Infosys doubles investment in TidalScale to $3 mn through Innovation Fund Noor Arora
IT company Infosys on Monday said it has doubled its investment in US-based software firm TidalScale by putting in an additional $1.5 million (around Rs 110 million) through the Infosys Innovation Fund. "Infosys...has made an additional investment of $1.5 million through the Infosys Innovation Fund in TidalScale Inc, the company at the heart of the software-defined server revolution," the Indian software major said in a statement. The Bengaluru-headquarterd company had previously invested $1.5 million in TidalScale Inc in 2016. TidalScale has developed software-defined servers that deliver in-memory performance at any scale, are self-optimising, use standard hardware and are compatible with all applications and operating systems. "We are excited to further strengthen our relationship with TidalScale. Their groundbreaking software defined server technology addresses a key challenge that many enterprises face - to rapidly increase the return on their existing investments in technology infrastructure assets," Deepak Padaki, executive vice president, Infosys, said.