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FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE Volume 63 Number 8


The Episcopal Church of Saint Michael Pacific View Drive at Marguerite


Corona del Mar


California 92625


...From the Desk of the Rector

BELOVEDS IN CHRIST, Sanctuary refurbishment is happening as I write this. Hopefully, when you read this we will be enjoying a brighter, cleaner, safer worship. Amid details like “How much light should we bring into our sanctuary?” “What color paint?” “Can we brighten pews?” “What will enhance acoustics?” “Concrete, carpet or tile?” “A rug for the center aisle?” “How much can we afford given generous donations from so many beloveds?” . . . I have pondered a seemingly different question: “What makes space sacred?” Here are four responses to “What makes space sacred? ” First: We make space sacred by our intention. The simple act of gathering with the intention to open ourselves to God and to our neighbors creates a sacred space. We light candles; we create sounds; we pause; we pray. Through simple actions we make room for the unpredictable nature of God’s Spirit to enter into the equations of our lives. Second: We make space sacred through sharing life together. Weekly worship, holy baptisms, celebrations and blessings of marriages, celebrations of lives and burial of mortal remains of those preceding us to God’s heavenly banquet table all resonate throughout sacred space. I could detail so many stories. . . . Such resonance can lead to a sense that we can’t change anything in the space, because then it won’t look the same as when we celebrated a major event in this body-bound chapter of our lives; however, preserving a memory does not make a space more or less sacred, it simply anchors us in the past. Third: Our capacity to experience sacred space lies in our capacity to move from moment to moment, in other words, to be present to what is now. The more we practice this, the more we experience the now-of-life, and each moment presents itself in all its God-drenched sacredness.Throughout Jesus’ life we see his immense capacity to be present to what is and remain connected to God through the worst that human beings can inflict upon one another. When that kind of life begins to stir in us, then the act of coming to worship becomes a joy! What amazing grace to join with others in thanksgiving for what is, tell the truth about the complexity of our lives, offer it all up to God and receive strength to walk through this world as agents of God’s purposes for the world. Sacred space occurs when you and I join with God/Christ Jesus/Holy Spirit to become bread for the world, offer healing and hope, and work to promote true justice and lasting peace.

& All Angels 949.644.0463


PARISH NEWS & NOTES Stewardship Celebration September 8, 2013 11:30am All Angels’ Court Music, catered lunch (no charge)

Guest Speaker: The Rt. Rev’d Catherine Roskam, former Bishop Suffragan of New York (See bio on page 3)

FELLOWSHIP PLANS FESTIVE FALL Fall is fast approaching, and that means our Saint Michael's Day Celebration can't be far behind. On Sunday, September 29th following l0am worship, we will celebrate our patronal feast day with a party in All Angels' Court, so put that date on your calendar, and watch your Sunday bulletins for further details. And don't forget to mark your calendar for the first Sunday in October, October 6th, too, when we will honor Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi with our annual Blessing of the Animals. --Teri Corbet

Continued on page 3

More News & Notes on page 2 & 7






(MORE) PARISH NEWS AND NOTES CONTRIBUTIONS WERE MADE TO THE RECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND most recently by Marilyn & Bob Whiton and by Jack & Marilyn Towner in thanksgiving, by Frances Fukuda in memory of Paul, and by Melinda Rader in celebration of the marriage of her daughter Kate with Nathan Eaton.These funds extend our Parish’s mission of outreach, providing for such needs as can be helped by financial assistance.

* * * THE 2ND ANNUAL CANTERBURY CUP GOLF CLASSIC, benefiting our Episcopal Church’s Canterbury Campus Ministry at U.C. Irvine, will be held the afternoon of Saturday, October 12, 2013, at Rancho San Joaquin Golf Course in Irvine. Jackie Dodd is coordinating Saint Michael & All Angels’ participation. You are very welcome to participate!

* * * IN THE ABSENCE OF A VESTRY/ CHAIRPERSON FOR OUR BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMISSION, if you have a concern about our campus, please put notes in cubbie/boxes in our Parish Office for both “Buildings & Grounds” and “Sexton” (parish custodian). Thank you.

* * * PLEASE CHECK the lost and found box next to the tract rack in Michael’s Room.

* * * THE MEN’S GROUP: Each week we discuss a chapter or two of a book, typically on theology, philosophy and science. We meet 7.30-9.00am each Thursday in Davis Library. All men welcomed regardless of faith or lack of it. Senior Warden...............................Lynn Headley [] 714.963.5932 Junior Warden................................Paul Multari [ 949.500-8891 Christian Education.......................Barbara Black [] 949.375.3048 Clerk of the Vestry...................... ...Karlene Miller [] 949.336.6215 Building and Grounds.............................[Open]

THE PARISH DIRECTORY WILL BE UPDATED IN EARLY OCTOBER. If you would like your picture in the directory, or if you want to replace an existing picture, please email digital images to Peter Coppen at Alternatively, you may leave photographs in the office with Susan Beechner (these will be returned).

* * * SANCTUARY RENOVATION UPDATE: Saint Michael's is renovating its sanctuary for the first time in 22 years. The committee is led by Lynn Headley and Murry McClaren and includes Myrna Ireland, Esther McNamee, Anne Warmington, Fred Salter, Chuck Vaughan, Ian Harrison, Doug Neff, Cathy Dunlap and Peter Haynes. George Line, our contractor, gave us the best bid, and work began on Monday, August 12, when twelve people helped to pack away the artifacts and paintings from the sanctuary for safe keeping. On Tuesday morning the contractor and his crew began their work and pulled up the old carpeting. The funding for the project has raised $51,000 and more money is needed to cover any overruns that may occur. (For example, when the carpeting was removed, more major concrete damage than was expected was revealed.) We thank you for all of your contributions and hope the refurbishment will be successfully completed by September 7th! READ ABOUT THIS YEAR’S JOURNEY PROGRAM ON PAGE 6

VESTRY MEMBERS 2012 Communications...........................Clyde Dodge [ 949.375.1530 Evangelism.................................Melinda Rader [] 949.230.3644 Fellowship......................................Teri Corbet [] 714.964.5505

Anniversaries in September Birthdays 1st - Linda Robertson 2nd - Peggy Jordan 4th - Libby Wallace 7th - Esther McNamee 8th - Beth Bianchi 9th - Ray Pentz 10th - Diana Brookes 11th - Michael Boor 13th - DJ Hulet 15th - Lynn Headley 21st - Shirley Anderson 22nd - Anne Conover 23rd - Marguerite Jackson 25th - Rebecca Welch 30th - Susan Zevnik Baptisms 25th - Jeff Stone 29th - Anne Logie Weddings 8th - Bob & Julie Jenkins Craig & Leslie Kennedy 9th - Marshall & Maria Solomon 18th - Richard & Susan Zevnik 25th - Jim & Lynn Headley

FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE is a publication of Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Corona del Mar, CA. Copy deadline is the second Wednesday of the month. We welcome letters and articles. Editor: Susan Beechner 949.644.0463

Finance...........................................Jim Palda [] 626.533.8037 Mission......................................Gail Haghjoo [] 714.553.7120 Stewardship...................................Joan Short [] 949.644.0719 Worship.The Very Rev’d Canon Peter D. Haynes [] 949.644.0463



Continued from page 1 Fourth and finally: We can attend to some basic details of our sacred space. How does the stranger find welcome? Is all “decent and in order”? Do you find in the space a strong visual focus that lifts you and others out of ourselves? Do colors change with shifting seasons of the church year? Are sounds and smells stimulating? Do we encourage imagination, creativity, spontaneity? The bottom-line is, I think, that no one thing makes a space sacred but, rather, everything held gently in love. May this be so for you in our newly refurbished sanctuary!

Yours, in Christ -

We give you thanks, O God, for the gifts of your people, and for the work of many hands, which have beautified this place and furnished it for the celebration of your holy mysteries. Accept and bless all we have done, and grant that in these earthly things we may behold the order and beauty of things heavenly; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. -BCP page 573



ntil the end of 2011, Bishop Roskam oversaw the 66 congregations of Region II of the diocese of New York, including Westchester, Rockland and Putnam Counties, providing support for congregational development, clergy care and leadership training. Her vision for mission includes a deep commitment to youth and young adults and to cultural and racial inclusiveness. Bishop Roskam served on the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church as Chair of the International Concerns Committee and is a representative from the Episcopal Church to the Anglican Consultative Council. She was instrumental in founding the Global Women's Fund, a diocesan program devoted to empowering women in the developing world, as well as The Carpenter's Kids. Prior to her call to the episcopacy, Bishop Roskam served as missioner for the Episcopal Diocese of California and in various parishes both in California and New York, including Holy Apostles, Manhattan, where she did extensive AIDS work and also developed the counseling and referral service for Holy Apostles.




n Saturday, September 21, from 9am-12:30pm, The Rev’d Rachel Nyback will present a Safe Church Seminar at Saint Michael & All Angels. I attended this seminar last Spring at All Saints Episcopal Church, Beverly Hills, and I wholeheartedly encourage anyone who is in ministry, LEM, Vestry, Staff, Sunday school teachers, nursery care workers and all other committee members at Saint Michael & All Angels to attend. The Rev’d Rachel has a great sense of humor and is an engaging conversationalist. The morning hours will pass quickly as we watch three short DVDs about making a church a safe place for all and have a discussion following each The DVDs are staged acting scenarios presented by the Diocesan Pension Fund. Once you have completed the day, and turned in your address and signature, a certificate will be issued from the diocese in your name. This Certificate of Compliance will be good for five years. The importance of having as many parishioners as possible attend this seminar is twofold. First of all, Saint Michael & All Angels, as a church body, needs to be in compliance with the procedures of the Diocese of Los Angeles. Right now, we are behind in the numbers of parishioners who are involved in ministry at SMAA who have completed the training and obtained this certificate. The Certificate of Compliance is not dependent on working only with children, but rather with all age levels. Secondly, having the same working vocabulary and vision as a parish is a key to success. As a church grows, new people look to become part of the parish, and it is helpful and beneficial to us as a church body to have a basic understanding how to treat children, the elderly and other adults. If we have all viewed the same material, then we all know what is expected and can communicate accordingly. Knowing the protocol is of great help in the event of a concern, problem or crisis. So, please mark your calendars for September 21, 9:00am-12:30pm, for the Making the Church a Safe Place Workshop. We will welcome The Rev’d Rachel Nyback, Rector of Saint Cross Episcopal Church, Hermosa Beach, an informative and engaging guest speaker. Refreshments will be provided. U


nited Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through United Thank Offering, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings. Those who participate in UTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity. United Thank Offering is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the UTO monies to support mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church and in Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the developing world. U




Vacation Bible School 2013

Our mission is to seek and share Jesus Christ as spiritual food for life’s journey.

The Very Rev’d Canon

Peter D. Haynes, Rector [] Susan Caldwell Director of Christian Education [] Bob Grant Interim Minister of Music [] The Rev’d Fennie Chang, Ph.D., Canterbury Irvine The Rev’d Canon Ray Flemming Assisting Priest The Rev’d Jefferson Hulet Assisting Priest The Rev’d Barbara Stewart, Ph.D., Assisting Priest Susan Beechner, Parish Secretary [] Donnie Lewis, Bookkeeper []

WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday Holy Eucharist 8am & 10am Sunday School 10am Adult Education 9am Nursery Care provided from 9:30am Tuesday HE, MP, alternating Tues. at 7:30am Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Peace and Healing-12 noon ABOUT SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS CORONA DEL MAR

We are a Christian Community of the Anglican Communion who come to hear God’s word and receive and share the Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to have Christ live in us in order that in Christ we may live faithful and productive Christian lives. Our commitment to the Gospel is evangelical; our liturgical tradition, catholic; our theology orthodox but open to thought, reflection, and spiritual endeavor. We care about the world and strive to serve Christ in it.





3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625 949.644.0463 949.644.9247 FAX



ourney to the Sea of Galilee began on Friday, 5:30pm on July 12. This is the second summer to run the pilgrimage theme. Many of the pilgrims that attended last year returned to take the journey again. It was great to see the returning faces. Children attended from our parish, as well as from other churches in the community. Journey to the Sea of Galilee was lovingly supported by parish members. Donations and contributions were made in the food department and the acting department. Bruce and Merilee Bennett, Sam Horton, Tami Chapin, Cheryl Trobiani, Corinne Stover, Peggy Strong, Beth Bianchi, Clyde Dodge and Matthew Shaw all took on the mantle of story teller and tour guide, and the children enjoyed the “eyewitness” accounts that brought the Bible times to life. The central theme of VBS this year was to highlight Jesus’ miracles that took place around the Sea of Galilee. The miracles discussed were Jesus’ feeding the five thousand, his healing of Jairus’ daughter and ten lepers, his walking on water and stilling a storm, his compassion for a widow, and his great admiration for the faith of the friends who lowered the cripple through the roof of a building. The Vacation Bible School began at 5:30pm and ended at 7:45pm. The afternoon began with Murry McClaren and Peter Haynes greeting the children and passing out the T-Shirts and knapsacks. Next, Barbara Black taught music in the sanctuary. This took place during the first half of the hour. Following the music program, there was . a time of teaching and sharing. During the course of the four weeks, Annamarie Ballin, Norm Ewers, Evans Henry, Peter Haynes and

Continued on page 5

Olive Sally Rosemarie Dan Steve Hildy Noelle Beth Jojo Judy+ Clyde Nancy Norm Sue Bob Roberta Pat Mary Betty GUIDANCE Victor Kathy Diane Clyde Marcia John Corinne Louise Mike Sara Ann Steve Tami REPOSE Dorothy Pierose Brooke Hopkins Bob Bellah THANKSGIVING - for the lives of Paul Fukuda, Shirley Moore, Patricia Schreiber; - for Matthew Valentine Poska’s birthday; - with the Zevniks; - with Lynne Ruedy for Jill and Ric; - with Melinda and the Rader/Bubb family for the marriage of Katherine & Nathan Eaton Call Esther McNamee for prayer requests 949.640.1749


Continued from page 4 Lynne Ruedy spoke of their own personal pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to The Sea of Galilee. On another occasion, Michael Strong reflected on how he came to Christ as a youth during a summer sports cricket camp in Britain. The older boys could relate to his stories of baseball and cricket. Mary Ellen Bowman shared about the United Thank Offering and how the VBS ministry of recycling plastic bottles would go to help UTO at home and abroad. Peggy Strong taught the children the story of the Loaves and Fishes. She then provided bread dough in which each child could shape and make his or her own loaf. The children were so happy to bring their fresh hot cooked loaf of bread home. Each Friday afternoon, the children took a pilgrimage around the Saint Michael & All Angels’ campus. Anne Conover was their guide and taught the children about bird migration in the Holy Land. Just as the children entered the gymnasium on the 4th Friday night, a pair of doves flew out from the eaves of the building. We were thankful for the peace that presided over the course of the VBS month. The children enjoyed their dinners of macaroni and cheese, fish sticks, bagels and other fruits and vegetables. On the last night, they were able to make their own personal pizza. Craft time followed the dinner hour. The opportunity to work with clay, make a tambourine, contribute to a mural of Loaves and Fishes, and make a mosaic was all part of Vacation Bible School craft time. Many thanks to all who participated in teaching, assisting, cooking, donating and cleaning up! The families of the participants were very thankful for this year’s program. We look forward to another blessed Vacation Bible School journey next year- 2014 Journey with the Apostles! U PHONE TREE MINISTRY: NEW MEMBERS NEEDED. Our goal is to contact every parishioner by phone once a month.This is a great opportunity to get to know others better and to share information, needs and suggestions about Saint Mike's. Please contact Ruth Poole at 949.644.9263.




native of sunny California, Bob began his professional career as a church organist at age thirteen. He is an organ and choral conducting graduate of Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, Arizona studying under Euel Belcher, Robert Clark of Arizona State University, Gerald Altman of New Orleans Theological Seminary, Louisiana, and Esther Jones here in Orange County; and graduate studies at Cal State Fullerton in choral conducting. Bob comes to us from St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Costa Mesa. During his 38 years in church music, he has served at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, St. Michael and All Angels, and North Phoenix Baptist Church, in Arizona, and St. Mary’s Episcopal, in Laguna Beach. He has served as professional accompanist for the Grand Canyon Mens Chorale of Phoenix, U.S. Air Force chapels, and Grand Canyon University and Arizona State University. He has performed in California and Arizona for the American Guild of Organists and choral workshops. Bob is an active member of the American Guild of Organists (since 1985) serving as Sub Dean (2002), newsletter editor (1996); American Choral Directors Association, Church Music Association of America, and Association of Anglican Musicians.U

PRAYERFUL FELLOWSHIP FOR WOMEN: You are invited to join Beth Bianchi and Melinda Rader for an evening of prayerful fellowship in Beth’s home at 7pm Tuesday, September 24th. They will be Discussing “The Four Agreements” by Don Ruiz. All women are invited to participate in this fellowship, which will continue to meet on the last Tuesday of each month. For directions to Beth’s home or to answer any questions you might have, please call either Beth, 949.721.0192 or Melinda, 949.230.3644. U

Mission Ministry Minute



Gail Haghjoo

This month I would like to tell you about Saint Michael’s support of “America’s Children” previously known as “Children of The Americas”, which helps poor children find health through nutrition and education. America’s Children was founded in 1974 by Paul Weiss when he saw the severe poverty that children in an orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico endured. They were the inspiration for the first 30 years of trying to make the world a better place for children. The work grew, and by 1984, the dream was expanded to reach children throughout our hemisphere, including children in the United States. Our Frances Haynes is a Trustee on the Board of Directors for “America’s Children” and has spearheaded countless food drives over the years to feed the children supported by the organization. “America’s Children” feeds breakfast to over 500 children 6 days a week in colonias near Tijuana, Mexico through 5 nutrition programs. A recent plea for support of their backpack program garnered a donation of $1,000 from Saint Michael’s Mission funds. These “Rainbow Backpacks” are filled with enough school supplies for one child for one year. And as many of these children walk miles to school, the pack is as important as the supplies. The gifts of food and the backpacks meet the two main purposes of “America’s Children” goals, supporting needy children with both nutrition and education to give them a better chance to grow-up and have productive lives. Frances will be gearing up for the “Metric Ton of Food” drive this fall as we gather food and donations to fill the pantries at the nutrition centers in Tijuana. Please give generously when she sends out the call. Your donation of food or money will make a difference in the lives of many children south of our border. “The 7am meal is prepared by 30-plus mother-volunteers in the colonias, and may include milk and fruit. Or hot cereal with raisins. Or pancakes. Or tortillas and cheese. Or beans and eggs. Too often, it’s the one full meal the kids get each day. After a meal and some TLC, the kids pray for all who help feed them and then head for school, ready to learn.” U




OURNEY will begin again this autumn in Advent and continue until the Great Vigil of Easter. JOURNEY, a program of spiritual growth and thoughtful exploration, is for adults who sense the need for something else in their lives of faith and who desire to engage their faith journey at a deeper level. JOURNEY arose in the realization that God’s call to each of us is unique and can come at any stage of our lives. It is dedicated to the historically Anglican recognition that growth in the spiritual life needs also to be grounded in a sound understanding of our faith, and is best attained in a supportive community. JOURNEY participants meet weekly at the church one evening per week, from 7pm to 9pm. Completing JOURNEY is a major commitment, but it’s an exciting journey which can transform our lives as individual Christians and as a community. If you’re interested in this year’s program, please send an e-mail to Fr. Jeff, or speak with him at church as soon as possible and let him know which weekday evening would be best for you. The schedule is not finalised and we will present the program on the evening which works best for the most people. In any case, you must speak with Fr. Peter, Susan Caldwell, or Fr. Jeff before November 1st to be included in this year’s group. Brochures explaining the JOURNEY program will be available in the back of the church and in Michael’s Room, and a complete JOURNEY schedule will be posted on the bulletin board in Michael’s Room. You can also receive either the brochure or schedule, or address any questions you have, via e-mail from Fr. Jeff: Please feel free to speak with any of last year’s JOURNEY group about their experiences. They can be very helpful as you discern whether JOURNEY is right for you now. Blessings to you all on your life’s journey with God. U WE NEED Greeters, Ushers and Altar Guilders. Please contact Canon Haynes if interested.



AROUND THE DIOCESE Tustin parish offers 'Seeds of Hope' program on gardens, feeding programs Tim Alderson, director of the diocese's Seeds of Hope program, will be the principal speaker at a "Seeds of Hope" event at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Tustin, on Saturday, Sept. 7, 9am - 2:30pm. Morning workshops will include: Fall Planting: A Review from the Master Gardeners; Tim Alderson’s Planting in Small Spaces: container vegetable gardening; Planting Perennial Vegetables, and a Q & A and garden tour with master gardeners. Alderson will speak on "What's this all about?" an explanation of the Seeds of Hope mission of using church properties to grow food for the needy of the diocese's communities. After-lunch discussion will center on sharing resources, focusing on the questions "What resources does your congregation have for food production and feeding?" and "What resource does your congregation need for food production and feeding?" For information and reservations, contact St. Paul's at 714.544.3141 or visit The church is located at 1221 Wass Street, Tustin 92780.

Singles invited to October retreat at Camp Stevens The Program Group for Single Adult Ministry will sponsor a retreat at Camp Stevens, concurrent with the camp's Harvest Hoe Down Weekend Oct. 11 - 13. The weekend program will include such activities as wine and beer tasting, campfire sing-along, a hayride, hiking, art activities and more. Cost per person for the weekend is $135, including accommodations in the Bishop's Lodge, activities, meals and snacks. Registration is now open: a deposit of $40.50 is required, and may be sent directly to Camp Stevens (please write "Single Adult Retreat” on the memo line) at P.O. Box 2320, Julian, CA 92036. For information, visit, the camp website or contact the Rev. Andrea Paddock, PGSAM chair, at

DOK, ECW offer bus rides to Joan Chittister talk on Sept. 21 The Daughters of the King and Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Los Angeles offer members of the diocesan community a bus ride to a special event at the ProCathedral of St. John featuring writer and lecturer Sister Joan Chittister speaking on "A World of Peace" at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21. The DOK is offering bus transport from any church in the diocese to the event (a minimum of five participants at each pick-up point is required). Cost of round-trip bus transportation is $10 per person: DOK will absorb additional costs. For reservations, send an email to Christine Budzowski by Wednesday, August 28, with the name of the group, the number of passengers and a contact person: The event is sponsored by the Guibord Center, which advocates for understanding among L.A.'s diverse faith communities. In the midst of both natural and human-made tragedies in today's world, Chittister will offer her own definition of compassion and present the scientific and religious/ philosophical stances and, finally, the human response. A Benedictine sister of Erie, Pennsylvania, Chittister is the author of more than 50 books. Among her latest is Following the Path: The Search for Passion, Purpose and Joy (Random House). The event is free and open to the public; donations are gratefully accepted. U

Holy Cross monks invite all to open house at new Mount Calvary Monastery The Holy Cross Benedictine monks of Mount Calvary Monastery invite the diocesan community to an open house from 3 to 6pm on Sunday, Sept. 15 (Holy Cross Day) at their newly acquired and newly named monastery home next to the Old Mission in Santa Barbara. Tea will be served beginning at 3pm; Vespers is at 5pm. For reservations, send an email to Mount Calvary Monastery (the former St. Mary's) is located at 505 East Los Olivos Street, Santa Barbara 93105.


(MORE) PARISH NEWS AND NOTES SAINT MICHAEL’S FINANCIAL UPDATE for JULY 2013: Preliminary YTD Income is $309,463. Our YTD Expense is $329,264. The parish Net Ordinary Income is ($19,800), which is $24,194 ahead of our plan. Our YTD Pledge Income is $252,557 which is $4,640 above our plan through the end of 2013. At the end of July 2012 our Net Ordinary Income was ($9,681) Our total operating cash balance is $201,542 of which $191,043 is designated gifts; leaving a net balance of $10,499. The Endowment Trust has a balance of $162,847. Please make sure that you keep your pledges current during the summer months.

* * * LOAVES AND FISHES: FOR SEPTEMBER: We will collect large boxes of children’s favorite cereals. Monetary donations are always welcome, too, and checks should be made payable to Saint Michael & All Angels, with Loaves and Fishes on the memo line. (Tax ID #95-2123746)


PLEASE REMEMBER THAT Saint Michael & All Angels has a Parish Emergency Fund funded by parishioners and available to parishioners facing financial emergencies and needing economic assistance. Requests should be directed to our rector or Junior Warden, Paul Multari, or any member of our Vestry. Currently there is $5,906 in this Fund. At one time there was more than $20,000 in the Parish Emergency Fund; so, if you are able to contribute, all gifts are welcome!

St. Mike’s Facebook Page SMAACDM “Like” us Read us every day for latest parish news, diocesean, TEC and AC updates, personal devotions, sacred music. A community within our community


PLEASE CHECK THE DISPLAY RACK ON THE WALL IN MICHAEL'S ROOM. Pick up a pamphlet or two to share with family and friends. A donation box is provided. This month we feature "Forgiveness - Who Needs It?" written by C. Fitzsimons Allison, onetime Bishop of South Carolina. It is a penetrating look into the meaning of forgiveness. "God's forgiveness is inaccessible to modern Christians so long as we substitute self-realization for salvation, sickness for sin, and avoid acknowledging our guilt before God." "Salvation is indeed true realization of the self, but the self's selfindulgence, self-centeredness, and self-damage must first be broken, turned and lost, washed, converted, buried, baptized before one can be healed and saved." A challenge to readers: Look to our “Book of Common Prayer” to find passages that aid us in understanding repentance and forgiveness. More information on these pamphlets can be found at www.forward

* * * HELP FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE: Thanks to your generosity in donating to this project, we have temporarily suspended our collection of food. Our cupboard is currently full to overflowing! (We will resume collecting whenever needed in the future.) Please call Murray McClaren with any questions; and THANK YOU ALL for your help!

* * * IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SPONSOR the Sanctuary Light or Altar Flowers in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for a birthday, anniversary, or other special event, please sign up on the board in the Parish Center and indicate the person or occasion to be remembered. The suggested donation for flowers is $30 and for the Sanctuary Light is $10. Please mark your donation for the Altar Guild.

NURSERY CARE IS AVAILABLE on Sundays from 9:30am.



Offer only household items for now, no clothing or furniture. Fill out the consignment sheet when you drop off your items. Indicate if you want the item back if it doesn’t sell or if we can donate it. A copy of the sheet is your receipt for taxes. Call Ken Norton for pickup: 714.815.7273. Items will be posted for sale on Ebay. Proceeds benefit Saint NEWSLETTER ADS: The ads on Michael & All Angels, and results will be the backside of the Calendar in For posted in For the Love of Mike. the Love of Mike are solicited for us by C & M Publications, who print our * * * newsletter for us at no cost to Saint Michael’s. If you have a business you LEST WE FORGET: There have been would like to advertise here, or know 4,489 American military casualties in of someone who would like to be Iraq, 2,128 in Afghanistan, and 130 in included with our advertisers, please other locations. contact Susan Beechner in the Parish "Lord hear our prayers for those who Office, 949.644.0463. are dead and for those who mourn." Please contact Susan Beechner with changes or additions.





share with you our sad goodbyes, and all our blessings and prayers to Stephen as he returns to the East coast to his family and new music adventures.It has been my great pleasure to work with Stephen in the past; and, it is my deep pleasure to serve you as interim until a new music director is selected. During this interim period I will begin a continuing series of articles titled Frequently Asked Questions on Sacred Music. Part 1 follows. Blessings, Bob Grant FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON SACRED MUSIC: Part 1, What is Sacred Music? Essentially sacred music is that which, being created for the celebration of divine worship, is endowed with a certain holy sincerity of form, according to the historic documents of the Christian church.


Sacred music surpasses merely religious music when it is joined to the liturgical rite to become a necessary and integral part of the solemn liturgy, whose purpose is the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful. As a manifestation of the human spirit music performs a function that is noble, unique, and irreplaceable. When it is truly beautiful and inspired, it speaks to us more than all the other arts of goodness, virtue, peace, of matters holy and divine. Not for nothing has it always been, and will it always be, an essential part of the liturgy. With this in mind, let’s consider the musical role of the organ and the choir in divine worship. The organ found its sacred roots by first and foremost supporting the Faithful’s sung prayer in hymns and service music; secondly, in supporting the role of the choir or schola. Finally, the organ provides what I call attendant music— improvisatory in nature, accompanies processions and other elements of the rite as needed, and provides a solemn and dignified nature to the liturgy with

preludes and postludes, music before and after the service. Likewise, the choir has its sacred roots and foremost role in supporting the Faithful’s sung prayer; but then finds its own unique purpose and higher call by speaking to or on behalf of God, or the Faithful. Let me take this opportunity, then, to invite you to participate in one of the available music groups, which you can find in this newsletter and the Sunday bulletin. U Next month: Part 2, What are the Characteristics of Sacred Music? TIME AND TALENT: If you are thinking about volunteering with one of our commissions at St. Mike’s, please review the “Parish Life” booklet on the “back rail” of the Sanctuary. which describes these activities. We need greeters, acolytes, coffee hosts, and ushers, and have other interesting assignments as well. Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet new people at St. Mike’s. Please call Melinda Rader with questions at 949.230.3644

FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church A Christian Community of the Anglican Communion 3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625


Return Service Requested

Inside the September Issue: Page 1: Sacred Space Page 5: Welcome Bob Grant! Page 6: The Journey Begins Again ...

Pray for and Remember our Parish Emergency Fund

Bishop Diane Bruce comes for ConďŹ rmations on June 2nd!

A Tropical Feast is served! August 4th

Vacation Bible School

SEPTEMBER 2013 Calendar of Events At Saint Michael & All Angels





Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. IN THE COMING WEEKS Nursery care from 9:30 a.m. on Sundays-at-Nine, 9:00 a.m., DL Sun., Sept. 1st Sunday Worship returns to 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. (AAC) Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. (not 9/1) Mon., Sept. 2nd Office closed for Labor Day Holiday Godly Play, children 4-11, Yellow Room (begins 9/8) th Vestry Meeting, 7:00-9:00 p.m., CR Formation, 5th-8th grade, Green Room (begins 9/8) Wed., Sept. 4

Thurs., Sept. 5th Staff Meeting, 9:30-11:00 a.m., DL Sat., Sept. 7th AAC decorated for Stewardship Celebration Basketball, 3:00-4:00 p.m., AAC House of Speed, 5:00-6:30 p.m., AAC Sun., Sept. 8th Sunday Worship returns to our Sanctuary! St. Mike’s Basketball, 7:00-9:00 p.m., AAC Stewardship Celebration, 11:30 a.m., AAC th Wed., Sept. 11 Senior Ministry, 2:00 p.m., CR Holy Eucharist, Morning Prayer, Deadline for October For the Love of Mike, 5:00 p.m. alternating on Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m. th Tues., Sept. 10 Hutchins Consort Board, 4:00 p.m., CR Whiz Kids, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., AAC (begins 9/24) Sun., Sept. 15th Worship Commission, 11:30 a.m., CR Basketball, 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., AAC Sat., Sept. 21st “Safe Church” Seminar, 9:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m., PC AA meeting, 7:00-8:00 a.m., SW Sun., Sept. 22nd The Bible Challenge, 11:30 a.m., DL Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Tues., Sept. 24th Spyglass Hill Homeowners Board, 6:00-9:00 p.m., CR Whiz Kids, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., AAC (begins 9/25) Women’s Fellowship, 7:00 p.m., Bianchi’s Home Holy Eucharist th Sun., Sept. 29 Saint Michael & All Angels’ Festival Day with Prayers for Peace and Healing, 12:00 Noon Basketball, 5:00-8:00, 8:00-10:00 p.m., AAC


Men’s Group, 7:30-9:00 a.m., DL Whiz Kids, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., AAC (begins 9/26) Basketball, 4:00-5:00, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC Parish Choir Rehearsal, 7:00-8:30 p.m. (begins 9/5) Children’s Choir Rehearsal, 5:00 p.m., NW (begins 9/12)


Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:00 a.m.-noon, AAC (begins 9/27) Basketball, 3:30-8:00 p.m., AAC AA meeting, 7:00-10:00 p.m., SW


Handbell Rehearsal 10-11:00 a.m., NW (9/14, 9/28) Meeting Rooms: AAC - All Angels’ Court MR - Michael’s Room CR - Conference Room


DL - Davis Library NW - North Wing BR - Blue Room, AAC

IN THE COMING MONTHS Sun., Oct. 6th Sat., Oct. 12th Mon., Oct. 14th Sun., Oct. 20th Fri., Oct. 25th Sun, Oct. 27th (11(11/ Sun., Nov. 3rd

SW - South Wing PC - Parish Center RR - Red Room, AAC

Blessing of the Animals honoring Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi 2nd Annual Canterbury Cup Golf Classic Office closed for Columbus Day Diocesan AIDS Mass, 4:00 p.m. Halloween Party for Special Needs Teens, 6-11:00 p.m., AAC Rusty Vail Student Recital, 1:30-4:00 p.m., Sanctuary Praying Our Goodbyes, 4:00 p.m., Sanctuary

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