Ambassade de la beaute booklet

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Metodologija Biologique Recherche temelji se na više od 40 godina dugom iskustvu s originalnom koncepcijom proizvoda i tretmana.

The Biologique Recherche Methodology is based on over forty years of experience using innovative products and meticulous protocols.

Formule proizvoda sadrže visoke koncentracije aktivnih tvari i sastoje se od biljnih, organskih morskih i bioloških ekstrakata bez mirisa.

The products are formulated with high concentrations of active ingredients derived from natural or biotechnological compounds and are fragrance-free.

Koži se uvijek pristupa na temelju personalizirane dermokozmetičke dijagnoze na osnovu analize Instant de Peau® (trenutnog stanja kože) u cilju postizanja neposredno vidljivog rezultata.

Skin care is provided following a personal dermocosmetic diagnosis using a Skin Instant® analysis for each individual in a way that produces immediately visible results.


Ambassade de la Beauté - Sarajevo „Visoka moda” u kozmetici / „Houte Couture” Cosmetic Biologique Recherche Ambassade de la Beauté u Sarajevu nudi jedinstvene i personalizirane tretmane prema individualnoj analizi Instant de Peau® (trenutnom stanju kože) koji odgovaraju jednako ženama kao i muškarcima.

Biologique Recherche Ambassade de la Beauté in Sarajevo offers unique and personalized treatments according to the individual Skin Instant® (current skin condition) that are suited for women as much as men.

Svaki dio ovog instituta ljepote specijalno je dizajniran prema protokolima za određene tretmane. U prijatnoj atmosferi luksuznog i tehnički dobro opremljenog prostora sve je podređeno holističkom konceptu ljepote.

Each area of this beauty institute is specially designed for the treatment protocols. In a peaceful atmosphere of cozy luxury and technical surfaces, everything is devoted to holistic beauty.

Proizvodi i njihove kombinacije biraju se prema individualnim potrebama, tj. po meri klijenta.

The formulas act like a prescription tailored to suit each individual case.


Ambassade de la Beauté - Sarajevo „Visoka moda” u kozmetici / „Houte Couture” Cosmetic Majstorica kozmetike - Delila Spahić odlično poznaje metode ovog brenda i na usluzi je klijentima koji očekuju efikasne ali drugačije kozmetičke tretmane.

Beautician master - Delila Spahić is well acquainted with the brand methods and is is available to clients who expect efficient but different cosmetic treatments.

Prvi korak je jedinstveni metod dijagnostike kože koji obuhvata analizu stanja kože i životnih navika. U zavisnosti od rezultata takve analize, bira se i primjenjuje odgovarajući protokol tretmana. U svakoj fazi tretmana, kozmetičar prati i tumači reakcije kože i shodno tome prilagođava pokrete i metod rada.

First, a unique assessment combining an analysis of client’s skin and lifestyle is carried out. The appropriate treatment protocol is then applied. At each stage of the treatment, the beautician interprets the skin’s reactions and adapts her gestures accordingly. Result: The famous Biologique Recherche Glow.

Rezultat: blistavost karakteristična za Biologique Recherche.


Delila Spahić Nakon osamnaest godina provedenih u renomiranim salonima Pariza, u Sarajevu uspostavlja prvu Biologique Recherche Ambasadu ljepote u BiH, Contour D. After eighteen years of professional experience in renowned salons of Paris, brings in Sarajevo the first Biologique Recherche Ambassade de la BeautÊ in BiH, Contour D.


Dr Phillippe Allouche Tvorac nesvakidašnjeg pristupa njezi kože - Instant de Peau® The Creator of “Out-of-the-Box” Vision of the Skin - Skin Instant®


Instant de Peau® ̶ kozmetika interfejsa Skin Instant® ̶ Interface Cosmetology Osoba nema samo jednu, već nekoliko koža.

A person has not only one, but several skins.

Stanje naše kože varira iz sata u sat tokom istog dana. Koža je takođe odraz nas samih i nije uvijek ista, već se njeno stanje mijenja i tokom dana, i tokom života. Ne postoje dvije osobe sa istom kožom, pa svaku osobu odlikuje različito stanje kože - Instant de Peau®. Moramo razumijeti šta nam epiderma poručuje, te stalno prilagođavati naš pristup kako bi je poboljšali i ostvarili odmah vidljive rezultate.

Our skin’s condition changes numerous times in a single day, as well as during the course of our lifetimes. There are no two individuals with the same skin, and each person has different Skin Instants®. We must understand the epidermis’ messages and constantly adjust our approach in consequence in order to enhance it in a way that produces immediately visible results.


Biologique Recherche pristup koži Biologique Recherche Approach to Skin Metodologija Biologique Recherche je prepoznata po svojoj zapanjujućoj djelotvornosti zasnovanoj na kliničkom pristupu njezi u svrhu ljepote, koristeći čiste, koncentrirane i sirove sastojke, kao i inovativne protokole i postupke.

The Biologique Recherche methodology has a reputation for astounding effectiveness based on a clinical approach to beauty care using pure, concentrated and raw ingredients, as well as innovative protocols and procedures.

Uspjeh dobiven kroz naše ciljane personalizirane tretmane, čak i kada je Instant de Peau® veoma neuravnotežen, pripisujemo ovoj jedinstvenoj metodologiji koja se temelji na tri faze: svaki tretman započinje fazom procjene, nakon čega slijedi faza inicijalizacije koja će pripremiti kožu za fazu tretmana.

The success obtained through our targeted personalized treatments, even on especially unbalanced Skin Instants®, is attributable to this unique methodology based on three stages: each treatment starts with an assessment stage followed by an initialization stage which will prepare the skin for the treatment stage.

1 Faza procjene Assessment Stage



Faza inicijalizacije Initialization Stage

Faza tretmana Treatment Stage



asses VrĹĄi se procjena stanja koĹže kako bi se preporuÄ?io najadekvatniji personalizirani tretman ljepote.

The condition of the skin is assessed so that the most appropriate tailored beauty treatment can be recommended.



Faza procjene

ssment stage Primjenom specifičnog pristupa, koji je istovremeno fiziološki, bihevioralni i taktilni, omogućuje se utvrđivanje trenutnog stanja kože - Instant de Peau® svake osobe, s ciljem preporuke najadekvatnijeg tretmana. Temelj Biologique Recherche metodologije je Instant de Peau® Lab - jedinstveni i ekskluzivni sistem analize, dijagnoze i propisivanja recepta. Time se omogućava dinamički nadzor predloženih tretmana i stvaranje vremenskog plana tretmana kako bi se postigli zadati ciljevi.


Our specific physiological, behavioral and tactile assessment of the epidermis identifies Skin Instant® in order to choose the most suitable treatment for each one. The cornerstone of the Biologique Recherche Methodology, the Skin Instant® Lab is a unique and exclusive system of analysis, diagnosis and prescription. This allows for dynamic monitoring of the proposed treatments and the creation of a goaloriented treatment schedule.

initiali Priprema, čišćenje kože i aktiviranje prirodnih regenerativnih svojstava epiderme.

The skin is cleansed and prepared to restore the epidermis’ natural regenerative properties.


Faza inicijalizacije


ization stage Dr. Allouche, like many other skin specialists, believes that the outermost surface of the skin, the epidermis, which functions as a shield to protect the integrity of our internal worlds, should be the focus of all skin care efforts. Our approach to the epidermis must respect its functions, which requires customized preparation followed by a rigorous, targeted protocol. This is an essential stage for Biologique Recherche.

Dr Allouche, poput brojnih stučnjaka za kožu, smatra da epiderma treba biti u središtu pažnje kada je posredi njega kože. Ovaj spoljni površinski sloj je i posljednja barijera koja štiti integritet ljudskog organizma. Naš pristup epidermi je takav da se vodi računa o svim njenim bitnim funkcijama, a to zahtijeva personaliziranu pripremu praćenu rigoroznim, ciljanim protokolom. Biologique Recherche ovoj fazi pridaje suštinsku važnost.


trea Rigorozni principi i metodologija podjednako se primjenjuju u tretmanima lica, tijela i kose.

The same rigor and methodology is applied in beauty care treatments for face, body and hair.


Faza tretmana i njege


atment stage Faza tretmana uključuje proizvode koji sadrže najveće koncentracije aktivnih sastojaka s ciljem uspostave optimalnog stanja epiderme („rekondicioniranje”). Na taj način pomažemo epidermi u aktiviranju svojstava samoregeneracije: ovaj čudotvorni proces se ponavlja svakog mjeseca tokom života i snažno je povezan s dubljim strukturama kože - kompleksnog organa koji ima zaštitnu, osjetnu i regulatornu funkciju.


The Treatment Stage involves the products with the highest concentrations of active ingredients and, by reconditioning the epidermis, enables it to realize its capacity for self-regeneration: this miracle, which is repeated each month throughout our lives, may be shared with deeper structures within the complex, protective and communicative organ that is our skin.

Tretmani za njegu lica Face Care Tretments Vještačka podjela tipova kože na normalnu, suhu ili masnu je tek bleda fiziološka slika stanja kože i pruža nepotpun uvid u kozmetički disbalans epiderme. Na istoj epidermi mogu istovremeno postojati izbalansirane zone, dehidrirane zone ili zone s pojačanim lučenjem sebuma. Neadekvatan tretman lako može isprovocirati novi disbalans ili reaktivirati onaj već postojeći. Konačno, mnogi faktori poput klimatskih uslova, temperature, zagađenja, stresa, hormona i starosne dobi takođe utiču na kožu. Metodologija Biologique Recherche tretira epidermu prema svakom od ovih faktora i njihovoj evoluciji.

The artificial categorization of skin as normal, dry or oily provides a poor physiological definition of a skin’s condition and paints a static image of the epidermal cosmetic imbalances. The same epidermis can present both balanced and dehydrated areas as well as hyper-secretion of sebum simultaneously. Inappropriate treatment can easily lead to new imbalances or reactivate old ones. Lastly, multiple factors such as climate, temperature, pollution, stress, hormones and age also have an effect on skin. The Biologique Recherche Methodology treats the epidermis according to each of these factors and their evolution.

U Biologique Recherche Ambassade de la Beauté u Sarajevu, savjetujemo i muškarce i žene o tretmanu koji je najprikladniji za njihov lični Instant de Peau®.

At Biologique Recherche Ambassade de la Beauté in Sarajevo, we offer advise to both men and women on the treatment that is best suited to their particular Skin Instants®.



Tretmani za njegu tijela Body Care Tretments The epidermis is a dynamic structure that plays a major role in the body’s defense system. Less exposed to solar radiation and harmful external factors than the face, the body’s epidermis is more sensitive to dehydration than the face , as it contains a lower density of sebaceous glands. It may also be affected by significant weight fluctuations, which reduce its firmness. By working on protecting and rebuilding the epidermis, the overall quality and functions of the skin are improved. Based on its experience, Biologique Recherche has extended its customized approach to the body in order to detoxify, re-shape, tone and firm the body, to help restore a more balanced silhouette, smooth skin, light legs...

Epiderma je dinamična struktura koja igra važnu ulogu u odbrambenom sistemu tijela. Epiderma tijela je manje izložena sunčevom zračenju i štetnim vanjskim faktorima nego što je epiderma lica, pa je tako osjetljivija na dehidraciju od lica jer sadrži manju gustoću lojnih žlijezda. Na epidermu mogu uticati i značajne promjene tjelesne težine, čime se smanjuje čvrstoća. Radom na zaštiti i rekonstrukciji epiderme poboljšava se ukupni kvalitet i funkcija kože. Na osnovu svog iskustva, Biologique Recherche je proširio svoj personalizirani pristup na tijelo s ciljem detoksikacije, preoblikovanja, zatezanja i učvršćivanja tijela, kako bi podržao uspostavu skladnije siluete, glatke kože, laganih nogu ...



Proizvodi za kosu Hair Products Obzirom da vlasište hrani korijen vlasi kose čije lojne žlijezde velikodušno luče sebum koji je prirodni zaštitnik kose, većina problema s kosom rezultat je neravnoteže vlasišta. Osim što je kosa svakodnevno izložena štetnim uticajima spoljašnje sredine, dodatno je oštećuju i “guše” abrazivne i površinski aktivne materije u šamponima, bojama i gelovima za kosu, toplota fenova i pegli za kosu... Biologique Recherche je primijenio svoja znanja o koži na njegu kose kako bi proizveo vrhunski asortiman proizvoda koji pomažu u ozdravljenju i uspostavi optimalnog funkcioniranja vlasišta, što za rezultat ima zdravu kosu.


As the scalp, which nourishes hair bulbs that generously secrete sebum - the hair’s natural protective agent - the majority of hair problems are the results of a scalp imbalance. Not only is the hair subjected to environmental irritants daily, but it is also damaged by the abrasive, tension-active agents contained in shampoos, hair dyes and asphyxiating hair gels, as well as by heat from hair dryers, hair straighteners…. Biologique Recherche has applied its experience with skin care to hair care to produce a cutting-edge range of products that help restore and recondition the scalp, resulting in healthy hair.



Ekskluzivan dar

An Exclusive Gift

Ambassade de la Beauté Vam pruža priliku da svoje najdraže obradujete posebnim tretmanom.

Ambassade de la Beauté gives you the opportunity to treat your loved ones by gifting them with a special treatment.

Primateljici/primatelju Poklon kartice će zahvaljući kozmetičkoj procjeni epiderme, specifičnim fiziološkim, bihevioralnim i taktilnim pristupom biti utvrđeno trenutno stanje kože - lični Instant de Peau®. Potom će naš stručnjak obaviti tretman ili uručiti proizvode za njegu kože namijenjene za njenu/njegovu Instant de Peau®.

The Gift Card recipient will benefit from a cosmetic assessment of the epidermis a specific physiological, behavioral and tactile approach to identify her/his Skin Instant ®. Our expert will then perform the treatment or give her/him the skin care products best suited to her/his Skin Instant ®.


Slikar ima sopstvenu inspiraciju, a boje koje bira daju život njegovom djelu. Istraživač nalazi zadovoljstvo i nagradu u postignutom cilju. Neka ono što je bilo najbolje u godinama moje posvećenosti, rada i istraživanja bude u službi ljepote čije ste Vi oličenje! A painter follows his inspiration and the colors he chooses give life to his work. A researcher finds his reward and gratification in achieving an objective. May the quintessence of my passionate years of hard work and research serve as a tribute to the beauty that you embody.

Yvan Allouche osnivač Laboratoires Biologique Recherche Yvan Allouche founder of Laboratoires Biologique Recherche


Ovlaťteni zastupnik Biologique Recherche za Bosnu i Hercegovinu Authorized Representative of Biologique Recherche in Bosnia and Herzegovina Despićeva 8, 71000 Sarajevo Tel. 387 33 22 33 28,

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