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To improve international linkages related to teacher education and formation beyond the pandemic, the UST College of Education, in partnership with Atma Jaya Catholic University, Indonesia and the Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators NCR, conducts the 3rd Passion for Scholarship and Love for Mission (PSALM) International Conference for Teacher Education and Formation in hybrid modality. The conference was conducted on May 13, 2023, at the UST Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Building, in connection with the celebration of the 97th Founding Anniversary of the UST College of Education. First held in 2021, led by Assoc. Prof. Pilar I. Romero, LPT, PhD, Dean of the UST College of Education, it is the College’s response to the “continuing call for scholarship” and the mission to relay values and knowledge to transform future educators.
With the theme “Foresighting and Reimagining the Futures of Teacher Education in Asia and Beyond”, this year’s conference aims to look for ways on how to progress the education and training of future educators after the pandemic. “The first two PSALM conferences talk about the pandemic, teaching during the pandemic. But now that we are gradually moving to what we call the ‘new normal’, how do we now envision it, and more importantly, teacher education and training.” Asst. Prof. Louie B. Dasas, LPT, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of the UST College of Education said in an interview.
The international conference was composed o acher Education, National Institute of Education, Singapore; and Dr. Luciana, M.Ed., the Dean of the College of Education, Atma Jaya Catholic University, Indonesia.
Lecture topics from the keynote and plenary speakers include “The Fu- ture of Teacher Education in the Philippines” presented by Dr. Gonong, “COVID-19 and Teacher Education: The Case of Taiwan” by Dr. Tien, “COVID-19 and Teacher Education: The Case of Thailand” by Dr. Thanatporn and Dr. Phuwichit, “Reimagining Teacher Education in the Post-Covid Era: Perspectives from Singapore” by Dr. Chye, and “Being Relevant and Impactful: A Reflection of the Indonesian Teacher Professional Program” by Dr. Lucienda.
Roundtable and panel discussions are carried out between lectures, which featured talks about teacher education and training from various scholars and students as speakers. Alongside this, the poster exhibit viewing opens to the onsite attendees of the conference. It presents the research outputs of students, scholars, and teaching staff from various institutions from across Asia.
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