As turtles go, Tobi was rather small; but he did have something special about him; his shell was a bright red with big black spots on it. When other turtles saw him they thought he looked like a big ladybug and soon he was known as Tobi Turtlebug. B
Tobi was a little turtle that looked just like a bug. A bright red shell with big black spots that fit him nice and snug. He didn’t mind when others laughed, he liked his shiny shell. When you are pleased with who you are life treats you very well.
One day Tobi walked down a path with tall grass on both sides. He stretched his neck to take a look and couldn’t believe his eyes. He saw flowers, tall and yellow and knew they would taste good. But the grass was tall, they were far away from where he stood.
So, Tobi sighed and turned to go on down the path so long. When he heard a voice, say so clear, “You’re leaving? What is wrong?” Tobi stopped and looked all around to see who said those words. The path was bare; no one was there. No turtles or no birds.
Tobi got a little frightened to hear a voice so clear, without someone attached to it, just coming from thin air. He thought to himself, “Who was that? I know I heard a voice!”
“Of course you did!” the voice replied. “I said it, you had no choice.”
“Who are you, and how can you hear what I think in my head?”
“I’m part of you. I hear it all, what you thought or said. You’re always talking to yourself. I’m the one who’s listening. I’m Also Tobi, don’t you know? And I got tired of whispering.”
“Whispering?” Tobi asked, “But when? I never had a clue”!
“I’m your first thought, that little nudge before you think things through. Before you claim, ‘That’s much too hard’ or, ‘I don’t know what to say’. I whisper to you, in your heart, to guide you on your way”.
“Well, okay Also.” Tobi said, “I’ll listen to you too.”
“I want you to trust me, Tobi I’m looking out for you.”
“But now I’m hungry, ” said Tobi. “I need something to eat. Those flowers are too far, but yet; I’ll bet they would taste sweet!”
Then Also said, “I know they’re sweet, but you should taste them too. Let’s just give it another try. I’ll show you what to do.” Tobi stood there facing the grass, wondering what’s to come. “Now close your eyes so you can see “Now where all-you-want comes from.”
Then Also said, “Now see that flower ready for you to taste. It’s there for you, to help you live. Don’t let it go to waste.” So, Tobi pictured, in his mind, the flower in front of him. With eyes closed, he took a bite then he started to grin.
“This tastes delicious!” Tobi said “More than I thought it could!” Also’s voice made a little laugh.
“Ha Ha! I knew it would. Now I think you’re ready to go and have your mid-day meal. Open your eyes, believe your dream, to make that dream be real!”
So, Tobi took a deep, deep breath and started through that grass. He pushed and pushed, hard as he could to make himself a path. He raised his little head to see how far that he had come. And found that he was halfway there; his doubts, he’d overcome.
With his vision still in his head, He stumbled from the grass. He looked up at those waiting flowers and said, “I’m here at last!” “I did it, I did it!“ he said. “You sure did!” Also cried.
“Now you’ll know how good they can taste, and how to win your prize.”
Tobi ate those tasty flowers, till he could eat no more. Then made his way back toward the path to where he was before. “Thank you, Also for helping me.” He said up to the air. But no answer came to his ear, just silence, no one there.
“Also? Also? Where are you now?” But still, no answer came. Tobi stood and thought about that, then smiled just the same.
“Thank you, Also, for being there.” He thought with gratitude. “Now I know you can hear my thoughts; and I’ll listen for yours too.”
So, Tobi headed down the path, with one big happy smile. Knowing Also would be with him to guide him all the while. When you know you are not alone, it makes a difference. That little whisper in your ear can give you confidence.