I Can Make Music Like Mozart! And Changes Changes Everywhere! Lessons on Form
Discussion Questions: 1. Why is it easy for small children to learn “Twinkle Twinkle”? 2. Do you remember how you memorized the song? 3. Is there a pattern to the song?
Discussion Questions: 1. Have you heard this song before? 2. Did you hear a small group of instruments or a whole orchestra? 3. What instruments did you hear? 4. How many different sections of music do you think you heard?
Activity Do Mi So Do’ So La So Mi Do Do Do Re So Mi So Mi Do’ Ti La Ti Re Re Re Do
Lesson Plan 2- Changes Discussion Questions: 1. Have you ever wanted to write music? 2. What would writing a piece of music make you feel? 3. Would you write music that was happy or sad?
Discussion Questions: 1. Did this music sound happy or sad? 2. What instruments did you hear? 3. What did the music make you feel and why?
Discussion Questions 1. What was different about the two sections? 2. How else could you make the two sections different? 3. Can you think of any other songs that have two different sections?