2016 feb quebec4h news spreader

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The News Spreader February 2016 Quebec Tradition Takes to National Stage

Memories and Moments from Members Forum

Online Auction-after the bidding closed 4-H Clubs Help To Spread Christmas Cheer!

Cover: Shinae Hartley at Members Forum 2015

Howick Displays a Year of 4-H Pride By Lyndsay MacKay

On December 5th, Howick 4-H participated in the community’s Annual Christmas Parade. Members and parents worked together to create the club’s float entry and had lots of fun in the process. The float displayed posters of the club’s projects produced throughout the year including garden, calf, craft, and square dancing projects. They were especially pleased to display their newest project – poultry! Everyone had a great day and lots of fun!

dancing in two sets. The club is so well received that they have been recurring visitors at the Wales for the last 5 years. The residents love the traditional dance style and say it reminds them of their childhood. It was a very busy night and the evening ended with the Virginia Reel where seniors were welcomed to join in. A good time was had by all and members are looking forward to returning next year!

Richmond Entertains at The Wales By Emilie Rodgers

On December 8th, the Richmond 4-H square dancing club visited the Wales Home, a local Richmond seniors residence, to provide some holiday entertainment by demonstrating their square dancing talents. This year, the club had 4 teams dancing, with some of the younger members 2

Members of the Richmond Square Dancing group. Photo by Tracey Vidal.

The News Spreader-February 2016

Carolling in Lachute The Lachute club visited the Rotary Apartments on Friday, December 18th. After an evening of singing Christmas carols, the residents enjoyed some delicious home-baked goodies along with coffee and tea, served by the club members. Christmas caroling has become an annual club event that the members look forward to and are eager to be able to share some Christmas spirit with their community.

Hatley Goes Carolling in Style By Brittany Taillon The Haltey 4-H club decided to spread some Christmas cheer by doing some Christmas caroling in Ayers Cliff. Two wagons, supplied by Eddie Blake, were filled with 4-H members and pulled by beautiful black Friesians while parents walked along. They stopped at numerous houses and entertained residents at Place Sanborn, a local retirement

In this Issue Page 2, 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

Page 7 Page 8, 9 Page 10, 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16

Christmas in the Community Lachute 4-H Looks forward to 2016 / Ormstown Finds its 4-H Wings Quebec Tradition Takes to National Stage / Sawyerville Visits Environmental Farm Farmers Grow Communities Program Winners / 4-H Canada Grants Help Support Local Clubs / Online Auction-After the Bidding Closed AJRQ , FRAQ News / QFA Farm Food Forums Upcoming Events and Opportunities 2015 Members Forum / 4-H Canada Science Fair Tractor Safety Standards Review Committee / 4-H Canada Task Force / Employment Opportunities Junior Junction Featured Member -Shelby Drew Provincial Square Dance Competition

home. Afterward, members enjoyed baked goods, purchased in support of the Ayer’s Cliff Women’s Institute, and hot chocolate at the local church. They could not have asked for better weather and the turn-out was great! They hope to do it again next year.

Quebec 4-H Motto: Leadership tomorrow through learning today.

On the cover:

Shinae Hartley at Members Forum

Canadian 4-H Motto: Learn To Do By Doing. I Pledge My Head to clearer thinking My Heart to greater loyalty My Hands to larger service My Health to better living For my club, my community and my country.

Thank you to our partners.

Quebec 4-H Association 21,111 Lakeshore Road, Macdonald Campus, Harrison House 3-04 Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, H9X 3V9 Phone: 514-398-8738, Fax: 514-398-8652 www.quebec4-h.com

The News Spreader-February 2016

President: Matthew Burns matthew.burns99@hotmail.com

Agricultural Liaison: Chelsea Daniel agliaison@quebec4-h.com

Vice-President: Julie MacFarlane julie.macfarlane@hotmail.com

Office and Communications Assistant: office@quebec4-h.com Position is currently vacant. See job posting on page 13.

Executive Director: Lorelei Muller executivedirector@quebec4-h.com


Lachute 4-H Looks Forward to 2016 By Lorelei Muller President Danika Neill welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2016 with her belief that “4-H is kind of like a family”. She described how the program provides youth a chance to learn about agriculture and farms, “Some people are passionate about dairy, others about chickens, beef, or something else, but we all have a place in 4-H.” I had the pleasure of being welcomed by Lachute 4-H to their meeting on January 13, where I enjoyed the chance to present to their club about the wealth of opportunities available in 4-H. As the meeting started with the 4-H pledge, it was the first time reciting it for several new members. The typical business of treasurer’s report and settling of bills was followed by some good news for the club’s finances. Local veterinarian and club volunteer John McOuat has collected numerous Ivomec boxes, so plans began for members to cut out the necessary portion to submit to Merial for the Box Back program before the deadline at the end of February (see page 9 for details). Comforted by the knowledge that Hatley 4-H Club has been enthusiastically planning to bid for Provincial Rally 2017, Lachute members voted to postpone their own bid to host Quebec 4-H’s largest event. Instead Lachute 4-H’ers hope they’ll be participating in the Club to Club exchange program that summer.

As square dancing members began planning for weekly practices, they were pleased to receive a letter from local Member of the National Assembly, Yves St-Denis, congratulating their senior team on its win at the dance competition at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in November. Members and parents offered a round of applause for their club mates. Members were assigned to teams for their annual debate held at the club’s February meeting. This year’s topics are Rabbits: Angora versus Flemish, Saddles: Western versus English, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership: approve versus disapprove. After the meeting adjourned, new members and seniors, young and old, parents and grandparents mingled to share holiday stories and wish each other well for the coming year. As I watched, it was clear that Danika has the right idea, “4-H is kind of like a family’.

Ormstown Finds its 4-H Wings!

Ormstown 4-H’ers learn to build by building. Photo and report submitted by Janice Barr.


Participating in the 4-H Canada Find Your 4-H Wings program, Ormstown members, leaders and parents got together in George Neal’s workshop to construct bird feeders. They measured their wood and used the saw to cut various lengths according to the pattern, then a nail gun to tack their feeders together, and a drill with screws to make them solid. They added hooks to the top to make them easier to hang. Surprisingly, only one Band-Aid was required all afternoon. Ormstown leader Allis Neely made a bird feeder along with the kids, and afterwards while we had hot chocolate. Allis gave the kids a list of the various birds they would be likely to see in our area, showing them photos from a bird book. Allis also gave suggestions as to what the kids should put in their bird feeders in order to make their visitors happy. Project organizer Caitlin MacDougall also provided a starter quantity of mixed bird seed for each participant so everyone could put their feeder into immediate use.

The News Spreader-February 2016

Quebec Tradition Takes to National Stage

Sawyerville Visits Environmental Farm By Kendra Parnell

The Ormstown 4-H Club welcomes everyone to their square dance competition on April 9 (see page 9 for details). Square Dance Leader Janice Barr recalls some of the history behind the annual event started in 1979 by the Howick 4-H Club which hosted at Howick Elementary School every year until 1990. After that, due to a decline in membership they felt unable to continue so asked the Ormstown club if they would like to take it on. Ormstown has continued the tradition, for 8 years at Ormstown Elementary School, and since then at the Recreation Centre. According to Barr, “The dancers, leaders, and organizers have changed over the years but there has been one constant - Neil Mackay has played every year since 1979 - and we have him booked again for 2016!” Prior to the Ormstown event this spring, Neil Mackay and his companions will once again perform for the Quebec 4-H Provincial Square Dance Competition which will be hosted by the MAC/JAC 4-H Club on Macdonald Campus on Sunday, February 14. Teams, family, and friends are invited to do-sido their way through Valentine’s Day in Ste-Anne-deBellevue. New this year, perpetual trophies will be introduced in order to capture some of the history of the event which was first held in 2012. Contact Chelsea at provincial office for more information about the competition or if you are interested in sponsoring a trophy. The following week, dancers from la belle province will help to bring the closing banquet for the 4-H Canada Leadership Summit to a swinging success on Saturday, February 20. A conference theme based on the environment and healthy living provides a perfect occasion to show case the physical and social benefits of square dancing. Summit delegates Quebec 4-H Agricultural Liaison Chelsea Daniel, Youth Advisory Committee member Andrea Soesbergen, and Leader Angela Neal will facilitate the session bringing 4-H staff and volunteers from across the country to their feet. Plans are underway to welcome dancers from the Shawville 4-H Club to perform and assist with the instruction.

On Saturday, November 28, the Sawyerville 4-H Club met at D’Orée Farm in Newport for a fun and special experience. Members started off the afternoon by receiving a brief explanation about what the farm is all about and how the D’Orée family operates. They sell independently which they find a gratifying way of doing business. During their tour, members got to see the giant walk-in freezer and were introduced to the family’s honey making operation where they were shown how bees go from collecting pollen to making the delicious creamy honey that they were lucky enough to taste at the end of their tour. The club also had a chance to explore the areas where they shelter their sheep, swine, and poultry and the pastures where several breeds of beef cattle graze. They had a lot of fun seeing and learning about all that the D’Orée Family have accomplished and are looking to achieve in the future.

Ormstown 4-H Club met on January 8 for their first barn meeting of 2016 at Deerbrae Farm, home of current club president Carrie Simpson. Members judged Ayrshire cows with Larry Ness of Terrace Bank Farm as official judge.

The News Spreader-February 2016


Monsanto Fund Announces Winners of 2015 Canada’s Farmers Grow Communities program $165,000 in grant money distributed to 66 rural charities across Canada From a distance, small towns seem like nothing more than dots on the map, but to those who call them home, they are more significant than any major city. Very often it has been farmers whose ingenuity and hard work built these communities over generations. Today, farmers still form the backbone that keeps these rural communities alive. Thanks to Canadian farmers, 66 rural charities and non-profits, including school lunch programs, sports facilities, service clubs, parks and playgrounds will receive $2,500 grants from the Monsanto Fund as part of the 2015 Canada’s Farmers Grow Communities program. The Quebec 4-H Association was one of the recipients selected in November 2015 for its work providing personal development opportunities to rural youth. Other Quebec recipients were the Lacolle Curling Club, Franklin Elementary School, École Sainte Marie Vallées des Voyageurs, and Fondation Sécuriferme. The Canada’s Farmers Grow Communities program has opened again for 2016 with a deadline of September 30. Info: www.canadasfarmers.ca.

4-H Canada Grants Help Support Local Clubs In December 2015, 4-H Canada announced funding to 4-H clubs across the country thanks to contributions of national sponsors. The following Quebec 4-H clubs submitted successful applications.

Farm Credit Canada 4-H Club Fund Recipients Richmond 4-H Lachute 4-H Hatley 4-H MAC/JAC 4-H

Quilting project Sound system for 4-H activities Updating/repairing Dairy Achievement Day trophies MAC/JAC Square Dancing Competition

Growing Forward 2 Club Fund MAC/JAC 4-H

MAC/JAC 4-H sign creation

Richmond 4-H

Richmond 4-H signs

Best wishes to our clubs in their endeavours.


Online Auction – After the Bidding Closed Thanks to the support of donors, bidders, and promoters, the 2015 Quebec 4-H Online Auction raised more than $2000 for 4-H programming at club and provincial levels but the good news didn’t end when the bidding closed.

Painting it Forward “Gemmed Corn”, the watercolour and coloured pencil painting donated by MAC/JAC 4-H Club member Shinae Hartley, found a special place in her home province of Saskatchewan. Shinae's grandmother joined with a circle of daughters whose mothers are in a local nursing home to buy the painting for the residence. Donna Hartley was a 4-H leader in Saskatchewan for 25 years; many of the other women were members or leaders as well, including one who lead the home craft projects in the area for 10 years and another who directed the beef projects for at least 15. Donna felt the purchase was a way to team with friends to support her granddaughter’s efforts, the 4-H program, and the well being of older family members. Win, win, win. “Cow and Calf”, the pastel created by Richmond 4-H alumna Amanda Bushey, was purchased by current president of the Fédération de la relève agricole du Québec Pascal Hudon. Hudon wanted to do his part to support a fellow rural youth group.

Baking Battle for the Greater Good Andrea Soesbergen and Bobby Tolhurst, each members of the 2015 Quebec 4-H Board of Directors, put their cooking skills and charisma to the test when they entered Cookie Battle 2015. “Thanks to Andrea, I just got my cookies won in the online auction. Not only did we win the cookie battle with the highest bid, I am pretty sure these would win a tasting contest. Yummy!” said Huntingdon 4-H alumni Charles Gascon about the chocolate chip, chewy chocolate, and maple cookies. Gascon placed a $40 bid to cinch his purchase of Soesbergen’s 3 dozen cookies and her claim to the title of Cookie Battle Champion 2015. A close second at $37, Tolhurst’s 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies went on to find wider acclaim when high bidder, and McGill professor, Caroline Begg served them to grateful third year students of the Farm Management and Technology program. Who will put their mixing spoons into the fray for Cookie Battle 2016? Who will be crowned the new champion? Stay tuned this fall.

Win for the Habs, Win for 4-H After his high bid resulted in a pair of tickets, Semex representative and long time 4-H supporter Christopher Studer was off to the January 6 game where the Montreal Canadiens beat the New Jersey Devils 2 to 1. Studer soon posted to Facebook, “Thank you Quebec 4-H! The Montreal Canadiens tickets I purchased at your online auction worked out tremendous tonight!”

The News Spreader-February 2016

Assemblée générale annuelle AJRQ 20 et 21 février 2016 classes d’expertises se succèderont pour mettre à l’épreuve les connaissances des participants.

Cabane à sucre Lemaire (964, rang St-Michel, St-Joachim de Courval, Qc, J1Z 2C7)

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter l’AJRQ ou nous suivre via notre page Facebook.

Hôtel Le Dauphin (600, boul. St-Joseph, Drummondville (QC), J2C 2C1) Les activités débuteront par un brunch pour les participants samedi le 20 février. L’assemblée générale de l’AJRQ se déroulera dans l’après-midi à la Cabane à sucre Lemaire. Par la suite, lors du banquet à l’Hôtel Le Dauphin, nous dévoilerons les gagnants ToutQuébec Jeunes Ruraux, les 2 personnalités AJRQ seront connues et le meilleur cercle de la dernière

Classique sera divulgué. La soirée se poursuivra sous le thème : «CASINO». La journée du dimanche sera consacrée à une visite d’entreprise agricole de la région du Centre-du-Québec. À surveiller plus tard au printemps se tiendra dans la région de BellechasseMontmagny notre activité provinciale, l’AJRQ-Génie. Ateliers pratiques et

Association des Jeunes Ruraux du Québec 65, rang 3 Est, Princeville, Qc, G6L 4B9 Tél : 819-364-5606 Fax : 819-364-5006 e-mail : info@ajrq.qc.ca Site web : www.ajrq.qc.ca

April 9 : Journée Relève All Over the Province, and Beyond! happening dedicated to young farmers on the brink of beginning another season of hard work on their land.

Celebrations all over the place, young farmers in the spotlight ! On Saturday, April 9, young farmers from every single corner of the province of Québec will be celebrating Spring! Many events will be held on this special day as the Fédération de la relève agricole du Québec invites everyone for the 2nd edition of this nation-wide

QFA Farm Food Forums The Quebec Farmers Association will host Farm Food Forums in Community Learning Centers from 7:30 pm - 10 pm on the last Thursday of each month. Upcoming dates:

The News Spreader-February 2016

After last year’s success, the Federation is all fired up and launches a new call to all Canadian fellows to join this celebration and organize events in their province. The Journée Relève is meant to bring everyone together to have fun and raise

February 26: Technical advice on improving animal health and nutrition March 24: This changing world. Growing food with more unpredictable weather

awareness on the importance of agriculture in our society. We strongly recommend to save the date and invite your members, supporters, friends, family and business partners for this feast! Look at what will happen in your region: Sugar shacks, barn party, 5 to 7, wine and cheese, beer and sausages, fieldtrip, farm visit, conferences, workshops, get-togethers, etc. You choose it ! Come on and join the fun ! For more information, check our Website: http://www.fraq.qc.ca/

Connecting Community Learning Centers in Shawville, Low, Lachute, Ormstown, Magog, Richmond, and Bury. For more information: qfa@upa.qc.ca

April 28: It will never happen to me. Understanding safety risk management


4-H Canada Scholarships 4-H Canada's new award, recognizing the talents and dedication of our 4-H youth members is in development. Huge bursary of $20,000 available! http://4-h-canada.ca/sites/default/files/ lead_guidelines_web.pdf. More info Spring 2016.

RBC Students Leading Change

CPA Foundation's CEGEP Scholarship

Category 1 (Graduating high school/ CEGEP), Category 2 (First undergraduate degree or diploma) Category 3 (Second degree or diploma). Answer two essay questions about leadership. Every applicant has the option to apply for the Me to We Trip. This volunteer experience will give you an incredible opportunity to work alongside Me to We field workers on change initiatives in a Free the Children community overseas. Volunteer in South America, Africa or China. More info: scholarships.rbc.com/ StudentsLeadingChange.aspx Deadline FEB 23 .

40 scholarships of $750 available. Must be registered in a CEGEP program leading to University studies in Administration or Accounting and have completed at least two sessions of the program. Deadline FEB 12 more info: http://

Available to students who are entering into an accredited College or university. One $2,500 scholarship available to Quebec students. Deadline MARCH 1. Info: www.cabef.org

Young Quebecers Leading the Way Project To be eligible to participate in the project, applicants must be between the ages of 15 and 25, be a Canadian citizen and live in one of the following six regions of the project: the Eastern Townships, the Gaspésie, the Greater Montreal area, the Outaouais, AbitibiTémiscamingue and the Provincial Capital Region. Participate in three workshops in your region on January 27, February 17 and March 16, 2016 (from 6 to 9 pm). ore info: youthleadingway150.org 8


YES’ Business Skills for Creative Souls Artists’ Conference March 14 at the Rialto Hall, Montreal. YES brings together emerging and established artists from all disciplines for a full day of inspiration, information and exchange. The day’s agenda includes workshops and panel discussions with working artists and professionals who share experiences, best practices and insights on making it in Quebec’s cultural industries. This year’s conference will also feature a mini Art Expo showcasing the work and talent of some of our Artists’ Program clients.

La Revue Holstein is looking for Photographers! Get your photo published on the cover page of La Revue and on the Holstein Quebec website! Contact: larevue@holsteinquebec.com for info.

Would your club like to host a clinic in your community? Need help? Quebec 4-H can provide resources and assistance. Contact agliaison@quebec4-h.com for more information. Thank you to C.A.S.A. and FCC for funding this project.

Young producers between the ages of 18 and 35 years. The Development Program provides Beef industryspecific training and mentorship. This program provides a combination of formal and informal opportunities to learn from existing beef cattle industry leaders and other youth organizations undertaking mentorship opportunities. Deadline March 31 More info: cattlemensyoungleaders.com/ program_description.html

Future Masterfeeder Scholarship

Masterfeeds will award a scholarship of $1000 to the winning applicant that can demonstrate their passion and potential through an essay about what they hope to achieve for the future of food production or other ag-related pursuits through their education. Info: https://www.masterfeeds.com/futureag-master-program. Deadline APR 30.

Answers to Scramble: Arctic, Pacific, Southern, Atlantic, Indian.

4-H Canada will launch 7 different scholarship programs on March 1. Deadline: spring 2016 TBA. For more info: 4-hcanada.ca/grants-scholarshipsand-awards-0


The News Spreader-February 2016

Ormstown 4-H Square Dance Competition Recreation Centre, Ormstown April 9, 2016 ,7:30 pm

AMTE now has 10 webinars on their site, from starting a blog, to talking to the media about ag – check them out to find one that interests you. Info: agriculturemorethanever.ca/tag/ webinar/

Richmond 4-H Dance Music by Slightly Haggard. Tickets available in advance from Devin Keenan (819) 826-1377 or Carly Morin cm_6768@hotmail.com or at the door.

Cost: Dancers: free. Spectators: $6 for ages 9+, $3 for 8 years or younger. Music by the Neil MacKay Band Info: Janice Barr, barrneal26@outlook.com

Provincial Square Dance Competition Hosted by MAC/JAC 4-H club! Sunday, February 14th. Get your teams together!

When: March 26th, 9:00 p.m. Where: Salle Ste. Famille, Richmond

Farm Food Forum February 26: Technical advice on improving animal health and nutrition

Collect participating Ivomec & Eprinex box tabs, for every tab collected Merial will donate $10 to your club! Deadline to submit FEB 26, 2016. Info: www.ivomec-4h.com/en/

Begins at 7:30 pm. Attend the conference at CLCs in Shawville, Low, Lachute, Ormstown, Magog, Richmond and Bury. Contact qfa@upa.qc.ca or 450-679-0540 ext 8539

Provincial Rally 2016

Hosted by Shawville 4-H from July 21-24, 2016. Theme: “Hollywood”

The News Spreader-February 2016

Advertise Club events in The Advocate As a show of support for our regional 4-H clubs, the Quebec Farmers' Association is creating a new space for clubs to advertise announcements and coming events within the pages of 'The Advocate'. Clubs are invited to send inquiries to qfa@upa.qc.ca

Hatley 4-H Club Fundraising Dance Open to the general public including youth under 18 (accompanied by an adult). Music by Slightly Haggard. Refreshments available. When: April 9th, 9:00 pm to 1:00 a.m. Where: Salle Burrough’s Falls (Stanstead East) Cost: $5 in advance, $7 at the door. Advance tickets available with Hatley 4-H members or Contact Wyatt Johnston at wyatt.johnston@mail.mcgill.ca

Innovative Ag Tour 2016 Hosted by Howick 4-H Club. March 18-20, 2016 AGM will be Sat. Nov. 26. With a request to clubs to hold their own AGM’s at the end of October or early November so as to facilitate preparation for the provincial AGM.


2015 Canadian 4-H Members Forum By Chris Nieuwenhof From November 25th to 29th, myself and two other delegates from Quebec got the amazing opportunity to travel to Regina for the 2015 Canadian 4-H Members Forum. During our stopover at Pearson International airport in Toronto, we met up with several other delegates from Ontario, New Brunswick, and PEI. and had fun talking about our backgrounds and how we were looking forward to the next couple days. When we finally arrived in cold and snowy Regina, we enjoyed a whole afternoon of social activities followed by a visit to the Regina Science Centre for a cool evening of discovery!

Above L-R: Chris Nieuwenhof, YAC delegate Andrea Soesbergen, Chaperone Chelsea Daniel, Shinae Hartley, Kelsey Bryson. Left: Shinae and Kelsey got to experiment during Science and STEM oriented workshops

Day 2 of our awesome adventure included Sears professional workshops in which we learned how to write job resumes, prepare for a one-on-one interview as well as how to dress for the occasion. That day, we also got our first glimpse of the ’Bullpen’ which everyone was going to have to work on the next few days. The Bull-pen was a way of sparking our creativity and helping us to generate new ideas such as an improvement on a pre-existing product, the creation of a new product or just about anything we could think of! We participated in various round-robin workshops such as ‘Robots on the Road’ and ‘Science of sport’. During the afternoon we went to Bayer CropScience, a seed packaging facility and laboratory and wrapped up the day with the L.E.A.D banquet that evening. On the third day, Todd Klink from FCC gave a presentation titled ‘A story of Canadian Agriculture’. After the presentation we participated in another workshop titled ‘There’s an App for That’ which focused on smartphone applications that are agriculturally related. That Evening was our big night out to Agribition! We got to wander around the grounds, visit different shops, walk through beef and horse barns and watch the rodeo. It was a great way to wrap up our awesome day.

Right: Making friends across the country—Chris with 4-H member from British Columbia. Below: Kelsey Bryson, Chris Nieuwenhof and Shinae Hartley

On day 4 we knew that the conference was coming to a close so we tried to make the best of our last full day. We presented our finalized “Bull pen” project and heard a lot of very interesting ideas from others. One of the last workshops we had was Open Space Technology which was my personal favourite as we were given the opportunity to create our own group and topic of discussion. The last night, a final banquet was held and guest speaker Natalie Panic gave an amazing and inspiring presentation about how learning knows no boundaries. The whole event wouldn’t feel quite right if we didn’t dance a bit, so that’s exactly what we did! The next morning was the by far the toughest of them all. Having to say goodbye to so many amazing people isn’t anything easy to do, but I’m pretty sure most of us made promises to meet up at some point or another at another national event. This was a truly eye opening experience for me, and I’m sure other delegates felt the same way. I’m already looking forward to participating in future national events! 10

The News Spreader-February 2016

Members Forum: from the podium and behind the scenes By Andrea Soesbergen From November 24th to the 29th, 2015, I had the chance to travel to Regina, Saskatchewan, as one of two Youth Advisory Committee members helping out with the 4-H Canada Members Forum. The theme of the event was “Sparking Science – Cultivating Curiosity”, something that I believe was achieved several times throughout the week. I, along with fellow YAC member from Newfoundland, Melissa Taylor, had a very special role during this conference. As YAC members, we were both a helping hand to staff members, as well as mentors for the members attending the conference. The morning that the conference was to begin, Melissa and I were part of a very special announcement. At Agribition that morning, 4-H Canada was to announce their partnership with CN for the L.E.A.D. scholarships as well as a new program to promote safety. This was very exciting, as we had the chance to take part in a press conference, alongside 4-H Canada CEO Shannon Benner, to be a part of this very special announcement. Throughout the rest of the conference, Melissa and I helped members cultivate their curiosity for science by helping out with workshops and visits to places like the Regina Science Center and Bayer Crop Science. Our biggest role however was being the MC’s for the entire conference. It was a great honour to perform this task, but it was also exciting as I was able to put my public speaking experience from Rally to work! Being a YAC member is a really interesting experience, because while you’re still a member and are learning lots yourself, you’re also a mentor and a leader and you get to put these skills to work. This is something I experienced so much of the course of the week, and I enjoyed every minute of it. I have one more year being Quebec 4-H’s YAC member, and I plan to take full advantage of my remaining time. However, I am also excited to see my successor, and to watch them learn and grow in this role, just as I have. I highly encourage those eligible to apply to be a YAC member this fall; it is truly a unique experience!

Ryley Keenan and Noah Enright have been selected to attend the 4-H Canada Science Fair in Truro, NS from March 3 -6. The Richmond 4-H members entered their experiment “Drink Till You Rot” into the virtual round of the competition in December. They tested the effect of a variety of refreshments including pop, energy drinks, milk, and more, on rust buildup on nails and pennies, drawing comparisons to tooth decay. According to Ryley the best part of the experiments was “Doing them with a friend. It was exciting to see the results.” Noah said “The hardest part was the smell of the drinks after we put the rust in them. It stank!” Both boys are excited for the trip to Nova Scotia, Noah continued “I was intrigued about entering the contest, I am happy that Ryley convinced me to do it with him!” Keenan and Enright will join 17 other members from across the country invited to present their findings at the event being held at Dalhousie University. Congratulations boys and best wishes!

Quebec Delegation and YAC Rep Andrea Soesbergen, first keeners on the bus, ready to visit the Bayer Crop Science facility in Regina.

The News Spreader-February 2016


Your club could host a tractor safety clinic with support and resources from Quebec 4-H. Contact Chelsea: agliaison@quebec4-h.com for more information. We gratefully acknowledge the support of CASA and FCC in funding the ‘Tractor Safety Throughout the Year’ project.

From Start to Finish and Everything in Between Start with the three words CARRY NO PASSENGERS and follow the directions to complete the thought.

Thanks to:


The News Spreader-February 2016

Help us Enrich the 4-H Experience Quebec 4-H Association Standards Review Committee The Quebec 4-H board of directors has recently established an ad hoc committee to develop membership and project standards. An important goal of the Standards Review Committee is to clarify the definition of a member in good standing in order to strengthen the member experience, relations with exhibitors, and public perception. In the coming months, the committee will turn to members, leaders, and clubs for input as we work towards producing policy for presentation to our membership at our annual general meeting on November 26. We encourage you to give the matter proper consideration as it will impact the program at local and provincial levels. Your feedback will help us to develop a stronger 4-H so please do your best to respond to any questions or surveys as they arise. Follow the link in the February email update to let us know about concerns you may have about the process or possible results and potential benefits you perceive. Contact agliaison@quebec4-h.com for more information; please mention Standards Review in the subject line.

4-H Canada Resource & Tools Task Force In 2016, Quebec 4-H Executive Director Lorelei Muller will serve on the 4-H Canada Resource & Tools Task Force (RTTF) as the national organization strives to find mechanisms for sharing resources and developing tools that increase provincial capacity to support volunteer leaders, members, and clubs. 4-H Canada has put forth the following questions:  What resources are required to strengthen leader engagement and volunteer involvement in 4-H?  What are the needs for increased support for training and capacity building?  What resources are required to support new club development? In short, how can 4-H Canada and Quebec 4-H work together to help you at the local club? Please send your thoughts to Lorelei at executivedirector@quebec4-h.com prior to March 22; please mention RTTF in the subject line.

The News Spreader-February 2016

Employment Opportunities Office and Communications Assistant Position: Office and Communications Assistant, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. 20 to 30 hours per week, to be discussed. $11.00 to $13.50 per hour, dependent on experience Responsibilities:  Response to email enquiries, filing, data entry, and maintenance of membership lists  Processing of event registrations and fees  Editing and layout of bi-monthly newsletter as well as other print and digital communications  Regular maintenance of association website and social media presence  Acceptance of other assignments as required Qualifications Required:  Experience and/or education in Marketing, Public Relations, or Communications  Bilingual with excellent English communication skills  Possess excellent interpersonal and relationship building skills  Possess a high degree of efficiency, attention to detail and accuracy  Proficiency with Microsoft programs and social media  Self-directed, with demonstrated ability to work in a team environment  Strong analytical, organizational, and time-management skills  High degree of discretion and professionalism  Ability to work flexible schedule with occasional travel  Demonstrated interest in the field of positive youth development  An understanding of agriculture and operation of non-profit organizations would be an asset To Apply: Forward your cover letter and résumé to jobs@quebec4-h.com by February 15, 2016.

Public Relations Assistant (Summer Employment) Job Requirements :  Between ages 15 – 30 years  Regular full time student during previous academic year; returning to full time studies Aug./Sept. 2016  Bilingual  Outgoing, energetic, enjoy working with youth  Self-starter, disciplined, and must be punctual  Computer skills (Excel, Word, Powerpoint)  Membership and/or knowledge of 4-H or agriculture would be considered an asset. Responsibilities: the PR Assistant will promote Quebec 4-H at various regional fairs as well as liaise between the provincial office and local clubs. The PR Assistant may work some hours from home. A license and vehicle are required. The job includes working several weekends. Tasks include:  securing and manning booth space at fairs  developing promotional material  promoting and reporting on events  assisting at Provincial Rally (July 21-24) and possibly Junior Camp (Aug. 14-17) * Term of employment: start date between May 30 and June 6; end date August 21, with possibility of the following 3 weekends. * Note: The summer employment position and/or terms of employment are available conditionally upon grant funding to be confirmed in the spring. Quebec 4-H acknowledges the support of Service Canada through the Canada Summer Jobs program. To Apply: Please send your résumé and cover letter to jobs@quebec4-h.com by March 15, 2016. 13

4-H members aged 9 to 12 at Winter Junior Camp 2016 focused on the theme: From Pond to Sea. Watch for the full report in the April News Spreader. In the mean time, here’s a page of fun to colour and solve. Send your completed page to the Quebec 4-H office by March 15 to be entered into a raffle for a t-shirt colouring package.

Unscramble the names of the Earth’s oceans. CICTRA ___________ FPCCIIA ___________ NTUSROEH ___________ CTTIAANL ___________ NINADI ___________ (See answers on page 8)

What happens when you throw a green rock into the Red Sea? It gets wet. What happens when you throw a red rock into the Black Sea? It sinks to the bottom. What did one sea say to the other? Nothing, it just waved. Why did the crab cross the road? To get to the other tide. What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus? I wanna hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand.


The News Spreader-February 2016

Shelby Drew, Hatley 4-H With a genuine passion and love for cattle since she was young, Shelby decided she wanted to join her local 4-H club when she was just 8 years old and saw how much her cousin was enjoying being part of the organization. Since then she has played an energetic and active role in her club and continues to do so today. Her 4-H career has naturally included projects with both Dairy and Beef, but she has also stepped out of her comfort zone by taking part in not only Sheep projects, but Public Speaking as well. In 2008, Shelby entered her first public speaking competition during Provincial Rally hosted by her local club that year. “I was only 12 at the time, and really nervous!” Shelby’s motivation to stay active and take advantage of the opportunities afforded to 4-H members has really paid off. In 2011 she participated in the club-to-club exchange with Alberta, received two scholarships in 2013 from Monsanto and John Deere and was awarded the Warren Grapes Award for Involvement with Ag in 2014. She also represented Quebec at the Canadian Young Speakers for Ag in both 2011 and 2014 placing 3 rd and 4th place respectively. Shelby is currently in her third year of the FMT Program at McGill with the hope of studying Professional Agrology starting in the fall of 2016. She works to help operate the family beef operation but also milks for a dairy producer on weekends. Even with her busy schedule, Shelby has still found time to remain an integral member of her club. She was instrumental in

Pictured here with her heifer Todd’s Fools Fizz, Shelby won Grand Champion Interbreed Showman at Ayer’s Cliff in 2015. It is her favourite 4-H memory so far.

the acceptance of the Hatley and Sawyerville clubs participation in the upcoming Club-to-Club exchange with Alberta and encourages younger members to participate in local events such as Winter Junior camp: “I decided to stay involved in the 4-H program because of my love for cattle and also to give back to younger members to help make their 4H experience as awesome as older members had made mine in the past.” Shelby is presently sitting as Vice-President for her local club and as Chair of Programs and Regulations at the provincial level. We asked her what she feels she has taken from the program and how has it helped her in her life, education, and career: “The 4-H program has really allowed me to develop my communication skills as well as my leadership capability. Working with a new animal project every year has taught me to be patient and grown my passion for the livestock industry. Being in 4-H is what gave me a direction into my future and has also taught me how to give back to other members.“ Shelby hopes to own and operate her own beef farm in the future and also practice as an Agronome. Her advice to future young 4-H’ers:

Shelby at Cookshire fair 2004 with her Holstein heifer Emily

The News Spreader-February 2016

“Get involved! Do as much as you can to take in the 4-H experience, go outside of your comfort zone, ask for help from older members and parents, and have fun.” 15

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