We explore polymers for the energy sector Discover our expertise and solutions
Energy sector
Cost efficient polym and material soluti Industrial polymer service provider in material technology to the energy sector building on more than 40 years of experience. Kjetil Larsen, CEO
Customer research projects Polymer development and improvements Lower total cost Lower weight Less corrosion Improved lifetime
Testing Supplier qualification and specification Product lifetime testing and verification Application and material testing Polymer processing centre Material and analytical test centre Chemical and polymer analytics Process pilots and simulation NORSOK test centre
Advisory Project management and leadership International network Innovation patents / IPR expertise Additive and filler competence
Energy sector
mer ions
Energy sector
Polymer materials consulting & develo We contribute to sustainable development of high quality and innovative polymer solutions for demanding offshore requirements. Henning Baann, Business Director
Technology and concept investigations Insulation and conductivity design and engineering Compounding units for blending and reformulation Material selection
Testing Test house for ageing in hazardious environment Sample preparation according to ISO, ASTM etc. Prototype production on full scale polymer lines Advanced full scale product test facilities Performance assessment of new solutions Polymer welding, adhesive inspection and testing Problem solving and failure analysis
Advisory Experienced scientific consulting Failure analysis and recommendations Performance and durability tests Tailor made seminars and training Develop product specifications
Energy sector
Energy sector
Qualification and third party testing Norner takes an active role in developing more durable polymer solutions.
Jørgen Nyhus, Laboratory Manager
Innovation Verification and consistency of properties Product durability at extreme conditions Service life design in harsh environment Funding expertise and competence
Tailormade test house for HPHT Compatibility testing in various media Ageing tests at high pressure and high temperature Testing at severe climate conditions Advanced failure analyses and material testing Durability and fatigue testing Protective coating (Norsok M-501) Qualification testing according to ISO 12944
Quality Achilles ISO 9001 Interlaboratory proficiency test scheme Third party investigations and inspections Quality follow up system Quality review and supplier audits
Energy sector
Photos by Tom Riis
Contact us via
Innovation - Testing - Advisory
Norner AS Asdalstrand 291 NO-3962 Stathelle Norway
Tel +47 35578000 Fax +47 35578124 Web www.norner.no Mail post@norner.no