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FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE Volume 65 Number 7


The Episcopal Church of Saint Michael & All Angels Pacific View Drive at Marguerite

Corona del Mar

...From the Desk of the Rector



oetry as summertime reading appealed to many in this space last summer. As I had hoped summer provides time and space for me and others to weigh words and savor wisdom, such as: Summer Sun by Robert Louis Stevenson Great is the sun, and wide he goes Through empty heaven with repose; And in the blue and glowing days More thick than rain he showers his rays. Though closer still the blinds we pull To keep the shady parlour cool, Yet he will find a chink or two To slip his golden fingers through. The dusty attic spider-clad He, through the keyhole maketh glad; And through the broken edge of tiles Into the laddered hay-loft smiles. Meantime his golden face around He bares to all the garden ground, And sheds a warm and glittering look Among the ivy’s inmost noon. Above the hills, along the blue. Round the bright air with footing true, To please the child, to paint the rose, The gardener of the World, he goes.

California 92625


Great news! A check came via the Orange County Community Foundation with a covering letter which said: I have enjoyed the Christian neighborly kindness of your congregation for nearly 25 years, and I want to thank you by assisting in your landscape project. On many occasions in the 90s, Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church generously shared your parking with my family and friends during Harbor Day School events, even when I am sure it was not always convenient for you. Additionally, I very much appreciate that you have provided a home for Goodwill collection for as long as I can remember. Now I see you taking a bold leadership and stewardship role, converting your landscaping to drought tolerant plants. Enclosed is a donation to support the cost of this project. I wish you God’s abundant blessings as you embark on your ‘next 50 years.” Thank you for being such a great neighbor. The enclosed check was for $25,000.00. Thanks be to this generous giver!! Thanks be to God!

Continued on page 6

Our Parish History Now Available Directly from the Publisher and On Our Website Saint Michael & All Angels is pleased to announce that a printed copy of its new parish history -- “A Celebration of 50 Years” -- is now available for purchase directly from our publisher, Lulu Press, for $15, and that $3.13 of this is returned to Saint Michael's to supplement the working budget of the church. If you have not yet acquired this colorful book (51 pages of text, photographs, and tables on premier quality paper), we urge and encourage you to go on line at and order one from Lulu. Every Saint Michael's family should have a copy of our history. The volume also makes a splendid gift for relatives and close friends. This month we will also post the history as an attachment to our parish web-site, thus enabling you to read it on your computer, either in its normal size or in zoom magnification. BUILDING OUR F AITH: L OVING CHRIST AND SER VING OUR COMMUNITY FAITH: LO SERVING


CONTRIBUTIONS WERE MADE TO THE RECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND most recently by Helen Dahn in gratitude for the baptisms of her grandchildren Miles Anthony DiNuzzo, Benjamin Chandler Keller and William Raymond Keller, and by Gavin & Karen Dahn Keller for the baptisms of William and Benjamin; by Nancy Johnson in thanksgiving for the life of her husband John; by Susannah and Robert Perkins in thanksgiving for the life of their mother, Alix; by the Ewers family in thanksgiving for Sue’s life; and by Bob & Marilyn Whiton in thanksgiving for their fiftieth wedding anniversary.These funds extend our Parish’s mission of outreach, providing for such needs as can be helped by financial assistance.

* * * ATTENTIONVETERANS: Saint Michael & AllAngels will participate in the National Celebration honoring Veterans (especially WWII) "Celebrating the Spirit of ‘45" to take place on Sunday, August 9th. We want to honor all Veterans at the 9:00 a.m. worship service at church, followed by a brunch in All Angels’ Court. All families and guests are welcome to celebrate with us. The Senior Ministry at St. Mike’s is hosting this gathering. Please contact Murry McClaren at 714/979-6978 to let us know if you have a Vet in your family whom we can honor. We also would like pictures and memorabilia to share at the brunch. It will be a fun time to tell stories and relive those times with families and friends. We need people to help prepare the brunch on Sunday, August 9th and to clean up afterwords. Also needed are people who can transport our Veterans to church and return them to their homes after the brunch. Please Call Murry McClaren to volunteer!

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CHURCH NEXT: Our parish subscribes to the online learning program “Church Next” through our e-learning program “The Well.” If you are interested, please contact Kathleen Peterson at, or (949) 378-5002; or Susan Caldwell at






1st - Jeanne Rees 2nd -James Jackson 4th - Steve Caldwell Frances Haynes 7th - Marjie Blevins Bob Jenkins Chuck Vaughan 11th - Steve Morris Marshall Solomon 12th - Olive Rumbellow 19th - Richard Zevnik 24th - Anne Warmington 28th - Catherine Lee 29th - Suzie Peltason 30th - Peter Haynes+ 31st - Louise Stover Baptisms 16th - Anne Conover 22nd - Susan Caldwell Weddings

1st - Susan Stahl 3rd - Paddy Nelson Victor Rumbellow 9th - Bob Anderson 17th - Carole Palda 18th - Jan Faller 20th - Jack Keating Ruth Poole 23rd - Murry McClaren Barbara Stewart+ 27th - Lynne Ruedy 28th - Ray Johnson Stacy Stone

Baptisms 25th - Teri Corbet Weddings

6th Adam & Lisa Dooley 7th - James & Marguerite Jackson 10th - Wally & Barbara Paulson 18th - Michael Boor & Marjie Blevins 27th - Ali & Gail Haghjoo 30th - Norm & Beth Bianchi

4th - John & Myrna Ireland 20th - Richard & Cam Wallis 25th - Steve & Ann Morris 26th - Bob & Shirley Anderson

TIME AND TALENT If you are thinking about volunteering with one of our Commissions at St. Mike’s, please review the “Parish Life” booklet on the back rail of the sanctuary, which describes these activities. We need greeters, acolytes, coffee hosts, and ushers, and have other interesting assignments as well. Volunteering is a wonderful way to meet new people at St. Mike’s. Please call Anne Warmington with questions: 202.550.4100.

HELP FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE: We are once again in need of donations for replenishing our food cupboard. Please call Murry McClaren with any questions or to learn what types of food are currently needed; and THANK YOU ALL for your help!

THE VESTRY Senior Warden.............................Myrna Ireland Junior Warden.............................Donald Sheetz Christian Education.....................Barbara Black Clerk of the Vestry........................Karlene Miller


Building and Grounds..............Tom Nicholson Communications...........................Clyde Dodge [ Evangelism.............................Anne Warmington ...202.550.4100 Fellowship............................................OPEN

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MEN’S GROUP: Meets on Thursdays at 7:30am in the Davis Library to discuss questions relating to theology, science and philosophy. All men are welcome. Finance......................................Julie Jenkins Mission...............................Barbara Stewart+ Stewardship.............................Matthew Shaw Ombudsperson..........................Louise Stover Worship...The Very Rev’d Canon Peter D. Haynes




ach year in our summer issue, I like to detour a bit to the lighter side with some notes about what I’ve come to call “clerical detectives” -- named after a wonderful website that those with a similar interest will find at intro.html. I try to find popular fiction which includes lead characters who have some connection, at least tangentially, to The Episcopal Church or the broader Anglican world. This year, with thanks again to quotes from “Kirkus Review,” I’ve found two that should help you suspensefully through the summer once again. Here’s the first one: FALSE TONGUES by Kate Charles. A trip to her old college offers deacon Callie Anson (Deep Waters, 2009, etc.) both challenges and opportunities. Callie hadn’t planned on attending Deacon’s Week, her alma mater’s conference for recent graduates. Her memories of Archbishop Temple House are sweet, but her breakup with her classmate Adam is just too recent and painful. Even her budding romance with Family Liaison Officer Mark Lombardi can’t take the sting out of her memories of Adam’s announcement shortly after their graduation that he’d be marrying parishioner Pippa instead of Callie. But Tamsin Howells swears that Adam isn’t coming to Deacon’s Week, and Callie would love to see Tamsin and her old friends Val Carver and Nicky Lamb. So she bundles off to Kings Cross station only to be bedeviled by weekend repairs on the District and Circle Lines—and finds when she finally arrives at Archbishop Temple that Adam has decided to come after all. Back home, Mark confronts his Italian family’s coolness toward his relationship with Callie and their determination to find him a nice Italian girl instead. At work, he’s involved in a heart-rending case: the stabbing death of Sebastian Frost, young, athletic and promising, the only child of Richard and Miranda Frost, a doctor and a surgeon. As Mark tries to guide the Frosts through the challenges of a police investigation they’d prefer was unnecessary, Callie confronts mysteries of her own: the mysteries of the human heart. Callie has never been more appealing than in this sensitive exploration of love and loss.


Take a look at Charles’ web page to review information about her entire series of ecclestiastical novels. Two other review blurbs said: “The toll of cyberbullying and the pressure to conform to social expectations is intelligently and poignantly rendered.” (Publishers Weekly) "Kate Charles does a fine job of juggling the various storylines within this novel. It was a nice change of pace to not have all of these threads somehow conveniently blend into one major storyline as so often happens in crime fiction. ‘False Tongues’ is simply a story of several people’s lives over the course of a week. All of them will be changed by the end – and it is just possible that the reader will see the world slightly differently before it is all over as well.” (Bolo Books) Our second book for this summer is SIDNEY CHAMBERS AND THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS by James Runcie, son of the former Archbishop of Canterbury Michael Runcie. About this novel, Kirkus says: The loveable full-time priest and parttime detective, Canon Sidney Chambers, continues his sleuthing adventures in 1960's Cambridge. On a snowy Thursday morning in Lent 1964, a stranger seeks sanctuary in Grantchester's church, convinced he has murdered his wife. Sidney and his wife Hildegard go for a shooting weekend in the country and find their hostess has a sinister burn on her neck. Sidney's friend Amanda receives poison pen letters when at last she appears to be approaching matrimony. A firm of removal men 'accidentally' drop a Steinway piano on a musician's head outside a Cambridge college. During a cricket match, a group of schoolboys blow up their school Science Block. On a family holiday in Florence, Sidney is accused of the theft of a priceless painting. Meanwhile, on the home front, Sidney's new curate Malcolm seems set to become rather irritatingly popular with the parish; his baby girl Anna learns to walk and talk; Hildegard longs to get an au pair and Sidney is offered a promotion. Entertaining, moving, suspenseful, thoughtful, and deeply humane, these six new stories are bound to delight the clerical detective's many fans. - See more at: http:/ /


The “Seattle Times” offers a bit more Runcie background quoted from their review below: Sidney Chambers, crime-solving Anglican priest, is back. In “Sidney Chambers and the Forgiveness of Sins,” Sidney takes on several new challenges, including fatherhood, a promotion, an apparently dead musician whose body vanishes and the 1966 flood that decimated Florence, Italy. Brief recap — Sidney Chambers is the creation of James Runcie, a talented English novelist and screenwriter and the son of Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1980 to 1991. Runcie knows Anglicanism and the English temperament inside and out, as well as a thing or three about telling a story. This is the fourth of six books planned by Runcie for the “Grantchester” series. Runcie has said the series was inspired both by G.K. Chesterton’s Father Brown and his own father ’s experiences, preoccupations and priestly dilemmas. The books have been made into a BBC/ PBS series called “Grantchester,” and I am happy to say that they have not suffered from TV fame — if anything, they are getting better. To be sure, there are the standard stock characters of the English mystery universe. Sidney’s detective partner, Geordie Keating, is an avowed atheist who nevertheless respects Sidney’s acute understanding of human nature. There’s a cake-loving curate. And of course, there’s an adorable dog — though Sidney’s original black Lab has passed to his reward, he has a new canine companion. What’s different from the standard cozy mystery form is these books’ contemplation of human nature and what we 21st-century types would call spirituality. Sidney struggles with his faith and his workload, but he has an incisive view of good and evil. There’s plenty of both in these six short stories, just about perfect for a long read before going to bed. The Sidney Chambers series may be comforting, but it’s not simple. Runcie meant these novels to be a commentary on life in post-World War II Britain, and so they are. But the themes of good and evil, temptation and sacrifice, remain as fresh as today’s news feed. I hope you enjoy the summer and these two new Clerical Detectives. REMINDER: Please wear your name badge on Sundays.


Our mission is to seek and share Jesus Christ as spiritual food for life’s journey.

3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625 949.644.0463 949.644.9247 FAX The Very Rev’d Canon

Peter D. Haynes, Rector [] Susan Caldwell Director of Christian Education [] Ray Urwin, D.M.A. Minister of Music [] The Rev’d Fennie Chang, Ph.D., Canterbury Irvine The Rev’d Canon Ray Flemming Assisting Priest The Rev’d Barbara Stewart, Ph.D., Assisting Priest Susan Beechner, Parish Secretary [] Marybeth Waniek, Bookkeeper []

WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday Holy Eucharist at 9am Nursery Care from 8:30-10:30am Sunday School 9am Adult Education 10am

Wednesday Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing-12 noon

ABOUT SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, CORONA DEL MAR We are a Christian Community of the Anglican Communion who come to hear God’s word and receive and share the Lord Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to have Christ live in us in order that in Christ we may live faithful and productive Christian lives. Our commitment to the Gospel is evangelical; our liturgical tradition, catholic; our theology orthodox but open to thought, reflection, and spiritual endeavor. We care about the world and strive to serve Christ in it.



Susan Caldwell

Youth Sunday, June 7th, was a special time to engage our teens, youth and children in the worship ministry experience. They served as Greeters, Ushers, Acolytes and Readers. The children helped to pick out the Chalices and stoles to be used in the worship service. The children also provided the artwork for the bulletin. During the Homily, there were five guest speakers. In this edition of the For the Love of Mike we would like to give you a chance to read what two of our guest speakers, Kati Mowat Nicholson and Anne Conover wrote. Here are their Homilies. Youth Sunday Journey to Adulthood/High School Group By Kati Mowat Nicholson Each and every one of us carries a memory tucked away somewhere close to the heart, of the first time someone, somewhere, took us seriously and gave us enough time to amaze and astonish them with our questions and insights. Well, every 2nd and 4th Sunday since September – Ali Haghjoo, Danielle Shaw, and I have had the pleasure of spending time with some of the most interesting, driven, and thoughtful members of our congregation – our Teens!! Journey to Adulthood is a diocese approved program and curriculum that focuses on guiding teens in creating and understanding the importance of Christian community as they develop critical thinking and other skills they will need in adulthood. This is their time to be their authentic selves – to share and debate and support each other in a space created just for them. Speaking of which – Our J2A room has to be the best-kept secret in Church! Thanks to Susan Caldwell for creating such an awesome place for us to hang out, work and play! The J2A experience focuses on discussion, debate, learning and laughter - it takes our participants seriously and gives them real work to do. As a group, we debated the causes of poverty and the best ways to help; we all recalled stories that connected us to our faith; we shared who we are versus who people see (continued on page 5)


PRAYERS HEALING Russ Brad Cathy Andrew Beth Cathy Mary Betty Nadine Austin GUIDANCE Julie & Bob Esther Jim, Sarah Kathleen Mari REPOSE Sally McCulloch THANKSGIVING - in loving memory of Edith Coppen, Muriel Ferguson, and Fr. George McClaren; - for the marriage of Emily Ernsdorf & Ladd Fritz; - for wedding anniversaries of Wally & Barbara Paulson, John & Myrna Ireland, Ann & Steve Morris, Kate & Nate Eaton

Call Esther McNamee for prayer requests 949.640.1749

LOAVES & FISHES: For July - August 9th (2nd Sunday) we will be helping fill backpacks for the children through our collection of the following items: Crayola Broadline (thick) Markers - Classic Colors; "Big Kid/Adult" 8" Scissors (no"value" quality please); Spiral Notebooks & Filler paper (wide or college rule) For the convenience of parishioners on select Sundays we will be selling markers at $2 and scissors at $5 for donation.


FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE - ADS NEEDED: Our newsletter is printed by C & M Publications at no cost to St. Mike’s, thanks to the support of the local businesses whose ads are found on the back of the calendar each month. If you or someone you know might like to become a sponsor, please call Susan Beechner in the parish office for more information. 949.644.0463 x10.

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ADULT ACOLYTE CAPTAINS NEEDED: The ministry commitment is based on a rotation Sunday schedule and on an “as needed” basis depending upon the liturgical calendar year. Contact Susan Caldwell, Director of Christian Education 949.644,0463 Ext.12 if you would like to take part in the Acolyte Ministry at Saint Michael & All Angels.

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LEST WE FORGET: There have been 4,491 American military casualties in Iraq and 2,356 in Afghanistan and other locations. "Lord hear our prayers for those who are dead and for those who mourn." NEWS REGARDING THE MANSE/RECTORY PROJECT I am reaching out to all parishioners again to advise you of your Vestry's concern for our new rectory. For those who may have missed my previous notices regarding this, I am writing to briefly update you. Very often Episcopal churches provide living accommodations for their rectors. Saint Michael & All Angels does not currently have such a residence to offer our replacement rector when Peter retires. Our intentions are to have the rectory located in close proximity to our church campus. This will provide for more accessibility to our parish and to our priest. Accordingly, we are planning for this inevitable situation now. There are many ways to prepare for this, such as the benefit of personal estate gifting or tax planning preparations to name some. I am pleased to meet with any family or individual who would like to learn more on this matter. Your Vestry welcomes your input and consideration. With respectful regards, Donald Sheetz Junior Warden Manse Commission Chair

SUMMER 2015 5

Susan Caldwell continued from page 4 us to be and how we can learn more about ourselves and others; and we got a little awkward talking about stereotypes, gender roles and “isms” of all kinds - why they exist and how to move beyond them. As a group we decided we needed a purpose outside of discussion as well. We agreed that community service would be an integral part of our J2A experience, so in addition to helping with Friday Movie Night and the Pancake Breakfast here at church; we also chose to support HomeAid, Orange County’s dedication to assisting homeless families. Through them our teens have collected toiletries and baby diapers, assembled CareKits for babies and homeless families, and prepared and served Sunday Brunch to the homeless at Isaiah House! So, instead of just talking about Christian service, we SERVE. Instead of sharing about Christian Community we actively and intentionally work to BUILD community. This was our first year of J2A at St. Mikes, and while we don’t meet for long, or very often, I think it has been a successful Inaugural year. I, personally, am walking away from this year with the J2A group already looking forward to what we can accomplish next year. Next year we will work toward more Youth Engagement in St. Mike’s Ministry and Outreach programs. We will be applying for a youth program grant to support the creation of an Urban Garden & Education program. And of course, we will welcome our newest members into the fold next year and look forward to incorporating their new ideas and interests. Youth Sunday -Godly Play By Anne Conover In the spring of 2012, along with Melinda Rader, Kristy Kiper, Elizabeth Henry, and Corinne Stover, I attended a training session to learn about Godly Play. We thought we were there to find out how Godly Play worked and then to decide if we wanted to bring it to St. Michael’s. It turned out to be a weekend when we were all plunged into experiencing the wonder and mystery of God’s presence through our Sacred Stories, the Parables of Jesus, and our Liturgical Traditions. continued on page 7

GENERAL CONVENTION INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE Another General Convention summer! And much of the information is already available on line. There has been a concerted effort to make more information available through the General Convention web site before the Convention itself. So, if you'd like to look ahead here are some suggestions. First, from the General Convention web page you can link directly to the two reports that have been getting the most attention: the Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church (TREC) and the Task Force on the Study of Marriage. With an additional click, you can link to the Blue Book reports (formally, the Reports to Convention of Committees, Commission, Agencies, and Boards). Instead of waiting for a printed version, these are being loaded to the web site. And, instead of waiting for one complete publication, reports are being added as they are submitted. So, if there's a report you're interested in and don't see yet, keep checking back. The same thing is happening with resolutions to General Convention. If you link to the Legislative Resources page, you can link through to all the resolutions that have been submitted. Once again, these are being added as they are submitted, so keep checking to see if your particular interest is addressed. With the Reports from the Task Force for Re-imagining the Episcopal Church and the Task Force on the Study of Marriage, and also the election of the next Presiding Bishop, this should be an interesting General Convention. You can go ahead and start your review, and so be better able to keep informed about all that happens in and around this year's General Convention. YOU CAN FIND THE HOUSE OF DEPUTIES “State of the Church” report prepared for the 78th Episcopal Church Convention here: files/download/12702.pdf. The convention begins on June 23rd in Salt Lake City. The hashtag for the convention is #GC78.

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DO YOU HAVE A NEW EMAIL ADDRESS? Please contact with changes or additions.




Summer Poems continued from page 1 It will be Summer -- eventually by Emily Dickinson The Summer Day by Mary Oliver Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear? Who made the grasshopper? This grasshopper, I mean – the one who has flung herself out of the grass, the one who is eating sugar out of my hand, who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down -who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes. Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face. Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away. I don’t know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass, how to kneel in the grass how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields, . which is what I have been doing all day. Tell me, what else should I have done? Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do With your one wild and precious life? Peaceful Summer Day by Gary R. Ferris Sitting on the front porch enjoying a peaceful summer day, Writing down the words that He’s given me to say. Sipping on my coffee and watching the wind blow the trees, Quietly watching the birds sailing in the breeze. When I look at this beauty it takes my cares away, The majestic mountains that top these skies today. Off in a distance a bird begins to sing, And the sounds of the country and the music it can bring. The dogs are lying in the sun and lost in the deep, To watch them in this summer breeze make me want to fall asleep. To realize that I have been so blessed, All of my troubles become no more than a pest. Listening to the sound of children playing in the sun, Reminds me of a boy and all the things I had done. Laughing and playing and cherishing each day, Sometimes I wish that those times were here to stay. In a world full of struggle, turmoil, and strife, I feel so blessed to get to live this life. There are no brilliant words that I could ever say, That ever could describe a peaceful summer day. Summer Stars by Carl Sandburg BEND low again, night of summer stars. So near you are, sky of summer stars, So near, a long-arm man can pick off stars, Pick off what he wants in the sky bowl, So near you are, summer stars, So near, strumming, strumming, So lazy and hum-strumming.

It will be Summer -- eventually. Ladies -- with parasols -Sauntering Gentlemen -- with Canes -And little Girls -- with Dolls -Will tint the pallid landscape -As ‘twere a bright Bouquet -Tho’ drifted deep, in Parian -The Village lies – today -The Lilacs -- bending many a year -Will sway with purple load -The Bees -- will not despise the tune -Their Forefathers -- have hummed -The Wild Rose -- redden in the Bog -The Aster -- on the Hill Her everlasting fashion -- set -And Covenant Gentians-- frill -Till Summer folds her miracle -As Women – do -- their Gown -Or Priests -- adjust the Symbols -When Sacrament -- is done -Summer by Louise Gluck Remember the days of our first happiness, how strong we were, how dazed by passion, lying all day, then all night in the narrow bed, sleeping there, eating there too: it was summer, it seemed everything had ripened at once. And so hot we lay completely uncovered. Sometimes the wind rose; a willow brushed the window. But we were lost in a way, didn’t you feel that? The bed was like a raft; I felt us drifting far from our natures, toward a place where we’d discover nothing. First the sun, then the moon, in fragments, stone through the willow. Things anyone could see. Then the circles closed. Slowly the nights grew cool; the pendant leaves of the willow yellowed and fell. And in each of us began a deep isolation, though we never spoke of this, of the absence of regret. We were artists again, my husband. We could resume the journey.

How will you “resume the journey” every day of this summer 2015?

Yours, In Christ -

Calendar of Ev ents At Saint Mic hael & All Ang els Events Michael Angels

All That Dance Rehearsals, 7:30-11:15 a.m., SW Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Vacation Bible School, Fri., July 10, 17, 24, 31, 5:30-7:45 AA meeting, 7:00-10:00 p.m., SW World Vision Korean Methodist Church, 7:30-9:00 p.m., CR Truth Spiritual Study Group, 6:00-8:00 p.m., DL (begin 7/17)



Meeting Rooms: AAC - All Angels’ Court MR - Michael’s Room CR - Conference Room

DL - Davis Library NW - North Wing GR - Blue Room, AAC

SW - South Wing YR - Yellow Room, AAC RR - Red Room, AAC


Men’s Group, 7:30-9:00 a.m., DL All That Dance Rehearsals, 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m., AAC Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC


Basketball, 8:00-10:00 a.m., AAC

AA meeting, 7:00-8:00 a.m., SW Yoga class, 9:00-10:00 a.m., NW Whiz Kids, 9:00-5:00 p.m., AAC (July only) All That Dance Rehearsals, 9:30-11:30 a.m., SW All That Dance Rehearsals, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., AAC Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing, Noon Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC



Whiz Kids, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., AAC (July only) All That Dance Rehearsals, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., SW Basketball, 5:00-8:00 p.m., AAC




JULY Vestry Meeting, 5:00-7:00 p.m., CR Staff Meeting, 9:30 a.m., DL Independence Day Communications Com, 10:20 a.m., CR Senior Ministry, 2:00 p.m., CR Vacation Bible School begins: Journey with the Saints 5:30-7:45 p.m., AAC, Sanctuary, NW Citizens’ Climate Lobby, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., DL Adult Christian Education Commission, 10:30, CR Worship Commission, 11:30 a.m., CR The Bible Challenge, 8:30 a.m., DL Friends of Music Executive Committee, 10:15 a.m., CR Women’s Fellowship, 7:00 p.m., Sara Hyatt’s Home Spyglass Hill Homeowners Board, 6:00-9:00 p.m., CR

Mon., Sept. 7th Sun., Sept. 13th Wed., Sept. 16th Sun., Sept 27th

Office closed for Labor Day Holiday Sunday Worship returns to 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. Deadline for October For the Love of Mike Saint Michael & All Angels’ Day observed


Sat., Aug. 1 Citizens’ Climate Lobby, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m., DL rd th Mon.-Fri., Aug. 3 -7 , Coach Jon Basketball Camp, 9-12 noon, AAC Vestry Meeting, 5:00-7:00 p.m., CR Wed., Aug. 5th Thurs., Aug. 6th Staff Meeting, 9:30 a.m., DL Sat., Aug. 8th AAC being set up for tomorrow’s celebration/brunch Sun., Aug. 9th Celebrating the Spirit of ‘45, honoring Veterans at worship and with brunch in MR following Wed., Aug. 12th Deadline for September issue of For the Love of Mike Worship Commission, 11:30 a.m., CR Sun., Aug. 16th rd Sun., Aug. 23 The Bible Challenge, 8:30 a.m., DL Friends of Music Executive Committee, 10:15 a.m., CR Tues., Aug. 25th Women’s Fellowship, 7:00 p.m., Sara Hyatt’s Home Spyglass Hill Homeowners Board, 6:00-9:00 p.m., CR st

Tues., July 28th

Sat., July 11th Sun., July 12th Sun., July 19th Sun., July 26th

Whiz Kids, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. AAC (July only) All That Dance Rehearsals, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., SW Volleyball, 3:30-6:30 p.m., AAC St. Mike’s Basketball, 7:00-9:00 p.m., AAC



July & August: Sunday Morning Worship 9:00 a.m. only Wed., July 1 Thurs., July 2nd Sat., July 4th Sun., July 5th Wed., July 8th Friday, July 10th

Nursery care from 8:30 Holy Eucharist at 9:00 a.m. Sundays-at-Ten Summer Sunday School at 9:00 a.m., Yellow Room World Vision Korean Methodist Church, 1:00-2:30 p.m., MR, 2:30-5:00 p.m., AAC




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TRAVELS WITH SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS’ PEOPLE CONTINUE Sunday’s @ 10 Highlight Parishioner Adventures Our summer 2015 adult education program, Sundays-at-Ten, featuring travelogues by parishioners who have been to (and lived in) some very interesting places, will continue through September 6th. The series, is under the direction of Ruth Poole. We meet in the Davis library following worship. Pick up a cup of coffee and join us! The meeting dates and topics: June 28 - Ann & Steve Morris: England July 5 - The Rev'd Peter Haynes: General Convention July 12 - Barbara Black: Hungary July 19 & 26 -Norris Battin:-Africa (Compass Rose Society Communion Visits) August 2 - War-time Memories -All August 9 - No Meeting (Reception Honoring Veterans) August 16 & 23 - Keith Nelson: Sweden August 30 - Barbara Stewart: Mexico September 6 - Lynn Headley: Israel

NEW ACOLYTES WANTED: Do you have one hour to offer this parish each month? Would you like to participate in the worship service on Sundays by carrying the Cross or lighting the candles? Acolyting is a valuable ministry in the life of Saint Michael & All Angels. Please contact Susan Caldwell if you are interested in learning more about this ministry, or to volunteer! 949.644.0463 x 12.

* * * PHONE TREE MINISTRY: NEW MEMBERS NEEDED. Our goal is to contact every parishioner by phone once a month. This is a great opportunity to get to know others better and to share information, needs and suggestions about Saint Mike's. Please contact Ruth Poole at 949.644.9263.




Youth from page 5

PLEASE CHECK THE FORWARD MOVEMENT DISPLAY RACK ON THE WALL IN MICHAEL'S ROOM Pick up a pamphlet or two to share with family and friends. A donation box is provided. Featured this month is the pamphlet "Teaching Children to Pray,” a helpful guide for parents. "Training children to pray from early childhood is an excellent way for Christian parents to help their children become 'doers of God's words and not hearers only.' Teaching young children to pray not only gives them a firm foundation on which they can build trust and obedience, but also prepares them for a mature life of prayer as adult Christians."Suggestions include keeping it simple, joyful, genuine, and honest. Helpful examples are given. The author reminds the reader that "The best training in prayer for a child is seeing parents pray, or better still, praying with the parents. And, of course, there is no substitute for worshiping together in church week by week."

Now, with the addition of Anne Warmington, Marjie Blevins, Barbara Black, Louise Stover, and Susan Caldwell, we are finishing up our third year of Godly Play in the Yellow Room with children 4 to 10 years old. The lessons form a circular curriculum, where most of the stories are retold every year, just as we re-read the same sections of the Bible during our worship service. In fact, Godly Play mirrors our worship service in every way. You may have read that every week there is a doorkeeper and a storyteller. The doorkeeper greets each child by name, welcoming the child by name, asking if the child is ready to come in and ushering the child into the sacred space. The storyteller heads a circle on the floor, surrounded by the children and gives the lesson. The lesson is followed by the children’s work time. And the gathering concludes with a feast, a blessing, and a handshake. It is a great privilege to retell the stories to children one year after another; to provide them a time and place to seek God’s presence and witness their spiritual growth as we get to know each other better and deeper. When the littlest ones hear about Abraham and Sarah, they wonder how there was a woman named Sarah so long, long ago and a girl named Sarah at school too! A little older and they marvel at the journey through the desert. By 9 or 10, the building of the altars to mark the places God came close catches them. And all ages are shocked and saddened and eyes are moist when old Sarah dies and is buried in a cave near the Oaks at Mamre. We mark the year with a wall hanging calendar that displays the liturgical year with appropriately colored blocks to create the Circle of the Church Year. If you look at the children’s bulletin board in Michael’s Room, you might notice that the activities and artifacts for Godly Play are arranged in the same circle. This year’s is almost complete, waiting only for the Youth Sunday bulletin cover and this summer’s Vacation Bible School to finish it. Next September we will start a new circle of stories and experiences together. Some of our older friends will move next door to the Green Room and Formation and some of our youngest friends from the nursery will join us in the Yellow Room and the Godly Play Circle. We will revisit our stories and commence our wondering again. We storytellers and doorkeepers have the great blessing and joy of being as much guided by the children as by guiding them in seeking the elusive presence and mystery of God. I could not be more grateful to be part of this wondrous adventure here at St. Michael and All Angels. Thank you.

Total Parish income through June 22nd, 2015, is $261,632. This is 3.2% ahead of budget for the year. Total Parish expenses are $285,522 which is $3,048 above our budget plan. Pledge income to date is $213,254. This is about $2,811 ahead of the budget estimate. Plate and Easter giving are ahead of our budget. We are doing really well with donations that are given to use our facility. To date we have received $25,350. Expenses for Building and Grounds is about $500 below the year to date budget. Most of our Commissions are under budget except the Worship Commission. This is because of unplanned music expenses. At the May Vestry meeting, it was voted to use funds that were in the Labyrinth Designated Gift Fund and the Memorial Donation Fund to help fund the landscaping project. To fund the new landscape project we will use the $110,000 rebate from the City of Newport Beach first, and we can fund other smaller projects (ie. orchard, community garden, etc.) with donations from our Parish members. We will do these other projects as the money comes in. Please think about keeping your Pledges up to date during the summer. Plan ahead if you are going to be gone. Thank you! We are still in need of a Teller or two. Please contact me or Susan Beechner in the office Julie Jenkins, Finance Chairman


SUMMER 2015 8

THE CLASS OF 2015 Mimi Hefner earned her degree from USC in the Price School of Public Policy. Mimi’s proud grandfather is Harry Bubb. Ryan G. Jenkins graduates from San Francisco State University with a BS in Computer Engineering. Ryan, grandson of proud Julie & Bob Jenkins, will begin his work to prevent hacking in San Francisco at Wells Fargo Bank. Jack Kirsch is graduating 8th grade at Brethren Christian HS-Junior High in Huntington Beach. Jack will be a freshman there in August! His proud mom is Julie Kirsch. Jack Mahoney will graduate from William S. Hart High School, Newhall, CA. Grandmother Susan Beechner is as proud as parents John and Melissa Mahoney. Jack will major in Business/Finance while attending the University of Alabama. Jacob Rosenson Montgomery graduates from Harvard University, Class of ’15. Jacob will begin studies in Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His proud grandparents are Peggy & the late Bob Montgomery. Harrison Vandervort graduates from Newport Harbor High as valedictorian. He will attend UC Santa Barbara. Harrison built new cupboards for our nursery as his Eagle Scout project. Proud parents are Robert & Mary Vandervort. Grandfather Harry Bubb is proud of two graduates this June. Helene Wierzbicki graduated from Reed College in Portland with a B.A. in Sociology. Helene’s next job is seeking work that taps into her writing and data analysis skills. Her proud mother is Susan Brown. Francis Carter Wheatley graduated 2015 Magna Cum Laude from Boston University, College of Engineering. After 4 years on the Dean’s list, Francis will be in Computer Engineering at Wayfair. His proud parents are Brad and Clare Wheatley, joined by Chase Wheatley.

FOR THE LLO OVE OF MIKE Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church A Christian Community of the Anglican Communion 3233 Pacific View Drive Corona del Mar, CA 92625

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