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Online Course Policies
• Hours Toward Graduation (HG)...credits will “zero out”. 5. Graduation credits (HG) for any course will count only once toward the required 124 credits. 6. This provision does not apply to those courses which are designed to be repeated; for example, Music Lessons, Choirs and Ensembles. Such coursework is designated as being
“repeatable” and failing grades cannot be replaced.
Courses not needed to complete degree requirements may be taken on an audit or selfenrichment basis. Attendance is not kept, work is not graded, examinations or grades are not given and credit is not recorded. All students attending or participating in any course must officially register with the University. One-third of the regular tuition rate will be charged for audit courses, and will not be included in Block pricing. Audit-only students may not utilize campus services such as the Computer Lab, the Academic Success Office, Student Development, etc. Students may not accumulate greater than 30 hours of audit credit. Enrollment status on any class (for example, from audit to regular credit) will not change after the last day to add a class for that semester. Online courses, music lessons, choirs, ensembles, languages and courses with a lab (science, and music theory) cannot be audited.
A residential NCU student may register for a maximum of 6 credits of online courses in any fall or spring semester, with a limit of one online class per 8 week session. There is a limit of 18 credits of online courses in any one academic year; i.e. fall, spring, and summer. During the summer term, a student may take a maximum of 18 credits, with a limit of 12 online credits. There is no limit on the number of online courses per 8 week session in the summer term.
A residential NCU student may not exceed 48 credits of online coursework taken through NCU in a typical baccalaureate program. Special permission is required from the Vice President of Academic Affairs for a residential student to be enrolled exclusively in online and/or independent study classes, such as DR’s, internships and senior projects.
Online courses offered during the fall and spring semesters may be in either an 8 week or 16 week format. All online undergraduate courses offered during the summer semester will be 8 weeks in length.
An NCU residential student should be in good academic standing in order to enroll in online courses. Residential students who are currently on Probation may only register for online courses with the approval of the Registrar and the Academic Success Office. Any residential