Find the Co-operation and Mutual Respect You Want! Do more than simply correct bad behavior—finally unlock your parenting potential. Use this handbook to move beyond typical discipline techniques and begin creating an environment based on mutual respect, emotional safety, and positive, open communication. Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids offers 7 Simple Keys to discover the mutual respect and nurturing relationships you’ve been looking for. With a combined 45 years of parent education and teaching experience, the authors offer refreshing activities, stories, and resources. Immediately apply these 7 Keys to even your toughest parenting situations.
Parenting / Communication / Relationships
“Get the best results from your kids with respectful tools that are neither punitive nor permissive.” — JANE NELSEN, ED.D., co-author of The Positive Discipline series
Use These 7 Keys to: • Express yourself so you’re heard and respected • Successfully handle disagreements or problem behaviors • Motivate your kids to willingly contribute • Set clear limits without using demands or coercion • Empower your kids to open up, co-operate, and realize their full potential • Create outstanding, lifelong relationships with your kids
—STEPHEN R. COVEY, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
“A must read for any parent who truly wants to build and maintain a strong connection with their child.” —LYSA PARKER, co-founder, Attachment Parenting International
“This exceptional book is the ‘deepest dive’ I’ve ever found in cultivating genuine mutual respect between parents and children. The 7 Keys provide specific, well-documented exercises and practical strategies to address family challenges.”
$17.95 US www.NonviolentCommunication.com
$19.95 CAN
Foreword by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D., author of Nonviolent Communication