FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE Volume 63 Number 9
The Episcopal Church of Saint Michael Pacific View Drive at Marguerite
Corona del Mar
California 92625
...From the Desk of the Rector
ratitude and whole-hearted thanks to all who helped refurbish and renovate G our sanctuary: Lynn Headley, Murry McClaren, Esther McNamee, Cathy Dunlap, Myrna Ireland and all members of the committee that helped make
important and correct decisions, Anne Warmington, Fred Salter, Chuck Vaughn and Doug Neff. To all who helped move out of the sanctuary on August 12 and back in on September 6: John Ireland, Jim Dunlap, Norm & Beth Bianchi, Dottie & Bob Cole, Paul & Lynn Multari, Don Alser, Sharon Ferguson, Elizabeth Henry, Sam Horton, Kristy Kiper, Bill Leasure, Karlene Miller, Verda Schroeder, Linda Sevier, Harry Stahl, Corinne Stover, Louise Stover, Ann Watt , Susan Zevnik and our fine sexton, the Westroms (Susan and Erik who did labor requiring ladders) and others to whom I apologize for not mentioning. And, of course, gratitude and wholehearted thanks to the more than eighty beloveds who contributed financially to this endeavor. I deeply appreciate what we have and am truly grateful to all who have made this possible. There is still work to do: We will improve acoustics. We are still considering a rug for the center aisle and another at the main entrance. We will continue to stay on budget. Our sanctuary has every resource to continue to be sacred space for us. Last month from this “desk” I wrote about what makes space sacred. This month I want to remind us of the process which led to renewal of our worship space. “Sanctuary remodeling/renovation/restoration/refurbishment/repair” has been on our agenda since the late-1990s. Building Our Faith divided work on our Parish Center from that for our sanctuary. “Building Our Faith One” gave us classrooms, bathrooms, a proper nursery and kitchen, a great youth room, multi-purpose All Angels’ Court and beautiful Michael’s Room. Remember plans to knock down walls to the north wing and build a chapel with new stained glass and walls to the south wing for a family-friendly and sound-proof worship space? To splay the corners of those wings with the nave to improve sight lines? To enlarge the skylight over our altar and improve the lights in our ceiling? To replace some, if not all pews, with chairs like those currently along our nave’s west wall. To build a narthex beyond the current west wall and install pipes for our organ above the door which would then be between narthex and nave? To create a baptismal font inside the main door, or with a fountain immediately outside that door, which would allow us to administer Holy Baptism by immersion and to remind us of our own Baptismal Covenant (BCP 304-305) when coming to and going from worship? “Building Our Faith Two” became the sanctuary refurbishment/renovation currently being completed. What future remodeling/restoration/repair will there be? More change! Let’s enjoy the sacred space with which we are currently blessed and, then, look forward with gratitude to all who have given us what we have, by the grace of God.
Yours, in Christ -
& All Angels U
PARISH NEWS AND NOTES THE BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS will be held on October 6. See Page three for thoughts about our animal friends.
* * *
OURNEY will begin again in late November and continue until the Great Vigil of Easter. JOURNEY, a program of spiritual growth and thoughtful exploration, is for adults who sense the need for something else in their lives of faith and who desire to engage their faith journey at a deeper level. JOURNEY participants meet weekly at the church one evening per week, from 7pm to 9pm. Completing JOURNEY is a major commitment, but it’s an exciting journey which can transform our lives as individual Christians and as a community. Brochures explaining the JOURNEY program will be available in the back of the church and in Michael’s Room, and a complete JOURNEY schedule will be posted on the bulletin board in Michael’s Room. You can also address any questions you might have, or receive either the brochure or schedule from Fr. Jeff:
* * * LOAVES AND FISHES: In October we will collect large cans of ground coffee. Monetary donations are always welcome, too, and checks should be made payable to Saint Michael & All Angels, with Loaves and Fishes on the memo line. (Tax ID #95-2123746)
(MORE) PARISH NEWS AND NOTES CONTRIBUTIONS WERE MADE TO THE RECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND most recently by Rusty Vail in thanksgiving for our ministries with music, by Gail Haghjoo in thanksgiving for her dad and uncle, and by Don & Terry Nelson in gratitude for our “Prayers for Healing” resource. These funds extend our Parish’s mission of outreach, providing for such needs as can be helped by financial assistance.
* * * PRELIMINARY YTD INCOME IS $341,755. OUR YTD EXPENSE IS $367,745. The parish Net Ordinary Income is ($25,989), which is $18,462 ahead of our plan. Our YTD Pledge Income is $280,685 which is $2,647 below our plan through the end of 2013. Our total operating cash balance is $291,350 of which $191,043 is designated gifts; leaving a net balance of $100,307. This also includes funds raised for the church refurbishment. The Endowment Trust has a balance of $ 167,142. Please make sure that you maintain your pledges.
* * * PLEASE CHECK THE DISPLAY RACK ON THE WALL IN MICHAEL'S ROOM. Pick up a pamphlet or two to share with family and friends. A donation box is provided. "Taste & See - Intentional Eating as Christian Practice" is a pamphlet that reminds us that eating can be a spiritual practice. "Food is one of the greatest gifts given to us by God the Creator. We often eat so mindlessly and quickly that we forget this." An intentional approach to food includes eating slowly, turning off all devices while eating, even when alone, giving thanks, and making wise choices. "Eating bread and drinking wine is the primary way that we remember Christ. But all food can be sacramental." Senior Warden...............................Lynn Headley [] 714.963.5932 Junior Warden................................Paul Multari [ 949.500-8891 Christian Education.......................Barbara Black [] 949.375.3048 Clerk of the Vestry...................... ...Karlene Miller [] 949.336.6215 Building and rounds.................... ..........[Open]
OCTOBER Anniversaries
St. Mike’s Facebook Page SMAACDM “Like” us Read us every day for latest parish news, diocesean, TEC and AC updates, personal devotions, sacred music. A community within our community
Birthdays 5th - Gail Haghjoo 12th - Amanda Corbet 16th - Sandra Alser 17th - Terry Lee 23rd - Norm Ewers 24th - Joseph Benjamin 26th - Dwight Ryan 29th - Maria Solomon Baptism 9th - Keith Nelson
SUNDAYS-AT-NINE: “When I have a terrible need of -dare I say, ‘religion’ -then I go outside at night and paint the stars.” (Vincent Van Gogh) The series Painting the Stars: Science, Religion, and an Evolving Faith continues through October, with “A Renaissance of Wonder,” “Becoming Better Stewards,” “An Evolving Faith,” “Imaging a Future,” and “An Evolving SpiritualityMysticism.” Pick up a cup of coffee and join together in Davis Library, nineto-ten. Format will include readings, video and discussion. Copies of readings are available at the Library. All are welcome!
* * * TIME AND TALENT If you are thinking about volunteering with one of our commissions at St. Mike’s, please review the “Parish Life” booklet on the “back rail” of the Sanctuary. which describes these activities. We need greeters, acolytes, coffee hosts, and ushers, and have other interesting assignments as well. Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet new people at St. Mike’s. Please call Melinda Rader with questions at 949.230.3644.
VESTRY MEMBERS 2013 Communications...........................Clyde Dodge [ 949.375.1530 Evangelism.................................Melinda Rader [] 949.230.3644 Fellowship......................................Teri Corbet [] 714.964.5505
Weddings 4th - Chace & Anne Warmington 17th - Pat & Esther McNamee
* * * PHONE TREE MINISTRY: NEW MEMBERS NEEDED. Our goal is to contact every parishioner by phone once a month.This is a great opportunity to get to know others better and to share information, needs and suggestions about Saint Mike's. Please contact Ruth Poole at 949.644.9263.
* * * LEST WE FORGET: There have been 4,489 American military casualties in Iraq and 2,138 in Afghanistan. "Lord hear our prayers for those who are dead and for those who mourn." FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE is a publication of Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Corona del Mar, CA. Copy deadline is the second Wednesday of the month. We welcome letters and articles. Editor: Susan Beechner 949.644.0463
Finance...........................................Jim Palda [] 626.533.8037 Mission......................................Gail Haghjoo [] 714.553.7120 Stewardship...................................Joan Short [] 949.644.0719 Worship.The Very Rev’d Canon Peter D. Haynes [] 949.644.0463
And, here are my favorite questions dogs might well ask God: “Is it on purpose that our names are the same, only reversed?” “When we get to heaven, can we sit on your couch? Or is it still the same old story?” “Why are there cars named after the jaguar, the cougar, the mustang, the colt, the stingray, and the rabbit, but not one named for a dog? How often do you see a cougar riding around in a convertible? We dogs love a nice ride! Would it be so hard to rename the ‘Chrysler Eagle’ the Chrysler Beagle’?” “If a dog barks his head off in the forest and no human hears him, is he still a bad dog?” “Why do humans smell the flowers, but seldom , if ever, smell one another?” “We dogs understand human verbal instructions, hand signals, whistles, horns, clickers, beepers, scent IDs, electromagnetic energy finders and Frisbee flight paths. What do humans understand?” “Are there mailmen in heaven? If there are, will I have to apologize?” “Will garbage collectors still steal our ‘stuff’ in heaven?” “Is sticking my nose into places people don’t seem to like an acceptable way of saying ‘Hello!’ in heaven?” “Are there cats in heaven? If so, I promise not to treat them like ‘squeaky toys’ or eat their food...” “When I get to heaven may I be un-‘fixed’?”
Our mission is to seek and share Jesus Christ as spiritual food for life’s journey.
3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625 949.644.0463 949.644.9247 FAX The Very Rev’d Canon
Peter D. Haynes, Rector [] Susan Caldwell Director of Christian Education [] Bob Grant Interim Minister of Music [] The Rev’d Fennie Chang, Ph.D., Canterbury Irvine The Rev’d Canon Ray Flemming Assisting Priest The Rev’d Jefferson Hulet Assisting Priest The Rev’d Barbara Stewart, Ph.D., Assisting Priest Susan Beechner, Parish Secretary [] Donnie Lewis, Bookkeeper []
WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday Holy Eucharist 8am Choral Eucharist 10am Adult Education 9am Sunday School 10am Tuesday HE, MP, alternating Tues. at 7:30am Nursery Care provided from 9:30am Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Peace and Healing-12 noon ABOUT SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS CORONA DEL MAR
We are a Christian Community of the Anglican Communion who come to hear God’s word and receive and share the Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to have Christ live in us in order that in Christ we may live faithful and productive Christian lives. Our commitment to the Gospel is evangelical; our liturgical tradition, catholic; our theology orthodox but open to thought, reflection, and spiritual endeavor. We care about the world and strive to serve Christ in it.
OCTOBER 2013 4
Susan Caldwell
Thinking about the Meta-Narrative and Subsequent Generations
r. Marva J. Dawn, teaching fellow of spiritual theology at Regent College, spoke to a classroom of seminary students, ministry workers and community leaders during a public lecture series. The title of her seminar was, ‘Living in a Large Enough Story: Why Personal Piety is not Enough”. Dr. Dawn, during her lecture, addressed the aspects of the meta-narrative. “The term metanarrative refers to an overarching story that gives focus, cohesion, commonality, and meaning to life,” Dawn writes in her book, “Is it a Lost Cause?” Dawn goes on to explain how we are part of a larger story, the larger story written by God. Our own individual story is important, but there is a greater context in which we live- the Grand Story of all time. It is easy to become bogged down in the details of our own lives and miss the point of the bigger picture. Why are we here? And what does God think about us and what we are up to? Is it our business solely to live happy and adjusted lives? Or is there a greater purpose in the bigger sphere of meaning? Dr. Dawn reflects that the Biblical Meta-Narrative is God’s eternal gift, and having the mindset of the greater good gives meaning and purpose to living. The practical application of this can manifest itself in different ways, viewing and responding. My husband, Steve, likes to visit old graveyards. Having studied history in college, he finds that when he wanders through a cemetery, there is a greater sense of time. There is a greater sense of history than say driving on the freeway or standing in a grocery store line. Markers of history can be found in a graveyard. On a weathered and . broken tombstone there are beginning and end dates, the ‘dash’ and perhaps a sentence or two that speak from the past. In a cemetery it is easy to step
Continued on page 5
HEALING Dan Olive Rosemarie Clyde Hildy Sally John Jeanne Jack Nancy Pat Noelle Norm Sue Bob Roberta Mary Betty
GUIDANCE Victor Debbie Ann
REPOSE George McCutchen Gardner Ken Fedder
THANKSGIVING - for the lives of Alison Dodge and Julie (Paulson) Smallin; - with Esther & Pat McNamee for their wedding anniversary
Call Esther McNamee for prayer requests 949.640.1749
IN THE ABSENCES OF A VESTRY/ CHAIRPERSON for our Buildings and Grounds Commission, if you have a concern about our campus please put notes in cubbie/boxes in our Parish Office for both “Buildings & Grounds” and “Sexton” (parish custodian). Thank you
Calendar of Events At Saint Michael & All Angels
AA meeting, 7:00-8:00 a.m., SW Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 1:45-5:00 p.m., AAC Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Peace and Healing, 12:00 Noon Basketball, 5:00-8:00, 8:00-10:00 p.m., AAC
Men’s Group, 7:30-9:00 a.m., DL Whiz Kids, 1:45-5:00 p.m., AAC Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC Parish Choir Rehearsal, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Children’s Choir Rehearsal, 5:00 p.m., NW
Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:15-11:30 a.m. AAC Basketball, 3:30-8:00 p.m., AAC AA meeting, 7:00-10:00 p.m., SW
Handbell Rehearsal 10-11:00 a.m., NW (10/12, (11(11/ 10/26)
SW - South Wing PC - Parish Center RR - Red Room, AAC
Holy Eucharist, Morning Prayer, alternating on Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m. Whiz Kids, 9:15 -11:30 a.m., 12:15-5:00 p.m., AAC Basketball, 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., AAC
DL - Davis Library NW - North Wing BR - Blue Room, AAC
Basketball, 4:00-5:00 p.m., AAC House of Speed, 5:00-6:30 p.m., AAC St. Mike’s Basketball, 7:00-9:00 p.m., AAC
Meeting Rooms: AAC - All Angels’ Court MR - Michael’s Room CR - Conference Room
Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Nursery care from 9:30 a.m. on Sundays-at-Nine, 9:00 a.m., DL Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Godly Play, children 4-11, Yellow Room Formation, 5th-8th grade, Green Room
Daylight Saving ends--Fall Back! All Saints/Souls celebrated Praying Our Goodbyes, 4:00 p.m., Sanctuary Mon., Nov. 11th Office closed for Veterans Day Sun., Nov. 24th Last Sunday after Pentecost Thurs., Nov. 28th Thanksgiving Day (Office closed Thursday & Friday) Sun, Dec. 1st 1st Sunday of Advent Fri. & Sat., Dec. 6th & 7th Diocesan Convention, Ontario Convention Center Sun., Dec. 8th Alternative Gift Fair, AAC
Sun., Nov. 3rd
Wed., Oct. 2nd Vestry Meeting, 7:00-9:00 p.m., CR Thurs., Oct. 3rd Staff Meeting, 9:30-11:00 a.m., DL Sat., Oct. 5th “Hands in Healing”, 10:00 a.m.-12 noon, Laguna Hills Sun., Oct. 6th Blessing of the Animals honoring Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi Wed., Oct.. 9th Senior Ministry, 2:00 p.m., CR Sat., Oct. 12th 2nd Annual Canterbury Cup Golf Classic Methodist’s Fall Festival, using our parking lot Sun., Oct. 13th Adult Christian Ed Committee Meeting, 11:30 a.m., CR Friends of Music Kick-off, 12 Noon, AAC Mon., Oct. 14th Office closed for Columbus Day Wed., Oct. 16th Deadline for November For the Love of Mike, 5:00 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 17th Hutchins Consort, 5:00 p.m., CR Sun., Oct. 20th Worship Commission, 11:30 a.m., CR Diocesan AIDS Mass, with Bishop Glasspool, 4:00 p.m. Tues., Oct. 22nd Spyglass Hill Homeowners Board, 6:00-9:00 p.m., CR Wed., Oct. 23rd “Rabbi and Priest”, 6:00 p.m., MR Fri., Oct. 25th Halloween Party for Special Needs Teens, 6-11:00 p.m., AAC Sun, Oct. 27th “Cavalcade of Saints” The Bible Challenge, 11:30 a.m., DL Rusty Vail Student Recital, 1:30-4:00 p.m., Sanctuary th Tues., Oct. 29 Women’s Fellowship, 7:00 p.m., Bianchi’s Home
Our Sanctuary Gets a Make Over!
On September 8th, we returned to the new and improved sanctuary for worship.
During the renovation we worshipped in the “round” in All Angels’ Court. (Left)
Receiving communion from Father Ray Fleming.
(Left) On
September 8th, Bishop Catherine Roskam visited. (Below) She talks with our children about being a bishop. (Right) She spoke about stewardship at the luncheon following services.
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Christian Education continued from page 4 out of today and to be reminded of another time and another life lived. Tombstones are like very short stories that leave out a lot and leave much to the imagination. Never-the-less, history speaks on site. And then there are places that offer a response. The places where the living dwell, our homes, our neighborhoods, our extended families, our places of work and our places of leisure. Here is history in the making. It is in these places we can ask ourselves if we are imparting all that we can to the next generation? Are we keeping in mind the over-arching story of the meta-narrative? Around us are many opportunities to ask questions, to invite, to sift the simple day to day conversations for an opening. “Would you like to come to Saint Michael & All Angels on Sunday? Do you have a need? Is this a season of your life where you are asking questions?” We can think about those around us and their apparent needs. Do you know someone who needs a ride or a meal? Are you aware of a young person who needs a Christian upbringing and training? Do you know of a youth who you can assist with financial support to an Episcopal school? Do you know of a young couple with an infant whose child is in need of baptism? Maybe the thought never occurred to them and it will be by your gentle nudging that inspiration takes place. Or maybe this young couple has thought about baptism but they just don’t know who to contact or how to enter into a liturgical community. This is where you come in and can become a bridge. You know where to find the phone numbers to the church and who to contact. There are many ways to ask our friends, neighbors, relatives, grandchildren to church. Are you a grandparent? Help your grandchild to get to church. Are you a parent? Communicate enthusiasm for learning about the house of God. If Saint Michael’s is a part of your life’s story and your Sunday tradition, please take time to share it with others. You never know what seed will be planted. God can use your words to bring another into a wonderful relationship with Him and to share in the meta-narrative and the Grand Story of all time. U
A MESSAGE FROM STEPHEN BLACK I started at Saint Michael & All Angels Church February 6, 2011. Everywhere else I’ve lived, starting a job at that time of year would be, at the least, a chilly beginning. But that day was sunny, warm and just plain brilliant! Now that I look back on that day, it was a fitting beginning for how the past two and a half years have proceeded--nothing short of brilliant. And you, the congregation of Saint Michael’s, are the reason why. I have told Peter this, but I really should share it with you all. I was with my previous job in New York City for eleven years, a pretty considerable amount of time. Even though the time here has been short (too short!), I have become closer to you than I ever became with the congregation in Manhattan. I know this is due in part to the extraordinary generosity of many people. Your giving spirit was made manifest to me in many ways, from the concern shown by parishioners for me and my family to individual gifts which helped me manage the logistical balance between my ministry at the church and the demands of the doctoral program at USC. There’s really no way to adequately express the gratitude I feel. I do wish to thank everyone who has helped make the music program the success it was. In particular, I want to thank the members of the parish choir, who were eager to meet my expectations, and indeed surpassed them on several occasions. As a musical ensemble they have grown in many ways, and I’m really proud of what they have accomplished. From individual successes like the Fauré Requiem to the general arc of vocal development, there is a lot that is remarkable about what they were able to achieve. I also want to thank the parents of youngsters who were in the youth choir. It has been a challenge to keep that part of the ministry going, but the parents who helped me out were fantastic. And the singers were great fun, too (and good singers!). And the handbell choir can’t be forgotten. They went on and on about how patient and good-natured I must be to put up with them. But the truth of the matter is that I enjoyed sharing a little bit of their life with them on Saturday mornings. It was always a sweet time, and they improved as well! Finally, I want to thank the office staff. I know it wasn’t always easy to deal with my USC schedule, but Susan Beechner, Donnie Lewis, and Susan Caldwell were all most accommodating and good-natured about it. And I must especially thank Peter, who gave me the freedom and space to do what I felt called to do. That is a tremendous blessing; one that many ministers of music do not enjoy. And a BIG THANKS to all of you for the generous gifts presented to me Sunday, August 11th. I will treasure the framed artwork given to me (as well as the hefty bottle of bourbon!). It has been too short, but what a time we’ve had! I will have Saint Michael’s in my heart always. Stay in touch, and Godspeed.
THE 2ND ANNUAL CANTERBURY CUP GOLF CLASSIC This tournament, which benefits our Episcopal Church’s Canterbury Campus Ministry at U.C. Irvine, will be held the afternoon of Saturday, October 12, 2013, at Rancho San Joaquin Golf Course in Irvine. Jackie Dodd is coordinating Saint Michael & All Angels’ participation. You are very welcome to participate! U
e know that wealth does not always make people happy, but does it make them kinder? Studies suggest exactly the opposite. Instead of being more magnanimous, the rich are more likely to lie, cheat, steal and in general display less compassion than the poor. And this finding remains consistent even after controlling for gender, ethnicity and spiritual beliefs. A large body of research points to a compassion deficit in the rich that plays out in big and small ways. As reported in Scientific American, for example, drivers of luxury cars cut others off at intersections at a much higher rate than those driving economy cars. Other studies have found that the wealthy are more likely to lie in negotiations and less likely to agree with statements such as "I often notice people who need help." And during simulations in which participants could divide up candy, giving some to children and keeping some for themselves, wealthier participants consistently kept more for themselves and gave less to children. Does all this mean, perhaps, that selfishness is part of what enables some people to prosper? No. Rather, research suggests that it is a result rather than a cause of financial success. Simply creating the feeling of wealth in someone can result in self-justification. UC sociologist Paul Piff demonstrated this with rigged Monopoly games in a study involving hundreds of students. One "wealthy" player began the game with twice as much money and got to roll two dice instead of one. But when the clearly advantaged player won, he or she was highly likely to attribute it to skill rather than to preset advantage. At the University of Rotterdam, a series of studies found that people primed with reminders of money preferred to play and work alone, put more physical distance between themselves and new acquaintances, and were less helpful when they saw someone in need of assistance.
OCTOBER 2013 6
The reasons for this compassion gap are complex. Part of the explanation, Piff and fellow UC sociologist Dacher Keltner theorize, is that wealth allows people to be more independent. Those with considerable resources are less reliant on others and therefore feel less connected. Most rich people rarely come into close contact with those in need. I recently asked a child in our school in Westwood if he knew anyone who ever went to bed hungry for lack of food. "No one," he answered. I suspect that's typical. Increasingly in America, wealth insulates us: Where once we sat on bleachers together, now the wealthy sit in box seats. They fly in private planes (or relax in exclusive clubs at the airport), live behind gates and in general maintain a buffer from those who are less fortunate. Studies suggest that actual personal distance in conversation grows with wealth as well. A second theory that Piff and Keltner offer is that the wealthy are more likely to value greed as a social good — as a driver of the economy — and therefore to cut corners to make money. Ethics slide because making money is viewed as having social benefits as well as a personal ones. As a rabbi, I see a spiritual explanation as well. We all know, deep down, that most of what we have is a product of good fortune. No matter how hard we work, we did not earn our functioning brains or the families into which we were born. We didn't choose being born into an era, or a nation, that allowed our talents to develop. We ride in cars and live in homes we did not build, are warmed by heating and cooled by air conditioning we did not invent, live in cities others created for us organized by a government and protected by a military shaped by our predecessors. Yet we still point to our accomplishments and proudly proclaim, "I did this!" No one likes to feel that what they have achieved stems more from luck than merit. So the well-off salve their consciences by assuring themselves that it is hard work and merit that brought them success, which also leads them to conclude that it is a lack of merit that keeps others from succeeding. No one denies that working hard is likelier to pay off than indolence and that extraordinary efforts should be applauded. But we who are doing well financially should also acknowledge our great good fortune and work to nurture our compassion. One of the glorious paradoxes of psychology is that once we
understand our natural tendencies, we can successfully fight them. I am privileged to know some very wealthy people who are paragons of generosity and empathy. There are ways to increase compassion — volunteering at a soup kitchen, traveling to poorer countries, giving more money than you are comfortable with because you know that in a year or two it will not matter to you but will to the person or organization to which you donated. Being lucky shouldn't be cause for guilt, but it should engender gratitude and responsibility. Blessings are more powerful and enduring when shared.U David Wolpe is the rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles. Twitter:@RabbiWolpe
piscopalians in Orange County will be the next group to share in the diocesan Community Safety Forums, building on the success of similar gatherings recently hosted by Bishop J. Jon Bruno in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties. Keynote speaker for the Orange County forum on Oct. 5 will be Sandra Hutchens, sheriff of Orange County. Hutchens was appointed to the position on June 10, 2008. Prior to her appointment, she was retired from the position of division chief within the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. In the June 2010 California primary election, she won a majority of the votes and is currently serving her first full term as sheriff. Bishop Bruno has requested that each congregation send a team of at least two representatives - clergy and lay - to join him at one of the local forums. Please let our rector know if you will join him at St. George's in Laguna Hills on Saturday morning, October 5. For information, call the diocesan Office of Community Relations at 213.482.2040, ext. 240. U Upcoming forum date and location: Orange County Saturday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m. - 12 noon St. George's Church 23802 Avenida de la Carlota Laguna Hills
Mission Ministry Minute
Gail Haghjoo
id you see the new Mission bulletin board in the Parish Center? It has been refreshed with information about many of the various mission projects that Saint Michael & All Angels’ supports through independent donations and a small budget. There is a question in the middle of the board as well that has to do with you and what projects “speak” to you individually. While supporting the church is part of our tithe, many of us also support various charitable organizations that have personal meaning. Here at Saint Michaels’ it is easy to do both within our church community. You will find many of the projects that various dedicated parishioneers have taken the lead on displayed there. Maybe you would like to lead one?
Here is the list to date: America’s Children (Metric Ton of Food Project) - Frances Haynes Loaves and Fishes - Jennifer Pulford The Rev’d Orma’s Mission in Swaziland - Mary Ellen Bowman United Thank Offering - Mary Ellen Bowman Episcopal Relief and Development - Lynne Ruedy Compass Rose Society - Norris Battin Theological Education - Peter Haynes Heifer International - Murry McClaren Free Wheelchair Mission - Ray Pentz Canterbury Irvine - Keith Nelson In any case, you are welcome to contact me or the lead listed on the board if you wish to make a contribution or need more information about a project. In December our annual Alternative Gift Fair will give you the opportunity to donate to many of these projects. Gail Haghjoo, Mission Vestry Person, or 714.553.7120.
Emergency Preparedness Update The draft Emergency Preparedness Plan for St. Michael and All Angels was revised and sent to the Emergency Preparedness committee and the Vestry for review in September. Comments are being received and a final draft will be completed in the next few weeks. Once the final Plan is issued, follow up implementation activities, such as training for the staff, will begin. Thanks to the Emergency Preparedness committee for their participation and input. Paul Multari, Junior Warden
* * * UPDATED PARISH DIRECTORIES will be available in Michael’s Room in early October.
“Rabbi and Priest” On Wednesday Evening, October 23, after a simple kosher supper at 6:00 p.m. served in Michael’s Room by Beth Bianchi, Barbara Black and Susan Caldwell, Rabbi Mark S. Miller, Rabbi Emeritus and Senior Scholar of Temple Bat Yahm and our rector will offer reflections on their long-standing relationship, both personal and professional. They will respond to questions which they hope will include: God, Jesus, Messiah, human nature, Law, sin, grace, boundaries of interfaith dialogue and more. Please come! We will adjourn by 8pm.
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New diocesan program to help church members get insurance under Affordable Care Act By EN staff Episcopal News, Los Angeles The national Affordable Care Act will take effect in January 2014, and many previously uninsured Californians will be able to obtain health coverage in the revised system. The Diocese of Los Angeles, under the leadership of Archdeacon Joanne Leslie and newly named Diocesan Health Outreach Coordinator Shelley Weitzel, is launching a program to help church members and others determine their eligibility and options for insurance. The program will work with Covered California, the state government program formed to develop an organized marketplace where legal residents of California can buy health coverage as required under ACA. The diocesan project is coordinated under the nonprofit Community Health Council (of which Leslie is a board member) and its partners from across the Southland, to conduct outreach and education activities that will raise awareness about opportunities for affordable healthcare coverage. Weitzel, a member of St. Mark’s Church, Glendale, will be available to visit any congregation, school, institution or church organization in the diocese to provide information about the new insurance marketplace, answer questions and help people apply online. She is available for Sunday, Saturday or weeknight forums. Help will not be limited to Episcopalians; church members will be invited to bring friends, neighbors or relatives who need to find insurance under the new laws. For information or to set up a forum, contact Shelley Weitzel, 818.398.3670 or U
hristian documents provide three distinguishing and guiding characteristics of sacred music: it must possess holiness and beauty of form; from these two qualities a third will spontaneously arise—universality. Concerning holiness, for music to be sacred means it is not the ordinary, not the every-day. It is set aside for the purpose of glorifying God and edifying and sanctifying the Faithful. It must therefore exclude all that is not suitable for the temple—all that is ordinary, every-day or profane, not only in itself, but also in the manner in which it is performed. The sacred words of the Liturgy call for a musical vesture that is equally sacred. Sacredness, then, is more than individual piety; it is an objective reality. Concerning beauty, the Latin speaks more precisely of bonitate formarum or “excellence of forms.” This refers to the tendency of sacred music to synthesize diverse ritual
elements into a unity, to draw together a succession of liturgical actions into a coherent whole, and to serve a range of sacred expressions. Excellence of forms also serves to differentiate those elements, to distinguish the various functions of liturgical chants by revealing their unique character. Each chant of the various plainsong genres presents a masterly adaptation of the text to its specific liturgical purpose. No wonder the Church has consistently proposed chant as the paradigm of sacred music. Sacred music must be true art; otherwise, it will be impossible for it to exercise on the minds of those who listen to it that efficacy which the Church aims at obtaining in admitting into her liturgy the art of musical sounds. Beauty is what holds truth and goodness to their task. To paraphrase Hans Urs von Balthasar, “Without beauty, the truth does not persuade, goodness does not compel.” (The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics, I:19). Beauty, as expressed in the Church’s liturgy, synthesizes diverse elements into a unified whole: truth, goodness, and the human impulse to worship. Concerning universality, its sense of
other-worldliness, sacred music is supra national, equally accessible to people of diverse cultures. The Church does admit local indigenous forms into her worship, but these must be subordinated to the general characteristics of the received tradition. By insisting on the continuous use of her musical treasures, the Church ensures her members grow up hearing this sacred musical language and receive it naturally as a part of the liturgy. So then, why should we care? Celebrating the liturgy involves the whole person: intellect and will, emotions and senses, imagination, aesthetic sensibilities, memory, physical gestures, and powers of expression. Appropriate feeling is necessary for the communication and assimilation of religious truth. The Church’s insistence on music of a unique sort is intended not merely to stimulate feelings in a general way, but to exemplify Christian truth and convey transcendent mysteries using an appropriate form of expression. Sacred music elevates the spirit precisely by wedding it to the senses, and it elevates the senses by uniting them with the spirit.U Next month: Part 3: Is It Really a Matter of Taste?
FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church A Christian Community of the Anglican Communion 3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625
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Inside the October Issue: Page 1: Thanks! Page 3: Blessing the Critters Page 7: “Rabbi and Priest”
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