North American Clean Energy March/April 2021 Issue

Page 1





Racing to Innovate

How the next-generation is pushing the boundaries of solar Pg. 8

Unpacking Community Solar

Pg. 14

Big and Bigger

The opportunities and challenges of large-format solar modules Pg. 18

Wings Battle Blades

Pg. 58

Offshore Success Relies on Strategic Maintenance Pg. 60

Pg. 26

Pg. 94

Same Day Service

Vinyl Labels

Code Compliance

Metal Signs

Largest Selection






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Challenge of Electrifying 24 The the Modern Home


MARCH•APRIL2021 Volume 15, Issue 2




Ian Stuart

Racing to Innovate

How the next-generation is pushing the boundaries of solar Pg. 8

Unpacking Community Solar


Pg. 14

Quinn Stuart

Big and Bigger

The opportunities and challenges of large-format solar modules Pg. 18

Wings Battle Blades

Pg. 58

Offshore Success Relies on Strategic Maintenance


Pg. 60

Pg. 26


Solar product: Bioenno Power

Meg Lugaric

Pg. 94


On our cover…

Chris Van Boeyen

NeoVolta designs, develops, and manufactures residential energy storage systems. The NV14 has a 7680W inverter and is equipped with a solar rechargeable 14.4kWh battery system that uses LithiumIron Phosphate (LiFe(PO4)) chemistry. The NV14 can be expandable to 24kWh of battery storage. It is compatible with any rooftop solar panel system, AC or DC PV.


Ian Stuart

product spotlight 47 Solar Solar Structures & Carports

Quinn Stuart

NeoVolta ///

Right Plan Can Be 64 The the Difference Between Life and Death

departments 6

News bites


Top story


Solar energy


Solar product spotlight: Racking & Mounting


Solar product spotlight: Solar Structures & Carports


Solar product spotlight: Tracking Systems


Solar product spotlight: Ground Screws



Solar product spotlight: Metal Fabrication for Solar Structures

Racing to Innovate

How the next-generation is pushing the boundaries of solar


Data is the problem… and the Solution


Solar product spotlight: Pile Driving


Wind power


Wind product spotlight: Torque Wrenches & Tensioners


Wind product spotlight: Bolts & Fasteners


2021 Energy Storage Buyers Guide


Energy efficiency


Events calendar & advertiser’s list


The Challenge of Electrifying the Modern Home


How Energy’s Past Becomes Its Future

Performance challenges stunting solar’s success

Alberta’s experience shows how old energy skills can drive new energy success



Lightning vs. Solar

Risk detection, protection, and mitigation of utility-scale solar lightning surge events

14 16

Unpacking Community Solar

The Importance of Revenue Grade Energy Meters in the Solar Industry


Big and Bigger

The opportunities and challenges of large-format solar modules


How to Successfully Secure for the Coming Solar Boom


Solar Lights Up Sports


Jill Walters

Solar product spotlight:

Racking & Mounting


Solar product spotlight:

Structures & Carports


Solar product spotlight:


Solar product spotlight:


Solar product spotlight:

Tracking Systems Ground Screws

Metal Fabrication for Solar Structures


Solar product spotlight:


Wings Battle Blades

Pile Driving

MARCH• APRIL2021 ///


Wind product: Flash Technology

Don McIntosh Keaton Spence CIRCULATION MANAGER


Alison Bell 255 NEWPORT DRIVE, SUITE 336

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2021 Energy Storage Buyers Guide Stem, Inc.


Offshore Success Relies on Strategic Maintenance

2 New England Offshore Wind 6 Top 10 takeaways


The Right Plan Can Be the Difference Between Life and Death


Failing to Prepare = Preparing to Fail

The must-have checklist when setting up Lidar for offshore wind measurement



Wind product spotlight:

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Torque Wrenches & Tensioners Wind product spotlight:

Bolts & Fasteners

75 94

2021 Energy Storage Buyers Guide

Transportable Electrons Can Jump-Start Renewable Energy Development in Emerging Markets


Don’t Dig There

North American Clean Energy accepts no responsibility or liability for reported claims made by manufacturers and/or distributors of products of services; the views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of North American Clean Energy. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers.

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A North B O American V E A Clean L L Energy E L S E5

editor's note

news bites


That was quite a trip … launching last July and traveling 225 million miles in seven months. I barely had the patience to endure 7+ hour family road trips, and that was before car seats when I could freely climb over my sisters in the station wagon while trying to stave off crushing boredom - back when Jimmy Carter declared a national moratorium on speed so we could all save more gasoline cruising at a lethargic 55mph. Come to think of it, I bet a cross-country drive at 55mph today might just feel like 7 months, especially when you add in all of those stops along the way. It’s interesting that even with all of the gains we’ve made in fuel efficiency, whether you drive a traditional car or EV, you’re still going to have to stop and refuel/recharge to go the distance. NASA’s latest success got me thinking about the future. Supposedly, we’re here – we’re living in a time when we all thought we’d be driving flying cars and taking quick jaunts to the moon. Except that we aren’t doing any of that. Our air is less polluted thanks to cleaner burning fuels, and we’re pushing ahead with green power, but we seem to have reached a plateau in how far we can go with our current energy recipe. No matter which course has been proposed, the one ingredient everyone keeps wanting to leave out is nuclear power. At a time when people around the globe seem desperate to reduce the carbon footprint of humanity, watching the energy industry collectively disavow nuclear power is nothing short of mind boggling. Want to cut emissions? Nuclear power produces no emissions. None. Worried about the ever rapidly accumulating piles of junk from discarded wind turbines and aging solar panels? We’re working on building recycling programs for all of the debris, but it’ll be a major challenge to keep pace. On the other hand, a nuclear power plant operating for your entire life only generates enough waste to fill a jar that could fit on your desk. Not that you’d want to leave it there, considering the danger. But that, too, has changed: A team of scientists has figured out how to recycle that waste. According to Johnathan Burns, a research scientist in the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station's Nuclear Engineering and Science Center, "In addition to addressing the fuel recycling problem and reducing proliferation risk, our strategy will drastically reduce nuclear waste to just the fission products whose radioactivity is hundreds rather than hundreds of thousands of years."1 Is the idea of nuclear still too scary? Does it evoke images of post-apocalyptic landscapes and irradiated giant reptiles destroying Japanese cities? Hollywood made millions preying on that post-war fear, drawing us in with movies starring 50-foot-men and visits from condescending aliens telling us we were too stupid and violent to handle advanced technology. In essence, we were brain washed. Only with the arrival of Star Trek and then Star Wars did nuclear power reclaim some of its awe-inspiring standing with the general populace. Surprisingly, I had to dig through a lot of media materials on the NASA website to find a single mention of any nuclear power involved in the Perseverance rover project. Which begs the question: Why aren’t we celebrating this aspect of such an incredible achievement? Look at how amazing humans are – we managed to propel a 2260-pound vehicle through space to another planet 225 million miles away, land it on that planet, and make sure it generates enough energy to keep up a steady dialogue with us as it handily operates in temperatures below -100°F (far colder than Dallas in February, but the rover never lost power). And yet, the Perseverance would never have left our atmosphere without being strapped to a combustion engine loaded with kerosene and liquid oxygen, after which solar power moved it through millions of miles of space, and now nuclear helps it toddle along the Martian surface, sending us beautifully detailed vistas from our sister planet. If some of the smartest people in the world understand the value in applying many different technologies to complete a successful mission, why don’t we? Nuclear power is inextricably linked to the advancement of our life on and beyond this Earth. While we’ve made great leaps in taking advantage of all this planet has to offer, and continue to use our available resources responsibly, we would be unwise to throw the baby out with the bathwater; rather than shutting down nuclear facilities in the name of progress, we may want to take a page from NASA’s playbook, and continue to learn and educate ourselves about one of the most brilliant discoveries in human history.

House made from coal

X-MAT, the Advanced Materials Division of Semplastics, received a nearly $625,000 contract from the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) to create coalderived building materials in order to construct a coal house. Using coal as the primary medium, X-MAT’s building materials are non-toxic and fire resistant, lightweight, strong and durable, able to be used for both interior and exterior needs, and offer design flexibility. The carbon from the coal used in this new construction process is completely sequestered and is entirely safe for the environment. The coal is mixed with the patent-pending X-MAT coating technology to produce coal-derived building materials.

Semplastics ///

Grounding shoes, powered by the earth

Harmony783 features an array of shoes for men and women, from flip flops to loafers and joggers, all designed to provide the same feeling as being barefoot, and the same benefits received from making direct contact with the earth (aka “grounding”). Harmony783 grounding shoes are made with pure silver and fully conductive materials which are custom crafted to enable the electrons from the earth to be absorbed from the ground into one’s body utilizing the patent pending proprietary Groundworks technology. HARMONY783 shoes are also biomechanically engineered for support and comfort. All HARMONY783 styles feature fully conductive carbon and rubber outsoles that are biomechanically engineered for comfort and support. Groundworks technology features 99.99% pure silver through the midsoles with microfiber footbeds, featured in every shoe, stitched with pure silver thread enabling the flow of natural energy up into one’s body. The Walkers and Joggers feature bio-friendly algae-based EVA by BLOOM in midsole.

Harmony783 ///

“The future doesn’t belong to the lighthearted. It belongs to the brave.”

-Ronald Reagan

Solar panels from food waste



Ultra-clean jet fuel made from non-recyclable plastics

Sustainable and green-energy company, Clean Planet Energy, have announced a new product in their mission to significantly reduce carbon emissions in fossil-fuel led transport. Branded as ‘Clean Planet Air’ in their launch video, the certified Kerosene / Jet Fuel can be used as a direct replacement for the fossil-fuel equivalent, yet it reduces C02 emissions by a minimum of 75% in comparison, whilst removing thousands of tonnes of waste-plastics from the environment every year. Clean Planet Energy’s mission is to remove over 1 million tonnes of waste-plastics from the environment every year, and they achieve this by launching ecoPlants which convert this plastic into new products, including ultra-clean fuels and petrochemical feedstocks to make new circular-plastics. The plastics used by Clean Planet in their ecoPlants would otherwise be going to landfill, incineration, or worse, entering the oceans.

Clean Planet Energy ///


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

AuREUS System Technology, invented by Carvey Ehren Maigue from Mapua University in Manila, the Philippines, is a material that can be attached to a pre-existing structure or surface to harvest UV light and convert this into visible light to generate electricity. Using ultraviolet rays, on a cloudy or a sunny day, Carvey’s material will still generate electricity. The particles in his material absorb UV light causing them to glow. As the particles “rest” they remove excess energy. This excess energy bleeds out of the material as visible light, which can then be transformed into electricity. Current prototypes successfully achieve this on windows and external building structures. Not only has Carvey invented an efficient process to generate renewable energy, but he uses upcycled crop waste to create a closed-loop design process, so nothing is wasted. AuREUS System Technology conserves space using pre-existing structures, utilizes current resources and waste streams, and supports local agricultural communities. This element of his invention is particularly clever and shows the close link between farming and technology.

The James Dyson Award ///

news bites

North American Clean Energy


top story

Racing to Innovate How the next-generation is pushing the boundaries of solar by James Loginov


the University of Michigan Solar Car Team (UM Solar Car) has built 15 solar race cars. Currently, their working on production of their latest model for the American Solar Challenge. In addition to winning this event nine times, the team has also secured 7 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge podium finishes, and won the 2015 Abu Dhabi Solar Challenge. UM Solar Car has become America's undisputed #1 solar car team. Over the years, it’s grown to encompass four engineering divisions - mechanical, electrical, aerodynamics, and strategy, as well as operations and business - yet remains an entirely student-run project. “Joining the team means joining a tightknit community, including hundreds of team alumni as part of a global solar racing community. It's a chance to engage with complex subjects, from energy storage to international shipping and weather modelling, all in a hands-on, open-ended capacity that goes beyond any classroom experience. If I had to choose one characteristic universal among Solar Car members, it would be the pursuit of excellence - to approach a problem, figure out a solution, and to keep finding better, and better solutions. That's the operating philosophy of our team, it's how we've maintained our competitive edge over 30 years, and it's why our team members opt to spend 40, 50, 60 hours on top of their academic and personal commitments working on the Solar Car every week.” - Steven Zhang, 2021 Project Manager UM Solar Car brings together students from various backgrounds and disciplines to work together towards a common goal: build the best solar vehicle possible to win the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge (BWSC). A race like no other, the BWSC is a biennial, 3,000 km trek through the Australian Outback - from Darwin to Adelaide - with every vehicle powered exclusively by energy from the sun. Like the Daytona 500 or 24-Hours of Le Mans, the BWSC is not just about speed; everything about the car and the team is stress-tested to the extreme. This is a true endurance challenge. With very fine margins between winning and losing, even finishing is a huge achievement.


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

“The Bridgestone World Solar Challenge is such a tough race because you can show up with the best technology, the lightest car, and still not reach the podium. To be able to say that you raced 3000 kilometres, and conquered the Australian Outback, is a huge achievement after all the countless hours of work; and something to be proud of.” - Zack Piper, 2021 Operations Director

In 2019, Halmstad University Solar Team's battery caught fire during testing. Durham University Electric Motorsport stepped in to save them by donating an almost identical battery, and worked through the night to help repair the Swedish team's vehicle. Other teams were not so fortunate… Solar Team Twente was knocked out of the race by strong winds, while the Vattenfall Solar Team (winners in 2017) were eliminated when their car caught fire just 263 km from the finish line. UM Solar Car survived the full distance to secure a spot on the podium with a 3rd place finish. “To win the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge, you need more than a good design. You need a team filled with enthusiastic members that are passionate about getting the car to the finish line as quickly as possible. It's an amazing competition, but the race is gruelling. It demands dedication, attention to every detail, practice, and an adaptable race strategy that gets us all the way to Adelaide and the finish line.” - Connor Boerman, 2021 Engineering Director Not so much 'Fast & Furious' as 'Smart & Serious', BWSC challenges young engineers and extraordinary minds from UM Solar Car - and other (mainly university-based) teams from over 30 countries - to push the limits of innovation and engineering. Together, these young innovators contribute to the ongoing evolution of both solar power and solar-powered vehicles. On July 19, 2019, the UM Solar Car team unveiled their new car: 'Electrum'. Building on their previous vehicle's success, the team overhauled the electrical system, ditching the traditional lithium-ion battery in favour of a new Li-Polymer battery pack. Improved aerodynamics created more space for solar panels behind the cockpit. With the addition of trapezoid-shaped solar cells (instead of rectangular) they also managed to include a higher density of cells in the same amount of space.

James Loginov is Head of Marketing & Communications at EKO Instruments. EKO Instruments is sponsoring the University of Michigan Solar Car Team, and five other teams from around the world at the next 'Bridgestone World Solar Challenge', as part of the 'EKO | emPower' programme; providing the latest environmental instruments, technical partnerships, and support to young scientists, designers, students, and engineers around the world. Helping them to innovate, achieve their goals, advance their ideas, and build a better, more sustainable, future. Powered entirely by the sun, efficient energy generation and management are crucial at every stage of development. Even during the race itself, the team needs to know precisely how much energy they should be generating, how much energy they are generating, and how much they are using. Heading into 2021 the pressure is already on to make the next racewinning breakthrough.


1 Renewables 2020, Analysis and forecast to 2025 (11/2020) renewables-2020 2 Solar Vehicle Market Worth $4.08 Billion by 2030: Allied Market Research (24/11/2020)


“Solar Car racing is one of the most important events within the renewable automotive industry. Not only does it allow a community of like-minded innovators to come together, but it also pushes the development of the newest and greatest innovations within the automotive landscape. There are not many programs that can continuously bring people together on this magnitude to change the world towards a better and cleaner future.” - Jared McLean, 2021 Business Director With Solar PV alone predicted to account for 60 percent of all renewable capacity additions through 20251, and the solar vehicle market estimated to be worth $4.08 Billion by 20302, the young engineers of the UM Solar Car team are already on the cutting edge, racing to innovate and unlock the full potential of solar power. The Bridgestone World Solar Challenge announced on the 12th of February that this year's event had been cancelled, due to ongoing uncertainty caused by the pandemic. The next race will occur in two years. EKO Instruments will continue to support the Michigan University Solar Car Team through the emPower programme as they adapt to new challenges and prepare for 2023. North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Data is the Problem… and the Solution Performance challenges stunting solar’s success by Katie Applebaum


in the modern energy generation mix – however, they frequently do not perform to their full potential. This is largely due to two key factors. First, as PV plants have few moving parts, the need for maintenance is not readily apparent and can, therefore, be easily underestimated. Second, and arguably most importantly, PV performance data can be particularly challenging to assemble and analyze. As a result, faults and underperformance often go undetected, resulting in reduced generation and, subsequently, reduced returns. To avoid these pitfalls, owners and operators must prioritize effective asset management and data analysis. In doing so, they will optimize performance and maximize returns.

Addressing the solar data challenges There are a number of challenges to overcome in securing valuable operational insights from solar PV project data. Stark variations in solar resource, plant topology, component mix, and variety and quality of project data can all complicate project-scale analysis, making it difficult for owners to quickly access insights.

Best practice for monitoring and managing solar asset health

Replacing obviously damaged equipment is what most people think of when it comes to maintaining and improving asset health, but equally important is maintaining the electrical health of the asset – inclusive of voltage, signals, and temperatures.

There are also physical influences on-site that can hinder the performance of solar panels. For example, the growth of vegetation nearby, damp heat, and destructive precipitation can reduce performance over time without the owner realizing their assets are actively being damaged. These factors are impossible to see visually, which means that issues caused by poor electrical and mechanical health or slow-burn physical influences are often mistaken for simple fluctuations in resource. For example, in order to recognize when low performance is owing to a fault around voltage, data from related sensors must be closely monitored. As such, adopting a datadriven approach to identifying poor performance within a PV plant, and rectifying the underlying issues, is arguably the most important way to improve project returns.


Effective asset optimization requires separating out causes of underperformance from the “noise” of everyday operational data, and setting this data in its environmental context. Finding and addressing apparently minor faults and anomalies that would otherwise go under the radar – such as those physical, electrical, and mechanical factors outlined above – are essential to ensuring the asset continues to perform well for the long term. To understand the true causes of underperformance across a solar array, it is crucial to integrate: • Current and historical meteorological data, • Surrounding forestry and vegetation, • Operational and grid activities, • SCADA data from the individual asset, and • Benchmark this data against the surrounding panels. These multiple data streams, when set in context of the project, will allow an asset owner to immediately pinpoint whether underperformance can be attributed to low irradiation or a technical error that can be addressed.

Variation in solar PV data

However, there is a fundamental challenge to quickly and easily separating out causes of underperformance and comparing them at the project, portfolio, and industry-wide scale. The format of data gathered across solar farms is extremely varied. While wind has only a handful of major OEMs around the world, the lower financial barrier to entry in the solar tech market means that there are hundreds of solar OEMs – all of whom track and report on the data from their components in a different way.

MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

This creates a sizable data challenge if an owner wants to compare and benchmark the performance of their assets comprehensively. Unfortunately, many solar asset owners simply do not have the means (both in terms of human resource and cost) to dig through these very different data streams in order to properly compare performance. However, with support from an AI driven platform and industry expertise, it is possible to cut the time necessary to translate and analyze data down from weeks, to mere hours. To improve access to this data and domain expertise, and support asset owners across the industry in benefiting from the insights into PV performance at portfolio level, solar asset owners and manufacturers must translate these many competing data streams into a common dataset. They need a dataset that allows for the comparison of solar asset performance - regardless of OEM or environmental context. With this insight, asset owners can recognize whether an asset is underperforming compared to its immediate peers, wider portfolio, and (as more data is accumulated) the industry as a whole. From these data insights, owners and investors with solar portfolios can validate upgrades, changes to insurance premiums, and day-to-day operations.

The ubiquity of solar power has contributed to faulty assumptions around the simplicity of this method of generating power. Investors and asset owners, whether new to the solar industry or seasoned professionals, would be smart to research and better understand the production benefits of data-driven solar operations.

Katie Applebaum is Business Development Manager at Clir Renewables, a renewable energy Software as a Service (SaaS) provider.

Clir Renewables ///

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North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Lightning vs. Solar

Risk detection, protection, and mitigation of utility-scale solar lightning surge events by Daniel J. Sylawa

Utility-scale solar project site locations are chosen for many factors, including solar resources, available land area, topography, electric grid capacity, and financial incentives. Weather usually does not play a significant role in this selection process. However, extreme weather events, such as lightning, can negatively impact both plant operations and economics. From an asset management perspective, it is important to understand both the risk factors associated with lightning-related surge events, and the available protection strategies that can help minimize their impacts on array performance. Figure 1: Lightning can impact the operability of utility-scale solar PV installations, so it is important to understand the risk factors related to lightning, as well as the surge protection strategies that can minimize lightning’s impact. Resources are available to aid in these efforts. Standards such as NFPA 7801, analysis of PV field reliability2, and other sources3 can assist in identifying the major PV solar risk areas associated with lightning-related surge events. NFPA 780 also provides guidance as to selection and installation of surge protection devices (SPDs) for solar arrays. In the following sections, we will examine how these resources can help improve the reliability of utilityscale PV solar arrays. Figure 3: Type 2 DC surge protection installed in a combiner box.


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

Risk Detection

Highly dependent on location, some level of lightning-related risk almost always exists for utility-scale PV solar installations. Due to their typically ground-mounted location, the incidences of direct lightning strikes are, thankfully, rare. Lightning-related secondary surge events, however, are encountered with more frequency. Some of the major factors associated with lightning risk include: • Location risk: Geographic location is a major factor in determining lightning risk. The lightning risk assessment contained in Appendix L of NFPA 780 is a good starting point to determine associated risks for solar installations. A few general trends can be observed. From the isokeraunic flash density map, it can be readily seen that, as PV solar installations have moved out of their early adoption locations in California, they have been installed in areas of increased lightning risk. From a risk management perspective, this has heightened the need to provide appropriate levels of surge protection against lightning-related surge events. A related risk factor is area of array ground coverage; with ever larger utility-scale arrays being installed in areas with higher flash density, the risk associated with lightning-related surge events has also increased. • Equipment risk: Outside of direct lightning strike damage, the primary risk to utility-scale PV solar installations is damage to electronics and PV modules from secondary surge overvoltages. These overvoltages damage equipment by exceeding the dielectric strength of internal components. Unlike direct lightning damage, these surge impacts can be cumulative, reducing the ability to determine a direct causal effect between failures and events. Lightning events that cause overvoltages do not always strike within the boundaries of a solar array. Those that occur on utility pole lines, light standards, and other structures outside of the area of the actual array boundaries, increase the overvoltage risk to array equipment associated with these events. • Operational risk: For PV solar arrays, operational risks are a function of several factors, which include type of equipment failures, frequency of occurrence, lost power production, and repair costs. PV field reliability analysis, which assesses the field dependability of PV solar installations, can help determine operation risks. From a lightning-related surge event perspective, these studies indicate that while direct lightning strikes are rare, area lightning events are more common. As such, the related failures associated with these events may not be reported directly under lightning strike information, but may instead be contained under array component failures. While lightning-related surge events can seem to be a somewhat random occurrence, understanding their risks can help determine the levels of surge protection and mitigation steps necessary to reduce their impact on PV solar array performance.


Available state of the art of surge protection technology is well developed. In lightning surge event applications, the objective is to protect all electrical components involved with power production, data, and monitoring within utility-scale solar arrays. This includes the AC and DC side of inverters, SCADA systems, weather stations, solar trackers, monitoring instruments, as well as ancillary electrical systems. For PV solar applications, detailed surge protection device and installation recommendations can be found in Chapter 12 of NFPA 780. As always, the grounding and bonding requirements of NEC 250 and solar installation requirements of NEC 690 must be followed to ensure safe and effective surge protection. Two of the most critical factors for choosing direct-array connected SPDs are discharge circuit currents rating (In) and voltage protection rating (VPR). This can be thought of as the nominal maximum surge current (In) which the SPD will suppress surge voltages to below the overvoltage tolerance of the protected equipment. As an example, for the DC array side of a solar inverter, NFPA 780 recommends the use of an SPD with a discharge circuit current rating (In) of 20kA 8/20 µS per mode. The SPD VPR typically is recommended to be no greater than three times the maximum PV system voltage. For 1500V utility-scale PV solar installations, this will be 4500 V. Use of SPDs that meet these ratings will reduce failures and extend equipment life.


For utility-scale PV solar installations, array layout and design play an important role in lightning surge event mitigation. NFPA 780 again offers insight in this area. As an example, the recommended installation point for DC SPDs is at the combiner or recombiner box; this is considered the output of the array. If the distance from the combiner box to the inverter is greater than 100 feet (30 m), a second DC SPD should be installed at the inverter. This is a common option from most inverter manufacturers. If the inverter has multiple MPPT inputs, SPDs should be installed on each input. For installations that use string inverters with internal combiner boxes or external cable harnesses, installation of the DC SPD at the inverter will usually be adequate. However, for extremely long cable runs (in excess of 100 feet (30 m) from the array to the inverter) a DC SPD closer to the actual array output point should be installed. As the utility-scale solar industry moves to higher power PV modules, including bifacial types, the DC SPD application guidelines do not change. This implies that with increased array power output, on a cost/watt basis, surge protection costs fall. This will help lower both the construction and operational costs of utility-scale solar arrays.

Daniel J. Sylawa is Senior Business Development Manager – Renewable Energy for Phoenix Contact USA, Inc., a global innovator in engineering.

Phoenix Contact USA ///

Figure 2: Example of a utility-scale PV solar lightning and surge protection plan.

1 NFPA 780, Standard for the installation of lightning protection systems, 2020 Edition (National Fire Protection Association, 2020) 2 Dirk C. Jordan, Bill Marion, Chris Deline, Teresa Barnes, Mark Bolinger, PV field reliability status—Analysis of 100 000 solar systems (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2020) 3 The National Risk Index (Federal Emergence Management Agency),




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North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Unpacking Community Solar by Robert Benedict


industry experts who may not have a handle on the specifics, community solar projects can be described as ownership and subscription programs. This business model allows participants to own or be a third party to the program, enabling them to share the energy generated. Rather than build on their own property (impractical for most apartment dwellers), community solar customers benefit from the power produced by their share of the system. The Subscription model allows participants to become subscribers, so they pay a lower price for the electricity sourced from the community solar farm. They don't own the panels, but they can buy their power at a reduced rate. When projects are ownership-based, you can either purchase their panels up-front or finance them through a loan (provided by the project developer or your bank). In this way, ownership-based community solar models are very similar to purchasing a rooftop system. The main difference is that no system will be installed on your roof or property. Instead, you own a set number of panels in the array, or a certain number of watts out of the solar project's total capacity. In ownership programs, you can only purchase enough shares to meet your annual electricity usage. A matching proportion of the project's actual output is credited to you through your electricity bill or some other arrangement with the project administrator. Ownership-based projects can be complicated to develop and administer. The ownership factor can be a barrier to entry for those who do not have the capital or credit rating necessary to get involved. Complications arise when the project is initiated by the community hoping to benefit. Another hurdle occurs when distributing the solar investment tax credit (ITC) incentive if the project developer does not have a substantial tax liability. In subscription-based community solar programs, participation is more fluid; A third party or a utility company will invest in, develop, and own the solar community project, allowing them to take advantage of associated tax credits and extend an opportunity to the public to participate. Program details will vary, but most require no upfront fees to join while offering savings right away. In this case, subscribing to a community solar project is akin to signing up for a green power program, except that instead of paying a premium for clean electricity, participants typically pay a lower price for their electricity. As with ownership-based projects, there are limitations on participation with many subscription programs. Depending on your state and utility company, you may need to reside within a certain distance from the community solar project; your utility's coverage area can affect your eligibility to join the program.

Many community solar companies also limit how much electricity you can receive from the project (investing in 120 percent of average electricity consumption being the rule-ofthumb upper limit). Most subscription-based programs make it easy for you to sign up, and to cancel. For example, should you decide to opt-out or move to a different utility area, your energy share will become available to the next interested participant in line for the program. Given all of these benefits, it's no surprise why community solar is becoming an increasingly popular offering from new energy companies, utilities, and more. With so many choices, it’s important for anyone considering a community solar program to comparison-shop across all available offers (including rooftop options) to find the one that offers the best value for them. Thanks to Virtual Net Metering (VNM) and similar policies in a growing number of states, the community solar power option is gaining steam as the primary means for a growing number of people to participate in the benefits offered by solar power. Like net metering for rooftop solar systems, VNM and similar policies allow households and businesses to receive net metering credits associated with a renewable energy project installed at a remote location. These credits can be worth as much (or close to) what they would pay for electricity from their utility; every unit (kilowatt-hour or kWh). Electricity generated by the community solar farm will effectively reduce the participant's power bill, either as a one-forone kilowatt-hour basis or equalling a monetary credit. Because community solar allows people to go solar even if they do not own property or roof, it’s an attractive option for renters or those who live in shared buildings. Effectively, it lets them take advantage of a solar power plant whose electricity is shared by more than one property. This is, of course, its the biggest benefit; community solar gives members of a community the option to buy electricity for less than they would ordinarily pay to their utility.

Robert Benedict is Chairman of Unicorn Solar Development, a California-based solar company serving all 50 states.

Unicorn Solar Development ///


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

North American Clean Energy


solar energy

The Importance of Revenue Grade Energy Meters in the Solar Industry by Nikki Henningsen

Revenue grade energy meters play a crucial role in the solar energy industry. Whether for calculating inverter efficiency, measuring net energy production, or monitoring an on-site energy storage system, revenue grade energy meters are vital to maximizing the value of solar energy generation. To understand their role within the solar system, think of a cardiac monitor used to measure a patient’s heart rate and rhythm; a revenue grade energy meter performs a similar task by precisely monitoring energy flowing through the solar system, detecting irregularities, and providing crucial insights into the overall health of the installation. Available from a range of manufacturers, revenue grade energy meters were first developed as a way for building managers to the track energy consumption of individual systems within a facility. Imagine a manufacturing plant and its various energy loads. Specialized production tools, HVAC, lighting, office equipment, and other essentials all consume energy throughout the day. A monthly power bill cannot provide meaningful insight into energy waste, but a revenue grade energy meter can collect detailed energy consumption data for specific systems or equipment. High-precision, revenue grade measurements are critically important, particularly in net metering applications, which require meters that comply with strict accuracy requirements. In fact, the term “revenue grade” specifically refers only to those energy meters that meet the accuracy benchmarks defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which outlines three accuracy classes in their C12.20-2015 standard: 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5. To be considered revenue grade, meter accuracy must be third party tested to conform to 0.5 percent or higher. Solar systems may vary in size and energy output. Regardless of scale, they contain the same critical components for energy storage, including inverters, circuit breakers, and batteries. Each component requires careful and constant monitoring, making highprecision energy data from a revenue grade energy meter invaluable. Here are a few ways the solar industry uses revenue grade energy meters.


Calculating Solar Inverter Efficiency

Solar inverters are integral to solar energy systems. These sophisticated devices are responsible for converting the direct current (DC) output from the solar array into the alternating current (AC) that is used throughout a facility. A small amount of energy may be lost during this conversion process. This amount can be identified by installing revenue grade energy submeters on both sides of the inverter to calculate efficiency. Not only does this data help identify upgrade opportunities, but the metered energy data can help highlight hardware issues that may go undetected without constant monitoring.

Measuring Net Energy Production

Net metering is an incentive program adopted by 34 states and several territories within the United States,1 and another important way that revenue grade energy meters are utilized within the solar industry. Net metering allows customers to send their surplus electricity back to the electrical grid in exchange for credit, which is applied to offset energy costs incurred during the month. A revenue grade energy meter is required to monitor the flow of energy and confirm the exact amount of energy generated, which is then submitted to the utility for credit. Largescale solar applications typically need multiple meters installed, while small installations may only require a single, bi-directional meter to monitor both energy consumption and generation. The precise solar production data directly benefits customers by helping MORE THAN 64 COUNTRIES to lower monthly energy bills.

Monitoring Energy Storage Systems (ESS) With the single-axis tracker from DEGER you can achieve yield increases of approx. 30%. An easy plug-and-play installation is realized by means of the stable supporting construction.

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MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

Commercial and industrial customers rely on several strategies to limit their energy consumption during peak hours. In addition to facility upgrades, one technique that continues to gain traction is installation of an on-site energy storage system (ESS), which allows energy from the grid, or solar, to charge large batteries during off-peak times. Later, the stored energy supplements grid power during peak hours to lower demand, a strategy known as “peak shaving”.

Nikki Henningsen is the Digital Marketing Specialist at Accuenergy, Inc., a manufacturer of power metering solutions, and has been in the power and energy metering industry for more than a decade. When not researching & creating content, Nikki enjoys exploring the mountains around her home in Bend, Oregon.

Accuenergy ///

Energy storage allows for the efficient distribution of energy resources. It can also increase grid resiliency by guaranteeing that power is always available, even during times of high demand or power outages. In addition, when the source of the stored energy is on-site solar, the ESS effectively compensates for periods of low solar production, smoothing out the available energy from a solar system throughout the day and reducing reliance on grid power. Facilities that utilize on-site energy storage need more than just a large battery to effectively cap their demand. A sophisticated control system, powered by machine learning, interprets where and when energy is being used, and automatically compensates for peak consumption by engaging battery power at the right moment. Revenue grade power meters supply the control system with a constant stream of precise energy measurements. The granular data is used to make split-second decisions to mitigate power outages, reduce peak demand charges, and maximize the value of energy generation.

GATEWAY TO GREATER SALES Ten years ago our founders set out to create the world’s most technologically advanced microinverter system… made right here in the USA. Mission Accomplished.


Increasing Need for Revenue Grade Energy Meters The United States solar industry employs approximately 250,000 people, and is comprised of over 2.6 million solar energy systems2. As solar panels, inverters, and on-site energy storage systems continue to improve in efficiency and price, solar energy will be adopted at an accelerated pace. Whether it is a relatively small solar system or a sophisticated, commercial implementation, the need for revenue grade energy meters to provide accurate, timely energy measurements remains essential to evaluating system performance, maintaining peak efficiency, and obtaining maximum savings from incentive programs.

1 Pickerel, K. (2020, September 24). Which states offer net metering for certain utilities? Retrieved January 21, 2021, from https:// 2 “State-By-State Map.” SEIA, Solar Energy Industries Association, 2020,

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solar energy

Big and Bigger

The opportunities and challenges of large-format solar modules by Aaron Hall, Daryl Hart, and Joe Thorpe


amount of solar module innovation. One of the biggest trends is literally about bigness—the emergence of the large-format, high-power module. With peak power ratings already well over 500 watts (and pushing toward 600 watts and beyond), these mega-modules are made possible by another photovoltaic technology trend: the transition beyond 72-cell modules featuring 156-/166-mm cells, to larger modules using cleverly manipulated 182- and 210-mm slices of silicon. Manufacturers have implemented cell-splitting, shingling and tiling, multi-busbar architectures, and dense cell-to-cell interconnect schemes (as well as bifacial technology) to drive up the power output in these supersized modules. Although the larger modules are just starting to be shipped at volume, market research firms predict they will dominate the utility-scale solar market within a few years. Large-format modules present both opportunities and challenges for developers, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) companies, and operations and maintenance (O&M) providers. This article will examine some of the issues around the new big modules from the perspective of all three business sectors.

Anything New Means There’s a Learning Curve

The new, larger form factor and higher wattage of these modules will mean that everyone - designers, developers, owners, and financiers - will need to ensure all the implications have been considered. One key issue is compatibility; for example, optimizers may have voltage limitations. It will also be crucial to determine whether the larger modules are pushing amps in a way that requires upsizing wires, combiner boxes, and other balance of systems components. In addition, there’s the question of possible warranty implications; specifically, whether using large-format modules will have any impact on the warranties of other components in the project, such as mounting systems that may not have been wind-load tested or certified for the larger modules.

costs - to the tune of several cents per watt. Simply put, it means fewer modules to ship (and, in the case of 182-mm modules, more watts per shipping container), fewer modules to mount on fewer trackers or fixed-tilt racks (and more watts per tracker row), and fewer strings to connect to achieve the same installed capacity of the power plant. Plus, fewer systems to operate and maintain once the plant is up and running. The result? Decreased capital expenditures, lower levelized cost of electricity, and higher net present value, all of which has developers and asset owners excited. From a developer-owner’s perspective, there is additional risk any time a new technology is introduced, whether it’s in terms of financial bankability, higher insurance premiums, or simply the durability and performance of the module. While Tier 1 manufacturers have (mostly) good track records when it comes to quality and reliability, it’s early days in terms of real-world power generation numbers from the mega-modules, let alone degradation, failure rates, or other field performance data. Given the larger surface area of the modules, there could be concerns with cell microcracking or susceptibility to extreme weather events such as damaging winds, hail, or snow loads.

Site Design Advantages and Tradeoffs

More Power Means Lower Costs

The main advantage of these large-format modules is straightforward: the higher power output per module allows a reduction in the required balance of system (BOS) and electrical BOS components and, most importantly, lower installation


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Large-format modules offer a tantalizing opportunity for developers, giving their landowner partners and EPCs more flexibly to utilize and benefit from the project site acreage. A space-constrained site could include additional megawatts of capacity; for many markets and scenarios, this is a worthwhile tradeoff with a corresponding specific yield reduction. This flexibility could also provide transmission system injection benefits when using a solar-plus-energy storage system equipped with large-format modules. Site designers will need to factor in the increased module size in how they lay out the tracker rows, increasing the spacing between the mounting structures to keep the same ground-cover ratio (GCR),

Aaron Hall is president, Daryl Hart is vice president of utility-scale project development, and Joe Thorpe is senior vice president of O&M operations at Borrego, a nationwide developer, EPC and O&M provider for large-scale renewable energy projects throughout the United States.

Borrego ///

if that is their goal. Large-format modules do allow for a boost to the system’s DC kilowatts by increasing the GCR, while maintaining reasonable construction and O&M access (typically about 10 feet between rows). One cannot assume that large-format modules can just be swapped in on trackers, since the tracker rows might become too long for the available north-south dimensions of the site. The varied voltage and amperage schemes of different mega-modules will require close attention to the electrical elements of the system design—a midstream change in module procurement choice could trigger a DC wiring redesign. Larger tracker structures may also translate into the need for bigger, deeper (and costlier) foundations and more robust, smarter systems that can handle the added dynamic wind-load potential. Be prepared to account for permitting issues if the height of the modules on a fully rotated tracker exceeds a typical 15-foot maximum height zoning requirement.

Less Complex O&M

From an O&M perspective, megamodules will mean less plant complexity, fewer parts to inspect, maintain and manage, and more efficient plant operations. Since labor makes up the biggest chunk of O&M costs, savings could be significant over the lifetime of the plant. Given the large variety of module sizes and electrical characteristics coming to the market and the lack of standardization so far, the larger modules do present some O&M challenges. For example, how easy will it be to get proper replacement modules—under warranty or otherwise—in the future? The issue of inadequate supplies of spare modules already dogs many existing solar plants, and could become even more acute when the mega-module era ramps up in earnest. Taller tracker arrays may also require some additions to the onsite O&M toolkit—and hard costs in the contract—as boom-lifts will be needed to service the big modules. Large-format modules offer a pathway to significant savings on the development, construction, and operations of utility solar power plants. It’s a safe bet that their rapid adoption into new project designs will help accelerate the clean energy transition.




North American Clean Energy Not affiliated with or endorsed by Ridge Tool Company or RIGID, Inc.


solar energy

How to Successfully Secure Financing for the Coming Community Solar Boom by Jamie Hutson

One of seven sites in a 25MW community solar portfolio installed by DSD in Schenectady County, NY.

Community solar promises substantial good for the environment, for business, and for communities. Yet it was still very much untapped until the last few years, with only a handful of projects scattered across a handful of states that were aggressively developing policies and programs around it. That’s all changing. Just prior to COVID-19, energy experts were chirping how community solar was finally showing signs of serious growth. We see every reason for those expectations to bear fruit in 2021. Why? Because community solar seems insulated from recession impacts, thanks to its lower commitment and higher flexibility. Due to a number of moving parts (and large degrees of variability from state to state) successfully securing and structuring financing for community solar projects can be more complex than other projects. Here are three ways to make the financing process for community solar projects – and other projects - run smoothly.

1. Establish in-house expertise on state programs

As of last summer, 20 states had developed policies or programs in support of community solar projects, which exist in 40 states. Minnesota, Massachusetts, and New York all got programs rolling early on and continue to lead the way, representing nearly three-quarters of the 2,625 megawatts of community solar currently developed. The success of your project may depend on navigating the degrees of variability. Many of these programs set guidelines and incentives for developers and subscribers, helping the industry gain efficiency and create more customer-oriented resources. Some, like Maine, Massachusetts, and New York, include locational value based on how a community solar site can meet the geographic needs. Most community solar systems are between 2-5MW, and serve a number of different customers. These systems are often built in out-of-the-way locations, taking advantage of local unutilized or underutilized land, such as old landfills. In addition to an interconnection agreement with a utility, remote net metering is typically extended through a subscription A 10MW cummunity solar to multiple offtakers. In some states, that system in Lenox, NY includes large commercial and industrial or municipal customers. However, a portion -- usually 50 percent or more -- must be residential or non-demand offtakers. Finding the right offtakers adds a layer of challenge to the commercial and industrial market from a project finance perspective, but there are ways to approach community solar that raise your chances of success.

2. Standardize documents to help clarify varying program details

With so many states implementing so many different programs for varying projects, taking a standardized contracting, documentation, and due diligence approach to community solar will demonstrate efficiency with lenders and financial counterparties. Aggregator agreements set the guidelines for community solar aggregators that recruit and enroll subscribers to a project. This can differ from state to state; some aggregators might only work in New York or Maryland, for example. Standardized terms and conditions help both subscriber managers and developers succeed by specifying subscriber FICO scores or credit ratings, subscription thresholds the aggregator must


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maintain, and termination rights of both the subscribers and aggregators. This is a heavy but necessary lift that allows for better communication with lenders. A knowledgeable developer can quickly and easily summarize how each of the standardized terms and conditions at the project and aggregator level all tie together to conform with the requirements and rules of that state program. Developers with stateby-state expertise increase efficiency both for themselves (as they manage all those different processes) and for lenders conducting due diligence.

3. Standardize due diligence covering the full scope of the project

Performing holistic due diligence across a community solar project goes a long way in establishing uniform project details, which makes it easier for a lender or tax equity investor to quickly understand what’s being done and where they need to focus their efforts. In particular, areas like interconnection, revenue streams, site control, and permitting can make or break a deal. A 3MW solar rooftop canopy For example, obtaining offtaker FICO andground mount installed by DSD at scores are a must when conducting Southern Connecticut State University offtaker due diligence. A delinquent subscriber could mean months of backand-forth in legal detangling, and finding a new subscriber. Too much churn could result in problems for your project. Performing the proper due diligence will help lenders and other financial counterparts move more efficiently. And, in the end, when it comes to project financing and capital markets on a distributed portfolio, efficiency is the critical piece to unlock the best financing terms. There are many pieces that need to come together for community solar to create wins for all involved, making it (in theory) one of the most complicated types of project for which to secure and structure financing. But the processes mentioned above aren’t exclusive to community solar financing - they can also be applied across the board to any other project a developer is financing. By having a deep understanding of state level programs, standardizing documentation, and performing the proper due diligence, financing community solar projects - as well as any other solar projects - will run much more smoothly and efficiently.

Jamie Hutson is Director of Structured Finance at Distributed Solar Development (DSD), a full-service solar company. Jamie is responsible for the underwriting, project finance and capital market needs of the business, including closing all financing and contract documents, establishing financial parameters for origination and underwriting the PPA pipeline to investor and market requirements. Jamie graduated from Skidmore College and holds an MBA from Columbia Business School.

DSD Renewables ///

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North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Solar Lights Up Sports

by Philip Ferguson


lighting around your neighborhood, lining front walks like miniature runways, providing a decorative touch to nighttime landscapes. But what about on a larger scale? Surely those lowpowered displays couldn’t light an entire stadium? Actually, they can. Solar lights have come a long way from their residential predecessors. Thanks to the latest technology, the solar energy conversion efficiency has advanced to where they can produce the energy needed for regular use in the more famous sports fields or stadiums. As with any clean energy technology, however, powerful solar lighting comes with a few pros and cons.

next trend for major stadiums - the current pandemic has shown that businesses need more backup solutions.

Go wireless

Forget clumsy installations and long-hours of scheduled maintenance to fix the wiring system. At last, you can benefit from a ready lighting solution. The solar flood light all-in-one design requires no wires going around the pitch, which is safer for bystanders and players as well. They are really easy to install. While periodic maintenance might still be a factor, the standard solar light is versatile. Basically, you can mount these sports lights anywhere you want. As long as the luminaries' weight is not a problem.

Better safety

Save Money

For starters, and perhaps the most obvious, solar lights save on the energy bill. Solar-powered LED sports lights gather the sun's energy and store it in batteries. You turn them on and off with the touch of a light tap on your smartphone screen. They can also be set to automatically switch on when it gets dark. This unique feature allows them to be completely independent of the power grid, while still allowing for the sale of solar energy surpluses. This can be especially helpful if, as a stadium owner, you need to support other investments. Exporting energy might well be the

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MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

Thanks to the 12V low voltage, solar fixtures reduce the chance of getting an electric shock. The compact design allows no load loss because the solar system planning also improved over the years. Generally speaking, LED sports lights are lighter than traditional light sources. So, you get the best from both worlds. You will not have to compromise any safety precautions due to the solar panels. In fact, you can count on several accessories. As well as custom installations for indoor playing areas.

LIMITATIONS Dependent on environment

Batteries need daylight to recharge fully. Then again, they cannot charge quickly on cloudy days. The performance of the photovoltaic panel is calculated under the STC conditions (Standard Test Condition). In

detail, this means an integrated solar irradiance of 1,000W/m2, at the temperature of 77°F (25°C), and with a spectral distribution of 1.5. All manufacturers test their products in order to define the power of their solar light panels. But they still need up to 10 hours to recharge. So, if it keeps raining on the sports field for days on end, drained solar sports lights might not be able to light up.

Can't charge at night

If you plan to host most of your sports events during the night, you might want to reconsider the idea of using solar lights only. In this case, it is better to opt for a hybrid lighting system, which includes traditional, wired sports lights. Or, you should request a grid-connected installation. In the latter case, during the first hours, your lights would consume the solargenerated electricity. Then, when the battery charge is not sufficient, the electricity grid will guarantee the power supply.

Need regular cleaning

The main focus of periodic maintenance is to clean the solar panels. In detail, the dust accumulated on the cells will affect the solar energy conversion efficiency. Luckily, the cleaning procedure is simple and involves no dangerous chemicals. Most manufacturers will remind you to only use warm water and, perhaps, a specific cloth to clean them. Usually, maintenance cleaning takes minutes. So, whether you use solar sports lights for a football stadium or a volleyball court, you should not have any issue with scheduling regular cleaning.

Heavy metals in solar panel On a more serious note, a solar panel contains heavy metals such as: • Cadmium • Lead • Zinc Improper disposal will be harmful to the environment. If they are badly managed at the time of replacement, these panels could create pollution and health problems. So, you must consider a recycling plan.


Most likely, solar lights in the sports field will change the way we experience our beloved matches. Without a doubt, this new trend will rise in the following years to come. Mainly because the post-covid economy will have to deal with renewable energies and better living conditions. The latest generation models will transform the ordinary stadium into a more eco-compatible arena. At the same time, the solar panels will provide a new source of income and lighter energy bills.

Daniel Mello Guimaraes is CEO and Co-Founder of Boston Solar, based in Woburn, MA. He is also Vice President of the Board of Philip Ferguson is the Social Media Manager at Sport Light Supply, a lighting and design company that develops LED solutions for sports venues worldwide.

Sport Light Supply ///

Today, the cost of recycling is higher than sending them to a landfill. A temporary solution is to store them until better times. But we must be diligent and store these harmful materials very carefully.

Feasible applications of solar lighting in the sports field 1. Mobile light tower

Before considering some of the uses of mobile light towers, it is better to remind ourselves of their main function. That is, provide brightness in any place where standard installations might be a problem. A movable light tower provides excellent emergency lighting. For example, at the soccer field sidelines for first responders. Dirty tackles can easily lead to injuries. So, a well-lit area for first-aid is useful. Similarly, golf players who like to train after work can enjoy a mobile light tower in their driving range. The owner could benefit from providing a service and not spending money on just that client's late training obsession.

2. Solar panel on high mast light pole

High mast floodlighting is ideal for installing solar sports lights. By placing the solar panels so high, you reduce the risk of any accidental obstruction for the solar cells. These lights are highly reliable. So, you can install them in parking lots near the sports field and between the stands. Thanks to remote lighting control, they are easy to monitor without having to climb the high mast. Plus, you can set different light intensity levels. This means that the players and spectators will never suffer from the lights being too bright.

3. Stadium roof attachment

One of the best ways of taking advantage of their autonomous, off-grid system is to mount them where other floodlights cannot stand. You can install the solar panel at the top of your stadium roof to receive sunlight. Then, a custom installation will connect the solar module to the roof-mounted sports light. Imagine the most creative domed stadium lighting layout. With independent solar sports lights, you can achieve your dream design. Light up the athletes from above. Create a cozy atmosphere for your special guests. Even the umpires and other officials will appreciate that! North American Clean Energy


solar energy

The Challenge of Electrifying the Modern Home by Daniel Goldman

We live in a world vastly different from even a few years ago. Homeowners and commercial business operators are increasingly concerned about climate change, grid reliability problems, 1,000-year storms every year, record numbers of damaging hurricanes, wildfires, and rising electricity costs. Many ratepayers fall victim to sustained power outages from weather events, rolling blackouts, and even a lack of sufficient generating capacity when the grid is stressed. Adding to all of this, living in a post-COVID world (with increased work from home and perhaps more home schooling) will make us increasingly vulnerable to grid reliability, impacting the entire family’s productivity.

As a result, homeowners and businesses have already embraced distributed energy resource (DERs) systems - principally home solar or small solar fields - to create what are effectively mini-grids and/or micro-grids. In fact, research forecasts that U.S. distributed solar installations will almost double from today’s roughly two million by 2022, and residential, commercial, and industrial energy storage systems will grow by orders of magnitude. But to make this transformation convenient, effective, and safe, ratepayers need the help and cooperation of their local distribution utility. Virtually all homes and facilities will remain connected to the grid via the transmission and distribution systems for the foreseeable future, certainly to maintain backup power. At the same time, they will need systems that accommodate partial or fully-sufficient solar installations, as well as integrated energy storage systems, smart appliances, home EV chargers, and other options not yet in existence but on the horizon. They and their utilities will also need increasing amounts of information, delivered instantly, to support energy efficiency, demand response, and lower energy costs. Unfortunately, most existing home and commercial electric meters installed


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Local utilities can add value and enable DERs for their ratepayers by offering comprehensive interconnection options. As technology like this continues to grow, it can become, in effect, a “clearing house” for a much more distributed energy landscape. The world of distributed energy resources and a cleaner energy economy is already here. Both utilities and homeowners can greatly benefit from this and other technologies enabling greater clean, zero-carbon energy adoption.

by utilities don’t lend themselves to installing solar energy, EV charging, fuel cells, or energy storage. Worse still, when the grid fails, most homes cannot even make use of their DER resources that run in parallel to the grid and don’t allow for islanding. Most meter manufacturers simply didn’t imagine the locallyelectrified world in which we already live, and utilities’ planning, purchasing, and operational worlds didn’t include massive numbers of ratepayer-located DER installations. As a result, homeowners are often left with unexpected installation costs - often thousands of dollars - to keep their homes safely connected to the grid. Utilities are left with a growing fleet of DERs dumping power into a grid that is not ready to handle it. Those utilities that don’t find ways to solve these challenges are sure to run into grid management issues and frustrated ratepayers. Luckily, emerging technologies are working to solve these interconnection and data sharing challenges for homeowners. In some cases, the DER technology provider manages the interconnection and sells data to the utility. In other cases, the utilities can install innovative, low-cost technologies like meter collars to capture data and reduce the cost to the homeowner. If we are to truly empower the homeowner, and advance this energy revolution while ensuring seamless integration with the grid, we need to think of these generation assets as appliances, no different than your refrigerator or HVAC system. The best way we’ve seen this addressed is at the meter. An electricity meter collar adapter can unlock the massive potential of DERs by turning the meter socket into the utility's all-in-one plugin point for solar, storage, electric vehicles and more. By utilizing what’s already on the side of everyone’s home (the meter socket), a meter collar takes away the need for expensive installations and upgrades just to stay safely connected to the grid and gives utilities a reliable and secure data link with DERs once they’re installed. It makes sense to use a system that is easily adopted and integrated into existing homes, other facilities, and applications. “Plug and play” devices are easy to install, integrate with utilities’ communications systems, and work universally across solar, storage, EV’s and even applications that have yet to come to market.

Daniel Goldman serves on the board of ConnectDER, a meter collar adapter startup, and is the co-founder and managing director of Clean Energy Ventures, a venture capital firm investing in climate tech startups that can mitigate the effects of climate change while providing strong venture capital returns.

ConnectDER ///


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North American Clean Energy


solar energy

How Energy’s Past Becomes Its Future

Alberta’s experience shows how old-energy skills can drive new-energy success by David Pichard


policy in the U.S.—and possibly the world. Biden’s $2-trillion campaign plans to bring the U.S. electric grid to 100 percent zero-carbon resources by 2035, reflecting a monumental shift in federal policies boosting renewables across the country. The momentum is clear: oil and coal economies will slowly diminish, and big investments in green infrastructure are on the way. The U.S. can look to the north to see how Alberta has successfully transitioned thousands of oil and gas workers to power Canada’s solar and wind industries. Reviewing Alberta’s fossil transition, historically traditional energy states like Pennsylvania and others can apply its strategies for success.

Refocusing Skills through Education and Advocacy

For decades, Alberta’s economy was dominated by fossil exploitation tapping the world’s third-largest oil reserves behind Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. A crash in oil prices and imploding global demand (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) have taken a toll on Canada’s oil industry. As of 2018, the US Oil and gas industry employed 153,000 people. The U.S. fracking boom and 2014 oil price crash resulted in 53,000 jobs lost between 2014 and 2019. But today, Alberta’s renewable sector employs an estimated 26,000 people (directly and indirectly), and analysts predict as many as 20,000 new jobs will come online by 2030. So, what lessons can we glean from Alberta’s transformed energy sector? According to education non-profit Solar Alberta, government-funded education, economic development and advocacy are key in supporting Alberta’s transition. Most postsecondary institutions in Alberta, including University of Calgary and University of Alberta, as well as technical colleges like the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology and the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology offer continuing education in renewables. Government grants subsidize 30 percent of tuition cost for these programs. Alberta’s industry organizations are also providing reskilling programs for tradespeople and professionals making the move into renewables. Solar Alberta enrolls upwards of 650 continuing education students a year – a clear sign of the need for skilled workers in both the trades and engineering. Advocacy group Iron & Earth was founded by oil sands workers to help Canadians shift from industrial trades to those more tailored to a sustainable energy future. The organization calls for a $110-billion federal


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

investment program to support a “green and prosperous” transition, helping energy workers gain the skills “to build the new, net-zero economy.” Its strategy combines community building, career and skill transitioning, fundraising, and demonstration projects to showcase success.

Where Alberta has Gone, Pennsylvania— and Others—can Follow

Energy-abundant Pennsylvania has been one of the leading producers of coal for over 200 years. It is the third largest supplier of coal and electricity in the country. Pennsylvania was also one of the first states to advance an alternative energy portfolio standard to incentivize its renewable sector. Analysts estimate the state’s clean-energy market represents a $16 to $20 billion investment opportunity, with 72,000 potential jobs in energy efficiency and renewables. Clean energy jobs in the state grew by nearly 7,800 between 2017 and 2019, while coal, natural gas and nuclear industries saw losses of nearly 2,500 jobs over the same period. In 2019, Pennsylvania Governor Wolf signed executive orders establishing the first statewide goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions—mandating a 26 percent reduction of net greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 (from 2005 levels) and an 80 percent reduction by 2050.

The Special Shine of Solar

Solar has a major role to play as Pennsylvania creates its renewable energy future. Drivers like community solar programs are creating opportunities—especially in construction, hospitality, health care, and other sectors hard hit by the pandemic. According to a recent Penn State study, community solar would create 12,000 jobs and generate a $1.8-billion economic impact. Again, Alberta has lessons to share. The province has committed to phase out coal by 2030—opening the door for solar and wind to play a larger role. Analysts predict that 83 percent of the utility-scale wind and solar capacity built in Canada over the next five years will be in Alberta, with solar representing 1.8 GW by 2025. Pennsylvania’s traditional energy sector workers are just as skilled, motivated and retrainable as Albertans. Harnessing their experience, commitment and skill will drive solar success in the Keystone State just as it has in Alberta. The regions’ similar climates and topographies mean that solar design and operational experience gained in Canada is imminently transferrable. While not as extreme as Alberta, Pennsylvania experiences harsh winters—with up to 100 inches of annual snowfall and temperatures as low as 19°F (-7.2°C).

David Pichard is CEO of GP JOULE North America – an EPC provider and racking manufacturer. GP JOULE is an active participant in Alberta’s booming PV market and brings its expertise building utility-scale solar in tough northern conditions to regions across the U.S.


The Know -How to Turn Experience into Excellence

When developing solar projects in regions that are transitioning from fossils to renewables, it’s smart to choose an EPC partner with experience leveraging the skills in oil and gas construction. Both sectors face similar challenges. The work is often done in remote sites, sometimes in frigid conditions where frequent warm-up breaks are a safety necessity. And both face the challenge of keeping teams motivated in cold and adverse conditions. PV and oil and gas draw on common trades, like framers to assemble racking structure, welders for adjusting steel foundations elevations, electricians and others. They use similar construction equipment, and both involve ground foundation and disturbance civil work requiring specialized training. When building utility-solar projects, EPCs with the right know-how can gain efficiencies using crews from the fossil fuel sectors with experience in large-scale construction. The safety and training culture, which is intensive and well-developed in oil, gas and coal plant construction and operations, can elevate safety standards and practices across utility-PV projects.

TerraSmart’s ground screw solution supports over 3.5 gigawatts of tracker and fixed-tilt solar systems in some of the toughest of soil conditions in the U.S.

Building on a Strong Foundation

Developers looking at projects on rugged terrains and harsh environments - whether in Alberta or the northern U.S—can benefit from racking and tracking technologies built for such conditions. Products designed for reliability in extreme conditions, using structuralgrade materials with superior galvanizing, can offer unique advantages. Trackers and fixed racking with customizable foundations, including helical piles, driven piles or ground screws options, offer flexibility to install reliable solar assets on any terrain. Alberta has shown that moving away from oil and gas opens the door to clean-energy jobs and economic growth. Developing and building profitable PV projects with partners experienced in transitioning economies can accelerate the transition to a brighter future.

JOINED TO EMPOWER TerraSmart, a Gibraltar Industries company, is dedicated to working with customers of all types to make solar energy readily available anywhere. |

North American Clean Energy


solar energy

All-in-one tool for designing and optimizing solar plants

RatedPower has launched its new interface equipped with financial automation. RatedPower is a collaborative and cloud based software committed to enabling and empowering its users with the processes and tools to help them optimize their work. With this in mind, the new 2.0 interface is fast, intuitive, and easy to use. The new Financial Tool allows the user to create price templates which will be saved privately and used by the algorithm to automatically calculate the CAPEX and LCOE of all the projects simulated in pvDesign. Additionally, another key new feature, the Comparison Tool, allows pvDesign’s clients to easily compare designs side by side with the desired parameters and sort them according to their preferences.

RatedPower ///

Power grid virtualization project

LF Energy, a Linux Foundation nonprofit seeking to accelerate the energy transition of the world’s grids and transportation systems through open source, along with Alliander, RTE, and its newest member, Savoir-faire Linux, announced SEAPATH (Software Enabled Automation Platform and Artifacts (THerein)). SEAPATH will provide a reference design and a realtime, open-source platform for grid operators to run virtualized automation and protection applications. SEAPATH seeks to consolidate multi-provider automation and protection applications with redundant hardware requirements onto one platform that grid operators can use to emulate and virtually provide these services. The project will help with time and cost-efficiency, scalability and flexibility, innovation, vendor-agnostic implementations, and the convergence of utility practices.

LF Energy ///

Diagnostic equipment maintenance program

Engineering services company Solar Support, has rolled out a diagnostic equipment maintenance program that uses analytics to assess the health of central inverters in utility-scale PV systems. Solar Support engineers analyze internal inverter data to evaluate components, pinpoint impending issues and failure trends, and help plant managers identify and source the right parts for rapid repairs. The maintenance program comprises two intelligent services, Data Analysis, which diagnoses failures once they occur, and Predictive Data Analysis, which evaluates failure trends before they become a problem. Both services include prescriptive recommendations and can be combined with technical troubleshooting support and training to help teams resolve tough equipment issues. Solar Support also provides detailed replacement part recommendations to ensure field efficiencies. Solar Support data analysis capabilities currently include inverters from all leading manufacturers.

Solar Support ///

1500 Volt 30 Amp I-V Curves

Mobile solar container for off-grid regions

Klaus Faber AG has launched the compact solar battery container Mobile Power System. This intelligent overall solution combines a 24kW solar system with 80kWh lithium-ion battery storage and an emergency power generator. The new power supply is characterized by its modular architecture and plug & play design. All components are stowed in a standardized 20ft container for transport. On site, the solar wings can be quickly and conveniently folded out and put into operation. Individual module units such as the 24/7 backup unit are compactly mounted on slide-in grid-frame modules and easily accessible. The system is operated and monitored via the control panel on the container door. If required, both the generation and storage capacity can be retrofitted at any time. The container can be utilized to set up a self-sufficient basic power supply, but the system can also be integrated into an existing grid. Since the Mobile Power System harmonizes with diverse supply structures and load conditions, it can be used worldwide. To ensure the power supply works reliably in the long term, Faber Infrastructure offers its customers needs-based services, trains the customer's own service personnel, and provides a reliable supply of spare parts.

Faber Infrastructure GmbH ///

Solmetric PV Analyzer Now shipping V3!

Highest accuracy and throughput Largest display with best array troubleshooong features Database of 50,000 PV modules Measures up to 1500V at 30A 3000 wireless sensor range Sophisscated Data Analysis Sophi Sooware Expert tools Beeer solar 28

MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

Three steps to integrate an inverter

The Fronius Solar.start app allows installers to connect to the internet, configure the device, and integrate the inverter into the Solar.web onlinemonitoring portal. It happens quickly and ensures a professional appearance for the customer. The app provides another service by linking to useful platforms such as Solar.web or Solar.SOS.

Fronius Solar Energy ///

Foldable, portable solar

Bioenno Power, based in Santa Ana, California introduces a new foldable, portable series of monocrystalline solar panels that are ultra light-weight and can be easily taken on-the-go for use in charging LiFePO4 batteries (using an optional solar controller), or other battery chemistries. These panels range in wattage from 28W up to 180W.

Fused electrical disconnect The FEED, (fused electrical disconnect), is an integrated unit installed with an Alencon SPOT or BOSS device in the factory. The FEED allows for a variety of interconnection and fusing options for Alencon’s DC:DC products. The FEED offers end users flexibility in deploying Alencon’s products. The FEED allows the user to specify the type of terminations on both the input and output of the device, including either screw terminals or PV connectors, appropriately rated disconnects and fuses, as well as ground fault indication and fusing. The FEED has been specifically designed to simplify the deployment of Alencon devices across a broad variety of applications including repowering aged PV systems, DC coupling solar plus storage, EV charging, and integration with fuel cells, among others.

Alencon ///

Bioenno Power ///

Easy Anchoring Solution for Ground-Mounted Solar Arrays Creates a fast, strong, and lightweight foundation for ground-mounted solar arrays that protects against wind, storms, earth movements, and temperature expansion/ contraction. Easy to install, replaces concrete, and installs with hand tools. Kit contains a pre-ferruled cable attached to a ground anchor, and a fastener to secure.

Low inductance bus bar and capacitor assembly

PV Solar Anchoring Kit

Mersen has introduced Fischerlink 2.0, an optimally designed and assembled capacitor and bus bar sub assembly. Mersen Fischerlink 2.0 uses laser welding to connect capacitor terminals to bus bars, thus improving the overall performance of the assembly and reducing the footprint. Laser welding the connections to bus bars has several advantages compared to traditional screw or solder mounting methods including reducing the inductance and increasing the capacitance per volume up to 20%. The assembly is done entirely by Mersen and all parts are 100% tested before delivery, providing customers additional peace of mind. The sub-assembly of capacitor and bus bar are rolled into one single part number, offering additional savings in administrative costs.


Mersen ///

Gripple Inc | 1611 Emily Lane | Aurora, IL 60502 | USA Tel +1 866 474 7753 Fax +1 800 654 0689 Email

North American Clean Energy


solar energy

High power solar charge controller

Schneider Electric Solar’s Conext MPPT 100 expands Schneider Electric’s solar charge controller product line with a greater range of power ratings for solar and storage systems. The MPPT 100 allows homeowners to optimize battery charging from solar and maximize energy resiliency, with the easy, flexible installation of large PV arrays for whole-home backup. It is also suitable for prolonged blackouts. Even if the battery inverter shuts down due to a fully discharged battery during night, the MPPT charge controller allows the system to recover when PV returns. With the allowance for over-sized arrays, the MPPT 100 allows for 7kW solar power arrays. It is suitable for residential grid-tied self-supply and off-grid systems and is scalable for larger installations. For installers, the 600V MPPT 100 offers fast installations and low balance of system costs. With 2 PV string per charge controller, the MPPT 100 600 offers 50% less wiring than low voltage charge controllers. The MPPT 100 is also compatible with the MPPT Disconnect RS accessory for rapid shutdown compliance, fire safety, and arc fault detection. Customers can utilize Schneider Electric’s Insight, their robust digital energy management platform for Solar & Storage systems. The system performance is accessible through their local, cloud, and mobile interfaces. Homeowners can easily monitor, operate, and upgrade their solar and storage installation with peace of mind thanks to the advanced cybersecurity. For installers, powerful features like remote settings management and firmware updates make it easy to maintain the sites while keeping truck rolls minimum. Insight also offers installers a suite of portfolio monitoring and management tools, allowing them to keep track of a large number of install sites.

Schneider Electric ///

Terminal block for space saving requirements

Weidmuller introduces a new terminal block offering to provide an alternate solution managing control voltage distribution for Machinery/Controls equipment within the Process and Power Generation Industries. The AAP 11&12 double output control voltage terminal series is designed to reduce cabinet space and is suited for applications where there is limited panel space. With an 8mm width, the new AAP 11&12 double distribution terminal series offers a high wiring density and a wide conductor acceptance range for 8-6AWG (Pwr. Input) to 22-10AWG (Cntrl. voltage distribution feeds) and electrical ratings via UL for 300-600V/55A. Weidmuller’s AAP 11&12 integrates a single power connection for an incoming conductor with six independent output connections within one terminal. This new design includes corresponding jumpering channels that accommodate the connection of pluggable jumpers to distribute voltage amongst adjacent terminals. Depending on control voltage distribution requirements, the AAP 11&12 terminal series offers color-coded push buttons for quick visual identification of intented potentials and clear marking identification. The new AAP 11&12 series features Weidmuller’s standard vibration-proof and maintenance-free Push IN clamp termination technology and is electrically rated for 300*/600V/38*-55A/22*-6AWG to cURus standards. *AAP 11 terminal series

Weidmuller ///

LARGE FORMAT MODULES ARE HERE. Voyager+ 2P Tracker is already here to meet them. Design Flexibility Lower Installed Cost SunPath Yield Enhancement

Polycarbonate breather vent kit

AttaBox Enclosures announces the availability of a patented 60mm polycarbonate Breather Vent Kit that maintains a 3R enclosure rating. Designed to help maintain component temperatures inside the enclosure within certain design limits, the AttaBox 60mm breather vent quickly and easily installs with just a turn of the wrist, and provides indoor and outdoor protection against rain, sleet, snow, dirt and other foreign objects, UV degradation, flames, and other environmental elements. The AttaBox 60mm breather vent can be installed on polycarbonate, fiberglass, stainless steel, carbon steel, and aluminum enclosures. This compact, unobtrusive vent can be mounted on sides, front, or rear of an enclosure. High impact resistance is assured from a durable polycarbonate construction. This cULus registered product meets UL NEMA Type 1, 2, and 3R ratings for indoor and outdoor use. No installation tools are required. All installation instructions and hardware are included with Breather Vent Kit. Optional 60mm axial fan mounting holes are available on the locknut.

AttaBox Enclosures ///

Cost efficient and reliable measurement

POSITAL IXARC encoders with Modbus RTU interfaces are available in a wide range of mechanical configurations. Customers can select exactly what they need in terms of the housing material and level of environmental protection, shaft type and diameter, mounting flange and connector type. Customers can also choose between single- and multi-turn measurement ranges. For multi-turn models, the rotation counter is powered by energy harvested from the rotation of the device’s shaft, eliminating the need for backup batteries and reducing maintenance costs.



MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

Analog output meter

WAGO’s new 750-564 analog output module can be configured to feature either voltage or current outputs. These 4-channel modules offer individual configuration, making it suitable for applications requiring multiple signal types. Each channel also provides diagnostics that include wire break, short circuit, and field power supply information. With under 3 ms of conversion time, a 16 bit resolution, and high accuracy of .05% upper range, the 750-564 offers high performance, precision, and resolution for all user applications. These modules also have the ability to adapt to signal types without the need for users to change hardware.

WAGO ///

Highly compact inverter for direct feeding into the medium-voltage grid

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE have developed an inverter based on new types of silicon carbide (SiC) transistors with high blocking voltages so the inverters can be connected directly to the medium-voltage grid. The high control dynamics of SiC inverters can take on grid-stabilizing tasks and act as active power filters to compensate for harmonics in the medium-voltage grid. SiC inverters can achieve high power densities, resulting in a compact design. As part of the project SiC-MSBat, medium-voltage inverters with high-voltage SiC power modules for largescale storage and system-serving distribution grids, a 250kW inverter stack was developed for feeding into 3kVAC grids. Here, 3.3kV SiC transistors are used with their low power losses, so the inverter stack operates with a switching frequency of 16kHz. The high switching frequency provides savings on the passive components, as these can be dimensioned in a smaller format. The inverter features its active liquid cooling with a synthetic ester as cooling medium. This medium is pumped through the inverter and cools both the transistors via a liquid heat sink and the filter chokes, which are housed in a closed tank. At the same time, the cooling medium for the filter chokes serves as an electrical insulation medium, allowing the filter chokes to be made even more compact. The inverter achieves an efficiency rate of 98.4% at rated power. The design of the inverter stack allows modular interconnection of multiple stacks to achieve system outputs of several megawatts.

Fraunhofer ISE ///

Bifacial tracker reflector technology

GameChange Solar announced BifacialReflector, a patent-pending new technology which dramatically increases power production for the GameChange Solar Genius Tracker with bifacial modules. The technology is a highly reflective (.95 albedo), permanent solid surface up to 4m wide, which reflects light from just above ground level to the back of the bifacial modules. BifacialReflector is a self-cleaning, longterm (40-year life) solution. The reflectors can boost the gain by up to an estimated total of 15-20% when using bifacial modules.

GameChange Solar ///

Coupling PV systems with heating and hot water systems

The PV*SOL premium version 2021 has been adapted to the latest technical developments and expanded for future-oriented applications. By integrating the simulation of a complete hot water system with the integration of a thermal building model from the sister program T*SOL, the share of the energy consumption of an electric heat pump to cover the thermal building energy requirement, or the hot water energy requirement, can now be calculated and the respective share of the electricity from the PV system determined. The global climate data from Meteonorm 7.3 has also been added so the program includes the latest climate data records currently available.

Valentin Software GmbH ///

Online, on-site troubleshooting

On-site troubleshooting is easy with the comprehensive Solar.SOS online service tool and the Solar.SOS app. Service technicians simply enter the serial number and the state code shown on their smartphone or laptop and the repair instructions appear immediately. Technical videos, installation instructions, and operating instructions are also accessible for all Fronius devices. Should it be necessary to repair or replace individual components, this can be set up directly over the Solar.SOS app, without queues or phone charges. Outstanding servicing work can also be easily dealt with to save time, and multiple accounts and systems can be managed with the same account. The technical support team is still on-hand to help and advise; firstly via the support hotline during normal business hours and secondly via the new messaging function in the app that is ready to help 24/7.

GROUND SCREWS? HELICAL ANCHORS? REFUSAL HOLES? Rock Drilling Attachments Get the Job Done.

Fronius Solar Energy /// | 1.336.584.6700 North American Clean Energy


solar energy

New high amperage solar fuse

Littelfuse, Inc. has expanded its SPXV series solar string fuses to include 35A to 60A models. Designed to integrate into an LFXV15 fuse block and cover holder, these 20 x 127mm 1500VDC solar fuses protect photovoltaic (PV) installations from overloads and short circuits to minimize damage to solar panels. Key benefits of the 35A to 60A solar SPXV series solar fuses include higher amperage protection in less space for increased design flexibility, full range, fast-acting properties to help protect against common low-overload and short-circuit faults, meets UL 248-19 and IEC 60269-6 photovoltaic fuse standard requirements, and product labels with QR codes offering real-time access to part numbers, voltage, programming terms, and date codes to save time with product replacements and inventorying.

Littelfuse, Inc. ///

Retrofittable conduits

Flexazip / DUO conduits from AerosUSA make repairs with ease. They are manufactured from highly engineered impact resistant polyamide materials. Flexazip conduit with insertion tool allows for quick and easy installation of pre-terminated and connectorized cables. The closure strip closes off conduit and ensures greater impact resistance while maintaining flexibility. DUO conduits are dual wall and offer double the impact and crush resistance and are suitable solutions for retrofits and repairs. They are available in polyamide PA and polyproylene PP materials.

AerosUSA , Inc. ///

Powerful and high-performing residential modules

LG Business Solutions, USA’s new 66-cell NeON R and NeON R Prime modules with Back Contact Technology feature high output efficiency and sleek aesthetics, reinforcing LG’s commitment to serving the homebuilder market with excellent performance and design appeal. Available to U.S. homebuilders and homeowners this spring, the NeON R 66-cell residential solar panel has a power output up to 440W, while the NeON R Prime (all black) comes in a 425W model. With efficiency up to 22.1%, both modules are suitable for homeowners and installers who are in need of a reliable, durable, and elegant solar solution to their energy needs. The LG NeON R and NeON R Prime 66-cell panels feature Back Contact Technology, which enables all interconnectors to be positioned on the cell’s under side to increase the potential for sunlight absorption and decrease vulnerability to environmental damage, such as micro-cracks that potentially increase energy loss. This technology, along with the relocation of electrodes to the back, also provides a sleek, modern appearance of the module. The NeON R and NeON R Prime 66-cell panels come with a 25-year limited warranty that covers product, performance, and labor. At 25 years, these modules are guaranteed to produce at least 92.5% of their labeled power output, reassuring consumers that their investment in these panels is covered for years to come.

LG Business Solutions, USA ///

Battery-less off-grid solar system design guide

CyboEnergy, Inc. has released a BatteryLess Off-Grid Solar System Design Guide. This guide will help customers and installers design off-grid solar PV water heating, zone cooling and heating, and electrification systems. The Guide illustrates how to use solar PV water heating to store energy in the form of hot water. It uses an off-grid PV water heating system, where a CyboInverter H model is connected to 4 solar panels and delivers solar energy to the lower heating element of the water heater. The temperature setpoint for the lower element can be purposely set much higher than the upper element. This way, the upper element that consumes grid power does not turn on unless a lot of hot water is used within a short period of time. Packaged PV water heating systems with OG-300 certifications are available through CyboEnergy’s strategic partners. It also shows how to operate an off-grid system with no batteries by using an AC assisted off-grid solar system that can run 120V loads. With assisted AC input power, the system can run AC loads 24/7 with solar power, grid power, or combined power. It allows users to take major loads off the grid and avoid the cost and potential curtailment of an on-grid solar system.

CyboEnergy ///

Sharing career opportunites

Solar Wakeup and EnergeiaWorks have launched a collaboration to offer solar professionals enhanced access to exclusive solar career opportunities. EnergeiaWorks will present select positions in solar as special content for the readers of With this content collaboration, EnergeiaWorks will help connect energy professionals to important and relevant job opportunities within the company’s network. Now, interested candidates can review the Hot Jobs section on both the EnergeiaWorks and SolarWakeup platforms.

EnergeiaWorks ///


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///


CAB Solar Continues Innovation IN 2014 CAB SOLAR, the solar product production group for the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped, entered the grid-scale solar plant cable management market. Their patented, innovative above ground messenger wire cable management system was a paradigm shift for the industry and has helped to increase the efficiency of installation and lower the overall cost of solar power. CAB continued to build on this innovation in cable management and introduced its one-of-a-kind Integrated Grounding above ground messenger wire system. This system provides the same above ground cable management but adds the game changing use of the messenger wire as an available EGC or GEC. Saving even more labor time and product cost. CAB’s newest innovative solutions are hangers designed to hang off of the torque tubes in tracker systems, or even a carport structure. With designs to accommodate many tracker systems, these hangers are designed for long life and easy installation. The Integrated Grounding system from CAB Solar is also being refreshed. In addition to the routine addition of new hanger designs, CAB is introducing #2 equivalent grounding messenger wire for use with systems that need the added grounding capacity. Also available is a new #3 equivalent messenger wire that is slated to replace the current offering. The new addition uses slightly less copper while maintaining its #3 equivalency which results in an approximately 10% lower cost. To aid in the innovative application of CAB’s products, they provide engineering support in the form of reports on the electrical properties and structural properties of the system and have an updated white paper from Bill Brooks that goes into some recent changes to the NEC.

CAB Solar continues to innovate. Tel: 814-472-5077 / North American Clean Energy


solar energy

Flexible and conforming bus bar connections

Mersen’s BusFLEXX flexible and conforming bus bar connections allow for connectivity of cables to bus bars, electrical/electronic components to bus bars, and even bus bar to bus bars wherever there is a need for mechanical gap tolerances and/or thermal compensation. The connectors can have static or +/-1mm dynamic properties, up to three rotational axis (X,Y, and Z), and provide cost effective yet long lasting connection methods. Mersen design engineers can work closely with customers to solve their specific design needs for custom-made conforming connectors. In addition, connectors can be designed with a certain amount of flexibility and spring tension, reducing the harsh effect of vibration/harmonics on hard connections.

Mersen ///

Solar energy and money saving device

Con Edison is offering, free of charge, a device that can save upwards of $1,000 for a residential customer installing a new solar array. The Smart ConnectDER, built by ConnectDER, Con Edison’s partner on the project, allows the customer to avoid the cost of upgrading the circuit breaker panel. It also eliminates the need for excessive electrical boxes on the side of the home. The Smart ConnectDER is an adapter that uses the electric meter socket as a point of interconnection for solar power. It fits on most electric meters and works for solar arrays up to 15kW, meaning nearly all residential solar projects. In addition, on homes where the meter socket is on an exterior wall, the installer does not have to enter the home to connect the solar to the home wiring. Smart ConnectDERs are simple and versatile. A solar contractor who wants to use a Smart ConnectDER for a customer’s interconnection would send Con Edison a photo of the meter to confirm that the meter can accommodate the device.

Con Edison ///

Terminal block modules

The new RockStar ModuPlug terminal block modules with PUSH IN connection technology re-invents control cabinet wiring. The terminal solution in the connector frees up space in the cabinet and reduces installation time. Using the individual modules, combine all the necessary functions for power, signal, data, and pneumatics transmission in a single interface. The modules reduce the amount of space required and cut costs. The frames and modules can be installed and integrated into HDC housings with the IP65 and IP68 protection classes. RockStar ModuPlug can be used in existing applications without the need to make system adjustments. The halved pitch size allows twice the number of module slots in the frame. The reduced pitch separation creates more functionality in the same installation space. The design of RockStar ModuPlug offers several benefits, a two-point fixture allows assembly and disassembly without tools. The fixed locking position provides for stability and fast and easy assembly. Incorrect connection is avoided through special round and rectangular coding. The RockStar ModuPlug Online Configurator enables fast and easy compilation of frames, modules, contacts, and accessories using drag & drop.

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MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

A new generation of roof attachments

SnapNrack’s new SpeedSeal Technology featuring SpeedSeal Foot for the Ultra Rail Roof Mount System and SpeedSeal Track for the RL Universal Roof Mount System have an innovative design that incorporates flashing reliability into a single attachment by using Lag Driven Sealant Technology. These new SnapNrack SpeedSeal products, SpeedSeal Foot and SpeedSeal Track, speed up the installation process by allowing installers to lag straight to a structural member with no in-between components, and eliminates damage to shingles from the installation process. The simple install process consists of locating a rafter, filling the sealant cavity and securing to the roof. The SpeedSeal Technology takes over, compressing sealant into the cavity, shingle surfaces, and lag hole, as the SpeedSeal Foot or SpeedSeal Track is secured to the rafter. The 100% waterproof solution provides a lasting seal and passes UL 2582 Wind Driven Rain Test and ASTM E2140 Water Column Testing standards. Both SnapNrack SpeedSeal Foot and SpeedSeal Track save installers time on the roof with less parts and less tools, while maintaining the integrity of the shingles. SnapNrack’s tradition of a single tool installation is carried on in the new SpeedSeal Foot and SpeedSeal Track designs with the same ½" socket, that is the standard for all components of SnapNrack’s mounting systems.

SnapNrack ///

DC/DC converter for extreme environments

WAGO introduces their new 12 to 24VDC DIN Rail mountable converter for extreme conditions. This XTR DC/DC converter has conformal coating which provides increased effectiveness against harsh environments. It can also be used in a wide range of temperatures from -40 F to 158°F suitable for extreme applications. Other features include reverse polarity and short circuit protection, preventing problems with miswiring, and 95% efficiency at full load, reducing energy loss and providing full ampacity without derating. These converters are useful in environments that require extreme testing procedures and can provide up to 3A. Due to extreme temperature conditions, these converters could also aid solar panel applications in the energy field.

WAGO ///

solar product spotlight: racking & mounting

Racking & Mounting

Along with quality panels, it’s important to ensure a solid base and a supportive structure for a successful solar installation. The following highlights a variety of mounting and racking solutions that are available, along with their key features, to help solar designers and installers find the best option for their project.



QuickBOLT Product: QB2 with Microflashing


Key Features:

Application: Roof-mount

• The QB2 has passed all Intertek water tests with and without sealant;

Material: Stainless Steel backed EPDM Washer and Stainless Steel L-Foot

• Only 3 parts, Microflashing, an L-foot, and a dual drive shoulder screw;

Angle: 90° Pre- or Post-assembly: No assembly required Certifications/Approvals: UL Certified, Tensile, Load, and Water Testing (ASTM E331 and E2124) Warranty: 25-year warranty

Product: Choice Direct-Bolt Mounting System

Key Features: • Pre-assembled components help cut down installation time;

Application: Ground-mount, utility-scale Angle: 5° to 45°

• Factory-direct, which means OMCO can deliver mounting systems to a project site with minimal lead times;

Material: Galvanized U.S. Steel per ASTM A653 latest edition

• Uses BoltSeal, a patented mechanical compression sealing technology;

• 4 strategically located US manufacturing plants (AZ, AL, OH, and IN) reduce lead times and freight costs;

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703

• Simple, efficient design saves time and money on installations by eliminating the need to lift shingles;

Warranty: 20-year limited warranty

• As the supplier and manufacturer of the racking system, OMCO provides responsive, direct, and knowledgeable customer service to their clients.

• Can be mounted over asphalt shingle seams for flexible placement.

ProteaBracket™ & PVKIT™ 2.0

OMG Roofing Products Product: OMG PowerGrip Universal 7 Roof Anchor Application: Roof-mount Material: Heavy duty cast aluminum Warranty: Through roof system manufacturer

ProteaBracket can be used for rail mounting or “direct-attach” with S-5! PVKIT 2.0

PVKIT™ 2.0


• Pre-assembled components save time and money

• 34% lighter – saves on shipping

• Versatile: same kit for most module thicknesses

• Stronger L-Foot™

• Only one tool needed for installation

• Load-tested for engineered application

• Installs with module, reducing lay out time

• Corrosion-resistant materials


SunEarth Product: RexRack Application: Roof-mount, ground-mount


• All non-corrosive aluminum and stainless steel

• Adjustable – Fits rib

• Single-piece EdgeGrab installs with ease

• Peel-and-Stick prevents accidental shifting during installation

• Added slots for wire

Angle: 20° to 60° from horizontal

• Low

Material: Corrosion resistant 6063-T6 anodized aluminum, AISI 304 stainless steel

hardware provides


• Available in black by special order • 1″ gap between modules, allowing load reduction per ASCE-7

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly Warranty: 5-year finish warranty, 10-year parts warranty

• UL 2703 Listed *visit for details on our warranties

up to 3″

• Fully pre-assembled • 25-year warranty* • Now made in aluminum

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North American Clean Energy

8/5/19 12:48 PM


solar product spotlight: racking & mounting



APA Solar Racking

RBI Solar Product: Dahlia

Product: TITAN

Key Features:

Application: Utility-scale ground-mount Angle: 7.5° to 12.5° Material: Galvanized steel Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre- and postassembly Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703 Warranty: 20-year warranty

• Low slope and clearance design allows for maximum PV density on a given site;

Key Features:

Application: Ground-mount

• Designed by installers for installers;

Angle: Adjustable

• Standard with a single driven C-pile or a dual screw foundation;

Material: Galvanized steel

• Few components and limited onsite connections makes installation simple;

Pre- or Post-assembly: Some preassembly

• Asymmetrical 3-rail design;

Certifications/Approvals: UL Listed

• 4-high portrait orientation;

Warranty: 25-year warranty

• Gravity Clip speeds up module install by 30% to 40%;

• Low part count/MW;

• Engineered purlin for easy in the field adjustments.

• Optimal up to 20psf snow, 150mph winds

GripRac, Inc.


Product: GripBelt Application: Flat roofs Angle: 0° to 15° Material: Aluminum 5052, with 304 stainless steel hardware

Pre- or Post-assembly: Preassembled

Product: Racking Systems and OEM Structural Materials

Pre- or Post-assembly: Preand post-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, UL 1703

Application: Ground-mount, shade structure, utility-scale

Certifications/Approvals: Listed to UL 2703

Warranty: 20-year warranty

Angle: All angles

Warranty: 5 to 20-year warranty

Material: Galvanized steel

The Pioneers of Waterproof Flexible Flashing Since 1994 Installed On Over One Million Roofs 2019



2020 Solar Mounting Solutions, LLC



Product: Solar Racking & Mounting Application: Flat roof commercial ballast, anchor, hybrid




Angle: 5°, 10°, 15°, landscape or portrait Material: G90 galvanized steel Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembled parts Certifications/Approvals: UL Listed Bonding & Grounding Components, Class A Fire Warranty: 20-year warranty

One Manufacturer, One Warranty 36

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solar product spotlight: racking & mounting


PV Racking Product: PVR Ground Mount Application: Ground-mount Angle: 30° Material: Galvanized steel, aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Postassembly

Product: RC and RCT Mounting Clamps

Pre- or Post-assembly: Postassembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703

Application: Standing seam metal roof

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Material: Aluminum

Certifications/Approvals: Tested up to 2400lbs with 600lbs allowable loading when properly installed Warranty: Lifetime warranty

Schletter NA, Inc. Product: FixRL Application: Roof, rail-less Angle: Adjustable Material: Aluminum Pre- or Post-assembly: 100% preassembled Certifications/Approvals: UL Listed Warranty: 25-year warranty

STREAMLINE Your Roof Time Tamarack Solar FM Racking System

THE TAMARACK FM SYSTEM is designed and engineered to make PV

mounting simpler, faster and more versatile than ever. Single-tool installation is intuitive and easy to learn, greatly reducing time and mistakes on the roof.

Preformed Line Products Product: Power Rail P14, UD, LD, and MD Application: Commercial roof and structure mounting Angle: Tilt options available Material: Marine-grade aluminum Pre- or Post-assembly: Patented, preassembled RAD clamps Warranty: 10-year warranty Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703

“Fewer parts and greatly simplified wire management means our crews install systems faster with less complexity. We’ve standardized on Tamarack for all rooftop systems.” BARRY CINNAMON

Cinnamon Energy Systems

The Industry’s Most Advanced PV Racking System Industry-Best Wire Management & Protection Place cables inside rail channel and secure with snap-in wire clips. Fast and safe.

Tool-Free Bonding Splice Internal splice never interferes with mounts, module clamps, or wire management.

Hidden End-Clamp & Push-On End Cap Simple-to-install options for premium aesthetics.

AIMS Power Product: Universal Ground & Pole Solar Mounts and Brackets Application: Ground-mount, pole-mount, and carports Angle: 20° to 45°

Rail-Mount Adapter Simple, versatile, super-strong attachment. No more T-bolts!

50-50 Module Clamp Single self-standing clamp for both mid and end. Channel-nut rail attachment provides superior pull-out strength.

Material: Steel, aluminum Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre- and postassembly available Certifications/Approvals: Wind, snow, structural Warranty: 10-year warranty


7-ft rail option greatly reduces shipping costs and damage.

• Three rail sizes, two lengths. Attaches to all L-feet and tile hooks, and to all modules. MLPE adapters. • UL 2703 Listed, PE Certified, Class A Fire Rating (Types 1 & 2), 180 MPH wind rating, 25-year warranty 707-222-6240 • Willits, CA North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: racking & mounting SEE AD ON PAGE 23


Solar FlexRack Product: G3-X Series Application: Ground-mount Angle: 5° to 45° (custom tilts can be accommodated) Material: Galvanized steel Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre- and postassembly Certifications/Approvals: UL2703 Warranty: 20-year warranty

Key Features:

Solar Connections International

• All steel construction;

Product: PowerMount Adjust

• Built-in adjustability and tolerances to accommodate up to 20% slope (east-west);

Application: Roof-mount

• Slot-to-slot connections and predrilled holes for adaptability to any pile solution; • Automatic system squaring for reduced installation time with integrated bonding and wire management; • Available in portrait or landscape and UL2703 certified.

Material: Aluminum Certifications/Approvals: 3rd Party Uplift/Shear Reports Warranty: 25-year limited warranty

Key Features: • Features the aptitude to adapt to ribbed panels that range in widths from 0.75" to 3.00"; • Eliminates the need for multiple SKUs, simplifying order placement and installation experience; • Features pre-applied EPDM on the PowerWings to provide a watertight seal with four points of attachment; • This system includes the PowerMount Adjust Bracket, (2) PowerWings, four stainless steel fasteners with EPDM washers, and an M8 serrated flange bolt.

patent pending


Power-Structures, LLC Product: Solar Awning Bracket TM

Application: Wall-mount Angle: 20°, 30°, 40° Material: Aluminum



Pre- or Post-assembly: No assembly required Certifications/Approvals: Engineered to 2019 UBC


Warranty: Lifetime warranty


EcoFasten Solar Product: ClickFit Application: Roof Angle: Pitch Material: Aluminum Pre- or Post-assembly: Parts do not require assembly Certifications/Approvals: Conforms to UL 2703 Warranty: 25-year warranty


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///


“Stop installing your bifacial solar panels on racking with a wind deflector!”



hen the first Single Axis Trackers (SATs) came in operation around the world, over four decades ago, they did not immediately get adopted by the Solar Industry. In large part because there was no Solar Industry in the eighties, but also because of unknowns such as aging, reliability, and maintenance costs.

Opsun Systems, SunRail™ bifacial flat roof racking, by SHEA Electric

Even if the extra yield was appealing (along with the even more alluring increased Return On Investment [ROI]), the increase risks kept system owners and investors away from this technology for several decades, until all the elements of the puzzle came together: price, reliability, availability, contracts, insurers, installers, etc.

Another mistake perhaps is that developers, system owners and investors often imagine their projects and write their contracts for Watt peak capacity (power), instead of electricity generation (kWh), and thus incentivizes EPCs to use a low-cost racking with a wind deflector that will reduce the project cost in $/W, but at the same time prevent a 10-20% increased annual production possible with bifacial panels, thus impoverishing the system owner.

The same is happening with bifacial solar panels.

The Revolution of Rooftop Bifacial

Bifacial solar panels, a new technology in the eighties, is mainstream today for ground-mounted solar, but strangely absent from rooftop system. Why? Just like SATs, rooftop bifacial systems promise increase yield and return on investment, but just like any new technology, paradigms must be shifted around to unlock its value.

Savvy solar developers, including some roofers, now target clients needing a new roof, and package the roof as part of the “energy generating asset”, claiming the Investment Tax Credits (ITC) and accelerated depreciation on a portion of the roof value. Then, leveraging the reflectivity of white EPDM or TPO roofs (up to 80%!), they benefit from bifacial solar panels at almost no cost premium to produce an easy extra 10% yield with bifacial solar panels still tilted at the standard 10 degrees.

On bifacial solar panels spec sheets, an ominous “10%” extra bifacial energy is often stated, along with an even more gloomy “20%” or “30%”, all this without any explanation on how to achieve this extra yield.

To allow such financial structure, these system developers, owners and investors now request bifacial panels to be installed on a bifacial-optimized solar racking.

Now that bifacial solar panels are sold at approximately the same price as equivalent quality monofacial solar panels, an astute solar developer, system owner or investor shall ask “how can I achieve this 10-20% extra yield”.

As bifacial panels become more accessible, system owners and investors looking to bank on bifacial solar panels’ extra yield will prefer rail-based racking that protects solar panels from degradation, and that don’t use wind deflectors.

“Stop installing your bifacial solar panels on racking with a wind deflector!”, shall answer the bifacial solar panels specialist. Bifacial solar panels require space under them for light to bounce and reach the backside of the solar modules. Panels must be installed in the landscape orientation, elevated at least 10” from the roof at the front, tilted as much as possible (10° and up), and no wind deflector or rails must be installed underneath. Open racks without wind deflectors will also cool the panels better, usually increasing yield by an additional 2%. Anchored systems are often preferred to ballasted systems, as they block less light from reaching under the panels.

History repeats itself

Interested in unlocking the full potential of bifacial panels, as stated on their spec sheet? Contact us to learn how to optimize your flat rooftop bifacial solar system and obtain better yields. Now that all the pieces of the bifacial solar puzzle have come together, the time is ripe to step into the bifacial rooftop revolution, and reap the rewards. Just the same way early adopters of SATs harvested increased revenue.

Opsun - Unlock the True Power of Solar Learn more at North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: racking & mounting




Sollega, Inc. Product: Ballasted Ground Mount FR510 Racking

Key Features:

Product: S-5-PVKIT 2.0

Warranty: 25-year manufacturer’s warranty against manufacturer defect

Application: Roof-mount, ground-mount

• Fully ballasted/hybrid options;

Application: Roof-mount, standing seam, and exposed fasten (trapezoidal and corrugated)

Material: UV rated Nylon 6 Polymer

• Pre-assembly for fast installation;

Angle: Flush to roof

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

• Injection molded in the U.S.A.

Material: Aluminum 6061 T6

• Reduces logistics and shipping inconvenience;

Pre- or Post-assembly: Either pre- or post-assembly

• Quick install time and limited labor requirements.

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703 Class "A" Type 1, 2, 3 modules

• Simple, modular one piece design;

Warranty: 25-year limited warranty Water shedding solar arrays, no sub-deck required


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MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

Certifications/Approvals: ANSI UL 2703 listed (module mounting), ETL UL1703 (grounding/bonding)

Key Features: • Lowers system weight;

Hollaender Manufacturing Co.

EJOT Fastening Systems, L.P.

Product: Solar Racking Components

Product: EJOT Solar Flashing

Application: Roof-mount, ground-mount

Application: Ground-mount

Angle: Fixed and adjustable

Angle: Sloped roofs

Material: Aluminum

Material: Aluminum

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703 Approved

Certifications/Approvals: 100% IBC compliant, IAMPO ER0308

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Warranty: 10-year warranty

Solar Foundations USA

Polar Racking

Product: SFUSA Ground Mount

Product: PRU

Application: Adaptable ground screw fixed-tilt system designed for residential and commercial-scale projects

Application: Large commercial and utilityscale ground-mount solar

Angle: 0° to 45°

Angle: Custom tilt angles (5° to 35°, 1° increments)

Material: Hot-dipped galvanized steel, aluminum, stainless-steel mounting hardware

Material: Galvanized steel (G90 - G235)

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-Assembly Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703 Classified

Warranty: 25- and 40-year warranties

Warranty: 20-year limited warranty

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

solar product spotlight: racking & mounting

Clark Rubber & Plastic

Unirac, Inc. Product: SOLOBOX Application: Pitched roof

Pre- or Post-assembly: Preassembly

Angle: 5° to 45°

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Material: PC/ASA, stainless steel hardware

Certifications/Approvals: UL1741, UL441, TAS 100, NEMA 3R

Product: Custom plastic and rubber components Application: Roof, ground-mount, and utility-scale Angle: Any Material: Rubber and plastic Warranty: To specification

K2 Systems, LLC Product: T-Foot X Application: Roof-mount Angle: Compatible with low slope and pitched roofs Material: Aluminum with stainless steel hardware Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703 Warranty: 25-year warranty

BoltSeal™ by QuickBOLT Patented mechanical compression sealing technology available only with QuickBOLT’s Microflashing®. Developed for use on Asphalt Shingle Roofs. QB2, one of the newest updates to the Original Top Mount line, provides an efficient and time-saving solution for installers. The QB2 reduces installation time by 50%, and doesn’t leave any room for error: once you fully drive the screw, the Microflashing® is mechanically compression-sealed to the roof. We call this method: BoltSeal™. Intertek Labs has confirmed that our BoltSeal™ method passes testing for every version of our QuickBOLT. It especially shines with our QB2, which works with or without sealant. Installers have been putting QuickBOLTs on roofs for the past 9 years. In addition to successful testing, you can trust the satisfaction of 11 million homeowners who have reported ZERO leaks in that time.

AEROCOMPACT, Inc. Product: CompactGround G

Patent #8448407

Application: Ground-mount Angle: 10°, 15°, 20° Material: Aluminum EN AW 6060 T64, module mid-clamps aluminum EN AW 6063 T66, stainless steel screws, galvanized stainless steel ballast trays Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly Certifications/Approvals: TUV certified, conforms to UL 2703, Wind tunnel tested Warranty: 25-year limited warranty

SnapNrack Product: SpeedSeal Technology Application: Roof-mount Angle: 10° to 90° Material: Structural aluminum, stainless steel hardware Pre- or Post-assembly: Ships preassembled Certifications/Approvals: Passes UL 2582 Wind Driven Rain Test, ASTM E2140 Water Column Standards Warranty: 25-year manufacturer’s warranty



Over the last decade Titan Solar Power has been using QuickBOLT to become the fasting growing installer in the nation.


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North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: racking & mounting



Opsun Systems, Inc.

Kinetic Solar Product: Kinetic Solar Fixed Angle Ground Mount Application: Ground-mount Angle: 45° Material: Galvanized steel Pre- or Post-assembly: Some preassembly required Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, LTR-AE-001-2012 (Bonding) Warranty: 20-year warranty

Product: SunRail Bifacial Key Features: • Modular components;

Angle: 10° to 30 °

• No on-site cutting or drilling required to assemble the structure;

Material: Aluminum rails, stainless steel bolts

• Available in high wind configurations;

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly in option

• Compatible with screw piles, ground screws, ballast blocks, and concrete piles.

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, ASCE-7-16, peer-reviewed Wind Tunnels for tall buildings

Key Features:

Application: Flat roof bifacial

• Rail-based racking system for bifacial solar panels, solid, elevated racking that does not need a wind deflector; • All aluminum and stainless steel design, built to endure harsh environments; • Design and engineering team works to find solutions and optimize bifacial solar systems;

Warranty: 20-year warranty

• Racking can be engineered for any dead load, any wind load, and any snow load; • Special expertise with solar on high-rise buildings.


Solar RainFrame Product: Water managing solar racking

Key Features:

Application: BIPV

• Integrated water management, use a solar array as a weatherized roof without needing sub-decking;

Angle: 5° to 45° Material: Aluminum

• Span up to 20ft, plus 5ft cantilever;

Pre- or Post-assembly: Assembly done on-site

• Simple installation;

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703 pending

• Integrates easily with custom designs;

Warranty: 25-year warranty

• Works with nearly any aluminum framed panel.

SolarStrap Product: Non-penetrating nonballasted racking

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre- or post-assembly

Application: Flat roof Angle: 0°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°

Certifications/Approvals: ICC ESR, UL, LA RR, RWDI

Material: Marine grade aluminum

Warranty: 25-year warranty


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

solar product spotlight: racking & mounting


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Zilla Corporation Product: Zilla Electrical Passthrough



Key Features:

Application: Roof-mount, side-mount

• A versatile, low-cost way to make electrical transitions simple, clean, fast, and secure;

Angle: Flush mount on comp shingle roofs, metal roofs, or siding

• Sleek, low profile patented design installs using the method of attachment first, flashing second, and an O-Ring seal third, providing three waterproof protection layers;

Material: Aluminum, galvanized steel Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly using 3/8" hex drive socket with no shingle cutting or caulking

• Use with combiner boxes, j-boxes, conduit bodies, and other compatible transitional components;

Certifications/Approvals: Passed 3rd party testing for roof flashings following AC 286 evaluation standards using the methodology of UL 441

• Available in two sizes: 3/4" O.D. and 1-1/4" O.D. with 1" I.D. NPSM adapter;

Warranty: 25-year limited product warranty

• Made in the USA.


Wire Management Solutions for Solar Installers & Integrators... Heyco® Solar Products Warranty Visit for information about Heyco’s 20 Year Limited Warranty on our solar products. Heyco Edge Clips


Heyco Edge Clips provide high panel retention forces while requiring low insertion forces. Ideal solution for applications where holes are not available or temperatures are too extreme for adhesive solutions.


Helios UVX Clip The Helios UVX clip installs into a .260˝ (6,6 mm) mounting hole and holds up to 2 cables between .230-.315˝ (5,8-8,0 mm) each.

Heyco®-Tite Cordgrips for Enphase Q Cable


Heyco now offers 1/2˝ NPT and 3/4˝ NPT cordgrips compatible with the Enphase Q Cable. Use the 1/2˝ NPT for just 1 Enphase Q Cable or the 3/4˝ NPT for 2 Enphase Q Cables PLUS a #8 solid Grounding cable.

AceClamp Solar by PMC Industries, Inc. Product: Solar Snap by AceClamp Solar Key Features: Application: SSMR, asphalt, membrane Angle: Varies Material: Aluminum Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly Certifications/Approvals: UL Listed Warranty: 20-year warranty

• Adaptive Solar Racking System designed to work with any of their SSMR clamps and MCP (Membrane Coated Plate); • Fully-assembled, non-penetrating clamps; • Easy to assemble, snap-in pre-assembled components along the rail and secure; • Full-assembled component groups get installers off the roof faster; • The cross-platform system adapts to all roof types, creating less inventory to maintain.

Heyco® HEYClip™ SunRunner® 4-2 & 4-2U


SunRunner 4-2 & 4-2U clips are the ideal wire management solution for top racking manufacturers such as Unirac, IronRidge, Everest, SnapNRack, and similar rack profiles.

Heyco® HEYClip™ SunRunner® Double-compression design holds from (1) 12 gauge USE-2 to (2) 8 AWG cables up to 8,3 mm OD.

Heyco® SunBundler® Stainless Steel Wire Cable Ties Aircraft grade 302/304 stainless wire w/UV protected vinyl jacket and stainless steel crimp sleeve, 8˝ (203 mm) to 20˝ (508 mm) lengths.

For FREE samples or product literature, call toll free 1-800-526-4182, or visit

Atlantic Clean Energy Supply (ACES) Product: Solar Racking System Application: Roof-mount, groundmount, tracking system Angle: All angles covered Material: Galvanized steel, aluminum, stainless steel

Pre- or Post-assembly: Preassembly, post-assembly Certifications/Approvals: ETL approved, structural engineer approved Warranty: Lifetime warranty

w w w. h e y c o . c o m “Stay Connected with Heyco” Power Components Box 517 • Toms River, NJ 08754 • P: 732-286-4336 • F: 732-244-8843

North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: racking & mounting



Tamarack Solar Products Product: Tamarack Solar FM Racking System Application: Roof-mount, ground-mount Angle: Flush


Key Features: • Intuitive, easy-to-learn, single-tool installation reduces time and mistakes on the roof;

Product: GLIDE

Key Features:

Application: Ground-mount Angle: 5° to 35°

Material: 6005-T5 aluminum, stainless steel, plastic

• Place cables in rail channel for wire management and protection;

Material: Steel, hot dip galvanized

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre- and postassembly

• Self-standing, dual-use 50-50 clamp with channel-nut rail attachment delivers high performance pull-out strength;

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, Edition 1; CPP Wind Tunnel Tested

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703 listed; Class A Fire Rating for Type 1 & 2 modules; PE Certified in 42 states Warranty: 25-year warranty

• Slide-in, tool-free internal bonding splice can co-locate with clamps and adapters;

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

Warranty: 20-year limited warranty

• Ground-screw based fixed-tilt racking solution, designed to work in any soil condition offering increased install efficiency; • Designed for landscape and portrait modules with landscape allowing bifacial module compatibility with complete exposure of the module's backside; • Simplified hardware eases installation time in the field;

• UPS-shippable 7ft rail option reduces shipping costs, 3 rail sizes, mounts to all L-feet, tile hooks, and modules;

• Accommodates up to 36% slope tolerance and is adjustable with a tilt angle ranging from 5° to 35°.wire.

• Three rail size options mount to all L-feet, tile hooks, modules, and MLPE adapters.

Magerack Corporation

DCE Solar

Product: MageBracket F for R-panel trapezoidal or standing seam metal roof

Angle: Pitched

Product: LS Bi-Facial

Pre- or Post-assembly: Preassembly

Application: Ballasted, driven beam, or ground screw

Application: Metal roof

Warranty: 25-year product warranty

Angle: 5° to 30°

Material: Aluminum

Material: Galvanized steel structural members, stainless steel hardware

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre- or post-assembly of C-beams to angle braces Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703 Warranty: 20-year warranty


KB Racking Product: EkonoRack 2.0 Application: One major component acting as a ballast tray, windshield mount, and multiple panel support, maximizing installation times and reducing costs. Material: 3000 Series aluminum Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-attached components for rapid installation Certifications/Approvals: Conforms to UL STD 2703. Certified to ULC/ORD STD C1703 Warranty: 25-year standard product warranty


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

solar product spotlight: racking & mounting



Nine Fasteners, Inc.

Heyco Products Corp. Product: Heyco SunBundler

Product: NFI-Hanger (large & small) Key Features:

Application: Ground-mount, utilityscale

• Extremely durable, vinyl jacketed stainless steel cable tie;

Material: Commercial Aircraft Grade 302/304 stainless wire with UV protected vinyl jacket

• Smooth, vinyl jacketing prevents damage to cable insulation; • Available in various lengths from 8" to 32" (2.30" to 9.87" bundle diameters);

Pre- or Post-assembly: Postassembly Certifications/Approvals: Certified by Underwriter’s Laboratories for Compliance to both Canadian and U.S. Requirements under File E54523

• Maximum tensile strength of 100lbs (440N);

Application: Ground-mount, utility-scale Material: HD galvanized steel Certifications/Approvals: UL Listed (1565), load rated to 50lbs

Key Features: • Open/closing feature allows NFI-Hanger to be removed and reinstalled without replacement; • UL Listed with 50lb load rating; • Manufactured in the USA; • No sharp edges for supreme wire safety.

• Use standard wire cutters to both crimp the sleeve and cut the excess wire.

Warranty: 20-year warranty


Roof Tech, Inc. Product: RT-APEX

Key Features:

Application: Roof-mount

• Universal clamping 30-40mm;

Angle: 0° to 45°

• Slid in mounting;

Material: Anodized aluminum

• One step leveling;

Pre- or Post-assembly: Post-assembly

• ntegrated flexible flashing;

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, TAS-100, ASTM 2140

• RT-APEX Span Calculator Tool available.

Warranty: 25-year warranty

Universal Clamps Product: Universal Clamps Application: Roof Angle: Adjustable Material: Aluminum Pre- or Post-assembly: Postassembly

Certifications/Approvals: Tested up to 3970lbf (SI135M) when properly installed. Warranty: 10-year warranty

North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: racking & mounting


IronRidge Product: BX System

Key Features:

Application: Flat roof solar installations

• Made of glass-reinforced composite;

Angle: 5° and 10° options

• Shaped to be roof-friendly and easy to install;

Material: BASF Ultramid 8233GHS, Mill aluminum 600 series

• Delivers superior power density and design flexibility;

Pre- or Post-assembly: Some pre-assembly

• Corrosion-free and engineered for long-term structural performance;

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703 Listed System, Class A Fire Rating

• Supported by free BX Design Assistant tool.

Warranty: 25-year warranty


Green Source EPC is a leading provider of Engineering, Procurement and Construction services for commercial renewable energy projects in North

TerraGen Solar

America. Green Source EPC works

Product: TGR flat roof mounting system

closely with developers, finance companies and owners from design through installation to produce custom, highly efficient and state-of-

• Any tilt angle, any row spacing;

Angle: 3° to 35° and custom options

• Rail-based, pre-assembled components, enhanced engineering packages;

Material: Aluminum, steel Warranty: 10-year warranty with extended options available

• Transfer loads directly into OWSJ, rail-based system reduces ballast or anchor requirements;

Certifications/Approvals: UL 2703, RWDI Wind Study

• Bifacial module compatibility to increase PV generation.

Clearline Technologies



Product: Composition flashing hook

Product: SolarPod Crown

Product: C-Port Rooftop Pipe Supports

Application: Asphalt roof

Application: Roof-mount

Application: Roof supports for solar racking and conduit

Angle: Flush to roof

Angle: Any

Material: Aluminum (mill/black finish)

Material: Galvanized steel, powder coated steel

Angle: Full range

Contact us for a quote

• Modules are clamped within manufacturers’ specified zones to maintain warranties;

Pre- or Post-assembly: Pre-assembly

the-art solar installations.

Phone: (714) 455-1281 Email:

Key Features:

Application: Flat roof

Material: Recycled rubber, galvanized strut Warranty: 10-year warranty

Pre- or Post-assembly: Preassembly Certifications/Approvals: UL, Intertek Warranty: 25-year material and manufacturing warranty


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

Pre- or Post-assembly: Postassembly Certifications/Approvals: UL 1703 and UL 2703 Warranty: 10-year warranty

solar product spotlight: solar structures & carports

Solar Structures & Carports

Solar power carports and structures take full advantage of large areas, such as parking lots, for the purpose of producing electricity while, at the same time, providing shade and a covered area for users. Gaining popularity over recent years, these solar structures are ideal for generating renewable power without sacrificing valuable real estate. The following listing offers details about some of the more popular options available on the market today. Solar power carports and structures take full advantage of large areas, such as parking lots, for the purpose of producing electricity while, at the same time, providing shade and a covered area for users. Gaining popularity over recent years, these solar structures are ideal for generating renewable power without sacrificing valuable real estate. The following listing offers details about some of the more popular options available on the market today.



Baja Carports

Green Source EPC Key Features:

Product: Full Cantilever T w/ bolted connections Roof Inclination: Roof tilt angle of 5° to 15° Height Clearance: 7' to 25' engineered clearance Depth: Covers two rows of parking, provides maximum vehicle clearance and maximum space coverage Space-to-Column ratio: 2:1 typical with 4:1 max Configuration: Pre-fabricated galvanized steel with bolted connections, purlins directly attached to beams. No additional racking system required Options: Tapered or straight beams, wide-flange (W beam) or structural steel [HSS] columns, trim fascia, and can be painted on-site. Additionally, the Full Cantilever T is compatible for accessories (installed by others), EV stations, and LED lights. Its columns can be acceptable for either wrapped columns or concrete bollards

• Covers two (2) rows of parking, provides maximum vehicle clearance and maximum space coverage; • Engineered to meet live loads up to 60psf and wind speeds to 160mph per local jurisdiction building codes; • Maximizes solar panel production and coverage in either portrait or landscape to achieve and meet property’s project’s needs;

Product: HSS Longspan Structure Roof Inclination: 1° to 10° Height clearance: 9' minimum Depth: Up to 110' Space-to-Column ratio: 18' to 27' column span Options: Snow guard, water management, LED lighting, branding EV charging: Yes Panel type: Compatible with all panel sizes

Power Generated: Per project specifications Certifications: California general contractors license Key Features: • All Green Source products and services can be customized to meet any configuration; • Light Gauge Carport Systems; • I-Beam Carport Systems; • Longspan Systems and Canopy Systems.

Panel type: Neutral, can design engineered to any panel size

• All steel components are pre-fabricated for fast assembly and installation on-site;

Scarlet Solar

Power generated: Based on module vendor selection, orientation (portrait or landscape), and location. Baja can accommodate proposed PV layout specifications and improved integration

• Custom engineering allows for compatibility with all solar panel sizes and manufacturers.

Product: TiltPort, solar-tracking carport

Configuration: Several optionals available

Roof inclination: from -25° to +25°

Options: Waterproof / nonwaterproof, bifacial panels, customizable

Certifications: Licensed (registered) general contractor. Licensed (registered) engineers. Baja Carports has the credentials to work in all 50 states

Height clearance: 9', 11', 14', 16', or more

Depth: 10 car size, several options available

EV charging: Can be added

Space-to-Column ratio: Spacing between columns can be set from 22' to 43'

Power Generated: Up to 2300KWh/Kw, up to 108,000KWh per year

Panel type: Panel agnostic

M Bar C Construction

Quest Renewables

Inovateus Solar


Product: Design/Build Solar Carports and Canopies

Product: FAST Solar Carport

Product: Solar Carport

Product: Solar carports and solar canopies

Height Clearance: 10'

Roof inclination: 7°

Roof inclination: 0° to 15°

Roof Inclination: 0 to 7°

Depth: 20'

Height clearance: 14'6"

Height clearance: 9' typical, 30' maximum

Options: Module installation, underside decking, top side decking, concrete bollards, paint, hot dip galvanizing, aesthetic features

Space-to-Column ratio: 10 spaces between 2 columns

Space-to-Column ratio: 18'

Depth: Up to 90'

Configuration: East/West Facing V-Shaped

Space-to-Column ratio: 18' to 36'

EV charging: Optional

Configuration: 3 panels x 12 panels in portrait configuration

Options: Architectural options, roofing, lighting

Configuration: Portrait or landscape

Panel type: Any

EV Charging: Option available

EV Charging: Available

Options: Sheet metal roofing

Panel type: Based on project size

Panel Type: 72-cell or equivalent

EV charging: Can be designed in

Certifications: General Contractor, Structural Steel Contractor, Certified Welders

Panel type: Canadian Solar including bi-facial frameless

Power Generated: 14.4kW

Power generated: 15516 MWh/year

Panel type: Any standard aluminum framed module

North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: solar structures & carports SEE AD ON PAGE 38


Kinetic Solar

RBI Solar

Product: Solar Awning

Key Features:

Roof Inclination: Any

Panel type: Compatible with all commercially available module type

Height Clearance: Variable

• Steep angle prevents heavy snow buildup;

Depth: Varies

Power Generated: Varies

Depth: Variable

• Single piece frame installs quickly;

Space-to-Column ratio: Varies

Key Features:

Configuration: Awning

• Uses standard Rapid Rail and mounting hardware;

Configuration: Any

Roof Inclination: 60°

Panel Type: Most 60- and 72-cell panels

• Generate power while providing shade to existing windows or doors.

Power Generated: Variable

Product: CP-G

Options: Water management (decking, gutter, downspout), painted/epoxy coated finish, facia trim, snow/ice guard, raised columns

• Customizable layout dependent on existing garage structure; • Flat, low-slope, louvered, or East/ West module orientation designs.

EV charging: Yes

Structural Solar LLC

Lumos Solar Product: SolarScapes Roof Inclination: 7° Height clearance: 8' or 14' Depth: 5.5' to 65.7' Space-to-Column ratio: 20' to 50' Configuration: Full cantilever, tees, vees, offset tees, dual support

Options: Classic, modern, long span, steel, aluminum, powder coat colors

Product: Solar Carports, canopies, pavilions, ground-mounts

Options: Architectural options, roofing, lighting, charging stations

Roof Inclination: 0° to 25°

EV Charging: Yes

EV charging: Available from others

Height Clearance: Unlimited

Panel type: Lumos LSX or GSX module systems

Depth: Up to 60'

Panel Type: All types of modules including bi-facial frameless modules in water management system

Space-to-Column ratio: Columns typically on 27' centers

Power Generated: Depends on module type, location, and orientation

Configuration: All types

Power Generated: No limit Certifications: AISC certified fabrication and coating

Solar Carports Direct

Kern Solar Structures

Solar Mounts

Poly-Tex Solar

Product: Steel Solar Shade Structures

Product: Solar CarPort

Height clearance: 8' to 14'

Roof Inclination: 2°, 5°, 7°

Product: L-Frame, Y-Frame, T-Frame, Long Span Solar Carports

Product: Tri-Plane Truss Solar Canopies for Parking Garages and Ramps

Depth: 17' to 23'

Height clearance: 10' to 15'

Roof Inclination: 5°, 7°, 10°

Roof Inclination: 0° to 5°

Space-to-Column ratio: 8' to 20'

Depth: 20' to 40'

Height clearance: 14' standard height

Configuration: Portrait

Space-to-Column ratio: 2:1, 3:1, 4:1

Depth: 55', 48', 40' (for T- and Y-Frames)

Height clearance: Based on customer and code requirements

Options: Colors, style EV charging: Possible

Configuration: Single, double, inverted cantilever

Space-to-Column ratio: 20KW to 35KW per post

Panel type: Any framed panel

Options: Custom options available

Power Generated: Per system design

EV charging: Compatible with any charger

Configuration: 8-, 7-, 6-, 5-, 4-, and 3-high in Portrait mode

Certifications: Fully engineered by licensed professionals

Panel type: Any full frame panel with a height of 35mm to 48mm

Power Generated: Varies Certifications: UL 2703, UL-467 bonding

Options: Gutters, snow breaks, painted options

Depth: Unique to each parking facility Space-to-Column ratio: Capable of 70ft spans between columns Configuration: High density designs available for parking garages/ramps

EV charging: Yes

Options: Poly-Tex will customize design for optimum layout

Panel type: Any 60-, 72-, or 90-cell

EV charging: Easily incorporated

Certifications: UL 2703

Panel type: Poly-Tex will design and engineer to any panel size

Power Generated: Based on the module type and PV layout. Poly-Tex will design and engineer to current footprint or required system size Certifications: Licensed engineer, certified welders, and over 30 years of experience in structural design and manufacturing


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solar spotlight: safety & fall protection advertorial equipment

Dealership outshines the rest with Solar Carports BAJA Carports builds a beautiful carport solution for Texas Mercedes Dealership to generate power & protect from hail in just 28 days

2019 Solar Builder Nominee: BAJA Carports Mercedes-Benz of McKinney McKinney, Texas | 787 kW Today's car dealerships are looking for ways to improve their competitiveness. The cost of power, competition from online car buying, and escalating insurance premiums due to vehicle damage and deductibles are among their biggest challenges. One Texas car dealership has discovered that carports equipped with rooftop solar power address all three of these challenges while also benefiting the environment—and providing them with predictable and stable future power costs. The main motivation for this solar power carport installation in McKinney, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, was to protect the dealership's high-end car inventory from hail. It was completed last April after three months of construction. Using a solar carport structure to protect their inventory gives car dealerships, like this one in Texas, the ammunition to potentially negotiate better rates and deductibles with their insurers. The solar carports produce 1.089 megawatt (MW) hours of solar power annually and offsets 1213 metric tons of greenhouse gas. This is the equivalent of over 136,000 gallons of consumed gasoline or the annual power consumption of 190 homes. They are offsetting 78 percent of their power consumption with this solar installation. Their power costs are nearly eliminated, with a potential payback on the solar installation in five years or less. In terms of curb appeal, the unique and attractive curved design of this carport, which encompasses the dealership's showroom and service building, complements their inventory and provides a shaded and comfortable environment for customers. It acts as an extension of their showroom floor where customers can walk around out of the sun and make their way into the dealership's VIP lounge. The carport is also equipped with solar-powered canopy lighting to illuminate the inventory late into the evening. Baja Carports provided structural design, components, and installation on the project. Their team of in-house engineers to design the carport configuration. It features Baja's TS radius beam solar support system manufactured from pre-fabricated steel. The solar panels are attached directly to the structure's framing system or its rooftop decking, which was a design challenge since solar panels do not bend nor are their frames curved. According to Baja Carports, the structure's curvature made for a challenging solar panel installation. “The current design was born out of necessity to not design too tight of a radius so that solar modules could be installed. The outcome was a slight curvature, which works for solar modules and provides a unique look,” says Baja Carport’s Director of Operations Paul Cerejo. Baja Carports was able to deliver and install the solar carport structure using a designated staging area and installing the carport structure in three phases with eight crew members in just 28 days. There was very close coordination with dealership management and a dynamic situation where the staging area was diminishing in size on a daily basis. “Working at a high-end dealership, which cannot shut down for installation, while keeping their facility in operating condition is always a complex task,” says Cerejo. “Coordination between our installation crew and the dealership's sales department was vital.” Outdoor lots at car dealerships are common for storing and displaying their inventory. Therefore, there is a constant need to protect that inventory from destructive weather like hail, as well as direct sun, rain, and snow. Solar carports are a perfect solution.

North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: tracking systems

Tracking Systems

An advanced mounting system for photovoltaic panels, solar trackers maximize the sun’s energy by tracking its progress across the sky. Versatile enough to provide highly efficient solutions for both large and small projects, solar trackers can generate more electricity in the same area as their fixed-tilt counterparts. Below, we explore some of the solar tracking systems available on the market today.



Deger Canada Tracker Name: Deger S100-PF-DR Type of Tracker: Single-axis, dual-axis Drive System: Maintenance free rotary drive Tracker Length: 2 x 137.5ft (41.91m) Tracker Height: 6.6ft (2m) Pile Count: 9 Modules per Row: 84 Module Mount: Rails, clamps Slope Tolerance: 10° Tracking Range: 50°, 70° Standard Configuration: Portrait Preventative Maintenance Required: None

Solar FlexRack Tracker Power Consumption: 6kWh/ year

Tracker Name: TDP 2.0 Solar Tracker with BalanceTrac

Tracker Power Consumption: 31kWh per tracker/year

Certifications: CE, UL

Type of Tracker: Single-axis

Certifications: UL 2703

Key Features:

Drive System: Slew drive

Key Features:

• DEGER manufactures a large product portfolio of single and dualaxis solar tracking systems; • The “Maximum Light Detection” or MLD sensor constantly aligns the connected solar modules to the point that provides the greatest energy yield; • Since 1999, DEGER has more than 100,000 projects implemented in over 64 countries.

Pile Count: 6 panels per post Modules per Row: 90

• Up to 90 modules per row and compatible with bifacial modules;

Module Mount: Rails (direct bolt)

• Rotational range of 110° (+/- 55°);

Slope Tolerance: 10%

• Optimized for 1000V and 1500V modules;

Tracking Range: +/- 55° Standard Configuration: 1x90 , 1x84, 1x72, 1x81 Preventative Maintenance Required: None

• Low per-unit fixed costs for BOS savings; • Full design, installation, and commissioning services.

Trina Solar Tracker Name: AGILE

Slope Tolerance: n/s 15°, e/w 10°

Type of Tracker: Single axis dualrow tracker

Tracking Range: -50° to 50°

Drive System: Linear actuator Tracker Length: 223ft (68m) Tracker Height: Adjustable Pile Count: 7/120 Modules per Row: Up to 120 Module Mount: Purlins, bolts/ rivets, clips, Nclamp

Standard Configuration: 2-inportrait Preventative Maintenance Required: Low Tracker Power Consumption: 0.0001 Certifications: IEC, UL, CUL, CE


Benjamin Mechanical, Inc.

Tracker Name: Axone Duo

Tracker Name: MT6, MT8

Type of Tracker: Horizontal single-axis with central driveline architecture in dual row

Type of Tracker: Single axis horizontal

Drive System: Slew drive + DC motor

Tracker Length: 14ft

Tracker Length: Up to 210ft (64m)

Tracker Height: 9ft

Tracker Height: >= 3.3ft (1m)

Pile Count: 4 piles

Pile Count: 19 piles per 128 modules

Modules per Row: 2

Modules per Row: Up to 64 modules

Module Mount: Kinetics

Module Mount: Rails or clamps

Slope Tolerance: 45°

Slope Tolerance: n/s: 14%, e/w unlimited

Tracking Range: 215°

Tracking Range: +/- 60º

Standard Configuration: 6x72-cell, 8x72cell

Standard Configuration: 1 module in portrait Preventative Maintenance Required: Yes Tracker Power Consumption: 0.2 KWh/ MW-year self powered


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Drive System: Manual tilt or 24VDC

Preventative Maintenance Required: None Tracker Power Consumption: 3-4kWh

Certifications: UL3703, IEC62817

Certifications: Canadian Standards

solar product spotlight: tracking systems



Valmont Utility


Tracker Name: Convert TRJ Single-Axis Tracker

Standard Configuration: 1 or 2 modules in portrait

Type of Tracker: Single-axis

Preventative Maintenance Required: Annual visual and physical sampling, electronic system checks

Drive System: Linear Actuation, Independent Row Tracker Length: 100ft (30.5m) Tracker Height: 5ft (1.5m) typical Pile Count: Maximum 5 Modules per Row: 30 Module Mount: Rails with direct attachment or clamps, options based on module type, installation preference Slope Tolerance: n/s 8% standard, higher close tolerance available, e/w unlimited Tracking Range: +/- 60º (120°)

Tracker Power Consumption: Typically 94kWh/MW per year Certifications: UL2307, UL3703, TUV Key Features: • Short 30 module single string rows; • Provides more density in tougher terrain rigidity and site boundaries; • Stiff design engineered for dynamic forces; • One controller for 10 rows, no battery.

Tracker Name: SF8 Type of Tracker: Single-axis, 2-inportrait Drive System: Multi-drive Tracker Length: 305ft (93m) Tracker Height: 5.9ft to 7.2ft (1.8m to 2.2m) Pile Count: 13 piles for 2x90 standard Modules per Row: 180 Module Mount: Rails with fasteners Slope Tolerance: n/s 17%; e/w unlimited Tracking Range: +/-60° Standard Configuration: 2 x 90 Preventative Maintenance Required: Annual visual check, grease slew drive

according to location needs (standard is every 5 years) Certifications: UL 3703 Key Features: • Supersized torque-tube with improved geometry; • Reduced number of parts eases the tracker installation; • Up to 6.8% greater yield than other 1P trackers; • 22% more rigid than the previous generation of trackers; • Innovative open thread mesh network, full wireless system.

Nevados Engineering

Point Load Power

Pursuit Solar

Tracker Name: ATT (All Terrain Tracker)

Tracker Name: PV Booster, Rooftop Tracker

Tracker Name: HelioDrive Tracker

Type of Tracker: All terrain single axis

Type of Tracker: Top-of-pole, tilted, singleaxis

Tracker Name: Utilitas Trac Systems

Drive System: Slewdrive

Type of Tracker: Single-axis, tilted verticalaxis

Tracker Length: Up to 360ft (110m)

Drive System: Enclosed actuator

Tracker Height: 46" (1.17m) minimum

Drive System: HelioDrive, passive, powered by the sun

Drive System: 240V linear actuator

Tracker Length: One panel

Pile Count: 11/81 typical

Tracker Height: Approximately 36" off rooftop

Tracker Length: 21ft (6.4m)

Tracker Height: 6ft (1.82m)

Tracker Height: 12ft (3.7m)

Pile Count: 40 piles per 320 modules

Pile Count: One center post attachment per module

Pile Count: 1 post for 12 modules

Modules per Row: One

Slope Tolerance: Unlimited

Modules per Row: Up to 320 modules, depending on string length and site requirements

Module Mount: Clamps

Tracking Range: 120°

Slope Tolerance: <7.5°

Standard Configuration: 6 panels wide x 2 panels tall

Modules per Row: 96 max Module Mount: Clamp Slope Tolerance: 37% total with 20% max slope change every 29.5ft (9m) Tracking Range: 60°+ Standard Configuration: 1P Preventative Maintenance Required: 5-year bolt spot check and slew drive greasing

Tracking Range: 210° Standard Configuration: Portrait

Module Mount: Module rails and clamps

Sustainable Energy Management Systems, LLC Type of Tracker: Single axis horizontal Tracker Length: 568ft (172m)

Module Mount: Dual clamp with Nord Lock wedge washers Slope Tolerance: 10°

Preventative Maintenance Required: None

Tracking Range: +/-35°

Tracker Power Consumption: None, passive tracking

Preventative Maintenance Required: No scheduled maintenance Tracker Power Consumption: 244kWh/Mw/ year Certifications: UL Listed motor/tracker control sub components available upon request

Tracker Power Consumption: Self-powered row controllers, 20kWh/year for block controller

Preventative Maintenance Required: Visual inspections

Certifications: UL2703,UL3703, IP65, IEC62817

Tracker Power Consumption: 10,000kWh/ year

Certifications: CSA, UL 3703, FCC

Certifications: Quality and reliability test reports available

Standard Configuration: 2-up in portrait

North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: tracking systems SEE AD ON PAGE 21


OMCO Solar Tracker Name: OMCO Origin Type of Tracker: Horizontal Single Axis Drive System: 1 vertical slew drive per tracker with a 24V brushed DC motor

RBI Solar, Inc. Tracker Power Consumption: Max power consumption is 600kwh/MW/year

Tracker Name: Sunflower Type of Tracker: Single-axis

Tracker Power Consumption: Varies, AC and DC options available

Certifications: UL 3703, ASCE7-10

Drive System: Drivetrain

Key Features:

Key Features:

Tracker Length: Customized for any layout

• One size foundation throughout the array; • Undulating slope tolerances up to 10% reduces land acquisition and civil cos;

Tracker Length: Up to 400ft

• Up to 120 modules per tracker;

Tracker Height: Customer and site dependent

• No gaps over bearing posts and a single 3ft gap over drive post ;

Tracker Height: Varies

Pile Count: Site dependent, but can be as low as 11 modules per pile

• Minimal gaps between modules and at end of rows;

Modules per Row: 120

Modules per Row: Up to 120

• Any framed module with frame heights between 25mm to 50mm and up to 1.3m wide;

Module Mount: 2 per module Slope Tolerance: n/s 8%, e/w 19% Tracking Range: 120° Standard Configuration: 1 in portrait Preventative Maintenance Required: Slew drive oil every 2 years

• All structural components are manufactured in the USA by OMCO using USA steel.


Tracker Name: STracker S1A, S1B

Tracker Name: NX Horizon

Type of Tracker: Dual-axis Tracker Length: 20ft to 32ft (6m to 9.8m) Tracker Height: 20ft to 30ft (6m to 9.1m) Pile Count: 1 pole pier Modules per Row: 4 Module Mount: Steel rail and bolts

Preventative Maintenance Required: See O&M guide

• Customizable row lengths up to 120 modules, matching any string size or boundary constraints; • No dampeners required making for easy O&M access.

Tracker Name: SRT-60

Type of Tracker: Single-axis tracker

Type of Tracker: Horizontal

Drive System: DC linear electrical actuator

Drive System: Non-backdriving, high accuracy slew gear

Drive System: DC electric, multi torsion lock cable drive

Tracker Length: 55.8ft to 203ft (17m to 62m) per row

Tracker Height: 4.3ft to 5.10ft (1.3m to 1.8m)

Tracker Length: 360ft (100m)

Modules per Row: 78 to 90 modules, depending on module string length

Tracker Height: Up to 6ft (1.8m), 1P

Tracker Height: 9.8ft to 11.5ft (3m to 3.5m) at max tilt

Standard Configuration: Landscape

Standard Configuration: 1-high portrait

Type of Tracker: Horizontal single-axis, independent row

Tracking Range: 180° to 220° azimuth

Certifications: UL 3703 Listing in progress

Tracking Range: +/- 55°


Slope Tolerance: 45°

Tracker Power Consumption: 55kwh/year

Slope Tolerance: 10%

• Lightweight, pre-assembled parts make for simple installation (no heavy equipment required);

Scorpius Trackers, Pvt., Ltd.

Module Mount: Self-grounding, electricactuated fasteners

Preventative Maintenance Required: Annual lubrication

Module Mount: Purlin attachment

STracker Solar

Drive System: All-electric drive-core

Pile Count: 2 piles per 12 modules

Pile Count: <300 per MWp (0.15 piles per one 540w module)

Tracker Name: PHLEGON

Pile Count: 250 to 300 piles/MW

Modules per Row: Up to 93

Modules per Row: Up to 96 modules per tracker

Tracking Range: Options for +/-60° or +/-50°

Module Mount: Rails or clamps

Module Mount: Rail, direct bolting

Standard Configuration: 1 in portrait, 3 x 1500V per standard tracker

Slope Tolerance: n/s 5%, e/w no limit

Slope Tolerance: Up to 7° n/s standard (custom rack for higher slopes)

Tracker Power Consumption: 24V brushless DC motor Certifications: UL 3703, UL 2703, IEC 62817, CSA

Tracking Range: 60° Standard Configuration: 1P and 2P available

Tracking Range: -45° to +45°

Preventative Maintenance Required: Not required

Preventative Maintenance Required: None required

Tracker Power Consumption: < 0.05%

Tracker Power Consumption: 5kW/MW (peak power draw), 7kW/MW gas generator (power supply)

Certifications: Bankability by Black & Veatch

Standard Configuration: 3x3 landscape

Certifications: CSA, UL, RWDI


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FTC Solar Tracker Name: Voyager+ Type of Tracker: Single axis tracker Drive System: Slew drive Tracker Length: 200ft (67m) average, module dependent Tracker Height: 7ft (2.13m) average, project dependent Pile Count: 7 piles per row, 175 per MW Modules per Row: 120 average, module dependent

Tracker Name: TerraTrak Preventative Maintenance Required: None Tracker Power Consumption: Selfpowered Certifications: UL 2703, UL 3703, IEC EC 62817 Key Features: • Low installed cost with 56% fewer posts; • Optimized bi-facial performance;

Module Mount: Rails

• Design flexibility, 20 to 60 and GCR;

Slope Tolerance: n/s 17.5%, e/w terrain following

• Reliable self powered drive and control system, 3 day autonomy.

Tracking Range: +/-60°

Standard Configuration: 2P

Type of Tracker: Single-axis

Tracker Power Consumption: Self powered tracker

Drive System: Electric drive to worm gear

Certifications: UL 2703/3703 Controls Tested to MIL Spec 810-G

Tracker Length: 132ft (40m)

Key Features:

Tracker Height: 8ft (2.5m) Pile Count: 8 piles per 78 modules; 10 modules per pile Modules per Row: 78 Module Mount: Rails (AKA purlins); 2 modules per purlin Slope Tolerance: n/s 20%, e/w 30% Tracking Range: +/- 60° Standard Configuration: 78 module row; interior row with 7 foundations, exterior row with 9 foundations Preventative Maintenance Required: Biannual greasing of worm gear

• Simple design provides easy installation and allows adjustability on sites with tough soils and undulating typography; • Strength to handle up to 135mph wind speeds, as well as flexibility to be built on slopes up to 20%; • Peakyield technology allows optimal onsite communications advancing the tracker's visibility with real time performance monitoring; • Savings concluded with limited hardware count and adjustability reduces unnecessary civil work.

STI Norland

AllEarth Renewables

Tracker Name: STI-H250

Type of Tracker: Dual-axis

Type of Tracker: Horizontal, single-axis, dualrow

Drive System: GPS-based tracking powered by a hydraulic power unit

Drive System: Rotative electromechanical actuator

Tracker Length: 20ft to 25ft (6.09m to 7.62m), depending on tracker model and panels used

Tracker Length: 196.85ft (60m)

Tracker Height: 18ft to 20ft (5.48m to 6.09m), depending on tracker model and panels used

Tracker Height: 4.92ft (1.5m) Pile Count: 19 piles (in 2 rows) Modules per Row: 60 (configurable) Module Mount: Bolt, clamp, or rivet Slope Tolerance: n/s 15%, e/w 10% Tracking Range: 110° (+/-55°) Standard Configuration: 1P Preventative Maintenance Required: Annual check Tracker Power Consumption: Powered from the grid (< 0.035Kwh/day), self-powered option available Certifications: IEC 62817, UL2703, UL 3703

Pile Count: Simply supported on a single mono-pole Modules per Row: 20 or 24 panels total Module Mount: Rail and clamp system Slope Tolerance: Maximum 10% grade Tracking Range: Yaw range 0° to 360°. Tilt range 0° horizontal to 60° off horizontal Standard Configuration: 4 columns x 5 rows, or 4 columns x 6 rows, depending on tracker model. Panels in landscape orientation Preventative Maintenance Required: Greasing main gear every 3 years, hydraulic fluid change every 10 years. Annual inspection recommended Tracker Power Consumption: Approximately 50kWh per year



• Forming Steel-Stainless-Aluminum-Copper-Brass • Custom Profiles and Standard Shapes for Solar Racking • Take Advantage of the Strong US Dollar

877-665-7655 North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: ground screws

Ground Screws

Ground screws are becoming the choice in foundation methods. They eliminate the need for concrete and allow foundations to be quickly set. The following highlights a variety of available options to suit different applications and soil conditions.



APA Solar Racking American Ground Screw, Inc. Product: Ground Screws & Helical Piles

Flange Size: Various

Description: American Ground Screw solutions effectively anchor solar arrays without concrete footings. Their system of ground screws and helical piles are adaptable to any terrain and racking system, and are compatible with all static and tracking photovoltaic systems.

Thread width: 0.39"(10mm) standard

Material: Q235B Steel

Thread Pitch: 1.57" (40mm) standard Threads: Continuous weld, varying lengths Key Features: • ICC Certified; • Stock and made-to-order options;

Product: APA Ground Screw

Flange Size: Various

Description: APA Ground screws are a suitable foundation for challenging soils. The screws are made from one solid piece of heavy walled tubing. The tip of the ground screws are forged to a point allowing for penetration into extremely hard soils and to help pass by cobbles. The continuously welded threads provide the strength needed to bite into the soil securely holding them in place. The ground screws are finished with a robust hot dipped galvanized coating to protect them from corrosion.

Thread Width: 0.375" (9.5mm)

Thickness: 0.08" to 0.39" (2mm to 10mm)

• Immediately loadable; • Suitable for rocky soil or bedrock;

Material: Hot-dipped, galvanized steel

Length: 2' to 15' (0.6m to 4.6m)

• Corrosion resistant.

Thickness: 0.137" to 0.157" (3.48mm to 4.0mm)

Length: 47" to 120" (119cm to 305cm)

Thread Pitch: 1.5" to 2.0" (38.1mm to 50.8mm) Threads: 24 to 40 Key Features: • Ground screws are suitable for rocky, hard pan, and frost susceptible soils; • Various screws sizes available depending on the application; • Ground screws can be used with all of APA’s racking systems; • Available with APA A-frame foundation for single axis trackers; • Set screw connections allow pile heights to be adjusted quickly.


TerraSmart Product: Ground Screw Description: TerraSmart's ground screw has a spiral thread design that minimizes embedment depth and increases installation efficiency resulting in significant reduced costs. The patented, forged tip allows the screw to be seamlessly and accurately installed in any soil condition. Surface Treatment: Hot-dipped galvanized Thickness: Wall thickness 0.145" (3.7mm) Length: 114" (2896mm) Flange Size: 3" (76mm) diameter

Key Features: • TerraSmart's ground screw foundations reduce upfront construction costs, accelerate project timelines and eliminate subsurface risks; • The ground screw eliminates the risk of pile refusal and concrete on ground mount projects; • Have been installed in tough soil environments around the U.S., i.e. bed rock, caliche, volcanic rock and glacial till; • A simple and cost effective solution to soil conditions prone to frost heave; • The threads on TerraSmart's ground screw are embedded below the frost depth line, which mitigates ice lensing force.


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solar product spotlight: ground screws SEE AD ON PAGE 29


Gripple, Inc. Product: PV Anchor Kit Description: Creates a fast, strong, and lightweight foundation for groundmounted solar arrays that protects against wind, storms, earth movements, and temperature expansion/contraction. Easy to install, replaces concrete, and installs with hand tools. Kit contains a pre-ferruled cable attached to a ground anchor, and a fastener/tensioner to secure.

Thickness: 1/8" (3.175mm), 5/32" (3.97mm), or 1/4" (6.35mm) wire rope diameter Length: 10' (3m) or 16' (4.9m) wire rope lengths

Key Features:

Product: Ground Screw Description: Solar FlexRack’s Ground Screw Solution is fast and easy to install. Concrete is not required and the systematic installation process is seamless, resulting in significant project cost savings.

• Reliable regardless of rocky or difficult subsoil conditions;

• No heavy machinery or concrete needed;

Material: Galvanized steel

• Ready-to-use kits;

Length: Varies based on project

• Time, labor, and cost saving.

Flange Size: 2.99" (76mm)

• Low impact equipment can be used versus large, specialized equipment needed for other foundational solutions;

Key Features: • Lightweight and durable; • Easy-to-install;

Material: Type ZA2 Zinc Anchor, ZnAL coated high tensile wire rope, ZA2 Zinc Fastener/Tensioner

Solar FlexRack

• No refusals and associated contingency costs with piles in dense gravel, rocks, boulders, or ledges;

Thickness: 0.12" (3mm)

• Telescopic upright extension allows for easy vertical adjustment so racks transition.

Thread Pitch: 1.6" (40mm) Thread Width: 3.8" (96mm)


Milspec Earth Anchors Product: Solar Helical Pier

American Earth Anchors Product: PE46-Hex8

Threads: 17

Description: 46" aluminum screw anchor that can replace concrete footings. The 8" extended hex head comes with two 3/8" clear holes for direct mounting of a 2" schedule 40 pipe. The PE46-Hex8 screws in and out with an impact wrench for easy leveling, will not rust, and weighs only 12lbs.

Key Features:

Material: Heat treated aluminum Thickness: 1.75" (4.45cm) shaft Length: 54" (137cm) Flange Size: 4" (10.16cm) Thread Width: 3" (7.62cm) Thread Pitch: 2.25” (5.72cm)

• Replaces concrete footings, no digging, forms, pouring, or waiting; • Tested for up to 14,000lbs of pull out and 9,000lbs of down pressure; • Aircraft quality 356 alloy, heat treated cast aluminum;

Thickness: .190w to .337w Length: 5' to 10' (1.5m to 3m) as needed Flange Size: As required Thread Pitch: 3" (7.62cm)

Material: API pipe

Threads: 1 to 3 helices

Surface Treatment: Hot-dipped galvanized

• Fast installation with 1 3/4" socket and impact-easy leveling by screwing up or down; • Made for temporary or permanent application.


Simple. Solid. Sustainable.

WORD Rock Drills Product: Solar Drill Attachment

Description: Solar pier with helical plate is a foundation alternative to cement or driven H-beam. Milspec’s solar helical pier allows for greater loads and has an extremely high pullout resistance. With a 50-year minimum lifespan, they are easily removed and can be reused.

Diameter: 2 3/8" (6.03cm), 2 7/8" (7.3cm), 3 1/2" (8.89cm), or larger if needed

Key Features:

Description: The Solar Drill • A rock drill at its core, the torque capabilities of this Attachment is a rock drilling machine is optimized for challenging soil conditions; attachment designed to be used • Manufactured with a unique level of adaptability, for the installation of ground this machine can be utilized in solar installations and screws and anchors. This machine other applications; attaches to the customers existing • Can easily be outfitted to combat refusal holes; skid steer providing a fast, • Installation and drill training available for each machine. efficient, and economical solution for solar installation.

• First Building Code Certified Screw Foundation System in the U.S. • Year-Round Installation • No Concrete & No Excavation • Environmentally Friendly • Immediately Loadable • Permanent & Reusable • Cost Effective North American Clean Energy


solar product spotlight: metal fabrication for solar structures

Metal Fabrication for Solar Structures

Customized shapes and formed structures designed to mount, secure, and support solar panels are a significant component to any reliable solar power project. This is where processes such as roll forming and extrusion come into play. The following highlights some of the main companies involved in metal fabrication processes for solar components and related support structures.



Atkore Process/Technology: Gatorshield is produced and coated in-line using a proprietary Flo-Coat galvanizing process. This OD/ID triple coat process provides advanced corrosion protection, strength, and a smooth bright appearance that won’t chip or flake during fabrication

Materials: Aluminum alloys in the 6000 series: 6005A, 6060, 6061, 6063, 6082, 6463, and 6560. Machine materials: low/ high carbon steels, alloy steel, stainless steels, aluminum, brass/bronzes, gray/ ductile irons, and plastics. Injection molding materials: polypropylene; acetal; polyethylene; ABS; high density polyethylene; TPU; polyurethane; TPO; polycarbonate; TPE; nylon Sizing: Aluminum extrusion press sizes: 3.5", 7", 10" Shapes/Structures: Custom aluminum extruded shapes

Materials: Pre-galvanized, Galvalume, Gavanneal, chrome coated, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, brass

Key Features: • Resists rust and corrosion; • Exhibits a bright and smooth finish; • Fabrication services including end forming, bending, punching, and laser cutting.

Process/Technology: Custom aluminum extrusions; precision machining; bending and stretch forming; finishing; heatsinks; plastic injection and foam molding; assembly; and welding.

Process/Technology: Custom rollformed metals, product assembly, and project development

Shapes/Structures: Round, square, rectangle, oval, custom shapes available upon request

Materials: Wide variety of carbon steels including low-mid carbon steel grades, structural steels, and high strength low alloy grades

Alexandria Industries

RPM a NEW ERA Group Company.

Sizing: Sizes range from 0.500” to 4.00”; gauges range from 0.035" to 0.180"

Sizing: Thickness range 0.015” to 0.250” with yield up to 80ksi, and tensile up to 100ksi. Shapes/Structures: Custom and standard profiles: Hats, Angles, C, Z, U, Flats, Grooved, Folded. Open steel tubes, welded aluminum tube, and others as specified

Johnson Bros Roll Forming Co.

Samson Roll Formed Products Company

Process/Technology: Modernized equipment and tooling designed to offer roll forming services with the latest automated technology, including: prenotching; pre-punching; cut-to-length; and post-fabricating, combined with the cut-length operations

Process/Technology: Over 40 production lines offering custom roll forming services including a fully integrated service to develop, engineer, produce, and package component parts or finished products. Additional services provided include: pre- and postpunching/notching, secondary stamping, assembly, and Run and Ship Programs

Materials: All metals, including: ferrous and non-ferrous in either plain or preanodized; pre-painted; pre-laminated; pre-embossed; perforated; duplex; special alloy; pre-hard tempers; and more

Materials: Pre-coated, painted, anodized, embossed, galvanized, or laminated metals

Key Features: • 27 automated lines; • 3 facilities with production and assembly options; • Offering dedicated volume-driven lines; • P.Eng., PMP, and Senior Production Engineer on staff; • Mill metallurgist support.

Solar Roll Form Solutions Process/Technology: Roll forming, progressive die stamping, pre and post notch, sub assembly, welding, value add services such as post paint, coating, packaging. Materials: Galvanized, stainless, aluminum, pre paint, all types of CRS, structural grade to EDDS Sizing: 1.5" to 3.5" mills, up to 30 passes, 30" wide max strip width Shapes/Structures: Hat channels, U and C channels, Z purlins, to very complex multiple fold hems

Sizing: 0.005" to 0.150" thickness, and coil widths up to 20" wide before forming; maximum height of profiles 5.25" in the vertical axis

Sizing: Range for finished profiles: 0.005" to 0.250" thickness, ¾" to 12" slit width, 6" to 480" length, up to 4" maximum part depth

Shapes/Structures: Profiles; panel frames; reflectors; trim; support structure framing; Hat shapes; C-channels; U-channels; Zees; rings; and many other custom shapes for solar components

Shapes/Structures: Parabolic shaped channels, C, U, and hat channels, in a range of different coating weights, for use as brackets, photovoltaic array supports, or solar panel framing/trim, and other custom shapes for the solar industry.

Matenaer Energy Products

Sizing: 0.0149" to 1" thickness

Process/Technology: Stamping, machining, laser cutting, bending/forming, manual welding, robotic welding, coating Materials: Low carbon steel, high carbon steel, stainless, aluminum Shapes/Structures: coil, sheet, plate, angle, castings, channel, beam


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

solar product spotlight: pile driving

Pile Driving

Solar pile driving systems are changing the future of ground-mount solar installations. What used to take days or weeks can now be completed in hours, saving time and, more importantly, money on solar field installations. Here are some of the solar pile driving systems available on the market today...


WORD Rock Drills Product: WORD Telescopic Pile Driver Attachment

Maximum post size:

Operating weight: 3000lbs (1361kg)

Key Features:

Transport height: 5ft (1.5m) Transport length: 13ft (4m) Hydraulic system Oil flow rate: 10 / 20gal/m (38 / 76L/min) Oil pressure: 1900PSI Hammer Model: AB406 Hammer weight: 600lbs (272kg) Blows (n/min): 380 - 900

Height: 13ft (4m) • Attaches and operates through existing skid steer; • Suitable for testing soil conditions on large job sites or installing residential and small commercial sites; • Telescopic extension design allows the pile driver to instal piles up to 13ft; • Pile Driver feed length capable of compacting by 4ft for easier transportation.

Turchi USA


Product: 260-F 830 Joule Pile Driver

Product: PD5 Pile Driver

Operating weight: 7716lbs (3500kg)

Operating weight: 10,300lbs (4672kg)

Transport height: 106" (269cm)

Transport height: 8.2ft (2.5m)

Transport width: 93" (235cm)

Transport width: 85" (215.9cm)

Transport length: 77" (196cm)

Transport length: 11.7ft (3.6m)

Column inclination: +10° to -51°

Column inclination: 10° out from vertical

Lateral inclination: +10° to -10°

Lateral inclination: 10° each way of vertical



Make & Model: Yanmar 4TNV88

Make & Model: CAT C2.2T CRDI

Power: 48.1hp (35.4kw)

Power: 48.8hp (36.4kw)

Noise Rating: dba xx/114

EPA Certification: Tier 4 Final

EPA Certification: Tier 4i (EU stage IIIB)

Hydraulic system

Hydraulic system

Hydraulic tank capacity: 35gal (132L)

Hydraulic tank capacity: 32gal (121L)

Fuel tank capacity: 25gal (95L)

Oil flow rate: 16 / 24 gal/m (60 / 91 L/min) Oil pressure: 180bar

Hammer Model: High frequency hammer (950 J)

Fuel tank capacity: 13gal (49L)

Maximum post size


Height: 15.5ft (4.72m)

Model: Indeco

Side: 6.7" x 8.3" (17cm x 21cm) in rectangle opening

Hammer weight: 970 lbs (440kg)

Joule rating: 830 Blows (n/min): 540 - 1300 Maximum post size Height: 110" (280cm) Side: 8 / 6 (200 / 160mm)

Gayk North America Product: HRE5000 Operating weight: 11,025lbs (5001kg) Transport height: 8.2ft (2.5m)

Build Your Solar Farm with Gatorshield®

Transport width: 7.22ft (2.2m) Transport length: 20.34ft (6.2m) Column inclination: 20° Lateral inclination: 20° Engine

Make & Model: Hatz 3H50TIC

Power: 564hp (42kw) 12V

Noise Rating: 117db

EPA Certification: EPA Tier IV

Hydraulic system

Hydraulic tank capacity: 60gal (227L) with return filter

Oil pressure: 180bar

Fuel tank capacity: 150gal (568L) diesel

Hammer Model: Epic IM405 with Nitrogen Kit

Hammer weight: 1397lbs (634kg)

Blows (n/min): 530 - 1050

For over 40 years Gatorshield has been defined by quality and consistency, specifically manufactured with a unique combination of strength and advanced corrosion protection

Maximum post size

Additional fabrication services available: laser cutting, swaging, custom bending

Height: 20ft (6.1m)

To learn more about Gatorshield’s Flo-Coat® process visit:

Side: 9" x 9” (23cm x 23cm)

North American Clean Energy


wind power

Wings Battle Blades by Dr. Sara Weaver

Evoking a range of emotions, from awe and wonder to misunderstanding that can lead to fear, bats are fundamental to our environment. In fact, according to studies noted by the U.S. Geological Survey, the value of bats in the U.S. is estimated to be “worth over $3.7 billion per year, and possibly as much as $53 billion. This value does not, however, take into account the volume of insects eaten by bats in forest ecosystems and the degree to which that benefits industries like lumber. It also doesn’t take into account the critical importance of bats as plant and crop pollinators. So the actual monetary worth of bats is far greater than $3.7 billion per year.” As the global human population continues to grow, so too will our energy demand. How we satisfy that demand will greatly affect the global bat population. Traditional sources of energy, such as oil & gas, as well as coal can already have negative impacts on the environment – notably pollution and contributing to climate change. The increasing need for renewable and more environmentally friendly energy resources, such as solar and wind farms, means that those installations are creeping further and further into wildlife habitats. An especially glaring and distressing unintended consequence of wind energy development has been bat fatalities at wind turbines. Bats are primarily killed by wind turbines when struck by the rotating blades during nights of low wind speed. Impacts to certain bat species, such as the hoary bat, are of great concern because they are unmatched by any other human caused sources of direct mortality. Bats are a vital component of our ecosystem. Every bat matters. The United States is home to dozens of species of bats that feed exclusively on insects. The loss of one or two bats may not seem like a big deal, but when you consider that the northeast part of the country has lost a million of these animals – that translates into around 1,000 metric tons of insects left alive to damage crops like cotton and corn. In turn, the agricultural industry loses their source of free pest control and, along with a potentially heavier reliance on artificial means of keeping our food supply safe, higher costs are passed on to the consumer. Additionally, while many of other species are pollinators and seed dispersers, they also serve as important prey for animals such as owls and hawks. The wind energy industry recognizes the importance of these unique animals (the only mammals that can fly!) and have been working towards finding solutions. Currently, the most common way to reduce fatalities is curtailment of wind turbines on low wind speed nights, when bat fatalities are at the peak in summer and fall. Unfortunately, this also lowers energy outputs, which means non-renewable energy sources must pick up that slack, reducing the benefits of wind energy towards slowing climate change. Because of this, researchers and industry have been looking for solutions that will allow for wind turbines to function normally. Ultrasonic acoustic deterrents - devices that project frequencies of ultrasound within the hearing range of bats to make the air space around a wind turbine uncomfortable - have become the focus of these efforts and offer promising results.

Many bats navigate using echolocation, emitting high frequency sound waves that bounce off obstacles helping them “see” their surroundings. The frequencies of these sound waves vary among different bat species. A frequency “jammer” mounted on a nacelle might steer certain species away from danger, but not others. This necessitates an extra effort on our part to learn the different languages bats use so that we can effectively warn tthem and protect them from harm. A recent study found an ultrasonic acoustic deterrent significantly reduced fatalities of the Brazilian free-tailed bat by 54 percent on average, and by 78 percent for hoary bats. However, it wasn’t effective enough/able to deter all species. To help solve this information gap, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technology Office is funding a project to learn why we see differences in effectiveness among species. The goal of this effort is to improve the design to be more effective. If successful, this technology could become a new solution the wind energy industry, and bats, have been looking for.

Dr. Sara Weaver is Senior Ecologist and Project Manager at Bowman Consulting, which provides environmental services such as planning, compliance, and permitting. Bowman has developed or contributed to numerous regional habitat conservation plans (HCPs), statewide parks planning assessments, and endangered species research, planning, and compliance projects. Dr. Weaver can be reached at

Bowman Consulting Group ///


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

Experience the Progress.

Liebherr cranes for wind power Liebherr offers optimized crane concepts for the most diverse situations and requirements for the erection of wind power generators for highest efficiency and economy. Top capacities in all lifting classes Long telescopic booms with variable working equipment High mobility and short assembly times Comprehensive comfort and safety features Worldwide customer support by manufacturer Liebherr USA, Co. Mobile and Crawler Cranes Division 4800 Chestnut Avenue Newport News, VA 23607 Phone: +1 757 928 2515 E-Mail: E-Mail:

North American Clean Energy


wind power

Offshore Success Relies on Strategic Maintenance by David Futter

Figure 3: Specialist condition monitoring experts perform ongoing data analysis (Credit: adobestock / Gorodenkoff )


maintenance, owners’ goals can generally be summarized as follows: predict faults early to reduce unplanned downtime, increase overall profitability, and extend the lifecycle of the turbine. Fault prediction, the most essential element of the maintenance planning process, is facilitated by smart, cloudbased Condition Monitoring Systems (CMS). CMS enables wind park owners to implement a knowledge-based maintenance strategy; a careful combination of reactive, preventive, and predictive maintenance. Reactive maintenance is simply waiting for a part to break down before replacing it. Preventive maintenance estimates interval times between repairs based on historical data. Predictive maintenance uses real-time data to predict faults before they occur. An appropriate combination of the three approaches depends both on the affected part and the criticality of the fault. It also requires the ongoing acquisition and analysis of vast amounts of relevant data. Data is collected by specialist CMS hardware. In order to derive useful knowledge, however, it must be stored in a location accessible for analysis. This analysis is what converts raw data - first into information, and then into knowledge upon which predictive maintenance decisions are based. The collection of CMS data in wind power takes place via internet-enabled measurement systems with a circular maintenance process (figure 1). This process begins with the establishment of a baseline, whereby CMS data is then periodically collected and reviewed for any deviations from the baseline. Should changes or alarms occur, then appropriate maintenance can be planned and carried out. The final step is to then reestablish a new baseline, following maintenance actions.

Figure 1: Wind Power Maintenance Cycle (Credit: Bachmann electronic GmbH)


Due to access restrictions, the cost of repairing a wind turbine is often significant. When turbines are located offshore, those costs are amplified. Offshore maintenance requires complex logistics to access the turbine, as well as safe weather conditions for the offshore transfer of the maintenance team. To reduce these costs, turbine owners must be able to plan and combine maintenance actions. Early detection of a developing fault through smart Condition Monitoring provides the solution. Early warning signs become visible through a combination of IoT-enabled hardware and cloud-based software. When it comes to hardware, a variety of sensors collect and collate data to a local CMS edge device, which performs some post-processing before transmitting data to the cloud. This integrated approach ensures that data collection is completely synchronized, avoiding the need for multiple connections. Any bottlenecks in the data transmission process are thereby removed, which also improves cyber security. Transmitting data via one secure link (as opposed to a multitude of individual systems) offers turbine owners a safer alternative. Once the edge devices have delivered data to the cloud server, it can be further processed by CMS monitoring software. The data is then used by analysts to search for trends and anomalies, and to inform maintenance teams of any required action. Results are shared in the cloud server, making them accessible online from any authorized device. Maintenance teams are then better able to plan repairs, including ordering the correct parts and setting an optimized time schedule. There are multiple benefits of employing IoT measuring devices together with cloud-based analytics. First, any control-relevant CMS data is shared locally with the turbine control system, streamlining the application of collected data. Second, IT overheads remain low due to fewer connections and less external data. As well as improvements to cyber security, all data becomes available in one place, providing a holistic overview of not only individual turbine performance, but the performance of every turbine in the fleet. Results are available anywhere, anytime, which enhances communication between analysts and maintenance teams. Finally, cloud-based systems allow turbine owners to outsource specialist tasks, like Vibration Analysis, to third party experts.

MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

Figure 2: Service engineer on the way to make repairs (Credit: Monty Rakusen, gettyimages) Many wind park owners choose to outsource CMS processes, particularly data analysis, due to the economies of scale available. Through certified Condition Monitoring centers, dedicated teams of trained specialists are available 24/7. With a constantly growing database from many connected turbines, these specialists can derive in-depth knowledge faster and more accurately than any individual park owner examining the performance and condition of single turbines. In simple terms, this means turbine faults are detected and dealt with earlier, before they become significant and cause major damage. Working with independent experts also gives park owners more OEM independence, all while allowing site teams to focus on power generation and maintenance. To begin Condition Monitoring, turbine owners must first define possible faults, or failure modes, and their impact on machine lifetime; smart CMS hardware can then be installed to specifically monitor these failure modes and provide relevant data to the cloud server. The actual monitoring and analysis can be outsourced to specialist third party providers. Condition Monitoring is a constantly developing process; prediction accuracy increases as more knowledge is accumulated. The growing fields of offshore and floating wind offer a world of untapped data that will further improve maintenance strategies, deliver more accurate predictions, and help prolong the life of wind turbines. David Futter is Product Manager for Bachmann Monitoring GmbH. Bachmann services thousands of installations worldwide with a complete package of individual and customized DNV-GL certified solutions.

Bachmann Monitoring GmbH ///

North American Clean Energy


wind power

New England Offshore Wind Top 10 takeaways by Wayne Cobleigh

With a new year and a new pro-offshore-wind Biden Administration, no region of the United States may see as much OSW permitting, design, and pre-construction activity in 2021, as New England. Here are the top 10 takeaways on where the industry stands today, and what to expect in 2021. 1. State policies, legislation, and procurement efforts for renewable energy in New England are driving offshore wind market confidence, economic and workforce development, resulting in lower prices for offshore wind powered electricity.

Rhode Island continued to lead in 2020, with the announcement of a new procurement of 600 MW of offshore wind. Connecticut has committed to generate 20 percent of its electricity from offshore wind (the largest percentage of electric load of any state). Connecticut will boost its precision manufacturing base by adapting aerospace and cable manufacturers to produce offshore wind equipment. Massachusetts expects that 5800 MW of offshore wind transmission can be connected before upgrades to the onshore grid will be needed. The New Hampshire Business Finance Authority has hired a Director of Offshore Wind



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Industry Development, and set a goal of 600-800 MW of offshore wind. Maine has a floating turbine demonstration project, as well as a goal of doubling their offshore wind workforce by 2030. The result is improved market confidence.

2. Federal environmental impact permitting of offshore wind projects by BOEM will see a very active decade.

Eighteen projects have already been identified in the permitting pipeline from 2020 to 2030. Primary factors to address for permitting and siting are vessel navigation routes, especially New England’s fishing industries routes for lobster, scallops and fish, essential to New England’s economy. Marine mammals like the highly endangered North Atlantic Right Whale (with a population of less than 400) will also require ongoing protection. Developers have agreed to strict compliance practices in cooperation with environmental advocates. Delays on the initial permitting of the Vineyard Wind 1 project are creating a backlog concern for resource constraints in the supply chain. BOEM has 10 Construction and Operations Plans (COPs) under review in 2020, with five more expected.

3. States, utilities and ISO New England must plan for transmission and distribution system capital investments to construct a multistate transmission backbone.

This will help to reduce costly congestion and curtailments on New England’s existing power grid. Energy commissioners from Connecticut and Massachusetts addressed the need for the New England states to cooperate on grid planning for Wholesale Market Design. They will also need efficient power procurement methods to meet their aggressive renewable energy and carbon emission policy target dates coming in 2030, 2040, and 2050. The current market structure is not ready for the transmission requirements of 100 percent renewable energy generation; Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Maine expect to collaborate on this topic to form a regional plan for addressing competitive offshore wind lease areas in 2021.

MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

4. The next generation turbine is disrupting the industry with a power output of 13MW - enough to power an estimated 12,000 homes. This largest of turbines produces more electricity that translates to greater revenue, fewer turbines, and lower net installation and maintenance costs than the smaller turbines.

Vineyard Wind opted for these larger turbines, despite causing a temporary pause in the Construction Operating Permit (COP) approval process and their final due diligence. Financial close of this project is expected to be completed in the 2nd half of 2021, with an estimated 62 turbines (instead of 82 smaller turbines) beginning construction in 2022, to become operational in 2023. The Revolution Wind project is also expected to be operational in 2023. This move to much larger turbines will ripple throughout the industry supply chain, impacting manufacturing, turbine blade testing facilities, port development plans, foundation size, power pricing, and offshore lease auction awards made in the future.

5. Port Development is integrated into Offshore Wind Power Procurements. Economic development investments in ports will be shared between developers and the state and federal government, via public private partnership (P3) agreements.

Ultimately, the developers need to lease ports as their projects are approved. However, the ports will need significant due diligence and infrastructure investments to prepare these facilities for the extreme loads and logistics of offshore wind equipment. Currently, port development projects are underway with the Connecticut Port Authority at the State Pier in New London, Vineyard Wind is establishing their Bridgeport, Connecticut team and port facility; the State of Maine is investing in a port assessment study of their Searsport facilities; the State of Rhode Island and the federal government are investing in the Quonset Business Park, private developers and the state and federal government are planning to invest in the South Quay site in East Providence; and Massachusetts Clean Energy Center has

completed port assessment studies on the North Shore to add port facilities to their New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal. These states are expecting to see good local jobs created in return for their investments.

6. Marine wildlife habitat conservation, marine mammal protection, and fishing industry interests are being emphasized and addressed in formal agreements developed by advocacy organizations and project developers.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) developed by Vineyard Wind with Audubon and the Conservation Law Foundation is enabling the voluntary protection of sea turtles and North Atlantic Right Whales, through the establishment of best practices for noise reduction and prevention of entanglements. The Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA) and the various New England State Lobstermen’s Associations are important stakeholders in ensuring that clean energy does not grow at the expense of the long-established fishing industry in New England. The offshore wind industry will need to continue to be proactive on research to reduce noise from monopile installations and compliance with the Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protect Act, and the MOU. Developers are focused on listening to stakeholders and active stakeholder engagement to advance the permit approval process. This engagement includes marine mammal experts, fishing industry advocates, native American tribes, government regulators, legal counsel for the stakeholders, and the public.

7. The siting of acceptable landfall locations for offshore wind cables will become more challenging, as more favorable landfall connection points in southeastern New England are taken by the first wave of approved offshore wind projects. Offshore transmission can account for 20-25 percent of the capital expense of a wind farm. Transmission cable performance and risks of delay or operational failure impact 100 percent of the revenue from the wind farm. Offshore cable burial requirements are highly regulated to avoid impacting sensitive marine habitats. As offshore wind farms move greater distances from the shore, interest has begun in the use of High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) cable systems, which can achieve a 1200MW capacity per cable bundle (significantly greater than cables currently in use). HVAC is preferred for wind farms within 60 miles from shore. HVDC becomes more effective at distances of 80-100 miles from shore; performance of these cables improves over greater distances.

8. Market confidence spurred investment in the first Jones Act compliant Service Operation Vessel (SOV).

9. Congress finalized and voted on a COVID-19 relief bill that included a 30 percent Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for offshore wind (OSW) projects in construction Jan. 1, 2017 through Dec. 31, 2025. The final ITC rules for offshore wind reflect an increasing awareness of the industry, as well as the industry’s economic development importance to federal lawmakers. This legislation also includes appropriations for the U.S. Department of Energy and provisions for the U.S. Department of Interior that will provide future growth opportunities for the offshore wind industry.

10. The US offshore wind industry will soon have an independently approved roadmap to efficiently guide professionals on best practices, safe designs, and orderly installations of offshore wind energy in the US market. This roadmap will benefit everyone: technical practitioners, developers, regulators, and the public. Since 2017, over 300 volunteers have collaborated in five working groups to draft recommended practices by consensus for Offshore Wind Compliance Recommended Practices regarding (1) Maintenance (2) Floating Offshore Wind, (3) Metocean Conditions, (4) Geotechnical and Geophysical Investigations and Design and (5) Submarine Cables. The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) Standards Organization - recently merged with the American Clean Power (ACP) Association in cooperation with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) - are reviewing draft Offshore Wind Compliance Recommended Practices documents. These were completed last year in preparation for public comment and publication by the end of 2021.

Wayne Cobleigh, CPSM is Vice President Client Services at GZA in Norwood, MA. Wayne has participated in the wind energy industry since 200,7 and is a member of the AWEA Standards Organization. GZA performs engineering and environmental services for offshore wind projects, including turbine foundations, subsea cables, port facilities, transmission, substations, and coastal structures.

GZA ///

The vessel is an integral part of the operation and maintenance of the Revolution Wind, South Fork Wind, and Sunrise Wind offshore wind farms. This U.S. flagged vessel is estimated to be ready for service in 2023, with a 60-passenger capacity. The SOV would be deployed at wind farms for one or two-month intervals.

M A K E A L L T H E R I G H T M OV E S . F U L L S E R V I C E T R A N S P O R T F O R P R OJ E C T S O F A N Y S I Z E .


North American Clean Energy


wind power

The Right Plan Can Be the Difference Between Life and Death by Duncan Higham


FORWARD SERVICES • remote operating center • full service lay down yards • complete turbine transportation • bop infrastructure services

we’re one of the largest Independent Service Providers in the United States, supporting the wind industry. We currently provide services for all major OEM’S and top 25 asset owners in the USa.



MARCH• APRIL2021 ///


life or death in remote locations like wind power farms, both on land and offshore. Having protocols, trained staff, and on-site medical support can help mitigate critical situations such as heart attacks or major traumas. While every situation is different, having specific protocol details written down can help most companies and personnel through them successfully. In one case, a team consisting of a doctor and paramedic was providing contracted medical support services at a clean energy site on a remote island. The team received a call about a 55-year-old worker complaining about chest pains. Within 15 minutes, the team responded and moved the patient to their mobile clinic to scan for an EKG, at which point they confirmed that the patient was, in fact, having a heart attack. Following the standard protocols for Advanced Life Support in remote locations established by the company and their consultant, the doctor contacted their topside support medical specialists for a consultation. The two doctors agreed on a course of action - the patient received a clot dissolving medication called a thrombolytic (in this case, the medication Tenecteplase) – which helped stabilized him until he could be airlifted to a hospital. Just 20

minutes after receiving the medication, the patient’s EKG was almost back to normal. The onsite medical team took four to six-hour monitoring shifts for the next 48 hours until the medivac could arrive to take the patient to the nearest hospital in Hawaii. Heart attacks can lead to cellular damage around the heart, functional incapacity, or can cause an untimely death. Fortunately, the established protocols and access to virtually immediate care enabled this patient to fully recovered with no residual health problems. After close monitoring, he was released five days later. According to the onsite doctor, if this event had taken place on the mainland in the United States, the patient would have been rushed to an emergency room and then monitored in an ICU just as closely as he was offshore. Although a heart attack may not a be a common occurrence on many remote project sites, the protocols established by the clinical team ensured their patient survived. Having someone onsite with a medical background to recognize symptoms and be able to treat them is hugely important in remote settings. Unexpected emergencies happen - without the proper care, the outcomes may not always be as positive.

Setting Up Protocols

When designing plans and establishing protocols, anticipating the worst-case scenarios is the best preparation. In the example above, protocols should be in place for every contingency: • What is the protocol for evacuation if a helicopter is not available, or weather conditions make it impossible to fly? • Who has the proper training to perform first aid, safely move, and monitor the patient while waiting for help to arrive? • Are there multiple people with the required training/current first aid to take shifts staying with the patient? • Is the location equipped with a working Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and, if so, who is trained to use it? Leveraging the expertise of an independent QHSE Advisor helps ensure that plans cover virtually all scenarios, and include the proper protocols, checklists, and communication plans needed to handle medical emergencies. In addition, these advisors can provide testing and training on a regular basis, both tabletop and locationbased scenario training. Regular testing improves not only improves effectiveness, but also identifies areas needing further training before an emergency arises.

Steps for A Successful Plan

The best approach to creating a safe and healthy work environment follows four steps: 1. Plan 2. Test 3. Practice 4. Use professional consultants and medical teams. Take the time to develop a comprehensive health and safety plan. Anticipate the “what ifs.” Test the plan, and continually improve it. Seek out a medical services partner experienced in meeting the clean energy industry’s unique challenges, and offers a complete scope of services from planning to medical support and training. The smartest course of action is to work with a partner who demonstrates a robust understanding of the dangerous conditions under which a clean energy crew may operate. Duncan Higham is VP Global Strategy at Remote Medical International, where he is responsible for the direction of growth for the company with a particular focus and expertise in Renewable Energy emergency response. He graduated from Cardiff University and Imperial College in Economics, joined the Royal Marines in 2002, and carried out several operation tours of Afghanistan and various other locations, leaving as a Major in 2012. He can be contacted at

Remote Medical International ///

Smartphone diagnostic app

Manitowoc has updated its free diagnostic app to include Crane Control System (CCS)equipped Potain tower cranes, helping operators to interpret diagnostic codes generated by on-board control systems and reduce machine downtime. The app already supports many Grove, Manitowoc, and National Crane cranes. The diagnostic app increases crane uptime by enabling customers to diagnose technical issues without third-party assistance, leading to faster repairs and maintenance.

The Manitowoc Company ///




CLAW Smooth running CLAW Vertical Cable Sleeve for 3/8 & 5/16 inch diameter wire ropes.

SIRIUS is our first self-locking descender specially designed for all kinds of rope-based access and rescue.

A-050 • Extremely durable alloy body with stainless steel internal mechanics

• Rope can be inserted while carabiner is connected • Intuitive direct line feed pathway protects the rope from twisting

• Additional becket for mechanical pulley systems • Meets ANSI/ASSP Z359.4



CL-001 • Guided type fall arrester with triple safety design • Built-in replaceable shock absorber protects independently of the rest of the system • Smooth sliding brake shoe ensures fatigue-free working • Durable stainless steel construction extends service life • Meets ANSI/ASSP Z359.16 • Meets CSA Z259.2.5-17







L-0558-1,8 G-1132-WS



SKYLOTEC offers you a highly innovative and functional range of fall protection, rope access and rescue equipment. The IGNITE PROTON WIND harness features a light-weight design built for durability and comfort. The SKYSAFE PRO FLEX lanyards eliminate the need for two different lanyards. The LORYPRO and ERGOGRIP positioning lanyards allow you to work hands free with complete adjustability. These product are ideal for work at height in the wind energy, telecommunications, and electrical utilities industries. For more information please email us at SKYLOTEC North America LP Denver, CO USA Tel: 303-544-2120

North American Clean Energy


wind power

Failing to Prepare = Preparing to Fail

The must-have checklist when setting up Lidar for offshore wind measurement by Ameya Paseband

All around the world, offshore wind development is on the rise. With more wind farms being developed both in near-shore environments and deeper waters farther from coastlines, offshore wind is expected to constitute more than 20 percent of total wind energy installations by 2025. In fact, the U.S. alone has a technical potential of more than 2,000 gigawatts (GW), with developers committed to building projects delivering 26 GW along the east coast by 2035. As offshore environments become increasingly popular for wind projects, so too does the use of lidar technology. Not only does Lidar provide the most quantitative and accurate measurement technique for wind energy applications, but its technology is simpler to deploy and maintain than established technologies. It’s also less expensive.

Small, light and easy to install, the FTS 350i was designed to withstand the harsh environments encountered on wind farms. ì Integrated lighting system ì Only 2.9 lbs. and less than 5” tall ì L-864 (FAA AC 70/7460-1M) ì Infrared LEDs (FAA AC 150/5345-43J) ì Fresnel optics minimize ground scatter ì 10kA surge protection

FTS 350i

ì 2-year replacement warranty



MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

By replacing met masts, lidar enables significant project development and operational cost reductions. In order to ensure the success of their projects, owners and operators need to know about the on-site logistics of offshore lidar setup. Here’s a brief checklist to get moving in the right direction.

Define the Goals and Select the Solutions

The first — and most important — step is to define the project goals. From site prospecting and wind resource assessment, to turbine power performance testing and wind farm optimization, understanding what you’re trying to achieve will help determine the application and lidar that best suits your project needs. Lidar solutions include: • Scanning lidar provides a 3D offshore wind profile, with easy onshore or platform access and a typical operational range of 6 miles (10 km) up to a maximum range of 12 miles (19.5 km). • Floating lidar is ruggedized and optimized for either integration into buoybased floating lidar systems. It can also be placed on fixed offshore platforms to measure on-site wind speed, direction, etc. • Nacelle-mounted lidar is mounted on the nacelle of the turbine. It points upwind to measure wind coming toward the turbine, providing accurate power performance curves. Knowing how you will meet your goals with the lidar solution you choose helps pave the way for many other logistics that need to be considered.


While there’s no standard timeline for offshore wind projects, moving an offshore project from development through planning, securing contracts, construction, and operation is a lengthy process that can consume at least five to six years. For lidar procurement and installation specifically, plan on several weeks of preparation because - regardless of the application - lidars are tailor made, not mass produced. Consequently, timing is a crucial consideration for offshore wind farm development.

Additional Considerations

Serially produced powertrain

Training the Team

ZF Wind Power ///

Developers should also account for weather delays, transportation, wireless connectivity, and stable and sufficient power supply. These considerations are important for project managers who are new to lidar, but are generally out of the hands of the supplier.

Lidar users have to ensure the system operates well by testing onshore with the same conditions that the system will face at sea (same power supply, same connectors, etc.). Therefore, part of the on-site logistical process includes ensuring team members are trained to understand industry best practices regarding installations and deployments, as well as the capabilities of the lidar and routine maintenance operations. In general, lidar training programs include both the theoretical and practical; a lidar professional visits customers to help them understand how to use and install the lidar, as well as assist with analysis of the incoming data. New customers must not only consider challenges surrounding the turbine, the layout of the wind farm, and the geography’s microclimate, but also how to aggregate, understand, and optimize performance based on the incoming data. Because there are disparate lidars for different applications, the duration of the training varies. While buoy and nacelle lidars only require about two days for training and installation, scanning lidar is more complex and requires an extra day or two to understand. Regardless of the technology chosen, it’s important for at least four people to have a good understanding of the technology, its advantages, and its limitations in order to overcome any of the aforementioned logistical and operational challenges that may arise. Lidar technology is driving the wind energy industry forward because it enables companies to go farther into the sea, measure higher and more accurately, scan larger areas, and choose the right turbine models. To benefit fully from this technology – and stay within project timelines and maximize project value - wind companies need to understand the early on-site logistics in getting offshore lidar set up properly.

ZF Wind Power and Vestas launched the serially produced EnVentus powertrain onto the wind market. With an integrated and modular powertrain design that includes main shaft, main bearing housing, two-stage planetary gearbox, and permanent magnet generator, the EnVentus powertrain guarantees an output of up to 6.0MW and is developed and tested at the facilities of ZF Wind Power in Lommel.

Ameya Paseband is a Renewable Energy Engineer for Leosphere, a Vaisala company. An experienced trainer and field engineer working on lidar applications in aviation, wind energy and meteorology, Ameya has worked through all stages of a wind project with many diverse customers in over 20 countries.

Vaisala ///

North American Clean Energy


wind power

Harmony between wind energy and bats

Natural Power has launched DARC (Detection and Active Response Curtailment), a bat smart curtailment technology to simultaneously reduce bat fatalities and energy losses at wind farms. An acoustic monitor sits on top of the nacelle and listens for bat calls. When it detects bat activity, it sends a signal to the DARC server where it is processed alongside other SCADA signals from the turbine and meteorological data. The server then decides whether the turbine should shut down or not. If it forces a shut down, the blades will slowly come to a stop before lying motionless for 30 minutes. If more bat activity is detected during this time, the turbines will continue to lie still for 10 minute increments until no activity is detected. The turbines will then start up again.

Natural Power ///

Dexterity, grip, and cut protection

Brass Knuckle SmartCut BKCR303 gloves succeed on three fronts by providing dexterity, grip, and ANSI cut level A2 protection. This triple threat is accomplished with a glass fiber and ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) shell, a composite yarn that has a strength-to-weight ratio 8 to 15 times greater than steel, and polyurethane coating. The thin, 13-gauge material delivers deftness without trading away its inherent cut-resistance. The nonsticky polyurethane coating on the palm and fingers features excellent grip, even against oils, fats, and greases, and can deliver enhanced puncture protection and abrasion resistance, all without adding bulk or reducing touch sensitivity. In addition, the glove’s uncoated back and wrist improves ventilation. A seamless and stretchable full knit wrist provides a snug fit and prevents dirt, debris, and cold from getting inside glove. Color-coded cuffs easily indicate glove size.

Brass Knuckle ///

Unlocking complex wind sites

Deutsche WindGuard’s new ZX Complex Flow Solver (ZX CFS) is the result of a joint development with ZephyScience, supported by lidar OEM ZX Lidars. Fully based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), ZX CFS identifies, quantifies, and resolves the relative differences between lidar and cup anemometer measurements witnessed in complex terrain. The Complex Flow Solver algorithm developed by Deutsche WindGuard is optimized for ZX Lidars’ wind field reconstruction. Incorporating results from a high-resolution CFD model, it derives a set of conversion factors. Applied to the volume-based wind data from Continuous Wave Lidar ZX 300, which samples 50 measurements points per second, these conversion factors produce single point measurements equivalent to those of a cup anemometer installed at the same location. ZX CFS even provides guidance on where to install the lidar initially to achieve the lowest possible uncertainties. Cloud computing delivers fast, transparent, and accurate results.

Deutsche WindGuard ///

Rugged new handheld meter

Valley Forge & Bolt, introduces the newest meter for its SPC4 Load Verifying System. The SPC4 406A Electronic Meter (VF# SPC4-ASM-406A) is specially designed for accurate performance in heat, humidity, and other demanding environments. The SPC4 system encompasses fasteners equipped with Valley Forge load-indicating technology along with a wide variety of meters to fit a range of applications and environmental conditions. The meters, including analog, digital, or Wi-Fi versions, measure tension directly from within the fastener to +/5% accuracy. The 406A meter joins this complete offering. In total, the SPC4 system provides t accurate information about the actual load within critical joints. The 406A meter boasts a rugged design with a shock-resistant casing that is IP54-rated for protection against dust and particles. Its internals are specifically engineered to deliver high performance in hot and humid conditions. Bluetooth compatibility provides scalability for remote data monitoring and data logging capability. The ergonomic handheld design was built for ease of use in the field, its one-touch operation is easy to engage without removing PPE gloves, and a large digital display allows for easy reading.

Valley Forge & Bolt Mfg. Co. ///

LOOKING OUT FOR THE BIRDS SINCE 2003 *Advanced Avian Radar Technologies

Composite Tooling for Windmill Blades


Total comfort full body harness

Patterns, Molds, Plugs Precision 5-axis machining Composite Fabrication Engineering Services


MARCH• APRIL2021 /// 360.856.5143

FallTech announces a new level of fit and function, with their full body harness, FT-One. The FT-One was designed for total comfort by listening to contractor’s comments about working at heights, wearing full body harnesses all day. The FT-One harness provides freedom from chafing and pinching, working comfortably overhead without neck irritation, keeps one’s back dry and cool all day long, easy tool bag access for more productivity, long lasting shoulder pads, and slip-resistant D-ring eliminates constant re-adjusting.

FallTech ///

Data management in the Cloud

Siemens recently expanded its EnergyIP Meter Data Management (MDM) Software portfolio by developing the EnergyIP MDM Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). It provides utilities, municipalities, and cooperatives with a flexible, extendable, and low-cost option to access and monitor their advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) systems and enhance the meterto-cash capabilities. Basing the MDM software in the Cloud allows users to read and analyze their meters quickly, validate the data, and bill customers more accurately without incurring heavy upfront IT infrastructure or software investment costs and associated ongoing maintenance. Pre-installed and preconfigured, MDM SaaS from Siemens uses AWS cloud platform to host utilities’ data. Utilities pay a monthly subscription fee for using the system and obtaining high quality data for billing. The service offering is compatible with any manufacturer’s smart meter, and it can work for any size utility. The service includes regular software upgrades, new features, and maintenance like bug fixes and security updates, all done by Siemens in the Cloud.

Siemens Smart Infrastructure (SI) ///

Safe, simple, and smart push-in wiring

IDEC Corporation has enhanced their HW series of 22mm switches and pilot lights, as well as the SJ/SU series of relay sockets, with new options for push-in wiring technology. The IDEC HW and SJ/SU series uses true tool-less pushin technology. There are no screws to torque or tighten. Wires can be removed by pushing down a small orange release pin with a screwdriver. Wiring can be performed by workers of any skill level, and wiring time is reduced by about 55% compared with conventional screw terminal connections. Constant springloaded tension on the wire maintains a reliable connection and improves vibration resistance. The entire push-in structure is designed as finger-safe so workers never touch the conductors. Push-in contact blocks are compact, improving working space inside a panel and potentially enables enclosures to be downsized. Connections are angled to facilitate wire entry, and the contact blocks feature a handy test point for insertion of a multimeter probe. Both switch contact block and relay socket electrical connections are rated IP20 finger-safe.

Pliers with a staked screw

The new P-Series Pliers from Snap-on Industrial are manufactured with a staked screw that is compressed to a tolerance at the screw joint to prevent it from backing out during use. This design feature greatly reduces foreign object damage (FOD) concerns, making it suitable for use in aviation, power generation, natural resources and any other critical industries. The staked screw is just one of many features and benefits of the new P-Series Pliers. The screw joint minimizes friction and maximizes jaw alignment for wide openings. Manufactured with ball-bearing grade alloyed steel, and hardened to 42-46 Rockwell C HRC, the P-Series Pliers are designed to withstand greater impact while performing in demanding work environments. Additionally, the internal torsion spring returns the pliers to the open position, keeping the tool ready for work while minimizing hand fatigue. Thirteen models (five cutting, eight holding) of the P-Series Pliers are available. The cutting models produce feature sharp, clean cuts for up to 200,000 cycles. The holding models are designed with precise serrations for sure gripping of delicate materials.

Snap-on Industrial ///


IDEC Corporation ///

Strong, light, recyclable wind blade option

SABIC introduced LNP COLORCOMP WQ117945 compound, a material based on nanotechnology that facilitates efficient production of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) foams for core materials in sandwich structures. This new compound improves control over nucleation and cell growth, resulting in decreased cell size and uniform, narrower cell size distribution. These attributes can reduce the foam’s weight by minimizing resin uptake in sandwich structures. It can also potentially improve shear strength/strain properties for better fatigue performance. Enhancing PET foams with SABIC’s new LNP COLORCOMP compound can address the evolving needs of multiple industries, including marine, building and construction, packaging, and wind energy. SABIC’s LNP COLORCOMP WQ117945 compound can significantly reduce foam cell size, while decreasing cell size disparity by a factor of up to five. These factors help to reduce resin uptake by the foam during composite manufacture, resulting in a lighter-weight wind blade. PET foams offer versatility in the design and shaping of wind blades, and also offer stable supply, cost-effectiveness, consistent material properties and much less resin uptake.


877-962-2400 •

SABIC /// North American Clean Energy


wind power

Rugged, economical wind farm lighting

Flash Technology’s FTS 350i LED aviation obstruction light is an economical option for wind turbine applications. At only 2.9lbs and 4.4" tall, the FTS 350i is convenient to carry while climbing the turbine. Each light includes infrared LEDs to warn pilots using night vision systems of the obstruction as well as Fresnel optics to reduce light pollution for neighboring communities. The flash rate is field configurable and GPS sync allows the light to flash in unison with other lights on the wind farm. An alarm is generated through a dry contact if there is a failure switching on at night, with the GPS or with the beacon’s performance. The FTS 350i infrared obstruction light meets FAA Type L-864 (AC 150/5345-43J), ICAO Medium Intensity Type B (Annex 14 Eighth Edition) and CL-864 (Transport Canada CAR 621). It also offers a two-year replacement warranty and a 10kA surge protection rating against lightning strikes.

Flash Technology ///

Strong and adaptable made-in-the-USA drones

ZM Interactive’s (ZMI) xFold drones are strong and adaptable industrial unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) that can switch between x4 (quad), x6 (hexa), X8 (octo), and X12 (dodeca) configurations in minutes. The new xFold Dragon can lift up to 1000lbs, while the Dragon Hybrid boasts a flight time of 1.5 hours on battery and over 8 hours with a hybrid system. Pilots can swap configurations in minutes, including adding robotic arms for delivery, extinguisher ball droppers for fire fighting, sprayers for agriculture, or sensors for 3D mapping. The military grade commercial drones are designed, manufactured, built, and assembled by ZMI in the USA, using proprietary components. ZMI does not use any Chinese components. The aircraft are weather resistant and made to fly in inclement conditions. The xFold line of Dragon super carrier drones includes five different sizes and capacities, including 100lbs, 300lbs, 500lbs, and 1000lbs.

ZM Interactive (ZMI) ///

Hydraulic powered chain cutter

Leading-edge cable lanyard

Enerpac ///

Pure Safety Group (PSG) ///

Enerpac has expanded its cutter portfolio with the introduction of the new ECCE6 hydraulic-powered chain cutter. Together with the ECCE32, the line addresses a wide variety of chain cutting applications. Compared to typical cutting solutions such as torches, grinders, and mechanical cutters, Enerpac chain cutters get the job done safe and fast. The highly durable blades on Enerpac chain cutters can tackle a wide variety of chain, from small, low-grade chains to large, heavy-duty chains, all while maintaining effectiveness throughout rigorous use. Powered by a single or double acting hydraulic cylinder, Enerpac chain cutters move through difficult cutting tasks with speed and ease. A transparent safety guard on Enerpac chain cutters protect hands and allow continuous monitoring for better management of the cutting process. The ECCE32 model is suitable when the targeted application range includes grade 100 chains, such as those used for overhead lifting. The ECCE26 model performs when used for chains grade 80 or less and when the average chain size is ¾" or less. The light weight of the ECCE26 allows for easy portability.

Divisible cable glands

The DES Click from AerosUSA allows for the easy installation of pre-terminated sensor cables in a click. Divisible cable gland for metric threads, M20, M25, M32, M50 are configurable for 1, 2, or 4 cables from 2mm - 16mm OD. M32 locknut available upon request for pass through of Sub D9 cable.

AerosUSA , Inc. ///

Pure Safety Group’s Guardian Fall Protection brand has introduced a new cable lanyard, compatible for leading edges, that combines the lightweight durability of a fixed-length lanyard that permits up to 12ft of fall protection during the event of a free fall from an at-height working surface. Through extensive research and development in Guardian’s ISO/IEC:10725-compliant laboratory, the company established rigorous leading-edge verification testing procedures to ensure consistent performance of the lanyard over a wide range of extreme conditions. Drop-tested in both a perpendicular and offset orientation against .005" radius steel, the Guardian Cable Leading Edge Lanyard exhibited high performance and predictability. The Cable Leading Edge Lanyards feature a vinyl-coated ¼" galvanized steel cable, combined with Guardian’s high-efficiency external shock absorber that keeps maximum and average arrest forces low during fall deceleration. Cable Leading Edge Lanyards are available in single- or dual-leg configurations with steel rebar or snap hooks. A high-visibility orange shock pack cover helps confirm proper application suitability, even from a distance.

Environmentally safe, biodegradable lubricant

Chesterton’s one-for-all 650 Advanced Machinery Lubricant (AML) is formulated with a food grade plant-derived ester blend, making it a high performing, readily biodegradable, environmentally friendly, and worker-safe lubricating oil. 650 AML provides protection against wear in valves, pistons, and other pneumatic components. It cleans and removes gums and varnish while lubricating chains, ropes, and other machinery assemblies. 650 AML is designed for the end users that are looking for a high-performing, environmentally friendly, and worker safe alternative to petroleum-based oils. 650 AML will meet safety and environmental compliance.

A.W. Chesterton Company ///


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

North American Clean Energy


wind product spotlight: tensioners & torque systems

Tensioners & Torque Systems

The proper alignment of a bolted joint can be achieved by using either torque or tension methods of bolting. Proper bolt loads must be realized during installation or the integrity of the joint will be compromised, leading to misalignment and, if left unchecked, the ultimate failure of the joint. In this issue, we look at some of the tensioners and torque systems available today.

Tensioners SEE AD ON PAGE 71


Torkworx, L.P. Product: Stratus High Flow Tensioner Pump

Size: 16" x 13.6" x 22.75" (406mm x 345mm x 578mm)

Description: This Stratus Pump is designed for the punishing conditions and demanding requirements of wind turbine bolt tensioning. Built for extreme temperatures, rough handling, low voltage, dust and dirt, and high duty cycles.

Controls: Includes 20ft control pendant Weight: 73lbs (33kg) Key Features: • Double-acting circuits available; • Removable digital gauge and oil cooler optional;

Full Load Amps: 13.2A / 6.6A. Available in 120V, 240V, and 480V

• Larger reservoir sizes and horsepower models available;

Horse Power: 1.5Hp electric motor

• Alternative fluid/ water-glycol compatible models available

Capacity: 1.5gal reservoir Pressure Output: 21750 PSI and 30000 PSI options

ITH Engineering Product: ITH Bolt Tensioning Cylinder Description: ITH bolt tensioning cylinders are designed for tightening large diameter bolts of all major OEM wind turbine applications including: foundation rods, tower bolts, bearing bolts, and more. High accuracy and repeatability ensures consistent even loads throughout bolted joints. Combine with the Micro-MAX pump for a lightweight and compact bolting system.

Key Features: • Designed with OEMs for all turbine applications; • Lightweight and compact designs; • Patented safety features; • High load accuracy and repeatability; • Fast operation using one or multiple tensioners simultaneously.

Bolt Diameter: M16 and larger


Riverhawk Product: Hydraulic Rod Tensioner/Nut Description: A tensioner designed to have a small foot print and high preload capability. Typically used on steam and nuclear turbines with limited stud accessibility and no exposed threads above the nut. Bolt Diameter: 1.00" up to 4.00". Larger sizes available in custom designs Stud Protrusion: Minimum = stud diameter + .250" Max Stroke: Typically 0.125 * stud diameter

Hydraulic Pressure Area: Varies by hydraulic rod tensioner. Minimum of 10% extra load capacity over installation pressure Outside tool diameter: Point to point of standard heavy hex nut Overall height: Same as the hydraulic rod nut outside diameter Overall distance between stud CLs: Hydraulic rod nut outside diameter + .125"

Product: LITHIUM SERIES II Electric Torque Tool

Power System: Battery

Description: The LITHIUM SERIES II Tool has been redesigned from the ground up with expanded functionality, greater durability, and intuitive usability. This lightweight battery powered tool, with capacity up to 5000 ft/lbs, is a solution for strength and portability in industrial bolting jobs worldwide.

Torque: 35 to 5000ft/lb; 47 to 6779Nm

Drive Size: 3/4" to 1.5"

RPM: Varies by configuration Weight: Varies by configuration Noise Level: 70db

Weight: Tensioner and nut weights vary by stud diameter

Max Load: Bolt preload stress up to 60,000psi. Max preload is dependent on bolt joint geometry

AcraDyne Product: AcraDyne Gen IV Critical Torque Bolting System Description: AcraDyne's critical torque system is an advanced bolting/tool system for bolting applications within the wind Industry. The iEC Controller/Tool system measures traceable, dynamic torque directly at the square drive. The built-in transducer ensures accurate torque values. The system works with all AcraDyne tools, covering torque ranges up to 17,000Nm. Power System: Electric 110V or 220V Drive Size: 1/4" to 2.5" Torque: 1 to 12,500ft/lb; 2 to 17,000Nm RPM: 1 to 2625RPM Weight: 2lbs to 42.6lbs (1kg to 19kg) Noise Level: <66dB(a)


MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

wind product spotlight: tensioners & torque systems

Torque Systems SEE AD ON PAGE 71


Torkworx, L.P. Product: Battery RAD BL Series Description: The newly designed B-RAD BL Select Series offers higher speed and longer battery life while incorporating a new torque display with buttons. The B-RAD BL Select allows the user to easily select the target torque. Power System: Battery Drive Size: Up to 1.5" Torque: Up to 5000 ft/lbs RPM: Up to 21.5 Weight: 19.3lbs (8.75kg)

Key Features: • Now with digital torque settings, able to increase or decrease the value by 10 ft/ lbs; • Torque ranges up to 5000 ft/lbs; • Equipped with lithium-ion technology; • Suitable for pre-torque and service jobs where electricity or compressed air are not available; • Efficient use of energy provides long battery life.

ITH Engineering Product: Hydraulic Torque Wrench type CX


Description: ITH type CX is an ultralight wrench system that maximizes speed and versatility. The ultralight housing and TWIN swivel hose connection make handling easy. The quick-release reaction arm has an asymmetrical shape and can be flipped to shorten or lengthen its reach in addition to 360° rotation.

Weight: 4.6lbs to 75lbs (2.1kg to 34kg)

Power System: Hydraulic Drive Size: 3/4" to 2 1/2" Torque: 1475 to 29,500 ft/lbs (2,000 to

Noise Level: Under 75

Key Features: • High-speed dual-hose operation; • Ultralight housing; • Quick-release reaction arms and drive inserts; • Asymmetrical reaction arm can be flipped and rotated 360°; • TWIN swivel hose connection.


Atlas Copco

Stahlwille Tools, LLC Product: Stahlwille Manoskop 730 Quick

Weight: 0.7lbs to 9lbs (0.3kg to 4.1kg)

Description: A time proof torque wrench with long term accuracy and no need to reset to zero due to the wear resistant mechanism design. This torque wrench provides quick and easy setting of required torque. No disassembly needed for calibration and adjustment with easy access of adjustment screws from outside.

Noise Level: 75db when click is triggered

Power System: Manual Drive Size: 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 3/4" Torque: 5 to 480ft/lbs; 4 to 650Nm

Key Features:

Product: Revo HA

Power System: Electric

Description: The Revo HA is a swiveling transducerized tool. It uses traceability, angle control, and monitoring to assure perfect joint quality. These high torque models can operate at comparatively high speeds. With multi torque setting buttons and operator feedback on the display, the tightening process is shortened greatly.

Drive Size: 3/4" to 1 1/2" RPM: 10 to 65 Weight: 14lbs to 29lbs (6kg to 13kg) Noise Level: <70db

• No return-to-zero needed; • Press and slide to set torque value, effortless and quick;


• No disassembly needed to bring the unit back in tolerance during calibration; • Interchangeable heads, ratchet, crowfoot, box end, and more.

The best value to secure bolts.

Norwolf Tool Works, Inc. Product: X-Driver System


Description: The X-Driver system is a multipatented, double-acting hydraulic torque wrench based on a power head that works with 3 different drives: A Drive - low profile hex ratchet, M Drive - low profile cassette, and V Drive - square drive. A slim, fast, easy, and versatile hydraulic wrench.

Product: VT-1000

Power System: Hydraulic

Torque: 240 to 1000 ft/lbs (330 to 1350Nm)

Drive Size: Assorted

RPM: 2 at min torque, 8 at max torque

Torque: Assorted Weight: Assorted

Weight: 11.5lbs (5.2kg) w/o reaction arm and battery, 14.5lbs (6.6kg )w/reaction arm and battery

Noise Level: Assorted

Noise Level: 76 - 87db

Description: The VOLTA's Lithium Power provides the capability to torque hundreds of fastenings with no hoses or cords to limit the user’s reach. Power System: Battery Drive Size: 1"

HEICO-LOCK® WEDGE LOCKING SYSTEMS The HEICO-LOCK® wedge locking system is the reliable solution to the problem of securing bolted joints in high vibration assemblies against self-loosening by rotation!


North American Clean Energy


wind product spotlight: bolts & fasteners

Bolts & Fasteners

Reliable tools and components are important in any industry, but particularly in wind power, where efficient turbine and blade construction and operation are essential to safety and project success. This issue, we’re highlighting the latest in bolts and fasteners from various companies in the industry.





Heico Lock Product: HEICO-Lock Wedge-Lock Washers Description: Heico's certified bolt fastening system works safely in dry and lubricated conditions. They can be reused consistently without loss of function or quality, and cost up to 50% less than comparable fasteners. HEICO-Lock WedgeLock Washers are suitable for use with hightensile bolts of grade 8.8, 10.9 or 12.9 and their respective nuts. Application: A wedge locking system that delivers high-quality, anti-vibration security for demanding bolted joint applications. Typical applications include wind turbines, heavy machinery (i.e. construction and agriculture), mining and quarrying, oil and gas, etc.

Key Features: • Supplied as a pre-assembled pair that is easy to install and remove; • Will not rust, break or vibrate loose; • Certified system for securing bolts, working at low and high preload levels; • Particularly suitable for dynamic loads, including when using lubricants; • Available from M3-M76 and 1/4"-3" in steel or stainless steel with narrow or wide bearing surfaces.

ITH Engineering Product: IHF Fasteners Description: IHF fasteners are designed for use with ITH tensioners to achieve maintenance-free bolted joints. The optimized design eliminates the need for washers and allows high utilization of the yield point, small bolt dimensions can be used with the same tensioning force. Application: IHF fasteners are generally used in steel construction, especially on flanges. Available standard dimensions are M36 to M80.

Key Features: • DIBt approved; • Maintenance-free; • Substitute common bolts and nuts; • Highest accuracy and repeatability in clamp loads; • Flanges can be designed more compact and reduce costs.

Nord-Lock Group

Cooper & Turner

Valley Forge & Bolt

Sherex Fastening Solutions

Product: Nord-Lock wedge-locking washer

Product: High Strength Safety Critical Fasteners

Product: SPC4

Product: Disc-Lock and TEC Series

Description: SPC4 Load Indicating Technology provides accurate bolt installation to within +/- 5% of desired clamp load by directly measuring tension in the bolt. The SPC4 joint also makes it possible to visually verify those bolts that have lost clamp load allowing technicians to focus on these for retightening during maintenance inspections. This results in saving maintenance time, money, and replacement parts. For a minimal investment, the SPC4 offers maximum joint integrity with optimum performance.

Description: Sherex's line of Disc-Lock and TEC Series wedge-locking washers and nuts help secure joints against loosening due to vibration. With these products, once the bolt is tightened, it won't come loose. Standard and metric sizing available, M1 - M72.

Description: Nord-Lock’s wedge-locking technology utilizes tension instead of friction, to secure bolted joints. It is impossible for NordLock washers to loosen unintentionally, even when exposed to severe vibration and dynamic loads, due to the wedge created underneath the bolt head and nut. Application: Wind turbine applications: rear main bearing gearbox to generator coupling, rotor blade to gearbox coupling, main shaft to hub blade bearing, front main bearing nacelle yaw bearing, nacelle frame tower bolting ladder railings/platforms foundation bolting

Description: Cooper & Turner is a manufacturer and supplier of high strength, safety critical large diameter (M16 <> M100) hex bolts, double ended studs, and threaded rod. Employing automation (including inprocess NDT inspection and automatic zinc flake coating) and robotics results in high quality and consistent products, having full lot traceability, for global customer needs. Application: Where there is a requirement for a high quality product manufactured for the demanding needs of renewable energy, able to withstand hostile environments of the world.

NTC Wind Energy Product: IronClad Bolt Caps Description: IronClad Bolt Caps, Grout Sleeves, CorrosionX Grease, and Bolt Tensioning Application: Foundation corrosion protection


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Application: For both OEM and maintenance of wind turbines and other power systems, SPC4 is fastener system with integral predictive technology to reduce costs by preventing critical joint failure.

Application: Disc-Lock and TEC Series wedge-locking washers and nuts are used in a variety of renewable energy applications, including wind turbines, to prevent bolts and joints from loosening.


STORAGE BUYERS GUIDE Image provided by Nixon Peabody LLP ///

DIRECTORY Batteries Batteries - AGM Batteries - Lead Acid Batteries - Li-Ion Batteries - Redox Flow Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Battery Management Systems Battery Testing, Inspection, Safety Capacitors Components Controllers Cooling Systems Cryogenic Energy Storage Design & Build Integrator Electrical Energy Storage

Electrolysers Enclosures Energy Storage Metering Energy Storage Systems Energy Storage Systems - Commercial Energy Storage Systems - Grid-Connected Energy Storage Systems - Off-Grid Energy Storage Systems - Residential Engineering Consultant Engineering Marketplace Environmental Consultants | Business Services EPC Services EV Charging Financial Services Fire Suppression

Fuel Cells Grid Protection Relays Inverters Legal Services Manufacturing Equipment Microgrids Renewable Energy System Integrators Signs Smart Electrical Panel Software Supplier Solar Thermal Systems Testing | Certification Thermal Energy Storage Wire and Cable

North American Clean Energy


2021 energy storage buyers guide Batteries

Battery Systems, Inc. Battery Systems provides customers with high-quality, reliable battery products combined with efficient service and competitive prices.

Bender, Inc. Insulation monitoring devices detect symmetrical insulation and DC faults that often occur in control circuits and DC voltage networks such as those found in battery energy storage systems. When insulation resistance is monitored, trend curves and other predictions can be made. A permanently installed iso685 from Bender, Inc. is a solution for monitoring battery energy storage systems because faults and locations are automatically detected and displayed. This significantly reduces time and effort required for maintenance work.

Batteries - AGM

Batteries - Li-Ion

Maxdura Battery Maxdura Battery has worked in batteries more than 20 years and delivers cost effective, reliable, and secure energy storage systems. Maxdura Battery provides lead-acid, AGM, and lead-carbon storage batteries with various capacity requirements. Long life and robust design for both cycle and float applications. Their 100% recyclable, fast response, high temperature tolerance, and maintenance-free batteries are suitable for solar, wind, and on/ off-grid system applications.

Natron Energy Natron’s sodium-ion batteries are UL1973 recognized and have passed rigorous UL9540A fire testing, offer high power density, fast recharge, and long cycle life. Natron builds its batteries using commodity materials on existing cell manufacturing lines. Natron Energy’s mission is to transform industrial and grid energy storage markets by providing customers with low cost, long lasting, efficient, and safe batteries.

Sun Xtender Batteries Sun Xtender Deep Cycle AGM batteries are chosen for a variety of applications due to their specifically tailored design for deep cycle renewable energy applications. Sun Xtender batteries are maintenance-free, housed in shockproof cases, and built with corrosion-free materials for low impedance connections and maximum conductivity. Since 1987, Sun Xtender batteries have provided safe, reliable, and long lasting AGM deep cycle power. All Sun Xtender batteries are produced in the United States under an ISO 9001 + AS9100 quality system, and are manufactured by the same personnel as Concorde aircraft and military batteries. Hazmatfree and 100% recyclable.

Batteries - Lead Acid

Bioenno Power Based in Santa Ana, California, Bioenno Power offers lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries for various solar and industrial applications. The company's "BLF-" series offers a 10-year service life, 1/4 the weight of SLA batteries, and built in circuitry that balances/equalizes cells, protects against overcharging, overdischarge, overcurrent, and overvoltage.

Darfon America Corp. EnerSys NorthStar BLUE+ Battery by EnerSys applies carbon technology for high cycle life and Partial State of Charge (PSOC) performance. Thin plate technology delivers long life and high power output. The NSB BLUE+ Battery also is UL1989recognized and flame-retardant to meet UL94VO. It is built in the United States, has a two-year shelf life, offers fast, efficient recharge, and features special plastic components for operation in a wide temperature range. Its product range is 40-210 amp hours.

U.S. Battery Manufacturing

Rolls Battery Engineering

GS Yuasa Energy Solutions, Inc.

Designed to deliver reliable energy storage and scalable for use in a wide range of residential and commercial applications, Rolls 4000 Series 6-volt S6 L16-HC model offers 445 Amp-Hour capacity (445 AH @ 20 Hr) per string. Rolls heavy-duty thick plate construction now includes a proprietary Advanced NAM carbon additive for improved charge efficiency, extended cycle life, and PSOC performance, backed by a 3-year full replacement warranty.

The SLR Series is designed for high cycle applications using GS Yuasa’s advanced lead nanocarbon battery technology. A nanocarbon additive accelerates the reaction of active material to reduce sulfation. This leads to increased charging efficiency and high capacity retention over the life of the battery. The battery utilizes GS Yuasa’s HT Element X Alloy for high heat, long life performance. The SLR product line provides 5000 cycles at 70% DOD and 19 years of cycle life when tested to IEC 61427.


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U.S. Battery Manufacturing has been building flooded lead acid batteries since 1926 and manufactures deep cycle batteries specifically for many industries, worldwide. The company’s RE Series batteries are designed to provide high peak capacity, long cycle life, and reliability for use in industrial or residential renewable energy applications. RE Series batteries utilize the company’s XC2 formulation and Diamond Plate Technology to create an efficient battery plate, delivering high watt-hours per liter and watt-hours per kilogram.

The Darfon B09ULF is a a 9.6kWh LFP battery that can be floor-standing or wall-mounted. The enclosure installs empty, keeping the installation weight minimal and making it easy for one person to install. All the wiring is installed with quick disconnects to speed up the installation process. If more reserved power is needed, the B09ULF can be stacked for 19.2kWh. Since the B09ULF uses LiFePO4 chemistry, it has a long lifespan and is safe.

Discover Battery Discover AES LiFePO4 batteries are designed specifically for off-grid, microgrid, and wholehome backup power applications. With surge handling capability and 1C continuous charge and discharge, users can size for capacity rather than managing current. Paired with the LYNK Communications Gateway, the system has closed-loop communications integration with major inverter-charger brands which enables remote monitoring and diagnostics through the inverter’s native cloud portal and dynamic charge control for fast charging and long battery life. Complete system data logging, diagnostics, and lifetime firmware updates all accessed through AES Dashboard software.

Iron Edison Battery Company Iron Edison reveals their latest lithium battery, the RE-VOLT. It is small, light, easy to install, and still uses the safe lithium chemistry, lithium iron phosphate. The RE-VOLT can hang on the wall or can be conveniently stacked on a battery rack, allowing the customer more versatility when setting up their batteries. The RE-VOLT battery also has an LCD display located on the front of the battery. The LED screen gives the State of Charge, Cell Voltages, and Fault Code information with just a few clicks through the menu. The RE-Volt Batteries work with inverters from Sol-Ark, Schneider, Outback, Victron, Magnum, and SMA.

Dürr Megtec Dürr Megtec is a global turnkey supplier of production machinery for lithium-ion battery electrodes, including innovative, simultaneous two-sided coating lines, integrated solvent recovery, and refining systems. From R&D to mass production, Dürr Megtec offers easy-to-use laboratory coating machine or production lines with patented simultaneous two-sided coating capability. For other advanced materials markets, like fuel cells, battery separators, composites, or membranes, Dürr Megtec offers customized industrial dryers designed to meet the requirements of each project. In addition, they offer a wide variety of pollution control equipment, including oxidizers, solvent recovery, and particle control.

Fortress Power The eFlex 5.4kWh battery maximizes a solar investment with battery storage that is versatile in its installation as well as its applications. The compact and easy-to-install unit can be wall-mounted or floor-standing. It also fits well into standard server racks for large systems. A long-lasting and durable battery, it has a low cost per cycle and can be monitored from anywhere. It is waterproof and saltwater resistant, making it suitable for a variety of applications.

North American Clean Energy


2021 energy storage buyers guide Batteries - Redox Flow Kronus Engineering Kronus Engineering’s DOLOMITE battery storage system provides affordable backup power for commercial buildings. Whether running standalone or connected to renewable power or the grid, the adaptable, high-performance solution helps save energy, reduce utility bills, and provides reliable energy security for thousands of cycles. With a base module capacity of 70kWh, the DOLOMITE is scalable to meet a wide range of energy needs. Like Kronus’s other battery products, the DOLOMITE has quick startup times, noiseless power, a small carbon footprint, and requires little maintenance.

Lion Energy

The new Lion Eclipse provides 3 in 1 wireless charging for Qi enabled smart phones, earbuds, and watches. It also has 2 USB outputs for charging other devices. The Lion Eclipse is a suitable companion for travelers who don't want to have multiple charging cords for their devices. It's pocket sized, yet powerful enough to charge the user’s devices. It's TSA approved for the airlines as well. The Lion Eclipse is 27,000mAh, 99.9Wh, and weighs just over a pound.

Lithium Power, Inc. LEOCH Battery Corporation Leoch's Pure Lead + Carbon Technology has been specifically engineered to support partial-state-of-charge applications where the batteries are cycled regularly. These high power, energy dense batteries offer superfast charging from 0% to 90% in 1hr and a long deep cycle life of 3000 cycles at 50% DoD. The ABS-Polycarbonate jars provide rugged durability and a wide operating temperature of -40°F to 131°F (-40°C to 55°C). Tested to IEC standards.

ESS-500-48 is a lithium-ion rechargeable NMC battery pack. Designed for telecom UPS and other mission critical applications, the back-up battery comes with built-in safety protections, gas gauge, cell and pack balancing, as well as communication. Various communication protocols are available such as CANBus, SMBus, Bluetooth, and more. Around 60 parameters of battery information can be delivered live or saved in the battery's history data log. The battery pack is designed to meet UN, UL, and IEC certification requirements.

E22 (Energy Storage Solutions) The 250kW Vanadium Redox Flow Battery developed and manufactured by E22, accumulates up to 12h of energy. The system is integrated within a modular block from 50 to 330kW that allows the connection of several units, thus having the possibility of configuring the system according to any power need. Among other advantages, it has an extended life over 20 years, cycling of >10.000, and complete customization. VRFB includes remote diagnostic and continuous monitoring of all parameters through SCADA. E22 also offers several services such as dimensioning, engineering, turn-key, EPC, and O&M of the whole installation or a more flexible delivery of certain required elements.

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

Aggreko Lithium Werks Lithium Werks manufactures lithium-ion cells and custom battery systems that can be arranged with cells at 3.3VDC up to systems of 1000VDC, from kWh to MWh. Lithium Werks’ LFP Nanophosphate (LiFePO4) chemistry delivers high power, extreme safety, long life, and is suitable for frequency regulation, peak power shaving, and critical high rate UPS line stabilization. They also make custom battery solutions for long-duration solar and wind energy storage.


Multi-Circuit Energy Meter

Aggreko’s fully integrated, plug-and-play battery storage solutions ensure maximum system effectiveness and efficiency. They have been optimized across every component to deliver system performance, minimize operating costs, and shrink a carbon footprint. Aggreko offers solutions to power a microgrid, add reliability to a hybrid system, and to optimize business cases through smart energy management. The Y.Cube is a ready-to-install energy storage system.

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EverVolt battery storage is Panasonic’s residential energy storage solution. It can be installed with a new or existing solar system and tailored to a homeowner’s individual needs. EverVolt is available in AC- and DC-coupled versions, both of which can be scaled down to 11kWh or expanded to 102kWh. It also comes equipped with pre-programmed time-of-use settings to help manage energy consumption and operating cost, advanced software, and a user-friendly app for homeowners, allowing customization between multiple operating modes’ visibility into system status. EverVolt battery storage is warrantied for 10 years and backed by Panasonic’s century-old record of dependability.

Atlas Energy Solutions Atlas Energy Solutions provides on and off grid energy storage solutions. From 5kWh and 10kWh battery walls to all size hybrid inverters, and 50Ah, 100Ah, 200Ah individual storage batteries. Atlas Energy Solutions ships nationwide to all lower 48 states.


Generac Power Systems, Inc. Whole-home solar power backup solution Generac Power Systems’ PWRcell solar and battery storage system provides intelligently managed power to truly backup the entire home. The PWRcell system can deliver power to the entire electrical panel during an outage, allowing the home to be disconnected from the grid. The PWRcell Inverter provides up to 11kW of continuous backup power or 9kW with a single PWRcell battery. As a part of the PWRcell system, Generac Smart Management Modules work as load management, allowing the system to “pause” larger, low-priority loads, giving preference and power to essential loads. By controlling how power is allocated, the PWRcell system can support whole-home power.

Rosendin Electric Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) are fast becoming a key component of existing and future renewable energy strategies implemented by utility, municipal, developer, and commercial clients throughout the U.S. Rosendin supplies technology agnostic BESS solutions for most all frequency control, and regulation, demand response, load shifting, peak shaving, microgrid, and backup power applications.

TROES is an energy storage technology company focusing on commercial, industrial, and micro-grid energy storage solutions. Powered by cloud technology, the system is remote operated to prevent failure and reduce troubleshooting and has passed more than 30 safety tests, including the optional 380° heat spread test. Adjustable capacity of 10kWh prevents customers from over producing and wasting electricity, keeping costs minimal. With over 20 different application types offered and a hybrid design that works with all renewable energy types such as solar, wind, and hydro, TROES has a solution for all project requirements.


RUGGED EXCEPTIONAL DEPENDABLE Our distinctive red cases are well-recognized around the world and represent our longstanding commitment to deliver products with exceptional quality, reliability and support. Flooded models include Advanced NAM carbon additive for quicker, more efficient charging; improving performance and cycle life in traditional off-grid applications. Just one more reason to choose Rolls batteries.


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2021 energy storage buyers guide Battery Management Systems


WECS Renewables WECS Renewables is an industryfocused specialty distributor of electrical components to assist in installation and maintenance of grid-connected Battery Storage Systems (BESS). With nearly 40 years in wind and solar energy, WECS provides continuity with modern BESS engineering technological requirements for inventory on-hand for LV power converter switchgear and for in servicing MV/HV BOS and substation designs. Located in Palm Springs, CA, WECS serves developers, operators, service companies, and OEM manufacturers across North America. WECS combines long term inventory planning with overnight delivery including circuit protectors, IGBT’s, contactors, cable and connectors, tools, and more.

FUERGY is a technology company providing solutions for energy optimization. For this purpose, it has developed its own modular battery system and software platform powered by artificial intelligence, which meets the special needs of energy management. From energy storage to automated energy trading and dispatch systems, FUERGY offers complex, cost-effective, tailormade solutions. The company was founded in 2017 by energy experts with the aim of changing the way people use and share electricity and thus accelerate the transition to energy decentralization with a high share of renewables.

Battery Testing, Inspection, Safety


Advanced Test Equipment Rentals

GEMÜ Valves

Advanced Test Equipment Rentals is a rental and sales provider of test, measurement, inspection, and energy equipment, offering solutions for complex standards and requirements. Their extensive selection of equipment built by recognized manufacturers offers a variety of options to choose from. Advanced Test Equipment Rentals is A2LA accredited for ISO 17025 calibration and ISO 9001 certified.

GEMÜ Valves Inc’s High Purity products are developed and produced for use in process equipment, ultra-pure water and chemical manufacturing, and distribution systems for electrolyte filling and separation of various media. The High Purity products are produced today under strict cleanroom conditions at their manufacturing site in Switzerland.

Chroma Systems Solutions, Inc.

Nuvation Energy Nuvation Energy’s High-Voltage BMS provides cell- and stack-level control for battery stacks up to 1250VDC. One Stack Switchgear unit manages each stack. Cell Interface modules connect directly to battery cells to measure cell voltages and temperatures and provide cell balancing. The UL 1973 Recognized BMS modules in each stack ensure safe battery operation and significantly reduce the effort of pursuing UL 9540 certification.

Chroma 62000D Bidirectional DC Power Supply operates as both power supply and regenerative DC load. This capability is increasingly important in the renewable energy and electric vehicle industries. The 62000D provides programmable DC power with a high speed transient response less than 1.5ms, and can operate in constant voltage, constant current, and constant power modes. As a load, it can feed back to the grid with a 93% efficiency. The 62000D saves cost, space, reduces energy loss, and is easy to wire and configure. Chroma 62000D is comprised of 8 models up to 18kW in 3U with output current to 540A, and voltage to 1800V. Share current with ten devices to achieve 180kW. Includes intelligent touch screen control.


Littelfuse The Littelfuse SPXV series 1500 Vdc solar string fuse protects photovoltaic installations from overloads and short circuits to minimize damage to solar panels. They offer up to 60A protection for increased flexibility. The full range, fast-acting fuse eliminates low-overload faults. The SPXV fuse fits into the LFXV15 series fuse block and dead-front cover that offers a ventilated design to keep fuse running cooler, even at high ambient temperatures and current ratings, to increase fuse longevity.

Schaltbau North America

Cornell Dubilier Electronics Next generation inverter designs for renewable energy demand reliable DC link capacitors with higher capacitance values, voltage, and current ratings. Available in new case sizes and ratings, Cornell Dubilier’s Type 947D power film capacitors offer high bulk energy storage, ripple filtering, and life expectancy for wind and solar power inverter designs, as well as electric vehicle applications. Clients can select from hundreds of standard catalog listings, or connect with CDE engineers to develop special designs to their requirements.


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Schaltbau GmbH develops and manufactures electromechanical components. Since 1929, they have been responsible for the safe operation of rail services, and today they protect systems in industrial applications for renewable energy, e-mobility, and automation.

WAGO Corporation With direct fiber optic network ports, WAGO’s new 750 Series XTR controller (750-8211/040-001) allows for connections that can stretch over longer distances and insulates against voltage surges (i.e. lightning protection) over communication lines. Suitable for utility, battery storage, or solar energy industry, this XTR version can operate in extreme temperatures, is resistant to high vibration and shock, and supports SMARTGrid Protocols. The four configurable ports, programmed with either e!COCKPIT or Codesys 2.3 based WAGO I/O Pro software, can be used as a switch or with individual IP addresses. The ports support MODBUS TCO/UDP and EtherNet/IP (adapter) protocols.

Shoals Technologies Group The BLA is a component harness which makes use of the Shoals In-Line fuse and wire welding manufacturing process, and offers a site that is free of DC string combiners. All of the load is combined in the large conductors that typically run between the string combiner and the inverter. There is no need to trench for DC feeders or hang string combiner boxes. And when booted with BAC connector, the entire array is plug-and-play, plug in the panel strings, plug into the inverter.


Morningstar Corporation The TriStar MPPT 600V (TS-MPPT-600V) is an innovative charge controller design. By accepting PV array input up to 600Voc, it enables installers to design systems with longer, fewer strings, reducing cabling and hardware which make installation and wiring easy and fast. Morningstar’s digital engineering combined with thermal management make the TS-MPPT-600V with TrakStar technology a charge controller that doesn’t require a cooling fan or fans.

Grid emulation experts Ahead of the grid and before your deadlines, we enable you to commission renewable energy projects.

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Phocos Americas, Inc. The Phocos CIS-MPPT Series of charge controllers offer a solution for off-grid applications such as telemetry, outdoor lighting, SCADA, and monitoring. This product was developed to ensure reliable battery protection under extreme weather/ environmental conditions that often results in damaged electronics. The robust CIS-MPPT Series also has advanced lighting controls, programmable load timing, is IP68, and can offer 2 years of performance data (with accessory). 5-year warranty, CE and RoHS compliant.

Simulating grid conditions Readiness testing Fluctuation testing in real-time Capitalize on tax incentives Custom engineered systems

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19/02/2020 North American Clean Energy



2021 energy storage buyers guide Cooling Systems

Cryogenic Energy Storage


Highview Power

Marvair Marvair wall-mount air conditioners are versatile problem solvers for a wide range of energy storage applications. Marvair’s energy efficient wall-mount air conditioners meet or exceed the US Department of Energy‘s Btu/h efficiency levels of 11 EER for units less than 65,000 BTUh cooling capacity and 10 EER for units larger than 65,000 BTUh. Electronically commutated indoor fan motors combined with highly efficient scroll compressors result in these high Energy Efficiency Ratios (EER’s).

Highview Power’s CRYOBattery takes ambient air, cools and stores it as a liquid, and then converts it back into a pressurized gas that drives turbines to produce electricity. Just as pumped hydro harnesses the power of water, the CRYOBattery unleashes the power of air. Highview Power’s liquid air long duration energy storage systems offer multiple gigawatt hours of storage, are scalable with no size limitations or geographic constraints, and produce zero emissions. They deliver a low-cost, clean energy storage solution for large scale, long duration applications. Liquid air energy storage plants are being developed in the US, UK, Europe, Latin America, and other markets.

Design & Build Integrator

SNC-Lavalin SNC-Lavalin has experience with all types of energy storage technologies from battery to liquid air to pumped storage. They find energy storage solutions for their clients, including grid connected battery solutions that meet future energy needs.

Electrical Energy Storage

Nel Hydrogen Nel Hydrogen manufacturers Alkaline and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) water electrolysers, producing from 0.27 Nm3 to 5,000 Nm3 of H2 per hour. Units can be grouped together into electrolyser plants for even larger production rates. Electrolysers are used to store excess electricity from renewable resources in the H2 bond. The H2 can then be sold to industry (converting curtailed power to cash), or burned in a turbine or run through a fuel cell to put the stored energy onto the grid during periods of low generation or peak demand. Due to their fast response times the PEM electrolysers are also used by renewable energy plants to balance the power the plant puts onto the grid.

Marvair and ICE Divisions of Airxcel Marvair and ICE air conditioners are used to cool electronic and mechanical equipment shelters used in energy storage. Due to the high internal heat load, these shelters require cooling even when outside temperatures are 60°F (15°C) and below. Marvair and ICE air conditioners have the necessary controls and components for operation during these temperatures. Marvair and ICE air conditioners are installed on the exterior of the building, no interior space is required. Two openings in the wall allow for the conditioned (supply) air to be discharged into the building and for the indoor air to return to the air conditioner.

Next Hydrogen Atlantic Clean Energy Supply (ACES) ACES works with residential, C&I, and utility battery energy storage system manufacturers to provide a one-stop-shop solution to meet energy independence goals. They offer residential hybrid on/off-grid solar + BESS, C&I outdoor cabinet BESS, and utility-scale container BESS. They also work with solar equipment manufacturers to help customers deliver more solar projects, including solar panels, inverters, racking systems, and many more.

Next Hydrogen’s water electrolyser is designed to integrate intermittent renewable electric power sources and clean hydrogen production on an infrastructure scale. Next Hydrogen’s patented cell architecture, which enables modules up to 500 Nm3/h, gives operational flexibility, while delivering the lifecycle economics of alkaline systems. Since it can run at a high current density, its has a large operating range, and because gas-liquid separators and gas coolers are built inside the module, multi-MW hydrogen generation plants can be pre-assembled in shipping containers, reducing the cost of plant construction. Packaged hydrogen generators are offered with 100, 300, and 500 NM3/h output capacities.


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Sentinel Control Products The Sentinel CS-1 Control Switch Safety Covers protects manual and electrically operated control switches from accidental operation, ensuring that employees can safely protect, lock, and tag a Circuit Breaker control system. The CS-1 is made from high-impact clear polycarbonate, allowing view of the control switch position indicators. The CS-1 is easily added to existing rotary control switches, requires only a few minutes with no drilling required, no need to remove the switch from the panel, and no disturbing the wiring. The CS-1’s locking tab accepts multi-lock hasps or single padlocks. Their Control Switch Safety cover is compatible with Electroswitch, General Electric, Shallco and GE/ITI switches. The CS-1 is a “UL” recognized component and can be installed by “UL 508A” panel shops.

Fibrebond Fibrebond has provided equipment protection for more than 35 years with more than 48,000 units deployed across the United States and several foreign countries. Fibrebond has the ability to manufacture using concrete or steel structural systems, delivering cost-efficient solutions to meet each customer’s needs for long-term protection for employees and equipment. By designing structures of both steel, concrete, or any combination of the two, Fibrebond options include stud-andpanel designs and interlocking panels.

Maysteel Industries, LLC Maysteel designs and fabricates custom sheet metal enclosures to support renewable energy technology, including energy and battery storage, fuel cells, and electric vehicle (EV) charging. From meeting NEMA standards and UL requirements to improving product scalability, they ensure their product can withstand environmental stressors and protect internal technology.

North American Clean Energy


2021 energy storage buyers guide Energy Storage Systems

Atlas ESS

Trachte Trachte provides engineering and manufacturing of control houses and E-houses for the substation and renewable markets. Utility providers, OEMs, and EPC firms choose to partner with Trachte for their project execution, problem-solving abilities, and product performance and quality. Trachte pre-assembled, modular steel buildings and integrated packages provide protection, energy efficiency, quality, and convenience for highly technical customers and applications.

Energy Storage Metering

Atlas Energy Storage Systems are inexpensive, high performing lithium-ion based systems. All Atlas ESS products have approvals from nationally recognized test labs. Atlas products comply with the new provisions for energy storage systems in the 2017 edition of the National Electric Code (NEC). Professionals and DIYers alike can assemble NEC compliant Energy Storage Systems using Atlas components. Cabinets, BMS, and controls are available separately or in pre-assembled systems.

MK Battery

Blue Planet Energy The Blue Ion LX from Blue Planet Energy is a grid-optional energy storage solution that integrates a wide range of energy sources to power businesses, critical infrastructure, and global resilience projects independent of, or in conjunction with, the utility grid. Built in the USA, the Blue Ion LX solution integrates energy storage, system intelligence, and site controls in a ruggedized enclosure, and it includes a pre-tested and pre-configured battery inverter. Blue Planet Energy supports the Blue Ion LX with a suite of services, including project design and sales support, installation and commissioning support, and O&M services.

The Deka Unigy II 2-volt battery from MK Battery is available as either a single cell or system design, and features a wide range of capacities to fit the varied requirements of renewable energy applications. Exclusive IPF Technology optimizes power capacity, cell consistency, and long-term reliability. Advanced AGM technology eliminates periodic watering, corrosive acid fumes, and spills. Microcat Catalyst lowers float current, decreases internal temperatures, and the risk of dry-out, to ensure long battery life.

BMZ USA, Inc. Continental Control Systems Continental Control Systems is now offering fully assembled WattNode Energy Meters in UL 508A NEMA metal and poly enclosures. Enclosures are available with a three-phase circuit breaker, a fuse block, or without circuit protection. Any model of the WattNode; the revenue-grade meter or standard accuracy meter comes preinstalled when ordered with the enclosure. Designed for indoor and outdoor installations, the enclosure complies to UL 508A Type 3R, 4, 12 and 13. Fully assembled meter enclosures can be ordered through their e-commerce site.

A modular, lithium-ion based Energy Storage System, the ESS 7.0, ESS 9.0, and ESS X batteries can store a surplus of collected solar energy for later use and be used for both on-grid and off-grid applications. Energy can either be directed into the storage system or be fed into the public grid via an inverter. The ESS batteries have a usable capacity range from 5.4kWh to 8.05kWh and up to 12 ESS can be connected in parallel. This means meeting the energy storage needs of small residential locations to larger commercial systems is no issue. The ESS are compatible with 48V systems which avoids hassles seen with high voltage. Simple to set up and use, BMZ ESS batteries make energy storage easy.


Crown Battery Manufacturing Company Crown offers low or no-maintenance energy storage solutions. Their FreedomBloc Energy Storage Systems are safe, affordable, and scalable from 10 to 20kWh. This tough array provides energy independence and peace of mind for both Off-Grid and Grid-Connected UPS.


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MPINarada offers stationary energy storage solutions using 3rd generation Narada designed and manufactured LFP cells and modules integrated into both standard and custom solution offerings. These systems provide an integrated solution (cabinet, rack, containerized system) or individual units (cells, modules, racks) for third party or on-site integration. MPINarada has Project Managers throughout the USA and Service Technicians in the USA and Canada. MPINarada has developed training, operation, and service programs that will allow key stakeholder personnel to fully adopt MPINarada product offerings into their existing operations.

GEM 360 GEM 360 specializes in high access/high payload ISO shipping containers, high voltage/high amperage DC controls and combiners, and specialized, high performance cooling solutions for demanding stored energy systems. They can also provide products in life safety, fire detection and suppression, racking, and electrical support products such as battery management systems (BMS), inverter/converter technology, transformers, and auxiliary electrical.

OutBack Power The EnergyCell XLC battery system, complete with a 10-year warranty and cycle life, is a solution for today’s demanding off-grid, self-consumption, and backup applications requiring large energy storage. A high cycle life and charge acceptance of 300ADC delivers high performance with all the safety features of lead-acid technology and a modular design stackable up to 177kWh of energy storage. The EnergyCell XLC’s technology delivers an improvement in service life, with up to 3800 cycles at 50% DoD. High capacity lead carbon provides a cost-effective solution.

Energy Storage Systems Commercial

e-On Batteries, Inc. e-On Batteries, a Texas based manufacturer with national scope, is a developer of lithium iron phosphate (LiFeP04) based energy storage systems with a focus on product safety and ease of installation. The company’s UL 1973 listed modules are engineered as scalable building blocks to enable larger systems, and its 19" rack-mounted modular systems are easily configured from 12.8kWh residential systems to multi-MWh container-based systems.

North American Clean Energy


2021 energy storage buyers guide

RES (Renewable Energy Systems)

SIBA FUSES SIBA FUSES provides energy storage protection. SIBA fuses have been specifically designed and tested for the stringent requirements of (ESS) Energy Storage applications and have been utilized by large OEM’s globally. On the AC side of the inverter SIBA is capable of meeting voltage applications up to 40.5kV for bus protection, capacitor filters, PT transformers step-up transformers (SSK fuses specific for wind, solar, and energy storage applications), and switchgear with medium/high voltage fuses.

RES is an international renewable energy company that has safely delivered 350MW/412MWh of BESS projects across the globe since 2010. Technology agnostic and vertically integrated, RES designs and builds the right turnkey solution for their client’s specific energy storage application. Their proven Energy Management System, RESolve, unlocks the full potential of the BESS, whether standalone or paired with solar, maximizing life-cycle value of the facility.


Sinexcel, Inc. The SINEXCEL UL9540 certified and NFPA855:2020 compliant ISO 20/40/45 ft pre-engineered AC/DC energy storage container with built-in HVAC/FSS, is compatible with various battery systems, including but not limited to LFP/NCM/NCA/AGM/GEL. The modular design and separate electric room benefits from ETL/CPUC/HECO listed modular and transformer-less PCS, offers maximum space for the battery, and flexible configuration in AC power and voltage. The built-in panel and switches, optional transformer, fire suppression, and local controls reduce many complications and cost of installation. There are also NEMA 3R rating cabinet for 30kw up to 100kwh suitable for community, commercial, and industrial applications.

Like you, we are driven by the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Our solar + storage systems enable adaptive energy management and backup power capabilities for any residential or commercial user, on and off the grid.

Sargent & Lundy For more than 125 years, Sargent & Lundy has provided broad-scope services on battery energy storage projects, including engineering, consulting, construction support, and EPC services. Their experience spans the spectrum of markets, applications, interconnection requirements, and technology types. Clients include utilities, developers, financial institutions/lenders, constructors, and manufacturers.

Energy Storage Systems - Grid-Connected

TMEIC Corporation

Black & Veatch serves as a provider and integrator for commercial and utility battery energy storage services for firm, dispatchable generation, and grid stability. Their 100 year history of service in design and construction drives execution certainty to protect against business interruption, capture a higher value of TOU on-peak rates, and assist in meeting client sustainability, reliability, and resiliency commitments.

TMEIC offers the Solar Ware Ninja, a photovoltaic inverter and energy storage system. The advanced PV inverter is modular and stackable for multiple PCS power blocks. The system is configurable into multiple solutions, including PV only, standalone energy storage, or as a PV+ESS independent solution. Application flexibility is built-in, with multiple ratings allowing customization for small, 2MW projects up to large-scale projects.

Black & Veatch


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Energy Storage Systems - Off-Grid

Engineering Consultant


AIMS Power AIMS Power offers everything needed for an offgrid and backup power system. They have a large selection of DC to AC power inverters, solar, racks, generators, batteries, solar charge controllers, wire, and other accessories for a complete power system. They have a power solution for any critical load such as small electronics, a large business, or home. AIMS Power has been in business for over 20 years providing energy independence to thousands each year.

Eaton’s energy management circuit breaker (EMCB) provides intelligence that integrates the ability to monitor and manage energy usage in conjunction with the customer’s preferred software platform. This is possible through the EMCB’s features such as Wi-Fi, remote monitoring and control of branch circuits, open application programming interfaces (APIs), and accurate revenue grade metering. The EMCB is equipped with bidirectional communication to deliver information and commands to a breaker at the dedicated load. This allows Eaton to support numerous applications, from the utility, to the business owner, to the homeowner, as an integrated part of the system.

Energy Storage Systems Residential

SolarEdge NeoVolta, Inc.

Amray Solar offers residential and commercial off-grid solar and storage solutions.

Q CELLS’ Q.HOME+ ESS HYB-G1 energy storage solution offers scalable storage capacity from 4.5kWh up to 18.9kWh and comes in a modular design for easy and fast installation. The system is offered in both DC-coupled and AC-coupled configurations and can connect up to three batteries in series using only one inverter and battery management system (BMS). The system includes an integrated backup power function for 100% of the rated inverter output to support critical loads in the event of a power failure, and offers remote monitoring using the Q.HOME+ web portal or Q.HOME+ ESS mobile app.

Amray Solar


NeoVolta’s NV14 has a high capacity of 14.4kWh, expandable to 24kWh with the NV24 add-on battery, without needing a second inverter. The NV14 also discharges 7.7kW of continuous power. NeoVolta uses lithium iron phosphate, the safe and long lasting alternative to lithium ion. Compatible with any rooftop solar panels and can be integrated with residential backup generators.

SolarEdge's Energy Hub Inverter with Prism technology presents a centralized solution that manages and coordinates solar production, storage and backup, EV charging, and future smart energy devices. System power and energy capacity are increased through battery and inverter stacking, so when DC coupled with batteries and the new SolarEdge backup interface, the solution can back up additional loads or even power the entire home, up to 200A, during grid outages. It also enables higher energy yield since energy that would be lost in an AC-coupled solution can be redirected to a battery. Built-in metering and generator compatible.

Electric Power Engineers, Inc. EPE is a full-service power engineering firm. EPE provides engineering and consulting services to generation owners and developers, municipalities, electric cooperatives, and investor-owned utilities, both in the United States and internationally. Their services are integrated around a platform of analysis and software. Their services include T&D Planning, Generation Interconnection, Smart Grid, NERC Compliance, Energy Market Analysis, and Energy Integrated (ENER-i) Software Platform.

CraftStrom CraftStrom's Smart Battery is a home and outdoor LiFePO4 battery system that plugs into any standard outlet for on-grid operations. The basic set includes one battery for 1kWh of capacity, but can be expanded to 4kWh. Each battery can also be fully charged directly from solar within 4 hours or less. The smart base features a dynamic power inverter that allows for adjusting charging/discharging and connects to home WiFis to communicate with smart solar panels. The battery can be programmed using the free app, or by taking advantage of the included AI, which uses weather and solar data to optimize charging. Off-grid inverter, power meter, and Safety Gate Adapter (acts as circuit breaker) are included.

North American Clean Energy


2021 energy storage buyers guide Environmental Consultants | Business Services Mott MacDonald POWER Engineers POWER Engineers has been supporting energy storage developers and utilities for nearly 30 years. Throughout all stages of their projects, POWER brings utility-scale energy storage clients the engineering knowledge necessary for a successful outcome. From use case analysis and site selection to interconnection studies, detailed design and owner's engineering, POWER provides the services essential to efficient and economical energy storage deployments.

Clean Energy Associates The CEA Commercial and Engineering teams work in parallel with customers to provide on-the-ground support in Asian, US factories, and system job sites, as well as a greater understanding of local business and manufacturing processes to ensure that products ordered are the same as products delivered with Supply Chain Management, Quality Assurance, Engineering Services, and Market Intelligence.

EPC Services

Grid-connected battery storage projects are becoming commercially viable for many applications: reducing system and peak demand, providing standby power, improving frequency response, and more. Mott MacDonald has the full range of skills required to plan, engineer, implement, and manage commercially successful battery storage projects across a wide range of applications.

Engineering Marketplace Signal Energy


Blattner Energy, Inc.

GreenLancer is an online marketplace that provides standardized, quality solar + storage permit design and engineering. With the goal of making subcontracting solar design and engineering simple and fast for installers, the platform is built for speed with a seamless, standardized experience and competitive pricing. Residential and commercial installers sign up for free and shop a catalog of services that fit their needs, allowing them to budget, plan, and grow their business far into the future.

Blattner Energy is a diversified engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor providing construction solutions for the power delivery industry and expertise in renewable energy. Blattner provides complete EPC services for utility-scale energy storage projects, and PV, CPV, and CSP solar projects as well as wind energy projects. Blattner has installed more than 35GW of renewable energy in North America. Their project management skills and self-performance allow them to deliver high levels of safety, quality, schedule, and productivity.

Signal Energy Constructors is a design/ build general contractor providing EPC services to the solar and energy storage markets. Their experienced engineering and project teams can build stand-alone energy storage projects or integrate energy storage into the design and construction of renewable power projects.

Trimark Associates, Inc. Trimark develops, installs, and maintains performance management and control systems for utility-scale BESS and PV+storage sites. Trimark's Energy Storage Controller manages and controls Battery Management Systems and PV load and information to ensure power quality, reduce delays, and eliminate grid expansion costs by managing power flow. Additionally, Trimark is a member of the Modular Energy Storage Architecture (MESA) Standards Alliance, which seeks to establish open communication standards for energy storage installations.

Wanzek Construction, Inc. Wanzek Construction, Inc., is a general construction contractor and industrial services company in North America. They partner with their clients to provide solutions through their commitment to safety, planning, execution, and teamwork. Wanzek serves many industries including Renewable Energy Construction and Services, Power, Oil & Gas, Infrastructure, Crane Services, Agriculture, and Industrial Services.

WECS Renewables WECS Renewables is energy-industry distributor specifically for companies in the wind, solar, and storage businesses. In support of Balance-of-Plant requirements for either new construction installations of long-term O&M, WECS delvers electrical low voltage, medium voltage, and fibre-optic components throughout North America. Additionally, WECS provides the required expertise in the selection of parts for substations, cable connections, grounding, separable connectors, splices, tower terminations, junction enclosures, tools, and cleaners. WECS is also an inventory source for post constructions replacement needs, including emergency overnight requirements.


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EV Charging

Financial Services

Fuel Cells


CleanView Capital

BluWave-ai's machine-learning energy optimization software provides informed and intelligent management of EV resources in real-time. Using data from utilities, energy markets, renewable generation forecasts, and fleet operational data, it enables operators to shift the load to reduce peaks and net energy costs, maximize battery life, and implement demand-response and other services.

CleanView Capital is an equipment finance company specializing in making ownership of solar and other clean energy systems affordable and profitable for government as well as C&I clients. Their principals, each with more than thirty years of diversified equipment leasing experience, have held positions of responsibility at major banks and finance companies. The lessor in their lease transactions is a federally regulated bank with over $100 billion of assets.

Fire Suppression

GenCell Energy GenCell Energy develops hydrogen-based alkaline fuel cells that generate reliable, zero-emission, and cost-efficient off-grid and backup power. The G5 long-duration UPS provides smooth, uninterrupted power to back up operations for any duration from seconds to 24+ hours. The G5rx provides immediate backup power with extended runtime for utility substations. The A5 off-grid solution extracts hydrogen from liquid ammonia to power telecom towers and for rural electrification.

Grid Protection Relays

Paired Power SEVO SunStation EV chargers will charge an electrical vehicle from 100% on-site solar energy, a critical resource for commercial EV fleets and workplace EV charging. SEVO SunStation EV chargers are designed to integrate with any solar system and energy storage systems, and SEVO SunStation EV charger offers charging rates up to 17kW and is compatible with all battery electric vehicle models, such as Chevy Bolt, Nissan Leaf, and Tesla. kWh pricing is available to allow commercial customers earn revenue on EV chargers. SEVO SunStation EV chargers are an add-on and revenue generator to any commercial solar, energy storage, and microgrid project.

Day-Ahead Instrumentation Stat-X Fire Suppression Stat-X aerosol fire suppression is a versatile and cost-effective solution for renewable energy fire protection. Each sealed, stainless steel generator contains a solid, stable, and specially formulated fire suppression compound. When a fire occurs, the Stat-X generator activates, producing and releasing an advanced aerosol fire suppression agent. Agent fills the protected enclosed space and chemically interrupts the combustion process. Fire is suppressed, and the micron-sized agent particles remain suspended to help prevent possible re-flash.

Day Ahead Instrumentation (DAI) is a provider of custom protection relays and of Remote Terminal Units (RTU) for distributed generation system integration. DAI provides turnkey multifunction relays for utility interconnection requirements for C&I applications. Typical systems include solid state relays, test switches, mini-station batteries, NEMA 1/3R/4 enclosures. Assemblies can be configured for DTT, MPLS, or SCADA interface with wired, fiber, or wireless coms. PV real time monitoring and reporting of power generation is available. Lead times as low as 20 business days from receipt of basis of design and NTP.


PROVEN ENERGY STORAGE Rhombus Energy Solutions Rhombus has designed and manufactured hundreds of V2G-capable high-power, high-reliability chargers and bi-directional smart inverters for a variety of different sizes and classes of EVs. The Rhombus line of V2G-capable M/HD EV chargers include remote dispensers and power converter systems (PCSs) in power ranges from 60kW to 500kW. Rhombus expertise in energy management system (EMS) software is also embedded in their VectorStat EMS controller and software which is embedded in their EV charging systems and smart inverters.


Those who count on wind or solar power systems to run their businesses, homes − and lifestyles − turn to Crown for renewable power storage solutions. We’ve been at the forefront of energy storage innovation since 1926 and offer tough, earth-friendly and budget-wise batteries to meet the needs of today’s RE system owners. Check out our new RE Battery Basics video series and contact us for your energy storage needs. Visit

CONTACT US FOR DETAILS: +1.419.334.7181 North American Clean Energy


2021 energy storage buyers guide Inverters

Ampner The Ampner ACE 300 is a family of efficient, compact, and easy-to-install string inverters for energy storage and PV power plants with maximum voltage of 1500V. With rated power of up to 333kW the Ampner inverters are suitable for all common battery energy storage applications. The ACE 300 ES is designed for extreme environmental conditions, from coastal regions up to 13,000ft, rated for -40°F to 140°F, and IP65/NEMA 4. The unique rated power provides flexibility for system design and redundancy against DC short-circuits, with distributed battery racks. The inverters are certified according to UL/CSA standards and designed for high reliability and long lifetime.

Ingeteam Ingeteam’s turnkey storage inverter station is a UL 9540 and UL 1741 SA compliant MV solution. Comprising up to four bidirectional battery central inverters for both grid-connected and stand-alone systems, it combines Ingeteam’s overall expertise in the power conversion field (70GW supplied worldwide), plant control technology, and monitoring solutions. With a flexible design, Ingeteam’s storage inverter offers a high-power density in a single power block, providing different configurable operating models. It is available in two different series, 1000Vdc and 1500Vdc (610kVA to 1,640kVA/inverter, up to a total of 6560kVA) and features advanced battery control technology which extends the maximum life of the storage system. Ingeteam also supplies the Power Plant Controller and SCADA systems, as well as commissioning and O&M services.

COTEK COTEK offers five series of pure, sine-wave inverter and inverter chargers for off-grid and backup applications designed to meet the needs of the solar industry. COTEK inverter models range from 200W-4000W with a DC input of 12V, 24V, or 48V. The new SC and SL series of bi-directional inverter chargers come equipped with 5 operating modes and features such as power sharing and current limiting. COTEK also offers standalone inverter and battery charger options through the SP, SD and CX series.

Schneider Electric With Schneider Electric's XW Pro, users have reliable energy security for their home's power system. The XW Pro solar hybrid inverter provides reliable operation of backup power and off-grid loads with a high overload power rating (1.75x). Experience a seamless transition to backup power during a grid failure with its integrated high-speed transfer switch. The XW Pro is flexible with its scalability and adaptability, meeting the unique power configurations of every home. This easy-to-install inverter is a product for people who want to optimize their solar and storage solution and secure energy they can trust.

Ginlong Technologies, Co., Ltd. Designed for flexibility and performance, Solis’ new hybrid storage inverter RHI-1P(5-10)K-HVES-5G brings efficiency to solar-plus-storage systems, combines 98.4% efficiency with a wide product range (5 to 10kW), and dynamic MPPT (2 MPPTs with 4 DC inputs) to generate high yield and strong ROI for residential customers. Customers can maximize their self-consumption with flexible operating modes such as time-ofuse and off-grid backup, enabling smart time shifting to leverage TOU schedules and optimize energy use. RHI-1P(5-10)K-HVES-5G is a good choice for on/ off-grid integrated storage solutions, providing the option to select the electricity consumption mode in real time according to the market price. It can be operated out of the power grid, and international brand components provide high efficiency less than 10ms from the grid.


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Sensata Technologies Sensata Technologies’ battery backup power conversion system offer a modular system to meet energy needs. Quickly learn one platform and install in multiple configurations for any application. Magnum Panel Systems (MP) and Magnum Energy inverter/chargers were designed to be easily assembled and programmed on site by one person, saving time and labor costs.


SMA America This DC coupled storage solution is built for new PV plants, and can be used to retrofit existing plants for operators who want the benefits of solar-plus-storage. The DC coupled storage solution consists of SMA’s Sunny Central UP-US with a DC coupling ready option and up to six 500kW DC-DC converters. In many utilityscale applications, DC coupling can offer significant operating cost and efficiency advantages over AC coupled systems. This storage solution can also be integrated into SMA’s turnkey Medium Voltage Power Station (MVPS).

Legal Services

Sustainable Power Systems, Inc. SPS’s Universal Microgrid Controller (UMC) reduces the cost and complexity of microgrid deployment, meets the needs of diverse applications, grid-tied or off-grid, and eliminates the need for project developers to do controls integration and custom programming. The UMC incorporates real time optimization, including load and renewable forecasting, to ensure a low cost of energy. Simulation Mode controls a virtual version of each component, allowing for system validation prior to deployment.

Nixon Peabody LLP Nixon Peabody has a comprehensive energy practice, having advised on a multitude of complex energy issues for more than 75 years. Their team understands the unique issues presented by energy storage projects. They work on all aspects of energy storage facility development and financing, including siting and permitting, real estate, interconnection, power purchase and sale agreements, construction, debt, equity, tax equity financing, and M&A. Additionally, they are well-versed regarding state and federal energy regulations, utilities, governmental and corporate procurement, environmental issues, permitting, finance, and energy capacity, storage, and ancillary service supply.

Renewable Energy Systems Integrators

New Dawn Energy Solutions New Dawn Energy Solutions is an energy technology company that provides solar, storage, EV charging, and energy efficiency optimization solutions to residential, industrial, and institutional customers. They are vendorneutral and take a holistic approach in formulating energy solutions that are best suited for their customers’ needs. Their solar and storage solutions are optimized to reduce users energy consumption from the grid and result in maximum energy cost savings.

CUSTOM ENERGY STORAGE ENCLOSURES PROTECTION THAT DELIVERS Maysteel engineers and fabricates custom sheet metal enclosures to protect the critical technology inside.

Sherin and Lodgen LLP Sherin and Lodgen’s national renewable energy practice group represents lenders, developers, municipalities, and companies committed to sustainability through solar, wind, hydro, and energy storage initiatives. Clients rely on their experience in financing, development, acquisition, leasing, environmental, and permitting to navigate this ever-changing market and accomplish their business goals.




Manufacturing Equipment

Kurdex Corporation Kurdex Corporation is a supplier of large area vacuum deposition and etch equipment for R&D, pilot, and high volume manufacturing of a variety of substrates. Products include sputtering, evaporation, PECVD, spatial ALD, ARC-CVD, and plasma etch tools. Standard and custom systems configured for in-line, cluster and R2R with full automation. Substrate sizes up to 2300mm, Rigid or flex, wafers, glass sheets or roll of flexible materials. Applications lab for contract coating services, DOE, and technology development.

Tech Products, Inc. Tech Products, Inc. is a global source for quality identification products for the renewable energy industry including, cable tags, tower (aerial) markers, and signs. Their products range from adhesive transformer labels to long-lasting substation signs following all of the latest ANSI, OSHA, and NESC standards.

INFO@MAYSTEEL.COM | MAYSTEEL.COM North American Clean Energy


2021 energy storage buyers guide Smart Electrical Panel Kevala Analytics

Lumin Lumin provides responsive load control and smart circuit technology. The Lumin platform is an addition to an ordinary electrical panel and makes regular circuits smart and responsive. Lumin helps home and building owners automatically make decisions about their energy use based on a myriad of factors including; solar production, battery state of charge, battery output power, electricity pricing, and grid requirements. The Lumin solution is suitable for homeowners, solar+storage installers, utilities, and home builders.

Search, filter, and find project locations for grid-connected solar and storage with Kevala’s Grid Assessor platform. Access a 1:1 map of transmission lines, 3-phase distribution feeders, substations, parcel information (acreage, ownership), and wholesale energy prices. Grid Assessor saves weeks of time, site control fees, and land consultant expenses by screening sites from the desktop. Users report a 30% reduction in development costs with better-qualified projects and less overhead using the Grid Assessor platform. Accelerate market entry by learning about new utility territories and local grid constraints ahead of time using Kevala’s curated datasets.

Software Supplier


ENACT Systems, Inc. ENACT offers a Cloud Analytics platform to develop new projects for solar and energy storage, and to manage such assets for end-customers for the entire lifetime of ownership. ENACT’s enterprise-grade software platform tracks the entire lifecycle for distributed solar and energy storage projects - remote design, financing, project operations, and asset management. ENACT's platform is used by solar installation and development companies in 20+ countries with over $1B of projects processed annually.

Peaxy Lifecycle Intelligence (PLI) is a cloud-based data analytics platform for batteries that delivers the next generation of monetizable predictive services to manufacturers, integrators, and operators. For each serialized battery under management, PLI collects and connects all the data across its entire lifecycle, building a data value chain that feeds AI algorithms to drive cost savings, performance optimizations, and faster R&D cycles. A modular design allows users to grow the analytics services by subscribing to just the modules needed, including a machine learning manager, enhanced warranty management, and dynamic residual value calculation for leasing.

Stem, Inc. Athena is an AI-powered software platform for smart energy storage and is the brains behind Stem’s energy storage network. With more than 16 million system runtime operating hours and nearly 1000 systems operating, Athena has ingested and analyzed much data and has extensive operating experience. By combining advanced energy storage solutions with Athena, Stem enables customers and partners to optimize energy use by automatically switching between battery power, onsite generation, and grid power. Stem’s solutions help enterprise customers benefit from a clean, adaptive energy infrastructure and achieve a wide variety of goals.

Solar Thermal Systems

Baknor Thermal Management Baknor provides solutions for heat dissipation with liquid cold plates, heat sinks, heat pipes, fans, and more. Their extensive knowledge of cooling weighs various tradeoffs and factors such as functionality, manufacturability, volume, mass, cost, packaging, efficiency, and the reliability and safety of heat dissipation components. Baknor’s thermal designs ensures the optimum temperature to keep a device running efficiently while improving performance essential for today’s electronic designs.

Nickel Iron Batteries

Lithium Iron Batteries

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MARCH• APRIL2021 ///

Testing | Certification

Wire and Cable LS Cable & System USA, Inc.

Kinectrics Kinectrics’ new GRIDSIM Power Laboratory is an independent facility in Toronto, Canada aimed at testing smart grid systems, renewable generation equipment, and medium voltage power systems over a wide range of voltages and frequencies and at power levels up to 12MVA. They perform the evaluation, testing, certification, and standards solutions energy storage products require in support of safe renewable power integration with the grid. The lab will be able to perform testing to UL 1741 SA and associated source requirement documents, CSA C22.2 No. 107.1 and IEC 62109. Their laboratory gives energy storage products a simple, fast, and efficient path to new markets with full type-test certifications across industries, made possible with large-scale grid simulation capabilities.

exLS MV Primary UD 35kV cables are suitable for underground collection systems designed for wind and solar applications. They offer these cables with conductor strand filled, gauge sizes up to 1250kcmil aluminum, TR-XLPE or EPR insulation, multiple concentric neutral configurations, LLDPE jacket, meeting the applicable ASTM, ICEA, and AEIC standards, and they are RUS accepted. All cables are designed, produced, and tested in their U.S. manufacturing facilities. LS Cable & System U.S.A., Inc. is a U.S. manufacturer and supplier of energy wire and cable products serving the renewable energy markets.

Thermal Energy Storage

Chromalox Chromalox designs and manufactures electric heating and control systems which are utilized with thermal energy storage systems. Their electric heaters and heat trace systems are used to preheat/charge energy storage media. Chromalox electric heating systems can also generate hot water, thermal oil, or steam for consumers from the low cost electricity generated by a thermal energy storage system.

Icarus RT, Inc. Icarus RT, Inc. is a solar engineering firm developing a hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) solar plus storage cogeneration system. The Icarus Quartet system cools PV panels, boosts power output, and extends the system’s lifetime. Quartet improves grid reliability by providing four hours of storage equivalent to the nominal PV array output, transitioning solar energy production into the night. A 100kW Quartet system with 400kWh storage is projected to generate 188,000kWh/year from PV, provide domestic hot water up to 50°C and generate up to 73,000kWh/year from power storage. Icarus projects a 3-year ROI because Quartet charges the thermal battery while improving PV generation instead of consuming it.

The American Clean Power Association enables the transformation of the U.S. power grid to a low-cost, reliable & renewable power system. By uniting the power of wind, sola solar, transmission & storage companies and their allied industries, both public and private, we are championing policies that enable the continued & aggressive growth in renewable energy in the United States.

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energy efficiency

Transportable Electrons Can Jump-Start Renewable Energy Development in Emerging Markets by Ian Hatton


that the climate is changing – and unless there is a significant reduction in carbon emissions, our planet will become uninhabitable for human life. While cutting back on fossil fuels helps, key steps are also being taken to rapidly scale up renewable energy across the world. According to a recent analysis, governments, companies, and households worldwide invested $500bn into new renewable energy capacity in 2020 – a great achievement in the midst of a global pandemic. Regardless of the increased pace of the transition to clean energy, it’s barely making a dent in global carbon emissions. In order to increase the rate of decarbonization, the industry must overcome the grid as a key obstacle to development of clean energy projects. This is a particular problem in emerging markets with the greatest potential resource and the most to gain from decarbonization. Though self-described as one of these developing countries, China is already on its way; it has managed to install 95.81 gigawatts capacity of on-grid wind power (90 times of that for 2005), as well as 7 gigawatts offshore (as of the end of 2019), and has reported to the Paris Accord that it plans to achieve a 20 percent reduction in use of fossil fuels by 2030.

High resource, no route to delivering it

Offshore wind is rapidly emerging as a crucial source of clean energy at a global scale. This is owing to the consistent, strong wind resource that can be found along many coastlines and further into the ocean. However, these projects typically require direct access to the grid to enable energy to be transported from offshore sites to population centers on land. As such, much offshore wind development to date has been limited to wealthier nations that can afford to install and update grid infrastructure. Many countries new to utilityscale renewables simply do not have this grid infrastructure in place, nor do they have the means to scale it up to handle the


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capacity required for new offshore projects. In order for an offshore wind farm to be developed in emerging renewables markets, billions of dollars of grid infrastructure must also be built. This level of investment increases the cost of the project to the point where it is often no longer economical. This often results in many of the prime sites for wind energy projects in terms of resource being disregarded due to a lack of grid infrastructure. The cost of updating grid infrastructure could result in higher emissions due to continued dependence on coal and oil for decades to come - despite the enormous offshore wind resource along the coasts of many emerging markets.

Bypassing the grid

In order to overcome these challenges, it’s crucial for the renewables industry to consider new technology and strategies to bypass the need for direct grid connection altogether. “Transportable electrons” - energy stored in a form that can be physically transported via existing infrastructure such as tankers, trucks, and repurposed pipelines - are the key to building projects where the best resource is, without relying on costly transmission upgrades or development A number of technologies can enable transportable electrons. Many companies are already starting to invest in the production of hydrogen via electrolysis powered by offshore wind. This green hydrogen can be shipped in repurposed oil tankers, or transported to land via natural gas pipelines. Transportable electrons will springboard offshore wind as a renewable energy source in emerging markets by lowering the investment required by the state for grid development.

Ian Hatton is Chairman of Enterprize Energy, a natural resources and low-carbon energy company whose core management team cumulatively exceeds 150 years of marine natural resource development and independent power production operations.

Enterprize Energy Pte. Ltd ///

SOLAR + STORAGE: Today’s Progress, Tomorrow’s Promise

Hybrid projects, multiple revenue streams

Green hydrogen production can also enable the “clean” generation of several other commodities – ammonia, brine, clean water, and hydrogen as fuel - and enable diversification of revenue. For example, hydrogen is a key component for the production of ammonia, which is used in the agriculture, transport, and manufacturing sectors. As pressure increases for these sectors to reduce their sizeable emissions footprint, cleanly-produced ammonia will be in even greater demand. Ultimately, this diversification of revenue can boost the returns of hybrid offshore wind-to-hydrogen/ammonia projects. It can help bring down the cost of energy to the point that offshore wind is financially viable in areas with unsuitable grid infrastructure. If we strive to bypass prohibitive costs involved in the grid aspect of renewable energy development, ensuring that excess energy can be stored and transported to where it is needed most, we can step closer to a decarbonized economy.

Explore key topics and issues in this free webinar series designed to educate and energize. Produced by Intersolar North America and Energy Storage North America, the interactive hour-long sessions provide valuable insights from leading experts.

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North American Clean Energy


energy efficiency

Don’t Dig There

Cutting down on line strikes (and related accidents) in renewable energy development and construction by by Corey Brecht

Damages add up when you cut corners.

The world needs renewable energy now more than ever. Fortunately, renewables are here to stay, but ironically, in the pursuit of clean energy, developers run the risk of damaging existing underground power infraastructure. The risk is real, and the potential for damage — to people, capital, and the environment — is serious. Wind towers are being erected, collection lines are being trenched, and solar panel mounts are being driven into the ground. In the world’s attempt for advancement and expansion of renewable energy, hundreds of thousands of acres of land will become disturbed. In the past year, 18 percent of all electricity generated in the United States was linked to renewable energy sources. Within the next ten to fifteen years, companies will begin breaking ground to create even more opportunities for the renewable energy sector, including solar panel manufacturing, wind turbine fields, additional water-generated power plants, and even electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. However, in order to start that journey, subsurface contractors will need to scan and make sure each location is safe to begin building. This is no small task: in 2019 alone, there were 532,000-line strikes, with a utility strike happening every 62 seconds. The last two decades saw these accidents directly (and indirectly) result in over 30 billion dollars-worth of damage, 2,400 injuries and over 400 deaths, Fortunately, despite the bleak outlook of these staggering statistics, there’s an answer to the question, “How do we mitigate these risks?” And that answer is called the “SIM Method.” First and foremost, Subsurface Investigation Methodology, or SIM, is a process all successful subsurface inspection companies must follow in order to create a safe and secure job site. The SIM method entails a set of steps to prevent accidental and unwanted damages when drilling or digging underground. Companies that utilize the SIM method help prevent these costly expenses by scanning concrete, locating underground utilities, and video inspecting subsurface pipes. How does that relate to renewable energy innovations?


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Let’s say you own your own subsurface/utility locating business. You get hired by a company in the Renewable Energy Sector for an expansion involving solar energy, wind energy, or EV Charging Stations. In solar, for example, chances are you’d be installing a photovoltaic power station, applying a canopymounted solar panel to distribution/transmission lines, or simply building a rooftop solar panel source for a residential home or commercial business. Before you can begin excavating, you must perform utility locating and mapping services to get a better understanding of the underground set-up. “Can’t I just call the 811-number, saving time and energy, instead of hiring a subsurface contractor?” That’s a good start; calling 811 should always be the first step in the process, but there are quite a few more stages you’ll need to follow to ensure a safe job site. You must research records, walk the site to find any above-ground indications of utilities, and review any existing drawing or maps. Pictured above is the detailed step by step SIM process to visualize how you should handle pre-construction business. Every industry has set standards they must follow to ensure success. Renewables adhere to the same processes. Whether a wind farm, EV charging stations, or hydropower — each project requires careful, detailed excavation to ensure that the surrounding area, crew members, and local residents are protected from potential harm. If you begin to take shortcuts, trying to cut corners on a project, you run the chance that you’ll become a part of the wrong side of statistics, resulting in another billion dollars-worth of damages, or worse, another neglectful death.

Applying a filter (SIM) to a potential subsurface contracting job prevents companies from accidents like line strikes. Not following the SIM process prevents lower end companies from safely scoping out a job site, which has been proven time and again to result in costly, unforeseen damages, and even death. Subsurface inspectors are in the business of helping in a safe bubble of protection, something the rapidly expanding Renewable Energy Sector needs in spades. If you want to provide a seamless experience for construction crews, while growing your profits, then you’ll utilize a SIM qualified subsurface company before breaking ground; much like a secret network of tunnels, our connection and utility lines run rampant underneath the cities and towns of our country, providing power to the homes and businesses of millions of Americans worldwide. With the combined vision to provide safe, clean energy to everyone across the US, it’s vital to provide an accurate set of information regarding underground facilities and pipelines during the construction process. Given the costly damages, both financial and physical, that come with cutting corners on an important project, would you be willing to take the chance on things going wrong? Protection is what matters the most when venturing into unknown waters. Subsurface inspectors and utility locators provide the security that allows booming industries to branch out, grow, and succeed.

Corey Brecht is Market Segment Renewable Energy Leader at GPRS, which specializes in utility locating. At its dedicated safety training center, GPRS requires every project manager to complete an extensive training program before they can perform field services on a job site.

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This year, we’re ready to host the renewable energy community safely and in-person with these premier events: Solar Energy Market Tours (in-person) Various U.S. cities & dates

Solar and Energy Storage Northeast (in-person & online) June 9-10 | Boston, MA (with virtual education June 7-8) Registration opening soon |

SPI, ESI, and Smart Energy Week (in-person & online) September 20-23 | New Orleans, LA (with virtual education options) Registration opens March 11 |

Solar and Energy Storage Southeast (in-person and online) October 11-12 | Atlanta, GA (with virtual education options)

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APRIL 06-07

A Lifetime of Wind Farm Asset Management Strategies

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Utility Technology Forum

Silver Legacy Resort Casino – Reno, NV;


COSSA’s Clean Energy Solutions Summit

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MAY 13

Solar Braindate

Virtual Event – 9am - 3pm;


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JW Mariott – Austin, TX;

JUNE 07-10

CLEANPOWER 2021 Conference & Exhibition

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Puerto Rico Convention Center – San Juan, PR;

JULY 09-12

Community Solar Power Summit

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Intersolar North America

Long Beach Convention Center – Long Beach, CA;


Energy Storage North America

Long Beach Convention Center – Long Beach, CA;

AUGUST 25-26

AWEA Wind Project O&M and Safety Conference 2021

Kalahari Resorts and Conventions – Round Rock, TX;


Solar Power International 2021

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center – New Orleans, LA;


Energy Storage International

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center – New Orleans, LA;


North America Smart Energy Week

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center – New Orleans, LA;


Solar and Energy Storage Southeast

Georgia World Congress Center – Atlanta, GA;


AWEA Offshore WINDPOWER Conference and Exhibition 2021

Omni Boston Hotel at the Seaport – Boston, MA;

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MARCH• APRIL2021 ///








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