For the Love of Mike -- May 2015

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FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE Volume 65 Number 5

MAY 2015

The Episcopal Church of Saint Michael Pacific View Drive at Marguerite

Corona del Mar

California 92625


BELOVEDS IN CHRIST ...From the Desk of the Rector O merciful Creator, your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature. Make us ever thankful for your loving care of nature as a spiritual power, and grant that we, rememabering the account we must one day give, may be faithful stewards of your good gifts, through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together and let the dry land appear.” And God saw that it was good. This prayer from the Episcopal Network for Stewardship of God’s Creation and opening verses (9-10) of Genesis remind us that part of Christian teaching has always been that human beings have responsibility to care for the earth, to be good stewards of God’s creation. Attitudes toward “this fragile earth, our island home” (BCP 370) are diverse: Is this planet simply natural resources to be developed? Or is it “home,” a conglomeration of interdependent ecosystems teeming with diverse life-forms that struggle to survive. Reading Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring when an undergraduate at Cal brought me to the latter perspective. There are many aspects of caring for creation including conserving energy, reducing waste and pollution, recycling, preserving natural habitats, repairing damaged ecosystems, and distributing resources such as water in ways that benefit the common good. With so many important aspects to consider when caring for the earth, how do we know where to start? How do we know if we are being good stewards? It is good news that there are many ways we can become better stewards of creation. By being mindful of our attitudes and making several small changes, we can form better habits. Over time, these new habits will form the basis of a more ecologically-friendly lifestyle. Where we start is not the issue; what is essential is that we do start. Recognizing that we need to be continued on page 3 THERE WILL BE AN OPEN ALL-PARISH MEETING AFTER WORSHIP (about 11:15am) ON SUNDAY, MAY 3; TO DISCUSS THE LANDSCAPING PROJECT. PLEASE COME WITH YOUR QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS TO ASK OUR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, DON HENRY , AND OUR OWN PARISHIONERS/LEADERS, KATI MOWAT AND TOM NICHOLSON

& All Angels


SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS TO REPLACE LAWN WITH CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE Extensive landscape renovation gets the greenlight from the Vestry and backing from the City of Newport Beach By Clyde Dodge and Tom Nicholson Saint Michael & All Angels will soon be replacing 50,000 square feet of water-hungry lawn with a professionally designed California-friendly, droughttolerant landscape. The Vestry approved the plan on March 21st, and the City of Newport Beach and the Municipal Water District of Orange County approved the turf removal on March 25th. Turf removal will begin immediately. Saint Michael & All Angels will be celebrating it's 50th anniversary as an Episcopal Parish Church. One very visible sign of the commitment the church has to its community will be the new landscape, the first phase of which will be finished this year. California is still in the grip of a severe drought, and the Church leaders felt it was time to remove the water-hungry lawn that has graced the campus for the past 48 years. The Vestryperson in charge of Buildings and Grounds, Tom Nicholson, proposed this new landscape project as a way to reduce our water consumption. He makes the following points about this project: Saint Michael’s is preparing to celebrate our upcoming 50th Anniversary and, while we celebrate our past, we also look forward to our future! Continued on page 3



CONTRIBUTIONSWERE MADETO THE RECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND most recently by Suzie and the Peltason family in thanksgiving for Jack, and by Richard Hine and Katherine Hine Shaha in thanksgiving for Bob Hine. These funds extend our Parish’s mission of outreach, providing for such needs as can be helped by financial assistance.

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FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE is a publication of Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Corona del Mar, CA. Copy deadline is the second Wednesday of the month. We welcome letters and articles. Editor: Susan Beechner 949.644.0463

MA Y 2015 MAY

ATTENTION VETERANS: Saint Michael & All Angels will participate in the National Celebration honoring Veterans (especially WWII) "Celebrating the Spirit of ‘45" to take place on Sunday, August 9th. We want to honor all Veterans at the 9:00 a.m. worship service at church, followed by a brunch in Michael’s Room. All families and guests are welcome to celebrate with us. The Senior Ministry at St. Mike’s is hosting this gathering. Please contact Murry McClaren at 714/ 979-6978 to let us know if you have a Vet in your family whom we can honor. We also would like pictures and memorabilia to share at the brunch. It will be a fun time to tell stories and relive those times with families and friends.

* * * THE WELL THIS MONTH WE WILL LAUNCH THE NEXT session of "The Well," our on-line learning project. We will be participating in a parish-wide class entitled "Introducing Episcopal Worship" taught by Father James Hamilton. This is a thoughtful, beautiful course that provides an overview of the structure and significance of our service, accompanied by written lessons, short videos with music, and discussions questions. It's a meaningful class for those who are very familiar with the church as well as those who are new. The class can be taken at your own pace, but we will be engaging in a scheduled on-line progress through it starting on Pentecost Sunday, which is May 24. We will be holding interactive hands-on help for signing up and becoming familiar with the online class on May 10 and May 17. If you would like to get started before then or have any questions, please contact Kathleen Peterson at kathleenopeterson@gmail or (949) 378-5002 or Susan Caldwell at

THE VESTRY Senior Warden.............................Myrna Ireland Junior Warden.............................Donald Sheetz Christian Education.....................Barbara Black Clerk of the Vestry........................Karlene Miller

Building and Grounds..............Tom Nicholson Communications...........................Clyde Dodge [ Evangelism.............................Anne Warmington ...202.550.4100 Fellowship............................................OPEN


MAY ANNIVERSARIES Birthday 2nd - Peter Coppen Nancy Lyons 7th - Matthew Shaw 9th - Russ Hardt 10th - Teri Corbet 12th - Judy Brady 14th - Richard Wallis 17th - Melinda Rader 18th - Mary Caldarone 21st - Mary Bowman 24th - Keith Nelson 25th - Sherry Crail 28th - Jamie Mead 29th - Harry Selling Baptism 3rd - Constance Davidson 14th - Norm Bianchi 23rd - Richard Zevnik 25th - Chace Warmington Wedding 10th - Russ & Robin Hardt

FESTIVAL CONCERT -- ORGAN, BRASS, AND CHOIR: Friday June 12, 7:30pm at Walt Disney Concert Hall celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Diocese of Los Angeles. Bus leaves from the church; free tickets. Contact Lynn Headley 714.920.7981. or

* * * PHONE TREE MINISTRY: NEW MEMBERS NEEDED. Our goal is to contact every parishioner by phone once a month. This is a great opportunity to get to know others better and to share information, needs and suggestions about Saint Mike's. Please contact Ruth Poole at 949.644.9263. Finance......................................Julie Jenkins Mission...............................Barbara Stewart+ Stewardship.............................Matthew Shaw Ombudsperson..........................Louise Stover Worship...The Very Rev’d Canon Peter D. Haynes


MA Y 2015 MAY

Rector’s Desk from page 1 better stewards is an important first step. While many of the decisions we make along the way will be small, they all reflect our attitudes and, over time, shape our lives. My Mom taught me to turn off extra lights. I remember my Dad wanting to buy energy efficient appliances. Twenty-one years in Berkeley taught me many attitudes and perspectives about ecology and caring for our environment. Our contact with nature has deep restorative powers. After basking in California sunshine or feeling wind blow while driving a convertible or rolling in green grass with Luke I always feel more peaceful within myself and connected to surrounding power and to God. What in nature feeds you? We Californians are finally hearing a lot about conserving water. When you do, please remember this prayer from page 306 of our Book of Common Prayer: We thank you, Almighty God, for the gift of water. Over it the Holy Spirit moved in the beginning of creation. Through it you led the children of Israel out of the bondage in Egypt into the land of promise. In it your son Jesus received the baptism of John and was anointed with the Holy Spirit as the Messiah, the Christ, to lead us,through his death and resurrection, from the bondage of sin into everlasting life. We thank you, Father, for the water of Baptism. In it we are buried with Christ in his death. By it we share in his resurrection. Through it we are reborn by the Holy Spirit. Our “landscape renovation” program is already underway and THERE WILL BE AN OPEN ALL-PARISH MEETING AFTER WORSHIP (about 11:15 a.m.) ON SUNDAY, MAY 3; PLEASE COME WITH YOUR QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS TO ASK OUR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, DON HENRY AND OUR OWN PARISHIONERS/LEADERS, KATI MOWAT AND TOM NICHOLSON. This project will certainly conserve water and thereby witness to our neighbors that we are good stewards of God’s creation and, by reducing costs of water and gardening, will

provide more resources for ministry here. Permeable paths will connect prayerful places like our sanctuary and labyrinth with new ones, perhaps a reflection garden and/or new stations of the cross. Our playground will be extended and rose garden highlighted. In the initial plan is: “Community Garden – including use as instructional/educational tool on urban gardening/ producing nutritious food for Church members and neighborhood (which I hope we will broadly define). Could include: vegetable garden, fruit trees, bee ‘hotel’, place to grow flowers/ orchids for use in the Church, etc.” My fervent hope is that we will grow food to feed hungry people and so live into my favorite Bible verse, Matthew 25:40: “Inasmuch as you do good to God’s beloveds in need you do it with Jesus.”

Yours, In Christ -

WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP: Their next meeting will be Tuesday, May 26. The group meets at the home of Beth Bianchi at 7pm. Being discussed is Cultivating Meaningful Work: Letting Go of Self-Doubt and “Supposed To”. For more information, and directions to Beth’s home, please contact Melinda Rader, 949/230-3644, or Beth Bianchi, 949/721-0192.

THANK YOU, HARRISON! St. Mike’s Nursery is the happy recipient of new equipment, courtesy of Harrison Vandervort’s Eagle Scout project. He has built (with the usual involvement of his scout colleagues) a water table and sand table for our toddlers, and a beautiful, pre-school storage cubby, painted in primary colors which perfectly match the floor. Stop by the Nursery sometime to see and admire his handsome and useful creations. Thanks, Harrison!

California Landscape from page 1 Our "Next 50 Years" plan will kick off with a very visible representation of our dedication to our community, our parish family, and our environment - through the creation of new outdoor spaces consisting of drought-tolerant California flora, contemplative and meeting spaces, walking paths, and community/public use areas. This project will begin in April and Phase 1 (removal of thirsty grass and replacement with professionally designed landscape plan of drought-tolerant plantings and decomposed granite pathways) will be completed within 2-3 months. The immediate benefits will be substantially less water usage, less pesticide usage, and less maintenance through the implementation of native vegetation, weather-smart irrigation controllers, drip irrigation, and semi-permiable paving surfaces. Forward-thinking concepts for Phase 2 and beyond will be discussed and agreed upon with input from the Parish and support from the broader community. Current ideas focus on the creation of a community garden, two community orchards, and interactive spaces to facilitate connectivity with the land for the benefit of the parish and greater community. The goal is to better utilize the resources of the parish for the benefit of the community. This plan has been shared with the Corona del Mar Business Improvement District recently, and they were enthusiastically supportive.



Our mission is to seek and share Jesus Christ as spiritual food for life’s journey.

3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625 949.644.0463 949.644.9247 FAX The Very Rev’d Canon

Peter D. Haynes, Rector [] Susan Caldwell Director of Christian Education [] Ray Urwin, D.M.A. Minister of Music [] The Rev’d Fennie Chang, Ph.D., Canterbury Irvine The Rev’d Canon Ray Flemming Assisting Priest The Rev’d Barbara Stewart, Ph.D., Assisting Priest Susan Beechner, Parish Secretary [] Donnie Lewis, Bookkeeper []

WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday Holy Eucharist at 8 & 10am Nursery Care from 9:30-11:30am Sunday School 9:45am Adult Education 9am Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing-12 noon Beginning May 24: Sunday worship schedule includes Holy Eucharist 9am, Sunday School 9am, Adult Education 10am and Nursery Care from 8:30am. ABOUT SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, CORONA DEL MAR We are a Christian Community of the Anglican Communion who come to hear God’s word and receive and share the Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to have Christ live in us in order that in Christ we may live faithful and productive Christian lives. Our commitment to the Gospel is evangelical; our liturgical tradition, catholic; our theology orthodox but open to thought, reflection, and spiritual endeavor. We care about the world and strive to serve Christ in it.

MA Y 2015 MAY


Susan Caldwell

Journey with the Saints, The British Isles, Part I


alling all Saint Michael & All Angels actors and actresses!! It is that time of the year again when we look toward summer and prepare for Vacation Bible School. We will be journeying to The British Isles to learn about our beloved Saints. Those who we will look forward to meeting are Patrick, Aiden, Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, Brigid of Kildare, Julian of Norwich, the Venerable Bede, and Saint George. Please join us to follow the paths of the faithful Christians who graced the green and rocky hills of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. VBS will take place on four Friday nights in July: the 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st ; 5:30pm-7:45pm. The cost is $60.00 per child or $70.00 for an entire family. Dinner and T-shirt are included. Please invite elementary school age children, neighbors, Godchildren and grandchildren. This event is for children ages 3-11 years old. Youth and teens are encouraged to volunteer. Community service hours will be recognized. Beginning on July 10th, our first guest will be Saint Patrick. He will tell his life’s story, his call to Ireland and his love for the Irish people. We will also speak with Brigid of Kildare and hear how coming to Christ changed her life. On July 17th, we will journey to Iona to hear of Columba and Aiden and move on to speak with Cuthbert at Lindesfarne. We will be learning about the Lindisfarne Gospels, among the most celebrated illuminated books in the world. At Lindisfarne, be sure not to get caught in the tide, as the Ancient Pilgrimage path disappears at dusk. On July 24th we will speak to Julian of Norwich, the Anchoress, and Venerable Bede, whose love of learning and written appreciation of history is with us to this day. And on July 31st we will watch Saint George in action fight the dragon.

(continued on page 5)


PRAYERS HEALING Russ Brad Hannah Norm Sally & George John Andrew Beth Cathy Mary Betty GUIDANCE Julie & Bob Esther Doug Nancy Kathleen REPOSE Sue Ewers Bob Hine THANKSGIVING - with Ben Card for his mother, Virginia; - with Teri & Cliff Corbet for their mothers, Patricia and Gladys; - with Barbara Black for her brother, Joseph Hirka

Call Esther McNamee for prayer requests 949.640.1749

WE NEED Greeters, Ushers and Altar Guilders. Please contact Canon Haynes if interested. Our parish subscribes to the online learning program “Church Next.” If you are interested, please contact Kathleen Petesron who will give you access details.


FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE - ADS NEEDED: Our newsletter is printed by C & M Publications at no cost to St. Mike’s, thanks to the support of the local businesses whose ads are found on the back of the calendar each month. If you or someone you know might like to become a sponsor, please call Susan Beechner in the parish office for more information. 949.644.0463 x10.

* * * LOAVES AND FISHES: This month we will collect monetary donations for college scholarships for the high school students who help at the soup kitchen. Checks are always welcome, too. and should be made payable to Saint Michael & All Angels, with Loaves and Fishes on the memo line. (Tax ID #95-2123746) Attention travelers: We are also always collecting hotel/travel-size toiletries for shower kits for the homeless patrons.

* * *

TIME AND TALENT If you are thinking about volunteering with one of our Commissions at St. Mike’s, please review the “Parish Life” booklet on the back rail of the sanctuary, which describes these activities. We need greeters, acolytes, coffee hosts, and ushers, and have other interesting assignments as well. Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet new people at St. Mike’s. Please call Anne Warmington with questions: 202.550.4100.

* * * PLEASE REMEMBER . . . Saint Michael & All Angels has a Parish Emergency Fund, funded by parishioners and available to parishioners facing financial emergencies and needing economic assistance. Requests should be directed to our rector or any member of our Vestry. If you are able to contribute, all gifts are welcome!

* * * PLEDGE ENVELOPES: If you would like pledge envelopes for 2015, please leave a message for our bookkeeper, 949.644.0463, ext. 15. For those of you who have already requested pledge envelopes, they are available in Michael’s Room in alphabetical order.

MA Y 2015 5 MAY

Susan Caldwell continued from page 4 There will be songs and ballads, bagpipes and drums. We look forward to eating our regular bill of fare of macaroni and cheese and fish sticks, tater tots. Following our dinner, there will be time for crafts and games. We also will be practicing calligraphy and crafting other fine pieces art work such as jewelry and pottery. If you would like to donate items for dinner, please see the list of needs below. 6 boxes of Kraft macaroni and cheese 10 boxes of frozen fish sticks 4 bags of Tater Tots 4 crates of 25 individual bottles of water Apples, grapes and bananas Carrots and celery Ranch Dressing Cheese cubes or string cheese Fig Newton cookies Scones If you are interested in participating this year in VBS, please let me know. Susan Caldwell at or 949-644-0463 Ext. 12. This is our fourth year to do this particular outreach and ministry. Please check your calendar and pencil in to volunteer one night during this heartwarming and memory making program. All are welcome! Saint Patrick’s Breastplate Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.

GENERAL CONVENTION INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE Another General Convention summer! And much of the information is already available on line. There has been a concerted effort to make more information available through the General Convention web site before the Convention itself. So, if you'd like to look ahead here are some suggestions. First, from the General Convention web page you can link directly to the two reports that have been getting the most attention: the Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church (TREC) and the Task Force on the Study of Marriage. With an additional click, you can link to the Blue Book reports (formally, the Reports to Convention of Committees, Commission, Agencies, and Boards). Instead of waiting for a printed version, these are being loaded to the web site. And, instead of waiting for one complete publication, reports are being added as they are submitted. So, if there's a report you're interested in and don't see yet, keep checking back. The same thing is happening with resolutions to General Convention. If you link to the Legislative Resources page, you can link through to all the resolutions that have been submitted. Once again, these are being added as they are submitted, so keep checking to see if your particular interest is addressed. With the Reports from the Task Force for Re-imagining the Episcopal Church and the Task Force on the Study of Marriage, and also the election of the next Presiding Bishop, this should be an interesting General Convention. You can go ahead and start your review, and so be better able to keep informed about all that happens in and around this year's General Convention.

DO YOU HAVE A NEW EMAIL ADDRESS? Please contact with changes or additions.

* * * MEN’S GROUP: Meets on Thursdays at 7:30am in the Davis Library to discuss questions relating to theology, science and philosophy. All men are welcome.


PLEASE CHECK THE FORWARD MOVEMENT DISPLAY RACK ON THE WALL IN MICHAEL'S ROOM Pick up a pamphlet or two to share with family and friends. A donation box is provided. Featured this month is the pamphlet "How Can You Help the Homeless?" The author, Bob McGonaglE, once was homeless himself. He gives a moving account of the alcoholism that led to his downward spiral and to recovery that led to his life now as a sexton at Church of the Redeemer in Cincinnati, Ohio, and his commitment to advocating for the homeless. He serves on the board of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council. A helpful section answers such frequently asked . questions as: Should I give money to panhandlers? Should I engage in conversation with the homeless? How do I know if I am being conned by people claiming to be homeless? “Remember,” he writes, "Paul said that we are 'fools for Christ's sake' Better to be a fool than to neglect someone in real need."

* * * PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND DECEMBER 26, 2015 - JANUARY 5, 2016: Join Lutheran Bishop Guy Erwin and tour organizer The Rev’d Canon Jim Newman in the Holy Land. Sites include Bethlehem, Nazareth and Jerusalem, the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Jordan River, and the mysterious stone city of Petra. Space is limited: send in reservation form and deposit as soon as possible. Eleven days, departing from Los Angeles on Saturday, Dec. 26, 2015, and returning on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016. The cost from Los Angeles is $4,148. For more information, please contact Newman at 310.391.5522, 888.802.6722 (tollfree) or

* * * HELP FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE: We are once again in need of donations for replenishing our food cupboard. Please call Murry McClaren with any questions or to learn what types of food are currently needed; and THANK YOU ALL for your help!

MA Y 2015 MAY

TRAVEL WITH ST. MIKES! Sunday’s @ 10 to Highlight Parishioner Adventures Our summer 2015 adult education program, Sunday’s @10, will feature travelogues by parishioners who have been to (and lived in ) some very interesting places. The series, under the direction of Ruth Poole, kicks off on Pentacost. May 24, and continues through September 6. We will meet in the Davis library. The meeting dates and topics are listed below. May 24 (Pentecost) - Introduction; Ruth Poole - Scotland May 31 - Lynne Ruedy - Iran & Saudi Arabia June 7 - Lynne Ruedy - Iran & Saudi Arabia June 14 - Annemaria Ballin - India June 21 - Frances Fukuda, Susan & Steve Caldwell - Australia June 28 - Ann & Steve Morris England July 5 - The Rev'd Canon Peter Haynes - Salisbury July 12 - Barbara Black - Hungary July 19 - Norris Battin - Africa (Compass Rose Society Communion visit) July 26 - Norris Battin - Africa (Compass Rose Society Communion visit) August 2 - War-time Memories All in attendance August 9 - NO MEETING Honoring Veterans, Reception, etc. August 16 - Keith Nelson - Sweden August 23 - Keith Nelson - Sweden August 30 - Barbara Stewart Mexico September 6 - Lynn Headley - Israel


SPOTLIGHT ON ... BEN BLEVINS-BOOR Yes, Ben is the tall teen, carrying the cross at the Sunday services. Ben is in tenth grade at Sonora High School in La Habra, where his mother, Marjie, teaches. He's the one that Peter introduced a few weeks ago, as our next "swimming" hope at the Olympics. When first starting to swim, he says that he used to just "fool around" having fun in the water. Later, around age 10, he became more serious about the sport and credits his coach to helping him develop a work ethic at practice. Practice most often takes place in the early morning at the high school and he swims at the Nova Club when not practicing at the high school. Intensity in the sport is balanced, for Ben, in other areas. He's a Boy Scout and is aiming for the Eagle Scout award, (Lucky us at St. Michael's) and says he has a bit of social life as well. He attends the "Journey to Adulthood" (J2A) Sunday School sessions. Most of our acolytes, when asked about their service at the altar, say that they like being close enough to see what the priest actually does at the altar. Perhaps anyone reading this, feels the same way and might want to volunteer for that work.

-- Barbara Black

* * *

FINANCIAL UPDATE (ESTIMATES): Pledges ahead of budget (108% of ytd plan.) Income is $144,217 vs. $131.457 budgeted as parish center donations continue strong. Total expenses $144,642 versus $152,233. budgeted ytd. --Julie Jenkins

DONNIE SAYS GOODBYE “I’ve had a wonderful time working for St. Mike’s the past 18 years,” said Donnie Lewis, our retiring parish bookkeeper, “but it’s time to move on. I’ll miss you guys!” Donnie’s last day is May 31. Thanks to Donnie for her conscientious service to our parish.

NEW ACOLYTES WANTED: Do you have one hour to offer this parish each month? Would you like to participate in the worship service on Sundays by carrying the Cross or lighting the candles? Acolyting is a valuable ministry in the life of Saint Michael & All Angels. Please contact Susan Caldwell if you are interested in learning more about this ministry, or to volunteer! 949.644.0463 x 12.

The Great Vigil of Easter

Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Supper

Palm Sunday

Easter Day

Good Friday

Please go to to see more pictures!

The Great Vigil of Easter

Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Supper

Palm Sunday

Easter Day

Good Friday

Please go to to see more pictures!

Calendar of Ev ents At Saint Mic hael & All Ang els Events Michael Angels

Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. (9:00 only beginning May 24th) Nursery care from 9:30-11:30 a.m. (8:30 on beginning May 24th) Sundays-at-Nine, DL (Sundays-at-Ten beginning May 24th) Sunday School at 9:00 a.m. (Sunday School at 8:45 beginning May 24th) Godly Play, children 4-11, Yellow Room Formation, 5th-8th grade, Green Room J2A Youth Group, high school, Corner Room 2nd & 4th Sundays Basketball, 6:30-8:00 p.m., AAC

Whiz Kids, 1:45-2:45 p.m., AAC Volleyball, 3:30-6:30 p.m., AAC St. Mike’s Basketball, 7:00-9:00 p.m., AAC

Whiz Kids, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., AAC Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC

AA meeting, 7:00-8:00 a.m., SW Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:00-5:00 p.m., AAC Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing, Noon ARCHES Yoga Class, 5:00-6:00 p.m., NW Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC ARCHES Art Class, 6:30-8:00 p.m., SW

Men’s Group, 7:30-9:00 a.m., DL Whiz Kids, 12 noon-5:00 p.m., AAC (not 2/19) Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC Parish Choir Rehearsal, 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:00 a.m.-12 noon, AAC Basketball, 1:30-2:30, 3:00-4:00, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC AA meeting, 7:00-10:00 p.m., SW

Basketball, 8:00-10:00 a.m., 10:00-5:00 p.m., AAC









MAY 2015

Meeting Rooms: AAC - All Angels’ Court MR - Michael’s Room CR - Conference Room

DL - Davis Library NW - North Wing GR - Blue Room, AAC

SW - South Wing YR - Yellow Room, AAC RR - Red Room, AAC

Sun., June 7th Youth Sunday th Sat., June 13 Alex Perkins CoL/BoD, 2:00 p.m. Sat., June 20th Sue Ewers CoL/BoD Mon., June 22nd Baroque Music Festival Organ Recital, 8:00 p.m. Fri., June 26th Whiton’s Renewal of Marriage Vows, 5:00 p.m., Sanctuary Fridays, July 10, 17, 24, 31 -Vacation Bible School 5:30-7:45 p.m., AAC, Sanctuary, NW (


Citizens’ Climate Lobby, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., DL Syriac Orthodox Church Liturgy & Reception, Sanctuary, MR Sun., May 3rd Open All-Parish Meeting in Sanctuary on landscaping renovation project, 11:15 a.m Adult Christian Education Commission, 11:30 a.m., CR Wed., May 6th Vestry Meeting, 5:00-7:00 p.m., CR Thurs., May 7th Staff Meeting, 9:30 a.m., DL Fri., May 8th- Sun., May 10th - Retreat at Camp Stevens Sat., May 9th Canterbury’s Spring Garden Party, 3-5:00 p.m., Trinity, Orange Sun., May 10th J2A Youth Group, 10:00 a.m., Corner Room Tues., May 12th Hutchins Consort Board, 5:00 p.m., DL Wed., May 13th Deadline for June For the Love of Mike Senior Ministry, 4:30 p.m., CR Worship Commission, 11:30 a.m., CR Sun., May 17th Sun., May 24th Pentecost - Wear Red! Summer Worship Schedule begins: One Sunday Worship at 9:00 a.m. The Bible Challenge, 7:30 a.m., DL J2A Youth Group, 10:00 a.m., Corner Room Friends of Music Executive Committee, 10:30 a.m., CR Mon., May 25th Parish Office closed for Memorial Day Tues., May 26th Women’s Fellowship, 7:00 p.m., Bianchi’s Home Spyglass Hill Homeowners Board, 6:00-9:00 p.m., CR th Sun., May 31 Trinity Sunday

Sat., May 2nd


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Transformed by 12 years in Tanzania, missionaries set to return By Matthew Davies [Episcopal News Service] As a child, the Rev. Sandra McCann dreamed of someday going to Africa. But she never imagined it would become her home, her ministry and her entire life for 12 years. When Sandy and her husband Martin reached their mid-50s, they made the audacious decision to give up their successful medical careers in radiology and pathology, sell their home and move to Africa as Episcopal Church missionaries. Their move was delayed for three years and in that time Sandy graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree and was ordained as an Episcopal priest. After an “internship” year in Maseno, Kenya, where they worked alongside fellow Episcopal missionaries Gerry and Nancy Hardison, the McCanns moved to Dodoma, Tanzania’s capital city, and have spent the past decade teaching and healing and living in a community far removed from their former lives in Columbus, Georgia. The experience has changed and expanded their worldview forever, they say. With support and encouragement from the Episcopal Church’s Mission Personnel Office, and at the invitation of the late Bishop Mdimi Mhogolo of the Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Sandy taught at Msalato Theological College and eventually took up the position of communications director as well as serving as college chaplain. Martin set up a pathology laboratory where diseases could be detected through the use of a variety of investigative techniques, a service that has grown steadily over the past 10 years and was previously nonexistent in the central part of Tanzania. Today, the clinic receives specimens from local government hospitals in Dodoma as well as several mission hospitals. “The laboratory has brought a new dimension to the healthcare system here,” Martin told ENS. “Physicians, instead of going from symptoms to treatment, are expanding their

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diagnostic capabilities and evidencebased care. Although there are still great challenges in treatment options, patients are better off.” Over the years, through generous donations, Martin has been able to replace and upgrade equipment and his staff of one assistant has grown to three, one with a degree in histopathology. Martin has concentrated his efforts on fine-needle aspiration, a simple procedure for establishing a swift diagnosis that he feels has a vital role to play in resource-poor countries. In 2014, he completed more than 1,200 fine needle aspiration biopsies and 2,200 histopathology cases. Now in their early 70s, the McCanns have decided 2015 will be their last year in Tanzania, a difficult decision for them, but one that has been made easier by the successful conclusion to an endowment for Msalato Theological College to provide for student sponsorships and faculty salaries. But before they leave, they are eager to ensure that Martin’s pathology practice will be continued and are urgently seeking a pathologist (or two) to replace him. [Anyone interested in working as a pathologist in Dodoma should contact the Rev. David Copley, mission personnel officer for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, at]

* * * A REMINDER FROM YOUR SMAA COMMUNICATIONS TEAM. You have several options to publicize your ministry or event throughout the SMAA community: this newsletter, our Facebook Page ( SMAACDM) the weekly Sunday bulletin, the spoken word at announcement time or even an email to our “digital parishioners.” Contact Norris Battin for the newsletter and Facebook, Susan Beechner for the bulletin and email, and Fr. Haynes for announcements (,;

* * * LEST WE FORGET: There have been 4,491 American military casualties in Iraq and 2,356 in Afghanistan and other locations. "Lord hear our prayers for those who are dead and for those who mourn."


SOME HAPPY NEWS! The long-awaited history of Saint Michael & All Angels’ parish, A CELEBRATION OF 50 YEARS, is now in press and is expected to arrive in Corona del Mar sometime in early May. More than five years in preparation, organized in eight brief chapters with 50 photographs in vivid color, this beautiful paperback offers us a personal walk through the achievements, challenges, joys and sorrows of our life together over half a century as a religious family. If all goes according to plan, you can obtain a copy from its authors (Corinne Stover, Ruth Poole, Louise Stover, Norris Battin, & Keith Nelson) after worship services on Sundays May 10, 17, and 24 in return for a $10 donation to the church. Please be sure to bring a ten dollar bill or your checkbook with you to at least one of those services!

ADULT ACOLYTE CAPTAINS NEEDED: The ministry commitment is based on a rotation Sunday schedule and on an “as needed” basis depending upon the liturgical calendar year. Contact Susan Caldwell, Director of Christian Education 949.644,0463 Ext.12 if you would like to take part in the Acolyte Ministry at Saint Michael & All Angels.

* * * United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through United Thank Offering, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings. Those who participate in UTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity. United Thank Offering is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the UTO monies to support mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church and in Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the developing world.


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New York Times bestselling author Rachel Held Evans embarks on a quest to find out what it really means to be part of the Church. Like millions of her millennial peers, Rachel Held Evans didn’t want to go to church anymore. The hypocrisy, the politics, the gargantuan building budgets, the scandals—church culture seemed so far removed from Jesus. Yet, despite her cynicism and misgivings, something kept drawing her back to [The Episcopal] Church. And so she set out on a journey to understand Church and to find her place in it. Centered around seven sacraments, Evans’ quest takes readers through a liturgical year with stories about baptism, communion, confirmation, confession, marriage, vocation, and death that are funny, heartbreaking, and sharply honest.

Evans (A Year of Biblical Womanhood ) uses the lens of her own journey as an evangelical Christian to explore what is happening in church circles today and, more broadly, what it means to be part of a church community. Evans humorously describes her gradual evolution from a teenager with a "crusader complex" to an adult who became increasingly uncomfortable with her church's conservative theology: "The trouble started when I began to suspect God was less concerned with saving people from hell than I was." Dividing the book into sections named after sacraments, Evans begins by contemplating, in lyrical prose, the theological significance of each sacrament's key ingredient (water, bread, ash, etc.). A powerful storyteller, Evans captures transformative moments, such as leaving a church full "of kind,

generous people"; investing wholeheartedly in a new church that "collapsed slowly, one week at a time"; and witnessing healing at the Gay Christian Network's conference, feeling "simultaneously furious at Christianity's enormous capacity to wound and awed by its miraculous capacity to heal." Honest and moving, this memoir is both theologically astute and beautifully written. About the Author Rachel Held Evans is an award-winning writer whose articles have appeared in local and national publications. She lives in Dayton, Tennessee, with her husband, Dan. Follow her on her blog at, on Twitter at @RachelHeldEvans, and on Facebook at See also this article in the Atlantic magazine

FOR THE LLO OVE OF MIKE Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church A Christian Community of the Anglican Communion 3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625

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Inside the May Issue: Page 1: “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together and let the dry land appear .” appear.” Page 4: Journey with the Saints, The British Isles, P art I Part Page 6: Sunday’s @ 10 to Highlight P arishioner A dventures Parishioner Adventures

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