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Academic Appeal Procedures
Financial accommodations for a medical withdrawal may include:
• For students who have completed less than 60% of their registered courses an extended refund schedule may be available, please attach a financial advisory petition.
• Students who have completed 60% or more of their registered courses will not receive any financial accommodation for tuition, as they will be permitted to complete their courses via incompletes.
• Student who receive no financial accommodation, but are later unable to complete their incomplete courses in the time allotted, are encouraged to utilize the Financial
Advisory Petition process should they wish to seek financial accommodation.
A Medical Withdrawal does not dismiss the student from the entire financial obligation to the university. Room and Board will be refunded according to withdrawal date.
The US Department of Education does not recognize a “Medical Withdrawal” any different from a regular withdrawal. If a student who has received financial aid withdraws before completing 60% of the semester (whether for health reasons or not), the Department requires the financial aid office to perform a “Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4)” calculation to determine what financial aid needs to be returned to the appropriate federal and state education entities.
The faculty member is the main voice regarding individual course policies, course expectations, and the assignment of grades. Students who believe that a reported grade is in error or that they are treated unfairly in their academic experience should make every effort to resolve the issue first with the faculty member. If a student still feels that they have been treated improperly, they may then discuss the situation with the respective department director and, if necessary, the Dean of the College. Appeals to department directors or deans must be received within three weeks after making the attempt to resolve the issue with the faculty member.
For all other types of denied academic petitions, a student can submit a written Academic Appeal to the Registrar if they feel that there are new extenuating circumstances that should be taken into consideration regarding a denied petition. The Registrar will work with the Dean to resolve the issue or will escalate the appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for review. As a last course of action, the student may submit a written appeal directly to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for consideration.