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Effective as of the Fall 2018 term, the grades utilized by North Central, along with their point values are shown below:
Score Grade Value 93-100 A 4.0 90-92.9 A- 3.7 87-89.9 B+ 3.4 83-86.9 B 3.0 80-82.9 B- 2.7 77-79.9 C+ 2.4 72-76.9 C 2.0 70-71.9 67-69.9 62-66.9 60-61.9 <59.9
C- 1.7 D+ D
D- 0.7 F 1.4 1.0 0.0
Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated by multiplying the appropriate grade value for grades earned by the number of credits for that class, and then dividing that number by the total number of credits earned (HE). This calculation appears on each transcript - both for the “term” and the “cumulative” enrollment periods. Only letter grades earned at NCU influence academic grade point average. A GPA of at least 2.0 is required for graduation from North Central University, with the exception of the Education majors, which require an overall (cumulative) GPA of 2.5, and the Social Work majors, which require a cumulative GPA of 2.25.
Grades are directly linked to “registration”. Unless a student is properly registered for a class, no credit or grade can be awarded.
Any coursework submitted after the scheduled final exam cannot be included in the calculations of the final grade for that course, unless there is an approved Incomplete Grade Request on file with the Registrar’s Office.
The grade of “I” (Incomplete) is a temporary grade which indicates that, for extenuating circumstances (i.e., serious illness, death in the family, etc.), the student was unable to complete the work by the end of the term. Any student requesting an extension must still be attending class through the end of the term and have completed a minimum of 60% of all coursework prior to finals week. The student must complete the Incomplete Grade Request prior to the end of the term. The form must be signed by the instructor and approved by the Dean and Registrar prior to the beginning of finals week.
Students may not submit course work for grading after the final exam for that class without an approved Incomplete Grade Request.
Any student receiving an “I” must work closely with his/her professor to successfully complete all outstanding work within 6 weeks of the last day of the term. This means that, together, a shared responsibility exists between student and professor for the fulfillment of course requirements and the submission of an appropriate earned grade within the 6 week period. In all cases, professors may require an earlier completion time frame. Requests to exceed the 6 week incomplete period will be reviewed and determined on a case-by-case basis.
Students will be assigned a due date within the 6 week period, and no work can be accepted for grading past that date. The instructor will be given a separate due date for the final grade to be submitted to the Registrar in order to allow sufficient time for grading all coursework.
All unresolved incompletes will become a failing grade once the established due date has passed. No student with an “I” for a given semester is eligible for school honors in that semester. Graduating seniors who end their last semester with an “I” must complete all course requirements within the given time-frame in order to receive a diploma.
PASS/FAIL GRADING BASIS Student teaching, international fieldwork, selected internships, and other courses approved by the Deans’ Council may be graded on a Pass/Fail (P/F) basis. A grade of "P" is equivalent to a "C" or better. A "P" grade fulfills the degree requirement but does not carry grade points and is not included in GPA calculations. Students may not request to take a regular course on a Pass/Fail basis.
Grade changes will be accepted by the Registrar’s Office only in the cases of documented clerical error, miscalculation or by appeal to the Provost as a result of extenuating circumstances. A faculty member cannot reassess previously submitted material and submit a new grade. Students may not submit course work for grading after the final exam for a course. Final Grades must be calculated based on work submitted through the Final Exam, and work submitted after the exam cannot be the basis for a grade change request unless an Incomplete Grade Request has been approved.
Re-evaluation of a student’s performance is not considered a legitimate reason for a change of grade. A student may appeal a grade with the faculty member involved through the end of the semester immediately following the one in question (i.e. a professor may only make a change for the preceding semester). A grade change form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office and will include the reason for the change. This policy will be outlined in the Faculty Manual. In extreme cases of extenuating circumstances or information that arises after the grade has been submitted, the appropriate dean, in conjunction with the faculty member, will review a petition for a change of grade.