About & Contact "N g er n ,, 1s my nickname
means money in Thai
Date of Birth Gender Citizenship Residence
Augu st 25, 1993 Male Thai Thailand
+66841341238 nopp w u tt@ gm ai I.com Nopp vvutt
Education Product Design and Applied Art Facult y of Architecture and Design (GPA. 3.00) King Monkut's Univer sity of
Technology North Bangkok
product des
Experience New Zealand Preselection Results Availab le world of wearab le arts 2016
Box fan designed to EWEL company Hong Kong
Part i c ipate 1n various packagi ng contest such - ASPa C 20 l 6 - SCG Thailand Packagi ng X Wallpaper magazi ne - Thai Star packagong
Internship at Fif design studio
Gas cylinder design made of fiberglass to the PTT Thailand and etc.
S k i 11 Adobe 1gn student
Photoshop Illustrator After Ef fect Solidwork Sketch up