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Course Structure
in their college courses, the following employment workloads have been suggested based upon the number of credits taken:
Number of Credits Per Semester Maximum Number of Hours Per Week
9-12 13-16 17-18 Student Teaching (education majors) 20-29 15-24 10-19 0
Class listings in this catalog give all the information needed for completing the registration forms. The course descriptions give the full title and course number.
Significance of the course numbers:
100-199 200-299 300-399
Freshman-level courses Sophomore-level courses Junior-level courses 400-499 Senior-level courses 500-higher Graduate-level courses
ALAN Ancient Languages APST Applied Studies ARCH Archeology BIBL Biblical Literature and Interpretation BIOL Biology BUS Business CDS Carlstrom ASL-Interpreting CHEM Chemistry COMM Communication Arts CSCI Computer Science CT Critical Thought ECON Economics EDUC Education ELED Elementary Education ENG English/Literature
FA Fine Arts GBA Graduate Business Administration GBS Global Studies GBT Graduate Bible & Theology GCL Graduate Church Leadership GS General Studies GEOG Geography GLE Graduate: Strategic Leadership GOVT Government GWL Graduate Worship Arts Leadership HCA Healthcare Administration HLTH Health HIST History HULE Humanitarian Leadership GBS Global Studies MATH Mathematics MLAN Modern Languages MUS Music PE Physical Education PHYS Physics PMIN Pastoral Ministry PSYC Psychology SCI Science SM Sports Management SWK Social Work TEFL Teaching English as a Foreign Language THEO Theology THTR Theatre URBN Urban Studies WTHE Worldview Theology YDEV Youth Development
In compliance with the governing federal definitions (34 CFR §600.2) and the policy of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) (https://www.hlcommission.org/Monitoring/distancedelivery.html), North Central University defines an online course as one in which 75% or more of course instruction and interaction occurs via some form of electronic communication, most typically via the university’s internet-based learning management system, where the students
and faculty are physically separated from each other. No course with this designation will require attendance in a traditional classroom.
A course is designated “hybrid” when it is intentionally designed in such a way that a portion of the face-to-face, instructional time and interaction is replaced by online activities facilitated through an internet-based learning management system (LMS) or other designated distance education method. To fit this definition, the course must also require attendance in a traditional classroom, where more than 25% of the instructional time and interaction occurs. The university’s approved course workload calculator metrics will help in making this determination.
An internship is a requirement for graduation for most majors and may be involved in the curriculum of all majors. The internship is usually done on a full-time basis during the student’s junior or senior years. Many students are able to take their internship during the summer before their senior year.
Students pursuing a double major must fulfill the internship requirements for each major. While this may be accomplished through one internship experience, this is only possible with the permission of the Department Director of both majors. If permission is granted, a Course Requirement Variance Petition must be submitted to the Registrar's Office for final approval and, if granted, recorded on the Degree Audit Sheet. If either Department Director is not in agreement that one internship experience will fulfill the educational objectives of each of the majors, then the student will need to register for and complete one internship per major.
To promote interest in post-secondary academic teaching ministry, select students who demonstrate excellence within the college academic environment are provided the opportunity for involvement as a teaching assistant under the following guidelines: 1. With the approval of the department director, students in good academic standing (2.0 cum GPA) with at least 60 credits (HG) toward graduation may have the option of registering for a course as a Teaching Assistant. 2. Students may take GS-460 as a Teaching Assistant as often as they would like. This 0 credit course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis. 3. Students may petition to register as a Teaching Assistant for a maximum of 1-2 credits (GS461) once during their time at NCU. The course and credits enrolled must meet a General Elective degree requirement, however. Students will pay tuition for those credits, and earn a letter grade. Education majors may take a TAship for credit twice so long as it meets a General Elective degree requirement. The number of credits earned will be limited by the number of outstanding General Elective credits.
3. Any credits earned will be applied only toward General Electives. These credits may not be used to meet a degree requirement in either the General Education or the Major Core. 4. Students registering as a Teaching Assistant must complete FERPA training. If they have not previously completed this training, students will be administratively enrolled in GS-220 FERPA Training for 0 credits. Any student who fails to earn a passing grade in GS-220 prior to the last day to add classes for the semester will be not be allowed to register for GS-460 or GS-461.
A Senior Project is a requirement for most majors, but the type of project differs. For example, for music majors, it is a recital, education students complete their student teaching, and psychology students do a research paper which has an oral defense. Many majors require synthesizing papers, and those majors with a global focus emphasize particular countries.
This challenging capstone course is a wonderful opportunity to utilize the many skills students have gained during their college career to produce a culminating project.
This independent study program is designed to enable seniors (more than 90 credits) in residency to complete major core degree requirements when suitable alternatives cannot be found. General education core and minor requirements are not eligible for directed research. Students must be in excellent Academic Standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in order to be eligible for this independent study option. Students should work with their advisor and the Registrar’s Office to find an alternate course substitution if the required course will not be offered again prior to graduation. Directed Research is intended only for circumstances when a course variance is not a viable option. For all directed research requests, the Dean’s approval is required.
Students are limited to a maximum of 12 DR credit hours in their total program, and 6 DR credits in any single term. Juniors participating in NCU-sponsored Study Abroad programs may be permitted to complete courses via Directed Research while overseas, provided that on-site or online alternatives are not available to them.
Registration becomes official once the Directed Research application form, with all necessary approvals, is approved by the Registrar. The form is available online, and must be submitted no later than the last day of the Add Period. Tuition charges plus Directed Research fees of $100 per credit will be added to the student’s account at the time of registration. All course work must be completed within the time frame of the semester in which it is initiated. Directed Research fees are non-refundable.