in 1884 with the firm belief women deserved the same quality of education as men. She bequeathed the college to the P.E.O. Sisterhood in 1927, making it the only nonsectarian college owned and supported by women. The P.E.O. Sisterhood, a philanthropic educational organization of over 250,000 members, is dedicated to providing educational opportunities for women. For more information regarding the event or to register, please talk to guidance counselor or to P.E.O. contacts for the event: Nancy Foutch, Woodbine; Kim Nunez, Mondamin; Linda Hennessy, Logan; Alice Christy, Modale or Kenya Straight, Dunlap. For general college information, please refer to Cottey’s Web site at
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September 29, 2010
Deppe benefit Oct. 2 From DEPPE Page 1 gradually becoming worse, muscle cramps and more. And while there is no known cure, medications are able to help control and even alleviate the symptoms. But there was another road block. The medication was $860 a month. And there wasn’t much to fall back on. Keith had been laid off since October of 2009 after approximately 25 years of dedicated employment to the same company. That’s how they found their way to Harrison County. He was transferred 13 years ago to work in Blair, Neb. But now, Teresa, obviously, doesn’t have a job, either. “Keith can’t go to work now anyway because then there’s no one here,” Teresa said. “And they’ve turned me down for disability.” But the Deppe family is still grounded in hope considering some recent help and community support.
The Woodbine Twiner
A neighbor – someone they had met and been cordial to, but had never bonded with – temporarily helped solve the medication expense issue. “We really owe Lenka (Knowski) a special thanks,” Keith said, Teresa nodding and smiling. “She’s been doing all the paperwork and lining up all the phone calls and appointments. We play cards,” Teresa said. “And she was able to get us one year of the medication … for free,” Keith said. “There’s no way we could do this without her.” It’s not just her – there have been numerous community members stepping up. “People bring by food all the time for us,” Tyler said. And, according to Teresa and Keith, some contributions are anonymous. “One time we came home from Missouri after visiting Teresa’s parents,
and there was a golf cart in our front yard,” Keith said. “We are so grateful for all that has been done for us.” And the community has planned more. The 4 Rivers Riding Club with The Lost Hogs is rallying one last time for the season with the Teresa Deppe Ride slated for Oct. 2. Sign up for the ride is being held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Juli’s Cave Inn in Magnolia. Rider fees – including cars, motorcycles and anything legal for the roads – will be $15 for a single rider, $25 for a couple and $5 for each additional passenger. Last card will be drawn at 6 p.m. Best hand payouts include 30 percent for first place and 20 percent for second. Teresa Deppe and her family will receive the remaining 50 percent to help with medical bills, modifications to their home and more. A street dance featuring the Byron James
Gang Band from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. will take place at the Cave Inn following the ride. Entrance fee is waived if participating in the ride - $10 if not. For more information, contact Denis Stueve at 402-516-2332, Lou Costanzo at 402-250-8814 or Rhonda at 712-6482540. “We’re just waiting for a miracle. Right now, it’s so overwhelming if you just look at how we were living life and how we’re living now – it’s one step forward and two steps back,” Keith said. “Either you have nothing – or you just make do with what you got and deal with it.” In the mean time, Teresa quietly asks, “Can you please get him off of me?” as she looks down at the family’s “Healing Cat,” Cybil, who has been curled on her lap and on top of her hands. Her arms weren’t strong enough to push the 15pound cat onto the floor on their own.
Municipal delivers a bright idea The Woodbine Municipal Light and Power are doing what they can to raise awareness on the importance of energy efficiency. In order to raise awareness they hosted an open house Sept. 15, invited Anne Kimber from the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities and Joni Livingston from Missouri River Energy Services. “The purpose was to help keep our customers informed of the energy efficient means that they have at their disposal and to provide continuing education in that area,” Woodbine Municipal Light and Power Superintendant Chris Waite said. Approximately 75 people attend the event which provided hands on opportunities to learn about energy efficiency – such as a stationary bicycle used as a generator to light up various types of Ashley Burbridge tried to light up all the bulbs on the stationary bike generalight bulbs. The contrap- tor during the Woodbine Municipal Light and Power Open House Sept. 15. tion came compliments Photo: Nikki Davis of the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities understand that it is eas“The price difference than information – proand Kimber. ier and better to conserve makes the choice obvi- viding samples such as Livingston was also then to have to purchase ous,” she said. “We energy efficient light on hand to answer ques- a new power plant. understand that people bulbs, shower heads, tions and raise aware- We’re trying to utilize can’t do everything in faucet heads and more. ness. electricity in the most the ways of energy effi“We felt it was impor“Woodbine Light and cost effective way.” ciency, but the more we tant to get the informaPower wanted to create She cited the current can do, the better.” tion out there and were more awareness of ener- price of energy is costing Grant funding from pleased with the gy efficiency and the MRES about $600 per the Office of Energy turnout,” Waite said. rebates that are currently kilowatt, including staff Independence adminis- “We hope we can host available,” Livingston salaries and other items. tered by the Iowa another open house such said. “It was my goal to To build a natural gas Association of Municipal as this in the future to support our member in fired turbine, which is Utilities helped bring the raise more awareness getting energy efficiency the next least cost open house to fruition. and continue to educate information to their cus- resource, would come Those grant funds were Woodbine residents on tomers. For MRES, we with a price tag of $1,200 able to supply open the importance of energy hope to make people to $1,300 per kilowatt. house goers with more efficiency.”
SHORT TAKES From SHORT TAKES Page 1 Little League Football Anyone interested in participating in little league football, please contact Adam or Melanie Pryor at 647-2357. Participants and volunteers are currently needed. Tiger tattoos CUBS will be selling Tiger tattoos in the commons before school from 88:20 a.m. Oct. 1. Remember a couple quarters. Boxes for troops Boxes will soon be packed for the troops from Woodbine in-and headed for – Afghanistan. Supplies still needed are beef jerky; power bars and cash. Please help with this community project. Contact Nancy Foutch, 6472271. Mission trip presentation Rod and Teresa Smith would like to invite all local youth group participants to a presentation regarding
their Haiti Mission trip at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 6. Absentee ballots Absentee ballots are available in the Harrison County Auditor’s Office for the upcoming General Election to be held Nov. 2. Voters may vote in person at the Auditor’s office or send a written request to the Auditor’s Office, 111 N. Second Ave., Logan, IA 51546, that includes the name, birth date, address and signature of the voter and a ballot will be mailed to that voter. Last day for absentee ballots to be mailed to the voter will be Oct. 29. Call Auditor Susan Bonham, at 712-644-2401 with questions. Deppe benefit run A benefit run for Teresa Deppe will be held Oct. 2. Sign up from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cave Inn, Magnlia. The Byron James Gang Band will play from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. For more information, contact Denis Stueve at 402-516-2332, Lou Costanzo at 402-250-8814 or Rhonda at 712-648-2540.
Fire & Rescue grant totals continue to rise
From GRANTS Page 1 trucks to fit in the building,” Fire Chief Chris Waite said. “But now that we have grants secured in both areas, we are moving ahead with both.” Total grant monies tallied $312,000 for the department that is looking at an approximate $353,000 price tag between the tanker and the addition. Additional funds were raised during the Woodbine Fire and Rescue Departments annual raffle and street dance on July 10. Waite stated the hope of having the new building enclosed before the snow falls this year. “We’ll have bids out for the building by the end of the month and will be actively researching trucks,” he said. “Without these grants and the support of the community, this wouldn’t be happening. These grants and community support is the only way we could do this. Now that it looks like it’s coming together, it’s time to move forward on the building project and locating a new truck.”
Harrison County to use Precinct Atlas for general election Harrison County was among more than 20 counties in the state to use the Precinct Atlas for the school elections in September 2009 and will use the program again for the general election Nov. 2. “Precinct officials have all been trained and will be offered a refresher course prior to the election,” said Susan Bonham, Harrison County Auditor. The program is an electronic poll book that helps precinct election officials effectively and consistently process voters on Election Day. The system is free to election officials in the state, though each county had to supply the laptop computers and label printers needed to run it. The system consists of a laptop computer with the “Precinct Atlas” software and an attached label printer. According to Bonham, the laptops are never connected to the Internet. Before each election, voter registration information is loaded into the program from the statewide voter registration and election management system. The electronic poll book allows precinct election officials to follow an on-screen step-by-step procedure for processing voters that will help prevent errors and provide another layer of security to the election process. The Precinct Atlas program was developed by Cerro Gordo County and first used in a special election for the Mason City Community School District in February 2009. “Dozens of counties have tried and tested this program in their precincts and are finding it to be a worthy addition to election administration that reinforces the integrity of the process,” Secretary of State Michael Mauro said. Bonham praised the system and workers. “Harrison County precinct election officials do a suburb job of conducting the elections,” she said. “Using the Precinct Atlas program only enhances the precinct election official’s ability to make sure that all necessary documentation is properly prepared. The process has gone very smoothly.” The system is scheduled to be used in 668 precincts in 46 Iowa counties in the November general election.
Public Power Week celebration Woodbine Municipal Light & Power is celebrating Public Power Week, Oct. 3-9. “Public Power Week is a chance for Woodbine Municipal Light & Power to articulate why the public power formula works in Woodbine. We are absolutely dedicated to providing topnotch service and the lowest rates possible,” Woodbine Municipal Light & Power Chris Waite said. Public Power Week is a national, annual event sponsored in conjunction with the American Public Power Association in Washington, D.C. APPA is the service organization for community- and state-owned electric utilities.
“We are proud to have served Woodbine for 69 years,” Chris Waite said. Woodbine Municipal Light & Power invites community members to participate in a variety of Public Power Week events. Activities include: • Customer with the municipal electric utility are invited to stop by and enjoy some refreshments at our offices and sign up for door prizes.
• Hazard Hamlet – Electrical Safety demonstration with the fourth grade students featuring Jody Peck from Missouri River Energy Services. “Woodbine Municipal Light & Power knows how vital electricity is for the people of Woodbine, and we continue to find ways to deliver it reliably, safely and with special attention to the environment,” Waite said. Woodbine Municipal Light & Power was created in 1941. Today our power is supplied by purchases from Missouri River Energy Services and the Western Area Power Administration. It serves approximately 810 residential customers, and 176 commercial and industrial customers.
September 29, 2010
The Woodbine Twiner
Applefest Snapshots
The Applefest Fun Run made a come back in 2010. Approximately 20 runners completed the race. Shawna Harris, in red, was the driving force behind its return. H u n t e r Shanks, left, was the youngest runner participating in the Applefest Fun Run. Plenty of patrons visited the Woodbine Applefest Craft Show Sept. 25, during the rainy morning and the sunny afternoon. Over 100 booths and 70 vendors packed both gyms and the commons area of the Woodbine Community School building.
Mark Hammer’s Toyota won first in its class. Aside from the preparation the evening before, Hammer spent a few hours sprucing the machine back up before the judges made their rounds.
The Applefest Archery Competition was delayed due to the morning weather, but competitors still arrived with bow and arrow in hand.
The Applefest Petting Zoo was slightly delayed as the animals were sheltered from the rain in the morning. There were still plenty of willing animal lovers to make the visit in the afternoon ... children and adults.
The United Methodist Church’s apple pie stand was Although it wasn’t looking good for the Woodbine still popular although the pies were eventually Main Street-Chamber, their fundraising beer garmoved into the church’s basement. den filled up after the sun made an appearance.
The Boy Scouts were on hand, keeping Woodbine Children had fun riding the barrel train by the Woodbine Community School. beautiful.
Carameled apples.
Children attending the event didn’t let the rain ruin their fun. Several painted faces could be seen wandering through Woodbine.
Several food vendors were on hand - including local vendor Reisz Farms. Jim Reisz didn’t let the weather affect the grill.
Despite the weather, several classic cars made an appearance for the annual Applefest. Several spent most of their day wiping their vehicle down after the rain.
September 29, 2010
The Woodbine Twiner
Applefest Snapshots
Despite the rain and chill, Applefest attendees still waiting outside the Christian Church for homemade chicken and noodles.
The Harrison County Genealogical Society invited Local Woodbine students took time to enjoy the two speakers to Applefest this year. Pictured here is day by coloring their hair and participating in the Beverly Hinds speaking about Sacajawea. annual Applefest festivities.
The loud pipe contest, part of the Applefest Car show, drew a crowd later in the afternoon. Jonathan Plowman revved his race car.
Several Harrison County Treasurer and Supervisor candidates attended the Woodbine Kiwanis Pancake Feed - as servers.
Applefest Flea Market vendors spent some time covering and uncovering the wares displayed on their tables. Regardless, the flea market was an Applefest hot spot.
The annual Applefest Quilt and Doll Show had a new display this year, focused on Woodbine service members currently serving overseas.
A Civil War living history was taking place on the Woodbine baseball diamond compliments of Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
State Treasurer Michael L. Fitzgerald’s
ach year millions of dollars in unclaimed money are reported to the Office of the Treasurer of State. All names listed are from the last reporting periods and are reported as being owed $50 or more. Unclaimed property can be forgotten savings or checking accounts, utility refunds or deposits, uncashed benefit checks, lost stock and abandoned safe deposit box contents. If your name is listed or you are an heir to one of the names listed, log on to our website to print your claim form today or fill out the coupon below and mail it to the Treasurer’s Office. You will be asked to prove ownership.
Get your claim form today online at Dunlap Bailey Carolyn A, 909 Iowa Ave 2010094428 Binkley Darren, 302 N 6th St 2010146638 Culver Keith, 3893 Highway 37 2010071273 Egan Lelia B, 908 Eagle St 2010098175 Kaufman Josh, 117 Iowa Ave 2010071323 Linda’s Professional, 1192 Highway 37 2010142999 Neemann Henry, 1107 Montague Str 2010146742 Spanjer Scott, 607 Clinton St 2010158350 Little Sioux Cochran Brenda, 31797 Larpenteur Mem R 2010146651 Logan Bucy Derek E, 819 Glen Rd 2010135660 Chambers Donna, 603 N 3rd Av 2010142903 Clemens Tiffany N, 515 N. 3rd Ave 2010126529 Cox Emily, 2210 Norton Ave 2010091153 Dinsmore Jerry, 505 W 5th St 2010146660 Dunn Amy, 3050 250th St 2010075129 Dunn Jeremy C, 3050 250th St 2010075129 Harvey Kristin L, 119 N Linn Ave 2010164181 Kruger Rose Marie, Po Box 72 2010094913 Lucky David, 114 W 10th St Apt 4 2010143002 Molitor Michaela R, Po Box 63 2010143597 Naegelen Deeann, 215 W 7 Str 2010146741 Nebraska Land Central Service,1954 Morgan Ave 2010089738 Nordyke D Travis, 113 East 9th St 2010194979 Rand Cynthia, 2552 226th Ln 2010143070 Rausch Annette, 2785 Reading Trl 2010092519 Wendt David, Po Box 207 2010146825 Magnolia Hoover Jim, 512 3rd St 2010071311 Missouri Valley
Barnum Sandra, 2029 Oak Dr Boldan Clark, 571 N 1st St Boldan Shannon, 571 N 1st St Brown Daniel S, 714 N Harrison St Campbell Ruth A, 116 Nw St Campbell Stanley E, 116 Nw St Carolan Walter, 15540 Wilderness Ln Endicott Ashley N, 222 N 4th St Frye Mary Ann, 516 East Elm Gilmore Marcella O, 2231 Hwy 30 Griffith Genelle E, 607 E Superior St Hall Norman, 419 E Huron St Hamilton Kathleen, 423 N 4th St Harris Joel, 607 East St Clair Lemon Stephanie N,843 E Michigan St Loess Hills, 420 East Erie Mahlberg Jason E, Po Box 213 Marshall Jody L, 313 N 2nd St Martens Rita S, 410 E Michigan Martens Troy, 1013 W Huron St Mcguire Grace R, 302 N 8th St Miller Susan M, R R 2 Box 223a Ratigan Motor Center, Box 386 Romine Michael, 210 N 7th St Sears Nicholas E, 314 N 3rd St Smith Barbara C, 421 N 5th St Staben Carolyn J, 3317 Merrick Place Taylo Farms, 11563 Decoto Ave Thompson Carolyn, 2434 335th St Tierney Benjamin A, 2410 Mullen Ln Vosburgh Wilma, 803 N Valley St Williams Brian D, Po Box 322
2010101689 2010144855 2010144855 2010094431 2010113164 2010113164 2010146647 2010132369 2010144756 2010073727 2010126794 2010101909 2010100173 2010081292 2010112926 2010075833 2010126826 2010079199 2010083818 2010110255 2010081276 2010156765 2010038195 2010111399 2010081408 2010162868 2010094621 2010114151 2010164348 2010131610 2010146820 2010126767
Modale Jarsz Tom, 1373 248th Trl 2010071222 Mondamin Cook Robert, 2098 Austin Ave 2010146653 Franks Rickey, 1924 205th Trl 2010130108 King James R, 1680 Highway 127 2010193624 Leinen Joel, Po Box 88 2010142996 Noah Ronald, 5400 Ivy Ln Lot 5209 2010105270 Rhedin Joshua, 5292 3rd Ave 2010084473 Persia Bertelsen Heath, Po Box 96 2010121613 Gaul Eileen M, P O Box 116 2010155246 Pitts Chad, 101 2nd Ave 2010075243 Tuttle David, 2862 1/2 Vienna Ave 2010130468 Pisgah Mchugh Terry L, 2079 145th St 2010123658 Muzum Shay, 1721 124th Trl 2010155939 Sanchez Michael, 911 N 2nd St 2010098817 Woodbine Allen Mindy L, 44 7th St 2010146630 Bai Xiaowei, 1002 Park St 2010153240 Barry Motor Sports, 909 Lincoln Way 2010069761 Bell Brad R, 1001 Lincolnway St 2010081353 Croghan Pete, Rr 2 2010102971 Croghan Phil, Rr 2 2010102971 Gardner Harriet J, 3034 Highway 30 2010037183 Hood Darlene F, 407b Normal St 2010125571 Hood Fred E, 407b Normal St 2010125571 Hull De Loris G, 1105 Park St Apt 300 2010126967 Luth Randy William, 3597 170th St 2010123672 Navrude Shirley M, 609 Normal St 2010127478 Pitt Jerod, 2312 Sharon Ave 2010130330
Mail to:
State Treasurer
Published Name
Michael L. Fitzgerald's Published Address
Published Number Your Name Current Address
Lucas State Office Building
Get your claim form today online at
09/10 WO
The Harrison County Humane Society held their first Pet Fashion Show at the 2010 Applefest. Photos by: Nikki Davis and Daryn Morriss
The Main Street-Chamber’s beer garden featured wine tasting compliments of Everything Ellen.
Think Twice before Joining the “ Gold Rush” In recent months, you may have heard a lot about investing in gold. But is gold the right choice for you? Actually, many factors are involved in this investment decision —and you’ll want to consider these factors before you invest. Of course, the lure of gold is undeniable. Throughout history, gold has been perceived as having great intrinsic value. And this year, as you may know, gold prices have hit record highs, at well over $1,200 an ounce, as people have sought “shelter” from the stormy financial markets. But as an investment possibility, gold has some “scratches” to it. First of all, contrary to what you may believe, gold prices do not always go up; instead, they will fluctuate, sometimes greatly. Furthermore, there are specific risks with the different ways of investing in gold. If you bought a gold futures contract (an obligation to buy gold at a predetermined future date and price), you could lose money if gold falls, because you’ll still be obligated to complete your contract at the higher, agreed-upon price. If you purchased gold
in the form of coins, bullion or bars, you’d face storage, security, insurance and liquidity issues. You need to do a lot of research before investing in gold mining companies, because some of these companies may still be in the gold-exploring stage — and there’s no guarantee their explorations will lead to profitable discoveries. Also, even when its price is considerably lower than it is today, gold is still a fairly expensive investment compared to other choices. It can be costly to go into the gold futures market. And you’ll likely have to spend thousands of dollars if you want to buy a bar of gold or even a bunch of coins. Given these drawbacks to investing in gold, what can you do to fight back against market volatility? One of the best ways is to diversify your holdings among a variety of investments suitable for your financial objectives. Market downturns often affect one type of asset class more than another, so if you can spread your dollars among a variety of asset classes, you can help blunt the
Scott Thompson 115 N. Ave., Suite 200 Logan, IA 51546 (712) 644-3692 Toll Free: 866-644-3692 Member SIPC
effects of volatility. Keep in mind, though, that diversification, by itself, cannot guarantee a profit or protect against loss. In coping with volatility, you’ll also help yourself by taking a long-term view of your investments’ performance. If you look at your investment statement for a given month, you might not like what you see. But holding your investments for the long term may help your portfolio better weather the ups and downs you’ll encounter in the investment world. So try to avoid the allure of gold as a “quick fix” to whatever seems to be ailing the financial markets at a particular time. Other investments may be less glitzy and glamorous than gold, but they can have their own sparkle. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
September 29, 2010
The Woodbine Twiner
Home Help
Alan G. Ronk, Owner Ph: 712-647-2272 CELL 712-592-1977 Residential - Commercial Free Estimates
Loftus Heating, Inc.
Heating • A/C • IAQ Comm. Refrigeration Your Satisfaction is Our Guarantee
644-3260 Weekdays 7:30 to 5:00 1-800-747-7430 For After Hours Emergencies
State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Steve Keller, Agent 409 E Erie Missouri Valley, IA 51555 Bus: 712-642-3568 P045151 4/04
2 5
313 E. 7th St. Logan, IA 402-516-4656 -CELL (712) 644-1327 HM. (712) 644-3022 WK.
TACO TUESDAY Tuesday, October 5
Giant Tacos (Really Huge)
Huge choice of toppings
(Fantastic Toppings)
Margaritas Only
$ 00
While Supplies Last
4th h Avenue
No other food served Tuesday evening 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Oct. 5
115 N. 4th Ave. • 712-644-3200 Logan, Iowa 51546 Bill & Becky Greenwood - Owners
OPEN Saturdays & Sundays
~ Fun for all ages ~
100 Foot Tourist Center
Sat.,..............10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sun., ..............Noon - 6:00 p.m. Ride over 1,700 Feet of Track with bridge and tunnel
Miniature 1948 Coal Fired Steam Train Miniature 1959 Diesel - hauls adults & children Sat. & Sun. Miniature brass engine collection of every train U. P. built Train Rides - May - Oct.--- Halloween Weekends - Coming
WATSON STEAM TRAIN and DEPOT 712-642-2210 Missouri Valley City Park - Just East of I-29 on Highway 30
September 29, 2010
The Woodbine Twiner
On your marks! Get set! Go! The 21st annual St. Jude Bike-A-Thon was more than successful in 2010, raising a total of $1,335.35 for the charitable organization. Sept. 11 marked the date for the riders, who managed to raise the highest number of funds donated from Woodbine in the event’s history. Helping to make that history was Kaitlyn
Neligh raising the most funds at $290. Behind her was first time rider and participant Jared Newton, raising $190 with Jamie Plowman close behind him, collecting $100. A total of 23 riders rode the distance – but three tied for the furthest distance. Conner Sullivan, Newton and Plowman rallied for 14 miles during the day. The youngest partici-
pant was a nine month old riding in a stroller and the oldest were grandparents. “It was a perfect weather day and everyone was able to enjoy themselves,” event coordinator Barb Steppuhn said. “A special thank you needs to go to Bev Neligh for her help before, after and during the event and to Randy Mether, Mary Plowman, Micky Newton and
Candy Vennink, and to all the parents that stayed to cheer on their kids and grandkids.” Other participants included: Kylie Neligh, Kassidy Neligh, Branden Steppuhn, Bailey Steppuhn, Brenner Sullivan, Breck Sullivan, Shawnie Sullivan, Darbie Argotsinger, Hadlie Argotsinger, Sarah Bennet, Betty Bennet, Michael
Bennet, Stacy Lowther, Aidan Lowther, Steven Lowther, Jenny Hinkel, Autumn Vennink, Lane Vennink and Wade Vennink. Donations for the event were delivered by: Natural Creations, RL Barry Accounting, Shaw’s Screenprinting, WalMart (Denison), Swain Reality, Midwest Retro Foam, Natural Fertilizer Services,
Stephany and Coe, Karon’s Beauty Shop, Farmers Trust and Savings Bank, Eby Drug Store, Carson-Clark Insurance, Foodland, DJ Rob at, Pizza Ranch in Missouri Valley, Peachy’s Barber Shop, Nutrena Feed, Everything Ellen, Boustead Real Estate, Hometown Hardware and The Woodbine Twiner.
Forestry Field Day Conservation conference at Willow Iowa State University Forestry Extension, Iowa Department of Natural Resources Forestry Bureau and the Iowa Tree Farm Association, will host an educational field day from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Tom and Agnes Kenney’s tree farm on Oct. 7. This year, the field day replaces the annual day held at Yellow River Forest near Harpers Ferry. The Kenneys are being honored as Iowa Tree Farmer of the Year, said ISU Extension Forester Jesse Randall. Over lunch, updates will be given on the state of Emerald Ash Borer in Iowa and the control of several highly invasive plants. Several small scale forestry equipment products will be used during the field day, and a portable sawmill will be cutting unique slabs for wood turning and gunstocks. The cost of the program is $12 and will cover refreshments, lunch and handouts. The Kenney tree farm is located - from the north edge of Strawberry Point, go north on Highway 13 approximately 6.7 miles to the intersection with 318th Street. Turn right (south) and follow the signs to the field day location. From Elkader, at the intersection of Highways 56 and 13 head south on Highway 13 approximately 6.7 miles to the intersection with 318th Street. Turn left (south) and follow the signs to the field day. For more information, contact Jesse Randall at 515294-1168 or e-mail to
If paying in person, PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED in the Harrison County Treasurer’s Office by THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2010. Taxes must be postmarked by THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 Payments brought into the office Friday, October 1, 2010 or postmarked October 1, 2010
PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR RECEIPT COUPONS WITH YOUR PAYMENT. Credit/Debit cards are not accepted in the office
Vicki Argotsinger Harrison County Treasurer
The Harrison County Conservation Board recently co-hosted an Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards conference at the Willow Lake Recreation Area near Woodbine and the Harrison County Historical Village/Iowa Welcome Center near Missouri Valley. Over 200 directors, park rangers and county conservation board members from throughout Iowa attended the conference to learn more about Harrison County Conservation Board, recent projects, rental cabins, park and wildlife areas and environmental education programming. It was a great way for HCCB to promote Harrison County and show the achievements of the conservation board in recent years. Pictured here: Tim Sproul, Director, talking about the recent projects at the historical village including the Loess Hills Scenic Byway Portal and Lincoln Highway Interpretive Center. Photo: Submitted
New books at the Woodbine Public Library We have new books in the library for September. These include, for non-fiction: “Farm Chicks in the Kitchen” by Teri Edwards, “Guinness World Record 2011” and “Old Farmer’s Almanac 2011.” Audio: “Mini Shopaholic” by Sophie Kinsella. Fiction: “Bad Blood” by John Sandford, “Body Work” by Sara Paretsky, “Cobra” by Frederick Forsyth, “Damnation Road” by Max McCoy, “Rusted Tin” by Ralph Compton, “Strongheart” by Don Bendell, “Deadly Deceptions” by Linda Lael Miller, “Emily Hudson” by Melissa
Jones, “Heavens Fury” by Stephen Frey, “Lost Empire” by Clive Cussler, “Maybe This Time” by Jennifer Crusie, “Mini Shopaholic” by Sophie Kinsella, “Nose for Justice” by Rita Mae Brown, “Safe Haven” by Nicholas Sparks, “Santa Fe Edge” by Stuart Woods, “Thorn” by Beverly Lewis, “Waking up in Dixie” by Haywood Smith, “Wicked Appetite” by Janet Evanovich, “Widowers Tale” by Julia Glass, “1022 Evergreen Place” by Debbie Macomber. Winners of the Adult Summer Library Water
Bluffs, Glenwood, Red Oak, Logan Counseling Agency Gary Parker, LPHA, LMHC, MA, MS Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Office hours: Mon. - Fri.: 7 a.m to 4:30 p.m.
5321 1st Ave., Suite 69, Council Bluffs, 712-388-4293
202 E. 7th St., Logan, 712-644-2524
502 Sharp St., Glenwood, 712-527-1831
TURNING THE PAGES RITA BANTAM WOODBINE PUBLIC LIBRARIAN Your Mind are Mary Poe and Bob Hesman. Congratulations! The Library Knitting Club will start meeting in October. I will put it in short takes when we decide which night to meet. Library Quote: “The
richest person in the world, in fact, all the riches in the world couldn’t provide you with anything like the endless, incredible loot available at your local library.” ~Malcom Forbes, American Publisher
Woodbine Community School lunch menu Fri., Oct. 1: Spaghetti, lettuce, fruit, rolls. Mon., Oct 4: Chicken nuggets, potato wedges, corn, fruit. Tues., Oct. 5: Burrito, lettuce, cottage cheese, fruit, sandwich. Wed., Oct. 6: Hot ham and cheese sandwich, fries, fruit, brocc/caulif.
September 29, 2010
The Woodbine Twiner
Legals HCHPC Flu Clinics now scheduled Harrison County Home & Public Health wants you to know it is time again to be thinking of getting your flu shot. Harrison County Home & Public Health will begin offering flu shots beginning Oct. 1. The cost of the vaccine is $25
per dose. If you are enrolled in Medicare Part B please bring your Medicare card with you and we will bill Medicare. Influenza is spread from person to person through contact with secretions from cough-
Location Dunlap Senior Center Valley Drug, Missouri Valley Pamida, Missouri Valley Dr. Drew Howard’s Office, Pisgah Little Sioux City Hall Mondamin Community Center Rand Center, Missouri Valley Magnolia City Hall Logan Community Center Woodbine Senior Center Persia Community Center Modale Legion Hall
Date October 15 October 19
ing and sneezing. To slow the spread of the virus it is important to encourage frequent hand washing with soap and water. The symptoms associated with influenza include fever, body aches, cough and headache.
Time 11:00 a.m. - Noon 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
October 19 October 20
4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
October 20 October 21
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - Noon
October 22
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
October 26 October 26 October 27 October 28 November 4
9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Who should get vaccinated against the flu? In general, anyone who wants to reduce his or her chances of getting the flu can get vaccinated. However, it is recommended certain people should get vaccinated each year. They are people who are at high risk of having severe complications or people who live with or care for those at high risk for serious complications. No appointment is needed if attending one of the public clinics. Harrison County Home & Public Health is located within the Courthouse Annex at 116 N. 2nd Ave. in Logan. For more information or to schedule an appointment at their office please call 712-644-2220. Harrison County Home & Public Health will be hosting flu clinics throughout Harrison County beginning in October. See our chart for locations and dates.
Cory, Milovich make dean’s list at MCC Representing the Summer 2010 quarter, 2,199 students qualified for Metropolitan Community College’s dean’s list. To qualify for the dean’s list, students must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours in graded 1000-level or above classes, complete at least six credit hours in 1000-level or above classes for the quarter in which they are qualifying and achieve at least a 3.5 grade point average. Students from Woodbine who qualified include: Matthew Allan Cory and Elliot Philip Milovich.
Mineola craft show The Mineola Community Center will host the annual Fall Craft Show from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 9. Iowa crafters from Mills, Pottawattamie and Taylor counties, along with crafters from Douglas and Sarpy counties in Nebraska, will be on hand to sell items for the upcoming holidays. The quilt raffle is the community center’s major fund-raising event for 2010. The hand made quilt is currently on display in the lobby of the
Glenwood State Bank in Mineola. It will be displayed at the Mineola Community Center during the craft show. Raffle tickets for the quilt are on sale now and the drawing will be held at the show. Contact Alice Malskeit, 712-526-2317, for more information. Coffee and donuts will be served the morning of the craft show. Lunch will be served featuring sloppy joes and home baked pie. Everyone is invited to attend.
Casey’s General Store, Fuel, 2 mos...............2,502.68 Nat’l Assoc. Gas Consumers 201- annual mtg. .........229.00 Harr. Co. Drainage Clerk Upper Boyer.................183.75 FoodLand, mulch/living Rdwys, supp ................385.82 Home Town Hardware, F1 Gdn Supp., energy, eff. Pgm. ...................3,160.32 B&B Construction, ½ cost allies Repair, park stage Repair .......................1,540.79 Gary’s Ag Supply, energy Efficiency pgm. .........1,996.00 Iowa Treasury, sales tax (2 months) ................2,905.00 MPH Industries, Inc. Radar tests ....................72.81 Woodbine Twiner, adv. Pub. 2 mos...................962.24 A-1 Tree Service, Tree removal .............8,500.00 Harr. Co. REC, service .....147.15 Barbara Wimer, Floral Gdns, 2 mos. ...............885.00 Woodbine Mun. Utilities, supp. Transfer, service, 2 mos.....................14,354.21 Gilbert H. Wild & Son LLC, Peonies, floral gdns .....132.25 IA Dept., Natural Resources Water supply fee..........188.97 Bedrock Gravel Incorp., 14.03T 1” clean/Rawlins Hawthorne ...................196.42 Harr. Co. Landfill, assessment Tipping fee................3,147.13 Harr. Co. Title/Guaranty Ownership report Wdbn Mfg. .....................35.00 Iowa Telecom, service ......444.65 Bank of the West (Visa) Stamps/postage.............89.73 Mangold Environmental Water/wastewater Pool testing ..................548.00 Verizon Wireless, Police cell.......................58.67 Anita Whitmore Cleaning Cleaning ......................375.00 Emswiler Architecture Design/documents Main, Bldg...............19,742.00 Un4gettable moments Web calendar ................99.00 Acco Unlimited Corp. Chlorine wells ..............938.60 Agriland FS, Inc., turf herb LL ball field ..................180.00 Ameripride Linen Mats, 2 mos. ................128.40 Andrew Arndt, binders Dvd’s..............................50.15 BC’s Ampride Tr. Plaza Repair ’94 Intl clutch....208.32 Bauer’s Shoe Store Inc. Boots/Joe/Ralph ..........270.00 Dale Black, mowing..........432.00 Book, Joseph, uniform Reimb. ...........................27.78 Counsel Office & Document Contract/copies..............38.72 C & H Hauling, Trash pickup ................644.62 Chief Supply Barricade tape ...............98.91 Daily Nonpareil, administrator Position ........................204.68 Elaine Ehlert, Merry Brook Floor repair ....................17.48 Mary Jane Foutch, Clerical.........................234.00 Fox Valley Marking Sys. Marking paint ...............317.51 Gall’s An Aramark Co. Police hats .....................62.87 Hach Company, Testing supply..............301.28 Harlan Municipal Utilities Spam filter .....................50.00 Harr. Co. Home Health 2nd Hep b/Jensen .........45.00
Minute bk sheets ...........27.36 Midwest Storage Solutions, shelving Maintenance bldg .....1,141.83 Municipal Supply, Inc., 18 water Meters & tchpads .....1,909.32 Ed Nelsen, threader .............7.80 The Office Stop, copy paper Dvds, towels ................120.26 Les Olson Trucking, haul rock Curb replacement .....1,435.16 Omaha World Herald Administrator position ..317.88 Paragon Company, repair CP Rail crossing .............7,498.00 Pryors L&K Repair Oil/filters.........................52.51 American Red Cross Heartland Swimming lessons.......100.00 Salvo, Deren, Schenck & Lauterbach, legals .......560.00 Schildberg Construction Riprap lagoon outlet ....193.75 Schroer & Assoc. P.C., full Audit preparation ......1,750.00 Sensit Technologies Test gas .........................84.19 Shearer Contractors, Co., repair Sewer outlet.................440.00 Smith Project Management, SEP Grant mngment............500.00 Lloyd Soetmelk, hauling riprap lagoon ..............280.00 DBA/Sonderman Cleaning Fresheners.....................34.00 US Postal Service, box Annual fee .....................70.00 Utility Equipment Co., gasket Lagoon outlet.................96.80 Vandemark Htg., A/C, plg., A/C Drain repair....................47.00 Walker Service, Fuel, supp....................304.15 Horizon Equipment, mower Repairs/supp ...............234.05 Joe Book, overtime ..........157.05 Lois Surber, overtime, mtg...............................273.75 Alex Pauley, summer Help .............................520.00 Samuel Powers, pool........273.46 Kylie Harris, pool ...........1,066.64 Dillon Smith, pool .............502.72 Austin Hedstrom, pool ......726.56 Kristin Mattingly, pool .......868.01 Jay Radloff, pool...............276.74 Adam Taylor, pool .............361.89 Paige McMains, pool ........309.49 Dalton Peterson, pool.......497.28 Alyssa Dunlop, pool..........111.35 Amanda Skeen, pool ..........45.90 Kimberly Mattingly, pool 1,500.00 Alexander Klein, pool .......646.81 Darin Peterson, pool.........276.74 Spencer Ball, pool ..............62.23 Nathan Lee, pool ..............345.51 Nicholas Powers, pool ......618.98 James Smith, pool............306.22 William H. Hutcheson, Mayor...........................150.00 Noel E. Sherer, council.......60.00 Nancy Yarbrough, council...80.00 Jim Andersen, council ........60.00 Robert Stephany, council ...80.00 Brenda Loftus, council........40.00 BALANCE..................119,954.28 WOODBINE CITY COUNCIL RECEIPTS August —-2010 Utilities, gas .................11,235.07 Miscellaneous..................4.00 Efficiency Contracts..2,040.06 Water ......................16,952.49 Sewer........................9,302.16 Landfill ......................3,512.56 TOTAL.....................43,046.34 State of Iowa, housing Rehab .....................22,248.00 State of Iowa, local Option .......................7,109.22 State of Iowa, road use15,950.56 Pool, passes .....................530.59 CHB Investments LLC Building permit.............104.00 Woodbine Municipal Utilities Energy audit, supp.......142.75 Woodbine Com. Foundation, pool Pass, Horizons Comm...95.00 Dennis Wakehouse, Concrete permit.............25.00 Gene Probasco, addition To porch permit..............12.00 Tom Erlewine, accessory bldg Variance permits..........154.60 Mary Arndt, golf permit ........5.00 Dale Quick, golf permit.........5.00 Modern Woodmen of America Floral garden donation 500.00 Rose Vista Home, floral Garden fence repair.....109.86 EMC Insurance, replace Strobe lights...................80.98 Bank of the West, interest ..54.46 TOTAL..........................90,173.36 40-1
LEGALS PUBLIC NOTICE City of Woodbine Downtown Façade Master Plan Request for Bids The City of Woodbine, Iowa is seeking Requests for Bids from general contractors that are interested, experienced, and knowledgeable in historical storefront façade renovations. The general contractor will be responsible for managing the overall success of the façade reconstruction project including but not limited to developing historically accurate building reconstructions compliant with state historic preservation guidelines, and coordinating construction with building and business owners. Information packets may e requested from Courtney Harter, Southwest Iowa Planning Council, at (712) 243-4196 or All interested firms must respond by 10:00 a.m. on Friday, October 15, 2010. 40-1
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate No. ESPRO14213 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT HARRISON COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Della S. Willett, Deceased. To All Persons interested in the Estate of Della S. Willett, Deceased, who died on or about July 10th, 2010: You are hereby notified that on the 3rd day of September, 2010, the last will and testament of Della S. Willett, deceased, bearing date of the 14th day of March, 1973, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Gary L. Willett was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 3rd day of September, 2010. Gary L. Willett Executor of Estate 404 E. Monroe Jefferson, IA 50129 Todd J. Argotsinger, ICIS PIN No: ST0000546 Attorney for executor Salvo, Deren, Schenck & Lauterbach, P.C. 711 Court Street, P. O. Box 509 Harlan, IA 51537-0509 Date of second publication: 29 day of September, 2010. 39-2
PUBLIC NOTICE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES WOODBINE MUNICIPAL LIGHT & POWER SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 The Woodbine Municipal Light & Power Board of Trustees met in regular session September 14, 2010, at 12:02 p.m. in the conference room. Present were boar Chairman Donald Kenkel, board trustee Duane Mann, Superintendent Chris Waite, office manager Theresa Corrin.
Motion by Mann, seconded by Kenkel with all in favor to approve the agenda. Motion by Mann, seconded by Kenkel to approve the minutes of the August 13, 2010 regular meeting. All were in favor. Motion by Mann, seconded by Kenkel to approve the minutes of the August 26, 2010 special meeting. All were in favor. The following bills were presented and approved for payment by a motion from Mann and a second from Kenkel. All were in favor. August checks signed after meeting: MBMECA, transmission Service......................5,011.31 MRES, supplemental power ......................33,319.66 WAPA, WAPA power....33,060.00 Employees, payroll ......11,807.67 Collection Services Center Payroll deduction .........218.50 Busby, Hope, final bill Refund ...........................53.03 Christiansen, Francine, final Bill refund.....................512.87 Dairy Sweet, meeting .........44.19 Erwin, Rick, final bill Refund ...........................10.49 Everything Ellen, flowers ....40.00 Gary’s Ag, financing ......2,008.50 Kielan, Scott, final bill Refund .........................118.44 Lantz, Brian, final bill Refund ...........................21.38 Midland Mortgage, final Bill refund.....................196.53 Wellmark, insurance......3,221.02 West Central Community Action Final bill refund ............118.23 Auditor – State of Iowa Filing fee ......................175.00 High Voltage Testing Materials ...................1,691.24 Internal Revenue Service, Payroll tax .................3,691.16 IPERS, retirement tax....1,733.35 Treas. State of Iowa State WHH...................644.00 Collection Services Center Payroll deduction .........218.50 Anita Whitmore, Contract labor ..............450.00 September Checks: Ameripride, mats ................36.42 Border States, supplies ......32.10 Counsel Office & Documents Supplies...........................8.04 Echo Group, supplies .......595.21 First Bankcard, charges .....26.14 Harrison County Development Dues ............................200.00 Harrison County Recorder Lien filings......................42.00 High Voltage Testing Equipment ................9,148.50 Home Town Hardware Supplies.........................14.17 IAMU, publications............320.00 LaRue Distributing, Inc. Supplies.........................41.00 Loganet, service.................39.95 Mundt, Franck & Schumacher Legal fees ......................22.00 Office Stop, supplies ..........18.15 Rutledge, Larry, rebate.......50.00 Sensus Metering System System support ........1,320.00 Treas. State of Iowa Sales tax...................2,909.00 Tyler Technologies, Software support ......5,145.76 United Western Coop Materials ..........................7.80 Vandemark Heating & Cooling Rebate .........................630.00 Walker’s Service Truck fuel .....................351.00 WESCO, material .............335.14 Windstream, phone & fax.109.77 Woodbine Schools, ad .......50.00 Woodbine Twiner, ads And publishing .............237.14 Woodbine, City of Misc. charges.................49.23 The monthly operating reports were reviewed and discussed. Motion by Mann, seconded by Kenkel to approve the reports as presented. All were in favor. August’s revenues were $125,337.50 and expenses were $120,103.59. The fall conference of the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities is being held October 6th thru October 8th. Waite is planning to attend. Motion by Mann, seconded by Kenkel to approve the following financing request for our 0% financing program and paid out as the funds become available: David
Kaufman for the installation of an air conditioner for $2,926.00. All were in favor. Motion by Mann, seconded by Kenkel to approve the funds for the following requests for our 0% energy efficiency financing program: Hometown Hardware for $3,000.00. All were in favor. The annual review of the interest rate that is paid to customers on gas and electric service deposits was discussed. Motion by Mann, seconded by Kenkel to continue with the set rate of 1%. All were in favor. Plans for Public Power Week (Oct. 3-9) were discussed. Once again we will have open house with various raffle drawings. Motion by Mann, seconded by Kenkel to accept the bid from Farm Service for the 1005 Chevy Truck Box, and the bid from Paul Kelley for the 2008 Chevy truck box. All were in favor. The next regular meeting will be October 13th at 12:00 noon. There being no further business, a motion was made by Warner and seconded by Mann with all in favor to adjourn at 1:05 p.m. Donald Kenkel, Chairman ATTEST: Theresa Corrin, Secretary 40-1
PUBLIC NOTICE WOODBINE CITY COUNCIL Minutes September 13, 2010 Mayor William H. Hutcheson called the Woodbine City Council into session Monday, September 23, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. in the City conference room. Councilmembers Brenda Loftus, Bob Stephany, and Jim Andersen answered roll call. Councilmember Noel Sherer arrived at 5:35 p.m., and Nancy Yarbrough arrived at 5:50 p.m. Others in attendance included Anne Kimber, Mindy Crook, Darin Smith, Deb Sprecker, Joe Book, Randy Younie, Paul Wilderdyke, Jason Peterson, Randy Vandemark, John Kerger, Paul Marshall, Courtney Harter, Bob Sullivan and Lois Surber. The agenda was approved as published. Moved by Stephany, seconded by Andersen, to approve the minutes of the August 2, August 9, August 23 and August 27 meetings. 3 ayes. The August bills were reviewed, with Emswiler Architecture, design/documents maintenance building, assessed in detail. Moved by Andersen, seconded by Sherer, to approve the bills. 4 ayes. Moved by Stephany, seconded by Yarbrough, to adopt Resolution No. 10-9-1 of the City agreeing to apply for financial assistance from the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development to finance a new public works building. 5 ayes. Mayor Hutcheson opened the Public Hearing at 6:25 p.m. on Resolution No. 10-9-2 to dispose of Lot 20 in Industrial Park in the town of Woodbine, Harrison County, Iowa by quit claim deed to Andrew J. Olsen for the market price of $20,000.00. The Clerk stated there were no comments for or against the disposal of the property. Moved by Andersen, seconded by Stephany, to close the meeting at 6:35 p.m. 5 ayes. Moved by Yarbrough, seconded by Andersen, to adopt Resolution No. 10-9-2 upon receipt of the $20,000.00 The Mayor put the question upon the adoption of said resolution, and the roll being called with Yarbrough, Loftus, Andersen, Stephany, and Sherer voting aye. Whereupon the Mayor declared said resolution fully adopted. Mayor Hutcheson opened the Public Hearing at 6:25 p.m. on a Development Agreement between the City and 503 Walker Limited Liability Company with respect to the redevelopment and renovation of a historical building situated at 503 Walker Street in the City, which provides for certain financial incentives in the form of incremental property tax payments in a total
amount not exceeding $67,000. The Clerk stated no written or oral objections or statements had been received. Moved by Yarbrough, seconded by Loftus, to close the meeting at 6:40 p.m. 5 ayes. Councilmember Andersen introduced Resolution 10-9-3 concerning the development agreement aforementioned and moved its adoption, seconded by Councilmember Stephany. The Mayor put the question on the motion and roll call vote was answered by 5 ayes. Whereupon the Mayor declared the resolution duly adopted. Mayor Hutcheson opened the Public Hearing at 6:25 p.m. on a Development Agreement between the City and 505 Walker Limited Liability Company with respect to the redevelopment and renovation of a historical building situated at 505 Walker Street in the City, which provides for certain financial incentives in the form of incremental property tax payments in a total amount not exceeding $33,000. The Clerk stated no written or oral objections or statements had been received. Moved by Yarbrough, seconded by Sherer, to close the meeting at 6:44 p.m. 5 ayes. Councilmember Andersen introduced Resolution 10-9-4 concerning the development agreement aforementioned and moved its adoption, seconded by Councilmember Stephany. The Mayor put the quesiont on the motion an droll call vote was answered by 5 ayes. Whereupon the Mayor declared the resolution duly adopted. Moved by Stephany, seconded by Sherer, to approve the plans and specifications of city maintenance building. 5 ayes. Iowa Department of Economic Development recently awarded a CDBG Downtown proposal from Darin Smith for Façade Master Plan Project Manager for the contract amount of $7,500, which will be funded through the grant, 5 ayes. Moved by Yarbrough, seconded by Sherer, to approve Crown View Development as General Contractor for 503 Walker LLC, and 505 Walker LLC, and to approve the budget of $125,000 for 503 and $50,000 for 505 under the façade master plan. 5 ayes. Moved by Stephany, seconded by Andersen to approve Crown View Development as General Contractor for the old Standard gas station and Eby Drug under the façade master plan. 5 ayes. Public Works Director Paul Marshall reported the sealed bids for the 1995 Ford pickup box were opened with the high bid being $705.01. Anne Kimber, of Iowa Association Municipal Utilities, reported Woodbine was awarded a $6,258 Iowa Office of Energy Independence Community Grant. The City contribution is $4,675 which will be in-kind using man hours to make up the funds. The goal of this project is to assist small communities in developing and implementing comprehensive/ strategic energy plans. Kimber noted Woodbine is a leader state wide on utility energy efficiency. A group of concerned citizens addressed the Council on hiring a city manager. The main concern was the City hiring a manager for a wage that would cause an increase in taxes. The Council has been working on this project for approximately six months. The City is currently taking applications for a City Administrator which will replace Bob Sullivan who has retired from this position. This is not a new or added position. There is no salary range at this point, it will depend on qualifications of candidate. The Mayor and Clerk thanked the group for attending the meeting and sharing their concerns. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Lois Surber City Clerk Interim WOODBINE CITY COUNCIL August Bills —— 2010 Bank of the West, Loan pmt...................2,970.92 Clayton Energy Corp., gas Commodity/reserve 14,960.48
Harr. Co. recorder Filings ............................28.00 Harr. Co. Treasurer Ehlert drain/Sieck levee .........725.63 Heartland Technology Sol. Computer tech. ............115.00 Echo Group Inc. Cover block..................180.00 IA. Assoc. Mun. Utilities, safety Glasses, training Paul..235.00 Claribel Johnson, Waterheater rebate......400.00 Marvin Kelley Repair, repair Rock Rawlins Ave.....5,064.92 Greg Kelley, waterheater Rebate .........................400.00 L&M Electronics, Pager batteries ..............25.60 Ronnie Mann, Merry Brook Floor repair ..................295.43 Matt Parrott & Sons Co.
September 29, 2010
The Woodbine Twiner
Classifieds FOR SALE FOR SALE: Dirt bike for sale: 2005 Kawasaki KLX 110 Hardly ridden $1,450. 647-3210 BURNING BUSHES - FOR SALE Oct. 9, Lion’s Club, Missouri Valley, call to order 712-642-2011. FOR SALE: 2 BDRM. -Mobile home. 77’x14’, At Vista Real Mobile Home Park, Las Cruces, NM. Remodeled, furnished. Pictures available. 308-991-0400. MCAN
GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE: 1016 Skyline Dr., Logan, Fri., Oct. 1, 37 p.m.; Sat., Oct. 2, 9-2. Band saws, scroll saw, belt sanders, oscillating sander, circular saws, bench grinder, polish sander, tools, crafts, craft supplies, ice cream freezer, air mattress, lots of misc. Inside garage in case of rain. GARAGE SALE: Oct. 2, 8 a.m. to noon, 221 N. 4th Ave., Logan. Three family, ceiling fan, tract light, kitchen items, cookbooks, etc.
FOR RENT FOR RENT: Nice 1 bedroom house, refrigerator provided, $450 per month. 712-647-2627.
HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: A u t o m o t i v e Technician. Join The Midas Team. Midas in Kearney, Nebraska is looking for an experienced automotive technician able to do general repair on cars and light trucks. Must have own hand tools. We offer great benefits. Drug testing reqquired. Call LeRoy @ 308-3791505. MCAN HELP WANTED: Payroll/Accounting Clerk. Platte County School District #2 has an opening for a Payroll/Accounting Clerk. Duties include, but are not limited to payroll,
NOTICE Gas leaks, Day: 647-2550 Evening & wkends 647-2345
Come and Play
general ledger, posting payments and credits, resolving accounts for accuracy, data entry and preparing financial reports for the Board of Trustees and other governmental entities. Requirements include a minimum of 3 years computerized payroll experience, computer proficiency, effective communication skills and ability to work both in a team environment and independently. A 2-year business degree is desired. Qualified candidate may apply by contacting the PCSD#2 Central Office at 555 South Wyoming. Guernsey, WY 82214 or calling (307) 836-2735 for information. EOE. MCAN HELP WANTED: H o s p i c e Bereavement Coordinator - MSW is responsible for developing, implementing, coordinating bereavement activities and is responsible for providing medical social work services for Home Health & Hospice program. Certified Master Social Worker or Licensed Clinical Social Worker required. Great Plains Regional Medical Center Recruitment Department. 6-1 West Leota, North Platte, NE 69101, e m a i l : recruiter@mail.gprm 308-696-8888 or 800-543-6629, FAX: 308-696-8889. Check us out and apply online at w w w. g p r m c . c o m MCAN HELP WANTED: House Supervisor, GPRMC is recruiting for House Supervisor positions, which are responsible for the supervision and direction of the nursing staff, coordinate/monitors the hospital plant and building when ancillary department are off duty, also responsible for appropriate staffing. Acts as a liasion and patient
712-644-3749 Logan-Magnolia Community Schools has the following openings:
NOTICE NOTICE: Egypt and Nile Tour. Join Pastor Ivan and Carolyn Fuller for a 15-day trip to Egypt and cruise on The Nile River beginning March 19, 2011. For details call: (605) 366-5212 NOTICE: Threads Across Nebraska, a quilt show and merchants mall, will be held Friday and Saturday, October 1 & 2, 2010 at the Grand Island Midtown Holiday Inn, 2503 South Locust St. The hours are 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Saturday. Admission is $6 for adults and $3 for children 4-12. MCAN
Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS: We would like to thank everyone who remembered our 50th Anniversary with cards, gifts, phone calls, the 3 surprise dinners. Larry and Janis Douglas.
Statewides Between High School and College? Over 18? Drop that entry level position. Earn what you’re worth!!! Travel w/Successful Young Business Group. Paid Training. Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n , Lodging Provided. 1877-646-5050. (INCN) Enrich your life helping international High School stu-
206 Main St. Pisgah, IA 420 E. Erie Missouri Valley, IA 712-642-4099 712-642-4199 fax Lary Clark, Broker/Owner Rod Foutch, Associate Broker Byron Menke, Associate Broker/Auctioneer Jennifer Neill, Sales Associate Lauren Roden, Sales Associate
DAYCARE Currently has full time openings for 24 months and older Please Contact Melissa Pitt
coordinator for staff, physicians, patients and families and interdisciplinary departments. Baccalaureate degree preferred. NE RN, BLS, CPI required. ACLS, TNCC, PALS preferred. Great Plains Regional Medical Center Recruitment Department. 601 West Leota, North Platte NE 69101 e m a i l : recruiter@mail.grpm 308-6968888 or 800-5436629. Fax: 308-6968889. Check us out and apply online at w w w. g p r m c . c o m . MCAN
3B, 1 BA,
100% APU equipped, Latest Qualcomm Navigation. 2007 and newer equipment Pass-Pet Policy 800528-7825 (INCN)
GUN SHOW: October 8, 9, 10. Westfair-Fairgrounds (on Hwy 6) Council Bluffs, IA. Friday 59PM, Saturday, Operators 9AM-5PM, Sunday Owner 9AM-3PM. Info 563- PSS Trucking has dedicated Midwest 608-4401. (INCN) lanes, off weekends, ENTERTAINMENT paid daily, top miles/ money, customer AND EVENTS freight- drop and HELP WANTED- Iowa’s Largest Arts hook dedicated cusTRUCK DRIVER & Crafts Show, Des tomers- paid orientaMoines, Iowa State tion 800-494-3532 Driver - Van and Fairgrounds, Sept. w w w. p s s j m s . c o m Refrigerated. Steady 24-26, Fri. 5-9, Sat. (INCN) miles, new equip- 9-5, Sun. 10-4, 300 For the ment, benefits! Exhibitors, Adm $6. DRIVE Gordon Average 2,400 A Fantastic BEST! Inc. miles/week. 98% no Shopping Event. Trucking, I m m e d i a t e touch. NEW PAY (INCN) Openings!! TeamsPACKAGE! CDL-A, 6months recent HELP WANTED- All the miles you can log! Regional & OTR. experience. 800- MISCELLANEOUS Full Benefits, 401k, 414-9569. (INCN) TRAVEL, WORK, Regular Hometime. PARTY, PLAY! Now We have the Freight! REGIONAL CDL hiring guys/gals to Talk to a recruiter live! DRIVERS NEEDED! travel w/fun young Gordon Trucking, biz group. NY LA 8 8 8 - 8 3 2 - 6 4 8 4 . Inc. Immediate MIAMI. 2wks PAID (INCN) Openings! Home T r a i n i n g . weekly available! Hotel/Transportation Driver- Attention: Consistent Miles & provided. Return Team Run DEDICATTime Off! Full guaranteed. Call ED ROUTE! Home Week! Benefits, 401k. We today/start today. 1- Every have lots of freight! 8 0 0 - 2 4 5 - 1 8 9 2 Average 5600 miles/ week, New Volvo (INCN) Tractors, Class A 888-832-6484. CRST (INCN) HELP WANTED- CDL. Dedicated Services: SKILLED TRADES 866-325-2778, Reefer & Flatbed Drivers Needed! E x p e r i e n c e d Experienced drivers Millwrights. Must (INCN) & Class A commer- have at least 3 yrs cial students wel- exp. in conveyors, LAND FOR SALE come! Incredible bins, and elevators, ORDERED Freight network Valid D/L & Trans BANK offers plenty of miles! req. Drug Free! Call SALE Table Rock Lots from Call Prime today: 1- ( 8 7 7 ) 4 9 9 - 4 9 9 8 Lake $9,800 Minutes from 8 0 0 - 2 7 7 - 0 2 1 2 (INCN) Branson, MO. One (INCN) Pipe Layers & Day Liquidation Event E q u i p m e n t - Sat., Oct 2nd 1-800x 106 LAND FOR SALE Operators. Must 525-3140 have 3+ yrs exp., (INCN) BANK ORDERED VALID D/L & trans. SALE Table Rock req, Drug Free (515) ADVERTISE YOUR Business/products in Lake Lots from 979-9984 (INCN) over 250 newspapers $9,800 Minutes from Reach Branson, MO. One HELP WANTED- statewide. over 2.6 million readDay Liquidation TRUCK DRIVER ers for ONLY $300! Event - Sat., Oct 2nd 1-800-525-3140 x Driver - NEW PAY Call this newspaper visit: 106 (INCN) PACKAGE! Van and or Refrigerated. Daily or ADVERTISE YOUR or weekly pay. 8 0 0 - 2 2 7 - 7 6 3 6 . Business/products in Average 2,400 (INCN) over 250 newspa- miles/week. 98% no pers statewide. touch freight. CDL- ATTEND COLLEGE Reach over 2.6 mil- A, 6months recent ONLINE from Home. lion readers for experience. 800- *Medical, *Business, ONLY $300! Call this 414-9569. www.dri- * P a r a l e g a l , newspaper or visit: (INCN) * C o m p u t e r s , *Criminal Justice. Job or assis8 0 0 - 2 2 7 - 7 6 3 6 . *Most Updated placement Computer (INCN) Equipment on the tance. Road** OTR Drivers, available. Financial SPORTING GOODS PrePass EZ-pass, Aid if qualified. Call 888-220-3960 www.CenturaOnline.c Now Accepting Applications For: 1 om (INCN)
bedroom apartment at Boyer View Apts., Logan, IA. Quiet complex, stove & refrigerator furnished. Rent based on income. 62 years or older or persons with disabilities of any age. Call 1-712-647-2113 or 1-800-762-7209. Boyer View is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
REAL ESTATE IOWA FORECLOSURES. BARGAIN PRICES ON HOUSES, LOTS, COMMERCIAL, AG. INDIVIDUALS WELCOME. AGENTS P ROT E C T E D. W W W. B U Y I T F O R E C L O SURES.COM OR 515-865-3019 (INCN) FOR SALE- BUSINESS P R O F I TA B L E IOWA BUSINESSES For Sale By Owner. Many types, sizes, locations, terms. Priced $50,000 to $5 Million. Other states available. Affiliated B u s i n e s s Consultants: 1-8006 1 7 - 4 2 0 4 , (INCN) Seeking motivated, energetic, organized Kitchen Supervisor. Must have outstanding management and food preparation skills. Requires knowledge of Iowa regulations, integrity, compassion and respect for seniors a must. Position in Greene County area. Send resume to: Kitchen Supervisor, PO Box 9, Winthrop, IA 50682 or email jobs@theiowanews. com. (INCN) HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Between High School and College? Over 18? Drop that entry level position. Earn what you’re worth!!! Travel w/Successful Young Business Group. Paid Training. Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n , Lodging Provided. 1-877-646-5050. (INCN) HELP WANTEDTRUCK DRIVER Driver - Van and Refrigerated. Steady miles, new equipment, benefits! Average 2,400 miles/week. 98% no touch. NEW PAY PACKAGE! CDL-A, 6months recent experience. 800414-9569. (INCN)
Boustead Real Estate Services APPRAISALS, CONSULTING, MANAGEMENT & SALES 1848 Newell Trail, Woodbine: 5.37 acres with two story dwelling, great view to west, a garden area, 4 bdrm, 2 bth and garage. Call today.......$99,900 909 Park St. - Woodbine, 2 Bdrm, 1 car garage, Many Updates! Neat as a pin............................$56,900 55-6th St. 2 bedroom ranch, attached garage. 3 season room, finished basement, main floor laundry.................................$118,500 904 Normal Street: Updated! Open floor plan! CALL TODAY.................................................. .. $91,500
508 Ely - Woodbine -Three bedroom, 2 bath home,....$89,000
11213 Davenport Street Omaha, NE 68154 (402) 964-6573
Lyle & Deborah Waterhouse Lyle: (402) 203-4738 Deb: (402) 659-5539
401 Normal St., Woodbine 2.5 story home, 5-6 Bed, 1.75 bath, Call Today.................................................................$186,000 809 Lincoln Way - Woodbine Three bedroom, Original woodwork.....REDUCED..........$72,000 22-8th St., Woodbine 2 Bd, 1 Ba........Reduced Price.......$65,900
205 Weare St., Woodbine 3 Bd, 1 Ba..............................$65,000
205 Brookview - Woodbine
7.3 ACRES - Easton Trail & Rawlins Ave.,................$125,000
LAND FOR SALE: 20 Acres, 7.7 crop acre, ..................$86,000
• Substitute custodian • Head High School Wrestling Coach • Pre-School paraeducator Applications available at the high school office, 1200 N. 2nd Ave., Logan. Deadline for applications Oct. 6
dents through placing and supervising their American exchange program experience. P/T, flexible hours, travel incentives, extra income. Host Families are needed too!! Julia Bazal @ 877-493-0351 or (INCN)
LOT FOR SALE: 60’x180’ Normal St...., ..................$16,000
Marilyn Boustead, Broker/C.G.A. 712-647-2442 or 1-800-789-3330 Lauren Roden, Sales 712-310-1860 Ashley Burbridge, Sales 712-592-1305
4 year old home 4BR, 3BA on over 1/2 acre
510 Walker St.- Woodbine Check out our new website
September 29, 2010
The Woodbine Twiner
Tigers dominate Warriors Sept. 24 JEFF POWERS For The Twiner The Tigers got a much needed district victory last Friday night over an undermanned Walnut Warrior team. The Warriors had only 15 players suited up and looked small. Offensively and defensively the Tigers had their way as they spoiled Walnut’s homecoming festivities. The Tigers offensive scored seven times in the first half with three big plays of 32 yards and longer. The defense dominated, forcing five punts, two turnovers and getting the ball back on downs twice. “The key was our ability to maintain our aggression on both sides of the football. I thought that we showed more emotion and that equated to better execution of our game plan,” Head Coach Jason Strong said. After receiving the opening kickoff, the game seemed to get off to a good start with a long touchdown run by Kyle Kuhlman only to be called back by a penalty. The Tigers then went three plays and punted which hinted the Tigers were in
for a long game. After Spencer Ball recovered a fumble on Walnut’s second play, the offense got rolling. After a successful fake punt the Tigers scored on a 21 yard touchdown pass to Josh Matusik. The Warriors went three plays and punted followed by a 32 yard touchdown pass to Kuhlman on the third play. After a quick three and out by the Warriors the Tigers on the first play threw an interception. The Tigers after forcing another punt and a big run by Kuhlman scored on a 13 yard run by Zach Archer. Within seconds Gavvon Shafer recovered a fumble and scooted 2 yards for another touchdown. With four successful 2 point conversions by Kuhlman, Matusik, Matt Monahan and Mason Mentink, the Tigers were up 32-0 at the end of the first quarter. Walnut had their chances early in the second quarter. On the first series a Warrior receiver dropped a pass after beating a Tiger defensive back. Following a Warrior punt, Kuhlman ran wild on 60 yard run for a score on the first play. On Walnut’s next possession the Warriors missed another
Cross country dampened by rain in Harlan The Woodbine Tigers cross country team took to a cold and rainy course Sept. 25 in Harlan. A total of 15 schools attended the event, including a wide mix of 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A schools. The Tigers’ showing wasn’t all good or bad. “It was rather wet and rainy, just like Applefest,” head coach Rod Smith said. “We had some positives and continue to show potential.” The Lady Tigers tallied seventh with 179 points. Harlan took the meet with 43; Atlantic, second, 72; Lewis Central, third, 87; Council Bluff’s Abraham Lincoln, fourth, 108; Underwood, fifth, 138; Denison, sixth, 165. Shelby Hall finished first for the Lady Tigers, in good standing, fifth position. Teammate Shelby Dick was behind her in 37th and Smith was pleased. “The two Shelby’s (Hall and Dick) ran awesome. It’s the best I’ve seen them run. Shelby Hall beat some girls that are rated in the top 25 in the state,” Smith said. Rounding out the team was Ellen Cox who finished 47th; Rebekka Boer, 50th; Emily Schwery, 53rd; Paige Hackman, 64th; Alyssa Blum, 66th. There were at total of 78 runners. On the boys side, the team finished 12th with 297 points. Individually, Ethan Lenz finished first for Woodbine in 21st; Levi Brown, 46th; Jameson Delaney, 66th; Davis Hackman, 79th; and Trevor Barnum, 85th. A total of 97 runners competed. “Ethan had a good race in a tough field,” Smith said, admittedly. In junior varsity action, Claire Probasco finished 28th and Megan Pauley,
chance by overthrowing a receiver who got behind the defense, and then turned the ball over on downs. After three plays and a punt by both teams the Tigers didn’t waste any time scoring on a 55 yard run by Archer on the first play. After a couple of first downs, Walnut turned it back over to Woodbine on downs. Then after a couple of first downs by the Tigers, Matusik caught his second pass for a touchdown. With one successful 2 point conversion by Mentink the half ended with Woodbine up 52-0. The second half saw the continuous clock rule enforced for fourth game in a row, this time with the advantage to Woodbine. Both teams had only four possessions in the second half. The Tigers played half of their starters in the third quarter and mostly freshmen in the fourth quarter. The Tigers punted twice, turned the ball over on a high punt snap, and ended the game on downs. The Warriors managed two touchdowns, scoring on a 57 yard run and converting the turnover into a score. The game ended with Woodbine winning 52-12.
Offensively Kuhlman had another 100 plus rushing game and Matusik had two scores receiving. Defensively Shafer and Austin Quick were impressive with a fumble recovery for a score and two sacks for a loss respectively. “I thought that against Walnut, we improved in several areas. We tackled better on defense and played at a high level defensively which will give the kids more confidence going into next week. On offense, we were able to maintain our blocking which led to several big plays. I am concerned however at the number of penalties and this is something that we need to fix,” Strong said after the game. This week East Greene Grand Junction visits Woodbine as the Tigers return to their home field after two weeks on the road. “East Greene is a very solid team and they have played very well this season. The biggest challenge for us will be to play solid defense against their running game which has been very efficient. We will also need more discipline on offense and play mistake free football. Our run-
Kyle Kuhlman scitters down the sideline during the Sept. 24 game against the Walnut Warriors. The Tigers dominated the game, winning with an easy 52-12. Photo by Dawn Powers ning game will need to be complimented by efficiency in the passing game. This game will be a huge test for this team, and we will have to be both physically and mentally prepared to play a tough game for four quarters. We have the attitude that we have to win the rest of our games to accomplish what we have set out to do,” Strong said. East Greene is 2-1 in the district. Woodbine, with
its win, improved to 1-2 and 2-3 overall. On paper, with Woodbine losing to Glidden Ralston 58-14, the Tigers should be competitive. The game will at 7 p.m. Oct. 1 and marks Woodbine’s Homecoming game. This year’s queen candidates include Nadiah Wahba, Taylor Blum and Christian Kuhlman. King candidates are Fynn Lindner, Zack Archer and Spencer Ball.
Tigers bumped from Conference The Woodbine Lady Tigers had a rough Conference Tourney Sept. 25, winning only one match of four while in Manning. The team started off right, defeating the neighboring Boyer Valley Bulldogs 21-7 in the first game. Unfortunately, the Lady Tigers were unable to keep the momentum up as the Bulldogs took them down 21-16 then 15-10 to mark Woodbine’s first lost match on the day. Justina Royer led in kills with seven, followed by Cydney Meeker and Taylor Barry with two each. Tiffany Vasquez led in assists with five, Kaitlyn Pulscher added four, Lauren Dubas, three. Digs were dominated by Shelby Vandemark with
five. Pulscher and Meeker had the team’s only blocks during the game with three each. Samijo Klaahsen led in aces with four, Vandemark added three and Pulscher, Royer and Barry had one each. The Lady Tigers kicked it up a notch when opposite the net of the Whiting Warriors, taking both games quickly, 21-15 and 21-14. Royer led in attacks and kills, 14 and 6, and added four digs and an ace. Klaahsen held her own with eight attacks, one kill and one dig. Pulscher led in digs with five. Barry served up the team’s only other ace during the game. The momentum didn’t stick as the Lady Tigers fell to IKM-Manning Wolves
21-10 and 21-11. The short games saw some short numbers. Royer led in attacks with 12 followed by Meeker with seven. Royer also led in kills with two, Pulshcer adding one. Vasquez and Dubas had two assists each – the only four during the game. Digs were led by Pulscher and followed by Royer and Vandemark with three each. The team tallied not a single block during the game and Barry and Royer were the only two on the team to serve up aces – one a piece. The Ridgeview Raptors ended Woodbine’s day on a down note, taking both games quickly at 21-9 then ending the Lady Tigers’ day 21-8. Attacks were led by Royer with 12 and fol-
lowed by Klaahsen with eight. There were five kills amongst the team – one player at a time compliments of Klaahsen, Pulscher, Royer, Vandemark and Lydia Payne. Assists were doled out by Vasquez with two and Vandemark added six digs. Again, blocking numbers weren’t only low, they were nonexistent. Two aces made it over the net – namely Klaahsen’s and Pulscher’s. The team finished the conference tourney at 1and-3 – not enough to make it to the finals Sept. 27. They followed conference with a match in Whiting Sept. 28 (coverage to appear in the Oct. 6 edition of The Twiner) and play at home Oct. 5 against Charter Oak-Ute.
Homecoming: Jersey Auction
Shelby Hall finished fifth in Harlan. File Photo 59th out of 73, and Patrick Glackin took 126th and Chris Andersen, 134th out of 134. In junior high boys, JC Probasco took 25th and Zeb Schwery, 33rd of 85. The girls junior high team took second only behind Atlantic. Megan Maaske tallied sixth; Kendra Vogel, 16th; Emma Probasco, 21st; Macenzie Hicks, 23rd; and Sara Marsh, 36th out of 43 runners. “Next week will be a busy week,” Smith said. “We’ll be in Denison on Tuesday and have a makeup in Tri-Center on Thursday. Next Monday will be our only home meet at Shadow Valley. I hope the Woodbine community will come support our team.”
Woodbine football seniors Zack Archer, Jacolby Ehlert, Spencer Ball, Fynn Lindner and Austin Quick kicked off the homecoming festivities at the annual Jersey Randy Pryor, left, served (once again) as the auctionAuction Sept. 26. Foreign exchange student Fynn even eer at the event. He’s pictured here with cross country members Davis Hackman and Shelby Hall. wound up with a homecoming date at the event.
The Woodbine cheerleaders baked up some sweet treats for the auction. Here with their baked goods include Allison Lee, Nadiah Wahba and Chantel Schwery.
Pryor attempted several times to get Kaitlyn Pulscher of the volleyball team to auction off her own jersey. Lydia Payne, right, couldn’t help but laugh at Pulscher’s refusal. Photos: Nikki Davis