Other regular classes for children and young people Thursdays
Bollywood Dance Led by Geeta Rai
Digi Den II
Digi Den Art Adventures Led by Amanda Schenk 4pm - 5.15pm £30 per 3 week course Explore the world and time through art and be inspired! [Ages 7 - 14 years]
Youth Dance
(Norden Exposure)
Led by Becky Hinton 5.45pm and 7pm £67 - £73 per 10 week term Contemporary dance inspired by popular dance styles. [Ages 9+ years]
FAMILY EVENTS at Norden Farm Centre for the Arts
4.30pm - 5.30pm £67 per 10 week term An energetic modern Indian dance style. [Ages 6+ years]
Led by DJ Mhlanga 4.30pm - 6pm £80 per 10 week term Animate, record, edit, create podcasts and more! [School Year 7 - 13]
January - April 2016
Arts Awards Led by Julie Loison 5.15pm - 6.45pm £80 per 10 week term Work towards a national qualification and learn about theatre and the arts. [School Year 7 - 13]
Led by DJ Mhlanga 4.30pm - 6pm £80 per 10 week term Learn filming, podcasting, green screen and stop motion animation. [School Year 7 - 13]
Kathak Dance Led by Devika Shangari
and Ambika Dhir 10.30am -11.30am £73 per 10 week term Experience the most exhilarating classical dance style of Northern India! [Ages 4+ years]
For more information on regular childrenøs classes, call Rita or Jack on 01628 682555 or email rita.bryant@nordenfarm.org.
Centre for the Arts Maidenhead
Norden Farm Centre for the Arts Altwood Road, Maidenhead SL6 4PF Box Office / 01628 788997
@nordenfarm www.nordenfarm.org
Centre for the Arts Maidenhead
Norden Farm Centre for the Arts Altwood Road, Maidenhead SL6 4PF Box Office / 01628 788997
@nordenfarm www.nordenfarm.org