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North Central University is seeking …
… comments from the public about the University in preparation for its periodic evaluation by its regional accrediting agency. The University will undergo a comprehensive evaluation visit Nov. 12-14, 2007, by a team representing The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The HLC team will review the institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation. The public is invited to submit comments regarding the college:
Public Comment on North Central University
The Higher Learning Commission
30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400 Chicago, IL 60602
Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs. Comments must be in writing and signed; comments cannot be treated as confidential.

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NCU receives ministry gift of KNOF 95.3 FM
Gospel. Ministry. Radio. Since 1960 the radio station of KNOF has been pumping southern gospel music and preaching into cars and homes throughout the Twin Cities. North Central has witnessed the ministry that has come out of it and now has the privilege of participating.
In November 2006, Grace Adam contacted North Central and expressed an interest in gifting the ministry and radio station of KNOF 95.3FM which she and her husband, Rev. Fred Adam, founded in 1960. Over the next six months, North Central worked out the details of the transfer of the gift. At the end of August, the transfer of the radio license was completed.
Along with the station came the Selby Gospel Broadcasting Corporation. Selby has been a full gospel ministry with a combination of teaching and preaching along with southern gospel music broadcasting on KNOF. The transfer of control of the corporation also took place with the assignment of board members from North Central to the Selby board.
Fred and Grace were pioneers for Christian radio in the Twin Cities. It was their life and passion to proclaim the gospel to this area. After Fred passed away, Grace continued to minister into her 90’s.
Many alumni and friends grew up knowing of KNOF. Some have recounted stories of their childhood and the ministry they remember through the radio station. Even the founders of North Central, Frank and Irene Lindquist, broadcast their church services from the Minneapolis Gospel Tabernacle on KNOF.
The university is studying and learning how the station can strategically build upon the legacy of this ministry. It is North Central’s desire that numerous people will find hope and inspiration through the good news that Christ died for our sins and rose again.
Paul Freitag, Vice President of Advancement
Strategically located between Minneapolis and St. Paul, the station is 6,000 watts and covers a 100 mile radius which includes most of the Twin Cities. Similar stations have been valued at 10 to 15 million dollars.