Compass Rose Society Communicator

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Fall 2011


Liverpool Cathedral Offers Compass Rose Members Radical Hospitality By Norris Battin

While my travels to England over the years have taken me to many

DEAR FRIENDS, As I write this, the change of seasons in Eastern Canada is slowly underway as we celebrate our Canadian Thanksgiving (second Monday in October) with summer-like temperatures and brilliant fall colours. This year’s Annual General Meeting (September 21st & 22nd) of the Compass Rose Society in London, England filled me with deep thanks for my brothers and sisters within our beloved Anglican Communion. I also give thanks for the ministry of the staff at Andrew’s House – the offices of the Anglican Communion. I think is it is fair to say that more can always be learned about our Anglican Communion which the Compass Rose Society supports. This year, our meetings offered a deeper look into the life of our worldwide church.

cathedrals through the country, this was just my third visit to an English cathedral with the Compass Rose Society – we’d been to Canterbury Cathedral for a board meeting several years ago and to Salisbury Cathedral on a previous study visit. At each of these magnificent places we learned a great deal about the cathedrals, about Anglicanism, about The Church of England and its liturgy and about English history. Our visit to Liverpool Cathedral and the Diocese of Liverpool continued to expand this knowledge. Liverpool Cathedral, for example, is the largest Anglican Cathedral, the largest cathedral in England and the fifth largest cathedral in the world. It is a modern edifice. Designed in the Gothic style by the architect Sir Giles Gilbert Scott with its foundation stone laid in 1904 by King Edward VII, its third and final phase was completed in 1978. Continued on page 2

Here are a few thumbnail sketches of what we learned: • Around the globe, gender-based violence plagues our world and our church. In keeping with the Five Marks of Mission, we listened to the Reverend Terrie Robinson clearly articulating these issues and sharing the work that is being done around the world to eradicate this blight. • M s. Sally Keeble spoke about the Anglican Alliance initiative – an effort first proposed at the Lambeth Conference. The Anglican Alliance communicates and raises major issues in the areas Continued on page 7

The nave bridge near the west entrance of Liverpool Cathedral


What’s really striking about it is that from the dramatic bridge our program, led an Evensong for our group and, with his wife near the west entrance to the reredos there is only open space. Caroline, hosted us at a final dinner in the cathedral’s on-site There’s not a column to be seen down an enormous open nave refectory, Couture. with its two transepts and “Central Space”, a ceiling 175 feet A presentation by Mike Eastwood, Diocesan Secretary, Diocese above it (at its apex) and a 331 foot central tower topping it of Liverpool and Director of Operations of the Cathedral, taught off: ride two lifts up to the bell chamber – 14 bells reside there; us about the mission of the Diocese of Liverpool and how the the heaviest and highest peal bells in the world – then walk 108 activities of its Cathedral in are integrated into that mission. steps to the top of the tower and a magnificent view. The Diocese see its mission as: “To see a sustainable, led and But as it turned out, this spectacular cathedral was but one transforming Christian presence in every community to enable part of a broadly educational and spiritual visit to the Diocese all people to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.” of Liverpool. The Dean characterizes the Cathedral as a “safe place to do risky Lynne Butt, the travel manager for the Anglican Communion things in Christ’s service.” Office in London who along with Clare Kerrigan on the Cathedral Mary Donovan reported, “I was impressed by the way in staff looked after our arrangements flawlessly, described the which the Diocese had analyzed the basic social and economic scope of our visit well: problems confronting “Liverpool was the clergy, developed an excellent visit. the “Bishop’s Growth I assumed that as a Agenda” and then study visit we would translated that agenda be hearing a lot from into specific goals for both sides about the each congregation. Obrelationship between viously a great deal of Anglicans and the thought has gone into Roman Catholic Church helping clergy deal in the diocese. Relationwith the problems they ships are obviously very confront.“ cordial, as our welcome After this briefing, dinner with Dean Justin we were well prepared Welby was held in the to visit local parishes Roman Catholic catheand the institutions in dral [the Metropolitan the Diocese. (Recall that Cathedral of Christ the a parish in the Church King]! We also attended of England refers to a mass there. geographic area and “But it turned out to that the clergy in the Cathedral views be more of a mission parish support the visit, as our visits were schools and social to various community projects in the diocese – schools, children’s agencies within it as well as the congregations in the parishes. centre with parenting classes, a half-way house for women The Diocese of Liverpool and the Cathedral are strongly prisoners, and a community centre offering art classes and we focused on ministry in the local community.) met some truly inspiring people (mostly women!) who were doing A subsequent tour of the city with Ken Pye, a most so much with virtually no funding at all. knowledgeable local historian, helped us understand the city’s “Liverpool has some of the most deprived boroughs in the whole past, its current ongoing renaissance and the challenges that of Europe, a mix of unemployment, drugs, lack of educational the Diocese faces. Mary Donovan provided an insightful attainment, alcohol and underage pregnancies – the works. summary of our visit to city and its suburbs: “The basic theme of our visit was regeneration, and the city “This trip had such a powerful effect on me because it forced centre and waterfront are very impressive, but it’s hard to see me to confront the difficulty of adjusting to life in a posthow it will continue to the very poor areas with all the government industrial age. All around us were the remnants of the industry cuts they are experiencing.” and commerce that had made Liverpool a great city: the extensive We came to Liverpool Cathedral at a transition point in its dock system, the huge tobacco and sugar warehouses standing life. Dean Welby has been appointed Bishop of Durham and empty and literally unusable today, the elaborate collection of was in the midst of taking his leave as he assumes his new post locks within the harbor, even the Cathedral itself, a monument at the end of November. Nevertheless, he was most gracious to a system of pomp and ceremony that is largely gone out of and generous with his time as he introduced us to the history of people’s lives today. Liverpool and the Cathedral, accompanied us to several stops on “The work of importing and distributing goods continues – 2

but it is accomplished largely by mechanized systems. The huge number of teamsters who had formerly moved those goods are simply not needed today. All the people we talked to told us unemployment is the biggest problem they deal with. Unemployment and all its effects – apathy, lethargy, alcoholism, family brutality, and poor health – were so pervasive, both in Liverpool itself and in the outlying village of Wigan. And no one could really see ways to put people back to work. “I came away with a tremendous admiration for the people we met in the various schools and social agencies who were so fiercely dedicated to instilling hope in clients who had so few reasons for hope. I was impressed with the imagination and energy with which programs were designed. “The St. Francis of Assisi School (editor’s note: a joint activity of the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches in Liverpool), for example, painted their hallway walls with scenes from St. Francis’ Canticle to the Sun to emphasize the school’s focus on ecology. “The art center in Wigan (a Liverpool suburb that we visited) actually hired a local graffiti artist to embellish its outer walls to make the place more inviting to the “toughs” of the neighborhood. “Since the people of St. James in the City hadn’t yet found the funding to restore the roof of the deserted church building they were reviving, they simply erected a tent inside and held services there. “I was also impressed by the obvious spirit of cooperation between the Anglican and the Roman Catholic authorities – their joint support of various community centers and schools we visited and the evident working relationship between the two cathedrals. I was intrigued by the amount of church-state cooperation in the educational system – church schools funded by the state – in a way that would never be allowed in the United States and religious classes in the secular schools. “But at the end of the trip, the overwhelming question in my mind was why can’t we figure out a massive way to put people back to work? We can send a rocket to the moon, why can’t we regenerate our inner cities?” Our visit ended with a spectacular twenty minute son et lumière show inside the Cathedral following our farewell dinner with clergy representing other faiths in the Liverpool religious community and the Cathedral staff and diocesan clergy who had been so generous with their time during our stay. As the Cathedral organist played an ever growing crescendo of classic pieces on the massive 9,765 pipe Willis organ, the lights flashed brightly around us in the deepest recesses of the building gradually bringing us from total darkness to brightest light. This familiar Christian metaphor sent us home thinking about the renaissance we had seen taking place in the city of Liverpool and with its people, praying mightily that it would continue and most thankful to all those who made our visit so memorable. (More pictures at

NEW BOARD & OFFICERS ELECTED At the 2011Annual General Meeting the membership elected The Right Reverend C. Andrew Doyle, Houston and Carlos R. Munoz, White Plains, N.Y. to its board of directors. The Society’s President Phillip Poole thanked the retiring board members for their service and welcomed those who agreed to join the board going forward as the Compass Rose Society supports the work of the Anglican Communion and expands its membership throughout the Anglican world.

The New Directors Join These Board Members (and Officers*) Currently Serving: Mr. B. Norris Battin, Newport Beach, CA.; Mr. Robert Biehl*, Houston, TX; The Reverend Sarah Buxton-Smith, Buffalo, NY; The Very Reverend Samuel G. Candler*, Atlanta, GA; The Reverend Canon Jan Naylor Cope*, Washington, DC; The Right Reverend George Councell, Trenton, NJ; Mr. Joey Fan*, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong; The Most Reverend Terence Finlay*, Toronto, ON; Mr. Robert Foltz, Bonita Springs, FL; Ms. Constance Fraser Gray, Winston Salem, NC; The Reverend Canon Kenneth Kearon, London, UK; The Reverend Rick Lord, Vienna, VA; The Right Reverend Victoria Matthews, Christchurch, New Zealand; Mr. Marshall McReal, Seattle, WA; The Reverend Canon John Peterson, Hendersonville, NC; The Right Reverend Philip Poole*, Aurora, ON; Ms. Janie Stevens, Houston, TX; Ms. Della Wager Wells, Atlanta, GA; Ms. Antonia Wong Tuen-Yee, Central, Hong Kong; Ms. Beverley Paterson Wood, Aurora, ON


The Reverend Terrie Robinson

Bishop Suheil Dawani

Ms. Sally Keeble

Archbishop Rowan Williams

Annual Meeting Speakers Highlight Anglican Communion’s International Mission By The Reverend Terry Noble


how he had received a letter after the trip where it was revealed that one community had been reluctant to host guests because they felt their church building was in poor repair. However, after the trip they expressed that the visit had “shown them that they, as well as those in other communities, are not alone in their faith, but are part of a worldwide family”.

embers of the Compass Rose Society gathered on September 21st and 22nd at St. Andrew’s House and Lambeth Palace in London for the 2011 Annual General Meeting. A wide range of speakers addressed topics that reminded members of the interconnectedness of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Bishop Suheil Dawani of the Diocese of Jerusalem was the guest speaker for this year’s AGM. In introducing Bishop Suheil, Society President Bishop Philip Poole expressed how thrilled he was to have the Bishop of Jerusalem present, following an incident in 2009 when visa issues prevented Bishop Suheil from attending. Bishop Suheil stated that all people in the region are “exhausted by the political and economic stagnation around them”. He described Christians in the region as having an important voice of moderation. The Diocese of Jerusalem, although small, runs thirty institutions that form an important part of the educational and medical infrastructure in the region. In response to a question from the floor asking how the Society could help, he appealed for members to assist in the fundraising for an echo-cardiogram instrument for their diabetes clinic, which will cost $150,000.

Bob Biehl, Society treasurer, provided his report with news of revenues increasing and expenditures decreasing in 2010 as compared to 2009. The 2011 year-to-date figures also showed improvement. He noted that the cumulative givings of the Society now total over US$7 Million. Secretary General Kenneth Kearon touched on a number of his experiences and the activities of his office over the past year. He told of presiding at a Eucharist in Harare, where a bishop quietly slipped into a back pew during the service. The bishop had been warned not to proceed to the confirmation service he was to preside at in a different location because police had broken up the service and were waiting to arrest him. Canon Kearon also spoke about the many different dialogues and conversations taking place with other denominations. He explained that the Anglican Communion no longer has formal “dialogues” with Lutherans and Methodists because no significant theological differences remain.

The Reverend Terrie Robinson from the Anglican Communion Office spoke to members on the subject of gender-based violence. She described such violence as “the most pervasive and yet least recognized form of human rights abuse”. She offered a theological framework for addressing the issue, including both the idea of human beings having been made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and the baptismal theology of us all being one in Christ (Galatians 3:27). Members were encouraged to visit the website which is sponsored by the Anglican Communion and others who are working on this issue.

Sally Keeble, Anglican Communion Office Director for the Anglican Alliance, explained its work. It is not a funding agency and it does not run development programs. Its three mandates are development, relief and advocacy, but its approach is one of grassroots capacity building, facilitating and coordinating. As an example, she outlined a situation where the Alliance went into Pakistan following the 2010 floods and assessed the impact. The resulting report allowed funding agencies to focus their efforts in order to make the best use of the available funds. The Alliance also supported the Archbishop of Burundi recently in making a presentation to a parliamentary select committee in the UK, in response to deep cuts to foreign aid to his country.

Pauline and Neil Maxwell of Aurora, Ontario presented a summary of the Society’s April 2011 Communion Visit to Brazil. In his address to the members, Bishop Philip Poole also addressed the Brazil trip. He spoke of how Society members can pray the Anglican Cycle of Prayer with purpose because of having visited many different parts of the Communion. Bishop Poole described

On the second day, members adjourned the formal meeting 4

Sponsoring A Parish Can

at St. Andrew’s House and moved to Lambeth Palace for dinner and worship as guests of Archbishop and Mrs. Williams. The question and answer session saw Dr. Williams addressing a wide range of topics including the royal wedding, his retirement and the nature of church leadership in a postmodern world.




Several years ago, Saint Paul’s church in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, an institutional member of the Society, was considering ways to expand its membership commitment. The rector, Alan Gates, invited CRS board member Bob Foltz to attend a vestry meeting to discuss the possibility of additional individual memberships and perhaps form a chapter or two. At that meeting, a vestry member recalled that the parish had a relationship with the Diocese of False Bay in South Africa, and suggested that Saint Paul’s buy a membership for the Diocese. They have been members ever since. Could your parish (diocese or even you) sponsor a membership for a companion relationship you have established?

During his homily at Evensong, Dr. Williams stated “seeing and bearing witness is at the heart of what the Compass Rose Society does” in reference to how members visit fellow Anglicans in other parts of the world. Evensong was accompanied by the solemn offering of tea as a symbol of peace by Dr. Genshitsu Sen of the Japanese Imperial Court. The international nature of the Anglican Communion and the ministry of the Compass Rose Society within it was brought home repeatedly throughout these meetings. Members returned home to their parishes once again with examples of how being members of a worldwide Communion leaves us all better equipped to contribute to God’s mission for God’s church in God’s world.

MEMBER GIFTS CAN HAVE LASTING EFFECTS Recently, a CRS member who has, over several years, sponsored a medical center in Kateri, in the diocese of Kaduna in northern Nigeria, received this note and accompanying pictures from Bishop Josiah IdowuFearon: Dear ____, Love from Kaduna Medical Centre in Kateri. We commenced our free two-week medical services last week and by yesterday, we had attended to 4,000 patients to the glory of the Lord. In these pictures, you will have an idea of both the patients and the medical personnel. A team led by Canon Tom Furrer from Hartford, CT of medical staff is working with volunteers from Kaduna, Abuja and Jos. Pray for us as what you helped us to begin continues to reach out with the love of Christ to thousands. Love from Comfort my wife and all the people of Kaduna diocese.

The clinic is staffed with two full-time doctors, three nurse-practitioners, and a lab technician

Josiah This clinic began with a donation at the Society’s annual meeting in 2000 where Bishop Josiah spoke and articulated the needs of his diocese, and the sponsor has supported the maintenance of the clinic through the years. CRS offers unique opportunities such as this to directly support the work of the Anglican Communion.

Queue for treatment at the Kaduna Medical Centre in Kateri, Nigeria


Notes From ASIAPAC ship the Church has with the colonial, Special Administrative Area (after the handover) and the Chinese government. It offers tremendous insight into how the Christian community had evolved from a “collaborative” one in British Hong Kong, to a “concerned” one during the transition period and a “politicized” one after the city’s return to Mainland China in 1997. It not only provides a narrative to the history of the Church’s experience in the city’s most tumultuous times in recent history, it also explains how the crisis in the people’s identity also greatly affected the Church’s. The Archbishop not only proves how relevant the people’s issues are to the Church, and vice versa; but he also confirms the belief that both the people and the Church must come to terms with their identity issues in order to move forward.

It is a great pleasure to welcome Alice Wu as a columnist for The Communicator. Alice and her husband Ben Cheung are Compass Rose Society members living in Hong Kong where Alice is a current affairs columnist for the South China Morning Post, She was formerly associate director of the Asia Pacific Media Network at UCLA. We are fortunate to have her as our voice in the Far East.

Hong Kong’s crisis in identity is a subject often spoken of, but not properly addressed. As a local political commentator, I can attest to that. These issues are part of the public psyche and every day life, but yet, as I’ve written many times in my columns, ethnic, political, social, and economic conflicts continue to fester and exacerbate the problem because while these issues of identity are often mentioned, serious examination or in any way properly addressing them are “swept under the carpet.” It is refreshing, and also illuminating to see the Archbishop putting this subject “front and center”.

For Compass Rose members who have met The Most Reverend Dr. Paul Kwong, (who is also a Compass Rose Society member), Primate and Archbishop of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, you would agree that he has quite a commanding presence. But what you may not know is that not only is he remarkably approachable, he also has an adorable sense of humor. When he saw me with his book, “Identity in Community: Toward a Theological Agenda for the Hong Kong SAR”, he immediately said, “My book is a great read,” and without missing a beat, he continued, “for people who have trouble sleeping.”

But the real treat is the third and last part of this book, where Archbishop Kwong takes readers on his theological reflective journey, inviting readers to “listen in” on contemporary voices that provide resources for the search of an authentic contextual theology. In the “theological roundtable”, readers are invited to eavesdrop on four contemporary theological approaches from Asia, Latin America and the West, with him and Croatian theologian Miroslav Volf moderating the dialogue. The real twist – and I’m sure readers will be surprised – occurs at the end of this section, where the Archbishop throws in a “curve ball” and introduces math into the equation!

The truth, however, is that “Identity in Community” will keep readers awake. It is a heavy and important book – one that Church Divinity School of the Pacific (Berkeley, California) Professor Emeritus of Ministry Development, The Reverend Dr. John L. Kater describes as “a very pastoral [and] a very Anglican” book. It is also erudite – addressing directly, honestly and thoroughly, for the first time, the issues of what is described as the “contesting identities” of the people of Hong Kong; but yet, it is, like its author, so very accessibly eloquent to laymen like me.

Not only does the Archbishop make the discussion of difficult and complex issues interesting, he makes his case for hope convincingly – through mathematical theory – that unity in diversity is possible.

“Identity in Community” is divided into three parts. In the first part, Archbishop Kwong describes how the people’s sense of unease, conflicts and divisions, anxiety and fear had been shaped by critical events of the last 25 years. The city and its people have lived through decolonization without independence, and their struggles in dealing with their complex and evolving identity issues. The depth and breadth of the research is remarkable and speaks volumes of the importance the subject matter holds for the archbishop. In its foreword, he writes, “the question of identity is an authentic and viable item on the agenda for theological reflection [and its] pursuit should result in the empowerment of Hong Kong people.”

The Archbishop’s concludes by calling Christians, especially the Anglican community to, because we are equipped – via our traditions and our overlapping cultural and religious identities – empower people to embrace rather than to exclude differences and otherness. He offers also the Hong Kong experience as a resource – not an answer – for others in the Anglican community. For those of us in Hong Kong who have followed Archbishop Kwong’s Christmas addresses of recent years, we often wonder where the Archbishop got his “prophetic” gift from. He warned the city of NIMBY (not in my backyard) attitudes long before it became part of the public discourse and he called for moderation

Part 2 of the book deals with the Christian community’s struggle with the city’s “fate” and documents the “Church’s Response to the Contest Identity”, covering the changing relation46

Message from our President of advocacy, relief and development. The result will be more effective Anglican Communion efforts, larger capacity to minister, and a stronger synchronized emergency relief ministry.

continued from page 1

economies. It is impressive to realize that wherever our church is found around the globe, a difference in people’s lives is being made – all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We also learned about the Archbishop of Canterbury’s (now completed) visit to Zimbabwe and how its church has faced enormous challenges there.

• M r. Stephen Lyon led a workshop on the Bible in the Life of the Church, a Communion effort to help Anglicans understand how our sacred scriptures are used, interpreted, and how we seek to live our lives being informed by it.

• O riginating from the United States, Hong Kong, Ireland, England and Canada, those attending the Annual General Meeting were treated to a very moving sacred Tea Ceremony. Held in the Archbishop’s Lambeth Palace Chapel, the Urasenke Grand Tea Master XV, Dr. Genshitsu Sen offered this Tea Ceremony as a symbol of peace and reconciliation.

• T he Secretary General gave us insight into the current state of the Anglican Covenant as decision reports from across various Communion Provinces have begun to filter back to the Anglican Communion Office. In his annual report, the Reverend Canon Kenneth Kearon also reminded us of the role of the Communion in matters of Faith, Unity and Order, particularly in dialogues with other Christian and faith communities. These conversations are vital in gaining deeper insight and understanding, as well as building trusted relationships.

There is much to be thankful for in our Anglican Communion. I am very grateful for the Anglican Cycle of Prayer that allows me to pray daily for specific areas in our International Church. From my involvement within the Compass Rose Society, I am also thankful for the people I’ve met and for their ministries, allowing me to pray with understanding for this expression of Christianity.

• W e heard from members who traveled on a mission trip to Brazil – to the Dioceses of Rio de Janeiro and Amazon. What was experienced there was not only of amazing and faithful ministry, but also of the vital importance of connections made between people visiting from one part of the Anglican world, to people in another part. The result was the sense of solidarity and the feeling of being part of a greater Anglican whole, especially for those previously feeling isolated. The importance of these Communion visits cannot be overstated and are a vital part of our work.

Thank you for your financial support of the Compass Rose Society – especially in these challenging, economic times. Your gifts help support the ministry of the Archbishop of Canterbury throughout the Anglican Communion. Your gifts also help to make a difference in our church’s ability to help others. Please take the time to visit our website and view all the work you help to make possible. Finally, please rest assured that as soon as the dates for next year’s Annual General Meeting and Communion Visit have been set by Lambeth Palace, we will communicate this information to you. I encourage you to attend the annual meetings of the Compass Rose Society as well as attending the dinner with Archbishop and Mrs. Williams. Equip yourself with a deeper understanding of our worldwide church. Join in visiting a part of the Communion. We have so much to be thankful for.

• T he Right Reverend Suheil Dawani, Bishop of Jerusalem spoke of the ministry of his Diocese that extends across a number of countries (Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and Libya) in the Middle East and of the efforts in health, education and advocacy. It was deeply disturbing to learn of the diminishing number of Christians who remain in the land of the Holy One.

Yours in Christ,

• I n his annual talk, Archbishop Rowan Williams spoke to us of his recent visit to Central Africa and the great efforts that church has made in dealing with poverty, violence and emerging

Bishop Philip Poole President, Compass Rose Society

months before political violence became Hong Kong’s most recent problem. Now I know that it is his acute observation, astute awareness, and compassion for the people’s plights, and the years of his work in studying the underlying problems of exclusionary and contesting identities that have made him insightful – and the work of the Church – very relevant and necessary. Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui continues to face new challenges, and, it is my hope that I can share these experiences with you in the coming issues of The Communicator. Dr. Paul Kwong’s “Identity in Community: Toward a Theological Agenda for the Hong Kong SAR”, is published by ContactZone. (ISBN 978-3-643-90078-4). The Most Reverend Dr. Paul Kwong, (who is also a Compass Rose Society member), Primate and Archbishop of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.



WELCOME DEBBIE With the Reverend Terry Noble leaving his post as Executive Assistant to our President Phillip Poole to begin

Join as an individual member or form a parish, diocesan or cathedral chapter of any number of members. Share in the annual meeting; join us for dinner and Compline at Lambeth Palace; meet fellow Anglicans on Communion visits throughout the world or study our Anglican heritage on location. Individual membership includes an invitation for the member (or couple) and up to two guests to attend the Society’s events in London and communion visits or study trips scheduled each year. With a parish membership, the rector and guest and two designated parish members may attend. Four members of a Chapter may attend. With a diocesan membership, the bishop, a guest and two designated members may attend.

his parish ministry, we welcome Debbie Crossling Barker to the post. Debbie has previously served in the office of the Archbishop of Toronto and is a professional event planner. We are delighted she’s joined us. Her email address is

For more information contact the The Right Reverend Philip Poole, the president of the Society, at



The Reverend Michele Hagans Washington, DC

Join the Compass Rose Society Facebook Group Follow us on Twitter: @tomcranmer To view photos on Flickr, email

The Reverend Canon Derwyn Shea Toronto, ON

o view or post video for viewing by the membership go to T

The Reverend Pamela Shier Mount Morris, PA

OTHER WEB LINKS OF INTEREST: The Archbishop of Canterbury:

Mr. and Mrs. T. Eugene Smith McLean, VA

Episcopal Life Online: Anglicans Online:

Mr. John Van Wagoner McLean, VA

Thinking Anglicans: MISSION PARTNERS: Diocese of Southern Malawi: Diocese of Jerusalem: Diocese of the Highveld: La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico: Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil:

ST. MARY’S, ARLINGTON CHAPTER The Reverend Andrew Merrow Arlington, VA WASHINGTON NATIONAL CATHEDRAL CHAPTER The Reverend Canon Jan Naylor Cope Washington, DC

NOTE TO MEMBERS: Please let us know if you would like to receive The Communicator by email only. Send a note to

CHRIST CHURCH, GEORGETOWN CHAPTER Ms. Nora Tooey Cameron (Chapter Contact) Washington, DC

THE COMPASS ROSE SOCIETY: Supporting the global mission of the Archbishop of Canterbury in and through the Anglican Communion.

Mr. Timothy Matz & Mrs. Jane Matz

THE COMPASS ROSE COMMUNICATOR: An bi-annual publication of the Compass Rose Society Fall 2011: Norris Battin, Communications Committee Chair; Comments welcome:

Mr. Charles Rackley & Mrs. Betsy Rackley Mr. Bruce Ross-Larson & Mrs. Shelley Ross-Larson Mr. Harrison Spencer & Mrs. Christine Spencer

Scan the QR (quick response) code to go to the CRS website. The links printed in the text here are “live” there.

DIOCESE OF CALGARY The Right Reverend Derek Hoskin Calgary, AB 8

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