Rector's report, program & bugdet, vestry ballot for 2015 annual

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Rector's Annual Report for


"We thought that we had the answets, it was Ehe questions we had wrong."


2014 beqan with our noontime cefebration of The Holy Eucharist with "a public Service of Heating" observrng the feast of The Hofy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a liturgicaf commemoration begun at the Council of Tours in 567 to counceract pagan festivities connected .Love of Mike: with the beginning of the new year. I w.rote in our "New Year's opportunities inc-lude asking inportant questions such as 'Who am I anyway' really?' and 'Why am I the way I am?' We are caffed to exanine our befiefs and ways they night tuEn

into action. Resolutions are fess inportant than resu-lts, and the calL of God is for us to go and do the work of the

kjnnrlom c,ar-h and 6>y,e'rv rlart Gad aiwes rts to live ttt9vvrl


and fove."

Here are some of the days in 2OL4 on which I arn confident we dj-d the work of God's kingdom: On January 11-, Ray Urwin, D.M.A., became our Minister of Musrc fo] Iowing rhe fine interim miniscry of Bob Glant to conE.inue our exemplary musical heritage wel] nurtured during my time here by Burton Karson, Tim Getz and Stephen Black. Ray is the composer of two popular hymns in The Hymnal 1982: 5169 - "My flesh is food indeed," and *6'1 9 - "SureJy it is God who saves me." On April 11, I ioined oLher Episcopalians at saint Andrew's Plesbyterian church ,' u..o"" the bay to hear Ray play their "second Friday Frenzy Ray is now one of fifteen national leaders appointed to a new a.1n.rrc.r^1- i ona I Sono Task Eorce of The Episcopal- Church. vvrrY!!Yee4v

on January 25 I was privileged both as Dean of our coasta] orange County area and as neighboring rector to be one of the leaders of worship as The Rev'd Philip Devau] was instituted as the rector of Saint John the Divine Episcopal Church in Costa Mesa'

2, brought our forty-seventy Annuaf Parish Meeting. we did necessary business and creative ideas were presented for increasing community awareness' attendance and SOUPeT/Super Bowl Sunday, February

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revenue. Outgoing Vestry members (Lynn Headley, Joan Short, GaiI Haghjoo and Jim Pafda were thanked for their service and ministry; new Vestry members (Myrna IreIand, Don Sheetz, JuIie Jenkins, Barbara Stewart+, Matt Shaw and Tom Nicholson) were elected and welcomed as were Delegates (Richard Zevnik, KarLene MiIler, Murry Mcclaren and Steve Dulson) and Alternates (Rebecca Welch, Jim Palda' Lynn Headley and Norris Battin) to Diocesan Convention. our Parish Church is truly blessed with so many members with considerable lcadershin rvquLrJrrfy

r1/ memhcr5 were commissioned at eight and ten o'cl-ock worship on March 2 and joined members of our staff for our annua] Vestry-Staff RetreaL at Saint James the Great Episcopal Church on Via Lido the following Sar-urday, March 8 (tfr. ai'o annj-versary of my ordination as Deacon) . abi Iifies

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Ash Wednesday' March 5, saw the beginning of the fourth year of "Lent Madness"' a wonderfully enjoyable and engaging way for sports fans and others farniliar with bracketology to fearn more-and-more about thirty-two saints each year. {Watch for "Lent Madness" here in 2015!} Bob Franke was our Homilist/Preacher on the First Sunday in Lent' March 9; he sang, "source of ny journey, soutce of my rest, source of ny worst and source of my best, Bfess, as f Inlrestle these years as they roll-: Touch ne and make ne whofe." Bob returned on the Second Sunday of Advent, December 14, and gave me (and, I trust, us) a great gift by singing one of my very favorite song-poems of Bob's: "Stir up your pow'r here in this hour, O Lotd; nake us whofe and

restore our weary sou-Is.,, The ancient collect for the Third Sunday of Advent (BCP 2I2) has us pray, "Stir up your power' o Lord' and with great might cone among us; ,..Let your bountifuJ grace and nercy speediTy help and delivet us." In Lent and Advent Bob helped us ready ourselves for Easter and Christmas.

For our wednesday evenings in Lent programs following Evening Prayer and simple, but marvelous' suppers prepared by various parish groupsr four friends preceded me in reflecting on how our observing Lent had changed through our years from "giving up something old" to "takj-ng on something new." The series was begun on March 12 by The Rev'd Fr. Jeff Hulet; a great sadness in 2014 for me was the departure from this Parish of Jeff+ & DJ. our own Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce told us of her journey on March 19; I^'hat a joy it is for me that +Diane is our Bishop! Our Episcopal campus missloner at UCI, The Rev'd Dr. Fennie Chang, told us of her Lents in Taiwan and Toronto on March 26. On April 2 The Rev'd DI . Barbara stewart tauqht us about Lent and it's changing practices ' Page 2 of 12

blessing Barbara's presence and ministry has been for me and to us ! That she cel"ebrates and preaches one Sunday a month and on one Wednesday noon a month, and that she substitutes as she is able when f am away, is a great gift. Her teachings and participation in our choir have benefitted us measurably. Pl-ease join me in thanking God for The Rev'd Dr. Barbara Stewart, and in thanking her! What a

On two days

at the end or March (2O-2I) I was bl-essed with




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mento.r: The Rev'd JuIie Bryant, Rector of Transfiguration Episcopal Parish Church in Arcadia; The Rev'd Jeanette Repp, Rector of Saint Pete.r's Episcopal Parish Church in San Pedro.. and The Rev,d Martha Korienek, now Associate Rector of Saint pauf,s Episcopal parish Church in Burlingame. We remember Martha+ with admiration/ apprecaat i onla ffect ion from her ministry here 2006-2011. Julie+ and Jeanette+ were very active with Berkeley Canterbury during their student days at Caf when I was the campus minister there. Keith Nel-son, Chair of Canterbury Irvine, s Board and Emeritus Professor of History and both Religious and peace-and-Confl l ct Studies in UCI,s School, of Humanities, and The Rev,d Dr. Fennj-e Chang brought Canterbury, s Spring Garden party to Saint Michael & Alr Angels on Apri-l 5. Bishop Bruce was the host and the speaker was The Very Rev,d Mark Richardson, ph.D., president and Dean of cDSP (church Divinity school of the pacific) which r am privileged to continue serving as a Trustee.

April 6, Beth Bojarski, Executive Director of Camp Stevens, was our Homilist. Susan Caldwell cal1s Beth ..amazing,, and admires her intentional earth-friendly approaches with ministry at our 250 acre Diocesan Camp in the pine and oak forest near Ju.l- j-an. (Of course, Susan is "amazing" as our Director of Christian Education!) Corinne Stover wrote "Time for Camp (Stevens),, and Imogen Kirsch, age ten and the daughter of Julie, wrote ..A Camp Stevens Refection,, in our May ...Love of Mike; Tom Nj-cholson wrote '.A Camp Stevens Summer is Not to Be Missed" about time there with daughters Tess and Tai-te in our September ...Love of Mike. {Look forward to our parj-sh weekend at Camp Stevens with The Very Rev, d Gary Ha.lJ., Dean of our National Cathedral, in May 2015.1 On

HoIy Tuesday, Tuesday in Holy Week, is always special for me. Clergy gather to renew our ordination vows. f was on my way to our cathed.ral center in Echo park when a front tire blew. After changing it alongside the I-5, I was sweaty and dirty and decided to return home. r missed a fabur-ous se.rmon by our Bishop suf f-ragan Mary Glasspoofi fo.rtunately it is availabte on line and f recommend

it to afl


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HoIy Week and Easter were wonderful here. I was so excited about Easter 2014 that I wrote two articles for our April .,.Love of Mike, "Easter changes everything!" and a response to Hans Kung's question in On Being A Christian, "How did Christianity continue after the ups and downs of HoIy tr'leek and the compJete breakdown of Good Fr iday?"

I flew to Berkeley to join friends from college days at dinner with my Alpha Chi Rho fraternity roonmate Ken Dachman who I see about once every twenty years because he J-ives with his family on a kibbutz, and somet j,mes a moshav, in northern lsraef. A treatl

On May Day

On Sunday morning, May 4, our Bi-shop Diocesan, The Right Rev'd Jon Bruno made his Episcopal visitation and confirmed Julie Jenkins' Kati Mowat, Tom Nicholson, William Akerbloom, Michaef Kiper and Matthew Kiper. (I trust you appreciate Michaef Kiper's Eagle Scout

Project which enriches our labyrinth; I invite you to .Iook forward

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Don Haynes' 2Oth


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birthday on May 9 was we 1I -celebrated


n'r l.\n.r :nd eaoer'l v awaited "U2charist" arrived on Saturday rvrrY vq! evening, May 10, thanks to Clyde Dodgte. Funding came from a beloved but anonymous parishioner. Thanks to Michael- Blevins-Boor we recej-ved great publicity in the Los Angefes Times' "Lj-fe & Arts" section on May 9. The Right Rev'd Diane Jardine Bruce cefebrated; The Rev'd Canon Jaime Edwards-Acton preached. The Joshua Tree, a U2 tribute band, gave us twefve songs. All- offerings collected were donated to the African Wefl Project's "Build a Wef l- for Bono" campaign, certaj,nly embracing the Millenium Development Goals' Attendance was great and people presenL enjoyed a wonderfully different worship experience. Jaime's prayer at the conclusion of his homily focused this event for me; he prayed: Gracious God, give us wisdom and coutage in our faith, To enter into each daYl

not with fear noE with anxiety in search of right answets, L--!



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ity that gives birth to questrons Arnen. that fead to new fife.

and curios

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During a Board of Trustees meeting at CDSP, May 2I-23, I enjoyed great times together with (The Rt. Rev'd) Ed Konieczny who served a Ministry Study Year here in L99I-' 92 and is now Bishop of Okfahoma; Ed was in Berkelev to recei-ve an honorarv doctorate from CDSP. Our Summer Sundays-at-Nine morning worship began on t'4ay 25, Sunday in Memorial Day weekend, and successfully continued through August 31, Sunday in Labor Day weekend.

I presented a paper to my clergy/col.Ieagues support/study group using a title from a book by John Sexton, president of New York University, with a forward by Doris Kearns Goodwin, pulitzer Prize winning American biographer, hjstorian and political corunentator. For a life-long baseball fan and son of an A1l-American baseball player at Ohio State University in the fate 1920, s this $ras a paper that has been writing itself in my alleged brain for years. On May 27



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Saint Mark's-in-the-Va11ey Episcopal Church in Los Olivos offered us an opportunity to participate in thej_r fifth annual- ..CeJ-.lar Cfassic" on June 28. We coul_d have donated wines then used profits from their sale at auction to benefit saint Michaer- & At1 Angefs or a charlty of indivldual choice. I was srrrnri se.t fh^l- n.,ne of uS participated. Maybe in 201-5 |

1, we appreciated ..Jazz Vespers,, with The Rev, d Norm Freeman on vibes, Putter Smith on bass, Theo Saunders on piano, Kendall Kay on drums /percuss ion and Katherine Cash, violinist. On June 2, f enjoyed lunch with Dan Greenwood, Head of School- up pacific View Drive and on June 13, I offered the invocation at Harbor Day school's eighth grade graduation, on June 16 r went to santa Ana for lunch wi-th Sharon Ellis, president and CEO of Habitat for Humanity of orange county, to tal-k about their .'homes for veterans,, ministries . On June

Looking back on Sunday af ternoon, June 22, when several- of gathered in our Memorial Garden of the cood shepherd to cel-ebrate the life of Patricia van Riper, Teri corbet, s mom, r thi-nk of what a year 2014 was for the Corbets; we buried Cliff,s mother and stsrer. And r am painfully aware that burying betoveds fike sam Mcculroch, Pat McNamee, Bill, Currie, Dotti-e Valentine HulI, Joan Short, Nancy Sattfer, Bob & Nancy Babbe is certainly the most difficul-t dynamic of my "J-ong term pastorate.,, Beginning my twenty-seventh year as your rector, burying parishioners I adore is the most heart_ wrenching challenqe of my ministry. Page 5 of 12

In mid-July Don and I drove to Carmel to celebrate my Italian Mama Efsa's nj-nety-third birthday. Don is her only grandson and theirs is a special relationship. morning, July 27, our focus was on Free Wheelchair Missions' ministries. Thej-r 201-4 Special Guest Wheelchair Recipient, Corporal Manuel- de Jesus ViIlegas Aviles from El Salvador I think everyone present was spoke with us via an interpreter. moved. That afternoon T made one of my visits to Regent's Point to celebrate The HoIy Eucharist with Episcopalians there, vlsit parishioners at Sunridge and Windcrest, and preach at their 4 : O0 p. m. Vespers worship service. On Sunday

As Dean of our coastal orange County region of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, on August 9I found myself jn a familiar place, WesL Fourth Street in Santa Ana, staffing an "Episcopal Church Welcomes You!" booth at the Orange County Gay Pride Day. Our booth was across the street from the Ronald Reagan Federal- Building and Courthouse which I visit frequently . .. to see my dear friend Andy'



as United States District Judge Andrew J. Guifford!

Erances & I cruj-sed from Tampa, Fforida, to the Cayman Isl-ands, Carragena, Cofombia, through the Panama Canal-, then to Puntarenas' Costa Rica, Cabo San Lucas, Baja California/Mexico. The most fascinating time for me was the day (7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) going through the Panama Canal. I took David McCulloch's The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canaf 1870-1914 and was fascinated to read that book as we cruised through the Canal. Don met us at the Port of Los Angeles-Long Beach where he works and our August vacation ended with a Saturday night A'

s-at-Angels baseball



September was hj.ghlighted by our return to an 8:00 and 10:00 a'm' Sunday worship schedule,' the privilege of offering prayer as a Nancy sattler was ceLebrated by her family and friends on september 14; and our Patronal- Festival- celebration of saint Michael & AII Angels', Day on the last Sunday in Septernber, with Hofy Eucharist and Baptism, our great story in Revelation L2:7-L2, and hymns including ..chri-st, the fair gJ-ory of the holy angels" ("Send thine atchangel Michaef , . , peacemaker bl'essed, may he banish fron us striving and hatred..."), "Ye watchers and ye holy ones, " Ye holy angels bright, " and more .

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3-4, I went to Sherman Oaks for the 50th reunion of my Dame High School class of'64, My two best friends from those daze were there and our reconnecting was so wonderful that it seemed On October

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The Blessing of the Animals, always one of my favorite Sundays, ih the center of our November ,..Love of Mike, highlighted the first Sunday in October. That evening, Frances & I 'rent to the Stapfes Center to see and hear Efton John with tickets f won for being a subscri-ber to the Los Angeles Times;

so I can no longer say, "f never win anything!"

With a Berkeley friend with whom I have had season tickets to Calfootball games for forty years I traveled to the brand new Levi Stadium in Santa Clara on October 25 to see this year, s pac-12 and

Rose Bowl Champion Oregon Ducks play our Gofden Bears. If you have a chance to go to Levi Stadium or the Giants, baseball park in San Francisco, or, of course, the Los Angeles Coliseum or Dodger Scadium or the Big A, do!

with profundity on the first Sunday as we cefebrate AII Saints/Souls and "Praying Out Goodbyes,, reading the list of beloveds who died during the previous year. Norris Battin preached hj.s sixteenth "Praying Our Goodbyes,, sermon, saying, November begins

fron painful goodbyes, we have a good deal in common with the gospel stories of the resurrecEton. And like the disciples / a pentecost eventuaJly energes where we can fook back and know that we have finailv ended our qoodbve. "

"When we move on

Norris noted that it j.s ..we_l_Z past time to give someone e_Zse a chance to offer their thoughts about loss and grief .,, Susan Caldwel-l- has vol-unteered to preach in 2015 and I rejoice that "Praying Our Goodbyes,, wi]l continue meaninqfullv. El-ection Day (November 4) morning was spent with Mark Tabbert, Co-Founding Member of the Orange County Chapter of .'Citizens Climate Lobby: Creating the pofitical WilI for a Sustainable climate." That group now meets here on the first saturday morning

of each month. Mark is a connitted chri-stian who r hope wilr herp us focus attention and energy on "this fragile earth, our isl,and

nome" (BCP 370).

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' Will & Annick Klatte took Frances & me to Share Our Sefves' dinner extravaganza on October 7. Will is on the Board of SOS, a nationally recognized comprehensive care agency with locations in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Santa Ana and Lake Forest. I hope Saint Michael & Af1 Angels wilJ- get more-and-more involved with SOS; their activities are servjce opportunities I am thinking prayerfully nâ‚Ź nrrrcr|i v! t/u!JefrtY

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16, Jim Headley honored our ushers at both eight and ten o'clock worshlp services. Many beloveds in diverse ministries among us deserve such honoring. I hope others wiII fof l-ow Jim's lead in takinq initiative to do so. On Sunday morning November

on Thanksgiving Day my brother David and his partner Laura, both professors at TempIe University in Phifadelphia, were here and joj-ned Don and Frances and me for the feast Frances prepared. Being with people l love a lot made it a Day of Thanksgiving.

5-6 I was in Ontario for my forty-third Diocesan convention. when Bishop Bruno asked for raised hands from those who Diocesan conventions had been to five...ten...Ewenty-five.,.forty and mine was one of the few hands still in the air I felt l-ike a vet.eran. The highlight of convention 2014 for me was Bishop Bruno's making Lynn Headfey an Honorary Canon of our Diocese, quite an honor as Richard Zevnik and I can attest. December

on December 20, Don and Frances & I were near San Diego and I wasprivileged to preside at the Celebration and Blessing of the Marriage of our nj-ece vanessa. It was the filst such cel-ebrati-on for the "next" generation in our farnily and a great joy! On December 21 , we celebrated and blessed the marrlages of Tom & Kati Mowat Nicholson and Jim & Carofe Leavelle Pafda; it was a holy day here.

our Vestry has worked as hard tn 2014 as any Vestry has ever worked. "A Message From Sai-nt Michaels' Vestry" on page 7 of our December ...Love of Mike puts in writing details of concerns our Senior Warden, Myrna Ireland, and Junior Warden, Don Sheetz' presented during Sunday worship services. Signifj-cant energy is being spent to assure our long-term sustainabitity and growth' And, Vestry meetings rn 2074 have been fun! ...Yes, they have !

I have already said that susan caldwell is "amazing" and so are our other Susans and Donnie Lewj-s, our bookkeeper, all amazing' Susan and her Westrom fanily are not only our sexton (custodian), the Page 8 of 12

are members of our wider Christian cornnunity. And Susan Beechner . . Pfease know that Susan B. i-s the center of aII that j-s successful- here. Susan 8., Susan C., Susan W, and Donnie L. are invaluable. Westroms

I conclude with my favorite illustration in 2014, one I preached on a Sunday and concLuded my paper titl-ed Basebafl as a Road to God for

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is about Bob Brenly, current.Ly a Major League Basebalf broadcaster. In 1994 when Frances was ve.ry pregnant with Don we went to a GiantsA's game at Spring Training near Phoenix. I was talking with Dave Righetti at whose wedding I presided here when Bob Brenly approached and after awhi.Le asked Frances if we knew whether we were to be blessed with a boy or a girl. When she said, ..A boy!,, he said "Raise him rightl" and gifted us wlth baseballs, a bat and a slove .







The great day for Bob Brenfy was September 14, 1996, when the ciants

inserted him, a catcherf at third base to replace their regular Lhird baseman who was injured. rn the fourth inning, Brenty made an error on a routine ground ba]1. Four batters fater, he kicked away another grounder,. then, while after the ba11, he rnrew wildly past home plate trying to get the runner there, committing two e.rrors on the same play. A few minutes fater he muffed yet another play to allow a total_ of four unearned runs and to become the first player in the twentieth century to hoLd the dubi-ous record of four errors in one inning. But, in the fifth inning Brenly hit a soro home run, and in the seventh i-nning he hit a singre with the bases loaded to tie the score at 6-6. rn the bottom of the ninth with two out and the count fult, he smashed a massive home run to win the game. He was called .'the 'Comeback pfayer of the year. in one game . " Brenly's box score card for that day came to three hits in frve at bats, two home runs, four errors, four runs aflowed, and four runs driven in, i-ncluding the game winning run, Life is a lot _Iike Bob Brenly, s game: a mixture of hits and errors and the opporLunicy for future redemption. If something bad happens in the fourth j,nning, wait for the fifth ...and the seventh ...and the ninth innings for something better to come around. yes . redemption

awa.i t s


Resne.f f rr'l <rrl-rmi ttad e r4 I jrr vqvrrrr L Lev,

Yours, in Chri st,-"-'>

z.'/-.2,.*Page 9 of 12

Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Parish Church Program & Budget(s) for 2014 and 2015 2

ReceiI>ts Pfate (a1-L )






11, 000 420, 000


l eoge s-

n^nr1- i nn< r^n


i a

014 Budgetl

nnn-nl.---ge ad ..-..


000 t-00 10, 000 30, 000 20, 000 T, 000 50 20, 000 49, 't 40


sf erlT-oi vi no,/Chri stmas Parish Center Donat lons Verizon Wirefess Lease Miscellaneous income Investment Income f rnm nrprr ia\rrq

$qrr8,81 4.14 tnc cn2



D^l 1^rtar

2014 Actual

\/Fe r

From savings /reserves

t$517, 1s0I


{ PROG&90 }

2015 Budget



4 4O






l-50 ooo 10,

9,914.13 36,385.00 20,500.00 5, 035. 68 L2 .54

3s,000 20,500 5,000 15


0 0




Expenses Proqrams

Mission Share

Mission Cante.rbury I rvine

Theological Educat ion


Choir, music, organ Educat ion stian ChriYouth Minl strY

Adult Communi ca t

C. E.


Fe f l- owship Evangel ism StewardshiP


Programs l

Safaries and Benef its

Staff Pens

L$11s, 690l


26,000 35,300


Benefits/Insurance Professionaf Expenses

Payroll Tax ExPense blorker's Compensa t ion Visj-ting ClergY lSub-total l Church and Off ice Office Te I

3,200 2,000 t$3s2,4001



s210 ,2oo . 006



12, 000. 00

2,844.12 1, r00. 00

15352 , 217 .331

$r7 , 483 .61 6, 889. 58 T8 ,21 6.91 8,949 .00 36 ,7 62 .12 4, 600.00 2 ,209 .94

18, 000

9,000 37, 000

s,000 2,000

1, 300 1



1, 500

2,000 [$11s,732] s21o ,2006

26,000 36,900

36,859 .91


Insurance ( Fire/Casu. ) Buildings and Grounds Debt re6uct ion,/ int ere s t?


730.70 1,106.84 6,'113 . 6t


2,0o0 2,000

2,000 20,000 9,620 1,000


L, 461 .1L -25 .00

63, 0714


21., 4r8 .04

$ 21,000



1,850.28 2,000.00 2, 000.00 2,525.66

3, 500 12, 000



65, 000 . 00

000 2, 500 2, 000 2, o00s 2, 000 20, 000 500 T, 000 I, 300 q 110 1, 500 T, s00 ? 000


3, s00

L2,000 3,000 2,000 ts3s3,6001 $20,000 7,000 18, 500

9,000 37, 000



t$ 95,17r.821

2,3O4 ts10s, 800l





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$5?5 , 132 ]

E:q>lanation of Program E Budget(s) for 2014 and 2015: 1. AnnuaL Parish Reports to Annual Parish Meeting on February 2,2014. 2, Includes 2Ol4 pledges (S504,423.80) and prior pledges ($6'786.00). 3. Includes 1,32 pledges in hand (S394.413) including 13 new pledges and our Stewardship Commission's estimate of what open pledqes will total ($46,050). 53 parishioners have not pledged for 2015. 4. Our Mission Share Fund pledge to our Diocese is based on our Norma] Operating Income (NOI) for the prev.ious year. The established goal is 15%, the minimum acceptabl-e is 12?. Our NOI for 2013 was $525,591: 15? is $78,840, 12% is $63,071. 5. A resolut.ion passed by Lhe General Convention of our Episcopal fo clesi onate 1% of either their chrrrr-h rrui YuavuJries con.rra.'r^l-irrns rs uquysL R'r.i.raf arrrranf,am r!vYrur" f .i gure ava ilabf e.


m.)ql rFaan+- Nlat Onar:f

i nat Tncome

6. There are no increases in stipend/salary for continuLng staff: Rector, Direccor of Chriscian Education, Parish Secrecary/Office Manager, Minister of Music, Bookkeeper, Sexton. '1

. Building Our Faith I l-oans and interest


9. "Miscellaneous" expenses under "Church and Office" incl-udes: our audj-t ($715.54)and property taxes ($1,494 ' 10) .

"Busjness exists to make a profit. to Jay down our Lives for ChrisL Our goal- is very different: and

for one another.


ate not a business. l{e ate the



"Budgrets are spiritrual doctnents. Tbey say wl,o ,resue christ caJ,J's us to be and what out God wi77s as to do."

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2015 Vestry Election Ba].lot



Block Vote

"I vote for the slate of candidates as presented. "



Voting by Candidate

Option B

Louise Stover

? r'a.rr


Anne Warmington

? rra:r


? rra:r


? i/a:r


/E-al I nurch i n\

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Deleqates to Diocesan Convention A]'ternates

Steve Duf son Lynn Headley M,r

Norris Battin

r r(r M-/-l r ran

Richard Zevnik

Rebecca Wel-ch



Representative to Deanery Ten Rebecca Welch


Alterrrate Page 12 of 12

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