The Tokenizer’s Who’s Who 2023
Your guide to the asset tokenization industry
Your guide to the asset tokenization industry
How often do you see an entirely new industry being born and growing up right in front of your eyes?
At The Tokenizer, we have had that privilege since we launched our platform at the beginning of 2019. Back then, the circles were narrow, and all the company names of the entire asset tokenization industry could easily have been written on the back of an envelope. And for the same reason, producing an industry guide at that time seemed like overkill.
But not anymore. So much has happened, so much work has been done, and so many new players have entered the industry. The number of issuance platforms alone should be counted in hundreds today, and the same goes for various service providers globally. Even though most players in the industry are impatiently waiting for asset tokenization to show its full potential, the increase in interest and acceleration during the recent year has been significant.
As something new, we now see how almost all the large consulting firms, as well as the big international financial institutions, are publishing colorful promising reports about the future of tokenization - like BCG, McKinsey, Goldman Sach, Deutsche Bank, Blackrock and many more. This is all great news for our industry because it helps grab the attention of the broad global capital and investment market and the hundreds of thousands of companies worldwide that our industry will eventually be geared to serve.
As always, when an industry is born, there’s an avant-garde, a first wave of the most innovative, daring, risk-taking players that enter the market before the market is even there
and have to help create it themselves while trying to stay alive. A line of these companies died on their way to the summit and became our industry’s first real Glorious Failures. Companies like the US issuance platform Harbor, the German issuance platform Neufund, the UK-based trading platform and Hong Kong-based Liquefy are just a few of the projects founded on great ideas, but for different reasons without the necessary stamina to survive in the long run.
But thanks to the avant-garde, the industry was started, and despite the fallen ones, the total number of industry players is rising day by day, and now, in 2023, an industry guide has become a necessary tool if you want to obtain an overview of the players and the action. So far, there hasn’t been such a guide, and that’s why The Tokenizer is happy and proud to present to you the first edition of The Who’s Who Guide of asset tokenization by The Tokenizer.
The Who’s Who Guide offers you all the information needed to find your way around the industry. Hundreds of professionals from all relevant categories of players are listed and easy to find.
This 2023 edition will be followed by a new and updated version each year from now on, and it’s going to be very interesting to see how much the guide has grown in five and ten years from now.
Happy reading!
The TokenizerOliver Völkel (OV): My business partner Arthur Stadler and I started the company back in 2016, so it’s seven years now, and from the beginning, we had a strong focus on crypto and blockchain, primarily bitcoin in the beginning. We were four people back then; today we are almost forty.
Back then, no one talked about tokens and tokenization yet. But Ethereum was already a thing, and in 2017, when the ICO boom took off, we got involved in advising companies who wanted to issue tokens. We advised the first Austrian initial coin offering by a company called Herosphere. It was an economic success for the issuer, compared to some other Austrian projects. And it also was a success for us in terms of the legal structure. The Herosphere token, Hero, was a token you could use to interact with the Herosphere smart contracts.
MJR: A true utility token?
OV: Yes, exactly. And then, after a while, everybody started to talk about the next big thing, security tokens, and a couple of security token offerings were being conducted - although, in the beginning, not legally compliant. But we understood early on that a security token offering is basically an offering of securities. I am still very proud that our law
firm advised the very first security token offering in the European Union that got a capital markets prospectus approved for its offering. I still remember trying to push the regulator a bit to make them answer faster so Austria would be the first country with an approved STO. Only a couple of weeks later, Germany followed.
MJR: So there was a race between Austria and Germany?
OV: Yes, and fortunately, we won that race. And since 2018, our company has advised around 50 companies about STOs of all sizes.
MJR: Wow, that’s a lot. But they were not all from Austria, right?
OV: No, not at all. The nice thing is that Austria’s property law is very favourable to using tokens as a carrier medium for securities. In Germany, for example, and several other jurisdictions, that’s impossible because they require or used to require a tangible asset to be the carrying medium for a security, such as paper. But that’s not and was not the case in Austria. And in the terms and conditions of a security, you can choose Austria as the relevant jurisdiction and have Austrian property law apply to the tokens. So even though most projects were not based in Austria, they could still use Austrian law for that purpose.
MJR: So many of these companies came from neighbouring countries?
OV: Not just neighbouring countries. It was also companies from places like South America and Australia.
MJR: What are the latest important developments in the security token space as you see it?
OV: Since 2020, tokens are increasingly becoming an instrument for communication between someone possessing assets and others owning those assets. For instance, in Austria, projects regarding gold coins, gemstones, and rare bottles of wine have been popular. The idea has been that a custodian possesses the assets, and the asset owners trade the assets using tokens. So, what happens from a legal point of view is that the custodian interprets any transfer of the tokens on the blockchain as an instruction to change possession of the asset from the transferor to the transferee of the token.
Demand for advice regarding STOs has remained constant. We have yet to see exponential growth. Currently, people are becoming more interested in tokenizing assets the way I just described it by using tokens as an indicator of who you, as a custodian, possess certain assets for. Using tokens this way, you can transfer real ownership in most assets. That’s the next big thing…
MJR: When talking about the development of tokenization and the security token industry, what is your view on the EU’s DLT Pilot Regime, which has just come into force? Do you expect the pilot regime to accelerate the number of STOs in Europe?
OV: Well, I’m not that big of a fan of the Pilot Regime. It enables certain already existing market players like the Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) to experiment using DLT technology. Still, not many of these incumbent players would even be interested in doing that. So the law was made basically for a
handful of people, and it has no practical use for most of the crypto community that would like to see, for example, security token exchanges emerging. So, I’m not that optimistic in terms of the Pilot Regime giving a boost to the crypto economy.
I’ve seen other projects that try to circumvent some of the restrictions regarding the requirements to operate multilateral trading facilities for securities. They seem promising, but it is more of a struggle against current regulation, and the Pilot Regime doesn’t bring much of a benefit, to be honest.
MJR: Okay, interesting; that’s a fairly bold statement! I believe the EU Commission thinks it’s being innovative here…
OV: Yeah, but the biggest problem is that the capital and financial markets regulations were developed around a system that emerged organically over decades. Out of necessity that system distinguished certain functions so that some intermediaries, for instance, were coupled to exchanges. And the reason was that you just couldn’t handle everyone who wanted to trade directly. To have everyone directly access an exchange was just not possible technology-wise just thirty years ago. So you needed intermediaries because the technology was limiting what you could do.
And now we’ve put limitations, for example, market participants needing intermediaries to access an exchange, into law. This separation of functions goes through all financial regulation. It’s not just the intermediaries to an exchange; it’s also the security depositories or central counterparties. And all those functions are separated by law because they developed that way in a time where it wasn’t possible to do otherwise.
Now we have this rather limiting legal system that stipulates requirements where our technology has moved on. So that’s really the basic problem.
MJR: What should be done instead of the DLT Pilot Regime or in addition?
OV: That’s the question, what to do about it? It’s a first step for the EU to introduce the Pilot Regime, but I don’t think it’s going to change a lot. Deregulation is probably the way forward, but that will not happen anytime soon.
Anybody interested should look very closely at what the law stipulates regarding reception and transmission of orders, execution of orders on behalf of clients and dealing on own account under MiFID II because it’s actually possible to emulate what an exchange does without having to be an exchange.
There is a project in Austria, Assetera, which also takes part in the Austrian regulatory sandbox hosted by the Austrian FMA. They aim to establish something like a securities tokens exchange without being an MTF or OTF. There are a few other projects like this one. At the moment it is rather a struggle to find loopholes to build something useful that doesn’t violate the laws.
So I am not that confident that we will see secondary markets for security tokens emerge in 2023 or 2024. I believe it’s going to take a bit longer. And I don’t think the Pilot Regime will bring about a significant change.
Another major discussion currently in Austria revolves around DeFi. When is a DeFi project truly decentralized? In the sense that you cannot view a smart contract as a part or mere tool of a company offering a service.
Why do I bring this up? Because decentralized systems, decentralized exchanges, and
decentralized protocols for services that otherwise would be considered to require a license can indeed be built without requiring licenses or being supervised.
An example is one of our clients, an Austrian company with U.S. roots called Morpher. They have created a set of smart contracts and are operating an oracle. The data fed to the smart contracts can be anything like price data for underlyings, and you can use their token to interact with the smart contracts and create what they call a virtual future. This virtual future accepts your bets on price developments, and whenever you close the future and you are correct in your bet, the virtual future creates new tokens. But if you are not correct, it destroys your tokens. We have advised on how to build this system to be truly decentralized, and it’s now built in a way that the Austrian regulator also accepts it as a truly decentralized system that is not subject to regulation.
MJR: Have the Austrian regulators tried to come up with a definition of ’truly decentralized’?
OV: No, not yet. But I think the regulator will eventually state that true decentralization means you do not have legal relationships between the participants who are using a protocol. If you look at how lending is often done in practice, there’s an intermediary; you provide liquidity, which is then managed or passed on. And you can easily pinpoint entities that form legal relationships in many of those setups.
The key to true decentralization is to eliminate all these legal relationships. But you need a lot of legal and technical engineering to
make this work. However, there are solutions, and we know that the Austrian regulator also sees it this way.
MJR: Returning to what you said about the secondary market. You doubt that it will take off in 2023, right?
OV: Yes, I doubt that. We need people to find clever ways to circumvent existing regulations because it’s simply unsuitable. Or we find innovative ways of utilizing regulation that can easily be followed, such as a limited MiFID license involving reception and transmission of orders as I said before. That’s not that big of a deal compared to operating an MTF or OTF which is possilble only under the Pilot Regime anyway.
It will either be those smart guys or others that come up with usable, decentralized secondary market structures which are genuinely decentralized in the previously discussed sense. I don’t think it will have anything to do with the DLT Pilot Regime or MiCA [Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation], which doesn’t cover it anyway.
MJR: But you still do believe that, eventually, the secondary market will open up and accelerate, right?
OV: Eventually, it will. I’ve been a bit overly optimistic in the past ever since we got crypto in the form of virtual currencies. Back in 2016 I expected Austrian banks to offer accounts denominated in bitcoin by 2021. Things take time. Now I try to stay a bit pessimistic and be happily surprised if it all develops quicker.
To speed things up, we need a general shift in thinking, and we probably need a younger
generation in CEO positions who have grown up with the technology and understand that we need to focus on it and invest in it. Unless this happens, progress will not be made at the pace actually possible.
MJR: And you most likely find no young CEOs in the current landscape of European CSDs…
OV: Because of the Pilot Regime? No, I wouldn’t know of any, but if there is one out there who is reading this interview by any means, please contact me.
Country: Gibraltar
Founding year: 2017
Founders: Shy Datika
Address: 550 Burrard Street, Suite 2900 Vancouver, BC V6C 0A3
Type: Exchange
Contact: Itsik Anidjar
Contact mail:
Country: Gibraltar
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
SERVICES: A regulated trading platform for digital securities and cryptocurrencies, combining traditional markets expertise and an innovative fintech approach. INX’s vision is to be the preferred global regulated hub for digital assets on the blockchain. The INX’s overall mission is to bring communities together and empower them with financial innovation. Our journey started with our initial public token offering of the INX Token in which we raised US$84 million. INX is shaping the blockchain asset industry through its willingness to work in a regulated environment with oversight from regulators like the SEC and FINRA.
Country: Austria
Founding year: 2022
Founders: Thomas Labenbacher
Regulator: EU/EEA , FMA
Additional Stats: ASSETERA GmbH was the first entity to be granted a licence by the FMA to establish a digital trading platform for the distribution of tokenised financial instruments based on blockchain technology. Assetera is authorised as a licensed investment firm as defined in Article 3 of the Securities Supervision Act 2018, making Assetera your trustworthy partner in the new area of asset tokenization, trading and management.
Type: Exchange
Contact: Thomas Labenbacher
Contact mail:
Country: Austria
Geographical coverage: EU
Assetera is a regulated platform for digital securities in the EU. The Assetera platform enables the issuance, purchase, sale and custody of digital securities. With its know-how from the banking and financial world, the management combines the interests of issuers and investors alike
Keeping track of all regulatory changes globally within the expanding space of asset tokenization and security tokens
Why the crypto winter and the FTX meltdown are not really consequential for the security token industry
If you are a top-notch specialist in all the nuances of the crypto and token market, don’t waste your valuable time reading this. But if you – like most of us – sometimes get confused about whether and how incidents in one part of the space can influence another part, this may be relevant to you.
What just ten years ago was a relatively simple and homogeneous space populated only by Bitcoin and a small number of altcoins today has grown highly multifarious. Actually, it’s a stretch to even talk about one space anymore since the qualitative differences in technologies, solutions, strategies, and visions have grown too big, and the actors (companies and people) in different parts of the space are living and breathing in separated ecosystems to the degree that you might talk about different industries.
Two examples that I am particularly interested in here are cryptocurrencies and security tokens. To what extent do they represent separate sub-spaces and industries with separate markets, market players, and types of clients? The answer is: To a very large extent. And to what extent are the two sub-spaces interconnected in the sense that an event in one part has a direct consequence in the other part? To a fairly low extent – OR…? Historically, they both go back to Nakamoto’s whitepaper and the development of the underlying blockchain technology. But while cryptocurrencies are still these rather odd
creatures born as decentralised peer-to-peer payment solutions that eventually turned into a highly volatile non-backed, partly unregulated asset class, security tokens are totally different.
The security token is the neat and tidy, slightly boring boy scout of the tokens that always takes pride in being regulated and compliant. No attempt here to fly under the regulatory radar. On the contrary, the security token was born out of the very need for (self)regulation. The security token is a security and makes a virtue out of necessity. The security token is always backed by some kind of asset with a value, and it’s issued and traded according to applicable laws and regulations. Investors in security tokens can take comfort in the fact that the security token itself, as well as all the entities around it – issuance platforms, exchanges, custodians etc. – are all regulated and supervised. This should ensure that any malpractice is identified swiftly and the responsible are held accountable. The market value of the tokenized asset may – of course – fluctuate, as we know from the stock markets.
At The Tokenizer, we have always focused on security tokens, not because we want to be boy scouts but because we believe security tokens are the most promising application of blockchain technology ever to see the light of day.
But why is it important to underline these differences between segregated parts of the crypto, token or digital asset space? Because people often tend to mix them up – and nobody can blame them! – and because incidents in one part of the space tend to scare people in another part, even if there’s no reason.
I don’t want to point fingers at the cryptocurrency community – I have made small investments in cryptocurrencies too! – but it’s important to remember the qualitative differences between a cryptocurrency and a security token, which means that not even a drawn-out Sibirian-like crypto winter ought to influence what’s going on in the security token industry – at least in theory! There is no direct connection, and in fact, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), in their report from September 2022, Relevance of on-chain asset tokenization in ‘crypto winter’, pointed out that the cryptocurrency crypto winter could actually turn out to benefit the security token industry because investors eventually would walk away from extreme volatility and look for less risky investments in the security token space.
“Consequently, the capital-constrained environment would act as a forcing function to eventually channel capital and talent pool to viable blockchain applications and DeFi projects. These projects should be able to demonstrate inherent
value, built atop a robust, scalable infrastructure, and designed to enhance the traditional ecosystem versus trying to replace it. On-chain asset tokenization is one such blockchain-based application, with the potential to dramatically unlock liquidity, access and choice for multiple investment instruments at scale, especially for those assets that are traditionally illiquid.”
However, when something like the meltdown of FTX happens and when investors start losing lots of money on cryptocurrency investments, the initial and very human reaction in all parts of the crypto, token or digital asset space is nervousness.
But the simple point here is to remember that besides the psychological influence that the crypto winter and a scandalous incident like the FTX case have, we are talking about segregated ecosystems. The security token industry has its own share of challenges and barriers to overcome in order to accelerate and bloom – and what is happening in the cryptocurrency space should not be included since it’s simply not relevant.
Country: Switzerland
Founding year: 2018
Founder: Sébastien Dessimoz, Lamine Brahimi, Oren-Olivier Puder, Dr. Jean-Philippe Aumasson
Additional Stats:
Raised USD 65 million Series B from strategic investors
Mail to: Victor Busson -
Address: Pl. Ruth-Bösiger 6, 1201 Geneva - Switzerland
Type: Issuing Platform
Contact: Virginia Ribbhammar
Contact mail:
Country: Switzerland
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
SERVICES: Taurus SA provides enterprise-grade digital asset infrastructure to issue, custody and trade any digital assets: cryptocurrencies including staking, tokenized assets and digital currencies. With more than 60% market share in Switzerland, it is also the European leader in the banking segment, entrusted by the full spectrum of financial institutions: systemic banks, universal banks, online banks, crypto-banks, private banks, and broker-dealers. Taurus also operates a regulated marketplace for private assets and tokenized securities.
” With Taurus, we have found a partner for our storage and tokenization solution that shares our ambitions to deliver best-in-class services and that meets our demanding technological requirements.”
Guido Buehler. CEO of SEBA Bank AGADDX Your entry to private market investingSingapore
Anchorage Digital Crypto for institutions
Bakkt Technology that connects commerceUSA
Bitcoin Suisse Your Swiss Crypto Investment PartnerSwitzerland
BitGo The strongest foundation in crypto
Bitpanda Custody Institutional Crypto Custody Made Safer, Faster & Easier
BNY Mellon Consider Everything
Cactus Custody Leading Qualified Custodian for Digital Assets
Coinbase Custody Custody for crypto-forward institutionsUSA
Copper Setting the institutional standard for digital assets
Custodigit Your gateway to a digital asset offering Switzerland
DBS Protect and grow your assets a nd investments
Dibbs Secure your digital future in the world of collectibles.
LAToken Gain on the Next Big Thing in CryptoEstonia Links
Ledger Enterprise Solutions Securing web3 at scale for companies France
Matrixport Get More From Your Crypto Singapore
Metaco The institutional standard for digital asset services
Onchain Custodian The absolute safe for digital asset
Parfin The leading Web3 infrastructure provider in Latam.
Paxos is a regulated blockchain infrastructure company building transparent and transformative financial solutions.
PolySign Building the future of digital assets
Prime Trust Financial Infrastructure for Crypto
Gnosis Safe The most trusted platform to manage digital assets on Ethereum
Safeheron Open & transparent digital asset s elf-custody platform
SEBA Bank Redefining finance
Solaris Digital Assets Give your customers access to digital assets
Standard Custody & Trust Company Your institutional-grade digital a sset custody solution USA
Sygnum The world's first digital asset bank Switzerland
Tangany White-label custody for digital assets on the blockchain. Germany
Taurus SA Build your digital asset advantage Switzerland
Tetra Trust Trusted digital asset custody Canada
Upstairs Asia's Leading Custodial NFT Marketplace. Singapore
Upvest Real estate asset tokenization made easyGermany
Venomex Financial security is measured in ones <and zeroes UAE
Country: Spain
Founding year: 2018
Key Personnel: CEO Edwin Mata
COO Yassir Haouati
CRO Ludovico Rossi
CMO Bram Duindam
CTO Felipe D´Onofrio
CFO Pedro Sandoval
Additional Stats: Token Suite dApp Released +$1.7M in tokenized Equity for Clients
$2.000.000 Community Funding Round
+$570M pipeline of projects ready to be tokenized
Mail to:
Address: Calle Llacuna 162, 308, Barcelona, Barcelona, ES
Type: Issuing Platform
Contact: Bram Duindam
Contact mail:
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
SERVICES: Brickken operates as an asset tokenization platform with a white-label token store while also offering their clients various tools for asset management.
Simplify tokenization with Brickken’s Token Suite. Create, sell & manage utility, security tokens & NFTs easily
Country: USA
Founding year: 2018
Founders: Gene Deyev, Ross Shemeliak, Borys Pikalov
Additional Stats: Tokenization clients: 60+
Phone: (+)1 917 774 86 86
Address: 1049 Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, NY, 11235, US
Type: Issuing platform
Contact: Maryna Iliukhina
Contact mail:
Phone +420773718711
Country: USA
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Stobox provides turn-key tokenization services along with consulting and legal support. The platform is equipped with a DS Dashboard, DS Swap and Soulb ID. Their Tokenization services range from real estate tokenization, energy tokenization and tokenization for financial services.
”One of the things I liked about Stobox was the flexibility and capability of adapting to our specific needs, to take into account out timing and structure to personalize a solution for us”
Rodrigo Lopez, Co-founder at Canela
21 Finance Make investing as easy as online shoppingLiechtenstein Links
Full-service software provider offering product development and digital transformation services. USA
ADDX Your entry to private market investingSingapore
Akemona Turning Fans into Investors
Aktionariat AG Create a market for your shares
Atlas One Digital Securities Invest and raise capital through digital securities
Bitbond radically improves the issuance, settlement and custody of financial assets with blockchain technology
Black Manta Tokenization as a service
Blockimmo Real Estate accessible for all Switzerland
Blocksquare Tokenization infrastructure for real estateSlovenia Links
Blockpulse Tokenize your equity France
Brickken Simplify tokenization with Brickken's Token Suite. Create, sell & manage utility, security tokens & NFTs easily Spain
Cashlink The infrastructure for tokenized assetsGermany
Country: USA
Founding year: 2018
Founder: Edward Nwokedi
Additional Stats:
Team members: Ed Nwokedi, Founder and CEO, Simon Herrmann, Director of Sales, Don Oparah, Head of Technology, Dan Connolly, VP of Strategy Sandy Ibanez, VP Operations
Address: 8121 Broadway St, Suite 301, Houston , Texas 77061, US
Type: Issuing platform
Contact: Edward Nwokedi
Contact mail:
Country: USA
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
RedSwan CRE is a blockchain real estate marketplace for investors to find high-quality real estate investment opportunities. RedSwan is the compliant industry standard for tokenized real estate solutions. We tokenize shares of real estate equity and debt and help our sponsors leverage the RedSwan CRE community of global investors to raise capital for liquidity. Our marketplace makes it easy, convenient, and fast for investors to invest.
Chintai Leading businesses into the regulated digital assets frontier Singapore
Corl Changing the way businesses raise capital with revenue sharing Canada
Crowd For Angels We raise capital through offering Shares, Bonds & Digitalised Assets
CrowdEngine We can help you tokenize existing assets or raise capital.
Dac Capital
Tokenization, custody and secondary market for asset-backed tokens. Tokenize and improve liquidity of your assets.
FIX Marketplace I Asia’s first fully digital and automated fixed income execution platform
DealBox Frictionless, intelligent venture investing for the digital age.
Definder Finding a better way for capital raise and investments.
Digishares Digital Shares for the World
Dusk The Privacy Blockchain for Financial Applications.
Globacap Driving the evolution of private capital markets
International Token Exchange Raise capital by digitizing your assets in the form of digital tokens
INX Trade & Invest in Digital Assets
Issuance The leading investment platform for Reg A+ offerings
KoreConX An All-In-One Platform for private companies
LA Token Gain on the Next Big Thing in CryptoPoland
LCX Digital Asset Revolution. The Future Will Be Tokenized.
LeadBest Changing Cross-border Investing Through Blockchain Taipei
Monerium Making digital currency accessible, secure, and simple to transact Iceland
Mt. Pelerin The Swiss gateway to the crypto worldSwitzerland
neoFIN Tokenization of traditional financial instruments Germany Links
Nyala The all-in-one platform for digital assetsGermany
Oraichain Labs Next-gen Infrastructure for Asset Tokenization USA
PixelPlex Client focused, result driven.
Polymath Raise capital your way.
Polymesh A blockchain for securities
PurpleFi Tokenizing the World's Assets
Quoroom Raise capital and manage securities easier in one place
RealBlocks Streamlined Investing for Private MarketsUSA
Realbox The future of real estate investmentSingapore
Fractional and frictionless real estate investing
Realtize LLC Future of digital asset platform
Red Swan USA
Reinno Next-generation tokenized commercial real estate lending
Reitium The future of real estate investing is here.Canada
Securitize Access the most exclusive asset class in the world - private markets. USA
Securrency Global liquidity & financial freedom for all
Shift Markets
Build a strong crypto foundation for your tech stack and sales flows, with our flexible, secure, and customizable infrastructure.
StartEngine Invest in startups and build your portfolio.USA
Stobox Top-tier turnkey tokenization service provider
STOKR Tokenise alternative assets
Swarm Your tokenization toolkit
Talium Assets Talium Assets is a SaaS platform for issuing digital securities.
Fast & secure end-to-end technology platform for asset tokenization as a service (ATaaS)
Taurus Build your digital asset advantage
Templum Reimagining modern marketplaces
The Elephant The first tokenized secondary market platform
Tokel Create NFTs and tokens easily
Token City Digital assets marketplace for investors, unlisted companies and asset managers.
Token IQ
On demand SaaS distributed ledger platform for asset tokenization USA
We solve business problems using Blockchain and Distributed Technologies Ukraine
Token Funder
Making private markets public. Security token investing and trading platform for everyone. Canada
Tokengate Tokenization simplified. Launch your project on Tokengate. Switzerland
Tokenise Global access to ownership investmentsGibraltar
Transforming global capital markets by empowering businesses using digital securities USA
Tokensoft A fair-launch platform for web3 projects & communities USA
Tokeny The Compliance Infrastructure for Digital Assets Luxembourg
tZERO Democratizing markets through innovationUSA
UnitedCrowd Let's tokenize the world Germany
Valour Issuer of digital asset ETPs Switzerland
The platform that is connecting and enabling the digital asset and DeFi ecosystem USA
One-of-a-kind platform for tokenized assetLuxembourg
Country: Germany
Founding year: 2013
Founders: Radoslav Albrecht (CEO)
Additional Stats: Total tokenized market cap estimated at 10% of global GDP by 2030. Tokenization of global illiquid assets estimated to be a $16 trillion business opportunity by 2030.
Type: Issuing platform
Contact: Saher Zoabi
Contact mail:
Country: Germany
Geographical coverage: Worldwide Website:
SERVICES: Bitbond enables users to tokenize their assets through its tokenization software while offering professional services around asset tokenization, Web 3.0 and digital asset custody.
“The tokenization of assets has great potential for the banking industry. We use Bitbond’s Token Tool to redesign our issuance processes and bring the full asset lifecycle on chain.”
by Gernot Prettenthaler | RBI Blockchain Hub Lead at Raiffeisen Bank International“Token Tool provided us with quick and easy solutions for all challenges we faced while launching our first ever NFT collection. Thanks to the straightforward workflows we were able to create NFTs at the click of a button.”
Bitbond radically improves the issuance, settlement and custody of financial assets with blockchain technology
In this interview, Tomas Nascisonis, CEO of Crypto House Capital, explains what metaverse real estate is and how metaverse real estate can connect to the real world through NFTs.
Jonas Kasper Jensen (JKJ): What is Crypto House Capital?
Tomas Nascisonis (TN): Crypto House Capital is an investor and developer of virtual real estate, although I need to say that we are in the R&D stage. So up to now, we have focused on research and development. At the moment, our focus is on developing meta-real projects.
The meta-real projects we are creating are a combination of buildings that will exist in real life and the metaverse. For each real-estate project we make in the real world, we are creating digital twins in the shape of an identical building consisting of flats represented on the blockchain in the form of NFTs. The projects we are planning to develop will thus also be built in web3-based virtual worlds like Decentraland and Sandbox. Our main goal is to define utility for virtual world real estate.
JKJ: You have mentioned both virtual-world real estate and real-world real estate. Could you elaborate on the difference between these two forms of real estate?
TN: The main difference, of course, is that in real life, you can live in real estate. Real estate can also be a school or university building.
With virtual real estate, our research suggests, there are many different utilities and applications. I can give you an example of the construction of a new school. Before a new school is built, a council will usually ask three different architect studios to propose the design of the school.
The council receives proposals from the architect studios as architectural drawings and a few visualisations of how the building will look in the real world. Until now, the studios still make those from material from the real world and drawings. The council is the only one who can review this material and decide what architecture studio should build the school. Imagine if these proposals instead were created in a virtual world. Afterwards, different people can visit the building and give their opinion. Ultimately, the kids and their teachers will use the building, so why not involve them in deciding how the building should look? The metaverse makes it possible to involve them in the decision process.
In the later stages of the construction, the engineers and the builders will typically use a BIM, a Building Information Model that tells how the building will be constructed in its smallest detail. Suppose the BIM is registered as an NFT, and the NFT 3D model is already presented in the metaverse. In that case, an electrician can use HoloLens glasses and see the virtual building directly and get to know what needs to be done in the physical building. Also, if the BIM is an NFT, it will be easy to transfer ownership of the BIM, and thus the actual planning of the school can easily change hands in the construction process.
Another example is that virtual real estate NFTs can be used to transfer ownership of property. I believe in the very near future, all the existing buildings will be registered in a blockchain-based registry, which will help people lease the property and sell the properties just like NFTs are already used for selling and renting out digital art.
JKJ: How does constructing virtual real estate differ from constructing real-world real estate?
TN: Virtual real estate development is very similar to real estate development in real life up to the construction stage. Drawings and architecture are used in both cases. For both, you also need finance, and then you need to buy land. Only one of the lands is virtual. Then it comes to construction, and here the two processes are different. In real life, you have plumbers, builders, electricians and construction workers. In the metaverse, our team consists of a 3D team that handles everything 3D, a game development team, and a web 3 team that implements smart contracts and NFTs.
JKJ: Why would people want to own virtual-world real estate?
TN: In the beginning, we thought most people would buy virtual-world real estate as an investment. But we saw other more appealing use cases and utilities if the real estate has a digital twin attached to real life so that the digital twin owners own both the real apartment and the digital twin.
Right now, we are, for example, planning that in residential buildings, all the building owners should be able to vote on issues concerning the building. And we can do this DAO based, so they vote with the NFT and hold the meetings in the real world or even in the metaverse inside the 3D building. This is one of the utilities that we think about.
JKJ: Is there any other reason to create these digital twins than just the utility?
TN: We try to solve the problems in real life, in the real world, with the agents and developers, and we want to make it easier to deal with real estate. In the UK, for example, it can take six to 12 months to get the keys to a flat after making an offer, and the seller can easily choose not to sell because he has changed his mind.
That’s why we are researching if the metaverse and web3 can provide an alternative that will help make this and other processes more efficient in the future. Our next step is to bring our findings to real life. If we introduce this in real life, it will be much easier to lease and sell the property. It will be open, it will be transparent, and it will save money and time for people.
JKJ: What do you own when you own an NFT virtual world apartment?
TN: For now, the NFTs carry only utility, so they do not have the same legal status as they would have if they were deeds in real life.
JKJ: So, the NFT should not be understood as the deed for the house, It’s more like a utility that comes with having the flat, right?
TN: Correct. At least for now. But in the future, it will be so that this will be an additional utility that you can use the blockchain to at least legally lease the property, sell it and so on. The digital and the real-world apartment will be connected through the NFT.
JKJ: What should happen for this to become a reality?
TN: To make this a reality, countries and registry offices must adopt blockchain technology and make clear regulations.
Country: Austria
Founding year: 2016
Partners: Dr. Arthur Stadler& Dr. Oliver Völkel, LL.M.
Address: Seilerstätte 24, 1010 Wien
Company mail:
Type: Law Firm
Contact: Oliver Völkel
Contact mail:
Phone: +43 1 997 1025
Country: Austria
Geographical coverage: Austria & EU
SERVICES: Stadler Völkel is a full-service law firm in Vienna, Austria with a strong focus on the law of crypto-assets and blockchain technology. Founded in 2016, Stadler Völkel was the first law firm to accept Bitcoin payments in Austria. The firm regularly assists clients from all corners of the crypto and financial industries on licensing and registration procedures, tokenization, evaluating novel business models, entering the EU market, liaising with financial regulators, and more. The law firm advises on all aspects of Austrian and European Union law, including capital markets (traditional and crypto), banking and finance, financial services regulation (MiCA, MiFID, PSD2, etc.), and anti-money laundering law.
”Every success story needs a beginning”, ”Every problem has at least two solutions”
Through the Brickken Token Suite, companies can create their legally compliant Security Token in just a few minutes. A customizable white-label token store solution is offered for companies to connect their brand to the token offering. A comprehensive dashboard displays all relevant metrics for raising capital and optimizing for conversion, with cap tables and on-chain data for complete insight into the offering.
A trained Ecosystem of Experts, across a variety of Industries such as Marketing, Legal, Finance, and Blockchain, are showcased in the Brickken Marketplace. Available for assistance with any part of the token creation or token management process to assure a high-quality fundraising.
The Brickken Token Suite captures the whole token life cycle beyond token creation and token offering. A full asset management solution with features such as NFT Reporting, Investor Voting, and Automated Dividend Payouts ensures seamless and time-efficient asset management.
Country: Slovenia
Founding year: 2018
Founders: Denis Petrovčič, Viktor Brajak & Peter Merc
Additional Stats: At the start of 2023, Blocksquare had already tokenized 60+ real estate assets worth over USD 50M located in 13 different jurisdictions and listed across 7 white-label marketplace operators.
Address: Križevniška 8 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia EU
Type: Issuing platform
Contact: Denis Petrovcic
Contact mail:
Country: Slovenia
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
SERVICES: Blocksquare provides infrastructure for real estate tokenization with a tokenization protocol, along with a white-label marketplace platform. Blocksquare additionally functions as a brokerage network.
”During our research phase, we talked with many potential partners, but Blocksquare stood out from the rest. They understand the needs of their customers in the innovative business of tokenization, and have always provided support to help us navigate this new and exciting frontier, covering all aspects from technology to legal opinions and bootstrapping. What sets Blocksquare apart is that they are not just a tokenization company, but they are creating a whole new token economy. They align stakeholder incentives with the principles of Web3, which is a powerful ethos for the future. We are thrilled to be building alongside Blocksquare and helping to realize the vision of global liquidity for real
Eni Shtini, co-founder TBlocks.ioassets.”
Country: Germany
Founding year: 2019-2020
Founder: Dr. Johannes Schmitt / Co-CEO & Daniel Wernicke / Co-CEO
Additional Stats: Initial tokenization cases around security tokens now rapidly move towards bonds and investment funds. Total tokenized market can reach 10% of global GDP according to a recent study by the Boston Consulting Group.
Company mail:
Address: Joachimsthaler Straße 30, 10719 Berlin / Germany
Phone number: (+)49 (30) 403 61840
Type: Issuing platform
Contact: Hanna Dudenhausen
Contact mail:
Country: Germany
Geographical coverage: Germany, DACH and Europe
SERVICES: The NYALA Digital Asset Platform combines the core elements of the digital asset value chain and enables customers to: Tokenize financial assets, esp. securities on the blockchain; Custody digital assets such as regulated financial instruments, cryptocurrencies and NFTs; Manage and trade these assets through their lifecycle
”The custody software’s features like the key recovery process that NYALA built is unique in the market for meeting regulated institution’s requirements for bank grade crypto custody.“ - Simon Seiter, Head of Digital Assets, Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe I “NYALA’s Token engine is integrated into our investment flow and handles token creation and distribution seamlessly, even opening up wallets with a regulated custodian in the process.”
Christopher Grätz, CEO INVESDOR0x Society The First NFT Art Gallery in Canada
Aavegotchi Digital frens for the crypto generation
Alien Worlds Seek your fortune
Async Art Create and Collect Dynamic, Interactive NFTs
is a gaming platform powered by Solana and Serum
Axie Infinity Battle I Collect I Build
BakerySwap Trade your favourite NFTs Now!
BeyondLife Your platform to buy exclusive NFT collection.
Bigfoot Town Building MetaFantasy NFT in SolanaNFT
Binance NFT Start your NFT journey here
BlackDove Blackdove is on a mission to connect the world in a shared art experience.
BlockBar Luxury NFT marketplace backed by physical spirits & wine
BlockParty Collect digital goods from your favorite artists and brands or set up your own
BollyCoin Exclusive Bollywood Media NFTs
Book The Book Ecosystem of the Future.
Calo Metaverse Let's Move To Earn
Courtyard Sell your collectibles and earn passive income
CrossTower We’re on a mission to make NFTs accessible to ALL
CGU We create and empower a global community with skills and income
Crypto Kitties Collect and breed digital cats with CryptoKitties
A user-owned virtual world
The Gasless NFT & Physical Goods
Games Play & earn gaming in the metaverse
Decentraland Create, explore and trade in the first-ever virtual world owned by its users.
NFT and Virtual In-game Items Metaverse. Enables Secure buying, selling & trading of in-game and NFT items
Double Protocol
Double Protocol is a fully decentralized and open-source NFT rental protocol and marketplace for Metaverse and GameFi assets.
Elementum We empower artists and art enthusiasts to buy, trade and exhibit art online
Enjin Making it easy to use NFTs of the futureNFT
Exclusible Web3 One-Stop Shop For Brands
Figment Country Club
Fimi Market
A phygital members club for global citizens to belong everywhere.
Multi-chain, inclusive NFT marketplace, championing women, BIPOC & the underrepresented
Flamingo DAO
A flamboyance of collectors, curators, and artists—Medici's of NFTs.
Foundation We build the most powerful tools for the most creative people in the world.
FWB is a new kind of social network governed by individuals who believe in the promise of a better internet
GameStop The home of GameStop Blockchain
The corporate NFT platform that enables the labeling, certification and authentication of product originality.
Gods Unchained The Trading Card Game That Pays To Play
HUMBL Join our community of digital artists, create and list your unique NFTs
Illuvium Explore, Capture, Collect and Fight for ETH in the Illuvium Universe
Kalamint A clean NFT marketplace on Tezos
Known Origin Discover, buy and collect digital artwork & rare NFTs
Larva Labs Creators of the Cryptopunks, Autoglyphs and Meebits
MADworld Protecting Artists Through The Metaverse
Magic Eden Pushing boundaries on Solana, Ethereum, & Polygon
Makersplace The premier marketplace to create, sell and collect #NFT artworks
Make real estate investments crossborder,affordable, transparent & secure by utilizing blockchain technology
One-of-a-kind 3D models for the metaverse
MetaPlex Elevating creators on Solana
MetaPurse Enabling the intersection of art and technology to imagine an inclusive future
A community controlled NFT marketplace with features no other NFT marketplace has
Mintbase NFTs for the masses - Mint, sell & develop your own smart contract.
Multi-chain 0% service fee NFT Marketplace and Launchpad
My Crypto Heroes Your time and passion will become assets
NBA TopShot Own officially licensed digital collectibles created in partnership with the NBA
NFT Stars
The First Australian cross-chain NFT P2E Marketplace
The NFT20 protocol offers NFT liquidity pools to help developers build the next generation of NFT apps
NFTfi Use your NFTs to get a crypto loan
The liquidity protocol for NFTs
Nifty Gateway
Nifty Gateway is an all-in-one platform that makes it easy to buy, sell, and store digital art and collectibles
Connecting fans to what they love through NFT-powered collectibles, experiences and rewards
Ninfa Curated boutique for your digital self
Oases is a truly decentralized NFT marketplace and an open, innovative and vibrant community for NFT collectibles
Obilum Platform for digital fine art with leading curators through technology and NFTs
The largest NFT marketplace on TezosNFT
OnePlanet NFT Marketplace & Launchpad on PolygonNFT Marketplace
OpenSea Discover, collect, and sell extraordinary NFTs
The Future AR Metaverse is Here
The 21st Century Auction House for NFT Art, Music, and Collectibles
Rally Assets to Appreciate
Rarible NFT marketplace where anything is possible and all are welcome
Own officially licensed limited-edition Player and Moment cards to enter exclusive games and unlock unforgettable experiences.
Real-world assets NFT Marketplace
Shufl The Home of Algorand NFTs.
SmartMint Take control of your NFT drops a nd collections
The first marketplace on Solana to buy, trade and sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
Somnium Space We are an open, social and persistent VR platform powered by blockchain
SoRare Experience fantasy football like never before
SparkWorld Enter A Bright New World
Sportium Redefining Sports in the Metaverse
SuperWorld Make the world yours
SuperRare Buy and sell NFTs from the world’s top artists
Terra Virtua
A gamified metaverse which provides immersive social, web3 gaming, digital collectible and interactive experiences
Tessera Collect what you love, together
The Sandbox
The Sandbox is a virtual gaming world where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experiences.
Theta Drop
Fast, green and powered by THETA Network
A cross-chain NFT platform for NFT issuance, trading, auction and tailored in-shop services
TrustRecruit Web3-powered world’s first Blockchaincertified & AI-matched trusted Resume NFT Marketplace.
A web3 decentralized music streaming platform & music NFT marketplace built on Hedera
sell and mint fractions of NFTs
Ucollex Welcome to your collector's digital playground
Upland Make history. Digitally. Build your Upland
Upstairs Asia's Leading Custodial NFT MarketplaceNFT
VeeFriends Just here to make (Vee)Friends
Viv3 First global NFT marketplace on Flow Blockchain
VOAX VOAX is a premier NFT platform for licensed Sports & Esports Fan collectables
Wafini Multi-Asset NFT Marketplace Built On Cardano Blockchain
Wax Collect NFTs & log into GameFi dApps on the carbon neutral & metaverse ready WAX Blockchain
Wazirix South Asia's Most Trusted NFT MarketplaceNFT
Whale Omni-versal membership club for the natively digital
A fully-fledged marketplace, has the ability to include curators and multipliers, white-labeling options, and special NFT designs.
Woosh Experience a closer relationship with your favorite artist
X2Y2 Buy, sell, and lend your NFTs
XOXNO The All-In-One MultiversX
Zed Run Race, breed, own, borrow for FREE, earn, win
Zora Imagine onchain
Keeping track of all regulatory changes globally within the expanding space of asset tokenization and security tokens
In this interview, Matthew Liu, co-founder of Origin Protocol, gives his well-informed perspective on use cases for NFTs and how he sees the NFT industry unfolding in the coming years. This is the first interview in the series of two.
Jonas Kasper Jensen (JKJ): What is Origin protocol, and what services do you provide?
Matthew Liu (ML): Origin Protocol has been building on Ethereum since 2017. We initially built a marketplace protocol allowing anyone to buy and sell anything on-chain. But over the years, we’ve altered our products, and now our two current business lines are Origin Story and Origin Dollar. Origin Story is an NFT platform, and its focus is to increase accessibility and utility for NFTs through white label NFT marketplaces.
We are working on creating a service where any collection owner can launch a marketplace that allows their collectors to buy and sell NFTs with each other. We also have a primary mint capability that enables people to launch new brand identities on our platform. For now, we’re focused on adding bespoke features to the protocol to adapt to unique use cases for NFTs, such as real estate and ticketing.
More recently, we’ve been building out a more robust ecosystem for Origin Story marketplaces. So beyond the provenance in the secondary marketplace sales, we started building deeper analytics and engagement tools. If you go to one of our marketplaces, you can see a lot of stats with top holders and some exciting charts and graphs that can be used to engage with the community. We will continue pushing down that vein to allow the communities for all these collections to start engaging deeper.
Recently we launched token-gated access to content, future mints, and things like that. We are also working on new features around staking NFTs and other formats that will again create higher engagement and retention with these communities. Our general thesis is that NFTs are still a very new technology. Even though they’ve been around for a few years, they’re still new in the context of the Internet.
JKJ: How is Origin Story different from other platforms in the NFT market?
ML: We see these NFT marketplaces like Opensea and Blur gaining traction. In e-commerce, they would be akin to marketplaces like Amazon. But in e-commerce, there’s also a class of platforms like Shopify and Squarespace that allow people to set up their storefronts and sell directly to consumers for lower fees and a more profound engagement experience. As NFTs develop beyond digital collectibles, the need for these custom storefronts will inevitably grow, and that’s what we’re building at Origin Story.
We allow creators to launch their storefronts and NFT ecosystems, create ways of engaging with their collectors and customers, and build more profound and richer experiences. And this will continue to happen as NFTs become more and more pervasive. A good analogy would be online gaming and mobile games. Games generate billions of dollars of revenue every year from in-app purchases. Should all these items that are sold in-app become NFTs, they need to be sold within the individual apps and offer bespoke customer experiences.
JKJ: What problems are NFTs solving, and why do you think they were invented in the first place?
ML: I think a lot of people today have a misunderstanding of what NFTs are and what they can be used for. They see the initial use case, which is expensive digital art or profile picture NFTs. A lot of people are rightfully thinking: What is this? Why is there any value to this? Why are people trading this? Is it just a speculative bubble? The answer is that part of it is speculation. But, the other part is that we are still in the early stages of a huge digital transformation that will revolutionize the Internet.
To me, NFTs are unique for a couple of reasons. NFTs are new primitive building blocks that allow these new sets of paradigms to be built in web3. NFTs allow for true digital ownership and true digital scarcity through digital provenance, which is tracking ownership. NFTs are also interoperable.
The standards created around NFTs allow them to be held in different wallets, traded on different exchanges, and displayed in different browsers. That interoperability and traceability mean these digital assets will have a larger audience and higher liquidity. The analogy that I like to use is that NFTs are to Web3 what HTML was to the web in the early beginnings of the Internet.
When HTML web pages first came out, many critics and naysayers would say: What is the
point of this? Why do I need an ugly web page with blinking fonts when I can read the newspaper to get my news? Why would I post the message to my web page? I can write a letter. I can call my friends on a physical phone, and indeed, no one’s ever going to buy anything on a web page because you have to see the physical product before you buy it.
There were a lot of skeptics. But as the technology evolved and people built more on top of these building blocks of HTML web pages, more and more use cases were created. And so fast forward a few years, and then you now have use cases like blogs with user-generated content.
To me, NFTs are unique for a couple of reasons. NFTs are new primitive building blocks that allow these new sets of paradigms to be built in web3. NFTs allow for true digital ownership and true digital scarcity through digital provenance, which is tracking ownership. NFTs are also interoperable.
The standards created around NFTs allow them to be held in different wallets, traded on different exchanges, and displayed in different browsers. That interoperability and
traceability mean these digital assets will have a larger audience and higher liquidity. The analogy that I like to use is that NFTs are to Web3 what HTML was to the web in the early beginnings of the Internet.
When HTML web pages first came out, many critics and naysayers would say: What is the point of this? Why do I need an ugly web page with blinking fonts when I can read the newspaper to get my news? Why would I post the message to my web page? I can write a letter. I can call my friends on a physical phone, and indeed, no one’s ever going to buy anything on a web page because you have to see the physical product before you buy it.
There were a lot of skeptics. But as the technology evolved and people built more on top of these building blocks of HTML web pages, more and more use cases were created. And so fast forward a few years, and then you now have use cases like blogs with user-generated content.
And guess what? E-commerce exploded over a couple of decades, and now Amazon is one of the world’s largest companies, with most of the markets, at least in the Western wor-
ld, addicted to it. HTML industries include streaming with well-known companies like Netflix and YouTube and social networking with giant companies like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
JKJ: Can you name a few use cases of NFTs that you think are especially interesting?
ML: I think NFTs are these new building blocks that unlock a lot of new use cases that will take five to ten years to manifest. Some examples of NFT use cases could be that NFTs allow verification that you own a specific digital asset and purchased it for a particular amount. This means that you can inscribe a financial value to a digital asset. You can also see how many of those NFTs exist. You’re also able to see the relative scarcity of an NFT; these are fascinating properties.
Fast forward ten years from today, and NFTs will wrap all types of assets, whether online or offline. We have already seen some fascinating examples of both asset types. The digital art NFTs exploded in 2021 with NFT
works from, for instance, Beeple and PAK. That was the initial surge of NFTs as we know them today.
There will likely be a massive category of NFTs in gaming. Imagine if you’re playing tomorrow’s Fortnite or a virtual reality-like experience powered by Apple. In this experience, you have a digital sword and armor. Today, most games put those assets in a closed circle within the game ecosystem. You own those items and only play them with the games they were made for.
But now imagine your avatar, sword, armor, or whatever it may be were transferable across experiences. You can use the same digital items across VR worlds, social media, and games. That’s extremely powerful. As more and more people spend time in the metaverse, especially younger generations, digital items will be an increasingly large share of GDP versus physical items. Of course, that’s going to take a while to play out.
Country: Switzerland
Founding year: 2018
Founder: Ralf Glabischnig
Company mail:
Address: Gotthardstrasse 26, 6300 Zug, Switzerland
Type: Issuing platform
Contact: Jose Fernandez
Contact mail:
Geographical coverage: EU & Middle-East
SERVICES: TokenGate provides a white-label solution for tokenization projects, NFT marketplaces, smart contract development, and integration and platform services. Catering to customers in the crypto, asset token and/or NFT space all at once.
”Tokengate delivered an innovative concept for our NFT project. They were responsive, insightful, and made tokenization seamless. Highly recommended!”
Marcel Grepper, Chief internal Audit City of Zug
Accubits Technology Product Development & Digital Transformation Services
Animoca Brands Digital Property Rights Solutions Provider
Arium Collaboration & Networking Services in the digital art space
AppDupe NFT Marketplace Services
Blockchain App Factory NFT Platform Development Services
Buzzmint NFT Issuance & Tokenization Services
Capital Block Specialised Web 3 Agency
Charged Particles NFT Protocol enabling Digital Asset insertion
CoinFactory Whitelabel NFT Marketplace Services
Corite NFT Music Fundraising Platform
Crypto House Capital Digital Real Estate Investment Expertise
Crypto Stamp Blockchain Postage Stamp Provider
DappRadar NFT & Dapp Data Provider
NAME TYPE OF SERVICE White label NFT solution for brand licensing Links
LiquidX NFT Project Aggregator
Luniverse Web 3 Development Services
Maticz Blockchain Development Services
Mattereum Real Asset Tethering to NFT Services
Meadow Labs NFT Collecting Services Links
MetaDiac Metaverse & NFT Marketplace Development Services
MetaKey NFT & Metaverse Service Provider
MintCarbon Carbon Credits Services
Mooning NFT & Metaverse Consulting
Nameless Stealth Test Blockchain Solution Provider
Nansen NFT Analysis Links News
Nefta NFT Brand Service Provider
NFT Kred White Label NFT Integration Solution
NFT Plazas Metaverse Advertising Services
NFT Tech Web 3 Strategists
NFT 42 NFT Brand Creators
NFTpay NFT Payment Solution
NonFungible NFT Data Provider
Nori Carbon Removal Through NFTs
OpSec Security NFT Brand Protection Services
Origin Protocol NFT Ecosystem Services
Palm NFT Project Services
Pixura NFT Marketplace Launchpad
Rabbit Hole Web 3 Learn To Earn Services
Rarible Protocol Cross-Chain NFT Protocol
Country: Netherlands
Founding year: 2017
Mail to:
Phone: (+)31 165 33 22 44
Address: Helium 12, 4751 XB Oud Gastel
Type: Service Provider
Contact: Herman Vissia
Contact mail:
Country: Netherlands
SERVICES: Liqwith’s area of expertise is tokenization of assets. It started everything with tokenization of financial products like shares and (convertible) bonds, but since then we have also tokenized paintings, art and real estate. Liqwith’s clients are mostly SME’s who are seeking to include stewardownership in their business strategy, as well as Private Equity parties and Crowdfunding platforms who seek to reduce costs and bring new levels of transparency as well as funding options”.
Liqwith Liqwith is the white label platform for the tokenization of assets
21 Finance Software as a service provider for digital assets.
2140 Consulting
actus ag Steuerberatung
Provides consultancy on Security Token Offerings Belgium
A full-service tax firm dedicated to Entrepreneurs, Investors & Corporates. Liechtenstein
Aelf A Decentralized Cloud Computing BlockchainNetwork
The first global tokenization infrastructure for agrocommodities.
AirSwap AirSwap enables peer-to-peer trading on the Ethereum blockchain.
AlphaPoint White label software to launch crypto & digital asset exchange platforms
Amber Group Digital asset trading, products, and infrastructure provider
Animoca Brands
Driving digital property rights via NFTs and gaming
Combination of secure custody, regulatory compliance, product breadth, and client service.
Antier Solutions
Increase awareness, consideration and conversion of your STO project with multichannel security token marketing.
Applicature is Builder and Accelerator of Blockchain Companies.
Arca is an investment firm offering institutional caliber products in the digital asset space.
Babel Finance
Global cryptocurrency financial institution specialized in serving institutional and high-net-worth investors
Beleaf Technologies Blockchain Business Solutions Provider India
Bitbond radically improves the issuance, settlement and custody of financial assets with blockchain technology Germany
Bitdeal STO Marketing Agency, Security Token Marketing India
BitGo BitGo provides a secure and scalable solutions for the digital asset economy USA
Blockbase Consultants STO Service Provider India
Blockchain App Factory Enterprise Blockchain Technology Solution & Service Provider // STO Marketing Japan
Blockchain Australia STO Marketing Agency Australia
Blockdaemon Stake, Scale, and Deploy Nodes: Institutional Grade Blockchain Infrastructure N/A
BlockStation Digital Asset Trading Platform Services Canada
BridgeTower Capital Blockchain infrastructure and services company Singapore
BuzzMint Token & NFT Tokenization Services
Chainlink The industry-standard Web3 services platform
WISeKey Digital Trust Solutions Provider
WizKey Blockchain Technology Consultancy
Institutional digital asset trading technology provider