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FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE Volume 66 Number 6

JUNE 2016

The Episcopal Church of Saint Michael & All Angels Pacific View Drive at Marguerite

<Corona del Mar <

..From the Desk of the Rector

BELOVEDS IN CHRIST “Vote your hopes not your fears!” So I’ve said every election year during my tenure as your rector. In this last important election year in which I will be your rector I want to add, “Voting is an act of faith that can be a spiritual practice.” It’s easy to feel discouraged with all the challenges our United States faces, but as people of faith we know we have to work toward a better future for all. Why do we spend time and energy going to our polling place on, or voting by mail before, June 7 and November 8 when our individual vote is unlikely to be the deciding factor in local, state, or federal elections? Because we have responsibilities to the common good that cannot be done in isolation. Voting is clearly not the only way we are supposed to live out our faith, but it certainly is a foundation for showing our dedication to each other. The physical acts involved in voting -- learning about the issues, talking with family and friends about the candidates, going to the polls, filling out the ballots -- solidify our spiritual commitment to love our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus’ teachings are intended to make us aware of our connections with, and responsibilities to, others; they call us to engage with the world around us with the hope of transforming it. This is “political,” as our word comes from the Greek “politicos” which means “of, for, or relating to citizens.” Politics is the process of making uniform decisions applying to all our neighbors. Voting is political. And, voting is a moral obligation.

California 92625





U2CHARIST Come Celebrate U2charist with LIVE MUSIC From U2! June 5, at 9 a.m. worship U2charist is a communion service accompanied by U2 songs in lieu of traditional hymns U2's Music will be played LIVE in the sanctuary by the renowned cover band "The Joshua Tree" (http://www.u2jt.com/). This event is FREE and Everyone is Welcome!

Donations support Clean Water Fund of Episcopal Relief & Development Please invite your friends and neighbors!


Saint Michael & All Angels Friends of Music Presents:

JAZZ VESPERS Featuring The Rev’d Norm Freeman & His Quartet Sunday, June 5 at 5 pm. in the Sanctuary http://bit.ly/jazz-vespers

Please come to St. Mike’s COMMUNITY GARDEN PARTY Live Celtic Music - Garden Tour Sunday, June 12th 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Tasty Treats!



Parents and Grandparents! It’s time to honor your Graduates of 2016! Please send a note with Name, High School or College, next School/ Career, and all honors to Corinne Stover at calcs1224@gmail.com Our list will be published in the next issue of For the Love of Mike. SAINT MIKE’S ONLINE STUDY PROGRAM: Since May of 2014, our parish has partnered with ChurchNext, an online learning site that offers religious education courses, to bring individual and group education programs to our members. Ecumenical and international, ChurchNext is a great resource to our Adult Christian Education program. Within the ChurchNext program, we have our own, unique school, which we named: “The Well: For Learning, Refreshment and Inspiration.” Through Ordinary Time 2016 you can try one of the ChurchNext courses free of charge by visiting their website http:/ /churchnextblog.wordpress.com.freecourses/. If you are interested in learning more or need a scholarship, please contact Susan Caldwell 949.644.0463 Ext.12.

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DESPITE RAIN DELAYS IN APRIL, the 2016 Canterbury Cup golf tournament went off without a hitch on Saturday, May 14th. Saint Michael & All Angels’ team did us proud but could not surmount the par-under-7 play of Saint Mary’s Laguna Beach, who also scored the winning raffle ticket! Congrats to Saint Mary’s!

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THE BISHOP IS COMING! Our Bishop Diocesan, J. Jon Bruno will visit Saint Michael & All Angels on July 10 to celebrate, preach and confirm.

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FINANCE REPORT: Pledges were ahead of plan at $32,461 compared with $30,000 budgeted. Year to date pledges are $4,200 below budget: $120K budgeted; $115,871 actual. Total expenses for April were just about as planned, and year to date expenses are about $6,100 lower than expected. We forecast net income for the month at a loss of -$2,640, actual loss -$1,012. Budgeted year to date loss was -$12,612, but lower expenses held this to $-8,637. --Julie Jenkins, Finance Commissioner

* * * PLEASE CHECK THE FORWARD MOVEMENT DISPLAY RACK ON THE WALL IN MICHAEL’S ROOM. Pick up a pamphlet or two to share with family and friends. A donation box is provided. This month’s pamphlet, “Stewardship as a Way of Life” is aptly named. The authors remind us that “We are stewards of all aspects of our lives, including everything from our bodies to our children to our communities. Stewardship is a way of life.” This brief pamphlet offers ways for us to use our individual treasures and time and talent. We need not wait for our Annual Stewardship Campaign to live our lives as stewards –a gentle reminder that at Saint Michael’s we need each one of us to use his and her talents to help fulfill various roles right here, right now. “All things come of thee O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee.” 1 Chronicles 29:14 Ruth Poole

* * * PHONE TREE MINISTRY: NEW MEMBERS NEEDED. Our goal is to contact every parishioner by phone once a month. This is a great opportunity to get to know others better and to share information, needs and suggestions about Saint Mike's. Please contact Ruth Poole at 949.644.9263.

THE VESTRY Senior Warden.............................Myrna Ireland mireland6@sbcglobal.net....................949.759.1509 Junior Warden.............................Donald Sheetz donald.sheetz@gmail.com..................949.720.0700 Christian Education....................Melinda Rader melindarader2244@gmail.com..............949.230.3644 Clerk of the Vestry...............................Jill Faller jjfaller@gmail.com...........................949.706.9495

Building and Grounds..............Tom Nicholson tom@nicholsoncompanies.com.........949.872.9067 Communications...........................Norris Battin nbattin+SMAA@gmail.com.............949.500.2442 Evangelism.............................Anne Warmington amwarmington@hotmail.com............202.550.4100 Fellowship............................................OPEN

JUNE ANNIVERSARIES Birthdays 1st - Jill Draffin 1st - Gloria Oakes 6th - Tiller-John Stevens 8th - Cliff Corbet 12th - Annemaria Ballin 12th - Joe Crail 15th - Mark Valentine 15th - Kimberly Valentine-Poska 16th - Susan Brown 18th - Peggy Montgomery 21st - Monty Pentz 26th - Kate Yost 27th - Julie Jenkins 28th - Patrick Corbet 29th - Bob Cole Baptisms 15th - Barbara Stewart+ 16th - Laird Blue 29th - Melinda Rader Weddings 1st - Donald & Sandra Alser 15th - Jamie & Dina Mead 22nd - Bob & Gracemarie Dell Angelo 28th - Jack & Libby Keating 30th - Peter & Frances Haynes FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE is a publication of Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Corona del Mar, CA. Copy deadline is the second Wednesday of the month. We welcome letters and articles. Editor: Susan Beechner 949.644.0463

Finance......................................Julie Jenkins jdfritz@aol.com.............................949.640.0134 Mission...............................Barbara Stewart+ barbarastewart001@gmail.com.........714.979.7449 Stewardship.............................Matthew Shaw mattjshaw@yahoo.com..................949.645.4942 Ombudsperson..........................Louise Stover lstover@volt.com..........................714.432.7371 Worship...The Very Rev’d Canon Peter D. Haynes phaynes@stmikescdm.org...........949.644.0463x11




A TRIBUTE TO UNSUNG HEROES Not many are aware of it, but the United States is now engaged in two unending wars started when it invaded Iraq and Afghanistan some ten years ago. The wars are unacknowledged by national leaders, never mentioned by candidates for President of the United States, rarely thought of by most Americans, and fought by a minuscule percent of the population that returns for repeated tours of combat in either or both of these wars. An example, par excellence, of the few men and women carrying on in these wars is Charles Keating IV. In high school and college he was a star track and field athlete. In 2008 he dropped out of college and enlisted in the United States Navy. Soon after his enlistment he applied for and was accepted for membership in the Navy's elite SEALS command. After completing a rigorous training program, like the few others fighting in these wars, he began rotating in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan. By April 2016 Charles Keating IV held the rank of Special Warfare Operator First Class, was 31 years old and on his third combat tour in Iraq. In the early morning of April 28, 2016, a large, well-armed body of Islamic State (ISIS) fighters launched a surprise attack on Teleskof, a town in western Iraq where Muslims and Christians lived peacefully. Taken by surprise, the indigenous police and militia were no match for the invaders.The only military force capable of resisting the attack was a team of U.S. Navy SEALS, in town for a meeting with town elders; although outnumbered by the ISIS invaders, they stood their ground, reported "troops in contact" and called for help. American fighters, bombers and drones swung into action while a second SEALS team that included Petty Officer Charles Keating arrived in a convoy of sport utility vehicles from the North and went directly into combat. During the fighting Petty Officer Keating was shot by an ISIS sniper. SEAL team members called for medical help. Two Army Black Hawk helicopters flew in, and despite ISIS fire were able to fly Keating to the American medical mission in Erbil. He was pronounced dead shortly after arriving, the third American KIA in recent weeks. The Navy SEALS eventually ran out of ammunition and

JUNE 2016

were forced to withdraw. Before the day was over, however, Kurdish and other local fighters were able to expel the ISIS invaders from Teleskof. Rest in peace Special Warfare Operator First Class Charles Keating IV; you and your comrades performed bravely. May your family and loved ones find the strength to endure your untimely death. AMEN References: New York Times, Thursday, May 5, and Tuesday, May 10, 2016

* * * THE VOTES ARE IN (no, not those votes, that’s in November) and the parish has decided to install tiles depicting the stations of the cross on the west walls of the nave and sanctuary. The tiles are currently being produced in Jerusalem. When they arrive, they will be displayed for all to see before installation. For details about this project, please contact Lynn Headley at lynnheadleygc@earthlink.net.

* * * HELP FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE: If you wish to donate food for replenishing our food cupboard, please call Murry McClaren (714.979.6978) with any questions or to learn what types of food are currently needed. THANK YOU ALL for your help!

(more) EPISCOPAL HAIKU Do priests really see God better with their backs to the congregation? Handshakes at the peace; some limp, some crushing, some damp. God made all those hands. Stand, sit, kneel, stand, kneel: it's quite a good workout for a Sunday morning. See the junior choir, like a row of pert sparrows singing their hearts out. At the font: blessing, sluicing water, cross of oil, a baby's complaint. The choir rehearses. A soprano fails to curb her inner diva. A summer Sunday. Men forsake twelve apostles for golf's eighteen holes. Sarah Goodyear and Ed Weissman (Available at Amazon.com)

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kiper and Boy Scout Troop 741 cordially invite you to attend the Eagle Scout Court of Honor for

Matthew Ryan Kiper Tuesday, June 7, 2016 7:00 p.m . LDS Church Chapel 2300 Bonita Canyon Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Reception following Ceremony



Our mission is to seek and share Jesus Christ as spiritual food for life’s journey.

3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625 949.644.0463 949.644.9247 FAX www.stmikescdm.org The Very Rev’d Canon

Peter D. Haynes, Rector [phaynes@stmikescdm.org] Susan Caldwell Director of Christian Education [scaldwell@stmikescdm.org] Ray Urwin, D.M.A. Minister of Music [rurwin@stmikescdm.org] The Rev’d Fennie Chang, Ph.D. Canterbury Irvine The Rev’d Canon Ray Fleming Assisting Priest The Rev’d Norm Freeman Assisting Priest The Rev’d Barbara Stewart, Ph.D. Assisting Priest Susan Beechner, Parish Secretary [sbeechner@stmikescdm.org] Marybeth Waniek, Bookkeeper [mwaniek@stmikescdm.org]

WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday ( May 29 through September 4) Sunday worship schedule includes Holy Eucharist 9am, Sunday School 9am Adult Education 10am Nursery Care from 8:30am Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing-12 noon ABOUT SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, CORONA DEL MAR We are a Christian Community of the Anglican Communion who come to hear God’s word and receive and share the Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to have Christ live in us in order that in Christ we may live faithful and productive Christian lives. Our commitment to the Gospel is evangelical; our liturgical tradition catholic; our theology orthodox, but open to thought, reflection, and spiritual endeavor. We care about the world and strive to serve Christ in it.

JUNE 2016 4


Susan Caldwell




outh Sunday was a blessing. It was especially nice to have all the children, youth and teens gather together on one special Sunday, that being Mother’s Day, May 8!! If you weren’t at the 10am worship service that Sunday, then you missed a wonderful opportunity to see some bright, new, shining faces. Emily Faller began the program in a fabulous way with the more than a paragraph long First Reading from the Book of Acts, and then led the congregation in the reading of Psalm 97. Next, Ally Shaw stood on the wooden riser to display that she had the Second Reading memorized. I had much enjoyment presenting a Children’s Talk, bringing all the children forward to sit on the altar steps at the end of the sanctuary’s red carpet. We discussed how Jesus told his disciples to get into the boat after a hard day’s work, or how he told his disciples to go to Galilee to see him after the Resurrection, or for the disciples to stay in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit. The children had much to say about the “Birthday of the Church” and what type of cake would be acceptable, be it chocolate, vanilla or red-velvet! Youth Choir, led by Dr. Ray Urwin, sang an Arabic tune based on the 23rd Psalm, titled, “The Lord my pastor shall prepare,” Shanel Ames, Matthew Poska, Brooke and Crystal Millar, Chapman, Andrews and Charles Warmington, Amari and Zuri Agren, Xander Annerl, Taite and Tess Nicholson, Imogen Kirsch, CatAnnerl, Emily Valentine, Kai, Massimo, and Julian Arellano, Haley Soukesian andAlly Shaw sang and served beautifully. (A few of these were absent, but they will be happy to know they were recognized as Saint Michael’s parish children and youth, as they attend faithfully on other Sundays!) Next came the preaching of the Word. Ries Faller had an amazing and heartfelt homily based upon the First Reading and how Paul and Silas encounter unexpected circumstances. Ries talked about his move from the East Coast to the West Coast and how being in high school and having to leave one’s neighborhood, friends and school was not an easy task. He asked God, “How can this be?” Ries reminded the parish that continuing to

Peggy Teri Brad Nadine Suzie Mary Betty Michele Jan Olive & Victor Ben Fred Joanne Norm Helen Laura Jane GUIDANCE Esther Whitney Scott, Samantha, Shelby Linda Cliff Don Dale Bill Norm REPOSE Betty Bordlemay Tim DeLaPlante THANKSGIVING - in loving memory of Alice and Clyde with Clyde & Pepa Dodge; of Madonna with Ann & Steve Morris; of Emily Katherine Blevins Boor; and of James Ferguson; - for all graduates Call Esther McNamee for prayer requests 949.640.1749

BAROQUE MUSIC FESTIVAL Corona del Mar JUNE 19-29 www.bmf-cdmn.org Sample the best of Baroque http://bit.ly/BestofBaroque

Continued on page 5


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Rector’s Desk from Page 1

Trinity Sunday

Voting is a spiritual practice if ... if it is done with compassionate intentions. As an undergraduate sociology major I was assigned “Define religion?” I wrote: “Religion, or what societies hold to be sacred, comprises an institutionalized system of symbols, beliefs, values, and practices focused on questions of ultimate meaning.” Voting is religious when we bring our ultimate beliefs and values with us into the voting booth. Spiritual morality informed by the symbols and practices of our faith is not a costume that we take on and off. We live and breathe our spiritual morality as the breath of God breathing divine inspiration into us to live for and to vote for justice and radical (remembering that “radical” means “roots,” “getting to all that is essential”) love. “Love... is creative, redemptive, understanding, good will for all people,” said The Rev’d Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. When love loves deeply, madly, truly, it is a fearless love. When we vote with this depth of care for our sister and brother human beings, when we vote out of deep regard for the well-being of our nation and of our world, when we vote out of respect for the blessing of being citizens of this great country, when we vote with radical love, then our vote is more than political. It is a true religious act. Vote as a person of Christian faith. Vote your hopes not your fears. Vote!

by Malcolm Guite

Yours, In Christ -

FROM THE EPISCOPAL POLICY NETWORK We're excited to share the #EpiscopaliansVote resources with you! Find all tools you need to engage #Election2016 here http:// buff.ly/1rRJg0j

In the Beginning, not in time or space, But in the quick before both space and time, In Life, in Love, in co-inherent Grace, In three in one and one in three, in rhyme, In music, in the whole creation story, In His own image, His imagination, The Triune Poet makes us for His glory, And makes us each the other’s inspiration. He calls us out of darkness, chaos, chance, To improvise a music of our own, To sing the chord that calls us to the dance, Three notes resounding from a single tone, To sing the End in whom we all begin; Our God beyond, beside us and within. Ayodeji Malcolm Guite (born 1957) is an English poet, singer-songwriter, Anglican priest, and academic. Born in Nigeria, Guite earned degrees from Cambridge and Durham universities. His research interests include the intersection of religion and the arts, and the examination of the works of J. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, and British poets. He is currently a Bye-Fellow and chaplain of Girton College, Cambridge and associate chaplain of St. Edward King and Martyr in Cambridge. Guite is the author of five books of poetry, as well as several books on Christian faith and theology. He performs as a singer and guitarist fronting the Cambridgeshire-based blues, rhythm and blues, and rock band "Mystery Train." <

Christian Education Continued from page 4 seek and work with God even in the hard places is part of the Christian life. Great job, Ries!! Thank you so much for studying God’s Word and making an application for us all to relate to. Thank you for embracing a new ministry when asked and stepping forth in confidence. All the Saint Michael’s parish children demonstrated great respect for the house of God as host, greeters and ushers. Marco Caldarone and Evans Henry, continuing in their monthly ministry, served faithfully as youth acolytes. Michael Kiper had the difficult task of reading the Litany and Prayers of the People. Speaking at Announcement time, Matthew Kiper gave a follow-up presentation on his Eagle Scout project. The extra $500.00 that he received from the parish, he gave back to Canon Peter Haynes as a parish church donation. Next, Rachel Blevins Boor, back from Point Park College in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, talked about her time at college as a dance major and how she attends a Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Pittsburgh. Following her at the podium was her brother, Ben Blevins Boor, who wanted to honor and thank all the mothers and women in the parish. Thank you Ben for giving a big shout out to all the mothers. Closing out the Announcement times was Jack Kirsch speaking to the importance of children, youth and teens attending Camp Stevens, and the need for parents to trust that their children will have a great time there. His talk was very funny, and anyone who had fallen asleep in the pews by accident would have been awakened by all the laughter. Carole and Jim Palda provided the refreshment for Youth Sunday. There were plenty of donut holes, cookies and fruit for those with an appetite after church. Ben Rader and Andrews Warmington, both up-and-coming businessmen, manned the Lemonade Stand, also providing publicity for the June Garden Walk. This day was filled with much joy and success. Many thanks to all who have supported and carried the vision of growing our parish with young families, children, youth and teens. They are the Episcopal Church of the future!! LEST WE FORGET: There have been 4,497 American military casualties in Iraq and 2,360 in Afghanistan, Syria and other locations. "Lord hear our prayers for those who are dead and for those who mourn."




ccasionally in my adventures on the Internet, I find some church related items. Here’s one about Prayer Book apps that I’ve edited from an article on The Living Church website by their frequent contributor Dale Rye. Several apps allow following the Daily Office as set out in the 1979 Prayer Book of The Episcopal Church. There are various apps and electronic publications that just include the text of the Prayer Book as it appears in print. That requires a lot of flipping from place to place, which is awkward on a phone or computer. The better apps are much more interactive. That follows the directive of Archbishop Cranmer that Morning and Evening Prayer should be so simple that it takes significantly less time to figure out how to say them than it takes to say them once they are figured out. The best in the App Store, says Rye, is Mission St. Clare by Sound Marketing, LLC. This provides complete services of Morning and Evening Prayer (Rite II) in both English and Spanish for yesterday, today, and tomorrow. There are few decisions to make. All that is needed is to click on one of the four main buttons and the chosen service appears ready to be prayed from top to bottom, with all the propers in their proper places. Spanish Morning Prayer also includes the Midday Office, and Spanish Evening Prayer also includes Compline. Within the English services, there is the option of using the Coverdale Psalter in preference to BCP 1979. The readings from the 1979 Daily Office Lectionary are in the New Revised Standard Version. Other enrichments at Mission St. Clare include optional music — several hymns and sometimes a chanted psalm — and a commemoration of a feast or holy person when appointed. Several prayers are suggested for each service in the intercessions sections; the user can skip these, of course. The presentation is very clean and simple. Rye’s entire, very complete discussion of apps related to the worshiping communities of many faiths can be found here http://bit.ly/apps4church.<

* * * PLEASE CHECK the lost and found box in Michael’s Room.

JUNE 2016

NOAH by Frederick Buechner The waters had all drained off and the ground was dry again when God hung a rainbow in the sky to remind him he'd promised "that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of a flood" (Genesis 9:11). The way he explained it to Noah, "I will look upon it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature that is upon the earth" (9:13). In one way, then, it gave Noah a nice warm feeling to see the rainbow up there, but in another way it gave him an uneasy twinge. If God needed the rainbow as a reminder, he thought, that could mean that, if someday God didn't happen to look in the right direction or had something else on his mind, he might forget his promise and the heavy drops would start pattering down on the roof a second time. Noah could never forget the first timehow little by little the waters had risen, first just spreading in over the kitchen linoleum and trickling down the cellar stairs, but eventually floating newspapers and family photographs off tables and peeling wallpaper off walls until people were driven to the rooftops, where they sat wrapped in blankets with their transistor radios on their laps looking up for a break in the clouds and reassuring each other that this must be the clearing shower at last. He remembered the animals he'd had to leave behind-the old sow with her flaxen lashes squealing on top of a hen house as the ripples lapped at her trotters, the elephants awash up to their hips, a marmalade cat with one ragged ear clinging to a TV aerial as a pair of parakeets in a wicker cage floated by over what had once been the elementary school gym. He also remembered the endless days in the ark-the miserable food, the seasickness, the smells. When the downpour finally stopped, he sent birds out to see if they could find any dry land anywhere, and he remembered watching them fly away until they were no bigger than flyspecks on a windowpane, remembered the feeling in his stomach when they finally flew back having found no place to roost. He remembered especially one of the doves and how, when he saw it returning, he had reached out over the


rail, and it had landed on the calluses of his upturned palm. With his eyes closed and tears on his cheeks, he had touched his lips to its feathers, and as he felt the panic of its bird's heart, it had seemed to him that the whole world was just as fragile and as doomed. But then, after weeks, another dove came back with a sprig of olive in its beak, and the tops of the mountains began to reappear out of the watery waste, and now at last the great, glittering rainbow arched above him, and the great promise echoed in his ears. "Never again," God had said, and Noah clung on to those words like a raft in a high sea. With the rainbow tied around his little finger to jog his memory, surely God would never forget what he'd said. No matter what new meanness people might think up, surely the terrible thing would never happen again. As an expert in hoping against hope, the old sailor told himself that the worst was over and that as sure as God made little green apples, a new, green world would blossom up out of the sodden wreckage of the old. He then planted the first vineyard and invented wine. The way he figured it, wine would help him forget the dark past and, if all went well, would be like the champagne at a wedding that you toast the future with. And if all did not go well, if doubts and fears began to gather like rain clouds in his heart, then wine would help him ride out the storm within as before he'd ridden out the forty days and forty nights. In the meantime, he would keep his eye on the rainbow and his hand near the corkscrew and try to be fruitful and multiply just the way God had told him and his seven-time great-grandfather Adam before him.--Genesis 6-9 ~originally published in “Peculiar Treasures” and later in “Beyond Words” The Rev’d Frederick Buechner is a Christian theologian and author of 36 books, including an autobiography, essays, sermons, quotes, fiction, and other nonfiction. www.frederickbuechner.com

* * * SENIOR FITNESS: An exercise class for seniors, using chairs, has been formed by Peggy Montgomery. It meets for an hour every week on Tuesdays at 1:30pm in the South Wing. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Peggy at 949.644.2239.

Calendar of Ev ents At Saint Mic hael & All Ang els Events Michael Angels

Coptic Christian Church, 7:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m., Sanctuary



SW - South Wing YR - Yellow Room, AAC RR - Red Room, AAC

Fridays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 - Vacation Bible School, 5:30-7:45 p.m. AAC, Sanctuary, NW, SW Sun., July 10th The Rt. Rev’d J. Jon Bruno officiating; Confirmation Wed., July 13th Senior Ministry, 2:00 p.m., CR (Ordinary Time Gathering (C. S. Lewis Book Study) 5:00-6:30 p.m., CR


Wed., June 1st Vestry Meeting, 6:00-8:00 p.m., CR Thurs., June 2 nd Staff Meeting, 9:30 a.m., DL Sun., June 5th U2charist, 9:00 a.m., Sanctuary Jazz Vespers, 5:00 p.m., Sanctuary Mon., June 6th J.Hassett’s Student Piano Recital, 5:00-8:30 p.m., Sanctuary Tues., June 7th Polling Place in All Angels’ Court - Vote today! Wed., June 8th Senior Ministry, 2:00 p.m., CR Sat., June 11th Citizens’ Climate Lobby, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., DL Sun., June 12th Adult Christian Education Meeting, 10:30 a.m., CR St. Mike’s Community Garden Party, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Wed., June 15th Bay Area Youth Group arrives Deadline for July/August For the Love of Mike, 5:00 p.m. Ordinary Time Gathering (C. S. Lewis Book Study) 5:00-6:30 p.m., CR Thurs., June 16th Inklings, 9:30-11:00 a.m., DL Sun., June 19th Worship Commission, 11:30 a.m., CR Mon., June 20th Baroque Music Festival Rehearsal, 2:00-6:00 p.m., Sanctuary Baroque Music Festival Concert/Reception, 8:00 p.m. Tues., June 21st Bay Area Youth Group leaves Thurs., June 23rd E.Whelan & Hoag Hospital Chaplain Interns, 9 a.m.-Noon, SW Sun., June 26th The Bible Challenge, 8:30 a.m., DL Friends of Music Executive Committee, 11:30 Tues., June 28th Spyglass Hill Homeowners Board, 6:00-9:00 p.m., CR Women’s Fellowship, 7:00 p.m., Bianchi’s Home

DL - Davis Library NW - North Wing GR - Blue Room, AAC

Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW (not 5/20, 27) Sports, 1:15-2:45 (only 6/3), 3-4:00, 4:00-6:00 p.m., AAC AA meeting, 7:00-10:00 p.m., SW


Meeting Rooms: AAC - All Angels’ Court MR - Michael’s Room CR - Conference Room

Men’s Group, 7:30-9:00 a.m., DL Basketball, 4:00-5:00, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC


Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing, Noon Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC SAA meeting, 7:30-9:00 p.m., SW

Wednesday AA meeting, 7:00-8:00 a.m., SW Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW

Senior Fit, 1:30-2:30 p.m., SW Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC AA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., SW

Volleyball, 3:30-6:30 p.m., AAC St. Mike’s Basketball, 7:00-9:00 p.m., AAC



Holy Eucharist at 9:00 a.m. Nursery care from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Sundays-at-Ten, DL Sunday School at 8:45 a.m. Godly Play, children 4-11, Yellow Room Formation, 5th-8th grade, Green Room J2A Youth Group, high school, Corner Room 2nd & 4th Sundays Confirmation Class, 8:00 a.m., CR



JUNE 2016

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LOAVES & FISHES: This month we will collect Scholarship Money for the high school graduates from the soup kitchen. Please make checks payable to Saint Michael’s with Loaves & Fishes on the memo line. Tax ID #95-2123746). Attention Travelers: We are always collecting hotel/travel-size toiletries for shower kits for the homeless patrons.

* * * WE NEED Greeters, Ushers, Tellers, and Altar Guilders. Please contact Canon Haynes if interested.

JUNE 2016 7

St. Mike’s Social Media For parish events and activities www. facebook.com/ SMAACDM

* * * TIME AND TALENT If you are thinking about volunteering with one of our Commissions at St. Mike’s, please review the “Parish Life” booklet on the back rail of the sanctuary, which describes these activities. We need greeters, acolytes, coffee hosts, and ushers, and have other interesting assignments as well. Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet new people at St. Mike’s. Please call Anne Warmington with questions: 202.550.4100.

For news from our diocese, The Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion, and global religion news The Daily Mike On Facebook: www.facebook.com/ SMAAdailymike/timeline On the Web: http://bit.ly/DailyMike

* * * ST. MIKE’S COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION is looking for volunteers to help in the parish’s marketing, advertising, and public relations efforts. Please contact Norris Battin at 949.500.2442 or nbattin+SMAA@gmail.com if interested.

* * * DO YOU HAVE A NEW EMAIL ADDRESS? Please contact sbeechner@stmikescdm.org with changes or additions.

* * * MEN’S GROUP: Meets on Thursdays at 7:30am in the Davis Library to discuss questions relating to theology, science, and philosophy. All men are welcome.

* * * IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY SEEN OUR NEW WEBSITE, please check it out! It is refreshed and features beautiful design and up-todate information! Click on http:// stmikescdm.ladiocese.org.

SMAA Friends of Music On Facebook: www.facebook.com/ SMAAFriendsofMusic and, of course The recently updated St. Mike’s website: www.stmikescdm.ladiocese.org

A REMINDER FROM YOUR SMAA COMMUNICATIONS TEAM. You have several options available to you to publicize your ministry or event throughout the SMAA community: this newsletter, our Facebook Page (facebook.com/SMAACDM), the weekly Sunday bulletin, the spoken word at announcement time, or even an email to our “digital parishioners.” Contact Norris Battin for the newsletter and Facebook, Susan Beechner for the bulletin and email, and Fr. Haynes for announcements (nbattin@gmail.com, sbeechner@stmikescdm.org,and phaynes@stmikescdm.org.)

UNITED THANK OFFERING (UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through United Thank Offering, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings. Those who participate in UTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity. United Thank Offering is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the UTO monies to support mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church and in Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the developing world.

* * *

PLEASE REMEMBER . . . Saint Michael & All Angels has a Parish Emergency Fund, funded by parishioners and available to parishioners facing financial emergencies and needing economic assistance. Requests should be directed to our rector or any member of our Vestry. If you are able to contribute to this fund, all gifts are welcome!

* * *

SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE! SET UP DIRECT GIVING TO SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS: Pledge payments can now be scheduled using web banking. You can set up regular, recurring payments for your annual pledge and leave your checkbook at home on Sundays. This payment method is completely optional. You can continue to place pledge envelopes in the collection plates if you wish (empty or with a note saying you gave on-line). Note that regular, recurring payments help the church maintain a healthy cash flow, especially useful during the summer months when many are on vacation. For details and instructions call Marybeth Waniek, our bookkeeper, in the parish office 949.644.0463, Ext. 15. She will be happy to help you simplify your life!




roceeds from the June 5th U2charist worship will go to Episcopal Relief and Development’s clean water project. Here’s some background from their website: Water is essential for life. But the quality of the world’s fresh water resources is threatened by improper sanitation, agricultural runoff and lack of treatment facilities, as well as disasters and environmental changes Every 15 seconds a child dies from a water-related disease. In parts of the world where women and girls bear the primary responsibility for finding and collecting water, degradation and scarcity of this precious resource is an even greater challenge. Often, young girls can’t go to school because they have to walk for miles to find fresh water for cooking, bathing, drinking and other critical needs. Episcopal Relief & Development is committed to ensuring that safe and clean water is accessible even in the most rural communities.

JUNE 2016 8

In partnership with local organizations, we support communities in developing clean sources of water. Our water programs are part of an integrated strategy that focuses on preventing the spread of disease while promoting overall community health and well-being. Wells, water systems and stations are constructed based on local assessments of needs and capacity. Then, community members learn how to use and maintain them. In support of our water programs, we help build latrines and promote sanitation and hygiene education. Having safe water has a tremendous impact on daily life.With these systems in place, people no longer have to spend hours fetching water from polluted lakes, rivers and streams near their homes. Girls can go to school, and women are able to care for their families and pursue education and employment, creating a better future for themselves and their communities.

Your U2charist donation helps empower communities to create safe and clean water sources by: + Building wells and piping systems to prevent waterborne illnesses + Installing water stations and systems like rainwater catchment tanks that increase access to safe sources of water + Training community members on the use and maintenance of water systems + Providing critical education on proper handwashing and hygiene + Integrating water programs with proper sanitation and hygiene practices to prevent the pollution of land and water sources More information here: http://bit.ly/WaterClean

FOR THE LLO OVE OF MIKE Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church A Christian Community of the Anglican Communion 3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625

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Inside the June Issue: Page 1: V OTE! VOTE! Page 4: Y outh Sunday R eview Youth Review Page 8: Clean W ater Water On the web at www.stmikescdm.ladiocese.org

Pray for and R emember our P arish Emergency FFund und Remember Parish

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