welcome to
With 144 miles of shimmering coastline and a bustling downtown waterfront, Norfolk, Virginia is a fun, dynamic destination that’s easy to love. Wherever you stay, you are just a short distance from dozens of sumptuous chef-owned restaurants, exciting attractions and performing arts. Norfolk, the business and cultural heart of the beautiful Hampton Roads region, is just minutes from the Chesapeake Bay, Atlantic Ocean and historic Williamsburg. If Virginia is for lovers, then you’re sure to love Norfolk. Plan your visit today!
contents Regional Festival Calendar.. ...................................... 2 Chesapeake.................................................................................................................................2 Hampton......................................................................................................................................2 Newport News............................................................................................................................3 Portsmouth.................................................................................................................................4 Virginia Beach............................................................................................................................4
Attractions.................................................................. 6 Guided Tours.............................................................................................................................11 Harbor Cruises..........................................................................................................................11 Performing Arts........................................................................................................................12 Sports.........................................................................................................................................15
Regional Attractions................................................. 16 Hampton....................................................................................................................................16 Newport News..........................................................................................................................16 Portsmouth...............................................................................................................................18 Virginia Beach..........................................................................................................................18 Williamsburg........................................................................................................................... 20
festival calendar..................................................... 22 sample itineraries................................................... 26 Student Tours........................................................................................................................... 27 Day Packages........................................................................................................................... 28
cruise information.................................................. 29 dining guide............................................................... 30 Accommodations.. ..................................................... 34 Performance Venues.. ................................................. 36 Getting Here.................................................................. 38 Information and Contacts........................................ 40 *The Norfolk Convention & Visitors Bureau has made every possible effort to verify all facts and figures herein. Dates, time and information are subject to change.
Chesapeake Heritage Arts Festival
International Children’s Festival
(888) 889-5551 www.visitchesapeake.com Celebrate awareness of and interest in our rural roots with heritage and fiber artisans, workshops, sheep dog and other demonstrations, competitions, children’s activities, food and more. Live acoustic music all day, both days! Free parking and free admission.
(800) 487-8778 www.hamptoncvb.com Featuring over 21 countries and an overview of Africa, this highly popular event allows a unique opportunity for children of all ages to experience sights, sounds and tastes of cultures from across the globe. Entertainment includes a popular Dragon Head Dance, native folk dancers, a steel drum band, strolling musicians, Winnie the Pooh, Madeline and Little Nut Brown Hare.
Chesapeake Jubilee (757) 482-4848 www.chesapeakejubilee.org Alive with family fun, carnival rides, festival foods and local and national entertainment, the Chesapeake Jubilee offers something for everyone. Come and celebrate the city’s anniversary a nd del ig ht i n t he re g ion’s mo s t spectacular fireworks display.
June Annual American Indian Festival (888) 889-5551 www.visitchesapeake.com Th i s a n nua l fe s t i v a l i s held e ac h June and features American Indian storytelling, traditional dancing and demonstrations as well as a g reat selection of Native American Jewelry, crafts and food vendors. Free parking and free admission.
hampton February Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival (800) 487-8778 www.hamptoncvb.com Features vendors of quilt, wearable, textile and fiber art s and includes a juried quilt and wearable ar t competition. Participants learn the craft through workshops, lectures, special exhibitions and demonstrations throughout the four-day event. Draws over 10,000 attendees to the Hampton Roads Convention Center.
August Hampton Cup Regatta (800) 487-8778 www.hamptoncvb.com Sp e e d i nt o ac t ion at t he long e s t continuously running powerboat race in North America and stand amazed as more than 100 hydroplanes and runabout s from the United St ates and Canada take to the waters of Mill Creek each year competing at speeds in excess of 150 miles-per-hour. The regatta is Hampton’s largest annual sporting event, drawing spectators from as far away as New Jersey and racers from as far as New Zealand.
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Hampton Jazz Festival (800) 487-8778 www.hamptoncvb.com The tradition continues ever y June a s t h e n a t i o n’s b e s t j a z z , s o u l , gospel and rhythm and blues artists perform during this three-day event. For advance information including dates, itinerary assistance the group ticket information, contact Hampton Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Hampton Blackbeard Festival (800) 487-8778 www.hamptoncvb.com Argghh, mateys! Hampton celebrates the demise of the notorious Edward Te a c h w i t h a r t i s t s , w a t e r- b a s e d activities with live actors re-enacting pirate battles, and vendors on display at the waterfront.
November-January Celebration in Lights
April Annual Ella Fitzgerald Jazz Festival (757) 594-8752 www.fergusoncenter.cnu.edu Sponsored by t he cit y of New por t News, the festival brings to town the finest jazz artists in the world. Past concerts have featured performances by Patti Austin, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Peter Cincotti, Chick Corea, Kurt Elling, Kevin Eubanks, Diana Krall, Branford Marsalis, Jane Monheit, Eddie Palmieri & Tiempo Libre, Diana Reeves, David Sanborn, Arturo Sandoval, McCoy Tyner an Cassandra Wilson. The Festival also celebrates Ella’s legacy by presenting educational programs throughout the region including performances, workshops and master classes.
Newport News Park (757) 926-1400 www.nnparks.com L ig h t up y o u r h o l id a y s w it h t h e award-winning Celebration in Lights, a two-mile drive-thru of spectacular a n i m at e d s c ene s s et i n Ne w p or t New s Pa rk . V iew wh im sic a l t oy s, e le g a nt s w a n s l e api ng r e i n d e e r, multi-colored snowflakes and scenes from Virginia’s past portrayed in a kaleidoscope of dazzling color. There a re o v er 20 0 d i s pl ay s, i nc lud i ng 70 animate display s. See “Winter Wonderland”, “Forest Friends”, “Battle of the Ironclads”, “Santa’s enchanted K ingdom”, and “Old M an Wint er ” among others.
September Hampton Bay Days
Downtown Hampton (757) 727-1641 www.baydays.com Come play and learn about the Chesapeake Bay at Hampton Bay Days. Celebrating its 27th year, this annual festival kicks off the fall with a bang. The festival is a combination of free entertainment on three stages, a family friendly area with a children’s stage, rides for kids under twelve and 40 booths of interactive educational fun that encourages stewardship of the Chesapeake Bay. It also has 100 Arts & Crafts booths, 35 seafood and other food booths, a specialty car show and one of the longest fireworks displays in the area.
Summer Celebration Wine Festival (757) 888-3371 www.leehall.org Sample wines from some of Virginia’s best wineries while enjoying musical entertainment, living history and craft vendors at the Virginia War Museum’s annual festival. Guests are encouraged to pack their own picnic baskets and bring blankets and chairs to that they can settle into a cozy spot underneath a tree on Lee Hall Mansion’s beautiful grounds.
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PORTSMOUTH May Gosport Arts Festival (757) 622-4262 www.gosportartsfestival.com In its third decade, this Mother’s Day Weekend Arts Festival in Olde Towne Portsmouth has become synonymous with the area’s celebration of spring and the ar t s. Wine st ations set up throughout the show on High Street, from Water to Court Streets. Always Mot her’s Day Weekend: S at urday 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-5pm.
Todi Music Fest
Umoja Festival
(757) 397-3541 www.todimusicfest.com To d i M u s i c F e s t , t h e A m e r i c a n counterpart to the UmbriaMusicFest in Italy, has been dubbed the summer showcase for music aficionados in Virginia. Italian conducting sensation Walter Att anasi and Metropolit an Opera tenor Howard Bender have facilitated this cultural and musical sister relationship between Portsmouth and Todi, It aly. Enjoy high qualit y entertainment presented in multiple venues, headquartered in three historic communities on two continents. The twin festival concept modeled after the renowned Spoleto festivals of Italy and Charleston, SC. This is a summertime series stated in six Hampton Roads cities: Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach. Usually held the last two weeks in July.
(757) 393-8484 www.umojafest.org An A frican-American cultural celebration featuring national, regional and local acts playing at the nTelos Pavilion at Harbor Center. Historically, the festival has been held the third weekend in September on an annual basis. Hours of Operation: Friday 5-10pm, Saturday noon-10pm, Sunday noon-7pm.
VIRGINIA BEACH January-March Whale-Watching Boat Trips (757) 437-BOAT www.vbfun.com There she blows! Winter is the time of year juvenile humpback and fin whales visit us along the Virginia Beach coast. Two -hour whale -watching cr uises are available. Contact the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center for reservations!
PANorama Caribbean Music Fest-Student Competition-Free Events
Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon
McDonalds Holiday Lights
(757) 311-1255 www.vbfun.com Over 17,000 runners descend on the Virginia Beach oceanfront for this 12.1-mile foot and wheelchair race. Twenty bands and 16 cheer squads spread out along the course to help motivate participants to make it to the finish line, as they compete for the largest half marathon prize in the United States.
(757) 425-3111 www.beachstreetusa.com Thousands of cars and motorcoaches make this trek through one of the most fest ive and creat ive holiday light displays ever assembled! Listen to holiday music on a free CD provide for your magical journey down Virginia Beach’s boardwalk! Be dazzled by jumping f i sh, sur f ing S ant a s and playful mermaids. McDonalds Lights at the Beach, presented by Verizon Wireless, transforms the peaceful oceanfront into a play land of nautical and holiday characters, w it h new displays added each year.
(757) 491-SUNN www.vafest.com The Virginia Art s Festival and BeachEvents combine forces to present a musical celebration that features a steel drum band competition combined with performances by some of the country’s best pan virtuosos. Groove to Caribbean, Latin and pop music during the festival’s steel band competition. Bands from throughout the United States, both high school and college, compete on Saturday and Sunday. Shop the Island Marketplace for hot food and cold beverages. It’s a weekend of soothing steel pan melodies that will have you dancing on the beach under the starts.
June-September Dolphin-Watching Trips (800) VA-BEACH www.vbfun.com Mid - June t hrough Sept ember, see bottlenose dolphins in their natural habitat as they live and play along our coastline. You can also learn about the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center research and work with the local dolphin population.
Neptune Festival (757) 498-0215 www.neptunefestival.com The party’s grand finale is “Boardwalk Weekend” for three days and nights, a host of act iv it ies such as t he internationally renowned American Sand Sculpting Competition, draw visitors and guests from across the commonwealth and beyond to the Virginia Beach Boardwalk. Concerts a l f re sco in t ent ed fe s t iv a l s t age s are scattered along 32 blocks of the boardwalk and feature a variety of live music. Over 275,000 come to line the boardwalk for the Neptune Art and Craft Show interspersed with a veritable smorgasbord of food vendors dishing out delectable, guaranteed to please and palette.
The Cannonball trail
attractions Armed Forces Memorial Town Point Park I Waterside Drive (757)664-6620 or 1 (800) 368-3097 www.visitnorfolktoday.com Cast in bronze, excerpts from 20 letters written by U.S. service members who lost their lives in war are scattered across a portion of Town Point Park as if blown there by the wind. A truly moving tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Hampton Roads Naval Museum and USS Wisconsin One Waterside Drive Suite 248 (757) 322-2986 www.hrnm.navy.mil The Hampton Roads Naval Museum spans over t wo centuries of naval activity in and around the great harbor of Hampton Roads, Virginia. The tour begins with the Battle off the Capes in 1781, a naval engagement which made possible America’s victor y at Yorktown. An impressive collection of ship models and retrieved underwater artifacts advance the story through the Civil War and the battle of the ironclads Monitor and V ir g inia. E x h ibit s continue with the 20th century,
including the Battle of the Atlantic in World War II and conclude with today’s Navy. Visit Norfolk’s largest artifact, the Battleship Wisconsin. The Battleship Wisconsin (BB-64), one of the famous Iowa class battleships is a veteran of World War II, the Korean War and the War in the Persian Gulf. The Wisconsin remains part of the U.S. Navy’s Inactive Fleet. Hours of Operation: Memorial Day through Labor Day 10a.m.-5p.m., open Tuesday through Saturday 10a.m.5p.m. and Sunday 12 Noon -5p.m. Closed on: Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Battleship Wisconsin is open weather permitting. • Estimated tour time is 2 hours • Educational programs • Guided (2 weeks notice) and themed (regarding Naval history) tours • Boy/Girl Scout Programs • Minimum number for tour is 5 people and maximum is 20 • Located inside Nauticus • Main deck is wheelchair accessible • Motorcoach parking available at Harbor Park lots E & F • Memorial service opportunities • Performance venue opportunities • Electrical outlets offer minimal power
401 East Freemason Street (757) 441-1526 The Cannonball Trail is a self-guided, walking tour of historic Downtown Norfolk. Granite inlays and medallions in the sidewalk mark places and events of historic interest along the route. There are 40 sites included on the trail such as the Willioughby-Baylor Hou s e, Freema s on St reet B apt i s t Church, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, The Mac A r t hur Memor ial and t he Confederate Monument. Over 400 years of American history are found along the Cannonball Trail. • Walking Trail • Motorcoach parking available at Harbor Park Lots E & F • Many restaurants along the trail or bag lunches at Town Point Park
CHRYSLER MUSEUM OF ART 245 West Olney Road (757) 664-6200 www.chrysler.org The Chrysler Museum is located near downtown Norfolk and overlooks the Hague Inlet of the Elizabeth River. F o u n d e d i n 19 39 a s t h e N o r f o l k Museum of A r t s and Science, t he Museum was presented t he ar t collection by Walter P. Chrysler, Jr., heir to the automobile company. The Museum houses an encyclopedic c ol le c t ion of ne a rl y 4 0,0 0 0 object s which includes an impressive and comprehensive survey of European and American painting and sculpture, a worldrenowned glass collect ion, a rich
CIVIL WAR TRAILS Norfolk Visitor Information Center Located at I-64 exit 273 (757) 441-1852 or (800) 368-3097 www.civilwartraveler.com Take a self-guided tour of Norfolk’s h i s t or ic C i v i l Wa r s it e s . T he s it e includes the battle of the Ironclads and the Confederate Monument, a lasting t r ibute to t he Civ il War’s A f ric anAmerican veterans.
photography program, Art Nouveau furniture, as well as art from A f r ic a, A sia, Eg y pt , P re - Columbia and Islam. The Tif fany Galler y highlights a survey of Louis Comfort Tiffany’s legendary artistry in glass, potter y, met al work and enamels. The Museum’s holding of Tif fany’s glass constitutes one of the premier collections of its kind in the world. H o u r s o f O p e r at io n : We d n e s d a y 10a.m.–9p.m. (admission by voluntary cont r ibut ion), Thursday- S at urday 10a.m.-5p.m., Sunday 1-5p.m. Closed Monday, Tuesdays and major holidays. • Estimated tour time is 1-1½ hours • Educational and holiday programs • Guided and themed tours • Boy and Girl Scout programs • Minimum of 10 people, maximum of 25 people per tour with docent. Groups can be split with different docents. • As about admission arrangements for students receiving free or reduced lunches • Group pricing available • One chaperone free with every 10 students • Teachers admitted free • AAA/AARP rates available • Performance venue opportunities • Handicap accessible • Motorcoach parking available onsite • No cameras with flashes
• Self-guided walking trail • Many restaurants line the trail or bag lunches can be taken to Town Point Park
d’ART CENTER Selden Arcade, 208 East Main Street (757) 625-4211 www.d-artcenter.org Experience the art-making process first hand at d’ART Center, a visual arts center featuring 40 plus professional artists who, in open studios create, display and sell an exciting mix of or ig in a l a r t . Hou r s of O p er at ion: Tu e s d a y - S at u r d a y 10 a . m . - 6 p. m . , Sunday 1-5p.m., Monday closed. • Estimated tour time is 45 minutes • Themed exhibits • On-site restaurant facilities • Boy and Girl Scout programs • Guided tours available • Wheelchair accessible • Educational and holiday programs • Hands-on art classes • Motorcoach parking available at Harbor Park lots E & F
ELMWOOD CEMETERY– THE WEST POINT MONUMENT 238 Princess Anne Road (757) 441-2653 O n e o f N o r f o l k ’s h e r i t a g e s i t e s , Elmwood Cemeter y’s mausoleums and Victorian-period sculptures mark the burial places of many prominent Norfolk citizens. Walter Herron Taylor, Civil War aide to General Robert E. Lee is buried there. This is also the site of the West Point Monument honoring t he ser v ice of A f r ic an -A mer ic an s during the Civil War. The West Point Monument is the only known tribute to African-Americans along the Virginia Civil War Trail • Outdoor monument • Picnic area • Self-guided tour • Motorcoach parking available
FORT NORFOLK 810 Front Street (757) 640-1720 www.norfolkhistorical.org Fort Norfolk is the last remaining of 19 harbor-forts authorized in 1794 by President George Washington. Stepping through the forts arched entr y way transports visitors into another era. The fort's four-acre site overlooks the Elizabeth River and includes earthwork embankments, ramparts, a dungeon, officer’s quarters, powder magazine, barracks and guardhouse. Fort Norfolk is one of Norfolk’s heritage sites, and has been an American fort since 1794. It has been called the best preserved War of 1812 location in America. During the Civil War, the fort changed hands twice and supplied ammunition for the Confederate Ironclad CSS Virginia in the battle with the USS Monitor in 1862. The Union also used Fort Norfolk as a prison until the U.S. Navy assumed use of the fort. • Self-guided tour
HERMITAGE MUSEUM & GARDENS 7637 North Shore Road (757) 423-2052 www.thfm.org Formerly home to the Sloane family, the museum is an early 20th century Artsand-Crafts estate on the shore of the Lafayette River. Featuring a nationally recognized art collection spanning 5,000 years. Contemporary exhibition galleries, a Visual Arts School, working artist studios, and 12 acres of gardens and grounds offer art and culture to the community, as envisioned by the Sloanes. Hours of Operation: MondaySaturday 10a.m.-5p.m., Sunday 1-5p.m., Wednesday closed, Closed: Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. • Estimated tour time is 30-45 minutes • Meet and Greet services provided • Maximum of 9 people per tour; large reservations available • Performance venue varies depending on group needs • Wheelchair accessible • Motorcoach parking available onsite
240 West Freemason Street (757) 623-9814 www.hunterhousemuseum.org In 1894, the Boston architect W.D. Wentworth designed and built a home in the Richardsonian Romanesque style of architecture for the prominent merchant and baker, James Wilson Hunter. Rich in architectural detail, t h e h o u s e d i s p l a y s t h e f a m i l y ’s collection of Victorian furnishings a nd de c or at i ve pie c e s, inc lud ing Renaissance revival bedchamber suite, a nursery of children’s playthings, an inglenook, stained glass windows and an elaborately embroidered craz y quilt.The collection is complemented with lavish period reproduction floor coverings, wall coverings, lighting f i x t ures and draper y t reat ment s. Hours of operation: MondaySaturday 10a.m.- 6:30p.m., Sunday 12-3:30p.m. • Estimate tour time is 1 hour • Educational programs for student and senior groups • Educational classes-art • Holiday program • Guided tours available • Boy and Girl Scout programs • Customized or themed tours available • Group ticket pricing available • Minimum number of people is 10 and maximum is 35 • Location for group meals. Restaurant available offsite, not onsite. Catering provided • Motorcoach parking available
MACARTHUR MEMORIAL MacArthur Square (757) 441-2965 www.macarthurmemorial.org This museum is dedicated to presenting the life and times of General of the Army Douglas MacArthur. The museum proper is housed in Norfolk’s former city hall and courthouse, which was built in 1850 and is designated as both a Virginia Historic Landmark and a National Historic Place. Planned around an imposing rotunda featuring General and Mrs. MacArthur’s crypts, nine galleries of exhibits portray the career of one of America’s best known military heroes. Adjacent buildings include a theater with special exhibit galleries as well as an auditorium where “The MacArthur Story” film is shown, an education facility that houses a library and extensive archives, and a gift shop where General MacArthur’s 1950 Chrysler Imperial limousine is on display. The buildings are situated in the attractive, city-centered MacArthur Square. Hours of Operation: Open daily except New Year’s, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Hours of Operation: 10a.m.5p.m. Monday-Saturday; 11a.m.-5p.m. Sunday. • Estimated tour time is 1¼ to 1½ hours • Educational programs available • Guided tours available • Boy and Girl Scout programs • Performance venue opportunities • Wheelchair available • Motorcoach parking available
MARTIN LUTHER KING MONUMENT Brambleton Avenue & Church Street (757) 333-4266 www.norfolk.org Towering over the corner of Brambleton Avenue and Church Street, the 83-foot granite monument stands as a lasting tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other slain civil rights leaders. The memorial, conceived by Joseph A. Jordan, Jr., former Norfolk Councilman and General District Court Judge, is inscribed with quotations of Dr. King and contains a fountain at its base. • Self-guided tour • Outdoor monument
MOSES MYERS HOUSE 323 East Freemason Street (757) 333-1086 or (757) 333-1091 www.chrysler.org/houses.asp B u i l t i n 17 9 2 , t h e M o s e s M y e r s Hou se w a s t he home of Nor fol k’s f i r s t p er m a nent Je w i s h s e t t ler s . This Federal period home is one of the oldest buildings in Norfolk. The Myers family lived in the home for five generations until 1931 when the home became a public museum. Over 70% of the furnishings are original to the family and in the year 2000 the gardens were restored by the Garden Club of Virginia. Hours of Operation: Wednesday-Saturday 10a.m. to 4p.m., Sunday 12-4p.m.. • Estimated tour time is 45 minutes to an hour • Educational programs • Guided and themed tours • Boy and Girl Scout programs • Holiday programs • Group pricing available • Maximum of 25 people with guide • Group meal catering available • Motorcoach parking available on street
NAUTICUS One Waterside Drive (757) 664-1000 www.nauticus.org Naut icus is t he premier mar it ime s c i e n c e mu s e u m l o c a t e d o n t h e dow ntow n Nor folk water front. Explore the power of the sea through a digital high-definition movie on a giant screen in our Nauticus Theater, touch a live shark, take on America's best ship designers in a race to design "Battleship X," or tour the Battleship Wisconsin one of the last and largest battleships ever built by the U.S. Navy. Discover The Jamestown Exposition and Launching of the Steel Nav y, a new permanent exhibit developed and produced by the Hampton Roads Naval Museum in conjunction with Nauticus. This exhibit examines the period from 1880, when the Navy began to recover from a post-civil war decline, to 1907, when President Theodore Roosevelt sent the Great White Fleet around the world as an affirmation of American naval strength. Hours of Operation: Memor ia l Day – L abor Day: Daily 10a.m.-5p.m. Rest of the Year: Tuesday – Saturday 10a.m.-5p.m. Sundays 125p.m. Closed Mondays. • Estimated tour time is 3 hours • Educational and hands-on classes • Boy and Girl Scout programs • Meet and Greet Services • Group & tiered pricing • Minimum 15 people on a tour • AAA/AARP rates • Performance venue opportunities complimentary with paid admission to Nauticus • Restaurant onsite • Changing seasonal exhibits • Gift store • Wheelchair accessible • Motorcoach parking-Harbor Park Lots E&F
NORFOLK BOTANICAL GARDEN 6700 Azalea Garden Road (adjacent to Norfolk International Airport) (757) 441-5830 www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.org Norfolk Botanical Garden, a premier hor t iculture at t ract ion loc ated in the heart of the Hampton Roads, is just 15 minutes from Virginia Beach and 55 minutes from Williamsburg, Virginia. With gardening ranked as one of t he nat ion’s mos t popu la r leisure time activ ities, groups will delight in a garden-inspired tour. The Garden represents an oasis of more than 30 distinctly themed gardens enc omp a s s i ng 155 br e at ht a k i ng acres. Bordered on three sides by the picturesque beauty of Lake Whitehurst, Norfolk Botanical Garden offers tours by foot, tram and boat. The Garden brilliantly features some of the East Coast’s largest collections of azaleas, camellias, roses and rhododendrons. Hours of Operation: Spring /Summer Hours (Begins April 1): 9a.m.-7p.m.; Fall/Winter Hours (Begins October 16): 9a.m.-5p.m., Closed Christmas. • Estimated tour time is 2 hours • Educational gardening classes • Trams and boats available for guided tours • Boy and Girl Scout programs • Holiday of Lights program • Tiered and group pricing • AAA/AARP rates • Performance venue opportunities • Meet and greet services • Restaurant onsite • Wheelchair accessible • Motorcoach parking onsite
NORFOLK HISTORY MUSEUM AT THE WILLOUGHBY-BAYLOR HOUSE 601 East Freemason Street (757) 333-1086 or (757) 333-1091 www.chrysler.org/houses.asp Built in 1794, t he Nor folk Histor y Museum at the Willoughby-Baylor House is home to permanent exhibitions highlighting the history of the City of Norfolk. The site was for mer l y o c c upie d b y a M a s on ic Lodge that gave Freemason Street its name. Saved from the wrecking ball by the Norfolk Historic Foundation in the early 1960s, the museum is now managed by the Chrysler Museum of Art. The garden represents the most current underst anding of colonial land sc aping. Hour s of Operat ion: Wednesday-Saturday 10a.m.-4p.m., Sunday 12-4p.m.. • Estimated tour time is 45 minutes to one hour • Educational and Holiday programs • Guided tour for maximum of 25 people • Boy and Girl Scout programs • Group meal catering available
ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 201 St. Paul’s Boulevard (757) 627-4353 www.saintpaulsnorfolk.com The oldest building in Norfolk, this church is also the only structure to sur v ive t he Br it ish dest r uct ion of the city on New Year’s Day in 1776. A cannonball was fired into the church by Lord Dunmore of the British fleet and remains lodged in its southeastern wall. The churchyard is enclosed by walls built in 1759, and within it is a cemetery containing gravestones dating from 1673, as well as a variety of plants, trees and a fountain. Hours of Operation: Tuesday-Friday 10a.m.4p.m. Sunday worship service.
111 W. Ocean View Ave (757) 531-0445 www.ovsm.org In the late 1800s, Ocean View Station existed as a streetcar station-the hub of Ocean View and its attractions. While the original station is gone, today the station is born again as a museum filled with pictures, memorabilia and the stories of people who call Ocean View home. Like its namesake, OVSM services as a hub, but this time it is a place to collect, store, and display our past.
3500 Granby Street (757) 441-2374 w w w.virginiazoo.org As an accredited Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) facility, the Virginia Zoo exhibits over 350 animals, beautifully manicured grounds and of fers a fun-filled day for all. For more than a century, the Virginia Zoo has demonstrated a commitment to wildlife, conservation and education. Hours of Operation: 10a.m. to 5p.m. Closed New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas.
PAGODA GARDEN TEA HOUSE AND GALLERY 265 West Tazewell Street (757) 622-0506 www.pagodagarden.org The Pagoda, located on the downtown waterfront in Freemason Harbor, is just minutes from the bustling city ac t iv it y. On of t he def ining gat e s embraces gentle swaying bamboo and a serene oasis where East meets West on over an acre of urban space. The naturalistic setting embodies many of the Chinese concepts of harmony and tranquility. Winding walkways are lined with essential elements of this exquisitely arrange landscape of plants, water, stone and architectural features. Views along the path framing the Pagoda change by season, revealing a layered beauty of both natural form and culture. Hours of Operat ion: Monday-Saturday 11a.m.-2:30p.m. and 5-9:30p.m. • Location for group meals
• Estimate tour time is 45 minutes • Educational programs available • Guided tours available • Trams available • Boy and Girl Scout programs • Group pricing available • Maximum of 20 people depending on tour. For behind the scenes tour packages, for specific animals, must be booked and paid in full two weeks in advance. Only available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 11a.m. and 3p.m. • Restaurant facilities • Wheelchair available • Motorcoach parking available
GUIDED TOURS NAVAL STATION NORFOLK 9079 Hampton Boulevard (757) 444-7955 www.navstanorva.navy.mil/TOUR/ A 45 minute, non-stop narrated bus tour takes visitors through the world's largest naval installation, Naval Station Norfolk. Guests can v isit the home of aircraft carriers, destroyers and submarines. Along the way guest s will pass the houses from the 1917 Jamestown Expedition on Admirals Row. Hours of Operation: MemorialLabor Day, Tuesday-Sunday 10a.m.3p.m. Closed Mondays. • Must go through security check • Advance registration required for groups • Photo ID required • Tours are complimentary with motorcoach • Luggage not permitted on motorcoach
THE NORFOLK WALKING TOUR 6132 Sylvan Street (757) 623-4400 or (877) 440-0202 Fax: (757) 222-0373 www.phillipsdmc.com Join your guide for an informative and leisurely walk through Norfolk’s historic Downtown, Freemason area and the most popular attractions. • Estimate tour time is two hours • Customized or themed tours available • Holiday programs
ROWENA’S 758 West 22nd Street (757) 627-8699 www.rowenas.com Visit the magical world of the Jam & Jelly Factory. In operation for 25 years, Rowena’s, Inc. produces wonderful pound cakes, jams, special sauces and children’s books. Discover how these delicious treats are created and marketed through customized and themed tours. The tea room is also available for lunch. • Tours available with reservations Janurary-October on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 9a.m.-3p.m. • Wheelchair accessible • Motorcoach parking available
SEA LEGENDS & GHOSTS – A DOWNTOWN WALKING TOUR Nauticus I One Waterside Drive (757) 664-1074 www.nauticus.org Come walk the cobblestone streets of the historic Freemason District and Downtown Norfolk to learn about our very own “Sea Legends & Ghosts.” This sometimes-eerie 75-90-minute trek will highlight some of the new as well as old haunts-like Freemason Abbey and the Wells Theatre believe to be one of the most haunted places in Virginia. The journey begins and ends at Nauticus on Downtown Norfolk’s waterfront.
HARBOR CRUISES AMERICAN ROVER TALL SHIP CRUISE Waterside Marina (757) 627-7245 www.americanrover.com A 135 foot long, Three Masted Sailing S h i p d e p a r t s f r o m Wa t e r s i d e i n D ow nt ow n Nor fol k a nd s a i l s t he smooth waters of the Elizabeth River and Hampton Roads Harbor. She is complet ely Coa st Guard Cer t if ied and inspected to insure a safe and comfortable cruise. On board amenities include ample comfortable seating, shaded top deck, climate controlled below deck lounges, restrooms a n d s h i p s t ore a nd b a r. D ay s of Operation: April-late October. • Estimated tour time 1½-2 hours • Educational programs for student groups • Boy and Girl Scout programs • Packages available • AAA/AARP rates • Maximum of 120 adults for cruises • Maximum of 140 for student party cruises • Group and tiered pricing • Location for group meals • Catering can be arranged on board • Private charters available • Top deck is handicap accessible • Motorcoach parking available at Harbor Park lots E &F
• Minimum number of people is 15 • Group ticket pricing available • Walking tour or motorcoach tour
PADDLEWHEEL FERRY Docked at The Waterside (757) 222-6100 www.hrtransit.org HRT’s Paddlewheel Ferry is a system of three 150 passenger paddlewheel ferry boats, one of the world’s first natural gas-powered pedestrian ferries. The ferries travel from Downtown Norfolk to Port smouth. The ferr y operates ever y 30 minutes, w ith 15 -minute service at peak times on the weekend. The ferry is wheelchair accessible.
SPIRIT OF NORFOLK/ ENTERTAINMENT CRUISES The Waterside, Otter Berth (757) 625-1463 www.spiritofnorfolk.com Enjoy Nor fol k’s mos t v ibrant and entertaining dining cruise experience sailing from dow ntow n. Uniquely refreshing and deliciously different, the Spirit of Norfolk offers customized as well as all inclusive dining excursions for individuals and groups. Days of Operation: Everyday, year-round, for lunch, dinner, mid-day and moonlight cruises. • Estimated tour time is two to three hours • Packages are available • Restaurant facilities • Lunch, dinner, & moonlight cruises • Group and tiered pricing • AAA/AARP rates • Educational programs • Boy and Girl Scout programs
• Meet and greet service • Holiday Programs • Wheelchairs available • Private charters available • Motorcoach Parking available at Harbor Park Lots E & F • Minimum 20 people to maximum 400 for cruise
VICTORY ROVER NAVAL BASE CRUISES One Waterside Drive (757) 627-7406 www.navalbasecruises.com The Victor y Rover of fers daily two hour nar rated nav al base cr uises along the Elizabeth River, highlighting the Hampton Roads harbor and the Nor folk Naval St ation, the world's largest naval base. Setting sail from Naut icu s, home of t he B at t le ship Wisconsin, profe s siona l c apt a in s provide a fascinating and entertaining commentary as you cruise the smooth water. Delight in the sight of Aircraft Carriers, Nuclear Submarines, Guided Missile Cruisers, and a vast assortment of ships that form the World's most powerful Armada. Days of Operation: March - December Daily. Hours of Operation: Varies • Estimate tour time is two hours • Educational programs • Group and tiered pricing • Maximum people for tour is 149 • Packages available • Private charters available • Wheelchair available • Motorcoach parking-Harbor Park Lot E&F
PERFORMING ARTS ATTUCKS THEATRE 1010 Church Street (757) 664-6464 www.sevenvenues.com This st ate and nat ional landmark has been caref ully renovated and is ready for its encore. The Attucks Theatre was built in 1919 as a mecca for enter t ainment and commerce, s t r a t e g i c a l l y l o c a t e d o n C hu r c h Street, the heart of the city’s minority communit y, much like New York’s H a r l e m . To d a y, t h e A t t u c k s h a s the distinction of being the oldest remaining legitimate theatre in the nation that was completely finance, designed, constructed and operated by African-Americans. In is heyday, the Attucks hosted the likes of Duke Elling ton, Ruth brow n, Marian Anderson and Nat King Cole. Closed since the mid-1950s and neglected for decades, the Attucks is once again playing host to a large variety of live performance events. We invite you to celebrate this vibrant new stage in the rich cultural legacy of the Attucks Theatre, once again a mecca for worldclass arts and entertainment for the enjoyment of all. • Group ticket pricing is available • Location for group meals • Wheelchairs available • Motorcoach parking at Attucks Theatre
BROADWAY AT CHRYSLER HALL 215 St. Pauls Boulevard (757) 664-6464 www.sevenvenues.com The annual Broadway at Chrysler Hall Series hosts a dazzling line-up year after year. Box office hours of operation: Monday-Friday 10-5:30p.m. • E ducationalprograms for students • Group ticket pricing is available • Location for group meals
THE GENERIC THEATER 912 West 21st Street (757) 441-2160 www.generictheater.org Holding a unique place in the cultural life of Hampton Roads as the area’s “off-Broadway” playhouse, the Generic Theater of Virginia challenges and delights audiences with new, different and offbeat theater fare. Featuring plays of artistic merit, which for a variety of reasons, are unlikely to be produced on other stages, patrons of the theater are sure to encounter a unique performing arts experience.
THE GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL FOR THE ARTS 1542 West 49th Street 1 (757) 451-4711 www.gsarts.net Performances in instrumental and vocal music, musical and straight theatre and dance as well as Visual Art exhibitions are presented in various Norfolk venues from November through May. Call for ticket information.
935 Woodrow Avenue (757) 627-5347 www.hurrahplayers.com The Hurrah Players are celebrating 25 years of making dreams come true! Hailed as Virginia’s Leading Family T he at re C omp a n y, Hu r r a h of fer s classes for children and adults in all areas of performing arts as well as produces full scale musical productions throughout the year. Days of Operation: Monday – Friday 9a.m. – 5p.m.; classes & performance times vary. • Educational and Holiday programs • Boy and Girl Scout programs • AAA/AARP rates • Group pricing available • Motorcoach parking on street
THE LITTLE THEATRE OF NORFOLK 801 Claremont Avenue (757) 627-8551 www.Itnonline.org At 80+ years young, the Little Theatre of Norfolk may be one of the oldest cont inually act ive t heaters in t he country. Tucked away in West Ghent, the theater operates as a volunteer, nonprofit organization.
THE NORFOLK CHAMBER CONSORT (757) 623-5531 www.ncconsort.org E x plor i ng t he v a s t r ep er t oi r e o f c ha mber mu sic for m i xed w ind s, st r ings, keyboard and voc als, t he Nor f o l k C h a m b er C on s or t o f f er s varied programming consisting of contemporar y and classical music dating from 1700 to the present day performed by the area’s top musicians. C onc er t s a re Mond ay e v en i ng at Chandler Recital Hall on the campus of Old Dominion University.
NORFOLK SCOPE ARENA 201 East Brambleton Avenue (757) 664-6464 www.sevenvenues.com Opened in 1971, Norfolk Scope is the host to a variety of events, including
convent ions, concer t s and family s ho w s . S c op e i s pr oud t o b e t he home of the Norfolk Admirals of the American Hockey League and Arena Racing USA. Scope has an exclusive caterer who runs Showcase Restaurant and will help with any catered event. Contact Aramark at (757) 622-5600 for Showcase Restaurant reservations. • Group ticket pricing is available • Restaurant facilities available • Wheelchairs available • Motorcoach parking available across from Scope
VIRGINIA ARTS FESTIVAL (757) 282-2800 www.vafest.org One of the premiere cultural events in the mid-Atlantic, the Virginia Arts Festival showcases performing artists from around the world. Presenting 80+ performances to guests during its six week run each spring. The Festival’s lineup is dazzling with music, theatre, dance and the spectacle of the Virginia International Tattoo performances, the Virginia Arts Festival is truly an event for all ages. • Educational programs for students and senior groups • Holiday programs • Packages available • Group ticket pricing available • Minimum number of people is 15
VIRGINIA BALLET THEATRE 134 West Olney Road (757) 622-4822 www.virginiaballettheatre.com V ir g in ia B a l let The at re bu i ld s on the tradition that began when Gene Hammett founded the Norfolk Civic Ballet and made the excitement and artistr y of live ballet performance a reality. Today, the Virginia Ballet Theatre appeals to a vast and diverse audience, with a repertoire that offers full-length classical ballet productions as well as dy namic contemporar y works by the great choreographers of our time. • Group ticket pricing available
236 East Plume Street (757) 851-9114 www.vachoralsociety.org The Virginia Chorale is one of America’s leading professional choruses. Composed of 23 highly trained singers led by Music Director Robert Shoup, the chorale performs music from many centuries, often singing in acapella repertoire.
Wells Theatre 254 Granby Street (757) 672-1234 or (757) 664-6464 www.vastage.com Virginia Stage Company is the region’s only fully professional resident theater company, serving an audience of over 90,000 annually. Originally founded as The Norfolk Theatre Center in 1968, the Company changed it s name to Virginia Stage Company and took on its present form in 1979. VSC’s mission is to “enrich, educate and entertain the region by creating and producing theatrical art of the highest quality and worthy of national prominence.” The Wells Theatre is the proud home of the Virginia Stage Company.
VIRGINIA OPERA 160 East Virginia Beach Boulevard (866) OPERA-VA www.vaopera.org Virg inia Opera, t he Of f icial Opera Company of the Commonwealth of V i r g i n i a , p er for m s i n D ow nt ow n Norfolk at the elegant Harrison Opera House. Hailed as “one of the nation’s ver y best reg ional companies” by NBC Night ly News, Virginia Opera ha s ear ned a solid reput at ion for exemplar y product ions under t he artistic guidance of Maestro Peter Mark. The company is also know n for its extensive opera education and outreach program, which touched the lives of more than 150,000 adults and students throughout Virginia. Days of Operation: Varies by performance schedule, box office routinely open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. • Educational programs • Outreach programs & workshops • Group and tiered pricing available • Group sales for main stage opera performances – 10 minimum for group sale • Wheelchair seating available • Motorcoach parking – North parking lot of Harrison Opera House
• Outreach programs and workshops • Tiered pricing • AAA/AARP rates • Group pricing with minimum of 20 • Meet and greet service • Wheelchair seating
Box Office (757) 892-6366 www.virginiasymphony.org Grammy – nominated Music Direc t or JoA nn Fa l let t a le ad s t he Virginia Symphony, the preeminent professional orchestra in Hampton R o a d s , t h r o u g h m o r e t h a n 14 0 performances each year. Concert s include classical, pops, dance, outdoor and family series. Concert times vary. Evening and matinee performances are available. • Educational programs for student and senior groups • Holiday programs • Boy and Girl Scout programs • AAA/AARP rates • Group ticket pricing available, call (757) 213-1418 • Packages available • Motorcoach parking available at Chrysler Hall
SPORTS LAKE WRIGHT GOLF COURSE 6280 Northampton Boulevard (757) 459-2255 www.hamptonroadsgolf.net A short drive from one of the eight engineering wonders of the world— the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, is the Lake Wright Golf Course. Golfers can “stay and play” as the course is adjacent to the Quality Suites & Sleep Inn at Lake Wright Hotel.
LAMBERT’S POINT GOLF COURSE 4301 Powhatan Avenue (757) 489-1677 www.lambertspointgolf.com Lambert’s Point, located on the scenic Elizabeth River, offers Norfolk a new and exciting nine -hole, par 34 golf course and practice facility. This 2,800yard layout features rolling hills, bent grass greens, Bermuda fairways and fabulous views of the Elizabeth River from every hole.
NORFOLK ADMIRALS ICE HOCKEY Scope 201 East Brambleton Avenue (757) 640-1212 www.norfolkadmirals.com Nor fol k i s home t o t he A mer ic a n Hockey League’s Norfolk Admirals. Affiliated with the Chicago Blackhawks of the NHL, the team plays home games at the Norfolk Scope. • Group ticket pricing available • Location for group meals • Motorcoach parking available across from Scope
NORFOLK STATE UNIVERSITY SPARTANS, NCAA DIVISION 1 700 Park Avenue I (757) 823-9009 V i r g i n i a’s l a r g e s t H i s t o r i c a l l y Black College and Universit y has spawned several Olympic athletes f rom it s NC A A spor t s prog rams. NSU’s 30,000-seat football stadium i s on e o f t h e 10 l a r g e s t a m o n g D i v i s i o n 1- A A s c h o o l s . N o r f o l k State University is a public, urban,
comprehensive University offering programs at the undergraduate and g raduate levels. Founded in 1935, Norfolk State University adheres to the traditional purpose of the HBCU and espouses the tradition of service to its students, its alumni, the academy, the Commonwealth of Virginia, the nation and the world.
NORFOLK TIDES/HARBOR PARK 150 Park Avenue (757) 664-6464 www.sevenvenues.com Harbor Park is proud to be the home of the Norfolk Tides, the Baltimore Orioles farm team. Nestled on the Elizabeth River, the 36 -acre Harbor Park also hosts NCAA baseball, concerts, high school football and the ever-popular Haunted Harbor Park. The 12,067 seat stadium boasts 20 luxury suites, pre s s facilit ie s, includ ing t wo T V broadcasting booths, and a 300-seat restaurant. Harbor Park also features a complete picnic area for private par t ies, as well as an except ional variet y of concession food and beverages for stadium guests. • Group ticket pricing available • On-site location for group meals • Restaurant facilities available • Wheelchairs available • Motorcoach parking available at Harbor Park lots E & F
OCEAN VIEW GOLF COURSE 9610 Norfolk Avenue (757) 480-2094 www.oceanviewgc.com Located one block from the Chesapeake Bay and mar ina, Ocean View Golf course is a golfer’s delight. The walls of the clubhouse tell the story of this 1930s Walter Taylor-designed course as well as this Norfolk neighborhood. Visitors will also enjoy many of the area’s local bayside restaurants.
OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY MONARCHS, NCAA DIVISION 1 4427 Hampton Boulevard (757) 683-4444 www.odu.edu The Ted Constant Convocation Center makes watching ODU basketball a t reat w it h more t han 8,0 0 0 seat s and superior concessions. The Lady Monarchs rank 30th in the nation in women’s basketball attendance and captured and NCAA-record 14th straight conference championship in t he 20 0 4 - 05 se a son, wh ile t he Monarchs won the CA A Crown and advanced to the NCAA tournament. The 188 acres of the Old Dominion Un i v er s it y c a mpu s s t r e t c h f r om the Elizabeth River to the Lafayette River. Founded in 1930 as a division of the College of William and Mary, Old D om in ion h a s g row n int o it s own over the years and is now one of only 101 public universities with a Carnegie/Doctoral Research-Extensive distinction
VIRGINIA WESLEYAN COLLEGE MARLINS, NCAA DIVISION III 1584 Wesleyan Drive (757) 455-3303 www.vwc.edu The Marlins f inished number t wo in the Virginia Sport s Information D i re c t or s A s s o c i at ion A l l - Sp or t s Survey for Division II and III colleges and universities for the 2004 -2005 academic year. Virg inia Wesleyan College is a small, four-year liberal arts college bordering Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Wesleyan not only offers education inside the classroom, but also allows learning opportunities out side t he classroom t hrough internships, fieldwork, and community service and study abroad programs.
•15• Tides photo by Travis Brower
regional attractions HAMPTON Casemate Museum – Fort Monroe, VA Exit 268 from I-64 (757) 788-3391 www.tradoc.army.mil/musuem Complet ed in 1834 and named in honor of President James Monroe, For t Monroe is recog ni zed a s t he largest stone for t ever built in the United States. Nicknamed Freedom’s Fortress, this Union-held fortification provided a safe haven for hundreds of runaway slaves during the Civil War. It was also the site where the Army of the Potomac landed before beginning the march toward Richmond during the Peninsula C ampaig n dur ing t he civ il War. Today t his inst allat ion is t he headquarters of the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command. Hours of Operation: Open daily from 10:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. Closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Hampton History Museum 120 Old Hampton Lane (757) 727-6338 www.hampton.va.us/history_museum The Hampton History Museum includes nine permanent galleries arranged in chronological order showing the 4 0 0 ye a r s of de velopment of t he cit y and surrounding areas as the oldest continuous English-speaking settlement in America. Artifacts drawn from the city’s extensive collection highlight the diverse contributions of t he e a rl y v i l l ag e s t h rough t he emergence of the modern city as a center of air and space research. An interesting twist to Hampton’s history is it s strong parallels to American history so that it is relevant to people from all over the United States. Hours of Operation: Monday-Saturday 10a.m.5p.m., Sunday 1-5p.m. Estimated tour time is one hour.
Miss Hampton II Harbor Cruises 710 Settlers Landing Road (888) 757-BOAT or (757) 722-9102 This double-decked tour boat offers daily narrated cruises of the Hampton Roads harbor and Chesapeake Bay. Get a taste of Hampton's seafaring culture as you take to the water to see local fishing boats, mighty commercial c argo ships, Black beard's Point, Old Point
Comfort, Fort wool, and the awesome gray fleet at the world's largest naval installation, Norfolk Naval base; tour length: approx. 2/1/2 to 3 hours. Special tours, programs, and all-day cruises av a i l able, inc lud ing Int r ac o a s t a l Waterway excursions and James River Ghost Fleet tours. Private Charters offered. Purchase tickets at the Harbor Cruises office located in the Cousteau Society building. Hours of Operation: April - October, Daily 10 a.m. Memorial Day - Labor Day, Daily 10 a.m. & 2 p.m. Closed November-March.
Virginia Air & Space Center 600 Settlers Landing Road (757) 727-0900 www.vasc.org Take flight to the Virginia Air & Space Center, the visitor center for NASA Langley Research Center and Langley Air Force Base. Launch a rocket, pilot a space shuttle, fly an airplane, see the Apollo 12 capsule, board a DC-9 and experience a 3-D IMAX film! Hours of Operation: Labor Day-Memorial Day, Monday-Saturday 10a.m.-5p.m. and Sunday 12-5p.m.; from Memorial DayLabor Day, Monday-Wednesday 10a.m.5p.m.; Thursday-Sunday 10a.m.-7p.m.
NEWPORT NEWS Endview Plantation 362 Yorktown Road (757) 887-1862 www.endview.org Built in 1769 by William Har wood, the Georgian-style house known as Endv iew Plantation has witnessed momentous event s in A mer ic an history. Situated a top a knoll near a spring. Endview’s land was traversed by Native Americans of the Powhatan Chiefdom a thousand years before the coming of the English. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Endview’s owner, Dr. Humphrey Harwood Curtis, formed the Warwick Beauregard’s which became Company H, 32nd Virginia Volunteer Infantry. Maintained today as a living history and house museum, Endview offers a wide variety of programs which allow visitors the unique opportunity to experience histor y at one of the Virginia Peninsula’s premier sites. Hours of Operation: January to March is Monday and Thursday-Saturday from 10a.m.-4p.m. From April to De3cember, the home is open for tours Monday and Wednesday-Saturday from 10a.m.4p.m. and Sunday from 1-5p.m..
Lee Hall Mansion 163 Yorktown Road (757) 888-3371 www.leehall.org Lee Hall, an Italian mansion construction c. 1859, was once home to one of Warwick County’s leading landowners, Richard Decauter Lee, who achieved prominence using the met hod of scientific farming. It is the only late 19th century plantation house remaining on Virginia’s Lower Peninsula, and it ser ved as t he headquarters for Confederate Generals John Bankhead Magruder and Joseph E. Johnston during the spring of 1862. Additionally, it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Hours of Operation: January to March is Monday and Thursday-Saturday from 10a.m.4p.m. and Sunday from 1-5p.m. From April to December, the home is open for tours Monday and WednesdayS at u rd ay f rom 10 a .m .- 4p.m . a nd Sunday 1-5p.m.
The Mariners’ Museum 100 Museum Drive (757) 596-2222 www.mariner.org Welc ome t o o ver 50 0 ye a r s of seafaring adventure at the Mariners’ Museum. In over 60,000 square feet of exhibition space you can e s c ap e t o t h e e r a s o f early exploration and mahogany Chris-Crafts, delight in the displays of intricate miniature ship models and fascinating f ig urehead s and see t he conser v at ion of ar t ifact s f r o m t h e f a m o u s C i v i l Wa r ironclads, the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia. The USS Monitor Center w ill t hr ill families w it h breathtaking exhibitions on these historic Civil War ironclads and
houses one of the largest st ate - ofthe-art conservation centers on the East Coast. Spend an entire day at the Museum and enjoy the beautiful 550acre park with a 5-mile walking trail, the Museum Shop and the Museum Café. Hours of Operation: MondaySaturday, 10a.m.-5p.m. and Sunday 12 noon-5p.m., except on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Virginia Living Museum 524 J. Clyde Morris Blvd (757) 595-1900 www.thevlm.org Groups of all ages can discover, explore, wonder and learn about all things native to Virginia at the Virginia Living Museum. The Museum combines the element s of a nat ive w ildlife park, science museum, aquarium, botanical preser ve and planet arium a l l in one be aut if ul setting and has handson experiences that w ill engage groups of all ages. Groups may also book additional “group only: shows at the Planetarium Theater. Hours of Operation: Open daily: summer 9a.m.6p.m., Winter 9a.m.-5p.m., Sundays 12p.m.-5p.m. Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
PORTSMOUTH Children’s Museum of Virginia 221 High Street (757) 393-5258 www.childrensmuseumva.com Test your skills on a rock- climbing w a l l, c re at e your ow n mu sic in a sound studio, walk inside a computer, and stand inside a giant bubble. Any adult who is still young at heart will marvel at the “Lancaster Antique Toy & Train Collection.” The entire collection, valued at over $1 million, features four working layouts, plus a number of trains that are displayed in large glasses lining the walls of a spacious display room on the museum’s second level. Hours of Operation: TuesdaySaturday 9a.m.-5p.m. and Sunday 11a.m.-5p.m., Open daily Memorial DayLabor Day and Closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day.
The Commodore Theatre 421 High Street (757) 393-6962 www.commodoretheatre.com A 1945 Art Deco-style motion picture theater shows first-run movies while serving light dinners. A unique ordering system allows patrons to pick up a phone at their table and place their order directly with the kitchen. The theater also offers traditional-style seating in
an upstairs balcony area. Among the many features: a 42-foot screen, THX Digital sound system, upholstered seating and crystal chandeliers. Hours of Operation: Seven days a week with evening showings. Matinees are offered on weekends and selected weekdays.
Virginia Sports Hall of Fame & Museum 206 High Street (757) 393-8031 www.vshfm.com This attraction features interactive, h a nd s - on ac t i v it ie s l i ke pit c h ing baseballs, shooting hoops, throwing footballs and kicking a soccer ball to make a goal. Visitors can feel what it’s like to sit behind the wheel on one of Virginia’s racetracks. The facility also boasts an updated “Hall of Honor,” a dy namic high - def init ion dig it al theater, an interactive media center and a “Campus of Champions” exhibit highlighting the rich sports history at Virgin’s colleges and universities. Hours of Operation: Open TuesdayThursday: 9a.m.-5p.m. Friday-Saturday: 9a.m.-7p.m. Sunday: 11a.m.-5p.m. Open daily Memorial Day-Labor Day.
VIRGINIA BEACH Adam Thoroughgood House 1636 Parish Road (757) 460-7588 www.vbgov.com/dept/arts This 300 -year-old National Historic Landmark is one of the few surviving examples of Post Medieval architecture i n V i r g i n i a . It i s f u r n i s h e d w i t h authentic late 17th century and early 18th-centur furniture and features a charming English-style garden. Hours of Operation: Tuesday-Saturday 9a.m.5p.m. and Sunday 11-5p.m., Closed Monday and most holidays.
Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge 4005 Sandpiper Road (757) 721-2412 www.fws.gov/backbay Established in 1938, this 9,000-acre fresh water refuge borders the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Back Bay on the west. The barrier islands feature sand dunes, maritime forests, fresh water marshes and ponds, ocean beach and large impoundments for wintering waterfowl. These tranquil habitats can be accessed by marsh trails, bikes, a boardwalk overlook and the beach itself. Hours of Operation: Open yearround from dawn to dusk daily.
Edgar Cayce Visitors Center
Lynnhaven House
6700 Atlantic Avenue (757) 428-3588 www.edgarcayce.org In 1931, t he rem a rk able p s yc h ic , E dg a r C a y c e, fou nde d t he Wor ld Headquarters for the association of Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.). Today, the Visitors Center maintains o n e o f t h e l a r g e s t m e t ap h y s ic a l librar ies in t he United St ates and makes all of Cayce’s readings available to the public. Open seven days a week, the Visitors Center offers free activities such as ESP demonstrations, daily guided tours, a movie on Edgar Cayce’s life and work, and daily lectures on t opic s f rom t he re ad ing s s uc h a s health, ESP, dreams, astrolog y and meditation. Also on the premises: the A.R.E. Bookstore, the Massage/Day Spa Center, a dedicated meditation room, a med it at ion ga rden and a labyrinth. Hours of Operation: Open year-round, Monday-Saturday, 9a.m.8p.m. and Sunday, noon-8p.m. Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.
4405 Wishart Drive (757) 460-7109 Ly n n h aven Hou s e i s a V i r g in ia landmark and on the National Register of Historical Places. Situated on five acres in a peaceful country-like setting. Docents in period dress conduct tours of the house and grounds as guests arrive. On the grounds are an 18thcentury family graveyard and an herb garden. Open Hours of Operation: Yearround, Tuesday-Saturday 10-4p.m.
First Landing State Park 2500 Shore Drive (800) 933-PARK or (757) 412-2300 www.dcr.starte.va.us/parks/1stland.htm
L o c at e d o n t h e C h e s ap e a k e B a y and originally built by the Civ ilian Con ser v at ion Cor ps in t he 1930 s, First Landing State Park emphasizes historical and ecological preservation. Recreat ional act iv it ies include boating, swimming, hiking, biking and camping with bay access, boat launch, campsites, cabins and 19 miles of trails on 2,888 acres. Hours of Operation: Year-round, daily 8a.m.- dusk.
Military Aviation Museum 1341 Princess Anne Rd (757) 490-3151 www.militaryaviationmuseum.org This museum has a huge collection of World War II Aircraft that are fully operational. Also includes many other non-aviation items on display. Hours of Operation: Open year-round, MondaySunday, 8:30a.m. - 5p.m. and closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.
The Old Coast Guard Museum 24th Street & Oceanfront (757) 422-1587 www.oldcoastguardstation.com Located on the boardwalk in a historic 1903 Life-Saving Station, the museum depicts the history of the U.S. LifeSaving & coast Guard Ser vices and shipw reck s of f the Virginia coast. The museum is a Virginia Historic Landmark on the National Register of Historic Places. Museum store is on site. Hours of Operation: Open yearround.
Virginia Aquarium – A Marine Science Center 6717 General Booth Blvd (757) 385-7777 www.virigniaaquarium.com The V i r g in ia A qua r iu m & M a r ine S c ienc e C ent er i s one of t he t op a q u a r i u m s i n t h e c o u n t r y. T h e Aquarium hosts over 700,000 gallons of aquariums and live animal habitats focusing on Virginia’s diverse and unique marine env ironment. With more the 300 hands- on exhibit s, a nature trail, three animal touch tanks and the states larges 3-D IMAX theater, a v isit to the Aquarium is not only exciting and fun, but truly educational. To complete the experience at the Aquarium there are two stores and a café. Hours of Operation: January 1st – May 24th , 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; May 25th – Sept. 7th, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Closed Thanksgiving and Christmas.
WILLIAMSBURG Berkeley Plantation (Between Williamsburg & Richmond) (888) 466-6018 www.berkeleyplantation.com This 1726 Georgian mansion and Virginia’s most historic plantation, is the birthplace of Benjamin Harrison and P resident William Henr y Har r ison. The f irst of f icial Thank sgiv ing was held at the plant ation in 1619. “Taps” was composed here in 1862 at the Civil War headquarters of General McClellan. Out st anding gardens overlook the Ja me s R i v er. P er io d a nt iq ue s . Hours of Operation: Open daily 9a.m.-5p.m.
Colonial Williamsburg (800) HISTORY www.colonialwilliamsburg.com America’s largest live interpretive museum experience, the 301-acre historic area brings Virginia’s 18th century capital city to life everyday. Meet Patriots and Loyalists, ride a carriage as well as visit the shops and taverns where Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and others conceived the ideals of liberty and personal freedom that influenced the nation’s founding. Evening entertainment include colonial music, dance and theater.
Busch Gardens Williamsburg (800) 343-7946 www.buschgardens.com This European themed park is bursting with adventure. The park boasts more than 50 thrilling rides, attractions and shows.
Jamestown Settlement P.O. Box 1607 (757) 253-4939 www.historyisfun.org As an accredited Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) facility, the Virginia Living-history museum explores the world of America’s first permanent English colony. An 30,000 square-foot exhibition galleries and introductory film trace Jamestown’s beginnings in England and the first century of the Virginia colony. Visitors are invited to scrape out a canoe, play games, wear armor and engage in other activities making the 17th century come alive. Hours of Operation: Open daily year-round 9a.m. - 5p.m. and open daily 9a.m.-6p.m. June 15-August 15, closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Wiliamsburg Winery 5800 Wessex Hundred (757) 229-0999 www.williamsburgwinery.com Virginia’s largest winery is open daily for tours and tasting. Professional guides offer fun, educational tours of the winery and a tasting of seven wines. Also, enjoy lunch at Gabriel Archer Tavern, featured in The New York Times. Hours of Operation: April – October, Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., November – March, Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Yorktown Victory Center P.O. Box 1607 (757) 253-4939 www.historyisfun.org The Yorktown Victory Center chronicles America’s struggle for independence from the beginning of colonial unrest to the formation of a new nation. A new Declaration of Independence Gallery emphasizes the dramatic impact and relevance of this historic document. Exhibits also provide eyewitness accounts of the American Revolution and describe the convergence of forces on Yorktown in 1781 for the climactic military engagement of the Revolution. Outdoors, historical interpreters engage visitors in everyday life during the Revolutionary Era. Muster the troops in a Continental Army encampment to experience a soldier’s life and a re-created 1780’s farm, help with chores such as weeding the garden and processing flax. Hours of Operation: Open daily 9a.m.-5p.m., until 6p.m. June 15-August 15. Closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
f e s t i va l c a l e n da r January
Restaurant Week
Norfolk’s International Azalea Festival
(757) 623-1757 www.downtownnorfolk.org The area’s original restaurant week is in Downtown Norfolk on Granby Street. See why dow ntow n is the region’s premier dining destination. Evening participating restaurant will offer a special three-course meal for a special fixed price. Reservations are strongly recommended.
April Virginia Arts Festival April through May (757) 282-2800 www.vafest.com One of the premiere cultural events in the Mid-Atlantic, the Virginia Arts Festival showcases performing artists from around the world. Presenting 80+ performances to guests during its six week run each spring. The Festival's lineup is dazzling with music, theatre, dance and the spect acle of t he V i r g i n i a International T a t t o o performances, the Virginia Arts Festival is truly an event for all ages.
(757) 282-2801 www.azaleafestival.org When the azaleas are in full bloom, Nor folk rolls out the red carpet to h on or t he Nor t h A t l a nt ic Tr e at y Organization (NATO) with a week-long celebration. Events include The Parade of Nations, NATOfest, music festival, art exhibits, Virginia International Tattoo and the coronation of Queen Azalea and her Court. Groups can head off to the Parade of Nations on Saturday morning to see floats, bands and the Azalea Festival Court. Other events for the festival include the Virginia Int er nat iona l Tat t oo and s t udent performance competition.
Norfolk’s Azalea Festival Music Competition-Student Competition (800) 644-7776 www.usafest.org All grade levels of music students are invited to participate in the annual compet it ion dur ing t he Nor fol k’s International A zalea Festival. The program is designed around the key components of every successful music program, adjudication, affirmation, motivation and stimulation. Be it a chorus, an orchestra or band, this weekend has it all! Choral g roups and instrumental groups perform on Friday at Chrysler Hall. Marching bands are a vital part of Norfolk
International Azalea Festival’s parade on Saturday morning. A ll music al en sembles w ill be par t of special awards ceremony held on Saturday before t he V ir g in ia Int er nat iona l Tattoo at the Scope Arena. For more information please contact Performing Arts Consultants.
Virginia International Tattoo Norfolk Scope (877) 741-ARTS www.vafest.com Presented annually at Norfolk Scope A rena, t he V irg inia Int er nat iona l Tattoo is an exhibition of marching bands, massed pipes and drums, drill teams, gymnasts, choirs and more. Each year, a cast of over 700 artists from many different countries creates an unforgettable spectacle under one roof for a breathtaking performance. This show is the largest show of its kind in the United States. The Virginia International Tattoo has been elected as one of eight “founding members” of the world’s most prestigious Tattoo s oc iet y - - - I ATO a l s o k now n a s t he International Association of Tattoo Organizers.
Spring Town Point Virginia Wine Festival Town Point Park (757) 288-2787 www.festeventsva.org Join in welcoming spring’s newest annual tradition featuring great music, gourmet foods, specialty wines, and samplings of newly released vintages and past favor it e s f rom V irg inia’s premier w ine -makers. Taste some of the regions newest additions at this festival. Guests can purchase a t able or indiv idual tickets. All wines presented during the festival can be purchased by the bottle or case.
AFR’AM Fest Town Point Park (757) 216-7518 www.sevaa.org Started in 1981 this festival has grown to become one of the largest AfricanA mer ic a n f a m i ly - or ient e d et h n ic cu lt ura l celebrat ion s on t he E a s t Coast. The festival focuses on visual arts, dance, music, literary arts and theater. Town Point Park comes alive with musical entertainment, historical in for m at ion , fo o d a nd c h i ld ren’s activities sponsored by Southeastern Virginia Arts Association.
Stockley Gardens Arts Festival Stockley Garden (757) 625-6161 www.hope-house.org/stockley.htm Art, music, food and laughter. Hope House Foundation hosts the sharing of these v it al activ ities that bring people in the community together. Approximately 150 of the area’s—as well as the nation’s —finest ar tist s exhibit a variety of mediums, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, photography and many others. The money raised at t he fest iv al goes directly to the Hope House Foundation.
Virginia Beer Festival Town Point Park (757) 288-2787 www.festeventsva.org For all the beer connoisseurs let’s celebrate! Water, hops, yeast and malt equal beer! Raise your glass, stein or mug to the great art of beer! Grab your gang and join us for a Saturday full of live entertainment, great food and a bevy of beers, microbrews and other libations from over 60 different breweries, domestic and international
JUNE Bayou Boogaloo & Cajun Food Festival Town Point Park (757) 441-2345 www.festeventsva.org Town Point Park is transformed into the Big Bayou Boogaloo & Cajun Food Festival for the hottest and spiciest weekend on the riverfront! The festival has three stages set up playing your favorite Cajun beat. Cajun delicacies are prepared by authentic Louisiana chefs. You can feast on craw f ish, jambalaya, gumbo, etoufee, alligator, sausages and beignets. Don’t worry there are always plenty of ice - cold beverages available to cool you off. In addition to the bands and food there is a multitude of family activities such as cooking demonstrations, eating contest, children’s activities and more!
Harborfest® Town Point Park (757) 441-2345 www.festeventsva.org Ta l l Sh ips a re com ing t o Nor fol k , Virginia! Over 20 Ships from countries around the world including Italy, Brazil, Ecuador, Spain and the Netherlands are invited to the Norfolk’s waterfront every year for this spectacular event. Come enjoy this annual outdoor festival at Town Point Park with fireworks, live music and great food. The festival kicks off on Friday with the parade of Sails, featuring Tall Ships from around the world sailing down the Elizabeth River for a two -hour parade. Groups can meander through the park watching the parade from land, or sail on the Elizabeth River in the parade on one of many of Norfolk’s harbor cruises. Tables can be reser ved in advance with ticket purchase. Come back to Town Point Park Saturday night for a grand display of fireworks on the Nor folk water f ront. Tall Ships are open for v isit ation during cer t ain times for guests to walk aboard the decks and meet sailors from around the world on Saturday and Sunday.
RestauRant WeeK
noRFolK’s latino Festival
(757) 623-1757 www.downtownnorfolk.org The area’s original restaurant week is in Downtown Norfolk on Granby Street. See why dow ntow n is the region’s premier dining destination. Ever y evening participating restaurants will offer a special three-course meal for a special fixed price. Reservations are strongly recommended.
(757) 441-2345 www.festeventsva.org For t he nint h year t he sun w ill go down, the stars will come out, and the largest outdoor dance f loor in Hampton Roads w ill heat up w it h t he hot t e s t s a l s a, mereng ue, and guaguanco dancing on the East Coast with live music by local, regional, and national Latin recording artists!
noRFolK’s Jazz Festival Town Point Park (757) 441-2345 www.festeventsva.org Enjoy the weekend grooving the sounds of top-notch jazz entertainment along the Elizabeth River waterfront. This is the oldest continuous outdoor Jazz Festival in Hampton Roads and has hosted an impressive array of the world’s finest Jazz musicians including Dizzy Gillespie, Kirk Whalum, Spyro Gyra, The Yellowjackets and Take 6. The festival runs Friday and Saturday night. Group combination tickets for both nights are available, for either general admission or reserved seating.
sePtemBer annual mid-autumn moon Festival Town Point Park (757) 441-2345 www.festeventsva.org C om memorat ing one of t he mo s t celebrated of Chinese holidays, the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival is rich in Asian culture and tradition. Normally celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar mont h in obser vance of t he bountiful autumn harvest, the event can also be held at various times during the autumn season. Members of the local Chinese community compare the Mid-Autumn Festival to the American Than k sg iv ing where familie s and friends come together to celebrate the bountiful harvest with a plentiful feast.
sunRise to sunset aCoustiC musiC Festival Town Point Park (757) 441-2345 www.festeventsva.org Town Point Park becomes an incredible outdoor coffee house and café, offering comfortable shaded seating areas, and plenty of room for lawn chairs and blanket s. Coffee connoisseurs will enjoy free coffee samples, hosted by seven local coffee houses. In the morning hours guests can purchase food from a continent al breakfast menu. In the afternoon gourmet picnic items will be available.
stoCKley gaRdens aRts Festival Stockley Garden (757) 625-6161 www.hope-house.org/arts/stockley-gardens
Art, music, food and laughter. Hope House Foundation hosts the sharing of these v it al activ ities that bring people in the community together. Approximately 150 of the area’s—as well as the nation’s —finest ar tist s exhibit a variety of mediums, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, photography and many others. The money raised at t he fest iv al goes directly to the Hope House Foundation.
NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Town Point Virginia Wine Festival Town Point Park (757) 441-2345 www.festeventsva.org E x p er ienc e t he t a s t e o f s om e o f Virginia’s finest wines at Town Point Park along t he Eli zabet h R iver a s N o r f o l k h o s t s o n e o f t h e s t at e’s largest outdoor wine festivals. With more than 25 of Virginia’s premier wineries offering a sampling of the Commonwealth’s finest wines, this weekend festival continues to be one of the area’s most anticipated events. Tables can be reserved in advance with ticket purchase.
Virginia’s Children’s Festival Town Point Park (757) 441-2345 www.festeventsva.org C a l ling a l l Tyke s! A whole day of act iv it ies geared toward children 10 and younger. With more than 50 creative and interactive activ ities, hands - on work shops, educat ional displays, cultural experience, arts, craf t s and more. This is one of Hampton Roads’ most beloved family festivals! Past enter t ainment has included Dora the Explorer, Spiderman and Blue’s Clues.
Holidays in the City (757) 623-1757 www.downtownnorfolk.org Celebrate six magical weeks of Holidays in the City in Downtown Norfolk. Get the season started off with the annual Grand Illumination Parade voted one of the TOP-20 events in the southeast. A f ter a communit y countdow n at 7PM t he Nor folk sk yline becomes illuminated with over 80,000 lights. Enjoy lighted floats, marching bands, and dancers. Cheer as we welcome Santa Claus to officially kick off the holiday season. Every night for the next six weeks there will be something for everyone to enjoy including cultural events, children’s activities, an outdoor ice skating rink and a lighted skyline that can’t be beat.
Garden of Lights Norfolk Botanical Garden (757) 441-5830 www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.org C e le br at e t h e “F o u r S e a s on s ” i n lights at Norfolk Botanical Garden, Thank sg iv ing t hrough New Year’s Day! Now in its 15th season, it is even bigger, brighter and more brilliant than ever before. View spider webs, Christmas elves and waterfalls in a light display that brings the holiday season to the gardens. Make memories you will treasure forever on the twomile driving tour through more than 750 thousand lights. Tours are from 5:30pm to 10pm nightly. Combination tickets are available with other area light shows, call for details. Guests with motor coaches over 40 feet will be asked to ride on a garden tram t hrough t he light display. Groups can add a hot chocolate and cookie reception afterwards to warm up from the cold.
sample itineraries Holidays in the City The city comes alive with bright lights, decorated homes and holiday shopping during the holiday season. Spend an afternoon ice skating at MacArthur on Ic e or t a k e a s t r ol l do w n ou r cobblestone streets to visit Norfolk’s historic houses all decorated for the holidays. The Hunter House Victorian Museum displays the Hunter family's collection of furnishings done up for a Victorian Christmas. The Moses Myers House, an elegant federal period home dating back to 1792, was built by one of Norfolk's first Jewish residents and is lavishly decorated for Hanukkah. Take a ride through Norfolk’s Garden of Lights to experience the magic of the gardens’ 2.5 mile twinkling light display from the comfort of a guided tram. End the evening with a holiday performance featuring the Nutcracker presented by the Virginia Arts Festival.
Military Reunions to Remember Each and every branch of our armed ser vices is invited back to Norfolk, Virginia to celebrate the city’s long history of strategic military. Discover t h e c omp e l l i n g s t o r y o f G en e r a l Douglas MacArthur and the millions of Americans who served our nation through five wars at the MacArthur Memorial. Explore Nauticus and stroll through over 200 years of naval history at the Hampton Roads Naval Museum.
Walk the teak decks of the Battleship Wisconsin, one of the last and largest battleships built by the U.S. Navy. Dine and dance aboard a cruise on the Spirit of Norfolk sailing down Norfolk’s water highway. Discover one of the world’s largest naval stations, Naval Station Norfolk and learn how this working base is a city in itself. Cruise past the world’s largest navy base by water on the Victory Rover Naval Base Cruise for a guided tour of aircraft carriers, submarines and more! Or relax in nature at the Norfolk Botanical Garden with a boat ride discover a variety of plants from the cultivated to the wild.
Rediscover Your Freedom – Virginia International Tattoo It is spring time in Norfolk and time to celebrate the International Azalea Festival and Virginia's International Tattoo. The azaleas are in full bloom and you can experience the East Coast’s largest collection of azaleas on a boat tour at the Norfolk Botanical Garden. Stop along the route for an educational class in one of the 20 themed gardens. Spend Saturday morning at the Parade of Nations, watching floats from around t he w or ld a nd s t udent bands from the U.S. and Canada per form. End the night/weekend with a hats off salute to
the armed forces with a performance by the Virginia International Tattoo, a patriotic display of military splendor, with a cast of over 800 performers from drill teams to pipe and drum corps.
Red Hatters Paint the City Red Paint the city red in Norfolk! Stroll through 5,000 years of art history at the Chrysler Museum of Art. Delight in a guided tour where the color red plays a significant role in the meaning of so many pieces. Visit a delightful world of jams, jellies and cakes in a behind t he scenes tour t hrough Rowena’s Cake Factory. Relax along a tree-lined riverbank at the Hermitage Foundation Museum, a 20th century historic home that consists of a worldwide art collection and contemporary ex hibition galleries. Spend t he af ter noon par t icipat ing in one of MacArthur Center's special cooking p ac k age s for g roup s, inc lud ing a cooking class at Williams-Sonoma or chocolate tasting tour at Lindt and Godiva. Indulge in antique shopping at the East Coast’s largest antique market located in the historic Ghent section of Norfolk. From Country French to 18th and 19th century pieces, Ghent is filled with antique shops that offer something for everyone.
Sail Harborfest – Norfolk, Virginia
A Taste of Norfolk – A Culinary Experience
Sh ip s f rom c ount r ie s a round t he world including Italy, Brazil, Ecuador, Spain and the Netherlands have been inv ited to Norfolk’s waterfront for this speculator event. Come enjoy an outdoor festival at Town Point Park with fireworks, live music and great food. Come aboard the Spirit of Norfolk for the Parade of Sails, watching tall ships from around the world sail down the Elizabeth River in a spectacular two-hour parade. This is the best view of t he harbor, w it h 700 boat s and vessels to see, as well as seven tall ships. Once the ships are docked, hop on board for a tour and meet sailors from abroad. Or set your own sails aboard a sunset cruise and take part in a sailing lesson on the American Rover Tall Ship.
Think small-town charm and big-city pleasures, with a thriving cultural and culinary scene, world-class museums, great shopping and extensive history! Delight in lunch at Rowena’s Tea Room filled with almond and lemon pound cakes and an assortment of jams. Tour the pound cake factory and Rowena will guide you behind the scenes to discover the secret of the pound cake and how her company all started from three fruit trees in her front yard. Then spend the afternoon participating in one of MacArthur Center's special cooking packages for groups, including a cooking class at Williams-Sonoma or chocolate tasting tour at Lindt and Godiva. Learn to make pizza at the California Pizza Kitchen and snack on your very own hand-made pizza! Or take a class at the Norfolk Botanical Garden, “Cooking with Herbs”. Learn how to grow herbs right in the garden that add the perfect touch to any meal. End the day with a boat or tram tour through over 20 theme gardens. Enjoy a famous ice cream cone from Doumar’s Rest aurant where Abe Doumar invented the first ice cream cone. Take an evening stroll down Granby Street for either dinner or lunch inside one of over forty locally chef owned and operated restaurants.
Virginia Beer Festival / Town Point Virginia Wine Festival Is the glass half empty or half full? Who cares at two outdoor festivals that offer dozens of breweries and wineries along the downtown Norfolk waterfront! Town Point Park comes alive each and every spring and fall with these two great outdoor festivals, the Virginia Beer Festival and the Spring Town Point Wine Festival. These popular festival favorites bring fine beers from nearly three dozen domestic and international breweries and newly released vintage wines as well as past favorites from Virginia’s premier wine-makers. Savor fabulous foods and live entertainment a l l a l on g t h e d o w n t o w n No r f o l k waterfront. Raise a glass to cheer a great time while dining and dancing under the stars aboard the Spirit of Norfolk. Take a bus tour of the world’s largest naval installation, Naval Station Norfolk with active duty Navy sailor. Then set sail aboard a sunset cruise on the American Rover Tall Ship. Soak up the sun and enjoy in a cold beer with the American Rovers’ own brewed beer. Stoll down Granby Street to dine in over 30 locally owned and chef operated restaurants, all in walking distance.
Student Tours Explore the Bay “Student Tour” Nor fol k i s sure t o ma ke a la s t ing impression on any student group! Sail across the Elizabeth River on the American Rover Tall Ship, the largest passenger carrying topsail schooner operating under the U.S. flag! Students c an become sk illed at sailing and nav igat ing a ship under t he st ars on this two hour cruise. Pet a shark, touch a tornado or learn how to build a battleship while studying the power of the sea at Nauticus. Get up close and personal with the animals at the Virginia Zoo with a behind the scenes tour. Kayak through our waterways at the Norfolk Botanical Garden. End the day on a guided walking tour with the Sea Legends and Ghost Tour. Enjoy a good ghost story while discovering why Norfolk embraces its tales of ghosts and ghouls. Dine and dance aboard the Spirit of Norfolk on a d i n ner or moonlight cruise.
Bands and Battleships Student Tour L o c at e d i n t he he a r t of t he M id Atlantic, Norfolk is the student tour get aw ay you’ve been w ait ing for! Take a guided bus tour of the world’s l a r g e s t n a v a l i n s t a l l at ion , Na v a l Station Norfolk. Perform aboard the Battleship Wisconsin, one of the last and largest battleships built by the US Navy. Sail across the Elizabeth River on the American Rover Tall Ship Cruise, with a student party cruise with pizza and entertainment! Walk in the shoes of a five st ar general and discover t h e c omp e l l i n g s t o r y o f G en e r a l
Douglas MacArthur and the millions of Americans who served our nation through five wars at the MacArthur Memorial. Board the Spirit of Norfolk for a student buffet, with dancing and live entertainment all while enjoying the panoramic skyline of Norfolk.
Day Packages Anchors Away Day Package Spend the morning at Nauticus, a fun and exciting interactive science and technolog y center, and explore the power of the sea! Visit the Hampton Roads Naval Museum and be introduced to over 200 years of naval activity in Hampton Roads. Enjoy a t wo hour lunch cr uise aboard t he Spirit of Norfolk accompanied by an informative narration along with great music and dancing. Enjoy panoramic views of the Norfolk Skyline and a close up view of the Navy’s Atlantic Fleet!
Pre & Post Cruise-Day Package Spend an extra day in Norfolk either before or after your cruise and delight in a few of the charming attractions this city has to offer. Stroll through 5,000 years of art histor y at the Chr ysler Mu seum of A r t , one of A mer ic a' s g reatest f ine ar t s museums. Then head over to Nauticus, the interactive contemporary museum which uses the natural setting of Norfolk's harbor to showcase global maritime commerce and the world's largest Navy. End the day with an American Rover Tall Ship Cruise and enjoy the spacious top decks or relax below in the climate controlled cocktail lounge.
The Big Ticket Day Package (March – December) Spend the morning at Nauticus, a fun and exciting interactive science and technolog y center and explore the power of the sea. Discover the Hampton Roads Naval Museum where you will be introduced to over 200 years of nav al act iv it y in Hampton Roads. Walk the teak decks of the Battleship Wisconsin, one of the last and largest battleships built by the U.S. Nav y. Stand beneath her 16- inch guns and feel the excitement of being aboard a historic warship. Then Board the V ictor y Rover Nav al Base Cr uise and see Naval Station Norfolk by sea!
cruise information Named after a fort built in 1673 on the same site, Norfolk's Half Moone Cruise and Celebration Center is open for business and welcoming passengers from across the country. The Half Moone Cruise and Celebration Center is Norfolk's newest and most unique waterfront attraction. The facility is not only a gateway for cruise ships sailing to beautiful ports-of-call, it's also the most magnificent venue in the area to host your special event or function. This stateof-the-art facility boasts one of the largest privately-owned ocean liner collections as well as 400-year-old artifacts from historic Jamestown. Embarking has never been made easier; a recent Bermuda-bound passenger said his experience was "flawless and fast." With the addition of the Half Moone Cruise and Celebration Center in downtown Norfolk, no other port comes close. The City of Norfolk offers convenient parking at the Cedar Grove parking lot. This lot offers 24 hour security and a complimentary shuttle that runs regularly for service to the Half Moone Cruise and Celebration Center. Located less than one mile from I-264, the Cedar Grove site is located on Monticello Avenue between Virginia Beach Boulevard and Princess Anne Road in downtown Norfolk. From I-264, take the City Hall Exit (Exit #10). At the light, turn right onto St. Paul's Boulevard and follow the "Cruise Parking" signs to Lot J on the city map.
Upon parking your vehicle, your luggage will be loaded aboard the shuttle and delivered to your cabin on board. If you are dropped off curb side at the pier, there will be porters there to assist you with your luggage. If you are arriving a day early, please visit www.norfolkcvb. com for a complete list of hotels with Park & Cruise Packages that include a hotel stay (pre and post) and complimentary shuttle service to and from the pier. For more information, contact Dana Howe, Consumer Sales Manager, (800) 3683097 ext. 627. If you are flying into Norfolk International Airport (ORF) the day of your cruise, it is approximately a 20 minute drive to the pier. Taxi fares range from $18-$25. For more information on Norfolk International Airport, directions and ground transportation options, visit www.norfolkairport.com. Upon arriving at the Half Moone Cruise and Celebration Center, please remember to have your passport and boarding documentation in hand. Before boarding, passengers will be required to go through security x-rays.
Parking is $10 per night for all cruises. No reservations are required and the parking fee can be paid in person upon entering the lot (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, cash and Travelers Checks are accepted). Discover card is not accepted.
Dining gUiDe RestauRant
pRice Range
219 Granby Street
downtown 219 Restaurant
456 Fish
456 Granby Street
AJ Gators
244 Granby Street
Asian Grill
411B Granby Street
BAR Norfolk
333 Waterside Drive
Baxters Sports Pub
500 Granby Street
Ben & Jerry’s
333 Waterside Drive
Big Easy Grill & Oyster Bar
111Tazewell Street
Bobbie B’s Deli
433 Granby Street
442 Granby Street
Byrd & Baldwin Brothers Steakhouse
116 Brook Avenue
California Pizza Kitchen
MacArthur Center
Cheesecake Factory
MacArthur Center
628-9260 EXT 231
Chili’s Bar and Grill
MacArthur Center
201 College Place
The City Dock Restaurant
777 Waterside Drive
The City Line Café
205 E City Hall Avenue
623-CAFE (2233)
Courtyard Café
Courtyard Marriott
Dominion Tower
Cuisine & Company
Chrysler Museum of Art
204 E. Main Street
Deli Plus
161 Granby Street
Diesel Pizza
Waterside Festival Marketplace
The Dining Room
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
Domo Japanese Restaurant & Sushi Bar
273 Granby Street
Empire Little Bar & Bistro
245 Granby Street
Espeto na Brasa A Brazilian Restaurant
233 Granby Street
Famous Uncle Al’s
155 Granby Street
437 Granby Street
Freemason Abbey
209 W. Freemason Street
French Bakery and Delicatessen
4108 Granby Street
The Gourmet Gang
440 E. Main Street
Grace Street Grille
217 Grace Street
Granby Bistro & Deli
225 Granby Street
Guadalajara City Café
411 Granby Street
271 Granby Street
Harry’s Famous Barbecue and Chicken
117 Tazewell Street
255 Granby Street
Have a Nice Day Café
333 Waterside Drive
cuisine & speciaLties
International fusion food served with flair
Fine dining restaurant with an eclectic menu featuring seafood
Sports food, seafood, American
Chinese food and sushi
DJ and dancing nightly
Fresh sandwiches, gourmet pizza and half dozen entrees
Ice cream
Tu-Sa M-F
New Orleans flare and oyster bar Breakfast, deli sandwiches, soup and salad
Spanish Mediterranean tapas bar
Serving only USDA prime beef aged on premises
Cheesecake, sandwiches, light fare
Casual atmosphere, American fare
Gourmet pastries, espresso, coffee and wine
American Café
M-F W-Su
Upscale lunch café
Serving breakfast all day; daily lunch specials
M-Sa Daily
High-end coffeeshop, soup and sandwiches, salads, wraps
Deli plus Mediterranean
Elegant ambience, creative
Japanese restaurant and sushi bar
Late Night
Brazilian steak house
M-F Daily
Hot dogs and more Daily
Daily Daily Daily
Served in a 129-year-old renovated church European-style pastries, custom cakes, famous pastrami sandwich
Chefs weekly specials and deli menu, caterers
American, sandwiches, barbeque
Daily Daily
French & Mediterranean Sandwiches & Subs
Specialty pizzas, pasta, desserts, salads, catering
Home cooking
American fare with Cuban twist
1970s-themed restaurant and dance club
(continUeD on next PAge)
Dining gUiDe RestauRant
(continUeD) addRess
pRice Range
124 Granby Street
downtown (continued) Hell’s Kitchen
Hits at the Park
Harbor Park, 150 Park Avenue
624-1048 x 186
333 Waterside Drive
Il Colosseo
147 Granby Street
Indra Lounge
251 Granby Street
333 Waterside Drive
J.K. Mart
999 Waterside Drive (Dominion Tower)
J Joe’s Crab Shack
Waterside Festival Marketplace
ohnny Rockets
MacArthur Center
Jumpin’ Juice & Java
Waterside Food Court
Kelly’s Backstage Tavern
320 Granby Street
Kevins Pub
700 Monticello Avenue (Radisson)
Kin’s Buffet
1720 Granby Street
Kincaid’s Fish, Chop & Steak House
300 Monticello Avenue
Leaping Lizard Café'
109 Main Street
Machismo Burrito Bar
409 W. York Street
Max & Erma’s
300 Monticello Avenue
Mi Hogar
4201 Granby Street
Mo & O’Malley’s
131 Granby Street
Monastery Restaurant
443 Granby Mall
Nauticus - The American Cafe
One Waterside Drive
Nordstrom Café
MacArthur Center
314-1111 x 1610
Oasis Cafe & Coffee House
142 West York Street
Omar’s Carriage House
313 W. Bute Street
Outback Steakhouse
333 Waterside Drive
Pagoda Garden Teahouse & Gallery
265 W. Tazewell Street
Rama Garden
441 Granby Street
Schlotzsky’s Deli
246 E. Main Street
Scotty Quixx
436 Granby Street
Seasons Bistro
700 Monticello Avenue (Radisson)
Shula’s 347
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
Sirena Cucina Italiana
455 Granby Street
The Southern Star
Waterside Festival Marketplace
245 Granby Street
259 Granby Street
TABB’s at RiverView
4019 Granby Street
Time Lounge
271 Granby Street
Todd Jurich’s Bistro
150 W. Main Street, Suite 101
Trilogy Bistro
101 Granby Street
$$ - $$$
Tropical Smoothie Café & Deli
265 Granby Street
cuisine & speciaLties
Meat and potatoes with flair
During Tides Games
During Tides Games
Dine overlooking Norfolk’s Major League-style baseball park
American fare; famous wings
Italian and Seafood Nightclub and Restaurant
Daily M-F
M-F Daily
Seafood, family atmosphere
1950s diner with ‘90s flair
Breakfast and grilled panini sandwiches
Eclectic American with imagination
Contemporary American
Asian buffet
Seafood and steaks, extensive bar, casual atmosphere
Soups, salads and sandwiches
Custom-made burritos & tacos
American; casual atmosphere
Irish pub food, daily lunch and dinner specials
T-Sa Daily M-F
Brunch Su
Eclectic cuisine, Morrocan Mondays
Australian theme, giant steaks
American Thai
Homemade bread, salads and fat-free frozen yogurt
International cuisine with a domestic flair
Gourmet salads, fish and steak
Steak, seafood, American; free parking M-Sa
Fine dining Italian
Country atmosphere with food, tunes and large dance floor
Serving Metropolitan style; full bar
Fresh sandwiches on homemade bread
M-F Daily
Casual; soups, sandwiches, entrees and desserts Homemade food and daily specials
European Variety of hot and cold fare on the Elizabeth River
Daily Daily Daily
Entertainment Megaplex! Eat, drink, play! Deli shop
Eclectic Tapas
Contemporary infused with French, Asian and American
Upscale dining with a cosmopolitan flair
For healthy people on the go
(continUeD on next PAge)
Dining gUiDe
pRice Range
Dominion Tower, 999 Waterside Drive
downtown (continued) Vintage Kitchen-Elizabeth River at Mile Marker Zero Waterside Burger Works
333 Waterside Drive
Yorgo's Bageldashery
215 East Plume Street
Zero’s Subs
319 Granby Street
222 21st Street
hampton BouLevaRd/oLd dominion univeRsity 21st Del
Amalfi Ristorante
2010 Colley Avenue
A.W. Shucks Raw Bar & Grill
2200 Colonial Avenue
Azar’s Market & Café
2000 Colley Avenue
Baker’s Crust
330 W. 21st Street
Bangkok Garden
339 W. 21st Street
430 W. 21st Street
The Boot
123 W. 21st Street
4416 Monarch Way
1901 Colonial Avenue
Colley Cantina
1316 Colley Avenue
Del Vecchios
1080 W. 47th Street
2001 Manteo Street
20th Street and Monticello Avenue
Elliot’s Fairgrounds News & Coffee
806 Baldwin Avenue
4012 Colley Avenue
3901 Colley Avenue
Greater Grinders
4311A Colley Avenue
The Green Onion
1603 Colley Avenue
Ibiza Spanish Resturant & Tapas Bar
328 21st Street
520 W. 21st Street
Kin’s Wok
222 H-1 W. 21st Street
721 W. 21st Street
Luna Maya
2000 Colonial Avenue
Magnolia Steak
749 W. Princess Anne Road
Moe’s Southwest Grill
520 W. 21st Street
Monarch’s Sports Grill
4500 Hampton Boulevard
Monastery Restaurant
443 Granby Mall
New Belmont
2117 Colonial Avenue
No Frill Bar and Grill
806 Spotswood Avenue
1300 Redgate Avenue
Pasha Mezze
350 W. 22nd St
Press 626 Café
626 West Olney Rd
742 W. 21 Street
Red Dog Saloon
1421 Colley Avenue
Rowena’s Tea Room
758 W. 22nd Street
San Antonio Sam’s
1501 Colley Avenue
Siam 21
742-G W. 21 Street
cuisine & speciaLties
Seasonal with focus on local ingredients
Hot oven baked subs
NY-style subs and sandwiches
Bagels and Bagel Sandwiches
Brick oven baked pizza, vegetarian and vegan menu
Fresh seafood
Lebanese, Mediterranean and vegetarian
Café. Fresh-baked breads, sandwiches, gourmet groceries
Authentic Thai cuisine
Pacific Rim-influenced tapas
Coffee house and café
Voted best pizza in Hampton Roads
Informal, Mexican, seafood and Southwestern menu
New York- and Chicago-style pizza, pasta, subs
Ribs, Chicken, Hamburgers, Delivery
Drive-in barbecue, fresh lemonade, ice cream
Organic coffee and tea, pastries, light fare
Italian and Greek
Gourmet pizza, Caesar and Greek salads, homemade pasta
Subs, salads, chips, party subs and catering
Seafood, steaks and vegetarian
Spanish Tapas and authentic paella
Japanese steakhouse and habachi
Japanese , sushi and noodles
Authentic Mexican menu
Bar and separate pool room; also, formal dining room
Brunch Su
American; casual atmosphere
M - Su
Modern American, buffet Sunday
Greek specialties; neighborhood atmosphere
Mediterranean cuisine, vegan and vegitarian selections, organic wines
Eco-friendly, local food establishment
Lamb, goat, seafood, vegan and vegetarian, baked breads
American; ribs, barbecue; Tex-Mex fare
Thu-Sa Brunch Sa-Su
Elegant fare in a quaint atmosphere
(continUeD on next PAge) •35•
Dining gUiDe RestauRant
(continUeD) addRess
pRice Range
hampton BouLevaRd/oLd dominion univeRsity (continued) Tanners Creek
5103 Colley Avenue
Taphouse Grill
931 W. 21st Street
Taste Unlimited
1619 Colley Avenue
The Ten Top
748 Shirley Avenue
Tortilla West
508 Orapax Street
509 Botetourt Street
The Wine House
1517 Colley Avenue
Yorgos Bageldashery
2123 Colonial Avenue
5805 Northhampton Boulevard
miLitaRy highway/aiRpoRt Aberdeen Barn The Azalea Room Café
6700 Azalea Garden Road
China Garden
854 N. Military Highway
Dawat Indian Cuisine
888 N. Military Highway
El Rodeo
5834 Virginia Beach Boulevard
Fountainside Café
Holiday Inn Select
German Pantry
5329 E. Va. Beach Boulevard
Golden Corral
6103 N. Military Highway
The Grate Steak
234 N. Military Highway
Max & Erma’s
1500 N. Military Highway
Olive Garden
5920 E. Virginia Beach Boulevard
Sal's Famous New York Pizza
1207 North Military Highway
Uptown Buffet
1050 N. Military Highway
Wasabi Steakhouse & Sushi Bar
5802 E. Va. Beach Boulevard Ste. 140
2344 E. Little Creek Road
ocean view Beach The Azalea Inn
Captain Groovy’s Raw Bar
8101 Shore Drive
El Azteca
1522 E. Little Creek Road
Franco’s Italian Restaurant
169 W. Ocean View Avenue
196-198 W. Ocean View Avenue
Mi Hogar
4201 Granby Street
Mona Lisa’s
9583 Shore Drive East Beach Shops
Naas Bakery
3527 Tidewater Drive
No. 1 China Buffet
7635 Granby Street #B
Ocean View Fishing Pier Restaurant
400 W. Ocean View Avenue
Regino’s Italian Restaurant
3816 E. Little Creek Road
Rom Thai
7512 Granby Street
Sai Gai Japanese Restaurant & Sushi Bar
7521 Granby Street
Terrace Café
6700 Azalea Garden Road
The Thirsty Camel
Ocean View Avenue and 4th View Street
cuisine & speciaLties
Steaks, seafood, chicken, ribs, pasta
American; microbrew draft selection and eclectic entrees
Gourmet sandwiches
Café; gourmet sandwiches, pastas, soups, vegan selections
South and Central American with their own interpretation
Tapas & international comfort food
Bagels and bagel sandwiches
Steaks and fresh seafood
Chinese , Szechuan, Peking and Cantonese fare
Daily Daily Daily
Authentic Indian
Italian seafood
Authentic German, groceries, candies, beverages
Daily F-Su Daily
Buffet and home cooking
Beef; choose and grill your own steak
American; casual atmosphere
A taste of Italy
Chinese buffet style restaurant. Buffet includes seafood and sushi
Japanese steakhouse and sushi
Casual pizza, subs and more
Sandwiches and salads
Seafood and burgers
Italian, pizza and subs
Specializes in pastries, donuts and homemade birthday cakes
Chinese food and sushi
Seafood, steaks, soup, salad and sampler platters
Seafood, steak, and traditional Italian
Authentic Thai
Traditional Japanese steak house
Steak and seafood, daily specials
Daily Sa-Su
Soup, salads, sandwiches
AccommoDAtions accommodations
downtown Courtyard by Marriott 520 Plume Street 757-963-6000 Freemason Inn, Bed & Breakfast 411 W York Street 757-963-7000 Norfolk Waterside Marriott 235 Main Street 757-627-4200 Page House Inn, Bed & Breakfast 325 Fairfax Avenue 757-625-5033 Radisson Hotel Downtown Norfolk 700 Monticello Avenue 757-627-5555 Residence Inn 227 W Brambleton Avenue 757-842-6216 Sheraton Norfolk Waterside Hotel 777 Waterside Drive 757-622-6664 Tazewell Hotel & Plaza 245 Granby Street 757-623-6200 hampton BouLevaRd/oLd dominion univeRsity Hampton Inn Naval Station 8501 Hampton Boulevard 747-489-1000 Quality Inn/Norfolk Naval Base 8051 Hamtpon Boulevard 757-451-0000 Spring Hill Suites, ODU Village 4500 Hampton Boulevard 757-423-4100 miLitaRy highway/aiRpoRt Candlewood Suites Norfolk Airport 5600 Lowery Road 757-605-4001 Days Inn Norfolk Airport 5701 Chambers Street 757-461-0100 Doubletree Hotel Norfolk Airport 880 N. Military Highway 757-461-9192 Econo Lodge Airport 3343 N. Military Highway 757-855-3116 Econo Lodge Military Circle 865 N Military Highway 757-461-4865 Hampton Inn & Suites Norfolk Airport 1511 USAA Drive 757-605-9999 Hilton Norfolk Airport 1500 N. Military Highway 757-466-8000 Holiday Inn Select Norfolk Airport 1570 N. Military Highway 757-213-2231 America’s Best Value Inn 235 N. Military Highway 757-461-6600 La Quinta Inn & Suites Norfolk Airport 1387 N Military Highway 757-466-7001 Quality Suites Lake Wright 6280 Northampton Blvd. 757-461-6251 Ramada Limited Airport 515 N Military Highway 757-461-1880 Ramada Norfolk Airport 1450 N Military Highway 757-466-7474 Residence Inn 1590 N Military Highway 757-333-3000 Savannah Suites 5649 Lowery Road 757-213-5454 Sleep Inn Lake Wright 6280 Northampton Blvd. 757-461-6251 Spring Hill Suites 6360 Newton Road 757-333-3100 ocean view Beach Best Western Holiday Sands Inn 1330 E. Ocean View Avenue 757-583-2621 Days Inn 7950 Shore Drive 757-587-8781 Econo Lodge-Little Creek 7969 Shore Drive 757-588-3600 America’s Best Value Inn 1850 E Little Creek Road 757-588-8888 Super 8 Motel 1010 W Ocean View Avenue 757-587-8761 Howard Johnson 719 E Oceanview Avenue 757-583-5211
aaa Rating
Room *h/a # of k/d types Rooms 65/60
757-963-6001 757-233-1897 757-628-6452 757-623-9451 757-533-9651 757-842-6217 757-622-4571 757-457-1516
3 3 3 4 3 N/A 3 3
K,D K0 K,D K K,D K,D K, Q K, Q, S
13 4/0 12 0 6 16 12 2
Interior Interior Interior Interior Interior
225/180 7/0 102/98 129/23 226/242 40/18
757-489-4509 757-451-8394 757-423-4110
3 3 3
D, K, S K,D K,D
2 5 8
63/54 85/45 42/68
Interior Exterior Interior
757-605-4002 757-461-5883 757-461-8290 757-857-6413 757-466-7249 757-605-5999 757-466-7806 757-213-2232 757-466-9093 757-466-7004 757-461-5925 757-461-4216 757-466-0117 757-333-3001 757-213-5456 757-461-5925 757-333-3101
N/A N/A 3 1 N/A 3 3 3 N/A 3 3 N/A 2 3 N/A 2 3
K, Q, D D, K K,D K,D K,Q K, D K, D K,Q K, D, S K,D K, D K,D K, S N/A K,Q K,D
3 8 0 N/A 2 10 6 3 N/A 5 N/A N/A 7 N/A 5 6
130/70 180/20 10/38 N/A 20/35 89/149 86/61 N/A N/A 33/74 N/A N/A 90/40 N/A 73/54 83/48
Exterior Interior Exterior Exterior
757-583-2621 757-480-6071 757-588-3600 757-588-8477 757-587-9473 757-583-6327
2 N/A N/A N/A 2 N/A
K,Q K,D,E K,D K, D K, D K, D
2 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A
26/64 69/36 N/A 18/41 N/A N/A
Exterior Exterior Exterior Interior Exterior Exterior
Interior Interior
Interior Interior Both Interior Interior Exterior Exterior Interior Interior Interior Interior
Room seRvice
fitness Room
meeting space
Off-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site
Indoor N Indoor N Outdoor Outdoor N
On-Site Off-Site
Y Breakfast Y Breakfast Y N Y Y
On-Site On-Site On-Site
Indoor Indoor Indoor
On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site
On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site
On-Site On-Site On-Site On-Site
Outdoor Outdoor N N Both Indoor Both Indoor Indoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor N Indoor Indoor Outdoor Outdoor N Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor
hot tuB/ pet whiRLpooL fRiendLy
Bus paRking
Rv paRking
PerformAnce VenUes peRfoRmance venue
Attucks Theatre
1010 Church Street
(757) 622-4763
Battleship Wisconsin
One Waterside Drive
(757) 322-2987
Chrysler Museum of Art
245 West Olney Road
(757) 664-6200
D’Art Center
Selden Arcade 208 East Main Street
(757) 625-4211
Granby Theater/Premiere
423 Granby Street
(757) 416-5415
Harrison Opera House
160 East Virginia Boulevard
(757) 623-1223
MacArthur Center
300 Monticello Avenue
(757) 627-6000
MacArthur Memorial
MacArthur Square
(757) 441-2965
L. Douglas Wilder Performing Arts Center
700 Park Avenue
(757) 823-2063
One Waterside Drive
(757) 664-1000
Norfolk Botanical Garden
6700 Azalea Garden Road
(757) 441-5830
Spirit of Norfolk
The Waterside, Otter Birth
(757) 625-1463
TCC Roper Performing Arts Center
340 Granby Street
(757) 822-1450
Ted Constant Convocation center
3420 Hampton Boulevard
(757) 683-5762
www.constantcenter.com / www.tedtix.com
The Norva Theater
317 Monticello Avenue
(757) 671-8100
Town Point Park
Downtown Norfolk
(757) 441-2345
Wells Theatre
108 E. Tazewell Street
(757) 664-6464
Virginia Zoo
3500 Granby Street
(757) 441-2374
Indoors. Electrical outlets, stage and chairs available. Seats 624. Call for stage dimensions and set up. Up to150 performers. Outdoors. Electrical outlets and chairs available Up to 100 performers. Indoors. Electrical outlets and stage available. Rental fees vary. Electrical outlets, stage and chairs available. Indoors. Call for details. Indoors. Electrical outlets and stage available. Indoors. Electrical outlets, stage and chairs avialable. Seats 1,632. Call for stage dimensions and set-up. Indoors. Up to 25 performers for choral and instrumental. Electrical outlets and chairs available. Seating up to 100. Electrical outlets available. Call for details. Indoors. Electrical outlets and stage available. Up to 100 performers. Outdoors. Electrical outlets and limited chairs available. Up to 1,000 performers. Indoor & Outdoor. Electrical units and chairs available. Up to 150 performers. No additional rental fee, only price of meal ticket. Electrical outlets, stage and chairs available. Seats 862. Stage is 44’ wide and 25’ deep. Indoors. Electrical outlets available. Seats 10,000. Indoors. Electrical outlets, stage and chairs available. Seven days a week. Call for stage dimensions and set-up. Indoors. Call for stage dimensions and set-up. Electrical outlets and stage available. Outdoors. Stage available. Up to 80-100 performers. Rental fees vary according to location. Electrical outlets, stage and chairs available. Seats 600. Call for stage dimensions and set-up. Up to 50 performers. Outdoor. Electrical outlets and chairs available.
Average Temperature
getting here Norfolk sits in the heart of the Mid-Atlantic and Virginia waterfront region, easily accessible by motorcoach! In fact, Norfolk is a days drive from two thirds of the U.S. population.
Norfolk International Airport (ORF) 2200 Norview Avenue • Norfolk, VA 23518-5807 757-857-3351 Fax: 757-857.3976 • www.norfolkairport.com • info@norfolkairport.com
33.4 37.9
Airline Reservations
American................ AA..........800-433-7300....................................www.aa.com
Continental.............CO...........800-525-0280................... www.continental.com 800-523-FARE (3273)
Delta.........................DL...........800 -221-1212................................www.delta.com Northwest..............NW..........800-225-2525................................ www.nwa.com Southwest..............WN..........800-435-9792..................... www.southwest.com United Express...... UA..........800-UNITED-1 (864-8331)........ www.united.com US Airways..............US...........800-428-4322..................... www.usairways.com
Ground Transportation Numbers Rental Cars Avis.......................... 800-831-2847 / 757-853-3178......................www.avis.com Budget..................... 800-527-0700 / 757-313-8271................ www.budget.com Dollar....................... 866-434-2226..............................................www.dollar.com Enterprise.............. 800-736-8222..................................... www.enterprise.com Hertz....................... 800-654-3131.............................................. www.hertz.com
Tunnels CHESAPEKE BAY BRIDGE-TUNNEL: One of seven man-made wonders of the world, this tunnel first opened in 1964. This 17.6 mile toll facility, Route 13, between Virginia Beach and Virginia’s Eastern Shore, shaves 95 miles off the trip from New York to Virginia. Current toll price is $12 each way. Motorcoach toll one way is $30 for two and three axles. Call (757) 331-2960 for more information. www.cbbt.com HAMPTON ROADS BRIDGE-TUNNEL: This toll-free bridge-tunnel, 3.5 miles long, crosses the Hampton Roads shipping channel, connecting the Southside of Hampton Roads with Peninsula cities of Newport News and Hampton via I-64. Call (757) 727-4800 for more information. www.roadstothefuture.com/ I64_VA_HRBT.html
National.................. 800-227-7368 / 757-855-2037........ www.nationalcar.com Thrifty..................... 800-367-2277 / 757-340-7102................. www.thrifty.com
Shuttle Services Carey VIP Chauffeured Services.................. 877-422-1105..................................................... careyvip.net Orange Peel............ 757-463-7500....................orangepeeltransprotation.com
Taxi Cabs Andy’s Cab......................... 757-461-8880............................andystaxigroup.com 866-840-6573 (toll free) Black & White.................... 757-855-4444......www.norfolkblack-whitecabs.com City Wide Cabs.................. 757-622-2227 Duke Cab Co...................... 757-439-4162 East Side Cab..................... 757-718-0937 Eden Cab Co...................... 757-724-5555 Waterside Taxi Company Inc..................... 757-531-6430 Norfolk Checker................ 757-855-3333.......... www.norfolkcheckertaxi.com Oceanside Executive....... 757-455-5996 Southside Cab Co............. 757-423-0154
Newport News / Williamsburg International Airport 900 Bland Boulevard • Newport News, VA 23620 757-877-0221 Fax: 757-877-6369 • www.nnwairport.com • admin@nnwairport.com
Norfolk Electronic Transit (NET) www.norfolk.gov/parking
Get around downtown the smart way with the FREE Norfolk Electric Transit, (NET) shuttle. Running a 2.2 mile circuit around Norfolk’s downtown, you will never have to wait more than a few minutes for a ride on one of these comfortable, air-conditioned vehicles. Look for the blue NET signs including a downtown map making popular attractions around town. Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 6a.m.-11p.m.; Saturday, 12p.m.-12a.m.; Sunday, 12p.m.8p.m. For more information, call (757) 664-6222. After hours: (757) 441-2056.
MONITOR-MERRIMAC MEMORUAL BRIDGE-TUNNEL: This toll-free bridgetunnel, three miles long, links Southside and the Peninsula via the James River. This can be used as an alternate route for traveling to Norfolk from points north. www.roadstothefuture.com/I664_VA_MMMBT.html
Rail Amtrak terminal is located in Newport News with direct bus service to downtown Norfolk. Call Amtrak Reservation Center: (800) 268-7252 for more information. www.amtrakvacatons.com
Mileage from Norfolk to Various Destinations CITY Miles Atlanta, GA Baltimore, MD Boston, MA Charleston, SC Chicago, IL Durham, NC Greensboro, NC Hartford, CT Miami, FL New York, NY Newark, NJ Orlando, FL Philadelphia, PA Providence, RI Raleigh, NC Richmond, VA Roanoke, VA Toronto, Canada Virginia Beach, VA Washington, D.C. Williamsburg, VA
555 232 577 431 902 184 236 477 949 372 353 748 276 522 175 83 245 800 17 195
894 374 929 694 1,452 296 380 768 1,528 599 568 1,204 444 840 282 150 394 1,280 27 314
Downtown norfolk
19 23
attractions: 1
American Rover Tall Ship Cruise
Armed Forces Memorial
Battleship Wisconsin
23 West Point Monument
Carrie B. Harbor Tours
24 Willoughby-Baylor House /
Cannonball Trail
22 Waterside Festival
Chrysler Museum of Art
Half Moone Cruise
25 Windows of History
d’Art Center
26 Chrysler Hall
Fort Norfolk
27 Attucks Theatre
10 The MacArthur Memorial
sports visitor information Center
32 26
28 Jeanne and George Roper
11 Hampton Roads Naval Museum
28 29
Performing Arts Center 29 The NorVa
12 Hunter House
31 Wells Theatre
13 Martin Luther King Mounument
16 Norfolk Trolley Tour
32 Norfolk Scope
17 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
33 Harbor Park
11 15 7 21
25 10
15 Nauticus
14 Moses Myers House
30 Harrison Opera House
Victorian Musuem
performing arts
performing arts:
& Celebration Center
Norfolk History Museum
20 18
18 Spirit of Norfolk
19 Stockely Gardens
20 Town Point Park
34 MacArthur Center
21 Victory Rover /
35 Ghent Shopping & Antique Stores
4 P 33
Naval Station Cruise
Visitor Information Center
P Motorcoach Parking
greater norfolk attractions: 1 Hermitage Foundation Museum 2 Historic Fort Norfolk 3 Naval Station Norfolk
performing arts: 7 L. Douglas Wider Performing
Arts Center 8 Constant Convocation Center
4 Norfolk Botanical Garden
5 Ocean View Beach Park 6 Viriginia Zoological Park
shopping: 9 The Gallery at Military Circle
driving directions FRom east I-64 East toward Richmond. Bypass Richmond with I-295 South (toward Norfolk/Virginia Beach). Take I-64 East to I-264 West to Exit 284A (toward Norfolk). Follow Exit 9 to Waterside Drive into downtown Norfolk.
1 4
8 6 9
FRom noRtH Interstate 95 South toward Richmond to I–295 South (toward Norfolk, Virginia Beach). Take I–64 East to I–264 West to Exit 284A (toward Norfolk). Follow Exit 9 to Waterside Drive into downtown Norfolk. FRom West Interstate 95 South toward Richmond to I–295 South (toward Norfolk, Virginia Beach). Take I–64 East to I–264 West to Exit 284A (toward Norfolk). Follow Exit 9 to Waterside Drive into downtown Norfolk. FRom soutH I-95 North to Route 58 East (toward Norfolk). Take Route 58 East to I–264 East (toward Norfolk). Take the Waterside Drive Exit into downtown Norfolk. When you get to Norfolk stop by the Ocean View Visitor Center conveniently located at 9401 4th View Street (1-64 at exit 273). 1-800-368-3097.
norfolk convention & v i s i t o r s bu r e au
You can count on the professionals at the Norfolk Convention and Visitors Bureau to make planning and administering your visit a complete success. For more information on group tour packages, please call the Norfolk Convention and Visitors Bureau at 800-368-3097 or visit www.visitnorfolktoday.com
for your information Emergency Numbers
Buses / Charter Services
Ambulance & Rescue, Fire, Police....................................................................911 Coast Guard...................................................................................... 757-484-8192
Fun Tours Inc....................................................................................800-528-8687 Greyhound/Trailways...................................................................... 800-454-2487
Dental Referral Service................................................................... 800-917-6453
Hampton Roads Transit................................................................... 757-222-6100
James River Bus Lines..................................................................... 804-342-7300
Physicians Referral Service............................................................ 800-736-8272
Tidewater Touring Inc......................................................................757-494-1480
State Police........................................................................................ 757-424-6820 (Dial #77 on cell phone)
Venture Tours....................................................................................757-494-1480
Visitor Information Centers
Language Bank The American Red Cross...................................................................757-440-1111
Norfolk................................................................... 800-368-3097 / 757-664-6620 Hampton................................................................. 800-800-2202 / 757-727-1102 Newport News.......................................................888-493-7386 / 757-866-7777
Emergency Services Atlantic Coach, In Tour Services.................................................... 800-268-9061 Cho’s Pavilion Citgo...........................................................................757-481-4067 Frank’s Trucking Center, Inc.......................................................... 757-488-8337 Fun Tours...........................................................................................800-528-8687 Holiday Trav-L-Park......................................................................... 757-425-0249 Roadside Repair at Charlie’s Truck Plaza..................................... 757-460-8678
Portsmouth............................................................. 800-767-8782 / 767-393-5111 Virginia Beach.......................................................800-822-3224 / 757-437-4882 Williamsburg.................................................................................... 800-447-8679
Receptive Operators Fun Tours Inc.........................www.funtoursinc.com...................800-528-8687 Colonial Connections...........www.colonialconnections.com.... 800-378-1571
State and Federal Tax
Phillips Destination Management Services..................www.phillipstours.com.............877-440-0220
Lodging....................................................................................... 8% city / 5% state
All In One Tours.....................www.all-in-one-tours.com.............888-283-3141
with an additional $1 per room per night
Mid Atlantic Receptive Services..................................www.takeafuntrip.com..................800-769-5912 Virginia Escape Ltd. .............www.vaescape.com..........................757-229-1161
Motorcoach Contacts Vehicle/License Registration
Fuel/Tax Permit
FHWA Authority Registration Fee
Department of Motor Vehicles
Department of Motor Vehicles
FHWA Field Office
2300 Broad Street
Motor Carrier Services/Credentials
P.O. Box 10249
P.O. Box 27412
2300 Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23240
Richmond, VA 23269
P.O. Box 27412
Richmond, VA 23269
866-368-5463 www.dmv.state.va.us