Rector's report, budget & vestry ballot 2014

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Rector's Annual Report for


There is no longer Jew or Greek, no longer sfave or free, no longer nafe and femafe; for all of vou are one in Christ Jesus. --r.iaraElans J: zu--


ln 2013, we were visited by three Bishops of our Diocese of Los Angeles, +Diane and +Mary and +Cathy. "tDiane and tMary and rCathy" speaks volumes to me about our contemporary Episcopal Church and makes me proud to be an Episcopalian. Our own (The Right Reverend) Diane Jardine Bruce was here on June 2 to cefebrate, preach/homifize and confirm (Shanel Louise Ames, Rachef Steele Blevins-Boor, Marco Antonio Ca.Iderone, Mol-ly Elizabeth Mccray, James Leo Palda) . (The Right Reverend) Mary Dougl-as Glasspool, Bishop Suffragan of our Diocese, was here on Saturday morning, ApriL 21 , and offered her ar-r-l eimed "Eni sconal 101" wisdom qvvuL :n Fnisr:onalian in this abouc heinn vc r rr9 cwenty-first century. (The Righc Reverend) CaLherine Roskam, .retired Bishop Suffragan of New York and before that Canon Missioner of the Diocese of California, celebrated and preached on September 8; then she spoke efoquentLy at our successful "stewardship Cel-ebration. " Of course, our Bishop Diocesan, (The Right Reverend) J. Jon Bruno, was invofved with our 11fe together tn 2013, and +Jon wifl be here to celebrate and preach and celebrate and confirm, and make an official Episcopal visitation, on May 4t 2074. Three of the great blessings in my life are named Barbara+, Jeff+ and Susan. Since her retirement as Rector of Saint John the Divine Episcopal Church in Costa Mesa, (The Rev'd Dr.) Barbara Stewart has been a gift to this parish. In addition to being a member of our handbell choir, Barbara cefebrates our Wednesday noontime Eucharist with "A PubIic Service of Healing" and preaches/homilizes on Sunday morning once a month. She preached at The Great Vigil of Easter and cefebrated with me then and at 10:OO p.m. on Christmas Eve. Barbara and Jeff both provide pastoraf and liturgical leadership when I am away and collegiality and friendship when I am here. (The Rev,d Fr.) Jeff Hufet cont.inues his ministries with spiritual direction and JOURNEY, a ministry which has been a great gift to our parish, and celebrating mass on Tuesday morning once a month. Jeff celebrated with me on Maundy Thursday, when he preached, and at 6:OO p.m, on Chrj,stmas Eve. Jeff ce.lebrated and preached on Christmas Day.

Jeff+ prepared Mofly Mccray and Jim Pa-lda for confirmation through the JOURNEY program. Shanel, Rachel and Marco hrere prepared for confirmation by Susan Caldwell. What a gift Susan Caldwel.L and her ministry as our Minister of Chri-stian Education is! (Please read alf about her ministries with us efsewhere in this Report. ) I don't know how we coul-d do all we do without our wonderful- Office Manager/ Parish Secretary, Susan Beechner, and our Sexton, Susan Westrom. In addition to +Diane and +Cathy, Barbara+ and Jeff+, Homilists on Sundays in 2013 inc-Iuded: our friend of Long-standing, poet and songwriter, Bob Franke on January 20; The Rev'd Canon Ray Fleming on September l-; Dr. Geo.rge Marks at the Diocesan AIDS Mass which was cefebrated here by Bishop Glasspool at 4:00 p.m. on October 20; Norris Battin at Praying Our Goodbyes at 4:00 p.m, on November 3; The Rev'd Dr. Eennie Chang, our Canterbury campus minister at U.C.,I., on November 10; and on December 8, Maria Dzida of Loaves & Fishes whose mission statement is "A guest comes, Christ comes!" A new liturgical highlight happened on the Ejfth Sunday in Lent, March 17, the feast day of Patrick, Bishop and Missionary of Ireland. hle adapted, cefebrated and enjoyed a "Celtic Liturgy in Honor of Saint Patrick" which The Rev'd Canon Diane M. Jardine Bruce created when she was Rector of Saint C.lement's bv-the-Sea .in San Clemente. Holy Week and Easter were celebrated wonderfully !

I think we worship .'la\rs e drrrino 1.hcsa qqlJ ecllLtcll (rul central to LU OUr lituroi r-a I r.!LLr!yreut vear and fo orrr Ch-isrian lirrino. rnd r .rratefnl l-o a'l who made ^m this hapDen in 2013. stilf

have work to do to discern how best to ce.lebrate Christmas. In 2013 we celebrated on Christmas Eve in our sanctuary with our chi.Idren's Christmas Pageant & FamiIy Eucharist at 4:00 (213 people attended) and Fest.ival ChoraL Eucharists at 6:00 and 10:00 p.m. (with respecLive attendance of 168 and 63). On Christmas Day we celebrated at 10:00 a.m. and 53 attended; I think 1-O:00 a.m. on Chr:-stmas Day, like 10:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day, works we]l for us. We

to schedule our children's Pageant and Christmas Eve worship remains a challenge and I wiff work with our Worship Commiss.ion to try something new in 2014. While j-t is on my mind in mid-January, I am wondering if the Pageant with an .informa.I Eucharist might be best at 4:00 p.m. on the Sunday immediately before Christmas Eve/Day. It seems to me this woufd be most kind to our chil-dren and their Ho\d

families. With 213 bodies in our sanctuary, famllies have sard that thev and their friends could neither see nor hear the ones Lhey came to see and hear. I lament this because Susan Caldwefl, Anne Conover, Margie Blev.ins-Boor, Kristy Kiper and others worked very hard on revising our Pageant in 2013 and it was spectacu.Iar, well worth seeing and hearing. I wonder whether our All Angels' Courl might be the best venue to see and hear a Pageant in-the-round where no one Midnight wou.ld be more than a few rows from their star participant, Christmas Eve mass, highliqhts in my own childhood, are fading, here and efsewhere; people do not come out for worship .Late on Christmas Eve here. Might 4:00-or-5:00 and 6:00-or-7:00 p.m. Festiva.I Chora.l Eucharists in our sanctuary serve more of us better. I want our Christmas worship to be as excef l-ent and serve as many souls as our Holy Week and Easter worship does. 2013 was filled

with hiqhlishts for


January I, 201,3 marked Lhe first

day of The Bible Cha1lenge. Dozens of parishioners took this .,.Chattenge suggested by Norris Battin and made possible by Susan Cal-dwelf . I found readlng: three chapters of Hebrew Scripture (old Testament), one Psa1m, and one chapter of Christian Scripture (New Testament ) daily a possible and helpful way of reading the Bible. The Bibfe Chal-l-enge continues !

our Wednesday evenings-in-Lent series cefebrated the 350'h anniversary of our Book of Common Prayer with playwright Charles Wil-liams' "Thomas Cranmer of Canterbury, " Louise and Corinne Stover brought the Engl-j-sh Reformation to flfe in Michael's Room and Steve Caldwell, as the skefeton, and Clyde Dodge, as Cranmer, gave mernorable performances, as did fine week-by-week supportlng casts. Bishops Bruno and Bruce headfined Canterbury Irvine's "Spring Carden Party" on Saturday afLernoon, April 13, at Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church. Blessedly, many Saint Michael & Aff Angelites participated. Our own Keith Nelson now chairs Canterbury lrvine's Board.

18, our Friends of Music hosted the vocal group LYRA from St. Petersburg, Russia. Stephen Black brought LYRA to us and parishioners hosted members of the quartet and thear families overnight in their homes. LYRA's rlch and profound sounds On Saturday evening, May

in the beautiful, setting of our sanctuary is something I will remember vividly as f hope for LYRA to return to us. A wonderfuf new program, "Praise and Waves, " was a Saturday morning gathering at Crystal Cove made possible by Susan Caldwelt, Beth Bianchi, Myrna Ireland, Julie Jenkins, Melinda Rader, Merilee & Bruce Bennett,' Linda Sevier, BilI Leasure, Catherine Stover Karlene Milfer and f al-so attended. When I arrived in Corona del Mar, a parishioner gave me an arl icfe r-i cled (I think) "The Four Ecologies of

Southern Ca.lifornia and How to Use Them prayerfuIly. " Clearly the beach was one,' the others were the mountains, the desert, and.,. the freeways ! We were prayerfuJ- at the beach on June 8.

Worship in-the-round in AII Ange.Is, Court on Sunday mornings AugusL 18 and 25 and September l were necessitated by our sanctuary refurbishment, and I found them to be delightful. Afl of us were very close together, we laughed as we mis-sLepped new licurgical nhnronnr>nh u,,u!evVrot,,rJ,


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and we had to sit in new places with new views and sounds.

possible our participation in Canterbury Irvine, Second Annual Canterbury Cup Golf Cl-assic on October 12 at the Rancho San .Ioaquin Goff Course. Fore of us participated Jackie

Dodd made



With nany others, Joan Short created a "stewardship Celebration,, with a catered l-unch and Bishop Roskam speaking in All- Angels, Court on September 8. It truly was a cefebration of our program d Budget: Fewer dollars have forced us to make difficult decisions and




and future.




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"Rabbi and Priest" on Wednesday evening, October 23, was a privilege and pJeasure for me and my friend and col)eague, Mark Miller, Rabbi Emeritus and senior scholar of Temp.Ie Bat yahm, sometimes r am asked what I want my legacy as rector here to be. I usual-Iy respond "maklng sacramental/lit.urgica1 worship and Christlan life together more and more accessible and enjoyable by .children of all ages, .,' And I hope my long-standing relationship with Mark, both persona.I

and professj.onal, may serve as a microcosm of what is possible between peopl-e of different faiths in the same G-d (as Rabbi Miller woul-d ins i st ) . The Episcopal News Weekly is available .in our sanctuary every Sunday morning. The October 27 issue pictured twenty "Diocesan leaders" taken at a meeting of Bishops and Deans with members of our Standing Committee. Included were: Bishop Bruce/ Murry McClaren, Richard Zevnik and me; and at Diocesan Convention in December, Lynn Headley was elected to the 2014 Standing Corunittee. Saint Michael& A1l Angelites are l-eaders in our Diocese of Los AngeJ,es. Beyond our Diocese, Norris Battin was el-ected to a second term on the Board of Directors of the Compass Rose Society, the internationaL mlssj-on organization that raises funds for the work of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Leaders in our Parish are not only Vestry and staff members. Fine programs have been created "outside the box, " without Commissions or committees meeting, For example, "Women,s Fellowship" was wonderfully created by Bet.h Bianchi and Mel-inda Rader and meets in homes off campus. I hope and trust you wj-Il read about such ministries for which I can take no credit el-sewhere in these reports.

I hope similar initiative

wj,11 come through our Communication Commission, Clyde Dodge continues his superb ministry, and shows considerabLe initiative for which we al-I are thankfuf, as Communication's chair and Vestryperson but, as Don Haynes consistentLy te]1s me, f/we must get with the technological changes happening all around us. More people find Saint Michael- & AlI Angels through our web site than via the o1' ye]low pages; people do read email-s frorn us; some now want to be inforned of our activities via "tweets" or "Twitter. " I don't even know what aLl- the technofoqicaf terminology means, but I do know we need to get with it,

If you walk into our Parish Office and say "Susan" or "peter" you are likely to receive a response from: Susan Beechner, our Office Manager/Parish Secretary, Susan Caldwell, our Minister of Christian Education, Susan Westrom, our Sexton (Episcopaf-speak for custodian), Peter Coppen (who keeps our database, produces quarterly Parish Directories and has created a bookkeeping svstem whj-ch our auditor

to everyone in our Diocese), and/or me. If you said "Donnie" on Mondays our bookkeeper, Donnie Lewis, would respond. recommends

If you wanted to speak to our Minister of Music (organistahoi rmasterl \qf anhan/




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Black left our ministry with music in to Iive cfoser to his family in Kontrr/-L('.

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his leaving, Some panicked! I tried to reassure citing our heritage of great Ministers of Music during my tenure: Burton Karson, Rodger Whitten, David RipIey, Tim Getz, David Clemensen, and Stephen BIack. A committee of Barbara Black, Teri Corbet, Michele Dulson, Afi H:rrhion qi.ova M.\rri S and RiChard Zevnik assisted me in a Seargh process which wiff bring us Ray W. Urwin, D.M.A., in January 2014. Bob Grant answered my call immediately when Stephen announced his departure and Bob served as abLy as Stephen had. Bob has written

a one page Philosophy of Sacred Music and incarnates what he has written: "cal-led by equip serve facifitate see music as a part of the whole contributing to aLf hre are and do . Lhe highest pursujt of all musicaf exceJJence, artisLry, and beauty. " Bob produced worship buf ]-etins for the Diocesan AIDS Mass, Praying Our Goodbyes, and the Christmas Pageant & Family Eucharist,' some joked that he wanted to be our Parish Secretary! I am very sorry to see Bob leave, and wish him and his partner Joseph well as they move to MaIibay, near Manila, Philippines. "S:r-rad


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of Mike and "gratitude and whole-hearted thanks to aff who helped refurbish and renovate our sanctuary" j-n our October ...Love of Mike. Reviews of our "1ike-new" worship space are overwhefmingly posltive. T.rrnn Ha>dl arr LtuLLr M-al _eran y, M]1rr1, Trolend :rc nrim:ri lrr reqnonqihlc

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In The Church for a Changing Worl-d, the Forward Movement bookfet sent with end of 20L3 financial statements, Phvlfis Tickfe writes, "WhiLe it is c.Lear the institutionaJ- church wiff continue despife presentl-y decTining nenbership and attendance, it is afso cfear that it wiTL have to reconfigure and accommodate new ways of being church. We cannot deny that the church is chanqinq. We can see this as a death sentence

or see it as the birth of something new. We can -ljsten carefuTly and respond appropriatefy to Lhe needs of new generations of Christians and the needs of the world. We can use our resources to support ne!/ express ians of the church. We can trust, as former Archbishop Rowan WifTians so often saidl that God is doing a new thing in our worLd and that, as faithful Christians in a time of such great changel our primary caff is to serve the kingdon of God wherever and however it nay appear.'l Al-though other congregations are confronting more significant challenges we cannot deny that we are suffering declining attendance and resources. We can do what we can do only about our own situation. You will find at tendance reports produced by Peter Coppen further al"ong in these reporcs. taihile our membership is st.eady t5I3 in 2012, 511- in 201,I; 509 in 2010) according to ParochiaJ Reports, declining attendance says to me that more and more of us are attending worship less and l-ess. This worries me, of course, and feads me to wonder "Why?" In our Program & Budget for 2013 and 2014 you will see that our actual- j-ncome in 2013 was $525,59I .24, in 2012 it was $560,640; in 201-1 - $527,146; 2010 - $554,369;2009 - $587,I44; 2008 9563,642; 2001 - $6-t9,898;2006 - $624,220;2005 - 9656,413; 2004 $680,465. How can we continue our Christian -Lif e together thinking "Al-f is wel-I1"? Professor Tickle says, "We cannot deny that the church is changing. " I think that we cannot deny that our church is changing and that we must changer Eoo,' I hope in ways that "serve che kinqdom of cod. "

Concluding on personal notes: In June I attended a CREDO conference at a retreat cenCer near Richmond, Virginia. The acronym CREDO stands for Clergy Reflection, Education, Discernment, Opportunity. My focus was on how J might serve God during the rest of my bodybound chapter of eternaf life. "When will you retire?" continues to be asked of me often. In response to prayer, a date to retire came to me while walking afong the James River, but that date is so far in the future that I simply continue to say "as }ong as I am being creative and producLive, am spiritually and physically healthy, and am serving God as best I am able in this place at this time, I wll-l- cont j-nue to minister as rector here; and I know whose counsel to trust about my heafth, productivity, creativiLy and abi]11y."

After CREDO, I met Frances and Don in Washington D.C, and we spent time there, with my brother in Phil-adelphia, and with Don's Godfather who is Rector of Saint Edward the Martyr Episcopal Church on East L09th Street in New York City. Other than enjoying time with famiJ"y and friends durj-ng short trips to Berkeley for meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific and/or Calathl-etics, those two weeks in Virginia-D. C . - Phi fadefphia-New York were my only time away in 2013, but the timing was perfect ! hle'd sold the house in which we lived for twenty-five years and time away gave us opportunity to ponder "What's next?" Don is happily situated in San Pedro studying film making/editing at Marlmount California University and working twenty hours/week with The Port of Los Angeles. Frances & I signed a two year lease for 34 Mainsail Drj-ve in Jasmine Creek which meets two criteria: "very close to church and verv friencllv

for T,rrke- nrrr ool den refriever."

So, here I am, "very c.lose" and feeling exceedingly bfessed to be rector of such a wonderful Parish Church as Saint Mlchael & AlI Angels


ResDectfulf v submitted,

Yours in Christ -

Saint Michael & AJ-J- Angels Episcopal- Parish Church Prograrn & Budget(s)

for 2013 and 2014

2013 Budgett

Receil>ts Plate


,2 P-LeOgeS-



Donations - non-pl edge

tr l 6^l- r^n i /- c-ri



v i nolChr i stmas

Parish Center Donations Verizon Wireless Lease Mi-scellaneous income Investment fncome Rollover from 201"2 F


$ 11,057.38

400 8, 000 36, 000 2, 500 2, 000 100

r38 .82



10,000 30,000 20,000

43r,136.612 21 ,524.42 21 ,6A0.00 1.6, 666.'t 0 1,, r25 . A0

11,000 420,00A3


1, 000 50

L.]. J-L





[9s66, o22l


2014 Budget

10, 000 30, 000 22, 000


-nm qerri nos /reserves

013 Actual



I$s2s, se1 .24I


E:q)enses P

tog rams

Mission Share Miss ion

C,anf erhrt







Theological Education


Choir, muslc, organ Christian Educat i-on

22,75L.60 6,303.7 6

20, oool 5,5007

Youth Minist ry


2, 000. 00 r , 425 .28

, 0006




65,000.00 404.50 2, 000.00

6s,000s 2, OO0

2,000 1,000

C. E.

cat ion

843.18 7t211 .'70 5, lo6. 65 884.20e

4, B307




1, 500 2, OOOI



Programs l


2t500 2,000 2,000 2,

20,000 9 , 6208 t ,000 1, 300

5,110 1, 500 1, 500

171 . 18


[$110, 80s. 60]




3,000 [911s,690]

Safaries and Benefits $21



Prnfessi onal F,xnenses

Payrofl Tax Expense



Visiting Clergy ISub-totaI


Church and office


l ephone


Insurance ( Eire/Casu. ) Buildinqs and Grounds Tht-6rA<f


vnan "11-cc.'






Office Te


26,000 32,300 4t150 10,000 3,000 2,000





17, 950


26,09r.54 34,546.L6

3, 161 . 53 72 ,090 .8l 3, 188.86 2, 000. 00

t$351,778.961 $20,12L.04 6,072.-12 L] ,28r.45 9, 087.00

17, 500 8, 500 49,292

5,000 2,000 l$106 , 4 a2l I

$s65 , 022l

36,788.18 4,584.00




,164 .16






26,000 35,000 3,500 12,000 3 ,200 2,000 t$3s2,4001 $21,000 6,200 18,000 9,000 3?, 000 4, 600


2,500 98,300]

I$s66, seol

Explanation of Prog,ram & Budqet(s) for 2OL3 and 2014: 1. Annua.I Parish Reports to Annual Parish Meeting on February 3,2013. 2. Incfudes current pfedges ($420,958.61), prior pJ.edges ($10,778.00), rnri

f rrf ,rro

nl onnaq

i n ?O1


3. In 2013 we received 144 pledges totaling $417,060. (Pledge per unic was $3,135.79.) As of January 15, 2014, 1,2I pfedges for have been received Lotaling 5387,283.00. (Pledge per unit is S3,310.11.) This includes 11 new pledges. 25 who pledged for have not pledged for 2014; these pledges toLal S18,000. 65 narishioners

nl^^^^ .li.l n^r y4vsY!


2014 2103

"n1? and have nof nl ecloed for 2014.

4. Our balance in 2Al2 was $20,585.56 receipts over expenses. Useable balance in checking/savings accounts on December 3I ,


hras $139,587.83.

5. Our Mission Share Fund pfedge to our Diocese is based on our Normal Operating fncome (NOT) for the previous year. The estabfjshed goal is 15%, Lhe minimum accepcable Ls 12t. Our: NOI for 2012 was $547,510: 15? is $82,121 , I2Z is $65,709. a]


r^,a ma\, "tr<a


2013 Norm: l nnar:f vt/v!ev

i nn Tnnnme'/ aS Lhe

basjs for our Mission Share Eund pledge. Projected 2013 NOI is $525,591,.24: L5* is $78,839, I2Z is $63,071. $63,500 is L2.3-l 62. A

A rae^lrrf i.\n nr<qad hrr l_ha canar,al a.\nrranf i nn nf .\rrr q..rn2 vrr v)' Lrr! vqrrvv ah'rrr-h nrri deq .onoreo;i- ions l- o clesi nnarc 1 * nf ei f hcr theif pr.)a'rrArn t R,lalarFj- -r rn.1sf ra.Fnt f-,rrrcnf NFt Onera1- i no InCOme


figure avaifabfe.

7. Commission budgets were increased by Vestry action during


B, Increase for Christian Education covers two caregivers in our rru!rvrl



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9. Fellowship successfully raised funds in





"Coffee expenses,/donations" totaLed $252. 49.

10. There are no increases in stipend/salary for continuing staff: Rector, Director of Chriscian Education, Parish Secretary/Office Manager, Minister of Music, Bookkeeper, Sexton. 11

Rrri lciino Or)r Faith

I loans and interFqr


1,2. "Misceffaneous" expenses under "Church and Offi-ce" incl,udes: our audit ($693.26) , property taxes ($I ,47I.50) and a ($600) foan to a parishioner in 2013. "Busjness exjsts to nake a profit, . ntlr .r.,e L1 i q verw cli f Fe'ronf gvu vuL

and for one another. "



a 7a,t ,ln",tn ouf ]iveS fOr ChriSt We are the ehareh. "

are ,ot a business.

Badgets are ePiritu'al doeltueats. They say who ,fesus Christ ca77s us to be and what oEZ God $iJJs rts to do."


Vestry E]-ection Bal-]-ot

Option ABlock Vote "I vote for the slate of candidat." u" p..".nted.

Option B


Voting by Candidate

Myrna Ireland

? \


Jufie Jenkins

? tra:r



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Don Sheet


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Delegates to Diocesan Convention Steve Dul-son Murry McCl-aren


Rebecca WeIch Richard Zevni k

Norri-s Battin


Jlm Palda

Representative to Deanery Rebecca Welch




Har.l l 6r'

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