commencement 2024
north central university friday, may 3, 2024
spring lake park, mn
christian center
north central university friday, may 3, 2024
spring lake park, mn
christian centerWith profound gratitude, I reflect on the honor given to me to serve as Interim President of NCU this past year. I extend my heartfelt congratulations to this year’s graduating class for your remarkable resilience and perseverance. As you embarked on your Minneapolis collegiate experience in 2020, you were met with the uncertainties of a pandemic and unprecedented social unrest. I am reminded of Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Throughout your time here, you have exemplified this trust and reliance on the Lord, and it is your unwavering faith that has sustained you through times of uncertainty.
To the families and friends who have supported and encouraged these students along the way, we thank you and congratulate you. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in your loved one’s success.
While our role as your university concludes, your journey as NCU alumni is just beginning—and you have our unwavering support and prayers. May you be ready to serve, give, and be a light wherever you go. I urge you to hold fast to your faith and remain rooted in the truths of scripture. Let the wisdom of God’s Word be a guiding light in your lives, illuminating your path, and providing steadfast peace.
Graduates, today you join the ranks of thousands of NCU alumni scattered across the globe, using their talents for the glory of God. We honor you, the class of 2024, and give thanks to God for the good work He has done.
Looking forward,
Located in the heart of Minneapolis, North Central University is operated by 11 Assemblies of God districts of the upper Midwest. Founded in 1930 as North Central Bible Institute, program offerings were expanded in 1955 to include a four-year degree. In 1957, the name was changed to North Central Bible College, and in 1964, North Central was accredited by the American Association of Bible Colleges. Recognizing its commitment to the needs of its constituents, North Central continued expanding its offerings and was accredited in 1986 by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of College and Schools. At the spring 1998 meeting of the Board of Regents, the college’s name was changed to North Central University.
Today NCU offers 40+ areas of undergraduate study on our residential campus in downtown Minneapolis, plus an expanding selection of undergraduate and graduate-level degree programs and courses offered online and through academic partnerships and Jakes Divinity School.
Shawn Dockter attended North Central in 1989 before transferring to the University of Minnesota to earn a degree in aerospace engineering. He then launched into a career that has taken many twists and turns, before he became the CEO of Heggie’s Pizza, a Minnesota-based food company. Dockter has been on the NCU Board of Regents since 2018 and began serving as the chair of the board in 2021. As the first chair in North Central’s history who is not a vocational minister, Dockter sees his role as striking the balance of preserving the heritage of Spirit-filled education while continuing to innovate and expand to meet the needs of 21st-century learners.
Walter F. Harvey serves as the Apostolic Leader of Parklawn Assembly of God in Milwaukee, WI. He was recently elected the Ethnic Fellowship Executive Presbyter in August 2021, representing 24 ethnic fellowships within the Assemblies of God. He currently serves as the President of the National Black Fellowship of the Assemblies of God, which sponsors The WI+H Movement. WI+H has the vision of transforming every community’s pain points through a disciple making movement.
Walter currently lives in Milwaukee, WI with his wife of 36 years, Judy. They enjoy basketball and golf, as well as watching the Food Network. Connect with him at
The presiding Faculty Marshal is Phil Zarns, Ph.D., Director of Global Studies in the College of Church Leadership. The Faculty Marshal is an honor bestowed upon a faculty member who has served North Central University with distinction and has an academic rank of Professor. The Faculty Marshal is elected by their peers. Dr. Zarns has been with North Central University since 2018.
He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Intercultural Studies and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, both from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Dr. Zarns is an alum of NCU, having received his Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies.
Credentialed in 2002 and ordained in 2005 with the Minnesota District of the Assemblies of God, Dr. Zarns, together with his partner in life and ministry, Katja, have served God’s mission and church for 25 years as pastors and missionaries. Concurrent with the work at NCU to teach future global workers, he serves on training teams with Assemblies of God World Missions and AGWM Europe, partnering with the Swedish Pentecostal fellowship with a focus on university students, faith communities, and theological endeavors. His published journal articles can be found in Missiology, Ecclesiology, European Pentecostal Theology, Pneuma, and Evangelical Missiological Society (EMS). He regularly contributes to regional and national EMS meetings and the Society of Pentecostal Studies. Published book titles include Copycat and The Spirit and the Secular, with academic contributions to other volumes.
Phil & Katja enjoy time together with their children: Benjamin, Matilda, and Maximus. Phil regularly loses while playing Uno with his family.
american sign language honor society
The American Sign Language Honor Society (ASLHS) was established by the American Sign Language Teacher’s Association. Participants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher and must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher in ASL courses, complete at least five hours of community service per year, and complete at least four semesters of ASL studies. American Sign Language Honor Society participants will earn a medallion in honor of their work.
antioch society
The Antioch Society is a society of students dedicated to giving every people group access to Jesus and His Good News. Its members pray for unreached people groups around the world and serve unreached people in our community. Members of the Antioch Society wear an Antioch Society Medallion.
kappa delta pi
This international honor society in education is committed to the pursuit of excellence in education—gathering elite educators and providing them with innovative resources to help them make a difference in the world. Students must have a declared major in education, 30 credits of collegiate course work, at least 12 credits in education course work, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater, and have demonstrated leadership and character in their time at NCU.
Latin honors are granted to graduating students who have achieved a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and taken more than 45 credits in residence at North Central University. The categories are Summa Cum Laude: 3.8 to 4.0; Magna Cum Laude: 3.65 to 3.79; Cum Laude: 3.5 to 3.64. Recipients of this honor each wear a gold cord.
psi chi
Psi Chi is the national honor society in Psychology. This organization’s purpose is to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in Psychology. Members must complete three semesters of college, nine semester hours of Psychology coursework, and rank in the top 35% of their class. Participants of this group wear a Psi Chi medallion and cord.
sigma beta delta
Sigma Beta Delta is the international honor society for business, management and administration students, who are at least junior status and rank in the upper 20 percent of their class. The purpose of the society is to encourage and recognize high scholarship and accomplishments, good moral character, and to promote aspirations toward personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind. Members wear the Sigma Beta Delta lapel pin, honor cord or stole, and honor medallion.
sigma tau delta
Sigma Tau Delta is an International English Honor Society. Members must have completed at least three semesters of college work and a minimum of two college courses in English beyond the minimum requirement. They must also have a 3.0 GPA in English and rank in the top 35% of their class. Recipients of this award wear a Sigma Tau Delta medallion.
theta alpha kappa
Theta Alpha Kappa was established in 1972 to recognize the academic achievements of religion and theology students. To date, Theta Alpha Kappa is the highest national honor a student of religious studies or theology can earn. To be eligible for nomination, students must be in the top 35% of their class, have a 3.5 GPA in Religion and Theological Studies, and have an overall GPA of 3.0.
honor notations
Letters after a graduate’s name denote involvement in an honor society. The first letter or two of the honor society is notated and all honors are described above. Any student with an H is earning Latin Honors.
The history of academic apparel dates back to medieval European universities of the fourteenth century. European universities continue to follow varied patterns in cut and color of gown and type of headdress. In the United States, colleges and universities have standardized the academic attire so its features are common and uniform throughout the country. Academic apparel lends dignity to commencement and other university ceremonies and indicates academic achievement through the style of gowns, hoods, medals, tassels, and colors. The standard attire in the United States is as follows:
The pattern of the gown varies with the degree held: pointed sleeves for the bachelor’s degree; long, closed sleeves with a slit for the arms for the master’s degree; and round, open sleeves for the doctor’s degree. The doctor’s gown is faced down the front with velvet and three bars across the sleeves.
Hoods are the most significant conveyors of degree identification. Hoods are lined with the colors of the school granting the degree. The velvet color trim designates the subject of the degree: Arts and Letters is white; Theology is scarlet; Music is pink; Library Science is lemon; Philosophy is dark blue; Science is gold/yellow; Education is light blue; Journalism is crimson; and Business Administration is drab.
The standard cap is the Oxford cap, better known as the mortarboard. The cap is an essential part of academic attire and is retained on the head throughout all academic exercises except during prayer.
Medals signify special honors from Psi Chi Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta Honor Society, Sigma Beta Delta, ASLHS, and Alpha Chi Honor Society.
The gold cord is worn in recognition of superior scholastic achievement.
The mace is a ceremonial insignia of the university in a tradition which dates back to the twelfth century. The mace combines the scepter of royalty and the battle club of the Middle Ages. The scepter stands for lawful power and authority. Designs of academic maces vary from institution to institution, but usually consist of a shaft topped with a large ornament representing the symbols of that institution’s traditions and history. The mace stands as an example of the university’s strengths and is carried by the Faculty Marshal at official university events.
The standards for academic dress in the United Kingdom vary from those observed in the United States. Robes are traditionally worn open at the front, and colors may designate different disciplines than those described above. For example, a degree in Theology may be designated by an electric blue trim.
commencement ceremony
Friday, May 3, 2024—Emmanuel Christian Center
Processional Professor Joshua Tompkins, D.M.A. College of Fine Arts
Welcome ................................ Interim Vice President Desirée Libengood, Ed.D. Academic Affairs
Invocation Associate Vice President Joshua Edmon, M.A. Spiritual Life/Dean of Multicultural Engagement
Call to Worship ............................................
Dean Vincent Zarletti, D.W.S. College of Fine Arts
Congregational Worship ...................................
Dean Vincent Zarletti, D.W.S. Chorale College of Fine Arts
Introduction of Senior Class Speaker Interim Vice President Desirée Libengood, Ed.D. Academic Affairs
Senior Class Response Caymen De Jong Student Speaker
“All Things New” by Elaine Hagenberg......................................... Chorale
Faculty of the Year Awards Interim Vice President Desirée Libengood, Ed.D. Academic Affairs
Introduction of Speaker Interim President Doug Graham, D.Min.
Commencement Speaker ......................................... Bishop Walter Harvey President of the National Black Fellowship of the Assemblies of God
Presentation of Candidates ............... Interim Vice President Desirée Libengood, Ed.D. Academic Affairs
Awarding of Degrees ............................. Interim President Doug Graham, D.Min.
Board of Regents Response & Special Introduction ................. Chair Shawn Dockter Board of Regents
Commissioning of Graduates .....................
Interim President Doug Graham, D.Min.
Recessional Professor Joshua Tompkins, D.M.A. College of Fine Arts
Following the ceremony, after-parties for undergraduates will be held on the main level. All are invited to join in the celebration of the graduating class of 2024!
Adams, Sydney Lynn H BS, Psychology-Clinical
Amesbury, Mariah Saige H AS BS, Social Work
Baw, Christie BS, Social Work
Bub, Sydney Carolyn AS BS, Interdisciplinary StudiesSocial Sciences & Church Leadership
Cobb, Justice T. BS, Biology
Connell, Isabella Marie H BS, Social Work
Conrad, Katrina Ohka H BS, Social Work
Cook, Dominic Julien BS, Mathematics
Costello, Jacqueline Wendy AS BA, English-Creative Writing
Crowson, Dylan B BS, Education 5-12 Social Studies
DeJong, Lindsey C BS, Elementary Education
Edgington, Carissa Renee H BS, Education 5-12 Communication Arts & Literature
Finton, Tabetha J. AA, Humanities
Fox, Katelynn R H BS, Biology
Fravel, Sydney A BS, Elementary EducationCommunication Arts & Literature
Grotjohn, Mara E. AS AA, Humanities
Hinderscheid, Hanna R H BS, Psychology-Clinical
Houle, Olivia Paige H PSI BS, Psychology-Generalist
Janich, Scotland Rain H BS, Elementary Education
Johnson, Hannah R H BS, Elementary Education-Mathematics
Johnson, Neila Saige H BS, Elementary Education-Social Studies
Jorgenson, Tiara Rose H BS, Elementary Education-Mathematics
Kamin, Alivia Faith H BS, Education 5-12 Communication Arts & Literature
Kyle, Leanna Francis H BS, Psychology-Generalist
Lebsack, Elliott R BS, Education 5-12 Social Studies
Loukinen, Courtney Joy H BS, Elementary Education
Majewski, Nicole Elizabeth H PSI BS, Psychology-Clinical
Nosser, Christina Shea H BS, Elementary EducationCommunication Arts & Literature
O'Neil, Kiley M H BS, Psychology-Generalist
Peterson, Faith Elizabeth H BS, Elementary EducationCommunication Arts & Literature
Reiser, Bria J H BS, Education-Music (K-12)
Rurup, Teah Rose H BA, American Sign Language Interpreting
Salonek, Eli H BS, Elementary Education
Schafbuch, Nadia H AS BS, Elementary EducationCommunication Arts & Literature
Seaver, Brianna J H BS, Biology
St. John, Isabella Joy H AS BS, Education 5-12
Communication Arts & Literature
Tucker, Nathan D BA, American Sign Language Interpreting
Vang-Yang, Rose Liberty BS, Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences & Business
White, Natasha J BS, Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences & Church Leadership
college of business & technology
Adams, Elisha Todd BS, Business Administration
Allan, Nicole H BS, Computer Science
Andrews, Claire Abigail H BS, Business Administration
Benolkin, Joseph J BS, Business Administration
Boyer, Nathan BS, Accounting & Finance
Brekhus, Lars BS, Entrepreneurship
Burk, Natasha Marie BS, Business Administration
Buse, Jerad Dean BS, Sports Management-Sales & Marketing
Byington, Brooke Lynn Marie H BA, Communication ArtsMedia Communications
Chappel, William J BS, Accounting & Finance
Collins, Noah A BS, Accounting & Finance
Corley, Austin AA, Business
Corley, Zachary Daniel H BS, Information Science
Davis, Ethan Liam BS, Business Administration
Dawson, Grace Marie H BS, Marketing
Dickhausen, Jack L H BS, Sports Management- Sports Coaching
Encinas, Julian BS, Business Administration
Wicklund, Zachary W BS, Psychology-Generalist
Falstad, Isabelle H BA, Communication Arts: Journalism, PR/Business
Galley, Clara Anne H BA, Communication ArtsMedia Communications
Garza, Crystal Lina H SBD BS, Business Administration
Glader, Adelyn Delima BS, Applied Studies-Dental Assistant
Glader, Janice BS, Business Administration
Hanson, Chloe Marie H BS, Business Administration
Haveman, Obbe BS, Business Administration
Herr-Zielke, Michael Stephen H BS, Sports Management-Small Business Dev.
Hlad, Olivia BS, Interdisciplinary Studies-Computer Science & Business
Hola, Kayla Veisinia H SBD BS, Sports Management-Sports Coaching
Holtman, Tanner BS, Marketing
Howe, Abby J BS, Marketing
Huang Scott, Michelle BS, Business Administration
Johnson, Grace E BS, Marketing
Jones, Micah T. BS, Accounting & Finance
Kluck, Megan E BS, Digital Media
Long, Benjamin Steven H BS, Marketing
Luckett, Stanley BS, Sports Management-Sales & Marketing
Maciel, Jayson Jordan BS, Computer Science
Medina, Anthony Trey BS, Business Administration
Mendoza, Carla BS, Computer Science
Monson, Gretta Lynn H BS, Business Administration
Murschel, Jordan Allen H BS, Business Administration
Navarro, Erica Maria BS, Digital Media
Nightingale, Caleb Christian BS, Entrepreneurship
Orantes Salazar, Dariel BS, Business Administration
Orsello, Christopher Milan H BS, Marketing
Ortego, David Josiah H BS, Digital Media
Penticoff, Nick H BS, Digital Media
Peterson, Isaac Jacob David BS, Marketing
Ramberg, Sophia Leigh H BS, Marketing
Reiss III, Todd G BS, Applied Studies-Computer Forensics
Robinson, Tanner J H BS, Applied Studies-Computer Support & Network Admin
Rodriguez, Christian Diego BS, Business Administration
college of church leadership
Anderson, Miriam Grace BS, Interdisciplinary Studies in Church Leadership & Fine Arts
Blough, Zach David BS, Church Leadership
Schneider, Rylee Grace H BS, Digital Media
Sealey, David BS, Business Administration
Segal, Charles Christopher H BS, Business Administration
Somefun, Samuel A BS, Information Science
Stewart, Kalie R. H AS BS, Marketing
Sweeney, Jacob D BS, Sports Management-Sports Coaching
Thomas, Takia Napree BS, Business Administration
Thompson, Jonathan W H BS, Finance
Thor, Samuel Ty BS, Digital Media
Thoresen, Shelli M H SBD BS, Business Administration
Turney, Klaire Annalise H AS BS, Applied Studies-Arts
VanHeuvelen, Taylor Andrew H BS, Applied Studies-Addiction Counseling
Van Wyk, Benjamin BS, Marketing
Vidic, David G H SBD AS BS, Computer Science
Wolff, Cullen W. H BS, Business Administration
Wright, Asher Jon BS, Sports Management
Xiong, Lada K BS, Marketing
Yassin, Towfiq Mohamoud BS, Business Administration
Yunchyk, Viktoriya Anna V BS, Finance
Briggs, Thompson James H TAK BA, Biblical & Theological Studies
Burgin, Derek M H BS, Interdisciplinary Studies in Church Leadership & Social Sciences
Crabtree, Kaylie Ann H TAK
BA, Biblical & Theological Studies
Dalbec, Luka James BS, Church Leadership
Davis, Téa A H AS
BA, Biblical & Theological Studies
De Jong, Caymen TAK
BS, Biblical & Theological Studies
Dickey, Riley Grace AS BA, Global Studies-Music
Ellefsen, Kayleigh Susanne H AS BA, Global Studies-Music
Ezebuiro, Ceejay Henry BS, Church Leadership
Fennelly, Josiah Christopher H BS, Church Leadership
Franco, Angel Joshua
BA, Youth, Children & Family Studies
Goetz, Jackson James H
BA, Youth, Children & Family StudiesYouth Ministry
Gomez Guzman, Karen M BS, Humanitarian Leadership
Hagstrom, Jacob D H AS BA, Pastoral Studies
Heimer, Thomas Peter BA, Youth, Children & Family Studies
Heitzman, Sydney R AS BA, Global Studies-Specialized Studies: Theatre
Jones, Kelvin Y AS BA, Global Studies-Small Business Development
Kyser, Gabriel Jordan BS, Church Leadership
Lawson, Aliza Michelle
BA, Global Studies-Children & Youth in Crisis
McDaniel, Sydney N
BS, Church Leadership
Moore, Cierra Siobhan H BS, Youth, Children & Family Studies
Nash, Langston E AS BA, Pastoral Studies
Nible, Elijah James-William H BA, Youth, Children & Family Studies
Nielsen, Russell Superable BS, Youth, Children & Family Studies
Ortega, Antonio BA, Pastoral Studies
Pagan Roopchand, Caroline H BS, Church Leadership, Jakes Divinity School
Paulk, Rosie H BS, Interdisciplinary Studies in Church Leadership & Business
Peterson, Taylor James H BS, Interdisciplinary Studies-Bible & Ministry
Powell, Errond BA, Youth, Children & Family Studies
Riley, Blake A H BS, Church Leadership
Rivera, Eric R BS, Church Leadership
Rodriguez, Madison N BS, Humanitarian Leadership
Ruybalid, Cole Manuel AA, Church Leadership
Salas, John B BS, Church Leadership
Sanders, Tobias Elijah H AS TAK BA, Biblical & Theological Studies
Schaible, Emma Rose H AS BA, Global Studies-Specialized Studies: Languages
Seeman, Levi Shane AS BA, Global Studies-Music
Severson, Shonna Marie H BS, Humanitarian Leadership
Shaffer, Jeremiah Daniel AA, Church Leadership
Smith, Bennet L. AA, Global Studies
Sturges, Jacob Lee H AS BS, Humanitarian Leadership
Talso, Joelle Elizabeth H BA, Youth, Children & Family Studies
Waldner, Savannah H BS, Church Leadership
Willer, Ashley May H BS, Humanitarian Leadership
Yetter, Christopher James H
BA, Youth, Children & Family Studies
Adams, Josiah Brown
BA, Fine Arts
Anderson, Logan James
BS, Music-Worship Leadership
Andrews, Zackariah M
BS, Music Recording Arts-Studio Production
Belman, Isaac
BS, Interdisciplinary Studies in Fine Arts & Social Sciences
Farrera-Perez, Leslie Ann H
BS, Music Recording Artist
Goetz, Keaton T
BS, Music-Worship Leadership
Kirchmann, Briegette Alexandria H
BS, Music-Worship Leadership
Li, Chuxiao (Toni) H
BS, Music Recording Arts-Studio Production
Aicardi, Monica J.
MA, Strategic Leadership
Becker, Kayla Renee
MA, Strategic Leadership
Coleman, Roger
MA, Biblical Theology
Collings, Michael Ray
MA, Biblical Theology
Erickson, Daniel Robert
MA, Biblical Theology
Fern, Isaiah James
MA, Strategic Leadership-Church Leadership
Garza, Carissa Larena
MA, Strategic Leadership
Gooden, James Thomas
MA, Strategic Leadership-Church Leadership
Jacobson, Kelsey A
MA, Strategic Leadership-Church Leadership
Johnsen, Tyler George
MA, Strategic LeadershipBusiness Administration
Johnson, Benjamin Thomas
MA, Biblical Theology
Nesbitt, Kaleigh E H BS, Music Pastor
Onstott, Makayla R BS, Music Pastor
Perkins, Isaac S H BS, Music-Worship Leadership
St. John, Alexander B H BS, Music Performance
Stewart, Abigail Marie H BS, Music Performance
Tankersley, Michael Alan BS, Music-Worship Leadership
Wambsganss, Culin L.
BS, Interdisciplinary Studies in Fine Arts & Church Leadership
Wiggins, Justin Daniel BS, Music Recording Arts-Live Production
Jones, MiCayla Daviel MA, Strategic Leadership
Jusczak, Konnor Lee
MA, Strategic Leadership-Business Administration
Leist, Nicholas MA, Strategic Leadership
Lewis, Kara Marie MA, Strategic Leadership
Montbriand, Kelli R MA, Biblical Theology-Old Testament
Renee, Kirsten MA, Strategic LeadershipBusiness Administration
Seegers, Mary MA, Strategic LeadershipBusiness Administration
Semrau, Lindsey Nicole MA, Biblical Theology
Smith, Rachel B MA, Strategic Leadership,
Starkey, Kevin J. MA, Strategic LeadershipBusiness Administration
Terry, Jay Stephen
MA, Biblical Theology
Vaccaro, Melisa A
MA, Strategic LeadershipWorship Arts Leadership
jakes divinity school
Brown, Lauren
MA, Biblical Theology
Custodio, Ruth E.
MA, Biblical Theology
Douglas, Brother Eden
MA, Strategic Leadership
Dyson, Nerissa
MA, Strategic Leadership
Ford, Bianca Denise MA, Biblical Theology
Green, Vanessa Michelle MA, Strategic Leadership
Johnson, Karen Renee
MA, Biblical Theology
Nelson, Valerie Joyce
MA, Biblical Theology
Saintcyr, Jessie
MA, Strategic Leadership
Smith, Amaris L
MA, Strategic LeadershipBusiness Administration
Woods, Jr., Percy L
MA, Strategic Leadership
Zarns, Katja Susanna Tiainen MA, Strategic Leadership