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FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE Volume 67 Number 1


The Episcopal Church of Saint Michael & All Angels Pacific View Drive at Marguerite

Corona del Mar

California 92625

...From the Desk of the Rector

BELOVEDS IN CHRIST “Why do you address us as ‘Beloveds...’?” one of you asked. Here is a more thorough response than I was able to give in that moment to your good question: Belovedness is the core message of the Christian faith, the simplest, and in many ways the wildest assertion of all: That for reasons we can’t begin to fathom, every one of us is beloved by the Heart of Reality. The deepest truth of the world is Original Blessing, a world that God creates in gladness and calls beloved. Yes, of course there is much about our lives as human beings that saddens and even angers God -- our self-absorption and entitledness, our lack of compassion for the suffering of the world. But the God we see in Jesus is nevertheless not a God of bitterness and rejection, but of relentless compassion and eagerness to forgive and start again. “Beloved” is the word Jesus heard in the Gospel we will hear here on January 8 when we celebrate The Baptism Of Our Lord: The First Sunday After The Epiphany. Matthew says that when Jesus came up from the Jordan River water the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God and heard “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.” It is all vivid language to describe reality beyond words -- that Jesus experienced himself as delighted in, believed in, embraced by the one he called Abba/ “Daddy.” And that awareness was so overwhelming that Jesus spent the rest of his short life among us trying to get others to discover it for themselves; and it was in the rough and tumble of dusty, raucous crowds that he experienced God’s belovedness, as well as on a remote mountain and off by a beautiful lake. My guess is that most of us spend a good deal of our lives searching for a sense of belovedness. Therapists tell us that the search for belovedness is at the bottom of most of our human struggles. Raymond Carver, one of the finest writers of our time, died at age 50 in 1988 after living a hard life including divorce and alcoholism. In his final decade, he found the love of his life and pulled things together; then lung cancer hit. Just before he died, Carver wrote a fragment of a poem that goes like this: And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth. Continued on page 3





he Rev. John Taylor was elected bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Los Angeles on Dec. 3 by delegates at the 121st annual meeting of the diocese at the Ontario Convention Center. Taylor, 62, has served as vicar of St. John Chrysostom Church and School in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, since 2004. He was elected by 122 votes in the clergy order and 194 votes in the lay order. The election culminated a nearly two-year search process. Los Angeles Bishop J. Jon Bruno announced during his address to convention that he will retire at the beginning of Diocesan Convention 2017. A lifelong Episcopalian, Taylor was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1954, the son of journalists, and formerly served as chief of staff to former President Richard M. Nixon and later as the executive director of the Nixon Library. He received a bachelor’s degree in political science at the University of California, San Diego, and a Master of Divinity degree at the Claremont School of Theology and Bloy House. He is a graduate of Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. He was ordained a priest in January 2004 and also served as curate at the Church of St. Andrew the Apostle in Fullerton. Taylor has written two novels, “Patterns of Abuse” and “Jackson Place,” numerous newspaper and magazine articles and a blog, “The Episcoponixonian.” Taylor married Kathleen Hannigan O’Connor in 2002; he has two daughters, Valerie and Lindsay, and two stepchildren, Daniel and Meaghan. Pending the required consent of a majority of the Episcopal Church’s diocesan standing committees and bishops with jurisdiction, Taylor will be ordained and consecrated as bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of LosAngeles on July 8, 2017, at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion at the Music Center in Los Angeles.



CONTRIBUTIONS WERE MADE TO THE RECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND most recently by Doreen Villars from Regents Point, by Susan Brown and Frank Bean in thanksgiving for the celebration and blessing of their marriage, by the Romero-Epple family for the baptism of Hunter August, by the Fukuda family in gratitude for the graceful life of Frances, and by Barbara & Wally Paulson in thanksgiving for family.These funds extend our Parish’s mission of outreach, providing for such needs as can be helped by financial assistance.

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PLEASE CHECK THE FORWARD MOVEMENT DISPLAY RACK ON THE WALL IN MICHAEL’S ROOM. Pick up a pamphlet or two to share with family and friends. A donation box is provided. For this month: The Rev’d Scott Gunn, a former parish priest and Executive Director of Forward Movement has written a pamphlet that we all can learn from – “Practicing our Slogan – the Episcopal Church Welcomes You.” We parishioners want to welcome warmly all who attend our worship services and other church activities as well. Rev’d Gunn offers a few suggestions for us: 1. Stop saying “visitors” and start saying “guests.” 2. Preach about hospitality regularly. 3. Teach Benedict’s rule: Let all guests who come be received as Christ.” 4. Invite “mystery worshipers” to attend –and listen to their feedback. 5. Get key leaders to be guests in other congregations. (When people return, they provide feedback.) Senior Warden.............................Myrna Ireland mireland6@sbcglobal.net....................949.759.1509 Junior Warden.............................Donald Sheetz donald.sheetz@gmail.com..................949.720.0700 Christian Education....................Melinda Rader melindarader2244@gmail.com.............949.230.3644 Clerk of the Vestry...............................Jill Faller jjfaller@gmail.com...........................949.706.9495 Building and Grounds............ ..Tom Nicholson tom@nicholsoncompanies.com...... ...949.872.9067


SAINT MICHAELS FINANCIAL REPORT: Total Parish INCOME through DECEMBER 20, 2016 is $500,546. Our Budget was projected to be $498,500. The total EXPENSES through December 20 are $474,138. Pledge income is close: $332,771. We have budgeted $370,000 according to the Pledge cards received for the 2016 year. Our Plate and non-Pledge income is over our Budget. Parish Center Donations are over projected Budget – so far we have received $72.136 (Budget projection was $65,000). Thank you all who got your Pledges in before the December deadline. We will be close to ending 2016 in the black! It is almost time for the Finance Committee to plan the 2017 Budget. It is not too late to still pledge. Our Budgets for all activities, salaries, outreach, and music, etc. are based mainly on the Pledge amount so it is important to have your pledge so it can be included. Good news - the loan payment to clear the books on the Building Our Faith Loan has been paid! We are always in need of Tellers to count money after the 10am worship service. Please consider volunteering for this very important job. Please call the office and give your name and a phone number where we can reach you. Thank you all for your past generosity to Saint Michael & All Angels. Julie Jenkins, Finance Chairman

* * * WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP meets the last Tuesday of the month and is effectively using our subscription to ChurchNext as the study focus. Beth Bianchi provides her home and coordinates the study session each month.

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LEST WE FORGET: There have been 4,528 American military casualties in Iraq and 2,383 in Afghanistan and other locations. "Lord hear our prayers for those who are dead and for those who mourn."

THE VESTRY Communications...........................Norris Battin nbattin+SMAA@gmail.com.............949.500.2442 Evangelism.............................Anne Warmington amwarmington@hotmail.com............202.550.4100 Finance.......................................Julie Jenkins jdfritz@aol.com..............................949.640.0134 Worship....The Very Rev’d Canon Peter D. Haynes phaynes@stmikescdm.org...........949.644.0463x11


JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES Birthdays 2nd - Craig Kennedy 3rd - Lisa Dooley 5th - Nora Higgins 12th - Gracemarie Dell Angelo 16th - Dale Woolley 18th - Sharon Ferguson 19th - Marcia Last 20th - David Davidson 22nd - Herb Hoffman 22nd - Anne Logie 27th - Ann Morris 27th - Stacie Tibbetts 29th - Skylar Mineshima 31st - Ali Haghjoo Weddings 14th - Ray & Monty Pentz 21st - Larry & Valerie Casey

WE NEED Greeters, Ushers, Tellers, and Altar Guilders. Please contact Canon Haynes if interested. FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE is a publication of Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Corona del Mar, CA. Copy deadline is the second Wednesday of the month. We welcome letters and articles. Editor: Susan Beechner 949.644.0463 sbeechner@stmikescdm.org www.stmikescdm.ladiocese.org

Mission...............................Barbara Stewart+ barbarastewart001@gmail.com........714.979.7449 Stewardship............................Matthew Shaw mattjshaw@yahoo.com..................949.645.4942 Fellowship...........................................OPEN Ombudsperson..........................Louise Stover lstover@volt.com..........................714.432.7371 (Senior Warden Coadjutor)........Mark Peterson markpeterson@catespeterson.com.....949.252.2622




Rector’s Desk from page 1

Isn’t that something we would all like to say when our earthly life comes to an end – that we have been beloved, that our lives have been defined by receiving and giving love? I know that’s what I want! Thomas Merton entered the Trappist Abbey of Gethsemani monastery in 1948 and for more than a decade devoted himself to leaving behind the world and seeking to know God’s belovedness for himself. He writes of his claiming blessedness in Conjectures if a Guilty Bystander, reflections on the rough-andtumble l960s: In Louisville, at the corner of Fourth and Walnut, in the center of the shopping district, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the realization that I loved all those people, that they were mine and I theirs, that we could not be alien to one another even though we were total strangers. It was like waking from a dream of separateness ... to take your place as a member of the human race ... I have the immense joy of being ...a member of a race in which God Himself became incarnate ... If only everybody could realize this! ... There is no way of telling people that they are all walking around shining like the sun. This is a revolutionary insight, this belovedness. If we could know our own belovedness moment by moment and could look at the world with that transformed vision, wouldn’t it change the angry, conflicted world we’re in? Knowing our own belovedness can help us honor the goodness of the day in front of us, love those near to us, and serve those who need us. Has belovedness broken through to the center of your spirit? Sitting among you in the congregation for both eight and ten o’clock worship on Sundays in Advent I shared Merton’s experience: “I was overwhelmed with the realization that I love all (of you!), that (you) were mine and I (yours) !” So you and I are “beloved” because we are loved by one another as well as by God in Christ Jesus! Belovedness is the gift buried in us all that the church is here to help us uncover. It starts with a handful of people who begin knowing this belovedness for themselves – who somehow discover it in the support of a friend, or a gesture of help when they thought it impossible, in the silence of prayer or in the words of a book, in serving those who need us, or in a piece of bread and a sip of wine that say, “You are the Beloved, in whom the Source Of Our Being is well pleased.” And when they glimpse it, they will begin to see everyone shining like the sun.

Yours, In Christ -

SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE! SET UP DIRECT GIVING TO SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS: Pledge payments can now be scheduled using web banking. You can set up regular, recurring payments for your annual pledge, and leave your checkbook at home on Sundays.This payment method is completely optional. You can continue to place pledge envelopes in the collection plates if you wish (empty or with a note saying you gave on-line). Note that regular, recurring payments help the church maintain a healthy cash flow, especially useful during the summer months when many are on vacation. For details and instructions call Marybeth Waniek, our bookkeeper, in the parish office 949644-0463, ex. 15. She will be happy to help you simplify your life!

A GREAT GIFT FOR FAMILY & FRIENDS Our parish history, “A Celebration of 50 Years,” is available for $15 from Lulu Press bit.ly/ SMAAhistory. Twenty percent of the purchase price supports our parish budget. Every Saint Michael's family should have a copy of our history - 51 pages of text, color photographs, and historical tables. It’s also a splendid gift for relatives and friends. Excerpts of the book are here: www. stmikescdm.ladiocese.org.

PRESCHOOL UPDATE: Our application is complete and submitted. We anticipate an inspection from Social Services in early-to-mid-January and there are some clean-up and maintenance items to be completed before they arrive. SENIOR FITNESS: An exercise class for seniors meets for an hour every week on Tuesdays at 1:30pm in the North Wing. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Peggy Montgomery, 949.644.2239.

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PLEASE NOTE:An update to the Parish Directory will be published in early January. If you would like to have your picture in the Directory, or would like to update an existing picture, you may leave a photograph with Susan Beechner in the Parish Office or email jpg files to pcoppen@stmikescdm.org,.


Our mission is to seek and share Jesus Christ as spiritual food for life’s journey.

3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625 949.644.0463 949.644.9247 FAX stmikescdm.ladiocese.org

The Very Rev’d Canon

Peter D. Haynes, Rector [phaynes@stmikescdm.org] Susan Caldwell Director of Christian Education [scaldwell@stmikescdm.org] Ray Urwin, D.M.A. Minister of Music [rurwin@stmikescdm.org] The Rev’d Fennie Chang, Ph.D. Canterbury Irvine The Rev’d Canon Ray Fleming Assisting Priest The Rev’d Norm Freeman Assisting Priest The Rev’d Barbara Stewart, Ph.D. Assisting Priest Susan Beechner, Parish Secretary [sbeechner@stmikescdm.org] Marybeth Waniek, Bookkeeper [mwaniek@stmikescdm.org]

WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday Holy Eucharist at 8am & 10am Nursery Care 9:30am -11:30am Sunday School 9:45am Adult Education 9am

Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing-12 noon ABOUT SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, CORONA DEL MAR We are a Christian Community of the Anglican Communion who come to hear God’s word and receive and share the Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to have Christ live in us in order that in Christ we may live faithful and productive Christian lives. Our commitment to the Gospel is evangelical; our liturgical tradition, catholic; our theology orthodox but open to thought, reflection, and spiritual endeavor. We care about the world and strive to serve Christ in it.



Susan Caldwell



I enjoy listening to my “Fiddler on the Roof” CD while driving in the car. And even though I have heard it many times, it always strikes me as funny when in the opening song, the main character, and patriarch, Tevye says, "Because of our traditions, we've kept our balance for many, many years. Here in Anatevka we have traditions for everything... how to eat, how to sleep, even, how to wear clothes. For instance, we always keep our heads covered and always wear a little prayer shawl... This shows our constant devotion to God. You may ask, how did this tradition start? I'll tell you - I don't know. But it's a tradition... Because of our traditions, everyone knows who he is and what God expects him to do." As an Episcopalian, do you know why you do what you do? What are the traditions? And what God expects you to do? Here is a refresher course on a few of our Sunday morning traditions. During worship at Saint Michael & All Angels we always have two readings, one from the Old Testament and One from the New Testament. There is a Psalm read on Sundays and there is the Gospel Reading. And the acolytes illuminate the path of the Gospel reading so as to give the Light of Christ. Every Sunday worship service looks like this. And there are the Prayers of the People. And the saying of the Our Father and the Nicene Creed. We pass the Peace in the middle and we share Eucharist together around an altar that rises up from a circular space. We give an offering. And there is always a sending or dismissal at the end of the worship service. This is what it means to attend Saint Michael’s on a Sunday morning. The 8am worshipers are sans music, while the 10am people don’t mind arriving a bit later on Sunday mornings and spending the extra fifteen or twenty minutes watching the choir, or singing with the choir, whatever the case may be.

Continued on page 6

Brad Theo Nadine Suzie Mary Betty Teri Michele Joanne Polly Peter Norm Daphne Wally Mark GUIDANCE Ramin & Charlotte Esther Whitney Scott, Samantha, Shelby Cliff Dale John Wendy REPOSE Ellen Wikle Bill & Carol Russell Frances Fukuda THANKSGIVING

Call Esther McNamee for prayer requests 949.640.1749

PHONE TREE MINISTRY: NEW MEMBERS NEEDED. Our goal is to contact every parishioner by phone once a month. This is a great opportunity to get to know others better and to share information, needs and suggestions about Saint Mike's. Please contact Ruth Poole at 949.644.9263.


MEN’S GROUP: Meets on Thursdays at 7:30am in the Davis Library to discuss questions relating to theology, science, and philosophy. All men are welcome.

* * * REMINDER: Please wear your name badge on Sundays.

* * * PLEDGE ENVELOPES: If you would like pledge envelopes for 2017, please leave a message for our bookkeeper, 949.644.0463, ext. 15.

* * * INKLINGS Considers the works of C. S. Lewis and is meeting the 3rd Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in the Davis Library. Susan Caldwell leads the discussion.

JANUARY 2017 5

FRIENDS OF MUSIC TRIP TO DISNEY CONCERT HALL. FOM has reserved 25 tickets for the Los Angeles Master Chorale’s Sunday April 30th concert at 7:00pm. “Wade In The Water” is an a cappella program of some of the most inspirational, spiritual music ever composed. The program consists of “Amazing Grace,” the Durufle “Ubi Caritas,” and the Randall Thompson “Alleluia,” among several other wonderful compositions. Tickets are $20.00 each. We probably will take a bus from the church and have dinner at the hall before the concert. The bus will be an extra cost. Please let Jim Palda know if you are interested. Payment will be due on March 15th. You can reach Jim at 626-533-8037 or by e-mail at paldajim@gmail.com, or at church.

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ADULT ACOLYTE CAPTAINS NEEDED: The ministry commitment is based on a rotation Sunday schedule and on an “as needed” basis depending upon the liturgical calendar year. Contact Susan Caldwell, Director of Christian Education, 949.644.0463 ext.12, if you would like to take part in the Acolyte Ministry at Saint Michael & All Angels.

ACOLYTES NEEDED: Do you have one hour to offer this parish each month? Would you like to participate in the worship service on Sundays by carrying the Cross or lighting the candles? Acolyting is a valuable ministry in the life of Saint Michael & All Angels. Please contact Susan Caldwell if you are interested in learning more about this ministry, or to volunteer! 949.644.0463 x 12.

* * * WHILE YOU’RE CONSIDERING YOUR 2016 INCOME TAX SAVINGS, we suggest discussing long-term tax savings with your attorney and gift planner – and we hope you will also consider a charitable bequest in your will to benefit the work Saint Michael & All Angels. .

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FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE - ADS NEEDED: Our newsletter is printed by C & M Publications at no cost to St. Mike’s, thanks to the support of the local businesses whose ads are found on the back of the calendar each month. If you or someone you know might like to become a sponsor, please call Susan Beechner in the parish office for more information.949.644.0463 x10.

* * * DO YOU HAVE A NEW EMAIL ADDRESS? Please contact sbeechner@stmikescdm.org with changes or additions.

* * * CHURCHNEXT ONLINE LEARNING: We continue to explore the resources for online learning available to us through "The Well," which is our parish's module within the ChurchNext website. ChurchNext has a number of offerings and is constantly being updated and expanded. A number of our parishioners have participated in our first group class and we are exploring what our next group offering should be. Please take a moment to obtain a user name and become familiar with the offerings. The website offers a wealth of opportunities for reflection and learning both in a group and individually. If you need any assistance or have any questions, please contact Kathleen Peterson at 949.378.5002, or kathleenopeterson@gmail.com; or Susan Caldwell, 949.644.0463 ext. 12 or scaldwell@stmikescdm.org.

LOAVES & FISHES: In January we will collect large cans (at least 25 oz.)of regular ground coffee. Monetary donations are always welcome, too. Please make checks payable to Saint Michael’s with Loaves & Fishes on the memo line. Tax ID #95-2123746). Attention Travelers: We are always collecting hotel/travel-size toiletries for shower kits for the homeless patrons.

* * * ST. MIKE’S COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION is looking for volunteers to help in the parish’s marketing, advertising, and public relations efforts. Please contact Norris Battin at nbattin+SMAA@gmail.com or 949.500.2442 if interested.


is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through United Thank Offering, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings.

* * * NURSERY CARE IS AVAILABLE on Sundays from 9:30-11:30am.

* * * A REMINDER FROM YOUR SMAA COMMUNICATIONS TEAM. You have several options to publicize your ministry or event throughout the SMAA community: this newsletter, our Facebook Page (facebook.com/ SMAACDM) the weekly Sunday bulletin, the spoken word at announcement time, or even an email to our “digital parishioners.” Contact Norris Battin for the newsletter and Facebook, Susan Beechner for the bulletin and email, and Fr. Haynes for announcements (nbattin@gmail.com, sbeechner@stmikescdm.org; or phaynes@stmikescdm.org.)

* * * PLEASE CHECK the lost and found box in Michael’s Room.




continued from page 4 Without each of these liturgical aspects, we would feel like something is amiss or missing. We expect to hear the Bible read in the sanctuary. We expect to hear about the life of Christ and his teachings from the ambo. We expect to pull down the kneelers, kneel, confess and be absolved of our sins. We share in the Feast. Can we accurately say that it is these traditions that make us who we are and what God requires us to be? I believe that Christian Education is a good place to start to answer these questions. Why do Episcopalians do what they do? What are the denomination’s beginnings and what in history helped to give these traditions their present shape? And, if we are super curious, we can ask what kind of trends in the Church can we see in the coming future? If by chance you find yourself saying, like Tevye, “I don’t know why these traditions started but I do them anyway.” Hopefully, with confidence you can say that these traditions help you to keep from falling off the roof each week. On Sunday, January 29th, The Right Revered Diane Jardine Bruce will be attending Saint Michael’s to celebrate and lead worship. It is on these particular visits that the Bishop will give the homily, celebrate and confirm Confirmation candidates. Do you know of someone who has yet to be confirmed? Or are you in need of Confirmation? There is a Confirmation class scheduled for Saturday, January 14. This class will run from 9am until 4pm. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Please contact Susan Caldwell, Director of Christian Education, 949644-0463 Ext. 12, if you would like to have your son or daughter, grandchild or godchild participate. Adults wishing to be confirmed, please contact Canon Peter Haynes. 949-644-0463 Ext 11.

Stir up the Spirit !Celebramos! Friday & Saturday, February 24 & 25, 2017 2017 Annual Meeting of the Episcopal Church Women Diocese of Los Angeles All Saints Church, Pasadena

Lisa Towel, President National Episcopal Church Women The Reverend Becca Stevens Founder, Thistle Farms Margaret Nolde, President Girls Friendly Society, Los Angeles The Reverend Nathan Blornstad Diocese of Los Angeles Cathy Salser, Founder A Window Between Worlds To register, please visit: http:www.ecwlosangeles.org/angels


[Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs press release] The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) plans to present the 2018 General Convention with four options regarding the possible revision of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, said the Rev. Devon Anderson, commission chair. The options, discussed in detail on the SCLM’s blog, are: -- Revision of the prayer book beginning after the 2018 General Convention; -- Creation of a book or books of alternative services beginning after the 2018 General Convention, with no accompanying revision of the prayer book; --A postponement of the decision on the prayer book and supplemental resources until the completion of a church-wide conversation on liturgical theology and practice during the 2018-2021 triennium --A step back from liturgical revision and a commitment to exploring the theology of the current prayer book in greater depth. “We want to give General Convention everything it needs to give the SCLM very detailed direction and sufficient funding to follow that direction,” Anderson said. “We want to call the church to a collective discernment that leads to a decision.” Resolution A169 of the 2015 General Convention directed the SCLM “to prepare a plan for the comprehensive revision of the current Book of Common Prayer and present that plan to the 79th General Convention.” The commission is taking a data-driven approach to its work, and hopes to use several methods of gathering the information and opinions that will shape its conversations, Anderson said.

Calendar of Ev ents At Saint Mic hael & All Ang els Events Michael Angels

Volleyball, 3:30-6:30, AAC St. Mike’s Basketball, 7:00-9:00 p.m., AAC

Senior Fit, 1:30-2:30 p.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:15 a.m.-11:20 a.m., 1:45-2:45 p.m., AAC Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC AA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., SW

AA meeting, 7:00-8:00 a.m., SW Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:15-10:15 a.m., 1:45-5:00 p.m., AAC Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing, Noon Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC SAA meeting, 7:30-9:00 p.m., SW

Whiz Kids, 2:50-5:00 p.m., AAC Men’s Group, 7:30-9:00 a.m., DL Basketball, 4:00-5:00 p.m., AAC Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC Parish Choir Rehearsal, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Sanctuary

Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:15-10:15 a.m., AAC Basketball, 1:15-2:45 p.m. AAC Basketball, 3:30-4:30 p.m., AAC Volleyball, 5:30-7:30 p.m. AAC AA meeting, 7:00-10:00 p.m., SW

Coptic Christian Church, 7:00-11:00 a.m., Sanctuary (not 1/7) Basketball, 8:00-10:00 a.m., AAC Coach Jon Basketball 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., AAC






Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Sundays-at-Nine, 9:00 a.m., DL Nursery Care from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Godly Play, children 4-11, Yellow Room Formation, 5th-8th grade, Green Room J2A, High School, 2nd & 4th Sundays, Corner Room





DL - Davis Library SW - South Wing NW - North Wing YR - Yellow Room, AAC GR - Green Room, AAC RR - Red Room, AAC


Life Line Health Screening, 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m., AAC

Mon., Feb. 6th

Meeting Rooms: AAC - All Angels’ Court MR - Michael’s Room CR - Conference Room

SOUPer Bowl 50th Annual Parish Meeting


Happy New Year 2017! 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Parish Office closed Staff Meeting, 9:30 a.m., DL The Epiphany Epiphany Party, 6:30 p.m., MR Coptic Christians, 8:00 p.m.-12:30 a.m., Sanctuary Adult Christian Education Meeting, 11:20 a.m., CR Preschool Board Meeting, 5:30 p.m., DL Finance Meeting, 5:00 p.m., CR Hutchins Consort Board Meeting, 5:00 p.m., CR Senior Ministry, 2:00 p.m., CR Vestry Meeting, 6:00-8:00 p.m., CR Citizens’ Climate Lobby, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., DL Worship Commission, 11:30 a.m., CR Parish Office closed -Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Deadline for February For the Love of Mike, 5:00 p.m. Annual Parish Reports due Coptic Christians, 8:00 p.m.-Midnight, Sanctuary Inklings (C. S. Lewis Book Study) 9:30-11:00 a.m., DL Sandi Ames’ Workshop, 9:00 a.m.-1L00 p.m., MR Annual Parish Reports available The Bible Challenge, 7:30 a.m., DL Friends of Music Board Meeting, 11:30 a.m., CR Spyglass Hill Homeowners Board, 6:00-9:00 p.m., CR D.A.R. Meeting/Luncheon, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., MR The Right Reverend Diane Jardine Bruce Visiting Women’s Fellowship, 7:00 p.m., Bianchi’s Home

Sun., Feb. 5th

Tues., Jan. 24th Wed., Jan. 25th Sun., Jan 29th Tues., Jan. 31st

Thurs., Jan. 19th Sat., Jan. 21st Sun., Jan. 22nd

Sat., Jan. 14th Sun., Jan. 15th Mon., Jan. 16th Wed., Jan. 18th

Tues., Jan. 10th Wed., Jan. 11th

Sun., Jan. 8th Mon., Jan. 9th

Mon., Jan. 2nd Thurs., Jan. 5th Fri., Jan. 6th

Sun., Jan. 1st


S T. M I C H A E L & A L L A N G E L S W O U L D L I K E T O T H A N K T H E S E B U S I N E S S E S F O R M A K I N G O U R N E W S L E T T E R P O S S I B L E



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Instagram: Stmikessocal


More than four million software programs are available in the Apple and Google app stores, including games, productivity tools and weather apps. Church publishing offers a particularly good one, “Electronic Common Prayer available for $9.99 at their website www.churchpublishing.org. What else is hot? Here are a few 2016 favorites by New York Times tech writer Kit Eaton: NUZZEL Though Nuzzel was released in 2015, it gained more popularity this year as people realized how clever it was. The app is a news aggregator with a trick: It curates news items users may be interested in because their friends or followers on Facebook and Twitter have already read and shared them. This social angle works well and, says Kit, Nuzzel’s home page is always worth scanning. NPR ONE This year, NPR added new features to its NPR One app that turned it from a popular radio-listening app into something broader. By connecting to audio content from other suppliers, including podcasts and locally sourced news programs, NPR One is now a one-stop shop for all sorts of fascinating audio. The app even recommends related stories after users listen to a radio segment, which can offer more about a particular topic or give a more nuanced view about something in the news. NPR One has a clean and simple interface, and it is free on iOS and Android. CASTRO Podcasts are a big phenomenon, and the Castro app provides an elegant way to listen to podcasts and discover new ones. Designed like a news feed, the app shows popular charts so users can see what other people are listening to. On iOS 10, the app even integrates with Apple’s newly enhanced iMessage chat app so users can easily share podcasts directly inside iMessage. Elegant and powerful, Castro costs $4 for iOS devices. PIX Microsoft’s Pix brings artificial intelligence to the smartphone camera. The app is essentially a smart camera assistant. It can adjust different camera parameters while shooting a quick burst of photos, and then choose the best result to keep.


In addition, for users with shaky hands, there’s automatic image stabilization when using Pix to shoot video. Video can also be saved at a different speed than it was recorded. The free app is easy to use and is iOSonly. Finally, there are guilty-pleasure apps — the time wasters, as I call them. SUPER STICKMAN GOLF 3 This is a cartoonlike golfing game for thwacking a ball around unlikely terrain, trying to avoid getting stuck to gooey walls, falling into sand traps and so on. It’s simple but fun and free on iOS and Android. PINOUT This is a pinball game for iOS and Android devices that brings neon lights to the classic game, turning each table into something that looks like it’s out of the movie “Tron.” MICROSOFT’S SOLITAIRE Who can resist this PC gaming classic? Now all sorts of variations can be played on iOS and Android. This app will eat away spare minutes, and it’s free For details and downloads just Google the app in your browser. For more app info from Kit, Google her, too. HAVE A LOOK Religion & Ethics Newsweekly www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/ Religion News Service http://religionnews.com/ Anglicans Online http://anglicansonline.org/

* * * PLEASE REMEMBER Saint Michael & All Angels has a Parish Emergency Fund, funded by parishioners and available to parishioners facing financial emergencies and needing economic assistance. Requests should be directed to our rector or any member of our Vestry. If you are able to contribute to this fund, all gifts are welcome!

* * * HELP FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE: We are once again in need of donations for replenishing our food cupboard. Please call Murry McClaren with any questions or to learn what types of food are currently needed. THANK YOU ALL for your help!




WULFSTAN (c. 1008-1095) Wulfstan was born in County Warwickshire when England was Anglo-Saxon dominated. His family lost their lands around the time King Cnut of England came to the throne. He was probably named after his uncle, Wulfstan II, Archbishop of York. Through his uncle’s influence he studied at monasteries in Evesham and Peterborough, before becoming clerk at Worcester. During this time his superiors, noting his reputation for dedication and chastity, urged him to join the priesthood. Wulfstan was ordained shortly thereafter, in 1038, and soon joined a monastery of Benedictines in Worster. He spent most of his life in the cathedral monastery at Worster as monk, prior, and then as bishop of the see from 1062 until his death on January 18, 1095. As bishop, he was loyal to King Harold of Wessex, but he was

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among those who submitted to William the Conqueror at Beckhamstead in 1066. He was, therefore, allowed to maintain his see. Despite his inability to speak French, Wulfstan became one of William I and William II’s most trusted advisors and administrators in their work of reformed and orderly government. He supported William I against the rebellious barons in 1075. Archbishop Lanfranc also recognized the strength of Wulfstan’s character and the two men worked together to end the practice at Bristol of kidnapping Englishmen and selling them as slaves in Ireland. Because he was the most respected prelate of the AngloSaxon Church, Wulfstan’s profession of canonical obedience to William the Conqueror’s Archbishop of Canterbury, Lanfranc, proved to be a key factor in the transition from Anglo-Saxon to Anglo-Norman Christianity.

William’s policy, however, was to appoint only fellow-Normans to the English episcopate, and by the time of his death in 1087, Wulfstan was the only English-born bishop still living. Wulfstan is venerated by the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. On May 14, 1203, Wulfstan was canonized a Saint by Pope Innocent IV. His Feast Day is 19 January. Reference: “Lesser Feasts and Fasts,” 1997

A quote for the new year: “Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page. Take up one hole more in the buckle if necessary, or let down one, according to circumstances; but on the first of January let every man gird himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past.” Henry Ward Beecher (1813 - 1887) American clergyman and speaker

FOR THE LLO OVE OF MIKE Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church A Christian Community of the Anglican Communion 3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625

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Inside the January Issue: Page 1: Beloveds Page 4: TTevye’s evye’s W isdom Wisdom Page 7: Digital Mik Mikee website: stmikescdm.ladiocese.org email: smaa@stmikescdm.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/SMAAdailymike Instagram: stmikessocal

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