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FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE Volume 66 Number 8


The Episcopal Church of Saint Michael & All Angels Pacific View Drive at Marguerite

<Corona del Mar <

California 92625



..From the Desk of the Rector



uxuriating after our Bishop Suffragan, The Rt. Rev’d Diane Jardine Bruce celebrated and preached, confirmed Kai Arellano, Anne Conover, Dale Woolley, Ben Blevins-Boor and his Dad Michael, and received Kathleen Peterson, I am remembering what a wonderful Summer 2016 we enjoyed: our second U2charist, our sixteenth Jazz Vespers, our first Community Garden Party, our fifth Vacation Bible School – “Journey with Saints on Pilgrimage,” “Parishioners’Adventures” on Sundays-at-Ten, completion of our fifth Eagle Scout project, The Rev’d Dr. Barbara Stewart celebrating and homilizing/preaching often, and -of course- more! This month will bring renewed and new ministry. We will return to 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Sunday worship on September 11 and celebrate our Patronal Festival of Saint Michael & All Angels on September 25. On 9/11 I plan to preach on “The Lure of Righteous Anger” on the fifteenth anniversary of terrorist attacks on our home soil using one of my heroes, Elie Wiesel’s, wisdom as my text: “I have not lost faith in God, I have moments of anger and protest. Sometimes I’ve been closer to God for that reason.” On our Festival Day, Friends of Music will sponsor Carver Cossey bringing his wonderful Gospel music at ten o’clock worship and a fiesta with musical entertainment, “Make Your Own Taco” food and “Big Wind Balloons” for all of us who are young-at-heart. Our revitalized Friends of Music is now led by Jim Palda, Ray Urwin, Barbara Paulson, Mary Bailey, Pat Albers, Burton Karson, Stacie Tibbets, Barbara Black, Clyde Dodge, Norris Battin, the Morrises and Dulsons. As sponsorship of our U2charist, Jazz Vespers, Celtic music at our Garden Party, and Carver Cossey this Saint Michael’s Day indicate, all is very well with our Friends of Music. During my twenty-eight years as your rector there have been several attempts to launch a pre-school (children 3-6 years of age) here. A group including Jim Palda, Melinda Rader, Susan Caldwell, Anne Conover, Jill Faller, Anne Warmington, Barbara Black, and Louise Stover has met several times and produced a timeline, agenda and vision. Anonymous parishioners have generously offered to pay the salary for a Director for the first year of development and the intent to have that Director hired by mid-October. I am among those who are enthusiastic about the growth of this new ministry at Saint Michael & All Angels. Our Vestry unanimously approved and ratified a resolution from the Board of our Endowment Fund (Norris Battin, Laird Blue, Craig Kennedy, Ray Pentz, Melinda Rader) to pay off Building Our Faith loans with funds from our Endowment Fund. Explanations will be forthcoming from others who understand finances much better than I do. What this means to me is that our Parish Church may soon be debt free. May being debt free enable us to breathe more freely and focus on our Program & Budget and the gaps in 2016 in both mission/outreach including Canterbury Irvine, theological education and the ministries through our Diocese and staff support. Truth is that outreach is not a program of the church but an outgrowth of our life in Christ, a recognition that mission is the outward life of our prayer and worship, the symbol of the richness of God working in our lives. A church reaches outwardly


A LETTER TO THE PARISH FROM THE JUNIOR WARDEN DEAR FRIENDS AND FELLOW PARISHIONERS: No doubt you have heard over the past year a discussion concerning the growth of our church and the requisite rectory we need. I am extremely pleased to offer substantial good news about this endeavor. A very kind and most generous parishioner has stepped forward and challenged our congregation to match his pledge of $400,000.00 to jump start this endeavor. If Saint Michael & All Angels can raise an equal amount, we will receive from him this most significant sum. With the support of our Rector, Peter Haynes and your Vestry, we are preparing to diligently approach this challenge and requirement. I will have a comprehensive update to this notice in the coming issue of For the Love of Mike. In the interim, if you have any comments you wish to have considered, please contact me. I am always available for you. With prayerful thoughts, Donald Sheetz Junior Warden

Celebrate our Patron Saint

SUPPORT ST. MIKE’S FRIENDS OF MUSIC! Sunday, September 25 Following 10am Worship Music! Entertainment! Food! Balloons!



CONTRIBUTIONS WERE MADE TO THE RECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND most recently by Josh & Erica Thomas Bates in thanksgiving for the celebration and blessing of their marriage; by Barbara & Wally Paulson in thanksgiving for their 60th wedding anniversary; and by Andy Guilford in gratitude for All Angels’ basketball court. These funds extend our Parish’s mission of outreach, providing for such needs as can be helped by financial assistance.

* * * FINANCE REPORT: Committed pledges for the year were behind $16,000 at the end of July, but nonpledge donations exceeded budget by $5,400 which offset some of this shortfall. We are $10K behind our net income plan year-to-date. Expenses for the first seven months were exactly as planned, so we are doing a good job of sticking to the budget on that side; we just need to encourage the steady receipt of planned pledges so that we will be able to meet our budget by year end. Thanks to all who have kept up with their pledge donations, they are greatly appreciated! In August, the Vestry voted to pay off the existing Building Our Faith loan by using some funds from our Endowment Fund. An Endowment Committee did a lot of research and presented this to the Vestry. The exact amount of the pay-off and money used from the Endowment Fund will be published after the Diocese reviews this plan and accepts our proposal. Pledge and Giving statements will be generated at the end of September. We will have them available for everyone after Sunday worship services in October. We are always in need of Tellers to count money after 10am worship. Please consider volunteering for this very important job. Julie Jenkins, Finance Chairman

Senior Warden............................Myrna Ireland Junior Warden.............................Donald Sheetz Christian Education....................Melinda Rader Clerk of the Vestry...............................Jill Faller Building and Grounds................Tom Nicholson


OUR BEAUTIFUL ROSE GARDEN: Since her retirement as Clerk of the Saint Michael & All Angels Vestry, Karlene Miller has assumed the duties of caring for Saint Michael’s Rose Garden by forming and leading “The Rose Commission.” “Now, please don’t be put-off by the official sound of commission,” says Karlene. “We could really use some more volunteers. And you don’t have to be an experienced gardener to become one. After a brief training, all are welcome to participate, even on an irregular basis. Training and tools will be available. “And, if you are unable to participate in the actual physical care of the Rose Garden, you can always make a donation: rose food/fertilizer and insect/ disease spray are always needed. We could use mulch annually, and two of our beloved bushes have gone to their ‘greater reward’ (old age - not my fault). “Sign up sheets are available after Sunday worship, or contact me directly,or 949.336.6215. Thank you!” Karlene Miller

* * * SENIOR FITNESS: An exercise class for seniors, using chairs, has been formed by Peggy Montgomery. It meets for an hour every week on Tuesdays at 1:30pm in the South Wing. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Peggy at 949.644.2239.

* * * ALL VETERANS INTERESTED IN JOINING A VETERAN'S MONTHLY SOCIAL GROUP: Please call Anthony Allen at 714.454.1305.The meetings are scheduled in the Oasis Event Center at noon, the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Proposed activities include: luncheon meetings, having fun, socializing and comradeship with other Veterans, guest speakers, sharing stories and interests, a helping hand to Veterans in need, and field trips to military/naval points of interest. ....Judy Brady

THE VESTRY Communications...........................Norris Battin Evangelism.............................Anne Warmington Finance.......................................Julie Jenkins Worship....The Very Rev’d Canon Peter D. Haynes

SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARIES Birthdays 1st - Linda Robertson 2nd - Peggy Jordan 4th - Libby Wallace 7th - Esther McNamee 8th - Beth Bianchi 9th - Ray Pentz 11th - Michael Boor 15th - Lynn Headley 22nd - Anne Conover 25th - Rebecca Welch 30th - Susan Zevnik

Baptisms 25th - Jeff Stone 29th - Anne Logie

Weddings 8th - Bob & Julie Jenkins 8th - Craig & Leslie Kennedy 9th - Marshall & Maria Solomon 18th - Richard & Susan Zevnik 25th - Jim & Lynn Headley

PHONE TREE MINISTRY: NEW MEMBERS NEEDED. Our goal is to contact every parishioner by phone once a month. This is a great opportunity to get to know others better and to share information, needs and suggestions about Saint Mike's. Please contact Ruth Poole at 949.644.9263. FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE is a publication of Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Corona del Mar, CA. Copy deadline is the second Wednesday of the month. We welcome letters and articles. Editor: Susan Beechner 949.644.0463

Mission...............................Barbara Stewart+ Stewardship.............................Matthew Shaw Fellowship.............................................OPEN Ombudsperson..........................Louise Stover (Senior Warden Coadjutor)........Mark Peterson


A REMINDER FROM YOUR SMAA COMMUNICATIONS TEAM. You have several options available to you to publicize your ministry or event throughout the SMAA community: this newsletter, our Facebook Page (, the weekly Sunday bulletin, the spoken word at announcement time, or even an email to our “digital parishioners.” Contact Norris Battin for the newsletter and Facebook, Susan Beechner for the bulletin and email, and Fr. Haynes for announcements (,,and

* * *

PARISH DIRECTORY UPDATE WILL BE PUBLISHED IN EARLY OCTOBER. If you would like your picture included in this update, or if you wish to replace an existing picture, then please email a jpg file to, or leave a photograph (which will be returned) with Susan Beechner in the Parish Office. It would be nice to get more pictures in the directory; we currently have less than two-thirds participation!

DO YOU HAVE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE? The parish is seeking a volunteer to train with our database administrator with the objective of ultimately assuming the position. Approximate commitment is about 1 - 2 hours per week, with an additional 6 – 8 hours at the end of each calendar quarter. Further time required if the database requires modification. Should be familiar with Microsoft Access and Visual Basic programming language or equivalent. Please contact Peter Coppen at or 714-656-8235 to discuss details.


SAINT MIKE’S ONLINE STUDY PROGRAM:Our parish has partnered with ChurchNext, an online learning site that offers religious education courses, to bring individual and group education programs to our members. Ecumenical and international, ChurchNext is a great resource to our Adult Christian Education program. Within the ChurchNext program, St. Mike’s has our own, unique school: “The Well: For Learning, Refreshment and Inspiration.” Through Ordinary Time 2016 you can try one of the ChurchNext courses free of charge by visiting their website. Suzanne Edwards-Acton’s (the wife of a former St. Mike’s associate) new Anglican rosary course is also offered. If you are interested in learning more or need a scholarship, please contact Susan Caldwell 949.644.0463 Ext.12.

* * *

Our parish history,“A Celebration of 50 Years,” is available for $15 from Lulu Press Twenty percent of the purchase price supports our parish budget. Every Saint Michael's family should have a copy of our history -- 51 pages of text, color photographs, and historical tables. It’s also a splendid gift for relatives and friends. Excerpts of the book are published on the parish website: www.


ANNUAL BISHOP'S GUILD GARDEN PARTY SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 24TH: The Bishop's Guild, which provides support for seminarians from the Diocese of Los Angeles, will hold its annual Garden Party fund-raiser on Saturday, Sept. 24, at the home of Bishop Jon Bruno and Mary Bruno. Join friends and seminarians for great food and beautiful hand-made quilts for sale and show. For information, contact Bishop's Guild president Donna Keller at 951.545.4218 or FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE - ADS NEEDED: Our newsletter is printed * * * by C & M Publications at no cost to St. Mike’s, thanks to the support of LOAVES & FISHES: In September the local businesses whose ads are we will collect $5.00 gift cards for found on the back of the calendar each Jack-in-the-Box, Burger King and month. If you or someone you know McDonalds for the patrons of the might like to become a sponsor, please soup kitchen. Monetary donations are call Susan Beechner in the parish office always welcome, too. Please make for more information. 949.644.0463 checks payable to Saint Michael’s, Ext.10. with Loaves & Fishes on the memo line. (Tax ID #95-2123746). Attention * * * Travelers: We are always collecting hotel/travel-size toiletries for shower PLEASE REMEMBER . . . Saint Michael & All Angels has a Parish kits for the homeless patrons. Emergency Fund, funded by parishioners and available to parishioners facing financial emergencies and needing economic * * * assistance. Requests should be directed to our rector or any member DO YOU HAVE A NEW EMAIL ADDRESS? Please contact of our Vestry. If you are able to with contribute to this fund, all gifts are welcome! changes or additions.


Our mission is to seek and share Jesus Christ as spiritual food for life’s journey.

3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625 949.644.0463 949.644.9247 FAX The Very Rev’d Canon

Peter D. Haynes, Rector [] Susan Caldwell Director of Christian Education [] Ray Urwin, D.M.A. Minister of Music [] The Rev’d Fennie Chang, Ph.D. Canterbury Irvine The Rev’d Canon Ray Fleming Assisting Priest The Rev’d Norm Freeman Assisting Priest The Rev’d Barbara Stewart, Ph.D. Assisting Priest Susan Beechner, Parish Secretary [] Marybeth Waniek, Bookkeeper []

WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday ( September 4, 2016 - May 29, 2017) Holy Eucharist 8am & 10am Sunday School 8:45am Adult Education 10am Nursery Care from 8:30am Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing-12 noon ABOUT SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, CORONA DEL MAR We are a Christian Community of the Anglican Communion who come to hear God’s word and receive and share the Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to have Christ live in us in order that in Christ we may live faithful and productive Christian lives. Our commitment to the Gospel is evangelical; our liturgical tradition catholic; our theology orthodox, but open to thought, reflection, and spiritual endeavor. We care about the world and strive to serve Christ in it.



Susan Caldwell




uly 8th marked the fifth year of our Vacation Bible School series, “Journey with the Saints”. It was a great time to celebrate a landmark year. Our theme was pilgrimage. The destinations this year were Santiago, Spain; Assisi, Italy; Alexandria, Egypt; and Paris, France. At 5:20pm, on each of the four July Friday sessions, Murry McClaren dutifully met and registered the youngsters and handed out special VBS T-shirts. From 5:30-6:00pm, Barbara Black led the VBS singing and worship time. A joyful sound could be heard in the sanctuary. Following the music time, in the North Wing, was the teaching time. On the first evening, Pat Albers talked to the children about her visit to Spain and the Santiago Cathedral, which is the destination of Camino Santiago de Compestello, a centuries old pilgrimage route. Darryl Stevens, a subdeacon and acolyte at Saint Michael & All Angels, demonstrated to the children how the thurible and incense could be lit and how the smoke reflected the prayers of the people. All the children had a chance to swing the thurible. Santiago Cathedral has a custom of lighting the “bumifero” at the noon Mass. The large thurible hangs from the ceiling there and is propelled from side to side by a rope, filling the cathedral with incense smoke. Anne Conover brought the children along the “Camino” on the Saint Michael & All Angels’campus grounds. Special symbolic shells marked the trail. Monarch butterflies, hummingbirds, green fig beetles and dragonflies shared the walkers’ day. One highlight en route, was when Julie Sheffield spoke in Spanish to the children as they arrived at the mondo grass and circle of bench rocks. She served them cups of Spanish hot chocolate. It was a true pilgrimage as the children walked from one meaningful site to the next. Stopping to reflect about Jesus and how His gospel message played out in the lives of the Saints: Frances, Clare, Monica, Augustine, Saint James the Greater and Joan of Arc. Continued on page 7

Peggy Teri Brad Nadine Suzie Mary Betty Lauree Michele Jan Fred Joanne Norm GUIDANCE Esther Whitney Scott, Samantha, Shelby Julie Cliff Alice Dale Bill REPOSE Edward P. Allen+ Bob Jenkins THANKSGIVING - with the Zevniks, - for Matthew Poska’s and Esther McNamee’s birthdays - in loving memory of Berdel Bubb, and Pat Call Esther McNamee for prayer requests 949.640.1749

LEST WE FORGET: There have been 4,520 American military casualties in and around Iraq, and 2,372 in Afghanistan, Syria and other locations. "Lord hear our prayers for those who are dead and for those who mourn."

* * * IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN OUR NEW WEBSITE, please check it out! It is refreshed and features beautiful design and up-to-date information! Click on





Rector’s Desk from page 1

By Clyde Dodge

only as far as it reaches inwardly. May we dare to tell the story of our own lives in order to give voice to others, going to places where Good Friday is still the average 24hour day and Easter light comes just moment by moment. Having celebrated my 70th birthday and realizing that retirement must come within two years my daily prayers and activities are filled with what I still want to accomplish here and what I will do to serve God and sisters and brothers in Christ when I am no longer your rector. One need I have been advocating for several years is housing (manse/rectory/parsonage) for your next rector. Our Methodist, Congregational and, naturally, Roman Catholic neighbors do this and you will understand that there are few Episcopal priests who can afford to enter the housing market in our neighborhood. We do have a little over $200,000 designated for a “Manse Fund.” Now an anonymous parishioner has challenged us with an up to $400,000 “matching grant” offer which has been received by our Vestry with whole-hearted gratitude. Our Junior Warden, Don Sheetz, and I are praying about, and exploring, alternatives to raise the “matching” (up to) $400,000 and you will have more information by next month’s ...Love of Mike. “When are you going to retire?” is often asked of me. “Spring 2018, before my 72nd birthday that summer!” I have responded to Vestry and Staff and others. My faith is strong and my{alleged} mind is ... well, as always. As Ray Pentz says, “I’m in pretty good shape for the shape I’m in!” The shape my body is in, I am told by professionals with “M.D.” after their name, is par for the course for one who has played tennis, baseball, football, basketball, body surfed and run marathons. I have had to finally acknowledge that my spinal stenosis is severe and has cost me 3-4 inches in height; I can no longer put off replacement surgery on my left knee which was initially injured playing football in high school, and now I need (reverse) replacement surgery on my right shoulder. So, if my body can maintain rector-speed until Spring 2018 my spirit is eager!

ny really good novel written for children or teens is a novel that an adult will appreciate. “It Ain’t Awful, Falafel”(2016) is such a book. This novel is by Firouzeh Dumas, the author of the non-fiction book “Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America” (2003). “It Ain’t Awful, Falafel” will be of particular interest to readers from Saint Michael & All Angels, because it takes place in our community during the years from the summer of 1978 to the early days of 1981. A former parishioner even has a supporting role in this semiautobiographical tale. Firouzeh Dumas has many great strengths as a writer. She is very funny, and there is humor on almost every page of “It Ain’t So Awful, Falafel.” She is an observer and chronicler of human nature, and is adept at depicting both the best and worst aspects of human behavior, which she uses to great effect in this novel. Zomorod (Cindy) Yousefzadeh has just moved to Newport Beach from Compton. Her father is an engineer in the oil industry of Iran, and has a job working with an American oil company in Southern California. Cindy is the name Zomorod has chosen to use in America. The early part of the book details her search for

a friend in her new community, and her experiences in middle school, which was at the time Lincoln School, next door to Saint Michael & All Angels. She lives in a condominium in an unnamed area that all Saint Mikes’ readers would recognize as Eastbluff, but she spends much of her time in the story visiting friends in Harbor View Hills. She joins a Girl Scout troop run by a Mrs. Stahr. (Yes, that Mrs. Stahr…Elizabeth Stahr, former parishioner and, with her husband, John, Newport Beach Citizen of the Year for 2016.) Dramatic tension in the story arises when the Iranian Revolution and the subsequent hostage crisis capture the attention of Americans, which has some unpleasant consequences for Cindy and her family. Mrs. Dumas dealt with this period of history in a few chapters of “Funny in Farsi,” but here she explores in greater depth the way in which this situation brings out the good and the bad in people. Any adult should find this an incredibly entertaining and moving novel. If you have children, reading this together can be a springboard to some very thoughtful and important discussions, especially in light of current political trends in the United States. You will share more than a few laughs along the way. <

Yours, In Christ -


Journey with

the Saints on Pilgrimage




St. Mike’s Social Media For parish events and activities: www. SMAACDM For daily worship and meditations plus news from our diocese, the Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion, and global religion news: The Daily Mike SMAAdailymike/timeline And also: SMAA Friends of Music SMAAFriendsofMusic St. Mike’s website: Parish email: For the Love of Mike online (color edition with live links and back issues): Use the Issuu app on either Facebook page

Instagram: Stmikessocal

WE NEED Greeters, Ushers, Tellers, and Altar Guilders. Please contact Canon Haynes if interested.


fter a little research, I conclude that our parish is not intensely connected to the digital world. I know that given our parish demogaphics, many of you will say that this is not particularly bad news. Some may even rejoice! But nevertheless, I thought you might like to see what’s happening in cyberspace in the Anglican Communion and a few parishes close to home. My metric is a fairly well-regarded statistic called Facebook “likes,” the number of people that indicate on a Facebook page that they indeed do like it. For example, The Episcopal Church Facebook page, as of this writing, has 153,293 “likes,” The Archbishop of Canterbury’s page 129,074, the Diocese of Los Angeles 3,225, and the Compass Rose Society 1,057. (If you’re not familiar with Facebook, you can find these pages on the Worldwide Web by going to and entering the name in the box that says, “Search Facebook.” Let’s have a look at some local parish’s Facebook “likes.” To begin with, Saint Michael & All Angels’ Corona del Mar’s two Facebook pages have a total of 158 “likes”-- 127 on the activities and events page and 22 on the page featuring daily worship and broader religious news. (No, the thousands are not missing!) By comparision, St. Paul’s, Tustin has 947, St. Wilfrid of York Church, Huntington Beach 600, St. John Chrysostom Church, Rancho Santa Margarita 428, Episcopal Church of the Messiah, Santa Ana 366, Saint James the Great 328, St John the Divine, Costa Mesa 257, St Andrew’s Church, Irvine 127, and Trinity Church, Orange 27. In total, that’s 3,001 Facebook “likes” in this quick, unscientific sample of nine parishes of the 22 in Deaneries 9 and 10 in the Diocese of Los Angeles. I don’t have any “likes per parishioner” figures which might make a more meaningful measure of parish digital intensity and, of course, each parish has it’s own demographics, missions, and culture that may make them more or less digital in their outlook. No conclusions here, just observations.


DIGITAL NOTES: REMINDER: The parish website is now The previous site, while still accessible, offers no current information. It’s all on the new site. Our Facebook pages have been redesigned (by Facebook) and are easier to navigate than before: and w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / SMAAdailymike/timeline.

* * * CHRISTMAS IS COMING! Plan now for our annual Alternative Gift Fair on Sunday, November 13th. Your favorite places to find gifts for family and friends will be there, plus the opportunity to support many different outreach projects with your giftgiving. And Michael's Market, featuring your handmade items for sale, will be returning again. Please think about how you can participate!

* * * ACOLYTES NEEDED: Do you have one hour to offer this parish each month? Would you like to participate in the worship service on Sundays by carrying the Cross or lighting the candles? Acolyting is a valuable ministry in the life of Saint Michael & All Angels. Please contact Susan Caldwell if you are interested in learning more about this ministry, or to volunteer! 949.644.0463 x 12.

* * * ADULT ACOLYTE CAPTAINS NEEDED: The ministry commitment is based on a rotation Sunday schedule and on an “as needed” basis depending upon the liturgical calendar year. Contact Susan Caldwell, Director of Christian Education, 949.644.0463 ext.12, if you would like to take part in the Acolyte Ministry at Saint Michael & All Angels.

Food for thought? I’d be most interested in your ideas about St. Mike’s digital presence and how we should use Facebook and other electronic tools in our ministries. Please drop me a note at I’ll look forward to hearing from you. <

Calendar of Ev ents At Saint Mic hael & All Ang els Events Michael Angels

Senior Fit, 1:30-2:30 p.m., SW Whiz Kids, 9:15 a.m.-11:20 p.m., 1:45-5:00 p.m., AAC Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC AA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., SW


Whiz Kids, 9:15 a.m.-11:20 p.m., 1:45-5:00 p.m., AAC Men’s Group, 7:30-9:00 a.m., DL Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC Parish Choir Rehearsal (begins 9/15)

Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:15-11:20 a.m. Coach Jon, 1:15-2:45 p.m., AAC (begins 9/23) AA meeting, 7:00-10:00 p.m., SW

Coptic Christian Church, 7:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m., Sanctuary Coach Jon Basketball 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m., AAC begin 9/17)




Wednesday AA meeting, 7:00-8:00 a.m., SW Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:15 a.m.-11:20 p.m., 1:45-5:00 p.m., AAC Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing, Noon Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC SAA meeting, 7:30-9:00 p.m., SW

Volleyball, 3:30-6:30, AAC St. Mike’s Basketball, 7:00-9:00 p.m., AAC


Nursery Care from 8:30 a.m. (9/4 only) Holy Eucharist at 9:00 a.m. (9/4 only) Summer Sunday School at 9:00 a.m., Yellow Room (9/4 only) Sundays-at-Ten, 10:00 a.m., DL (9/4 only) Beginning Sunday, September 11th Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Sundays-at-Nine, 9:00 a.m., DL Nursery Care from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Godly Play, children 4-11, Yellow Room Formation, 5th-8th grade, Green Room J2A, high school, 2nd & 4th Sundays, Corner Room



DL - Davis Library NW - North Wing GR - Blue Room, AAC

SW - South Wing YR - Yellow Room, AAC RR - Red Room, AAC

Blessing of the Animals Honoring Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi Parish Office closed for Columbus Day Newport Center Methodist Church Fall Festival, Parking Lot Daylight Saving ends - Fall Back! Polling Place in AAC - Vote today! Alternative Gift Fair, MR Alternative Gift Fair II, MR (-


Staff Meeting, 9:30 a.m., DL Life Line Screening, 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m., AAC Final Sunday Worship at 9:00 a.m. Parish Office closed for Labor Day Holiday Vestry Meeting, 6:00-8:00 p.m., CR Citizens’ Climate Lobby, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., DL Sunday Worship returns to 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Registration Choir Returns Adult Christian Education Meeting, 11:30 a.m., CR Hutchins Consort Board, 5:00 p.m., CR Senior Ministry, 2:00 p.m., CR Deadline for October For the Love of Mike, 5:00 p.m. Worship Commission, 11:30 a.m., CR Deanery X Clericus Meeting, 9:00-11:00 a.m., MR The Bible Challenge, 7:30 p.m., DL Saint Michael & All Angels’ Day Observed Carver Cossey & Gospel Music at Worship Fiesta following: Music, Balloons, Make-Your Own Tacos Spyglass Hill Homeowners Board, 6:00-9:00 p.m., CR Women’s Fellowship, 7:00 p.m., Bianchi’s Home

Meeting Rooms: AAC - All Angels’ Court MR - Michael’s Room CR - Conference Room

Mon. Oct. 10th Sat., Oct. 15th Sun., Nov. 6th Tues., Nov. 8th Sun., Nov. 13th Sun., Nov. 20th

Sun., Oct. 2nd

Tues., Sept. 27th

Sun., Sept. 18th Thurs., Sept. 22nd Sun., Sept. 25th

Tues., Sept. 13th Wed., Sept. 14th

Thurs., Sept. 1st Fri., Sept. 2nd Sun., Sept. 4th Mon., Sept. 5th Wed., Sept. 7th Sat., Sept. 10th Sun., Sept. 11th



S T. M I C H A E L & A L L A N G E L S W O U L D L I K E T O T H A N K T H E S E B U S I N E S S E S F O R M A K I N G O U R N E W S L E T T E R P O S S I B L E



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VBS from Page 4 Michael Kiper shared his testimony as Saint James the Great. Dale Woolley acted as Saint Frances and Stacie Tibbets, Saint Clare. Elizabeth and Evans Henry teamed up to portray the mother and son story of Saint Monica and Saint Augustine. What a great example to us is Saint Monica and her devotion, as her life reminds us to never stop praying for our loved ones! Matthew Kiper and Emily Faller gave special presentations related to hiking and water safety. Katherine Cash, a guest violinist, a graduate of Juilliard, spoke to the children about the differences between French music and other European music. Anne Conover closed the last evening out of Vacation Bible School as the visionary and loyalist to her country, Joan of Arc. A special highlight was the presentation of Amany Fafla and Anna Simone Soliman regarding the Coptic Christian Church. As many of you may already know, the Coptic Christian Church meets in the Saint Michael & All Angels sanctuary on Saturdays. Amany and Anna Simone are members. Amany talked about the history of the Coptic Egyptian Church and its founder Saint Mark. Did you know that when a person in confirmed in the Coptic Egyptian Church, the laying on of hands coming from the bishop, goes all the way back to Saint Mark? For us, our line goes back to Saint Peter. After the Resurrection, when the Apostles proportioned different areas of the known world to share the Gospel, they set up churches and bishoprics. What a great tradition and rich heritage we have when we perform a Confirmation Worship Service! Vacation Bible School is a success each year due to the many parish members who volunteer their time and make donations. Rebecca Welch, one of our resident historians and college professors, spoke to the children about the port city of Alexandria and life on the Mediterranean in ancient civilization. The children took their ships past one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the lighthouse of Alexandria or Pharos. The architect of the lighthouse was Sostratus of Cnidus. Built of stone, construction of the lighthouse began in 280 BC. It was destroyed by earthquake in 1480. This is just one


of the examples of how we approach Vacation Bible School, by going over history and geography and how it relates to our Christian tradition. Louise and Corinne Stover, Julie and Julia Jenkins, Julie Sheffield, Myrna Ireland and Claire and Brad Wheatley did a brilliant job in preparing and serving the food. Louise prepared Spanish paella and tapas for the children on the first night, Journey to Spain. With great curiosity and for some, reservation, the children tried the seafood dish and salty pancetta. Amany Fafla provided the baklava and cheese pastries on the third night’s Journey to Egypt. For France, Clare and Brad Wheatley made sure that the children had plenty of croissants, five types of cheeses and fruit to enjoy. Vacation Bible School’s final 30 minutes always ends with crafts and games. All Angels’ Court becomes a bustling room full of energy and activity. Children have fun bowling, bouncing balls, working with clay, painting, pitching bean bags and rolling hula hoops. We gave out plenty of prizes, and a fun time was had by all. Meanwhile, the parents of the pilgrims enjoyed their time together by going out to eat and making Friday night a special date night. Food, fun and fellowship is had at all levels of our parish ministry. Everyone is welcome. Next year, we look forward to Journey with the Saints to Asia! If you have a story or travel adventure to share about China, Japan, and or Hawaii, please see me! It is never too soon to start thinking about next year, and our wonderful Vacation Bible School Program!! <

PLEASE CHECK THE FORWARD MOVEMENT DISPLAY RACK ON THE WALL IN MICHAEL’S ROOM. Pick up a pamphlet or two to share with family and friends. A donation box is provided. For this month: The short pamphlet, “Ten Ways to Relax and Reconnect with God” will speak to many of us who feel “stressed out.” The author is Richard H. Schmidt, editor and director of “Forward Movement.” He encourages the reader to take Sabbath time seriously. The human soul and body need renewal and recovery. “Sabbath time is not valued today and is therefore neglected. Ask someone what she did today and she will hesitate to say, ‘Nothing—I did nothing.’ But there’s nothing wrong with doing nothing. In fact it is divine to do so. After creating the world, God sat back for a while and did nothing.” Once you make a decision to honor your Sabbath time, whichever day or part of a day you choose, begin slowly to make changes in your life. The author offers nine suggestions, including “throw away your wrist watch, fast, read something different, keep a journal, and say no.” -Ruth Poole MEN’S GROUP: Meets on Thursdays at 7:30am in the Davis Library to discuss questions relating to theology, science, and philosophy. All men are welcome.

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A Prayer for Guidance Heavenly Father, in you we live and move and have our being: We humbly pray you so to guide and govern us by your Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our life we may not forget you, but may remember that we are ever walking in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP Page 100)

SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE! SET UP DIRECT GIVING TO SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS: Pledge payments can now be scheduled using web banking. You can set up regular, recurring payments for your annual pledge and leave your checkbook at home on Sundays. This payment method is completely optional. You can continue to place pledge envelopes in the collection plates if you wish (empty or with a note saying you gave on-line). Note that regular, recurring payments help the church maintain a healthy cash flow, especially useful during the summer months when many are on vacation. For details and instructions call Marybeth Waniek, our bookkeeper, in the parish office 949.644.0463, Ext. 15. She will be happy to help you simplify your life!




Labor Day in the United States is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September and marks the unofficial end of summer. It honors the American Labor Movement and the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of the country. (Summer officially ends at the September Equinox, anytime between September 21-24.) Beginning in the late 19th century, as trade and labor movements grew, different groups chose a variety of days on which to celebrate labor. In 1882, Matthew Maguire, a machinist serving as secretary of New York's Central Labor Union, is reputed to have been the first person to suggest the first Monday in September, between summer and fall, to be the appropriate day to celebrate labor. In 1887, Oregon became the first American state to make Labor Day an official public holiday. Following the death of workers at the hands of U.S. Army troops and U.S. Marshals serving during the bloody Pullman Strike of 1894, the


U.S. Congress, in expiation for the role the federal government played in that tragic affair, unanimously voted to approve legislation making Labor Day a national holiday. President Grover Cleveland signed the legislation into law six days after the strike ended. All U.S. States, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, and Canada have made Labor Day a statutory holiday. Celebration of Labor Day has traditionally included parades, festivals, and speeches by prominent men and women emphasizing the civil significance of organized labor. Labor Day marks the end of the summer vacation season and the beginning of many fall and winter sports; the southern NASCAR 500 auto race has been held in Darlington, South Carolina on Labor Day Weekend since 1950. Labor Day is also the middle point between weeks one and two of the U.S. OPEN Tennis Championship held in Flushing Meadows, New York; and, many school districts begin classes the Wednesday after Labor Day, making it the first 3-day week of the school year.

The American Federation of Labor at its 1909 Convention declared that the Sunday before Labor Day should be dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of Labor Day. Amen. <

Come, labor on Come, labor on! who dares stand idle, on the harvest plain While all around him waves the golden grain? And to each servant does the Master say, Go work today. Come, labor on! Claim the high calling angels cannot share— To young and old the Gospel gladness bear; Redeem the time; its hours too swiftly fly. The night draws nigh. c/o/m/l/comlabor.htm

FOR THE LLO OVE OF MIKE Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church A Christian Community of the Anglican Communion 3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625

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