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There is a lot of information to share about reuniting on campus for the Fall 2020 semester! For a condensed version of the information provided throughout this section of the website, you may explore the FAQs (and answers!) below.
What is the fall 2020 move-in schedule? Athletes: August 17 and 19
Student Leaders: August 15–17
New Students: August 22
Returning Students: August 24–25
What if I want to move in sooner than my assigned date/time? All students will need to sign up for a specific arrival date/time as communicated by Admissions or Student Development. Students who want to request a date outside the regularly scheduled move-in slots should contact Student Development at studlife@northcentral.edu.
Where can I learn more about the Welcome Week 2020 schedule? https://www.northcentral.edu/student-life/welcome-week/
What will move-in look like? » Move-in times will be spaced-out to allow for adequate social distancing while students/ families move in.
Students will receive instructions prior to arrival about where to park and where to check in prior to going to their specific residence.
We ask that students limit their move-in help to only those who will be helpful to the movein process. NCU Return to Campus | Page 35
Masks must be worn by all students and helpers at all times.
Student leaders will be available to assist with move-in, if desired.
Elevators should be used by only one family unit at a time.
NCU team members will assist with sanitizing moving carts between each use.
Are there forms or other things I need to sign or do before coming to campus? Yes!
Each student (new and returning) needs to sign a COVID-19 Return to Campus Waiver Form before you will be able to move in or attend class. VIEW FORM
New students need to complete the online Orientation materials. Please reach out to your admission counselor or email admissions@northcentral.edu for further assistance.
New students need to complete Title IX Sexual Violence Prevention Training by the 10th day of classes, September 9. We highly recommend you complete it before arrival. You can access the training here.
What do I need to do before coming to campus? Link to information under Action Steps to Take before Coming to Campus: COVID-19 Health and Safety Preparedness
CAMPUS HEALTH, SAFETY, AND COVID-91 PRECAUTIONS Will I have to wear a mask? Yes, see Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for details. [link to web page]
Will it be safe to eat in the Dining Center? North Central University’s food services partner Sodexo is working hard to create a safe, healthy, and nutritious dining experience. See protocols that will be in place here: [link to page on website with this content]
What steps is North Central University taking related to meeting cleaning and sanitation guidelines? A comprehensive plan has been implemented to care for campus spaces and keep the campus clean and sanitized. View details here: [link to page on website with this content]
Is the university completing daily temperature checks? North Central University is utilizing a daily self-reporting protocol that everyone (students, faculty, staff) will need to complete before coming to campus or attending classes each day. This includes taking your own temperature and answering a brief online questionnaire. All students enrolled in seated classes will receive a Care Kit that includes a multi-use forehead thermometer.
What type of medical facilities are available to students? Students in need of medical assistance will be referred to Hennepin Healthcare, just one block from campus.
What if my student needs care the university cannot provide? The COVID-19 Task Force will work with students to determine the assistance needed and options. It is highly recommended that every student has a health care directive on file authorizing a family member or trusted individual to act on their behalf in the event the student cannot communicate about their care needs. See the Minnesota Department of Health website for more information: https://www.health.state.mn.us/facilities/regulation/infobulletins/advdir.html
Is a telehealth appointment an option for students? Telehealth services may be available through the student’s or their family’s individual insurance plan. North Central University does not provide these services
What is North Central University’s testing protocol related to COVID 19? Students are encouraged to limit contact with people in the two weeks prior to arrival on campus. COVID-19 testing prior to coming to campus is encouraged but not mandatory. In the event a student exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 once on campus, the student will be encouraged to seek testing at the Hennepin Healthcare facility. See Diagnosis and Response section of the website for additional details. [add link]
Are visitors allowed on campus? After move-in, for the first two weeks of school, at minimum, no outside visitors will be allowed on campus without prior authorization (which will be granted on a very limited basis). Students can watch for announcements in Skyline for any updates to the outside visitor policy.
Guidelines for internal visitation to areas outside your own residence hall will be communicated by Residence Life staff when you come to campus.
Visitation guidelines will be continually evaluated in light of COVID-19 trends and governmental requirements.
Are residential students permitted to travel off-campus? Yes. We understand students will need to hold jobs, attend and minister in churches, etc. We encourage everyone to practice social distancing and follow face-covering regulations in all locations to protect everyone’s health and safety.
Will there be training to make sure I’m safe on an urban campus? All incoming and returning students will receive updated training with important suggestions for living in an urban setting. You can find additional information on the Campus Safety and Security section of our website: [link]
ACADEMICS When do classes begin and end? When are finals? Seated classes begin August 26; final exams are December 9–11.
Online Session A classes begin August 26; Session A ends October 16.
Online Session B classes begin October 21; Session B ends December 11.
Do students get a fall break this year? Yes. Fall break for students in seated classes is October 8–9.
I understand classes will be held in different ways; can you explain? Seated classes will be offered in one of three modes:
Fully in-person
Hybrid (50% or fewer of students in classroom at once)
Students will be able to access their course schedule via Colleague to see which type of classes and the meeting times/locations. This information is being finalized and will be posted prior to the start of classes.
What if I need support services to help me succeed? (Academic coaching, tutoring, supplemental instruction, access to the office of Academic Accessibility)? The Student Success Center is fully operational and will provide both in-person and virtual support services.
Will the library be open? Yes. Library hours and some protocols will be modified to allow for social distancing and capacity limits. These will be announced at the start of the academic year.
How will classrooms be set up? Classrooms will be set up to accommodate a maximum of 50% of standard capacity. All seats will remain in the classroom but those for use and those not to be used will be clearly marked.
How do I get books and supplies for my classes? Books can be ordered through MBS Direct. Students should have received a detailed email with a voucher code for ordering books. Email campusstore@northcentral.edu if you need us to resend your voucher or if you have questions about textbook ordering.
STUDENT EMPLOYMENT Are students permitted to have off-campus jobs? Yes. We encourage everyone to practice social distancing and follow face-covering regulations both on and off campus to protect everyone’s health and safety.
I have a job on campus; will there be changes to that? Job responsibilities and requirements will be communicated by supervisors. Specific job protocols affecting all campus work will be communicated at the Student Employment Orientation on Monday, August 24, from 3-4 p.m. and Tuesday, August 25, from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. in the Lindquist Sanctuary.
How do I find a campus job? Due to COVID-19, some jobs are currently limited. If positions are available they are posted here.