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FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE Volume 67 Number 6

JUNE 2017

The Episcopal Church of Saint Michael & All Angels Pacific View Drive at Marguerite

Corona del Mar

California 92625



...From the Desk of the Rector

BELOVEDS IN CHRIST Come, Holy Spirit, come! Come as holy fire and burn in us. Come as holy wind and cleanse us. Come as holy light and lead us. Come as holy truth and teach us. Come as holy forgiveness and free us. Come as holy love and enfold us. Come as holy power and enable us. Come as holy life and dwell in us. Convict us,. Convert us,. Concecrate us, until we are wholly yours For using, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

READ ABOUT OUR 50 YEARS Our parish history, “A Celebration of 50 Years,” is available for $15 from Lulu Press bit.ly/SMAAhistory. Twenty percent of the purchase price supports our parish budget. 51 pages of text, color photographs, and historical tables.

Pentecost is the day we share this ancient prayer as we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Christian church. This year, on June 4, we will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of our Episcopal Parish Church, Saint Michael & All Angels and my (close enough to count it as) 30 year “watch” as your rector. I invite you to read the “Holy Spirit Day” story in Acts 2:1-47 and Saint Michael & All Angels Corona del Mar – A CELEBRATION OF 50 YEARS. There is a table in our Conference Room with books and “stuff’ from my office that you are welcome to take; there will also be an opportunity for you to leave a written account of your most memorable experience in our life together here in our Parish Church. As we celebrate, the inevitable question we must ponder is: “How is God’s Spirit clearly present at Saint Michael & All Angels?” When we leave worship and “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord” (BCP 366), how is the Holy Spirit evident? Where we live, where we work and play, where we shop, where we do whatever it is we do, how is God’s Spirit clear to others?


You have heard me tell the story of a family taking their annual vacation at Big Corona beach. They would settle in on the beach and cover themselves with sunscreen and clothing. Finally, they would venture to the water’s edge, take deep breaths to work up their courage, carefully extend one foot slowly until a big toe was submerged and repeat that process with the other foot. Then, having satisfied their annual urge for a minimal but different experience, they would retreat to chairs under an umbrella and spend the remainder of their vacation curled around books.


Continued on page 3

JUNE 4, 2017 9:00 a.m.




THE 2017 VESTRY Senior Warden...................................Mark Peterson markpeterson@catespeterson.com.......949.231.2231 Junior Warden........................................Clyde Dodge clydedodge@cox.net..............................949.375.1530 Christian Education...........................Melinda Rader melindarader2244@gmail.com...............949.230.3644 Clerk of the Vestry.....................................JillFaller jjfaller@gmail.com...................................949.706.9495 Building and Grounds..................Murry McClaren murrymcclaren@ca.rr.com......................714.979.6978 Communications..................................Norris Battin nbattin+SMAA@gmail.com..................949.500.2442 Evangelism...................................Anne Warmington amwarmington@hotmail.com................202.550.4100 Fellowship .............................................Beth Bianchi bethebianchi@gmail.com.......................949.721.0192 Finance.....................................................Larry Casey Lcasey@dsrg.com...................................949.230.3529 Worship..........The Very Rev’d Canon Peter D. Haynes phaynes@stmikescdm.org................949.644.0463x11 Mission................................................Kati Nicholson kmowat22@gmail.com............................949.300.3164 Stewardship.........................................Stacie Tibbetts sltibbet@uci.edu.....................................714-544-8490 Ombudsperson...................................Craig Kennedy ckennedy@cpkenlaw.com......................949.474.1500

CONTRIBUTIONS WERE MADE TO THE RECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND most recently by Olive and the Rumbellow family in thanksgiving for Victor and by the Bishop family in gratitude for Ann. These funds extend our Parish’s mission of outreach, providing for such needs as can be helped by financial assistance.

* * * BAROQUE MUSIC FESTIVAL: Continuing the tradition established by maestro Burton Karson in 1981, the Festival’s 37th annual season will offer five concerts over an eight-day period, from June 18 through June 25. Concerts are presented in intimate settings where we will enjoy the talents of extraordinary musicians playing instruments that are either period antiques or modern reproductions, and singers who are sensitive to historical styles. The first four concerts will be preceded by al fresco brass music. The eminent violinist Elizabeth Blumenstock is now in her seventh year as the Artistic director, a role to which she brings a wealth of experience and an infectious enthusiasm. She is programming this year’s Festival to offer delightfully new ways audiences can experience music of the Baroque period and its influence beyond. The Festival begins Sunday, June 18. For a complete listing of programs and venues, please pick up a brochure in Michael’s Room. The second concert in the series, “Four Viols at Play,” will be presented at Saint Michael & All Angels on Monday evening, June 19, at 8:00 p.m.

JUNE 2017

PLEASE CHECK THE FORWARD MOVEMENT DISPLAY RACK ON THE WALL IN MICHAEL’S ROOM. Pick up a pamphlet or two to share with family and friends. A donation box is provided. “Practicing Evangelism” is a short pamphlet that gives the readers a few ideas on how to share our faith with others. We are reminded that every time we reaffirm our Baptismal Covenant we promise to “proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.” The author suggests inviting someone to church. Music lovers would enjoy our own choir and special music programs. The Blessing of the Animals would be a special treat. (I must add our own Sundays-at-Nine, Women’s and Men’s groups, etc.) Offering prayers when needed is a way to share our faith with others. My favorite idea is sharing our joy. “We share restaurant recommendations and movie critiques, so why not our spiritual blessings and joys?” All these ideas take practice. Work on it!. TIME AND TALENT: If you are thinking about volunteering with one of our Commissions at St. Mike’s, please review the “Parish Life” booklet on the back rail of the sanctuary, which describes these activities. We need greeters, acolytes, coffee hosts, and ushers, and have other interesting assignments as well. Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet new people at St. Mike’s. Please call Anne Warmington with questions: 202.550.4100.

* * * A PRAYER FOR OUR PARISH Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and ecONTINUING Tarth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. -BCP page 816



1st - Jill Draffin Gloria Oakes 6th - Tiller-John Stevens 8th - Cliff Corbet 12th - Annemaria Ballin 12th - Joe Crail 15th - Mark Valentine Kimberly Valentine-Poska 16th - Susan Brown 18th - Peggy Montgomery 21st - Monty Pentz 26th - Kate Yost 27th - Julie Jenkins 28th - Patrick Corbet 29th - Bob Cole Baptisms 15th - Barbara Stewart 16th Laird Blue 29th Melinda Rader Weddings 1st - Donald & Sandra Alser 15th - Jamie & DiinaMead 22nd - Bob & Gracemarie Dell Angelo 28th - Jack & Libby Keating 30th - Peter & Frances Haynes

* * * STEWARDSHIP: Thank you to everyone for their pledge contributions this year. Pledge statements will be available in July. As we move into the summer vacation season, I would encourage you to try to keep your pledges current. The church operating expenses continue through the summer, even when we are off having fun. Thank you for this. FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE is a publication of Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Corona del Mar, CA. Copy deadline is the second Wednesday of the month. We welcome letters and articles. Editor: Susan Beechner 949.644.0463 sbeechner@stmikescdm.org nbattin@gmail.com www.stmikescdm.ladiocese.org


Rector’s Desk from page 1

Rather, may we exemplify Teresa of Avila’s great wisdom, Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes with which see yourself exemplifying Christ’s compassion in the world. Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which he is to bless us now. God has surely blessed us abundantly. May we bless one another and others equally abundantly.

Yours, In Christ -

JUNE 2017

Preschool at Saint Michael’s: Classroom Environment By Melinda Rader You've seen the concentrated face and astonishing perseverance of a child absorbed in play. And you have probably noticed how a well-planned setting facilitates this level of involvement. Educators have long recognized the impact of the environment on children's learning. The Reggio Emilia approach goes so far as to describe it as “the third teacher.” What does a classroom look like when it is intentionally designed to encourage play and scientific inquiry? Our preschool board has been working to create engaging learning environments in our three classrooms and an Open House is being planned for June. Please plan to be there!



Our Episcopal Church observes Ascension Day as one of its seven principal feasts. As I try to write briefly about the celebration, the first words of the Letter to the Hebrews come to mind, "In many and various ways God spoke of old" (Hebrews 1:1). Some words from the Articles of Religion also come to mind, "It is not necessary that Traditions and Ceremonies be in all places one, or utterly like; for at all times they have been diverse, and may be changed according to the diversity of countries, times, and men's manners, so that nothing be ordained against God's Word" (The Book of Common Prayer [1979], 874). At the end of the second century, there are references to a fifty-day period that begins with Easter Day and concludes on the fiftieth day following the Sunday of the Resurrection (P. Bradshaw and M. Johnson, The Origins of Feasts, Fasts and Seasons in Early Christianity [2011], 70). These fifty days are known as "Pentecost"-"Pentecost" comes from the Greek word for "fifty." Though this fifty-day period will rate a mention in the canons of the First Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325 as "the days of Pentecost" (Canon 20: no kneeling allowed), Pentecost is already losing ground, as it were, to other practices. The Spanish Council of Elvira in A.D. 305 describes Pentecost as a day, not a period (Origins, 72). Across the fourth century, the celebration of the Lord's Ascension, following the chronology of the Acts of the Apostles, on the fortieth day of the season, increases as the importance of Pentecost as a season decreases. Bradshaw and Johnson write, "In addition to the existence in many places of a special emphasis on the first week of the season, in Constantinople, Rome, Milan and Spain, the fiftieth day itself came to be celebrated as the commemoration of the gift of the Spirit, while in other places-including Jerusalem-both the Ascension and the gift of the Spirit were celebrated together on that day" (Origins, 74). --Fr. Stephen Gerth writing in the St. Mary’s Time Square “Angelus”


Women's Fellowship will meet on Tuesday, June 27, in the home of Beth Bianchi. We will be watching and listening to two joyful and extraordinary men--Archbishop Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dali Lama. It will surely be an evening of smiles and laughter! If you want a preview--The Book of Joy, by Dali Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Doouglas Abrams. All are welcome! 949-636-3418, Beth Bianchi, if you have questions..

Almighty God, we thank you for raising up among us faithful servants of your Word and Sacraments. We thank you especially for the ministry of Peter Haynes among us, and the presence of his family here. Grant that both he and we may serve you in the days ahead, and always rejoice in your glory, and come at length into your heavenly kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Our mission is to seek and share Jesus Christ as spiritual food for life’s journey.

3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625 949.644.0463 949.644.9247 FAX stmikescdm.ladiocese.org

The Very Rev’d Canon

Peter D. Haynes, Rector [phaynes@stmikescdm.org] The Rev’d Barbara Stewart, Ph.D. Associate Rector [barbarastewart001@gmail.com] Susan Caldwell Director of Christian Education [scaldwell@stmikescdm.org] Ray Urwin, D.M.A. Minister of Music [rurwin@stmikescdm.org] The Rev’d Fennie Chang, Ph.D. Canterbury Irvine The Rev’d Canon Ray Fleming Assisting Priest The Rev’d Norm Freeman Assisting Priest Susan Beechner, Parish Secretary [sbeechner@stmikescdm.org] Marybeth Waniek, Bookkeeper [mwaniek@stmikescdm.org]

WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday ( May 28 through September 3) Sunday worship schedule Holy Eucharist 9am Sunday School 8:45am Adult Education 10am Nursery Care from 8:30am Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing-12 noon ABOUT SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, CORONA DEL MAR We are a Christian Community of the Anglican Communion who come to hear God’s word and receive and share the Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to have Christ live in us in order that in Christ we may live faithful and productive Christian lives. Our commitment to the Gospel is evangelical; our liturgical tradition, catholic; our theology orthodox but open to thought, reflection, and spiritual endeavor. We care about the world and strive to serve Christ in it.

JUNE 2017


Susan Caldwell

Journey with the Saints across the Pacific


ext month, we look forward once again to our Vacation Bible School time at Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church. This year, our theme is “Journey with the Saints across the Pacific.” VBS will take place on four Friday nights in July. July 7, 14, 21 and 28 Ages 4-12 5:30pm to 7:45pm. Cost is $60.00 per child, $70 for family. T-Shirt Included. Dinner will be served. *Youth and Teens who volunteer at VBS may receive Community Service hours. Our four destination locations are Hawaii, China, Japan and Australia. In Hawaii, will we look forward to hearing the testimony of Father Damien, (a play actor from our fantastic parish theatrical group) the parish priest whose ministry was located on the island of Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands. Father Damien looked after the needs of the Hawaiian people who had leprosy or Hansen’s disease, as it is known today. Father Damien’s ministry spanned sixteen years, from 1873-1889. We will also be discussing the lives of King Kamehameha and Queen Emma. From Hawaii, we will travel on to China. We will be speaking with Gladys Aylward, also known as Ài Wei Dé- a Chinese approximation to 'Aylward' – meaning 'Virtuous One'. Gladys Aylward worked as a housemaid in England, but felt a calling to become a missionary to the Chinese people. She was accepted for training by the China Inland Missionary Agency and began her studies. But because of her struggles with learning the language, she was not put forward. Gladys Aylward decided to send herself to China and complete the work she felt God was calling her to do. A movie was made about her life and work, “Inn of the Sixth Happiness,” where Ingrid Bergman played this notable role.

Continued on page 7

PRAYERS HEALING Brad Valerie Nadine Suzie Sue Teri Michele Joanne Polly Craig Norm Theo Mark Ron Patricia Richard GUIDANCE Barbara Whitney Scott, Samantha, Shelby Cliff Dale Wendy Larry Leslie Olive Susan Diane REPOSE Victor Rumbellow Ann Bishop Mary Betty Fisher THANKSGIVING - for Pentecost, the birthday of the church; - 50 years of our Episcopal Parish Church, Saint Michael & All Angels;

-30 years of Peter Haynes’ tenure as our rector; - the Baroque Music Festival; - Clyde & Pepa in loving memory of Alice and Clyde, and Sharon in loving memory of James Ferguson; - the Henrys in gratitude Call Esther McNamee for prayer requests 949.640.1749



MEN’S GROUP: Meets on Thursdays at 7:30am in the Davis Library to discuss questions relating to theology, science, and philosophy. All men are welcome.

* * * REMINDER: Please wear your name badge on Sundays.

* * * PLEDGE ENVELOPES: If you ordered pledge envelopes for 2017, please pick yours up on the table outside the Davis Library.

* * * INKLINGS: Meets monthly on the third Thursday, 9:30-11am, in the Davis Library to read and study writings of C.S. Lewis. Susan Caldwell leads the discussion.

* * * ADULT ACOLYTE CAPTAINS NEEDED: The ministry commitment is based on a rotation Sunday schedule and on an “as needed” basis depending upon the liturgical calendar year. Contact Susan Caldwell, Director of Christian Education, 949.644.0463 ext.12, if you would like to take part in the Acolyte Ministry at Saint Michael & All Angels.

* * * HELP FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE: We are always in need of donations for replenishing our food cupboard. Please call Murry McClaren with any questions or to learn what types of food are currently needed. THANK YOU ALL for your help with this project.

* * * FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE - ADS NEEDED: Our newsletter is printed by C & M Publications at no cost to St. Mike’s, thanks to the support of the local businesses whose ads are found on the back of the calendar each month. If you or someone you know might like to become a sponsor, please call Susan Beechner in the parish office for more information.949.644.0463 x10.

* * * DO YOU HAVE A NEW EMAIL ADDRESS? Please contact sbeechner@stmikescdm.org with changes or additions.

JUNE 2017 5

Parish Financial Report Year-to-date collections as of April 30 are $161,000. Year-to-date expenses are $176,000. The April financial statements are posted on the bulletin board in the Parish Center. Did you ever have the urge to do accounting? We still need help with tellers after the 10:00 am worship service on the third Sunday of the month, so just once each month. The work involves counting cash and checks and preparing a bank deposit slip, and takes about 30 minutes. If you are interested, please call the office at 949-6440463. Thank you all for your generosity to Saint Michael & All Angels. --Larry Casey Finance Commission Chair

* * * SENIOR FITNESS: An exercise class for seniors meets for an hour every week on Tuesdays at 1:30pm in the North Wing. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Peggy Montgomery, 949.644.2239.

* * * ONLINE LEARNING - TRY CHURCHNEXT: We continue to explore the resources for online learning available to us through "The Well," which is our parish's module within the ChurchNext website. ChurchNext has a number of offerings and is constantly being updated and expanded. A number of our parishioners have participated. Please take a moment to obtain a user name and become familiar with the offerings. The website offers a wealth of opportunities for reflection and learning both in a group and individually. If you need any assistance or have any questions, please contact Susan Caldwell, 949.644.0463 ext. 12, or scaldwell@stmikescdm.org.

LOAVES & FISHES: This month we will be collecting large jars of peanut butter and jam or jelly for sandwiches for the children who come to the soup kitchen now that they are out of school. Monetary donations are always welcome too. Please make checks payable to Saint Michael’s with Loaves & Fishes on the memo line. Tax ID #95-2123746). Attention Travelers: We are always collecting hotel/travel-size toiletries for shower kits for the homeless patrons.


(UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through United Thank Offering, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings. Pick up your blue box in Michael’s Room and begin your daily thanksgivings. Our Spring Ingathering will be Sunday, May 21.

* * * A REMINDER FROM YOUR SMAA COMMUNICATIONS TEAM. You have several options to publicize your ministry or event throughout the SMAA community: this newsletter, our Facebook Page (facebook.com/SMAACDM), the weekly Sunday bulletin, the spoken word at announcement time, or even an email to our “digital parishioners.” Contact Norris Battin for the newsletter and Facebook, Susan Beechner for the bulletin and email, and Fr. Haynes for announcements (nbattin@gmail.com, sbeechner@stmikescdm.org; or phaynes@stmikescdm.org.)

* * * PLEASE CHECK the lost and found box in Michael’s Room.






n the second century, after a brief respite, Christians in many parts of the Roman Empire were once again subject to persecution. At Lyons (France) and Vienne (Austria), in Gaul, there were missionary centers that had drawn many Christians from Asia and Greece. They were living devout lives under the guidance of Pothinus, elderly Bishop of Lyons, when, according to Eusebius, persecution began in 177. At first, according to Eusebius, who recorded what was happening to the Christian minority, Christians were socially excluded from Roman homes, the public baths, and the market place; insults, stones, and blows were rained on them by pagan mobs, and Christian homes were vandalized. Soon after, the imperial officials forced Christians to come to the market place for harsh questioning, followed by imprisonment. Some slaves from Christian households were tortured to extract public accusations that Christians practiced cannibalism, incest, and other perversions. These false accusations roused the paagans to such a pitch of wrath that any leniency toward the imprisoned Christians was impossible. Even friendly pagans turned against them. The fury of the pagans fell most heavily on Sanctus, a deacon; Attalus; Maturus, a recent convert; and Blandina, a slave, who had been taken into custody along with her master, also a Christian. Her companions greatly feared that on account of her bodily frailty she might not remain steadfast under torture. According to Eusebius, Blandina was so filled with power to withstand torments that her torturers gave up; they became exhausted, “as they did not know what more they could do to her." “I am a Christian,” she said, “and nothing vile is done among us.” Sanctus was tormented with red-hot irons. The aged Pothinus, badly beaten, died soon after. Finally, the governor decided to set aside several days for a public spectacle in the amphitheater. In his report to the emperor, the legate stated that those who held to their Christian

JUNE 2017

belief were to be executed and those who denied their faith were to be released. The legate received instructions from the emperor Marcus Aurelius allowing the Roman citizens who persisted in the faith to be executed by beheading, but those without citizenship were to be tortured. Blandina was therefore subjected to new tortures with a number of companions in the town’s amphitheater (known as the Amphitheatre of The Three Gauls) at the time of the public games. On the final day of the spectacle, writes Eusebius, “Blandina, last of all, like a noble mother who had encouraged her children and sent them ahead victorious to the King, hastened to join them.” She was bound to a stake and wild beasts were set on her. According to legend, they did not, however, touch her. After enduring this for a number of days she was led into the arena to see the suffering of her companions. Beaten, torn, burned with irons, she was wrapped in a net and tossed about by a wild bull, tossing her into the air with his horns, and at last killed with a dagger. The spectators were amazed at her endurance. Eusebius concludes: “They offered up to the Father a single wreath, but it was woven of diverse colors and flowers of all kinds. It was fitting that the noble athletes should endure a varied conflict, and win a great victory, that they might be entitled in the end to receive the crown supreme of life everlasting.” In early June each year, the fortitude and commitment of these early Christians is remembered by the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Anglican Communion, and on June 2, by the Episcopal Church USA References:“Lesser Feasts and Fasts 1997”; Wikipedia PLEASE REMEMBER Saint Michael & All Angels has a Parish Emergency Fund funded by parishioners and available to parishioners facing financial emergencies and needing economic assistance. Requests should be directed to our rector or any member of our Vestry. If you are able to contribute to this fund, all gifts are welcome!




SOCIAL MEDIA SCOREBOARD In May, we put up some great results on our two Facebook pages. The winners were: Photo of the banner for our Pentecost event: -- 94 people reached Ben Blevins-Boor Eagle Scout achievement -- 92 people reached The Diaper Drive -- 85 people reached Ad for the Daily Mike Facebook Page- 82 people reached Second Harvest Food Bank Volunteer opportunity-- 69 people reached Kati Nicholson’s Amazon Smile promotion --65 people reached For news about the parish and upcoming events: https:// www.facebook.com/SMAACDM. For news about the LA Diocese, The Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion and for devotions throughout the day: https:// www.facebook.com/SMAAdailymike/ timeline. Join us on Facebook …it’s not just for kids! Some great new pics on Instagram, too h t t p s : / / w w w. i n s t a g r a m . c o m / stmikessocal/. And don’t forget our website http:// stmikescdm.ladiocese.org/.

SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE! SET UP DIRECT GIVING TO SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS: Pledge payments can now be scheduled using web banking. You can set up regular, recurring payments for your annual pledge, and leave your checkbook at home on Sundays.This payment method is completely optional. You can continue to place pledge envelopes in the collection plates if you wish (empty or with a note saying you gave on-line). Note that regular, recurring payments help the church maintain a healthy cash flow, especially useful during the summer months when many are on vacation. For details and instructions call our bookkeeper, in the parish office 949644-0463, ex. 15. She will be happy to help you simplify your life!

Calendar of Ev ents At Saint Mic hael & All Ang els Events Michael Angels

Senior Fit, 1:30-2:30 p.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:15 -11:20 a.m., 1:45-2:45 p.m., AAC Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC AA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., SW

AA meeting, 7:00-8:00 a.m., SW Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:15-10:15 a.m., 1:45-5:00 p.m., AAC Coach Jon, 10:30-11:30 a.m. ((6/7, 6/14 only) Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing, Noon SAA meeting, 7:30-9:00 p.m., SW

Men’s Group, 7:30-9:00 a.m., DL Coach Jon, 10:30-11:30 a.m., AAC (6/1, 6/8, 6/1515 only) Whiz Kids, 2:50-5:00 p.m., AAC Basketball, 4:00-5:00 p.m., AAC Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC Parish Choir Rehearsal, 7:00-8:30 p.m., Sanctuary

Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:15-10:15 a.m., AAC Basketball, 10:30-12; 1:15-2:45; 3:30-4:30 p.m. AAC Volleyball, 4:30-6:00 p.m., AAC AA meeting, 7:00-10:00 p.m., SW

Coptic Christian Church, 7:00-11:00 a.m., Sanctuary Basketball, 8:00-10:00 a.m., AAC Coach Jon Basketball 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., AAC







AAC - All Angels’ Court MR - Michael’s Room CR - Conference Room

Meeting Rooms: DL - Davis Library SW - South Wing NW - North Wing YR - Yellow Room, AAC GR - Green Room, AAC RR - Red Room, AAC

Fridays, July 7, 14, 21, 28 Vacation Bible School, 5:30-7:45 p.m. AAC, Sanctuary, NW, SW


Sun., June 11 Adult Christian Education Com., 10:30 a.m., CR th Mon., June 12 J. Hassett student piano recital, 5:00-8:30 p.m., Sanctuary Wed., June 14th Vestry Meeting, 5:30-7:30 p.m., CR Deadline for Summer Issue of For the Love of Mike Sun., June 18th Worship Commission Meeting, 10:30 a.m., CR Baroque Music Festival Rehearsal, 2-6:00 p.m., Sanctuary Mon., June 19th, Baroque Music Festival Concert & Reception, 8:00 p.m., Sanctuary & Patio Wed., June 21st Spyglass Hill Homeowners Board, 5:00 p.m., CR Thurs., June 22nd Inklings (C. S. Lewis Book Study) 9:30-11:00 a.m., DL Sun., June 25th The Bible Challenge, 8:30 a.m., DL Friends of Music Exec. Committee, 10:30 a.m., CR th Tues., June 27 Women’s Fellowship, 7:00 p.m., Bianchi’s Home Spyglass Hill Homeowners Board, 6:00-9:00 p.m., CR

Citizens’ Climate Lobby, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., DL





Thurs., June 1st Staff Meeting, 9:30 a.m., DL Ann Bishop CoL/BoD , 4:00 p.m. rd Sat., June 3 Set up & Decorating for our big party

Parish Church & Preschool Relations Committee, 9:00 a.m., CR St. Mike’s Basketball, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Sat., June 10th

Sundays-at-Nine, 10:00 a.m., DL Nursery Care from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Sunday School, 8:45 a.m. Godly Play, children 4-11, Yellow Room Formation, 5th-8th grade, Green Room J2A, High School, 2nd & 4th Sundays, Corner Room Volleyball, 1:00-3:00 p.m., AAC

Summer Worship Schedule begins: 9:00 a.m. (only) Holy Eucharist





JUNE 2017

S T. M I C H A E L & A L L A N G E L S W O U L D L I K E T O T H A N K T H E S E B U S I N E S S E S F O R M A K I N G O U R N E W S L E T T E R P O S S I B L E



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JUNE 2017

Christian Ed from page 4

St. Mike’s Social Media For parish events and activities: www. facebook.com/ SMAACDM For daily worship and meditations plus news from our diocese, the Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion, and global religion news: The Daily Mike www.facebook.com/ SMAAdailymike/timeline http://bit.ly/DailyMike (free daily newsletter) And also: SMAA Friends of Music www.facebook.com/ SMAAFriendsofMusic St. Mike’s website: www.stmikescdm.ladiocese.org Parish email: smaa@stmikescdm.org For the Love of Mike online (color edition with live links and back issues):

Also in China, we will be hearing of the life of Eric Liddell, the 1924 Olympic athlete and his ministry to the Chinese people (Chariots of Fire 1981 movie). From China we will travel up the coast to Japan to learn about Nippon Sei Ko Kai, which is the national Christian church representing the Province of Japan within the Anglican Communion. Finishing our tour, our time will be spent in Australia learning about God’s work in the land down under. The modern Australian ministry workers face the needs of caring for refugees and asylum-seekers through prayer and financial and emotional support. Please come and see what Australian Christians are up to under the Southern Cross and in the Southern Pacific! Those of you wishing to volunteer, please contact me on my cell phone 714206-5653, or sign up at the VBS table, which will be on the patio. Please don’t forget to write down your phone number and email address. We will need help with cooking, acting and actresses, crafts, cleanup and supervision through the four Friday nights. Food donations are much needed and most welcome. Hawaiian food, Chinese food, Japanese food and Australian food. Vacation Bible School is a ministry of Saint Michael’s that ministers to not only our parish children, but also to the children and youth in the community. Please pass the word along as you speak to your family members, neighbors and friends about this wonderful opportunity. Not only are children and youth able to have a great time of fellowship and learning, parents have a Friday night out. Come join the fun!!

* * * Amazon donates to Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church when you shop @AmazonSmile. http:// smile.amazon.com/ch/33-0512534 #YouShopAmazonGives

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NURSERY CARE IS AVAILABLE on Sundays from 9:30-11:30am.


ST. MIKE’S COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION is looking for volunteers to help in the parish’s marketing, advertising, and public relations efforts. If interested, please contact Norris Battin at 949.500.2442, or nbattin+SMAA@gmail.com

* * * UNITED THANK OFFERING (UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through United Thank Offering, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings. Those who participate in UTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity. United Thank Offering is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the UTO monies to support mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church and in Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the developing world.

* * * PHONE TREE MINISTRY: NEW MEMBERS NEEDED. Our goal is to contact every parishioner by phone once a month. This is a great opportunity to get to know others better and to share information, needs, and suggestions about Saint Mike's. Please contact Ruth Poole at 949.644.9263.

* * * ACOLYTES NEEDED: Do you have one hour to offer this parish each month? Would you like to participate in the worship service on Sundays by carrying the Cross or lighting the candles? Acolyting is a valuable ministry in the life of Saint Michael & All Angels. Please contact Susan Caldwell if you are interested in learning more about this ministry, or to volunteer! 949.644.0463 x 12.


JUNE 2017 8

Re-opening of Church in Diocese of Jerusalem a ‘Symbol of Renewal’

Young Anglicans Train to Help Pacific Communities Adapt to Climate Change

(ACNS)The Archbishop of Canterbury has described the imminent re-opening of St Peter's Anglican Church in Jaffa as a story of hope. The church has been closed since the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. The Diocese of Jerusalem is now working on renovating it, with hopes that worship will soon resume there. Archbishop Justin visited St. Peter's towards the end of his twelve day visit to the region with Archbishop Suheil Dawani, whose father served in the church prior to 1948. Archbishop Suheil said the church was of great sentimental value to both him personally and the diocese: “This is the third church in the diocese to be revived and re-opened, I hope by the end of the year, after renovations. It will be used by the community here – especially diplomats in the Tel Aviv area.” Archbishop Justin said he was pleased to share the story of the church’s revival: “There’s something fantastically symbolic about it – first of all, it’s a growing church: reopening and re-building. The structure’s sound, but it needs the worship, the prayer, the spiritual life to recreate the life of the church, which had been caught up in conflict and now will be a symbol of renewal and life – and that’s been one of the themes of this visit.” Archbishop Justin issued the following plea: “Please pray for this church, for the Diocese of Jerusalem, and for our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land.”

(ACNS) Sixteen young leaders from the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Polynesia have started two weeks of training in the South Pacific island of Tonga to help their communities adapt to climate change. The course will aim to improve their resilience in the face of the disasters, such as cyclones and flooding, that climate change brings. The intensive training flows from a youth exchange gathering last December – which focused on ‘Climate Action’ – and on the 2016 General Synod, which passed a resolution calling on the Anglican Missions Board to develop “a clear resilience strategy that would strengthen (the church’s) response to any future natural disaster.” That resolution also called for the development of a “cadre of Church Community trainers who are then tasked in training the youth groups of the parishes in disaster preparedness.” The resolutions passed by the General Synod followed in the wake of the devastation caused by Cyclone Pam to Vanuatu in March 2015, and by Cyclone Winston to Fiji and Tonga in February 2016. The representation in Tonga is weighted towards training young Pacific Island Anglican leaders – ten from the Archdeaconry of Tonga will be attending, plus three from Fiji, two from Samoa and one from Aotearoa, New Zealand.The idea is that the young leaders will pick up the basic skills of ‘reading’ a landscape – which they, in turn, will be able to relay back to their parishes and communities, so they can take measures to minimise their exposure to climate disaster, and improve their resilience.


Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church A Christian Community of the Anglican Communion 3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625

Inside the June Issue: Page 1: June 4 -- S AVE THE D ATE SA DA Page 4: V acation Bible Study Vacation Page 6: Social Media Scorecard website: stmikescdm.ladiocese.org email: smaa@stmikescdm.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/SMAAdailymike www. facebook.com/SMAACDM Instagram: stmikessocal

Pray for and R emember our P arish Emergency FFund und Remember Parish

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