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Swim and Class Descriptions
Lengths Swim
Pool is divided into 5 lanes with lane ropes for swimmers to swim lengths of the pool.
Leisure Swim
The pool is wide open for you to swim (or float) freely. This swim is recommended for adults and seniors, or those who wish to enjoy a dip in the pool. The morning leisure swim also has one lane available for swimmers who like to swim lengths.
Lengths & Leisure Swim
The pool is divided into 2 areas. 3 lanes for swimmers who wish to swim lengths and 2 lanes for those who wish to float and swim at their leisure, exercise, and socialize.
This is an instructor led program that will help you get fit and have fun 6 days a week!! Program is suitable for all ages and abilities. Spaces will be available for you to either workout in the shallow end or put a belt on and work from the deeper water. Instructors are trained to accommodate the program for all levels and water depths! Please join us, listen to some music, meet new people and have fun while you exercise. Classes are offered at a variety of days and times throughout the week. Please refer to the Swim Guide for days and times classes are offered.
Family Swim
These swims are open to families only. ALL children must be accompanied in the pool by an adult. A family consists of up to 2 adults and 4 children to a max of 6 people.
Open Swim
The pool is divided into an area for length swimmers and an area for anyone else wishing to take a dip; including families, children, adults and seniors.
An instructed class taught by our staff. This class works to maintain and increase joint mobility and range of motion. It is great for those with arthritis, fibromyalgia or those who have had joint replacements.
Therapy Swim
A recreational, leisure swim time. Therapy swim provides an opportunity to work on prescribed exercises in the warm water.
Water is heated to 88 degrees.
For all swims and classes, preregistration is recommended. Walk-ins will be welcomed.