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Let’s be well together Having been separated as a campus community since March, we are thrilled to announce that North Central University will be reopening in August for an on-campus, in-person start for the fall 2020 academic seemster.* Campus leaders are collaborating with local healthcare systems and authorities on reopening plans that prioritize health and safety, student learning, and care and support for our students.

This website will provide detailed protocols and procedures for life on campus in the COVID-19 era and unite us in our knowledge and commitment to as safe and healthy a campus as possible in this challenging pandemic environment. Let’s be well together. We are ready for a great year at NCU!

*North Central University's (NCU) reopening plans are tightly integrated with evolving state and federal authorities' guidance and directives, and as such, are subject to ongoing change. NCU will notify students and employees of urgent updates via campus email, updates in Skyline News, and postings on our website, northcentral.edu.

A message from President Hagan Our hearts are bursting with excitement about the reopening of North Central this fall! There has been a lot of activity happening on campus this summer, including upgrades of key spaces, improvements for health and safety, and enhancements that will change the student experience. It's a very exciting time!

To provide continuity of education, our academic calendar will remain the same. We can’t wait to welcome our new students on August 22 as they arrive for “Super Saturday” and Welcome Week. We are eager to see the faces of our students returning to campus on August 24, and on August 26, our academic classes will begin on campus and online. NCU Return to Campus | Page 4

Prior to these arrivals, every single member of our faculty, staff, senior leadership team, and student leadership team will be working hard to be ready for a reimagined campus experience that will give all of us the opportunity to trust God and work together to fulfill the mission of this beautiful university.

We have created this special section of our website to inform you about all of the COVID-19- related changes on campus this fall. You’ll find details about how chapel will be impacted, how classrooms will be set up, and how our medical culture is going to unfold to create as safe an environment as possible.

For the past 90 years, North Central has been characterized by our faith and our community. In good times and bad, we have been unwavering in our dependence upon God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to guide us, and we have been committed to one another in a spirit of community unequaled in higher education. The past several months have tested our faith in new ways, challenged us as individuals and as a community, and brought us to experiences we could never have anticipated. And through it all, God has sustained us!

As you get ready for your arrival on campus, I encourage you to ready your heart for transformation, for compassion, and for all the experiences that God has in store for you—and for all of us—as we look forward together to the blessings that come from triumph and trials.

We're excited for this fall and we’ll be together before we know it. We're praying for you and cannot wait to see you soon!

Looking forward,

Scott Hagan, Ph.D.


North Central University

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