ayPomona Station Railway Gallery Station Gallery
Pomona Railway Station Gallery
Located in the hinterland town of Pomona, the historic Pomona Railway Station Gallery is surrounded by lush gardens with a backdrop of Mount Cooroora. With four unique spaces,the the Located in the hinterland town of Pomona, ed in the hinterland town of Pomona, the historic Pomona Railway Gallery is toric Pomona Railwaygallery Station Gallery is is community-run andStation committed to serving Located lush gardens with of a backdrop of unded by lush gardenssurrounded with abybackdrop local artists andfour crafts persons. Cooroora. With unique t Cooroora. With four Mount unique spaces, thespaces, the
histo surroun historic Pomona Railway Station Gallery is 10 Station Street Pomona 4568 Open Tue-Fri 10-4, Sat-Sun 10-2 surrounded by lush gardens with a backdrop Mount of Open Tue-Fri 10-4, Sat-Sun 10-2 www.pomonagallery.com Ph : 5485 2950 Ph : 5485 2950 Mount Cooroora. With four unique spaces, the gallery is gallery is community-run and committed to serving
is community-run andserving committed to serving s community-run andgallery committed to local and crafts local artists and crafts persons. Located in theartists hinterland townpersons. of Pomona, the
10 Station Street Pomona 4568
Open Tue-Fri 10-4, Sat-Sun 10-2 Ph : 5485 2950