Beyond Positive Campaign Report, 2019

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SCORA QMSA NATIONAL TEAM 2019/2020 2019| December


BEYOND POSITIVE The only way to prevent HIV & AIDS is through prevention, and the ultimate method of prevention is education. Thus, providing comprehensive HIV & AIDS education to the public, especially young people, will enable them to protect themselves from infection and help reduce the social and self stigma and discrimination. Dispelling myths around HIV & AIDS and acting towards reducing social injustice around HIV & AIDS is crucial for prevention, treatment, care and support as it will encourage people to get tested and be aware of their status. As future Health care leaders, we are the principal contact person for people living with HIV or AIDS in regard to their status and condition. That is why we should be equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide an open and safe environment for concerns, questions around HIV & AIDS in all aspects of life. Beyond Positive campaign targets health care students with the aim of raising awareness and knowledge around HIV & AIDS and decreasing the associated Stigma and discrimination through a social media campaign and an event open for all health care students in Qatar, members of QMSA.||


Phase 1 Social Media Campaign Infographics - We launched a social media campaign with infographics that were put together by a small working group. We shared these daily infographics on the the QMSA instagram account as well as SCORA QMSA instagram account Qatar-wide for 2 weeks. The infographic team, 8 enthusiastic and motivated SCORAngels; Aisha Al-Khulaifi, Eunice Thambiraja, Khalid AbouGalala, Leena Aboidris, Mashael Ali Al-Siddiqi, Necah Marie Gimotea, Nidal Khodr, and Omar Metwally, worked together to collect accurate and specific information and design the posts,

so the message we share is brief, clear and reaches our goal: catch our target’s attention and raise awareness. Check scora.qmsa to view all infographics. We Posted the infographics on QMSA SCORA Instagram in the following order: December 2: What is HIV? December 3: HIV vs AIDS December 4: Transmission of HIV December 5: Risk factors December 6: Screening & Testing December 7: Treatment December 8: 90,90,90 December 9: PEP Vs PrEP December 10: HIV Prevalence in MENA December 11: Services in Qatar December 12: STIGMA PLHIV endure December 13: UNAIDS Terminology||


Phase 1 Social Media Campaign

Videos - We shared videos of students knowledge and perception on HIV & AIDS on the SCORA Instagram account. Check scora.qmsa to view all videos. Art Contest - We hosted an art competition and posted medical students’ submissions of poetry, photography, and drawings on the SCORA Instagram account every day for 2 weeks. The winner of the art contest was voted on at the Training Event and received a prize. Check scora.qmsa to view all Art submissions.||


Winning Art by "Bruno Murao"

"July 2016. Mwandi, Zambia. A small town located 3 hours away from Livingstone, and home to the Barotse Royal Establishment. The village is home to the Mwandi Mission Hospital with a catchment area of approximately 33,000 individuals. The HIV/AIDS prevalence is between 14-11% among adults. The hospital is the single supplier of ART, and distributes supplies every 3 months. Our team ventured to the catchment area into Mushukula. I distinctly recalled one of the patients: glassy eyes, protruding cheeks, an encroached posture. The face of a child peering through his mother’s dress. I struggled to complete the patient form and check the age: “5-10”. This was a realization to the crude reality of the HIV/AIDS endemic here. A look of crushed innocence hid behind his eyes. This photograph is from that room that we were working for the day." Bruno Murao Med 2 at WCM-Q||


Social Media Impact

Numbers were counted on December 31st, 2019

Infographics 488 like 73 Share

Art Contest 12 Submissions 521 like 120 Share

Videos 8 Submissions 253 like 72 Share||


Phase 2 Healthcare Professional Education As part of the campaign, we hosted a training on HIV & AIDS by QMSA SCORA National Team. We hosted a Q&A panel moderated by a healthcare provider from the CDC. We also watched a recorded patient panel from Cornell-NY, allowing us to hear the perspectives of people living with HIV. Other activities included interactive games to raise the HIV & AIDS knowledge, exhibition of the art on HIV & AIDS to decrease the stigma associated it with it submissions, and ending the day with a human red ribbon picture to show solidarity with people living with HIV & AIDS.

Activities included: Icebreaker - break up into pairs, get to know each other, then introduce each other to the group. White board discussion - break up into groups and write what you know about HIV & AIDS, then discuss it as a large group. Role play - each participant receives a role, participants stand in a line with their eyes closed, participant takes a step forward if their role is able to fulfill the prompt or stays in place if their role faces day to day hindernesses. At the end, everyone opens their eyes to see where everyone landed and discusses the differences in their roles. Quiz - break up into teams, participate in an online quiz on the projector.||



HIV Statistics

Pre Post

Knowledge on PrEP

Key Population

Stigma & Discrimination

42.1% answered correctly 61.5% answered correctly


37% confused PrEP with PEP and Condoms


92.2% of respondents answered correctly and identified the definition and indications to use PrEP


63.1% could not name 4 key population


92.2% of respondents answered correctly and identified 4 key population


All respondents had good knowledge on forms of stigma and discrimination PLHIV face.



Campaign Satisfaction "Beyond Positive" is a campaign to increase HIV awareness and knowledge, speak out against HIV stigma, and call for an increased response to move towards ending HIV.


Our aim was to bring together students in an open dialogue, under one roof to discuss HIV and AIDS basics, prevention methods, shed the light on the stigma and discrimination that people living with HIV (PLHIV) face and share the resources available in Qatar for PLHIV. One of the most important factors of the campaign's success is the satisfaction of the activities done. All the attendees of the event on the 14th of December, 2019 reported that they enjoyed the activities and topics discussed and that it was informative and educational. Most of them reported that they prefer to have the event in evening time, to advertise more for the event to have more attendees, and to give more time for the physician talk and discussion.||


Media Coverage

Please Check the pictures for Beyond Positive Event from here Please Check QF Article - English on Beyond Positive Event from here Please Check QF Article - Arabic on Beyond Positive Event from here Please Check The Peninsula Article - English on Beyond Positive Event from here

Please Check Al Arab Article - Arabic on Beyond Positive Event from here||


Contributors Your SCORA National Team 2019/2020; Cosi, Ghada, & Nadin would like to thank all contributors to the success of "Beyond Positive" campaign: CDC- Qatar, Dr Abdulatif Alkhal & Dr Sarah Salama Institute For Public Health - WCM QMSA President 2019/2020, Abdallah Tom QMSA VPE 2019/2020, Dana Al Ali QMSA VPF 2019/2020, Ameena Shafiq Small Working Group Members on " Beyond Positive" Social Media Campaign: Aisha Al-Khulaifi, Eunice Thambiraja, Khalid AbouGalala, Leena Aboidris, Mashael Ali Al-Siddiqi, Necah Marie Gimotea, Nidal Khodr, Omar Metwally.||



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SCORAngels Participants in Social Media Campaign via Art and Videos Submission: Akash Keluth, Ali Abdelati, Alia Muzafar, Areej Nauman, Bruno Murao, Karmela Marquez, Leena Aboidris, Mashael Ali Al-Siddiqi, Menna Elfaramawy, Miriam Hamwi, Mohamed Haider, Nidal Khodor, Nicah Marie Gimotea, Pratyaksha Sinha, Sara Ahmed, Sharon Benjy. Make sure you follow us at scora.qmsa to stay updated with all SCORA initiatives, opportunities, and events! If you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to share them with us through this link! The link will be accessible throughout the term because We love hearing from you!||

Thank you to all the SCORAngels who participated in the different activities of " Beyond Positive". Your involvement helped to make this campaign a great success ! With Love Always, Your SCORA Team

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