04 Slides for Rhythm with William Grant Still

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William Grant Still Symphony no. 1 “Afro-American” III: Scherzo (Animato) Laura Black https://bit.ly/3QOPnOx

Presentation Objectives: ❏ Review the ‘Scherzo’ from William Grant Still’s Symphony no. 1 (“Afro-American” Symphony) ❏ Review three lessons related to the music: ❏ Building a rhythmic cinquain ❏ Deciphering dotted rhythms ❏ Working with syncopated rhythms

“Afro-American” Symphony - Scherzo

Rhythm Building Blocks Create a cinquain using rhythmic building blocks 01 Synco-WhatNow? Hear, count, and play syncopated rhythms 03 theDecipheringDots Learn to count and play dotted rhythms in music 02 Lesson Plan Outline

Rhythm Building Blocks 01 Create a cinquain using rhythmic building blocks

Essential Standards Highlights: ● Interpret rhythm patterns ● Use standard symbols to notate rhythm ● Create soundscapes using a variety of sound sources. ● Understand the relationships between music and concepts from other areas. ● Use improvisation to create instrumental pieces, using a variety of sound sources, including traditional and non-traditional sounds, body sounds, and sounds produced by electronic means. ● Create rhythmic compositions using notation

Quarter Note 1 beat Ta Quarter Rest 1 beat Shh 2 Eighth Notes 1Tabeat-di Half Note 2 beats Too

Cinquain Example: The Garden WaterBeesBlooming,FlowersBuzzingareflyingaroundtheplantsbeforethey wilt Gardens 2 4 6 8 2

BeesBlooming,FlowersBuzzingareflyingaround Water the plants before they Gardenswilt

Your Turn! First Line - 2 syllables Second Line - 4 syllables Third Line - 6 syllables Fourth Line - 8 syllables Fifth Line - 2 syllables 2 4 6 8 2 Extensions: Illustrate cinquain, add instruments to create a soundscape, listen to the “Animato” and encourage students to tap their rhythm sentences along with the beat.


Deciphering the Dots 02 Learn to count and play dotted rhythms in music

EssentialHighlights:Standards ● Use instruments to perform rhythmic patterns accurately and independently on classroom rhythmic instruments. ● Interpret rhythm patterns ● Use improvisation to create rhythmic ostinato accompaniments ● Execute vocal ostinatos ● Use music terminology in explaining music, including notation, instruments, voices, and performances.

Quarter Note 1 QuarterbeatRest1beat 2 Eighth Notes 1 beat Half Note 2 HalfbeatsRest2beats 4 SixteenthNotes1beat Ta Shh Shh-hh Too Ta - di Ta-ka-di-mi

Body Percussion Time!

Breaking Down the Dot

Building an Ostinato (Repeating Pattern) Extension - Create words to accompany your ostinato

First, Violins and Woodwinds: Then, Brass and Strings:


Synco-What Now? 03 Hear, count, and play syncopated rhythms

EssentialHighlights:Standards ● Use instruments to perform rhythmic patterns ● Interpret rhythm patterns ● Use rhythmic improvisation to create rhythmic ostinato accompaniments. ● Use musical terminology when describing music that is presented aurally. ● Explain personal preferences for specific musical works and styles, using appropriate music terminology. ● Illustrate independence and accuracy while singing and playing instruments within a group or ensemble. ● Use improvisation to create short songs and instrumental pieces

Quarter Note 1 beat Ta Quarter Rest 1 beat Shh 2 Eighth Notes 1Tabeat-di Half Note 2 beats Too

Creating Syncopation

Emphasis is switched from the strong pulse (down beat) to the off beat Use speech or instruments to create an 8-beat syncopated ostinato

Listening for Syncopation How many syncopated rhythms do you see or hear? How does syncopation make you feel? Extension - add lyrics to the syncopated melody and say along with the musical excerpts, add unpitched percussion to accompany the music on a steady beat

What questions do you have? Thank you! laura_black@pender.k12.nc.us https://bit.ly/3QOPnOx

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