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ALAN *** Take an additional 2 semesters of either language (6)
Part 5. General Electives
12-15 Credits Ministry Prep Majors may select 12 credits of general electives and all others may select 15 credits of general electives to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. Graduation requirements include a minimum of 36 upper-level credits across the entire program, which may require additional elective credits.
Bachelor of Science Degree
124 Credit Hours
College of Arts & Sciences Dr. Desiree Libengood, Dean School of Natural Science & Mathematics Dr. Leah Cook, Director
The Biology program is designed to prepare graduates for a career in the biological sciences or ready them for graduate school or professional school. The Biology program at NCU will provide students the opportunity to learn and practice technical skills aligned with informational and mathematic literacy, while acquiring a strong theoretical foundation. Courses will include relevant, collaborative and group learning in various settings that include lectures, laboratory and field experiences. Upon completion of the Biology major, students will have achieved the following outcomes:
• Interdisciplinary Science Skills – Students will apply concepts across biological levels and outside of biology and develop skills necessary for participating in field and laboratory experiences through hypothesis formulation and testing, data interpretation, and participating in authentic research experiences.
• Science Communication & Literacy – Students will learn to read, analyze, and present scientific literature and research findings in various modes, including written, visual, and spoken
• Science Research & Ethics – Students will evaluate the social and ethical impacts of biological research from a variety of lenses.
• Mathematical Reasoning and Application – Students will discover, capture, and evaluate data using appropriate mathematical and computational tools and models.
• Science and Faith Integration – Students will explore scientific inquiry and methodologies through a biblical worldview.
Part 1. General Education & Christian Studies Core
50 Credits
Biology students must take BIOL-127 Principles of Biology I (and Lab) along with MATH-125 College Algebra for the Natural Science & Mathematics requirement.
Note: Minimum grade of “C” required in all major core classes for graduation, however minimum grade requirements may differ among pre-professional programs.
Part 2. Biology Core
25 credits
BIOL 128 Principles of Biology II (3) BIOL 128L Principles of Biology II Lab (1) BIOL 321 Microbiology (3) BIOL 321L Microbiology Lab (1) BIOL 326 Genetics (3) BIOL 354 Cell & Molecular Biology (3) BIOL 354L Cell & Molecular Biology Lab (2) BIOL 365 Ethics & Research Methods (3) BIOL 405 Undergraduate Research (2) BIOL 480 Biological Internship (3) BIOL 495 Capstone Seminar (1)
Part 3. Chemistry & Physics Core
21 credits CHEM 211 General Chemistry I (3) CHEM 211L General Chemistry I Lab (1) CHEM 212 General Chemistry II (3) CHEM 212L General Chemistry II Lab (1) PHYS 215 Fundamentals of Physics I (3) PHYS 215L Fundamentals of Physics I Lab (1) PHYS 216 Fundamentals of Physics II (3) PHYS 216L Fundamentals of Physics II Lab (1) CHEM 305 Organic Chemistry I (3)