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Ian Anderson
020 7016 1700 or from overseas (+44) 20 7016 1700
PPeerriioodd DD
AA CCoolllleeccttiioonn ooff SSccoottttiisshh CCooiinnss,, tthhee PPrrooppeerrttyy ooff aa GGeennttlleemmaann ((PPaarrtt IIII))
DDaavviidd II ((11112244--11115533))
Sterling,mintandmoneyeruncertain,crownedbustrightwithsceptre,[–]DNOV[—], rev.cross eurdelisée,pelletinangles,[–——],1.41g(cf.SCBI35,9 ;B–, g.8B,same obv.die;S5010). Ofgoodmetalandvery nebutmuch atness,patchesofdark deposit on reverse, very rare
CCrreesscceenntt aanndd PPeelllleett ccooiinnaaggee,, PPhhaassee IIII
WWiilllliiaamm tthhee LLiioonn ((11116655--11221144))
Sterling,PhaseII,Roxburgh,Raul,bustleftwithwidecrownandholdingsceptrewithcrosspomméesceptre-head, LEREIWILLAm, rev RAVLDEROCBVR,shortcrosspattéewithcrescentandpelletineachangle,1.45g/8h(cf.SCBI35,42 ;B14, g.–;S5024). Very ne and toned, rare
Provenance: DNW Auction 128, 11 February 2015, lot 169
SShhoorrtt CCrroossss aanndd SSttaarrss ccooiinnaaggee,, PPhhaassee AA
Sterling,PhaseA,Roxburgh,Raul,bustleft, LEREIWI LAM, rev. RAVL ON ROCE·,shortvoidedcross,fourstarsofsixpointsinangles, 1.46g/6h (SCBI 35, –; B 3b gs. 42C; S 5027). Full and round, about very ne £240-£300
Provenance: North Yorkshire Moors Collection, Part III, DNW Auction 168, 29 January 2020, lot 993 [from Spink 1966]
SShhoorrtt CCrroossss aanndd SSttaarrss ccooiinnaaggee,, PPhhaassee BB
Sterling,PhaseB,classI,nomintname,HueWalter,crudebustleftwithcrescenthairandpelletcrown, LEREIWILA+, rev. HVEWALT : O,shortvoidedcross,threestarsofsixpoints,oneof veinangles,1.28g/6h(cf.SCBI35,70;B11and g.48,samedies;S5029). Nearly very ne £150-£200
Provenance: Bt M.R. Vosper April 2013
Sterling,PhaseB,classIII,nomintname,HueWalter,crudebustleft, LEREIWIL[AM], rev HVEWALTER,shortvoidedcross,fourstarsof ve points in angles, 1.35g/9h (cf. SCBI 35, 68; B 18, g. 53; S 5029). About very ne
Provenance: DNW Auction 55, 8 October 2002, lot 618
Sterling,PhaseB,classIVc,nomintname,HueWalter,crudebustleft, LEREIWILT, rev HVEWALT EO,shortvoidedcross,fourstarsof ve points in angles, 1.28g/12h (cf. SCBI 35, 73; B 24, g. 59; S 5029). Good ne, reverse ne
Provenance: Bt Spink March 1982
Sterling,PhaseB,classVI,nomintname,WalterHue,crudebustleftwithsceptre, WILLELMVSRE+, rev WEVTEREHV,shortvoided cross,fourstarsofsixpointsinangles,1.36g/12h(Jones&Sugdendies3-D;SCBI35,–; cf.B29and g.64,samedies;S5029).
Fine or nearly so, extremely rare £150-£200
Provenance: Stray metal detector nd. Found near Edinburgh 2012, bt January 2013
The few specimens known of this type are mostly in fairly poor condition.
AAlleexxaannddeerr IIIIII ((11224499--11228866))
FFiirrsstt ccooiinnaaggee
Sterling,typeIIIa,Berwick,Robert, ROBERTONB’,pelletsandsaltiresonsceptrehandle,‘ orid’x,1.35g/10h(cf.SCBI35,105;B–, g. –; S 5043). Very ne, the variety rare £200-£260
Provenance: Bt eBay November 2013
Robert was the main moneyer at Berwick, being responsible for two-thirds of the production of type III.
Sterling,typeIIIb,Perth,IonCokin, IONCORINONP’,‘scissors’ X,1.49g/11h(cf.SCBI35,129-130;B39, g.112,same obv.die;S 5043). About very ne but part at £150-£200
Provenance: Bt Edinburgh Coin Shop, c. 1982
OriginallyreadasCorin,ithasbeensuggestedthatthemoneyermayhavebeenoneIohannesCokynwhowaswitnesstoalandcharterin1240 and an ex-Provost of the burgh.
Sterling,typeIIId,Glasgow,Walter, WALTERONGLA,cursive T and G,1.30g/5h(HolmesBNJdies6/P;SCBI35,121,same obv. die;B 57 and g. 128, same dies; S 5043). On a full an, good very ne and rare thus £400-£500
Provenance: Bt through D. Stuart April 2018
Obverse also used at Dun, Fres and Montrose [Scottish Mints p.278, obv. die link 11].
Sterling, type IIId, Roxburgh, Adam, ADAMONRO, 1.54g/4h (cf. SCBI 35, 133; B 27, g. 124; S 5043). Flat on one edge, very ne £200-£300
Provenance: From the Colchester II (Essex) Hoard, 1969; bt D.L. Cavanagh July 1999
RoxburghwasoneofthemoreimportantFirstcoinagemints-representing8%ofthecoinsintheBrusselshoard,asmanyas13%inColchester II.
Sterling,typeIII,‘Dun’,Walter, WALTERONDVN, VN ligulated,1.45g/10h(HolmesBNJdies6/F[notinstudy];SCBI35,110-11;B59, g. 130; S 5043). About very ne, toned £300-£400
Provenance: FromtheColchesterII(Essex)Hoard,1969;SothebyAuction,24March1971,lot158;NorthYorkshireMoorsCollection,PartIII, DNW Auction 168, 29 January 2020, lot 996 [from Spink April 1971]
Sterling,typeV,Edinburgh,Wilam, WILAMON ED,1.50g/3h(cf.SCBI35,–;B64a-cand gs94A-C,samedies;S5045). Very ne with old cabinet toning £240-£300
Provenance: FromtheBrussels(Belgium)Hoard,1908;R.C.LockettCollection,PartII,GlendiningAuction,26October1960,lot753(part);bt Spink February 1982
Edinburgh produced about 8% of the recoinage type III but is responsible for almost the entire output of type V.
Sterling,typeVII,Roxburgh,Adam, ADAMONRO,1.28g/6h(SCBI35,–;B–, g.–;S5047). Someoldsurfacescratches,good neor better, rare £200-£260
Provenance: FromtheBrussels(Belgium)Hoard1908;J.DavidsonCollection[fromBaldwinOctober1910];CNGeAuction429,26September 2018 (541)
Sterling,typeVIII,Berwick,Willem, WILLONBER,tuftedcrown,1.62g/12h(SCBI35,–;B18a, g.95A,same rev.die;S5048). Reverse slightly o centre, good ne £150-£200
Provenance: DNW Auction 58, 24-5 June 2003, lot 639
This variety is one of the earlier issues of type VIII, the obverse die also being used at Perth, which closed well before the end of the coinage.
Sterling,typeVIII,Berwick,Walter, W[L] ATERONBER,tuftedcrown,1.56g/3h(SCBI35,–;B–, g.–;S5048). Somescratchesinthe reverse legend, nearly very ne and toned, rare £200-£260
Provenance: Bt M.R. Vosper October 2016
This obverse die was altered in three stages to become the only ‘pellet crown’ die (Burns g. 89). This coin shows stage one of the process.
Sterling,typeVIII,Berwick,Walter, WAITERONBER,die‘x’,withretrograde obv.legend,1.38g/11h(SCBI35,–;B12, g.88,same obv. die; S 5048). Usual large die-breaks on obverse, very ne, toned £200-£300
Provenance: SNC October 1987; bt ABC Coins and Tokens March 2004
Sterling,‘post-BrusselsA’,Berwick,Iohan, IOHANONB’,pelletedhair,colonafter REX,1.39g/5h(SCBI35,–; cf.B14, g.90; cf.S 5048). Neatly struck on a round an, good very ne and rare thus
Provenance: Bt December 2011
Thislategroupofcoins,probablystruckc.1264-70,seemstobeexclusivetothemoneyerIohanatBerwick.Thisexamplehaslargelettering,one of a number of letter founts used for the issue, suggesting it was struck over a considerable period of time.
Sterling,‘post-BrusselsA’,Berwick,Iohan, IOHANONBER,pelletedhair(irregularrows),smalllettering,1.30g/2h(SCBI35,–; cf.B–14 -16, gs 90-2; cf. S 5048). Good very ne £300-£360
Provenance: Bt ABC Coins and Tokens March 2018
The vendor notes this coin has medium sized lettering
Sterling,‘post-BrusselsA’,Berwick,Iohan, IOHANONBER,pelletedhair(twoverticalrows),smallerlettering,1.38g/6h(SCBI35,–;B 15-16, gs. 91-2; cf. S 5048). About very ne £200-£260
Provenance: Stray metal detector nd, Morpeth (Northumberland), 2007
This coin has lettering from mixed medium- and small-sized founts.
SSeeccoonndd ccooiinnaaggee
Sterling,classA,mm.plaincrosson obv.only,bustleftwithlittlebacksweeptohair,reads ALEXSANDERDEI : G ’ RA, rev.longcross,four mulletsofsixpointsinangles,reads REXSCOT:TORVM,triple-pelletstopafter REX,1.33g/6h(cf.SCBI35,192-4; cf.B6, g.147A;S 5050). Good ne, very rare, the reverse legend variety unpublished £200-£300
Sterling,classA/Mmule,mm.crosspotenton obv.plaincrosson rev.,,bustleftwithlittlebacksweeptohair,reads ALEXSADER DEI : G ’ RA, rev.longcross,fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles,reads REXSCOTORVM+,1.35g/3h(cf.SCBI35,192-4;B21, g.149,same obv die; S 5050/5053). Very ne but slightly weak on face, rare £120-£150
Provenance: A stray metal detector nd from North Yorkshire, 2012; bt eBay March 2014
Sterling,classBb/Mmule,mm.crosspotenton obv.,plaincrosson rev.,bustleftwithwide,ovaleyes, rev.longcross,fourmullets of six points in angles, 1.36g/3h (cf. SCBI 35, 197-8 for rev.; B 20, g. 146; S 5052/5053). Very ne, toned, the mule rare £150-£200
Provenance: Bt Spink February 2008
The vendor notes that class Bb obverses are only rarely found with class M reverses.
Sterling,classBc/Mmule,mm.crosspotenton obv.,plaincrosson rev.,bustleftwithwide,ovaleyes,reads GR ’ A, rev.longcross, fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles,1.34g/1h(SCBI35,186,same obv.die; cf.B18, g.145;S5052/5053). Very neorbetter, toned, the mule scarce £150-£200
Provenance: Davissons Mailbid Sale 35, 3 February 2016 (270)
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
Sterling,classBe,mm.crosspotent,bustleftwithwide,ovaleyes, rev.longcross,fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles,1.47g/2h (SCBI35,181,samedies; cf.B16, g.143for obv.;S5052). Very neorbetterandtonedbutreversealittledouble-struck,very rare, especially in this condition
Provenance: From the Middridge (Co Durham) Hoard, 1974; DNW Auction 92, 21 June 2011, lot 296
The vendor is of the opinion that Be is the rarest of the class B varieties, with most known specimens being in relatively worn condition.
Sterlings(2),classMa/Bmule,mm.crosspotenton rev.only,bustleftwithlittlebacksweeptohair,pelletafter DEI,reads GRA, rev longcross,fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles,1.28g/11h;classMa,similarbutmmcrosspotenton obv.plaincrosson rev.,pellets onintermediatepointsofcrown,reads G ’ RA, rev.pelletafter REX,1.28g/1h(SCBI35,–,–; cf.B23, g.153,Bp.169,26var.[?];S 5053/5052, 5053) [2]. Good ne and both very rare varieties but both chipped £120-£150
Provenance: First bt eBay October 2009; second bt eBay October 2006
Sterling,classMb1/Bmule,mm.plaincrosson obv.,crosspotenton rev.,bustleftwithwiderhair, rev.longcross,fourmulletsof sixpointsinangles,1.37g/8h(SCBI35,–;B25, g.158;S5054/5052). Nearlyvery ne,lightlytoned,themuleapparently extremely rare £120-£150
Provenance: Bt D.L. Cavanagh May 1982
Sterling,classMb1,mm.plaincrosson obv.,crosspattéeon rev.,bustleftwithwiderhair,nopelletsonpointsofcrown, rev.long cross, four mullets of six points in angles, 1.37g/2h (SCBI 35, 197; cf. B 15, g. 157; S 5054). Very ne or better, toned £100-£120
Provenance: Bt Vale Coins June 2005
Sterling,classMb1,mm.crosspattée,bustleftwithwiderhair,smallcolonafter GRA, rev.longcross,fourmulletsofsixpointsin angles, 1.39g/10h (SCBI 35, –; B 15, g. 157; S 5054). Of bright appearance, nearly very ne, the variety scarce £80-£100
Provenance: Great Western Auctions (Glasgow), 24-5 March 2017, lot 386 (part); DNW Auction 164, 9 October 2019, lot 2682 (part)
Sterling,classMb2,mm.crosspattée,bustleftwithwiderhair,unseri edpunchusedfor I and N, rev.longcross,fourmulletsof six points in angles, 1.41g/2h (SCBI 35, 213; B 44, g. 178; S 5054). Of bright appearance, very ne or better £100-£120
Provenance: Great Western Auctions (Glasgow), 24-5 March 2017, lot 372 (part); DNW Auction 185, 1 December 2020, lot 507 (part)
Sterling,classMb2,mm.crosspattée,bustleftwithwiderhair, rev.longcross,fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles,reads SEOTORVM, 1.41g/5h (SCBI 35, 213; B 44, g. 178; S 5054). About very ne, the error reading rare £80-£100
Provenance: Bt ABC Coins May 2017
Sterling,classMb2,mm.plaincross,bustleftwithwiderhair,nopelletsonpointsofcrown, rev.longcross,fourmulletsofsix pointsinangles,pelletafter REX,1.37g/10h(cf.SCBI35,216;B65, g.181;S5054). Sometimecleaned,nearlyvery ne,the reverse variety very rare £100-£120
Provenance: Bt eBay November 2011
Sterling,classMb2/Rmule,mm.crosspattée,bustleftwithwiderhair, rev.longcross,fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles, distinctivelooped R in REX and SCOTORVM,1.36g/2h(BNJ1990,p.47;SCBI35,232;B–, g.–;S5054/5055A). Ofbrightappearance, very ne, the reverse variety very rare £150-£200
Provenance: Great Western Auctions (Glasgow), 24-5 March 2017, lot 386 (part); DNW Auction 164, 9 October 2019, lot 2681 (part)
Outofrecordscoveringmanyhundredsofcoins,thevendorknowsofonlyahandfulofclassRpieces.Includingthisspecimen,hehasrecorded three Mb2/R mules, a D2/R25 mule and two true coins.
Sterlings(2),classMb3,mm.crosspattée,bustleftwithwiderhair,pelletsonpointsofcrownandonsceptre, rev.longcross, fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles,1.37g/10h,classMb3/Emule,similarbutnopelletsoncrown, rev.twomulletsofsix,twostars ofsevenpoints,1.42g/6h(SCBI35,–,284;B71,73, gs.189,191;S5054,5054/5055)[2]. Nearlyvery ne, rstsometime cleaned and a very rare variety, second toned £150-£200
Provenance: First bt ABC Coins June 2011, second bt eBay May 2007
Sterling,classMc2,mm.plaincross,bustleftwithwiderhair, rev.longcross,fourmulletsofsixpoints,1.36g/9h(SCBI35,215; cf B 51, g. 199; S 5055). Very ne £100-£120
Provenance: Bt Spink October 1980
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
Sterling,classMc2/Emule,mm.plaincross,bustleftwithwiderhair, rev.twomulletsofsix,twostarsofsevenpoints,1.35g/6h (cf. SCBI 35, 285; B 75, g. 204; S 5055/5056). Nearly very ne £80-£100
Provenance: Bt Seaby June 1983
Sterling,classE1,mm.crosspattée,letteringwithincurveduprights,bustleft, rev.longcross,fourmulletsof vepointsinangles, smallpelletsbeneath SCO and VM+,1.36g/7h(SCBI35,247;B36, g.168;S5056). Slightlyweakinplaces,otherwisevery ne, toned £100-£120
Provenance: Bt D.L. Cavanagh May 1982
Sterling,classE1,mm.plaincrosson obv.,crosspotenton rev.,letteringwithincurveduprights,bustleft, rev.longcross,four mullets of six points in angles, 1.30g/11h (SCBI 35, 204; B 37, g. 169; S 5056). About very ne, toned £80-£100
Provenance: Elsen Auction 72 (Brussels), December 2002, lot 1257; CNG eAuction 429, 26 September 2018 (546)
Sterling,classE1,mm.plaincross,letteringwithincurveduprights,bustleft, rev.longcross,twomulletsofsixpointsandtwo stars of seven points in angles, 1.38g/12h (SCBI 35, 274; B 64a/38, gs. 177A/170; S 5056). About very ne, toned £100-£120
Provenance: Patrick Finn FPL 18, January 2000 (337)
Sterling,classE2,mm.crosspotent,letteringwithincurveduprights,bustleft, rev.longcross,twomulletsof veandtwoofsix points in angles, 1.29g/6h (SCBI 35, –; B 35, g. 167; S 5056). Fine, reverse better, rare £100-£120
Provenance: Bt D.L. Cavanagh 1983
Possibly St Andrews, given that mint-signed coins of Baliol have this combination of stars and mullets totalling 22 points.
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
Sterling,classE2,mm.crosspattéeon obv.,crosspotenton rev.,letteringwithincurveduprights,bustleft, rev.longcross,two mulletsofsixpointsandtwostarsofsevenpointsinangles,1.32g/9h(SCBI35,273;B58a/38, gs.172A/170;S5056). Nearly very ne, toned
Provenance: Bt D.L. Cavanagh July 1981
Sterling,classD1/Emule,mm.crosspotenton obv.,pattéeon rev.,letteringincurved,bustleft, rev.longcross,onestarof ve, threemulletsofsixpointsinangles,1.32g/2h(SCBI35,–;B55/36, gs.162/168;S5057/5056). Aboutvery neandexcessively rare
Provenance: Bt M. Roberts July 2016
Thevendornotes‘Thiscoinisofextremerarity,possibleunique.IntheStewart/Northdiestudy,thereisnolistingofaclassD1witha23-point reverse,noraD2forthatmatter.Thereisnopublishedexampleofthiscoinfromanyhoard.Thisreversedie,however,isfoundcoupledwitha normal E2 obverse.
Sterling,classD1/Emule,mm.crosspotent,letteringincurved,bustleft, rev.longcross,twomulletsofsixpoints,twostarsof seveninangles,1.36g/11h(SCBI35,–;B56/55, g.163/162;S5057/5056). Sometimecleaned,very neandunusuallywellstruck for this issue
Provenance: Reportedtohavebeenastraymetal-detector ndfrom2005.Foundonafootpathfollowinganold(nowdry)waterwaybetween Southampton and Winchester; bt eBay January 2006
Thevendornotestheunusualletteringontheobverseofthiscoin.The rsttwo Asareunbarred,thethirdisfromapunchnormallyfoundon coins of class E. He knows of no other die with unbarred As or with a class E A punch
Sterling,classD1/Emule,mm.crosspotent,letteringstraight-sidedon obv.,incurvedon rev.,bustleft, rev.longcross,twomullets ofsixpointsandtwostarsofsevenpointsinangles(starsbeneath SCO and VM),1.42g/3h(cf.SCBI35,268-70; cf.B55, g.162;S 5057/5056). Very ne and toned, the reverse variety extremely rare
Provenance: Bt September 2018
This is the only example of a D1 obverse and a 26 point reverse die with stars beneath SCO and VM quarters recorded by the vendor.
Sterling,classD2/Mmule,mm.crosspotent.bustleftwithhairsweptback, rev.longcross,twomulletsofsix,twostarsofseven pointsinangles,1.35g/6h(SCBI35,–B–, g.–;S5057/5055). Nearlyvery neandextremelyrare,thecombinationunrecorded in the main references £150-£200
Provenance: Great Western Auctions (Glasgow), 24-5 March 2017, lot 372 (part); DNW Auction 185, 1 December 2020, lot 507 (part)
This is one of only ve dies with the with stars in the SCO and VM quarters recorded by the vendor and the only one with a D2 obverse.
Sterling,classD2,mm.crosspotenton obv.,pattéeon rev.,letteringstraight-sidedon obv.,incurvedon rev.,bustleft, rev.long cross,twomulletsofsixpointsandtwostarsofsevenpointsinangles,1.44g/7h(SCBI35,266;B30, g.160;S5057). Aboutvery ne £100-£120
Provenance: Bt eBay November 2008
Posthumouscoinage,Sterling,classH[withlateclassM rev.],mm.crosspattéeon obv.,plaincrosson rev.,irregularlettering, crudebustleft, rev.longcross,fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles,1.26g/2h(SCBI35,–; cf.B78, g.207;S5058). Good ne, scarce £80-£100
Provenance: Exchange D. Stuart April 2019
JJoohhnn BBaalliiooll ((11229922--11229966))
Firstcoinage,Sterling,StAndrews,mm.crosspattée,smallirregularlettering,crudebustleft, rev CIVITASSANDRE,twomulletsof ve, twostarsofsixpointsinangles,1.50g/5h(HolmesandStewartbydiess11-sl;SCBI35,296;B11, g.214;S5067). Good ne,rare £200-£300
Provenance: Bt M. Vosper November 2018
OOccccuuppaattiioonn ooff BBeerrwwiicckk
Penny,Berwick-upon-Tweed,classIb,wideface,reads HYB’,1.46g/5h(SCBINorth1122;N1072;S1415). Small atareas,very ne £100-£120
Pennies(2),bothBerwick-upon-Tweed,classI/IIamule,wideface,1.30g/7h(SCBINorth–;N1071/1073;S1415);classIIb, 1.50g/12h(SCBINorth1128, thiscoin;N1074;S1415)[2]. Firstwithobverseo -centreandpartlyweakotherwisebothabout very ne and toned, scarce £100-£150
Provenance: FirstJ.J.NorthCollection[fromBaldwinJuly1993],btC.J.MartinMarch2003;secondJ.J.NorthCollection[fromSpink1972],W.J. Conte Collection, bt CNG September 2001; both North Yorkshire Moors Collection (Part II), DNW Auction 159, 3 July 2019, lot 571
Penny,Berwick-upon-Tweed,classIIIa/IVmule,narrowface,1.46g/2h(SCBINorth1133/1135;N1076/1078;S1415). Obverse slightly o -centre, nearly very ne and rare £80-£100
Pennies(2),bothBerwick-upon-Tweed,classIVa,1.52g/11h(SCBINorth1138, thiscoin;N1078;S1415);classIVc,1.42g/2h (SCBI North 1141, this coin; N 1080; S 1415) [2]. About very ne, toned
Provenance: FirstP.ThorburnCollection,J.J.NorthCollection[fromP.T.January1952],W.J.ConteCollection,btC.J.MartinMarch2003;second J.J.NorthCollection[fromSpink1959],W.J.ConteCollection,btSpinkSeptember2002;bothNorthYorkshireMoorsCollection(PartII),DNW Auction 159, 3 July 2019, lot 579
Pennies(2),bothBerwick-upon-Tweed,classIVb,Lombardic N in DNS,classIVc,Roman N in DNS,bothwithpelletonbreast, 1.64g/2h, 1.31g/5h (SCBI North 1139-40; N 1079; S 1415) [2]. Good ne or better
Penny,Berwick,classV*,repunchedLondondieswithsquintingeyesand‘wishbone’neck, rev. :VILLAB eRe VYCI,1.48g/3h(SCBI North 1147, this coin; N 1081, note; S 1464). About very ne, toned, rare
Provenance: F. Elmore-Jones Collection; J.J. North Collection
Halfpenny,Berwick-upon-Tweed,classVIIIb,bear’sheadinsecondandthirdquarters, VILLABERVICI,0.54g/2h(Withers6c;SCBI North 1159; N 1090; S 1537). Very ne or better with a strong portrait, rare thus £200-£300
RRoobbeerrtt tthhee
BBrruuccee ((11330066--11332299))
Sterling,mm.crosspattée,bust2left,triplepelletstops,colonbefore ROBERTVS, rev.longcross,fourmulletsof vepointsinangles, 1.43g/4h (Holmes/Stewartby 5-d; SCBI 35, –; B –, g. 226A, same dies; S 5076). Good ne and an excessively rare variety
Provenance: DNW Auction 54, 19 June 2002, lot 334
DDaavviidd IIII ((11332299--11337711))
FFiirrsstt ccooiinnaaggee,, FFiirrsstt iissssuuee
Halfpenny,mm.crosspattée,bustleftwithsceptre, MONETA : REGISD,ornate As, rev. +AVID SCOTTOR,mulletof vepointsin rstand fourthquarters,0.69g/4h(Holmes/StewartbyAc;SCBI35,–;B–, g.248A;S5080). Fullandroundwithjustatinyedgechip,very ne and extremely rare thus
Provenance: Stray metal detector nd, Navenby (Lincolnshire), 2016; bt M. Roberts 2017
FFiirrsstt ccooiinnaaggee,, SSeeccoonndd iissssuuee
Sterling,mm.crosspattée,bustleftwithsceptre,largerlettering,nostopafter DAVID,pelletafter DEI,reads GRACIAI, rev. REXSCOTOR VM+,longcross,fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles,largelettering,1.07g/3h(Savage2/aa;Burns/DakersBust2/DakersReverse1; SCBI 327, and B 4, g. 231, same obv. die; S 5088). Very ne but slightly o -centre, very rare £150-£200
Provenance: Bt eBay June 2005
Sterling,mm.crosspattée,bustleftwithsceptre,smallerlettering,pelletafter DAVID,clearsceptre-handle, rev. REXSCTTORVM+,long cross,fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles,medium-sizedlettering,1.09g/7h(Savage4/ad;BurnsBust3/DakersReverse2;SCBI332 -3, same obv. die; B 9, g. 234, same dies; S 5088). Very ne or better, the reverse error unusual and very rare £200-£260
Provenance: Bt M. Vosper August 2004
This is the only reverse die in the coinage to read REXSCTTORVM+.
Sterling,mm.crosspattée,bustleftwithsceptre,smallerlettering,colonafter DEI,reads GRACIAI, rev. REXSCOTTORVM,longcross,four mulletsofsixpointsinangles,medium-sizedlettering,1.17g/8h(Savage8/aq;BurnsBust5/DakersReverse3;SCBI349,samedies; B 12, 13, g. 237, same obv. die; S 5088). About very ne, toned £120-£150
Provenance: Bt L. Bennett May 2007
Sterling,mm.crosspattée,bustleftwithsceptre,fullsceptre-handle,smallerlettering,nostops, rev. REXSCOTTORVM,longcross, fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles,medium-sizedlettering,1.05g/12h(Savage20/as;BurnsBust6/DakersReverse3;SCBI353and B 26, g. 246, same obv. die; S 5088). Full, round and toned, very ne £150-£200
Provenance: Bt A.D. Hamilton October 1980
Sterling,mm.crosspattée,bustleftwithsceptre,smallerlettering,colonafter DAVID pelletafter DEI,reads GRACIA, rev. REXSCOTTO RVM,longcross,fourmulletsofsixpointsinangles,medium-sizedlettering,1.04g/1h(Savage26/bi;BurnsBust6/DakersReverse3; SCBI 35, 346, same dies; B 29, g. 247; S 5088). Very ne and toned £150-£200
Provenance: With Spink 1968; bt J. Newman 2019
SSeeccoonndd ccooiinnaaggee
Groat,classA01,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,smallyoungbust,tressureofsevenarcs,nothinginspandrels,saltirestops, ornate V in DAVID, 4.64g/9h (SCBI 35, 364, same obv. die; B 8, g. 254, same obv. die; S 5091). Better than very ne, toned, very rare
Provenance: Bt Spink May 1987
LordStewartbyupdatedhisoriginallistingofClassAGroatsin‘TheScottishCoinage’inthefollowingarticles-‘UnpublishedScottishCoins II’(NC 1956)and‘A14thCenturyHoardofScottishGroatsfromBallenyTownlandCo.Down’(BNJ 1964),pointingoutfeatureswhich suggestedthatcertaingroatsshouldbepositionedveryearlyintheseries,perhapsrightatthestart.Thevendorhasdesignatedsuchgroatsas A01-A03.Thecurrentspecimenhasthreesuchfeatures,(a)theornateletterUusedtorepresenttheVofking’sname,(b)thetressureofseven arcswhichappearstobeanearlyexperimentalfeatureandsoonabandonedand(c)averylargecentralpelletintheheadofthesceptre.The obverse die of this coin is as Balleny Townland Hoard no. 1.
Manyoftheearlydiesvaryconsiderablyindetailfromonetoanother,suggestingdie-cutterswereinnovatingandexperimentingbeforelater settling on a formula for a sustained production run.
Groat,classA1,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,smallyoungbust,tressureofsixarcs,trefoilsinspandrels,rosettestops, ornate V in DAVID,4.59g/11h(SCBI35,361,same obv.die;B13, g.251,same obv.die;S5092). Goodvery neandtonedbutsomedouble striking and haymarking on King’s face, rare £300-£400
Provenance: Bt Spink November 1987
The vendor notes that this is a rare obverse die, coupled with only three reverses, this one, Burns g. 251 and SCBI 35, 361.
Groat,classA5,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,smallyoungbust,tressureofsixarcs,nothinginspandrels,saltirestops, singlesaltire after SCOTORVM,saltireafter P and nal R of PTECOR,4.52g/2h(cf.SCBI35,365-7for type;B–, g.–;S5091). Tinymarkonforehead, good very ne and attractively toned, rare £300-£400
Provenance: Bt Stanley Gibbons July 1978
ThevendorpointsoutthatthereisonlyonspecimenfromthisobversedieintheNMSCollection.TherewasnoexampleintheLockett Collection. The reverse die reading LIBETORXMS is the only class A reverse die with this reading known to the vendor.
Groat,classA5,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,smallyoungbust,tressureofsixarcsandasegmnet,nothinginspandrels,saltire stops, nothing after SCOTORVM, 4.25g/2h (SCBI 35, 365, same obv. die; B9, g. 256, same obv. die; S 5091). About very ne, toned £240-£300
Provenance: Bt eBay (USA) July 2013
Coins of class A5 with their saltire punctuation and well-de ned tressures mark the end of the rst phase of this early part of the coinage.
Groat,classA6,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,smallyoungbust,tressureofsixarcs,nothinginspandrels,crossletstops, saltire after SCOTORVM,3.73g/6h(SCBI35,369same obv.die;B10, g.257,same obv.die;S5091). Slightlysmallof an,good neor better £150-£200
Provenance: Bt Edinburgh Coin Shop July 1982
The introduction of crosslet stops mark a transition to the next phase of the coinage. The tressure around the king is still relatively well de ned.
Groat,classA7,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,smallyoungbust,tressureofsixarcs,nothinginspandrels,crossletstops, vepointedstar(unpierced)after SCOTORVM,crossletafter VILLA,4.58g/5h(SCBI35,370samedies;B12, g.259,samedies;S5091). Very ne or better, some small surface marks, dark tone £240-£300
Provenance: R.A. Macpherson Collection, DNW Auction 83, 30 September 2009, lot 3987 [from Baldwin March 1982]
Onthistype,thecrossletstopscontinuebutthetressureismuchlesssharplydrawn.Burns gs.254and255,usedatAberdeenareverysimilar to this Edinburgh die and are almost certainly contemporary - a distinct group of three dies produced at the same time.
Groat,class‘A8’,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,smallyoungbust,tressureofsixarcs(lesswellde ned),nothinginspandrels,saltire andcrossletstops, reads RCX and COTORVM,doublecrossletatendoflegend,nothingafter VILLA,extrasaltirestopafter rst MS, 4.42g/5h (SCBI 35, –; cf. B 11, g. 258; S 5091). Very ne £240-£300
Provenance: Lord Grantley Collection, Part V, Glendining Auction, 18-19 May 1944, lot 1718 (part); DNW Auction 55, 8 October 2002, lot 664
Theoddspellingsof RCX and COTORVM,whilelookinglikedie-sinker’serrors,arealmostcertainlydeliberateasthevendorhastracedanothertwo dieswiththesamedetailsasBurns g.258,includingthe naldoublecrosslet,thiscoinbeingfromoneofthem.WhileStewart,following Davidson,omittedthesediesfromhislist,thevendorplacesthisgroupasthepenultimatetypeofclassAreplacingStewart’sA8whichtherefore becomes ‘A9’ and introduces the ornate A as found on class B dies.
Groat,class‘A9’,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,smallyoungbust,tressureofsixarcs(lesswellde ned),nothinginspandrels, doublecrossletstopsafter DAVID, DEI and GRA,nothingafter REX,reads COTORVM,unbarredornate A in GRA,lisatendoflegend, reverse-barredornate Ason rev,4.16g/1h(SCBI35,374,same obv.die; cf.B15, g.262;S5091). Slightlyirregular anwithlight scratches on obverse, nearly very ne, toned, the reverse variety extremely rare
Provenance: Bt R. Johnson August 2001
Groat,classA7,Aberdeen,mm.crosspattée,smallyoungbust,tressureofsevenarcs,nothinginspandrels,crossletstops, nothing after SCOTORVM,doublecrossletafter VILLA,3.84g/6h(cf.SCBI35,376,same obv.die;B16, g.255,same obv.die;S5103). Flan creased and surfaces rough, ne or better, very rare £150-£200
Provenance: Bt eBay November 2005
See footnote to lot 668
Groat,classA7/classBmule,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattéeon obv.,crossfourchéeon rev.,smallyoungbust,tressureofsixarcs, nothinginspandrels,crossletstops, doublesaltireafter SCOTORVM,reversed D below V of VILL,4.19g/11h(SCBI35,–;Burns15b, g. 254A, same obv. die; S 5091/5097). Good ne but weakly struck, an unpublished Aberdeen/Edinburgh die link, extremely rare £200-£300
PartoftheCrossFourchygroup,thiscoinreusesanoldclassAdiewithalateclassBCrossFourchyissuereverse.Inallthepublishedliterature, thisobversediehasalwaysbeenstatedtobeusedatAberdeenonly.HoweveratsomepointitwasreturnedtoEdinburghtobeusedinitsnow damaged state [note the oval die break between the mouth and sceptre-handle] with an Edinburgh reverse.
Sterling,classA5,Aberdeen,smallyoungbustwithslopingshoulder,crossletstops, rev. VILLA+ABERDON,longcross,fourlarge mullets of ve points in angles, 1.09g/3h (SCBI 35, –; B 9, g. 278, same rev. die; S 5121). Very ne and rare £800-£1,000
Provenance: Bt eBay March 2013
Groats(2),bothclassB,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,largeyoungbust,tressureofsixarcs,nothinginspandrels,crossletand doublecrossletstops, ornate Asbothsides,4.10g/6h,3.03g/9h(cf.SCBI35,377,382; cf.B19,28, g.279,275;S5095)[2]. First good ne, second better but small of an, both rare varieties £200-£300
Provenance: First bt Spink July 1977; second DNW Auction 158, 24 April 2019, lot 641 (part)
Groat,classB2a,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,secondintermediatebust,tressureofsixarcs,nothinginspandrels,doublecrosslet stops,nothingafter SCOTORVM,reads DCI,crossletunder V of INBV,ornate Asbothsides,4.23g/6h(SCBI35,–;B23b, g.282B,same obv. die; S 5096). Nearly very ne and very rare £240-£300
Provenance: Bt Spink September 1987
This obverse die is also found coupled with reverses with a cross in the fourth quarter and a D in the fourth quarter (B. gs 282A and 280)
Groat,classB3a,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,secondintermediatebust,tressureofsixarcs,nothinginspandrels,crossletstops after DAVID and REX, doublecrossletafter DEI and SCOTORVM,nothingafter GRA,reversed D undersecond L of VILL,ornate Asbothsides, 3.94g/2h (SCBI 35, –; B 23, g. 282, same obv. dies; S 5097). Good ne, reverse a little better, very rare £200-£260
Provenance: DNW Auction 136, 8-9 June 2016, lot 803 (part)
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
Groat,lateclassB,Edinburgh,mm.crossfourchéeonbothsides.,secondintermediatebust,tressureofsix-and-a-halfarcs, nothinginspandrels,saltirestops,mulletafter SCOTORVM,small D under RGH,plain A bothsides,4.26g/7h(SCBI35,373,same obv. die; cf. B g. 261 rev.; S 5097). Better than ne but weak in centres, extremely rare £150-£200
Provenance: Bt eBay September 2020
Thiscoinbelongstoanunpublished‘Cross-Fourchy’sub-groupofDavidIIcoins(Groats,HalfgroatsandPennies)whichseemstohavebeen producedbetweentheendofClassBandthebeginningofClassC.Extensiveresearchbythevendor,doneoveranumberofyearsandbased mainly on letter forms and fonts, places these coins with their forked initial crosses in the period c. 1364.
ItisclearthatGroupsAandBandGroupsCandDformtwodistinctanddiscreetgroups,withnooverlapinportrait,crownorletterpunches. ThiscorrespondswiththechangeofmintmasterinEdinburgh,withJamesMulekynleavingandbeingreplacedbyBonagiusofFlorencewho probably left his post at the English mint at Durham in 1363.
Duringthischangeoverperiod,theCrossFourchycoinsseemtohavebeenproducedatatimewhenapersonorpersonsunknownwere overseeingcoinproduction,apparentlyonfairlyad-hocbasis.Olddieswereusedorre-used,newdiesweresomewhatcarelesslymadefroma largenumberofvariedletterpunches.Reversessofaridenti edincludesomeearlyclassAdies,3normalclassBdiesand12markedwiththe fourchymintmark.ThesepairwithBurns1stIntermediateobversedies268and271a,B.271beinganexample;fournewCrossFourchyobverse dieswithvariedportraits,threeofthesehavingamulletafterthelegendleadingBurnstoincludeB261inClassA;andtheBurns254aobverse, previouslythoughttoonlyhavebeenusedatAberdeenbutnowknowntohavebeenusedinasomewhatdilapidatedstateatEdinburghonly during the Cross Fourchy series with a Cross Fourchy reverse die and an old, reused Class A reverse.
SomeletteringfromClassBisfoundontheCrossFourchydies,theTandOpositioningthisgroupafterthe nalClassBdies,butotherletter punches unique to this small series vary almost on a die-to-die basis.
Groat,lateclassB/classAmule,Edinburgh,mm.crossfourchéeon obv.,crosspotenton rev.,largebust,latevariety,tressureof sixarcs,nothinginspandrels,doublesaltirestops,mulletafter SCOTORVM,plain A bothsides,4.13g/2h(SCBI35,–B–, g.–;S 5095/5091). Fine, reverse better, extremely rare £150-£200
Provenance: Bt Spink July 1979
Sterling,classB4,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotenton obv.only,largeryoungbustwithsmallershoulder,crossletafter DAVID and REX, doublecrossletafter SCOTORVM, rev. VILLAEDINBVRGH,longcross,fourlargemulletsof vepointsinangles,smallreversed D under AED,ornate Asbothsides,1.05g/6h(SCBI35,410,samedies;B6, g.–;S5115). Smallmarkonface,very neorbetter,toned, rare £200-£300
Provenance: R.MacphersonCollection,DNWAuction83,30September2009,lot4000[fromBaldwinJune1987];J.SazamaCollection,PartI, DNW Auction 93, 26 September 2011, lot 1308
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
ClassC1,Groat,classC1,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,thirdintermediatebust,tressureofsixarcsandasmallsegment,nothing inspandrels,doublecrossletstops,nothingafter SCOTORVM,plain A bothsides,4.27g/7h(SCBI35,385,same obv.die; cf.B26, g. 288; S 5098). About very ne, dark tone £200-£260
Provenance: Bt M. Vosper December 2005
ClassesAandBareverycloselyconnected,asareClassesCandD.ItislikelythattheformerwereproducedunderJamesMulekyn,whilethe latter were produced under Bonagius of Florence who arrived in Edinburgh from Edward III’s mint at Durham c. 1364.
Groat,classC1,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,thirdintermediatebust,tressureofsixarcs,nothinginspandrels,doublecrosslet stops,nothingafter SCOTORVM,plain A bothsides,4.08g/12h(SCBI35,–;B24, g.286,same obv.die;S5098). Obverse neand scratched, reverse better £120-£150
Provenance: W.E. Triest Collection, CNG eAuction 429, 26 September 2018 (553)
Groat,classC1,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,thirdintermediatebust,tressureofsixarcsandasmallsegment,nothingin spandrels,doublecrossletstops,singlecrossletafter SCOTORVM,plain A bothsides,4.28g/4h(SCBI35,–;B25, g.287,same obv.die; S 5098). A little at in parts of legend, otherwise better than very ne, dark tone £300-£360
Provenance: Bt Seaby July 1978
Groat,classC2,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,thirdintermediatebust,tressureofsixarcs,nothinginspandrels,doublecrosslet stops,includingafter SCOTORVM,small D under V of VILL,plain A bothsides,4.30g/4h(cf.SCBI35,386;B27, g.289,same obv.die;S 5099). About very ne and toned £240-£300
Provenance: Bt Spink November 1987
Thevendorpointsoutthatthe rstthreeobversediesofwhatwecallClassCalllinkwithreversesthathaveasmall D under V of VILL,obviously harkingbacktotheearlierclassBcoins.LaterdieshavedetailsthatmorecloselylinkwiththecoinsofD1.Chronologicallytherefore,Stewart’s C2 should precede C1.
Groat,classD1,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcs,nothinginspandrels,doublecrossletstops, reads SEOTORVM,doublecrossletatendoflegend,ornate A on obv.,ornate A inouterlegend,plain A ininneron rev.,4.12g/9h(cf SCBI 35, –; cf. B 32, g. 291; S 5100). A little peripheral weakness, good very ne, dark tone, rare £300-£400
Provenance: DNW Auction 157, 21 February 2019, lot 460
Groat,classD2,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcs,nothinginspandrels,pelletonsceptre-handle, doublecrossletstops,reads SEOTORVM,nothingatendoflegend,ornate A on obv.,ornate A inouterlegend,plain A ininneron rev., 4.08g/11h (SCBI 35, –; cf. B 34, g. 296; S 5102). Surfaces rough and cleaned, good ne, rare £150-£200
Provenance: Bt L. Chaplin October 2006
Groat,classD3,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcs,nothinginspandrels,pelletbehindcrown, doublecrossletstops,reads SEOTORVM,nothingatendoflegend,pelletunder VILL,ornate A on obv.,ornate A inouterlegend,plain A in inner on rev., 3.92g/6h (cf. SCBI 35, 387-9; cf. B 36, g. 297; S 5101). Small striking crack, good ne, toned, rare £150-£200
Provenance: J. Davidson Collection, DNW Auction 59, 7 October 2003, lot 833 [from Baldwin 1936]
TThhiirrdd ccooiinnaaggee
Groat,class2a,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcsandasegment,trefoilsinspandrels,staron sceptre-handle,doublecrossletstops,nothingafter SCOTORVM,nolinebelowbust,crossovercrescentafter DNS,plain A bothsides, 4.02g/9h (cf. SCBI 35, 419 and B 38, g. 301 for similar rev.; S 5125). Flan slightly irregular, very ne, the obverse variety rare £200-£260
Provenance: Davissons Mailbid Sale 35, 3 February 2016 (109)
Groat,class2a,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcs,trefoilsinspandrels,staronsceptre-handle, doublecrossletstops,nothingafter SCOTORVM,nolinebelowbust,crossovercrescentafter DNS,plain A bothsides,3.91g/3h(cf SCBI 35, 418 and B 38, g. 301; S 5125). Very ne £200-£260
Provenance: Bt Spink September 1978
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
Groat,class2a,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcs,trefoilsinspandrels,staronsceptre-handle, doublecrossletstops,nothingafter SCOTORVM,linebelowbust,crossoverwedgecontractionmarkafter DNS,reads ILBATOR,plain A both sides,3.66g/12h (cf. SCBI 35, 418 and B 38, g. 301; S 5125). Very ne, the reverse legend varieties rare and unusual £200-£300
Provenance: Bt S.J. Blencoe November 2018
Provenance: Bt M. Senior October 2005
The single crosslet stops appear on only a few obverse dies dating from very late in the reign. Groat,class2b,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcs,trefoilsinspandrels,staronsceptre-handle, singlecrossletstops,nothingafter SCOTORVM,nolinebelowbust,twostarsafter DNS,plain A bothsides,3.66g/4h(cf.SCBI35,425-7 and B 43, g. 306, for similar rev. dies; S 5125). Surfaces marked, ne, both obverse and reverse varieties very rare £120-£150
Sterling,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattéeon obv. only,normal‘RobertII’head,staronsceptrehandle,singlecrossletstops, rev. VILL AEDINBVRGH,longcross,fourlargemulletsof vepointsinangles,plain A bothsides,0.84/6h(SCBI35,441,samedies[?];B13, g. –; S 5145). Very ne £200-£260
Provenance: Bt eBay September 2011
RRoobbeerrtt IIII ((11337711--11339900))
Provenance: Bt M. Vosper April 2008
Thisveryearlyobversedie,herepairedwithanormalearlyreversedie,wasalsocoupledwithanexcessivelyrarereversewithtwocrossletsafter DNS Groat,Phase1a,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,normal‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcs,trefoilsinspandrels,staronsceptrehandle,linebelowbust,doublecrossletstops,nothingafter SCOTTORM,reads ROBCRTVS,crescentandcrossletafter DNS,plain A both sides,3.82g/12h (SCBI 35, 443, same obv. die; B 5, g. 311; S 5131). Better than ne, an early variety and very rare £120-£150
Groat,Phase1b,Perth,mm.crosspattée,normal‘RobertII’head,tressureofsevenarcs,trefoilsinspandrels,staronsceptrehandle,linebelowbust,doublecrossletstops,nothingafter SCOTTORVM,crescentandcrossletafter DNS,plain A bothsides,3.81g/2h (cf. SCBI35,449for rev.;B12, g.319,same obv.die;S5136). Onanirregularbutfull-weight an,nearlyvery ne,extremely rare
Provenance: Bt eBay November 2004
Thevendorknowsofonlytwospecimensfromthisobversedie.Hebelievesasecondearlydiewithatressureofsixarcsandasegmentisrather easier to nd.
Groat,Phase1b/2mule,Perth,mm.crosspattée,normal‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcs,trefoilsinspandrels,staron sceptre-handle,linebelowbust,doublecrossletstops,nothingafter SCOTTORVM,crescentandcrossletafter DNS,plain A bothsides, 3.73g/12h (SCBI 35, 460, same dies; B 10, g. 317; S 5136). Good ne or better
Provenance: Bt Ancient and Hammered Coins 2016
Groat,Phase2,Perth,mm.crosspattée,normal‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcs,trefoilsinspandrels,staronsceptre-handle, linebelowbust,doublecrossletstops,nothingafter SCOTTORVM,barred A in GRA,crescentandcrossletafter DNS,plain A bothsides, 3.78g/7h (SCBI 35, 463; B 10, g. 317; S 5136). Reverse slightly o -centre, nearly very ne, dark tone £150-£200
Provenance: CNG eAuction 377, 2016 (720)
Groat,Phase3/2mule,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,normal‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcs,trefoilsinspandrels,crosson sceptre-handle,nothingbehindhead,linebelowbust,doublecrossletstops,nothingafter SCOTTORV,crescentandcrossletafter DNS, reads PTECTORME,plain A bothsides,3.87g/9h(Richardsonp.55,3;SCBI35,–;B– g.–;S5131var.). Very ne,darktone,veryrare £200-£300
Struck from the same obverse die as the next lot but before the B was added behind the King’s head.
Groat,Phase3/2mule,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,normal‘RobertII’head,tressureofsixarcs,trefoilsinspandrels,crosson sceptre-handle, B behindhead,linebelowbust,doublecrossletstops,nothingafter SCOTTORV,crescentandcrossletafter DNS,plain A bothsides,4.00g/11h(SCBI35,458,samedies;B8, g.–,same obv. die;S5132var.). Onafull an,very neorbetter,the variety rare £300-£400
Provenance: CNG eAuction 430, October 2018 (533); bt ABC Coins October 2018
MrsMurraynotedtheexistenceofacoinstruckfromthisobversediebeforetheadditionofthesmall B behindtheKing’shead(NMSCollection). See comment by Mrs Murray, SCBI 35, 459 note and previous lot.
Groat,Phase3,Dundee,mm.crosspattée,normal‘RobertII’head,large B behind,tressureofsixarcs,trefoilsinspandrels,saltire onsceptre-handle,linebelowbust,doublesaltirestops,nothingafter SCOTTORVM,doublesaltireafter DNS,plain A bothsides, 3.90g/3h (SCBI 35, 477, same dies; cf. B 6, g. 327, same obv. die; S 5135). Very ne, very rare £1,200-£1,500
Provenance: Bt M.C.S. Rasmussen November 2018
Theobversedie,theonlyonewithalargeletter B behindthehead,isknowncoupledwithanEdinburghreverse(B6, g.327),adielinknot noted in ‘Scottish Mints’.
The following three Sterlings were struck from the same obverse die, in two di erent die states and at two di erent mints. The rst has no privy mark behind the head and was struck at Perth. The second shows a trefoil added to the obverse while the third has the privy mark but paired with an Edinburgh reverse. The latter die-link is published in ‘Scottish Mints’, p.282 and pl. xvii, 36a and b.
Sterling,Perth,mm.crosspotent,staronsceptrehandle,nothingbehindhead,singlecrossletstops,reads SCOTTOR’,0.95g/3h(cf SCBI35,496,andB4a, g.313A,same obv.diebutbeforealteration;S5150). Smallstrikingsplitandpinholeperforationattop, but better than very ne and on a full an £200-£300
Provenance: DNW Auction 57, 19 March 2003, lot 734
Fromthesameobversedieaslot700coupledwithaPerthreverse.Alsofromthesamedieaslot701[Edinburgh]Boththesehavethetrefoil behind the head.
Sterling,Perth,mm.crosspotent,staronsceptrehandle,trefoilbehindhead,singlecrossletstops,reads SCOTTOR’,0.97g/11h(SCBI 35, 496, same obv. die; B 4a, g. 313A, same obv. die; ; S 5150). Chipped, otherwise about very ne, rare £150-£200
Provenance: Bt August 2005
From the same obverse die as lot 701 (Edinburgh reverse). Also from the same die as lot 699, before the addition of the trefoil behind the head.
Sterling,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotenton obv. only,staronsceptrehandle,trefoilbehindhead,singlecrossletstops,reads SCOTTOR’,0.81g/12h(SCBI35,496,same obv.die;B4a, g.313A,samedies;S5145). Aboutvery neandtonedbutsurfaces slightly porous, rare £150-£200
Provenance: Dr J. Davidson Collection, Part I, DNW Auction 59, 7 October 2003, lot 842
Fromthesameobversedieaslot700,coupledwithaPerthreverse.Alsofromthesamedieaslot699,beforetheadditionofthetrefoilbehind the head.
Sterling,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotenton obv.only,nostaronsceptrehandle,singlecrossletstops,reads ROBIRTVS, rev.+VILLAEDIN BVR, 0.88g/9h (SCBI 35, –; B 5, g. –; S 5146). Good ne, surfaces slightly porous, scarce £120-£150
Provenance: Bt May 2019
Sterling,Perth,mm.crosspotent,staronsceptrehandle,singlecrossletstops,bar-shapedcontractionmarkafter SCOTTOR, rev VILL ADEPERTHX, 0.86g/9h (SCBI 35, –; cf. B 8, g. 322; S 5150). Obverse good ne, reverse ne, dark tone, scarce £100-£120
Provenance: Bt M. Rasmussen August 2012
HHeeaavvyy ccooiinnaaggee,, FFiirrsstt iissssuuee
RRoobbeerrtt IIIIII ((11339900--11440066))
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,largetrefoilsoncusps,triplepelletstops,doublesaltireafter SCOTORVM, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,doublesaltirestopafter DNS and P of PTECTOR,innerlegendwithoutstops, Rsreplace Bsin legend both sides, 2.58g/11h (SCBI 35, 533, same dies; cf. SCBI 72, 20; cf. B 3, g. 340; S 5164A). Very ne or better, rare thus £200-£300
Provenance: Bt M. Vosper May 2013
ThiscoinbelongstoagroupofelevenearlyintermediateobversedieslinkingthesingleTypeIobversewiththemaincoinage.Eachofthesedies showsalterations,changingfromdietodieuntilthelayoutmatchesthemaincoinage.Thisisthethirddieinthesequence,usingthe R punchfor B, smallletter V.doublesaltiresafterthelegendandthebustwithlankhairandroundedshoulders.The P intheouterreverselegendisfroman oversize punch.
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,largetrefoilsoncusps,triplepelletstops,includingafter SCOTORVM, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,doublesaltirestopafter DNS and P,innerlegendwithdoublesaltirestops,normal Bsbothsides, 2.64g/1h (SCBI 35, 537-8; SCBI 72, 28-30; cf. B 4, g. 344; S 5164). Nearly very ne £150-£200
Provenance: Bt 2018
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,largetrefoilsoncusps,triplepelletstops,includingafter SCOTORVM, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,doublesaltirestopafter DNS,reads PTECTORSM,innerlegendwithoutstops, Rsreplace Bsinlegend bothsides,2.63g/1h(SCBI35,537andSCBI72,32,samedies;; cf.B4, g.344;S5164). Tinystrikingcrack,betterthanvery ne, toned £240-£300
Provenance: Dr J. Davidson Collection, Part II, DNW Auction 60, 9-10 December 2003, lot 376
Thisobversedieisfromearlyinthemaincoinage.Thevendorpointsoutthatcoinswith nalstopsintheobverselegendaremuchscarcerthan those without; and wonders what signi cance, if any, this might have.
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,largetrefoilsoncusps,triplepelletstops,nothingafter SCOTORVM, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,doublesaltirestopafter DNS,innerlegendwithdoublesaltirestops,normal Bsbothsides, 2.74g/11h (SCBI 35, 540, same obv. die; SCBI 72, 51; cf. B 5, g. 348; S 5164). Flat in places, about very ne £150-£200
Provenance: Bt 2018
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattéeon rev.only,tressureofsevenarcs,largetrefoilsoncusps,triplepelletstops,nothingafter SCOTORVM, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,doublesaltirestopafter DNS,innerlegendwithdoublesaltirestops, Rsreplace Bs on obv.,normal Bson rev,2.74g/5h(SCBI35,542,same obv.die;SCBI72,75,samedies;; cf.B7b, g.349C;S5164). Goodvery ne, toned £240-£300
Provenance: J.K.R. Murray Collection, Spink Auction 57, 29 April 1987, lot 159 (part); bt D. Cavanagh 1987 All
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,trefoilsoncusps,lisandcrescentstops, rev. threepelletsinquarters ofcross,lisandcrescentstopsafter DNS, VILLA and RGH,2.86g/3h(cf. SCBI35,552same rev.die;SCBI72,90-2,same obv.die;B p.291, g. 353A, same obv. die; S 5164A). Very ne or better, the variety very rare £200-£300
Provenance: Bt Edinburgh Coin Shop December 1980
Atthebeginningofthelisandcrescentissue,thereareanumberofdiesshowingalarge A.Thesemainlyhavea attop-bar,brokenonmanydies, butthisdiehasalarge A withsymmetricaldroops,theonlyobversedietoshowthis.Itcanalsobeseenonthisreversedie.Somecoinsaround thistimeshowwhatcataloguershavedescribedasan‘elongatedface’.Thevendornotesthatthisisnotduetotheintroductionofdi erent punchesbutpurelybypositioningthecrown(andsometimesthehair)slightlyhigher.Itmaybeanidiosyncrasypeculiartooneparticulardiesinker.
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,trefoilsoncusps,lisandcrescentstops, rev. threepelletsinquarters ofcross,lisandcrescentstopsafter DNS, VILLA and RGH,2.67g/6h(cf. SCBI35,553-9for rev.;SCBI72,101,same obv.die;B10, g. 353; S 5164A). Very ne or better, the variety rare
Provenance: BT D. Cavanagh June 1986
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,trefoilsoncusps,lisandcrescentstops, rev. threepelletsinquarters ofcross,lisandcrescentstopsafter DNS, VILLA and RGH, R over S in PTECTOR,2.92g/4h(cf. SCBI35,553-9for rev.;SCBI72,107,same dies; B 10, g. 353; S 5164A). Slightly small of an but full weight, very ne or better £200-£300
Provenance: Bt Spink June 2000
Theobverseofthiscoinisdistinctiveinthatithasaroundedfaceunlikethenormalbustfortheseries.Thevendorknowsofnootherdiewhich shows this face.
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofninearcs,largetrefoilsoncusps,lisandcrescentstops, M of SCOTORVM struck partlyoverinitialmark, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,lisandcrescentstopsafter DNS, VILLA and RGH,2.73g/1h(cf.SCBI35, 557 SCBI 72, 126-7, same obv. die; cf. B 13, g. 355; S 5164A). Very ne, a very rare variety £200-£260
Provenance: A Distinguished Collection of Scottish Coins and Medals, Spink Auction 20, 31 March 1982, lot 129 (part)
Towardstheendoftheproduction-runofgroatswithlisandcrescentstops,thetressurewasalteredfromseventoninearcs.Thevendornotes that there were 37 examples of this general type in the 1880 Fortrose hoard.
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofninearcs,largetrefoilsoncusps,largelisstops, rev. threepelletsinquartersof cross,largelisafter DNS, VILLA and RGH,2.78g/6h(SCBI35,560-61;SCBI72,133;B–, g.–;S5164A). Betterthanvery ne,toned,a very rare variety £240-£300
Provenance: Fortrose(RossandCromarty)Hoard(1880);Sheri MackenzieCollection,SothebyAuction,21-2February1921,lotunspeci ed;H. A.ParsonsCollection,PartII,GlendiningAuction,11-13May1954,lot716(part);MrsJoanE.L.MurrayCollection,BaldwinAuction26,9May 2001,lot1883;SpinkAuction166,12November2003,lot122; SNC February2004(SH0144);CNGMailbidSale109,12September2018 (1000)
Twoobversediesand vereversedieswithalargelisstopformthepenultimateissueofthemaincoinagefromEdinburgh.Thisobversehasa normalcrossastheinitialmark,whiletheotherhasalargelis.Thereversediehasonlybeentracedcoupledwiththisobverse.Twoofthereverse dies have been recorded backing Second coinage Perth dies also used at Edinburgh.
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofninearcs,largetrefoilsoncusps,doublesaltirestopsincludingafter SCOTORVM, reads RX, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,doublesaltirestopsafter DNS, MEVS, Z and VILLA,2.63g/7h(SCBI35,562,SCBI72, 135 and B 15, g. 358, same dies; S 5164A). Very ne and extremely rare £240-£300
Provenance: Bt A. Gillis November 2014
ThisisoneofonlytwodiesofthistypewhichseemtobringtheFirstissuetoaclose.Thisdiehasanormalinitialcrossbutreads RX,theother hasthenormalreading REX butnoinitialcross.Coinsofthistypeareextremelyrare.Thevendorknowsofthreecoinsfromthisdie,includingthis specimen, reading RX and only one reading REX (Part I, DNW 286, lot 113) that have come on to the market in the last 50 years.
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,trefoilsoneightcusps,trefoilonbreast,doublepelletstops,reads SCOTORVME, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,triplepelletstopsafter DNS, P, MS, Z, VILLA,and RGH,2.25g/1h(SCBI35,–;SCBI72, 169, same obv. die; B 39f, g. 382C, same dies; S 5166). Slightly small of an, about very ne, the reverse very rare £200-£260
Provenance: Bt ABC Coins February 2018
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,trefoilsonsomecusps,nothingonbreast,doublepelletstops, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,doublesaltirestopsafter DNS, MS, Z, VILLA and RGH,2.54g/11h(SCBI35,565-6,SCBI72,170andB 37, g. 381, same dies; S 5166). Small striking split at 6 o’clock, very ne £200-£300
Provenance: Sheri T.MackenzieCollection,SothebyAuction,21-2February1921,lotunspeci ed;DrJ.DavidsonCollection,PartII,DNW Auction 60, 9-10 December 2003, lot 384
GroatsofthissortfromEdinburgharegenerallyreferredtoasSecondissue/Firstissuemules,sincethereversediewasproducedusingthesame fountofletter-punchesasthe nalvarietyoftheFirstcoinage.Ofthat,twoobversesandfourEdinburghreversesarerecorded.threeofthe reversesrecordedwithSecondCoinageobverses.TheweightanddieaxisofthiscoindonotcorrespondwiththosegivenintheDNW60 cataloguebutthecataloguernotesthatthefollowinglotDNW60,385hasthesameweightanddieaxisaslot384.Itwouldappeartobeacopyand-paste error in the cataloguing.
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
Provenance: Bt ABC Coins February 2018
Thevendornotesthatoutof51specimenswithmuledstopsintheFortrosehoard,onlytwohadreverseswiththree-pelletstopsthroughoutthe legend. Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofninearcs,trefoilsonallcusps,includingonbreast,saltireandpelletstops,reads SCOTTRVM, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,triplepelletstopsafter DNS, P, MS, Z and VILLA,2.82g/10h(SCBI35,568andSCBI72, 173, same obv. die; B 39, g 373, same dies; S 5166). Full, round, about very ne, a rare die pairing £240-£300
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,trefoilsonsomecusps,nothingonbreast,annuletsinspandrels, doubleannuletstopsafter ROBERTVS, DEI and REX,reads SCOTTORRVM, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,singleannuletstopsafter DNS,and P,doubleafter MS and Z,threeannuletsplacedhorizontallyafter ED,2.68g/2h(SCBI35,–;SCBI72,199,same obv.die: cf.B 40, g 391 for obv.; S 5167). About very ne, the most unusual reverse die unpublished, extremely rare £240-£300
Provenance: Bt Soink February 1982
PartofarelativelysmallgroupofGroatswithannuletsinthespandrels.ThosestruckatEdinburghalsohavedoubleannuletasstopswhilePerth coinshavedoublecrosslets[seelot725] UnlikethesinglePerthdie,therewereatleastthreeobversediesinuseatEdinburgh.Oneofthese producedalmostalltheextantexamples,theothertwoseemtohavehadverylittleuse.Thisdieisoneofthelatter.Aroundthistime,die production quality began to slip with misspellings creeping in and striking becoming careless.
Groat,Perth,mm.crosspotent,tressureofeightarcs,trefoilsoncusps,nothingonbreast,saltireandpelletstops, rev. three pelletsinquartersofcross,saltireandpelletstopsafter DNS, P, MS, Z, VILLA and DE,baronlimbofcrossbetween R and T of PERTH, 2.75g/9h(cf.SCBI35,580; cf.SCBI72,219 ;B20a, g.363A,same obv.die;S5170). Goodvery neandacombinationoftwo extremely rare dies
Provenance: Bt ABC Coins February 2018
Thebaracrossthelimbofthereversecrossappearstobequitedeliberate(notadiebreakor aw).Itisextremelyunusualanditssigni cance,if any, is not known.
Groat,Perth,mm.crosspotent,tressureoftenarcs,trefoilsonsixcusps,seventhonbreast,saltireandpelletstops, rev. three pelletsinquartersofcross,saltireandpelletstopsafter DNS, P, MS, Z and VILLA ,2.33g/3h(SCBI35,582-3,SCBI72,225,samedies;B 24, g. 366, same obv. die; S 5170). About very ne, toned
Provenance: Bt S.J. Blencoe July 2016
Groat,Perth,mm.crosspotent,tressureofeightarcs(oneveryindistinctbelowbust),trefoilsonsomecusps,nothingonbreast, trefoilstops, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,saltireandpelletstopsafter DNS, P, MS, VILLA and DE,2.70g/12h(SCBI35,574 same obv.die;SCBI72,231-2andB17, g.361,samedies;S5170). Obverseaboutvery neandslightlydoublestruck,reverse good very ne, toned
Provenance: Bt Mayfair Coin Co July 1979
Althoughreferredtoasthe‘Secondissue’,theseearlyPerthGroatswereprobablystruckconcurrentlywiththeEdinburghthree-pelletseries;the twomintsoperatingquiteseparatelyatthetime.ThePerthcoinagehadasomewhatexperimentallookatthisperiod,withdetailschangingfrom die to die. This is the only known obverse with trefoil stops.
Groats(2),bothPerth,mm.crosspattée,tressurewithtrefoilsoncusps, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,saltireandpellet stopsbothsides,minorvariations,2.64g/1h,2.50g/4h(SCBI35,–,SCBI72,232 ;B35c,–, gs.370D,–;S5170)[2]. Fineanda little small of an, second with small edge chip, both rare varieties
Provenance: First bt D. Cavanagh July 2000; second bt A. Howitt September 2011
Heavycoinage,Secondissue,Groat,Perth,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,trefoilsoncusps,trefoilonbreast,double crossletstops,nothingafter SCOTTORVM, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,nopunctuationinoutercircle,uncertainininner, 2.86g/5h(SCBI35,584,same obv.die;SCBI72,238-40;B25, g.374,same obv.die;S5170). Aboutvery ne,thereverse extremely rare, traces of overstriking on both sides £200-£300
Provenance: ABC Coins February 2018
Thiscoinisstruckonacut-downRobertIIGroatofEdinburgh,thelargelettersshowingthroughfromtheundertype.Whilethisdie,fromthe lateSecondcoinage,isknown,thereverseismostunusual.Theletteringisfromthefountusedforthe nalEdinburghissueintheFirstcoinage, withdoublesaltirestops(seelot714),distinctlydi erentfromtheletteringusedonallthenormalPerthcoins.Thisfountwasalsousedonafew EdinburghSecondcoinagereversesusedwithearlySecondcoinageobversedies,whicharegenerallyconsideredtobeSecond/Firstcoinagemules. ThevendorknowsofonlyoneotherPerthreversediefromthispartofthecoinagewhichisalsofromthisletterfount.ItisintheBritish Museum Collection but unpublished in numismatic literature.
Groat,Perth,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,trefoilsonfourcusps,trefoil(indistinct)onbreast,reads SCTORVM,double crossletstops rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,doublecrossletstopsafter DNS, P, MS, Z, VILLA and DE,crossletbefore T of PERTH, 2.74g/8h(SCBI35,585,same obv.die;SCBI72,245,samedies;B–, g.376A;S5170). Centressmoothed,good nebutdouble struck on reverse, rare £100-£150
Provenance: DNW Auction 144, 21 February 2018, lot 294
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
Groat,Perth,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsevenarcs,trefoilsonfourcuspsandonbreast,annuletsinspandrels,doublecrosslet stops,reads ROBETVS, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,doublecrossletstopsafter DNS, P, MS, Z, VILLA andbetween D and E,of DE, 2.82g/10h (SCBI 35, 587, same dies; SCBI 72, –; B 27, g. 390, same dies; S 5171). On a full an, about very ne, extremely rare £240-£300
Provenance: Bt ABC Coins March 2019
While the annulet-in-spandrels Edinburgh coins from this ‘long-faced’ punch rare scarce, the Perth equivalent are extremely rare.
Groat,Perth,mm.crosspotent,tressureofsixarcs,trefoilsoncusps,nothinginspandrels,trefoilonbreast,punctuationunclear, lisanddoublesaltiresafter SCOTTORVM, rev. threepelletsinquartersofcross,doublecrossletstopsafter DNS, Z [sic], TCTOR, MS and PERTH, 2.71g/3h (cf. SCBI 35, 592-3; cf. SCBI 72, 258-9; cf. B 32c, g. 398F; S 5170). Good ne, obverse double struck, very rare £200-£260
Provenance: Bt York Coins November 2011
ThevendornotesthatthiscoindatesfromverylateintheRobertIIIseries.AlthoughthereisagoodselectionofthistypeinBurns(presumably mainly from the then-recent Fortrose Hoard), specimens are exceptionally di cult to nd on the market today.
JJaammeess II ((11440066--11443377))
FFiirrsstt FFlleeuurr--ddee--lliiss iissssuuee
Groat,Edinburgh,typeIIa/IIc,mm.crosspattée,tressureofsevenarcs,saltiresonshoulders, I torightofneck,reads TRACIA, rev. lis in rstquarter,lisbetweensaltiresinthird,threepelletsinsecondandfourthquarters,nothingincentre,lisstopswithsaltire interpunctuationbothsides,2.06g/3h(SCBI35,640,same obv.die;SCBI72,367,samedies;B3, g.430,same obv.die;S5195). Good ne, reverse a little better, very rare
Provenance: Bt A.D. Hamilton October 1985
Groat,Edinburgh,typeIIc,mm.crosspattée,tressureofeightarcs,saltiresonshoulders,saltireand I oneachsideofneck,reads GRACIA, rev. lisandsaltirein rstquarter,lisbetweensaltiresinthird,threepelletsinsecondandfourthquarters,nothingincentre, lisstopswithsaltireinterpunctuationbothsides,1.70g/2h(SCBI35,–;SCBI72,368-9;B–, cf gs.431/432Aforsimilarlettering;S 5195). Slightly small of an. good ne, portrait better for issue, very rare
Provenance: Bt A. Howitt January 2015
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
Groat,Edinburgh,typeIII, rstvariety,mm.crosspattée,tressureofsevenarcs,saltireoneachshoulderandtorightofcrown, I oneachsideofneckandonsceptrehandle,reads TRA,threelisandtwosaltiresatendoflegend, rev. lisin rstandthird,three pelletsinsecondandfourthquarters,lisstopson obv.lisandsaltireson rev.,chainworkinnerandoutercirclesbothsides, 2.03g/11h(SCBI35–; cf.SCBI72,399;B11, g.439,same obv.die;S5197). Obversenearlyvery nebutslightlyo centre, reverse ne or better, extremely rare £600-£800
Provenance: Bt D.L. Cavanagh March 1985
Groat,Edinburgh,typeIII,mm.crosspattée,tressureofeightarcs,lisonneck,tinysaltiresonbreast,largelistoleftofbust. I to rightandonsceptrehandle,saltiretorightofcrownandleftofsceptre,reads ICOBVS and TRACIA, rev. liswithpelletin rst,liswith pelletandsaltireinthirdquarter,threepelletswithsmallcentralpelletinsecondandfourthquarters,nothingincentreofcross, lis stops both sides, 2.08g/2h (cf. SCBI 35, 651; cf. SCBI 72, 419; cf, B. g. 453; S 5195). Good ne, scarce £200-£260
Provenance: Bt D.L. Cavanagh May 1982
Groat,Edinburgh,typeIII,mm.crosspattée,tressureofeightarcs,lisonneck,crossesoneachshoulder,saltiretoleftofbust, I to rightandonsceptrehandle.reads IACOBVS and TRACIA, rev. liswithpelletin rstquarter,liswithsaltireinthird,threepelletswith smallcentralpelletinsecondandfourthquarters,quarter,centreofcrossunclear,lisstopsbothsides,2.37g/5h(SCBI35,–;SCBI 72,479;B22, g.460,same obv.die;S5195). Strikingsplitat2o’clockandsurfaceslightlyscratched,otherwisegood ne,an extremely rare variety £240-£300
Provenance: Dr J. Davidson Collection, Part II, DNW Auction 60, 9-10 December 2003, lot 398; DNW Auction 78, 19 June 2008, lot 526
ThreecrownpuncheswereinusethroughouttheissueoftypeIII(BurnsstyleIII).Crown1wasusedformostoftheissue.Crown2wasusedon onlyonediewiththesceptretotheking’sleftandhasnotbeentracedonanyotherdie.Crown3occursonfourdiesproducedattheendofthe issue(includingthisone).Althoughinfrequentlyusedthecentrallisofthiscrownquicklybroke,ascanbeseenonthiscoin.Thiscrowncouldhave been composite. The vendor has not traced any other example of this obverse die except for the Burns coin.
Groat,Linlithgow,typeIII,mm.crosspattée,tressureofeightarcs,lisonneck,tinysaltiresonbreast,listoleftofneck, I toright andonsceptrehandle,reads IACOBVS and TRACIA,legendends SCO, rev. lisin rstquarter,lisandpelletinthird,threepelletswith smallcentralpelletinsecondandfourthquarters,smalllis(indistinct)incentreofcross,reads BE for DE,lisstopsbothsides, 2.18g/5h(SCBI35,658,samedies;SCBI72,490,samedies;B28, g.464,samedies;S5199). Nearlyvery neforissueandvery rare
Provenance: Bt A.D. Hamilton June 2014
SSeeccoonndd FFlleeuurr--ddee--lliiss iissssuuee
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,tressureofsevenarcswith eursoncusps, I atbaseofsceptre,lisonneck,saltireoneach shoulder,reads IACOBVS and TRACIA,legendends SCOT, rev. lisin rstquarter,lisandsaltireinthird,threepelletswithsmallcentral pelletinsecondandfourthquarters,smalllis(indistinct)incentreofcross,reads ECINBVRGH,lisandsaltirestopson obv.,lison rev., 2.16g/9h(SCBI35,670,same obv.die[withLinlithgow rev.];SCBI72,515,samedies;B34-5, g.475,same obv.die;S5200). Edge chip, otherwise good ne, portrait better
Provenance: Patrick Finn FPL 2, September 1994 (370); bt S.J. Blencoe July 2019
Groat,Perth,mm.crosspattée,tressureofsevenarcs,pellet(s)oncusps,lisonbreast,crescentoneachshoulder, I onsceptre handle, rev. lisin rstquarter,liswithsaltireandcrescentinthird,threepelletswithsmallcentralpelletinsecondandfourth quarters,nothingincentreofcross,crescentstopson obv.,noneinouterlegendon rev.,crescentsininner,reads VILLADEPEPRTH,, 1.80g/6h(SCBI35491same obv die[withStirling rev.];SCBI72,532;B48b, g.490b,samedies;S5201). Dished, neorbetter but edge hammered up and chipped in places, extremely rare £200-£300 773344
Provenance: Bt M.R. Vosper November 2010
FFiirrsstt ccooiinnaaggee,, TThhiirrdd
FFlleeuurr--ddee--lliiss iissssuuee
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,tressureofeightarcs,reads IACOBVS and GRACIA,legendends SCOTOR,noadditionalmarks, rev. lisin rstandthird,threepelletsinsecondandfourthquarters,allwithlinesaddedaround,smalllisbefore VIL,threepelletsafter DNS,nothingincentreofcross,crescentstopson obv.,2.19g/1h(SCBI35,–;SCBI72–;B3, g.496,same obv.die;S5225). Better than ne for issue, extremely rare, especially with this reverse die £400-£600
Provenance: Bt Dolphin Coins February 2002
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,tressureofeightarcs,reads IACOBVS and GRACIA,legendends SCOTOR,noadditionalmarks, rev. lisin rstandthird,threepelletsinsecondandfourthquarters,nothingbefore VIL,nothingincentreofcross,doubleannuletstops both sides, 2.25g/1h (SCBI 35, –; SCBI 72 576 and B 8, g. 504, same obv. die; S 5225). Small edge split, nearly very ne and rare £400-£600
Provenance: Bt D.L. Cavanagh May 1982
Groat,ThirdFleur-de-lisissue,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,tressureofeightarcs,reads IACOBVS and GRACIA,legendends SCOT, annuletonbreast, rev. lisin rstandthird,threepelletsinsecondandfourthquarters,nothingincentreofcross,doubleannulet stops both sides, 1.94g/2h (SCBI 35, 680; SCBI 72, 601; B 8, g. 504; S 5225). About ne, the variety very rare £200-£300
Provenance: Bt ABC Coins 2017
£600-£800 773388
Groat,typeI/IImule,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,tressureofninearcs,trefoilsonsomecusps,nothinginspandrels,noadditional marks,reads IACOBVS and GRA,legendends SCOTOR’, rev. crownin rstandthird,threepelletsandannuletinsecondandfourth quarters,nothingincentreofcross,smallrosettestopson obv.,noneon rev.,3.44g/2h(SCBI35,703,SCBI72,645-7andB11, g. 524, same obv. die; S 5233). Very ne but obverse scored, extremely rare
Provenance: Mrs Joan E.L. Murray Collection, Baldwin Auction 26, 9 May 2001, lot 1915; bt Spink August 2001
NoexampleinRichardsonorLockett;therearehoweverfourspecimensintheNMSCollection.Thevendorstates‘Thisistheonlyexample from this obverse die that I have seen for sale in the last fty years’.
Groat,typeIIa,Edinburgh,mm.crown,tressureofninearcs, eursonsomecusps,nothinginspandrels,smalllistorightofcrown, reads IACOBVS and GRACIA,legendends SCOTORVM, rev. crownin rstandthird,threepelletsandannuletsecondandfourthquarters, nothingincentreofcross,occasionaldoublesaltirestopsbothsides,3.57g/4h(SCBI35,701,same obv.die;SCBI72,675;B17, g. 532, same obv. die; S 5233). Nearly very ne, dark tone £400-£600 773399
Provenance: Bt Spink December 1986
Groat,typeIIIa,Edinburgh,mm.crown,tressureofninearcs,small eursoncuspsexceptabovecrown,nothinginspandrels, saltiresbyneck,reads IACOBVS and GRAEX,legendends SCOTTORVM,doubleannulet nal, rev. threepelletsandtinysaltirein rstand third,crowninsecondandfourthquarters,nothingincentreofcross,annuletanddoubleannuletstopson obv.,doublesaltireon rev., 3.31g/2h (SCBI 35, 706 and SCBI 72, 698, same obv. die; B 24b, g. –; S 5236). Very ne, toned, rare thus £600-£800, 774400
Provenance: Bt A.D. Hamilton March 1975
Thestopsontheobverseareoftenreferredtoas‘squashedannulets’.Thisistheonlydieinthecoinagetousesuchstops;Burnsnotingthathe had never seen an another such die.
Groat,typeIIIb,Edinburgh,mm.crown,tressureofninearcs,small eursoncuspsexceptabovecrown,nothinginspandrels, saltiresbyneck,smalllistorightofcrownandanotherabove,reads IACOBVS and GRA,legendends SCOTTORVM,doublesaltire nal, rev. threepelletsin rstandthird,crowninsecondandfourthquarters,nothingincentreofcross,mostlysinglesaltirestopsboth sides,3.56g/10h(SCBI35,709,same obv.die, cf.SCBI72,713;B–, g.–;S5236). Obverse ne,reversebetter,thevarietyvery rare
Provenance: Bt ABC Coins October 2006
Groat,typeIIIb,Edinburgh,mm.crown,tressureofninearcs,smalltrefoilsoncuspsexceptabovecrown,nothinginspandrels, trefoilsbyneck,reads IACOBVS and GRA,legendends SCOTTORVM (doublesaltirebetween T and O), rev. threepelletsandsaltirein rst andthird,crowninsecondandfourthquarters,nothingincentreofcross,unusualpelleted B in BVRG,doublesaltirestopsboth sides,3.63g/9h(SCBI35,714,SCBI72,718andB36, g.550,same obv.die;S5237). Aboutvery ne,reversealittlebetter,the variety very rare £600-£800
Provenance: Davissons Mailbid Sale 35, 3 February 2016 (281)
This is the only die in the coinage to show trefoils at the neck.
LLiigghhtt iissssuuee,, 11446677
JJaammeess IIIIII ((11446600--11448888))
£1,500-£2,000 774433
Groat,Berwick,mm.crosspattée,tressureofeightarcs,trefoilsonsomecusps, T toleftand L torightofneck,reads DGRA,legend ends SCOTOR, rev. threepelletsandannuletin rstandthird,mulletofsixpointsinsecondandfourthquarters,crosspattéebefore VIL,doublesaltirestopsbothsides,2.58g/3h(SCBI35,746-7,samedies;SCBI72,771,samedies;B5a, g.–;S5266, thiscoin). Full, round, about very ne, a very rare and sought-after type with a ne provenance
Provenance: Stack’sAuction,3December1997,lot1515;PatrickFinnFPL15,January1999(384);L.LaRivièreCollection,SpinkAuction178,22 February2006,lot63;A.M.FittsCollection,CNGTritonAuctionXV(NewYork),4January2012,lot1942;CNGMailbidSale103,14September 2016 (1222)
BBaassee ssiillvveerr iissssuuee,, 11447711--8833
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,tressureofeightarcs, rev. thistle-headin rstandthird,six-pointedmulletinsecondand fourthquarters,doublesaltirestopsbothsides,2.12g/11h(SCBI35,749 ; cf. B7, g.578;S5270). Portraitdouble-struckand partly at, otherwise good ne, reverse a little better £300-400
Provenance: DNW Auction 132, 15 September 2015, lot 218 LLiigghhtt iissssuuee,, 11447755
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.crosspattée,tallcrownof ve eurs,tressureoftenarcs,trefoilsonsomecusps,legendends SCOTORVM, rev. mulletofsixpointsin rstandthird,threepelletsinsecondandfourthquarters,crossbefore VIL,doublesaltirestopsboth sides,2.43g/7h(SCBI35,744-5,samedies;SCBI72,830-3;B15, g.588,same obv.die;S5273). Edgechipandcrackbetween11 and 1 o’clock, otherwise better than very ne, toned, rare £600-£800
Provenance: Bt Spink July 1978
The obverse die, fairly heavily used at Edinburgh, was also used brie y at Berwick.
Groat,Berwick,mm.crosspattée,tallcrownof ve eurs,tressureoftenarcs,trefoilsonsomecusps,legendends SCOTORM, rev. mulletofsixpointsin rstandthird,threepelletsinsecondandfourthquarters,crossbefore VIL,doublesaltirestopsbothsides, 2.27g/4h (SCBI 35, –; cf. SCBI 72, 840; B 15a, g. 588A, same dies; S 5276). Good ne, toned, very rare £1,200-£1,500 774466
Provenance: R. Macpherson Collection, DNW Auction 83, 30 September 2009, lot 4041 [from Baldwin March 1989]
TheuseofthisEdinburghdieatBerwickwasverylimited,extantexamplesbeingextremelyrare.Ithasbeensuggestedthatitwastakento Berwick at the setting up of the mint to begin the coinage while the Berwick-only obverse die was in preparation.
LLiigghhtt iissssuuee,, 11448822
£300-£360 774477
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.cross eury,tressureofsevenarcs,smalltrefoilsoncusps,crownwith vespikes,legendends SCOTORM, rev.,mulletof vepointsin rstandthird,threepelletsinsecondandfourthquarters,reads EDENBEOVRGE,2.35g/9h(Murraydies 1/c, SCBI 35, 764 and B 21, g. 604, same obv. die; SCBI 72, 845 ; S 5280A). About very ne
Provenance: Bt Spink March 2001
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.cross eury,tressureofsevenarcs,smalltrefoilsoncusps,crownwith vespikes,legendends SCOTORM, rev.mulletof vepointsin rstandthird,threepelletsinsecondandfourthquarters,reads EDENBEOVRGE,2.33g/12h(Murraydies 2/e, SCBI 35, 766, same dies; SCBI 72, 845 ; B 24, g. 606, same obv. die; S 5280A). About very ne
Provenance: Patrick Finn FPL 5, September 1995; DNW Auction 133, 12 November 2015, lot 115
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.cross eury,tressureofsevenarcs,smalltrefoilsoncusps,crownwith vespikes,legendends SCOTORM, rev.threepelletsin rstandthird,mulletof vepointsinsecondandfourthquarters,reads EDENBEOVRGE,1.93g/2h(Murraydies 3/c, SCBI 35, 765, same obv. die, 764, same rev. die; SCBI 72, 845 ; B 25, g. – , same obv. die; S 5280). Nearly very ne £300-£360
Provenance: J.N.G.WallworthCollection,GlendiningAuction,17December1942,lot10(part);J.DavidsonCollection,PartII,DNWAuction60, 9-10 December 2003, lot 345; bt L. Bennett July 2006
HHeeaavvyy iissssuuee,, 11448844--88
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.cross euryon rev.only,annuletoninnercirclebehindhead,legendends SCOT, rev.crownin rstand third,threepelletsandannuletinsecondandfourthquarters,reads EDINBRVG,2.82g/1h(SCBI35,–,SCBI72,897-8;B34, g.638, same obv. die; S 5289). Better than ne but weak in centres £240-£300
Provenance: Bt Spink June 2001
Groat,Edinburgh,mm.cross euryon rev.only,annuletoninnercirclebeforebust,legendreads GBATIABEX,ends COTR, rev.three pelletsandannuletin rstandthird,crowninsecondandfourthquarters,reads EDINBRVG,2.60g/4h(SCBI35,784-5,same obv.die, 782-3,same rev.die;SCBI72,908 ;B48, g.643-4,same obv.die;S5288). Good neorbetterbutslightlysmallof anand chipped £240-£300
Provenance: Mrs Joan E.L. Murray Collection, Baldwin Auction 26, 9 May 2001, lot 1950; bt Baldwin August 2001
SSeeccoonndd ccooiinnaaggee
Groat,HolyroodAbbeymint,typeIb,bustrightwithwide-collaredmantleanddouble-archedcrown,ninejewelstoband, numeral5omitted,contractionmarkabove V of SCOTORV, rev.shieldwithangledandpointedbase,cross-endsA,reads EDINBRVGH [saltire],doubleannuletstopsbothsides,11h(cf.SCBI35,912;SCBI58,48;SCBI71,355;B22, g.723;S5376). Slightdig behind head, otherwise about very ne, the variety very rare [slabbed NGC VF 35]
Provenance: Heritage Auction, 5-9 September 2019, lot 32195
Groat,HolyroodAbbeymint,typeIIa(ii),bustrightwithwide-collaredmantleandsingle-archedcrown,twelvejewelstoband, annuletabove V of SCOTORV, rev.shieldwithangledandpointedbase,cross-endsB,reads EDINBVRGI,doubleannuletstopsbothsides, 2.68g/2h(SCBI35,914; cf.SCBI58,56;SCBI71,359; cf.B19, g.720;S5377). Lightsurfacemarks,very ne,thevarietyvery rare
Provenance: Bt Spink February 1986
Thismusthavebeenashort-livedissue.ItseemstobescarcerthantypeIandmuchrarerthantypeIII.Thisissuewasstruckwithasilvercontent of 10 deniers ne, rather than the usual 11.
Groat,HolyroodAbbeymint,typeIIIb(i),bustrightwithmantleandcordedchain,single-archedcrown,eightjewelstoband, strawberry-leafdecorations,nonumeralafter IACOBVS, rev.shieldwithroundedbase,cross-endsC,pelleted V in OPPIDV,no contractionafter R of EDINBVRGI,trefoilstopsbothsides,2.72g/9h(SCBI35,931,same obv.die;SCBI58,60;SCBI71,373;B10, g. 713, same obv. die; S 5378). Very ne, the variety without numeral very rare
Provenance: Noble Numismatics Pty Auction 111A (Sydney), 5-8 April 2016, lot 1708
Provenance: DNW Auction 163, 18-19 September 2019, lot 1754
The vendor notes three obverse dies with this distinctive barred A. Groat,HolyroodAbbeymint,typeIIIc(iii),bustrightwithmantleandsmoothchain,single-archedcrown,sevenjewelstoband, strawberry-leafdecorations,‘squarer’hairstyle,letter A withbaratupperleft, rev.shieldwithroundedbase,cross-endsE, pelleted V in OPPIDV,nocontractionafter R of EDINBVRGI,trefoilstopsbothsides,2.58g/8h(SCBI35,–;SCBI58,–;SCBI71,393;B–, g. –; S 5378). Good ne, the variety very rare
Provenance: Bt Seaby February 1982
The vendor records this obverse die being extensively used with no less than 14 di erent reverses. Groat,HolyroodAbbeymint,typeIIIc(iv),bustrightwithmantleandsmoothchain,single-archedcrown,sevenjewelstoband, strawberry-leafdecorations,‘squarer’hairstyle, rev.shieldwithroundedbase,cross-endsE,nocontractionafter R of EDINBVRGI, trefoilstopsbothsides,2.77g/12h(SCBI35,915-6,same obv.die;SCBI58,99;SCBI71,407;B–, g.–;S5378). Nearlyvery ne, rare
MMaarryy ((11554422--11556677))
FFiirrsstt ppeerriioodd
Testoon,typeIIIb,1558,mm.crownon rev. only,widelow-archedcrown,noannuletsbelow MR,reads MARIA DEI G SCOTOR REGINA ·, rev.largecrosspotentwithlargecrossesinangles,reads VERTVTE,5.99g/10h(cf.SCBI35,1015 ;SCBI58,347 obv./345 rev.,samedies;B g.798,same obv.die;S5406). Tracesofmounting(?)andedgehammeredup,otherwisevery ne,brightfrom past cleaning £300-£400
Provenance: North Yorkshire Moors Collection, Part III, DNW Auction 168, 29 January 2020, lot 1020 [from Coin Galleries 1970]
Thevendornotesthatthisreversediehasasmallrectangularprivymarkbeforethe8ofthedate.Anotherhasalozengeinthesameplace,while a third has a rectangle before one of the 5s.
SSeeccoonndd ppeerriioodd ((wwiitthh FFrraanncciiss))
Testoon,typeII,1560,mm.crosspotent, obv.legendends B, rev.crossesabovelargecrownseachsideofmonogram,6.07g/4h (SCBI 35, 1088-90; SCBI 58, 1010; SCBI 71, 940; B 8, g. 881; S 5418). Better than very ne, toned,, rare £600-£800
Acontractionmarkthroughthe R of SCOTOR isveryunusualonthislegendvariety[B nal].ThereisonlyoneexampleintheNationalMuseumof Scotland Collection.
BBeeffoorree AAcccceessssiioonn
Sixthcoinage,BalanceHalf-Merk,1591,mm.cinquefoil,crownedshieldbetweenthistle-heads, rev.swordandbalance,disjointed Nsinlegend,4.52g/9h(SCBI35,1247-8;SCBI58,1492 ;B2, g.937;S5491). Neatlystruckonafull an,very neorbetter, toned, an attractive specimen £500-£700
Provenance: Bt Spink September 1987
Thisissuefromtheearly1590sisinremarkablecontrasttothecoinageofneighbouringEngland.Whenacoinagewasnotofinternational commercialimportance,therecouldbelessemphasisoncontinuityandmoreonexperimentation.UnlikeElizabethI,thekingofScotshadscope tointroduceanelementofpropagandatohiscoinageasillustratedinthisunusualreligiousandpoliticalstatement,‘Hisdi ertregetyrannus’-‘In thesethingsakingdi ersfromatyrant’,emphasisingthejustnessofhisrule-thescalesreplacingtheswordtoadministerlawandnotinspirefear. BaptisedaCatholicbutraisedandeducatedmainlybyProtestanttutors,Jameswaswellawareofthereligiousdivisionsin16thcenturysociety andwalkeda nelinebetweenthetwofactionswithinhiskingdom.Heisalsomakingapoliticalpoint-contrastingtherelativeenlightenmentand security of Scotland with the despotism of Catholic Spain and the contemporary turmoil in France and the Low Countries.
Ninthcoinage,TwelveShillings,mm.thistle-head,reads FRANETHIBREX, rev.Scottishlioninsecondquarteronly,5.65g/10h(SCBI35, 1364; SCBI 71, 1385 ; B 2, g. 974; S 5505). Fine, reverse better but smoothing and light gra ti scratch on portrait, very rare £120-£150
Provenance: Bt ABC Coins July 2013
Tenthcoinage,TwelveShillings,mm.thistle-head,reads FRAN & HIBREX, rev.Scottishlionin rstandfourthquarters,5.69g/3h(SCBI 35, 1376; SCBI 71, 1419 ; B 15, g. 985; S 5506). On a full round an, nearly very ne but a little weak on portrait, rare £300-£360
Provenance: H.M.LingfordCollection,GlendiningAuction,20June1951,lot1189(part);aDistinguishedCollectionofScottishCoinsandMedals, Spink Auction 20, 31 March 1982, lot 250 (part);
Tenthcoinage,TwelveShillings,mm.thistle-head,reads FRAN & HIBREX, rev.Scottishlionin rstandfourthquarters,largerlettering bothsides,5.71g/4h(SCBI35,1375;SCBI71,1419 ;B15, g.985;S5506). Fine,reversebetter,thediecombinationextremely rare £150-£200
Provenance: Patrick Finn FPL 16, May 1999; bt July 2000
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
Tenthcoinage,TwelveShillings,mm.thistle-head,reads FRAN & HIBREX, rev.Scottishlionin rstandfourthquarters,largerlettering both sides, 5.83g/2h (SCBI 35, 1375; SCBI 71, 1419 ; B 15, g. 985; S 5506). Good ne, rare £150-£200
Provenance: CNG eAuction 429, 26 September 2018 (628)
FFiirrsstt ccooiinnaaggee
CChhaarrlleess II ((11662255--11664499))
TwelveShillings,mm.largethistle-head,reads FRAN & HIBREX, rev.Scottishlionin rstandfourthquarters,smallletteringonboth sides,5.84g/11h(Murraypl.iii,18;SCBI35,1413-4,same obv.die;B3, g.998,same obv.die;S5542). Very neorbetter,toned £300-£400
TwelveShillings,mm.largethistle-headon obv.,smallon rev.,reads FRAN & HIBREX, rev.Scottishlionin rstandfourthquarters, smallletteringon obv.,largeon rev.,5.88g/9h(Murraypl.iii,18;SCBI35,1413-4;B3, g.998;S5542). Nearlyvery nebutweak in centres, especially on the portrait, toned £200-£300
SSeeccoonndd ccooiinnaaggee
Secondcoinage(Briot’sHammeredissue),Half-Merk,nomm.,3.22g/3h(Murraypl.iv,29;SCBI35,1420-1;B1, g.1001;S5546). Some old crease or clash-marks, otherwise about very ne, reverse better, attractively toned £300-£400
Provenance: DNW Auction 143, 12 December 2017, lot 1382
TThhiirrdd ccooiinnaaggee,, FFaallccoonneerr’’ss FFiirrsstt iissssuuee
TwelveShillings,signed F overcrown,5.77g/9h(Murrayp.138,pl.iii,21,samedies;SCBI35,1460-5,samedies;B24, g.1017, samedies;S5560). Tinyedgesplitat2o’clock,lightadjustmentmarksinplaces,otherwisegoodvery newithanattractive portrait £400-£500
Provenance: Bt Baldwin March 1999
ItseemslikelythatthisissueresultedfromthecontractdrawnupbetweentheCommissionersoftheCommitteeatEdinburgh(theCovenanters) and John Falconer, by now sole Master of the Mint since the return of Briot to England in 1638.
TThhiirrdd ccooiinnaaggee,, FFaallccoonneerr’’ss SSeeccoonndd iissssuuee
TwelveShillings,mm.thistleon obv.only, F atendoflegend,nothingabovecrown,smalllettering,5.97g/6h(Murray7,diesa/a; SCBI 35, 1508; cf. B 42, g. 1020; S 5561). Good very ne but obverse struck from a rusty die, the variety very rare £200-£300
Provenance: Bt Spink February 1982
ThestopsbeneathCRatthesidesoftheshieldaresmalltriangles,uniquetothisonereversedie.Theinnercirclesappearlinearbut,onclose inspection, can be seen to be made up of tiny, closely-spaced beads. This detail is only visible on a high grade coin like the present specimen.
TwelveShillings,mm.leavedthistle,colonstopson obv.,reads MAGNBRITANFRANETHIB, F andpelletabovecrown,largeharp, 5.95g/6h (Murray 5; cf. SCBI 35, 1509-11; cf. B 43, g. 1020; S 5562). Good very ne or better with an excellent portrait £300-£400
Provenance: Bt Spink February 1982
Most of the legend lettering on this variety is large.
Thirdcoinage,Falconer’ssecondissue,TwelveShillings,mm.leavedthistle,bustwithininnercircle, F andpelletovercrown,reads MAGNBRITANFRAN,pelletsbelow CR on rev.,reads DEVS : SEPARET :,5.88g/6h(Murrayp.141,no.4; cf.SCBI35,1509; cf.B g.1020;S 5563). Good ne, portrait better £200-£300
Provenance: SpinkAuction14,19March1981,lot507;NorthYorkshireMoorsCollection(PartIII),DNWAuction168,29January2020,lot 1034
All lots are illustrated on our website and are subject to extra charges which may be viewed in Ts and Cs 3, 4 and 10 at the back of this catalogue
TThhiirrdd ccooiinnaaggee,, FFaallccoonneerr’’ss AAnnoonnyymmoouuss iissssuuee
TwelveShillings,mm.thistle-head,smallletters,5.62g/6h(Murraytype3;SCBI35,1520-1,samedies;B–;S5564). Fineorbetter £100-£150
Provenance: Bt Edinburgh Coin Shop April 1981
answereovalratherthanperfectlyround,whiledies, although seldom damaged, were often used until they were considerably worn.
CChhaarrlleess IIII ((11664499--11668855))
FFiirrsstt ccooiinnaaggee
Merk,1668,typeII,leavedthistlebelowbust,reads DEI GRA ·,6.01g/12h(D19;M15;SCBI351575;B3, g–;S5611;KM.102.1).
Nearly very ne and rare £200-£300
Provenance: Baldwin of St James’s Auction 29, 19 March 2019, lot 1393
Merk,1672,leavedthistlebelowbust,reads DEI :and FRA ·,6.07g/3h(Murray19;SCBI35,1589;B.10, g.1052,same rev.die;S 5611). Small edge aw and some light adjustment marks, very ne, the die-axis unusual £200-£260
Provenance: Bt Edinburgh Coin Shop July 1982
It has been estimated that in excess of 212,000 Merks were struck in 1672.
Merk, 1674, type III, F below bust, 6.31g/12h (D 25; M 21; SCBI 35, –; B 13, g. –; S 5612). Fine and rare £100-£150
Provenance: J.K.R. Murray Collection, Spink Auction 57, 29 April 1987, lot 390 (part); DNW Auction 104, 5 December 2012, lot 718 (part) All
DiscrepanciesarisebetweentheestimatedstrikesuggestedbytheMintRegistersforthisissueandthenumberofsurvivingcoins.Itwouldseem likelythatmanyofthecoinsproducedduring1674werestruckusingold1673-dateddies.ItisnotknownwhytheFmintmarkforSirJohn Falconer was reintroduced at this time to replace the leaved thistle mark.
SSeeccoonndd ccooiinnaaggee
A Collection of Scottish Coins, the Property of a Gentleman (Part II)
Quarter-Dollar(FourteenShillings),1676,small F belowbust,6.51g/6h(Murray43;SCBI35,1626,same obv.die; cf.B2, g.1056; S5620). Struckfromcarefullyproduceddiesbutsomeevidenceofworkinginthe eldsandlegends,perhapssometimelightly cleaned, better than very ne and rare thus £300-£400
Provenance: Bt Spink June 2001
Thesuperiorqualityofdie-cuttingandstrikewasnotedonaspecimenfromthesamediessoldinBaldwinofStJames’sAuction29whichwas described as being from polished dies and ‘struck like a proof’.
WWiilllliiaamm IIII ((11669944--11770022))
Ten Shillings, 1697, stop after date, 4.54g/12h (D 153; SCBI 35, 1756; B 3 var, g. –.; S 5687). Nearly very ne, scarce date £200-£260
Provenance: DNW Auction 143, 12 December 2017, lot 1410
AAnnnnee ((11770022--11771144))
TenShillings,1706,reads REGINA,4.57g/12h(SCBI35,–;B2a, g.–;S5701). Oldlightscratchonbust,otherwisebetterthanvery ne, toned, extremely rare, especially thus £400-£500
Provenance: Spink Auction 233, 2 December 2015, lot 1046
The Scottish coinage of Anne began at Edinburgh on 1 March 1705. Coins dated 1706 are considerably rarer than their 1705 counterparts.
End of Sale
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