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Provisional Admittance
standing can anticipate dismissal from the University. In addition, any student whose cumulative GPA is below 0.5 will be reviewed by committee and could face academic dismissal.
Academic Dismissal Appeals should be made in writing to the Registrar and will be reviewed by the Academic Progress Committee. They may also be considered by the Provost and others, as additional input is needed. Individuals who have been dismissed for academic reasons may reapply after they have attended another college and earned at least 6 credits of “C” academic work that will transfer to NCU. The Admissions Committee will, upon receipt of a transcript from that institution, consider the reapplication request.
Academic Standing and Withdrawals from the University Academic Standing Statuses remain in effect even if a student leaves North Central University. Upon readmission to the university, the student will be notified of the current requirements and restrictions of their academic standing in effect at the time of their last term of enrollment.
Any student who withdraws from North Central University during the “W” period will leave in Good Academic Standing. They will not be penalized for a “0” Term GPA. If a student leaves with any “WF” grades on their record and a 0 GPA, they will be placed on a Provisional Continuance status.
Students who do not meet the minimum acceptance requirements are accepted provisionally. All students accepted provisionally must meet the following conditions during their first semester at North Central: • Enroll and pass the required Keys to College Success course (GS-150). This course is designed to help a student develop and improve the study skills he or she will need for college-level work. • Registration is limited to 16 credits for the first semester and enrollment in online courses must be approved by the Academic Success Office. • Any student who does not meet the GPA required for good academic standing at the end of their first term will be placed on Academic Probation and required to take Advanced College Success (GS-155).