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The Struggle Must be Real
By David Bryan Bobier
Struggles are part of life. As Taylor Swift sang the lines, “If you never bleed, you never gonna grow.” In the realm of education, where knowledge is shared and students are shaped, Daniel Angelico Cruz emerges as a dedicated and passionate religious education student despite challenges that are indeed inevitable. Embarking on a teaching internship, Daniel’s journey
Recounting his time at Education High School (EHS), Daniel initially felt nervous as he stepped into the school grounds. However, he took advantage of his status as an irregular student to seek guidance from his friends who are already graduates and shared their valuable experiences on teaching at EHS. In spite of the online setup, Mr. Cruz found joy in interacting with the students, surpassing his expectations upon meeting them in person. He reflected, “Handling the students was a fulfilling experience, and their enthusiasm defied my expectations.”
Transitioning to a hybrid and off-campus setup presented its own set of challenges for him. While adjusting was initially difficult, he soon realized the benefits of achieving worklife balance. However, the urgency to rush lessons and submit activities become more demanding during online sessions when some students are inattentive. In contrast, students were observed as more attentive and lively during the onsite classes. In spite of these struggles, his paradigm on teaching transformed, emphasizing the significance of dedication and perseverance in education. Balancing his own learning while teaching became a rewarding task, highlighting the importance of imparting essential lessons to students while navigating his own journey.
Reflecting on his journey, Daniel advises his younger self to persevere through challenges and remain dedicated to personal goals. He encourages first-year students not to lose hope in the beauty of education, emphasizing its value in acquiring knowledge and shaping values. In spite of the struggles, Mr. Cruz describes his teaching internship as a “fun-filled experience,” cherishing the connections made with peers and students. His story showcases the transformative power of internships, telling educators in the midst of struggles, it is best to step forward and make a lasting impact in their student’s lives. These struggles must be real.